SMA Bahasa Inggris 10 First Semester Summative Assessment

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No. Absen


First Semester Summative Assessment Setiap Soal

Bernilai 2 poin.

A. Cross a, b, c, d, or e for the best answer!

Text for No. 1–6

Mohamed Salah is a footballer who was born on June 15, 1992, in Nagrig, Gharbia, Egypt,
to average middle class parents. He started his career with the youth team of the Egyptian
club ‘El Mokawloon.’ In January 2014, he transferred to ‘Chelsea,’ becoming the first ever
Egyptian player to play with Chelsea. Subsequently, he played for ‘Roma’ and ‘Fiorentina’
(on loan) before signing a new contract with ‘Liverpool’ in 2017. In 2017, he was named the
‘African Footballer of the Year’ by BBC and CAF.

Mohamed Salah is 1.75 m tall and weighs 70 kilograms. His eyes are brown in colour.
He has black curly hair and medium brown skin. He grows beard as his facial trademark and
also thick eyebrows above his eyes.

Mohamed Salah is a good man. He even helped a man who robbed him by giving the
thief money to help him build and better his life, and he went further to finding him a job,
something many cannot do to one who offends the family. He also lives a simple and humble
life, and he is polite and when it comes to giving responses to questions on interviews. He is
very open also. He also known as the most disciplined player in the premier league, shows
his humility and many admire his character.

1. Based on the text, Mohammed Salah is an ….

a. Italian

b. British

c. Egyptian

d. Dutch

e. Brazilian

2. From the text we know that ….

a. Mohamed Salah was named the ‘African Footballer of the Year’ at the age of 24.

b. Mohamed Salah has ever played in Tottenham Hotspur.

c. Mohamed Salah was the second player from Egypt who played in Chelsea.

d. Mohamed Salah stands 1750 centimetres.

e. Mohamed Salah debut as premier league player in 2014.

3. “His eyes are brown in colour.”

From the sentence, we conclude that ….

a. the writer describes Salah’s eye

b. the writer describes Salah’s physical appearance

c. the writer describes his own eyes colour

d. the writer describes the robber’s eyes

e. the writer describes Salah’s parets’ eyes

4. “He is very open also.” What does this sentence mean?

a. He is an introvert.

b. He is never answer to a question.

c. He likes giving response in an interview.

d. He does speak much.

e. He never plays outside.

5. “ … something many cannot do to one who offends the family”.

What is the antonym of the underlined word?

a. Insult.

b. Mock.

c. Approve.

d. Disturb.

e. Taunt.

Text for no. 6–11

Every one wants to have good and healthy teeth and gum. What about you? I am sure
that you want to. Well, I’ve got some tips to keep your teeth and gum healthy.

Do your teeth ever feel fuzzy or rough? If so, you may be leaving behind dental plaque
on your teeth. Plaque loves to eat sugar and uses it to produce cavity-causing acid. You may
especially feel plaque on your teeth after eating sugary foods. Limiting sugary foods and drinks
will make it easier for you to avoid oral health issues.

Do you brush your teeth? Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make
sure you brush for 2 minutes so you have enough time to clean all your teeth. If you always
brush your teeth with one foot out the door, you could be leaving behind plaque on back teeth
that are harder to reach.

Plaque loves to hide where toothbrush bristles can’t reach. That’s why it’s so important you
floss once a day to remove plaque hiding in between teeth and along the gum line. Flossing
helps prevent cavities from forming in between teeth so you can avoid an unpleasant surprise
during your next teeth cleaning and oral examination with us.

I recommend using a fluoride mouth rinse to help strengthen tooth enamel. Using mouth
rinse helps wash away any residual plaque or food particles that could be left behind after
brushing and flossing. Your dentist can help you choose a brand that works for you.
I recommend you have a teeth cleaning and oral examination every 6 months to protect
your oral health. During a teeth cleaning, one of our dental hygienists will be able to gently
scrape away plaque and tartar. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can only be removed by a
dental professional. Left untreated, tartar buildup increases your risk of tooth decay and gum

6. What is the best title for the text?

a. Tips for Choosing Toothbrushes.

b. Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums.

c. Tips for Choosing the Best Toothpaste.

d. Tips for Removing Plague.

e. Tips for Having a Nice Breath.

7. “ … it easier for you to avoid oral health issues.” The underlined word has the closest
meaning to ….

a. result

b. problem

c. distribution

d. edition

e. decision

8. “If you always brush your teeth with one foot out the door, you could be leaving behind
plaque on back teeth that are harder to reach.” What does the statement imply?

a. You brush your teeth slowly.

b. You brush your teeth in hurry.

c. You never brush your teeth.

d. You brush your teeth behind the door.

e. You don’t mind with your teeth.

9. What is the good product of mouth rinse?

a. A branded mouth rinse.

b. A fruity flavor mouth rinse.

c. A mouth rinse with fluoride.

d. A children mouth rinse.

e. A mouth rinse with plain flavor.

10. “will be able to gently scrape away plaque and tartar” The closest meaning of the italic
phrase is ….

a. remain

b. close

c. stay

d. remove

e. rejoice
11. What can be concluded from the text?

a. Sweet flavoured food will give you a clean sensation on your teeth.

b. You can brush your teeth with one foot outside your door.

c. Brushing your teeth less than a minute will leave your teeth unclean.

d. A branded mouth rinse is a must.

e. You can’t remove tartar by yourself.

12. Siska ... playing tennis. She wants to be a pro – tennis player like Serena William.

a. enjoying

b. enjoys

c. enjoyed

d. has enjoyed

e. was enjoying

13. Dino always … his skateboard in his backpack.

a. brings

b. bring

c. bringing

d. brought

e. had brought

14. ‘Mika (likes) to donate his blood to the blood bank’.

What verb can be added to make the sentence negative?

a. does not.

b. does.

c. do.

d. do not.

e. was not.

15. Distant runners ... to have a good stamina..

a. requires

b. require

c. required

d. requiring

e. has required
16. Sinta was eating gado-gado when Vincent Aboubakar … for Cameroon.

The correct verb is ….

a. score

b. scored

c. was scored

d. scoring

e. has scored

17. When the Ethiopian runner passed the finish line, Yudi … the clothes in th laundry

The correct verb is ….

a. wash

b. was washing

c. washed

d. having washed

e. was washed

18. “Tari was cleaning her shoes when Kim Young Gwon received his yellow card.”

From the sentence we know that ….

a. Kim Young Gwon is receiving a yellow coloured birthday card.

b. one of the activities happen in the past.

c. Kim Young Gwon receive his yellow card first and then Tari started to clean her

d. Tari cleaned her shoes before Kim Young Gwon received his yellow card.

e. both Tari and Kim Young Gwon do the activities at the same time.

Text for No. 19–23

It was Saturday evening, August 7, 2021. I was with my brother watching football match
between Brazil and Spain on television. It was part of the Tokyo Olympic Game. The football
match was held in Yokohama International Stadium. We prepared some snacks and drink
before the match begun. Ten minutes later the two teams entered the stadium. All the spectators
cheered their favourite team. My brother and I cheered the Brazilian Team.

The first round begun. Both team exchanged attacks. Spain had an opportunity from Marco
Asensio in the 17th minute. However, his shot from outside the penalty box soared high. The
Samba team was awarded a penalty in the 36th minute after Unai Simon violated Matheus
Cunha. But Richarlison failed to score because the ball went high. We were gasp when he
failed to make the goal. Brazil was finally able to score through Matheus Cunha in injury time.
Score 1-0 remained until halftime.

The fierce duel between the two teams continued in the second half. Brazil appeared to
press even though they had one goal ahead. Brazil almost added a goal in the 52nd minute.
Richarlison’s shot was pushed over by goalkeeper Unai Simon and still hit the Spanish crossbar.
Spain finally equalized in the 5th minute. We were scared if Spain could overturn the situation.
The 1-1 score ended the second round match at the International Stadium Yokohama. As a
result, the game went into extra time.
The extra time was divided into two rounds. In the first half, Brazil threatened many of the
Spanish goal. No goal was created in the first half of the extra time. In the second half of extra
time, Spain tried to play more aggressively. However, it was their goal that conceded. Brazil
scored a goal through Malcom’s kick in the 108th minute. He broke into the Spanish goal through
a counterattack. Spain struggled to equalize. But their efforts failed until the second half of the
extra team match ended. Brazil also won 2-1. We yelled when the referee blew the whistle.

I was relieved when the game was over. The game was intense. Both time delivered their
best effort. The spectators gave the both team applause for the amazing game. We were happy
that Brazil won the game.

19. What is the main idea of the 2nd paragraph?

a. The both team play style.

b. The first half match.

c. The Brazilian Team led the game by penalty shot.

d. The score of the first half.

e. The writer’s feeling about the first half match.

20. “We were gasp when he failed to make the goal.” What does the underlined word refer

a. The Brazilian Team

b. The Spanish Team.

c. The writer and his brother.

d. The referees

e. The spectators in the stadium.

21. Where is the stadium located?

a. It is located in Brazil.

b. It located in Spain.

c. It located in Indonesia.

d. It is located in Japan.

d. It is located in Korea.

22. “Richarlison failed to score because the ball went high”. The italic word is the closest in
meaning to …

a. succeed

b. miss

c. accomplish

d. achieve

e. ascend
23. “We were happy that Brazil won the game.” The bold word has the closest meaning to

a. sorry

b. pity

c. desolate

d. miserable

e. glad


The correct imperative for the picture is “….”

a. You should drink the vitamin

b. Should I drink the vitamin

c. Drink the vitamin

d. You can drink the vitamin

e. Must I drink the vitamin

25. “You had better wash all fruits and vegetables before eating.”

The sentence tells you that ….

a. It is advisable to wash all fruits and vegetable before eating.

b. It is possible for you to wash all fruits and vegetable before eating.

c. It is good to wash all fruits and vegetable before eating.

d. It is necessary to wash all fruits and vegetable before eating.

e. It is not allowed to wash all fruits and vegetable before eating.

Text for No. 26–30

Many factors can interfere with a good night’s sleep — from work stress and family
responsibilities to illnesses. It’s no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive. You might
not be able to control the factors that interfere with your sleep. However, you can adopt habits
that encourage better sleep. Start with these simple tips.

1. Stick to a sleep schedule

Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for a
healthy adult is at least seven hours. Most people don’t need more than eight hours in bed
to be well rested. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends.
Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle. If you don’t fall asleep within
about 20 minutes of going to bed, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or
listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when you’re tired. Repeat as needed, but continue
to maintain your sleep schedule and wake-up time.
2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink

Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. In particular, avoid heavy or large meals within a
couple of hours of bedtime. Discomfort might keep you up.

3. Create a restful environment

Keep your room cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light in the evenings might make it
more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before
bedtime. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan or other devices to create
an environment that suits your needs. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as
taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep.

4. Limit daytime naps

Long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep. Limit naps to no more than one
hour and avoid napping late in the day. However, if you work nights, you might need to nap
late in the day before work to help make up your sleep debt.

5. Include physical activity in your daily routine

Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. However, avoid being active too
close to bedtime. Spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.

6. Manage worries

Try to resolve your worries or concerns before bedtime. Jot down what’s on your mind
and then set it aside for tomorrow. Stress management might help. Start with the basics,
such as getting organized, setting priorities and delegating tasks. Meditation also can ease

26. The best title for the text is “….”

a. Tips to Fall a Sleep

b. The Sleep Schedule
c. Tips to Have a Better Sleep

d. I Don’t Need Sleep

e. How to Avoid Insomnia
27. “You might not be able to control the factors that interfere with your sleep.” The underlined
word is the closest in meaning to ….

a. disturb
b. calm
c. cool
d. learn
e. busy
28. Which statement below is true based on the text?
a. You will sleep easily in full stomach.
b. Rock music helps you to fall asleep quickly.
c. A dim bedroom can stimulate drowsiness so you sleep quickly and soundly.
d. Daytime nap is as important as nighttime sleep.
e. Doing house chore before sleeping is necessary.
29. The perfect time for daytime nap is ….
a. Five hour
b. One hour
c. Three hour
d. Eight hour
e. Seventh
30. What is the purpose of the tips?

a. To give the readers some options to have a better sleep.

b. To show the writer’s knowledge about sleeping.
c. To retell the writer’s experiences after doing all the tips.

d. To tell the readers how to manage sleeping hour.

e. To ask the readers which tip is suitable for them.

B. Read the following text, then answer each question! Setiap Soal
Bernilai 8 poin.

Having hair loss for some people is irritating. But don’t worry there are some tips to deal
with hair loss.

Aloe vera is famous for its properties to nourish hair. However, not only that, vitamins A,
D, as well as the iron and protein contained in them are also able to overcome hair loss, you
know. How to use it is very easy, just apply the gel contained in aloe vera evenly on the hair
and scalp, then let stand for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water until clean. Do this
treatment every day regularly to reduce hair loss.

You can use olive oil to reduce your hair loss. It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and K as
well as iron and calcium which can reduce hair loss. You can apply olive oil directly to your
scalp and hair evenly, massage gently, then leave it for half an hour. After that, clean it using
shampoo like regular washing. Do it every day regularly to get maximum results.

You can also use coconut milk to make hair smooth and manageable, so it doesn’t fall
out when you comb it. The trick is to apply coconut milk to the entire surface of the hair to the
scalp and let it sit for thirty minutes. After that, rinse using shampoo and clean water.

You can use yoghurt too. The content of calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein found
in yogurt can provide nutrition and help strengthen hair roots. All you have to do is apply plain
yogurt to the entire surface of your hair while massaging your head like you’re in a cream
bath, leave it for 5 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo and clean water.
If some of these natural ingredients don’t work, then you can try going to a doctor at the
hospital to get the right treatment for hair loss.

1. What is the text mainly about?

2. “How to use it is very easy”. What does the word it refer to? (Paragraph 2)

3. Every ingredient in the tips above has the same method. What is the method?

4. “You can apply olive oil directly to your scalp and hair evenly” What does the italic word

5. What is the best title for the tips?


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