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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2001, 35, 4894-4899

(particularly denser than water NAPLs or DNAPLs) have

Partitioning and Interfacial Tracers proven to be ineffective as a result of NAPL remobilization
for Differentiating NAPL Entrapment during sampling (1) and the inability to deterministically
resolve the spatial distribution of NAPL entrapment from
Configuration: Column-Scale localized, discrete samples. The difficult task of locating and
characterizing subsurface occurrences of NAPL is com-
Investigation pounded by the presence of aquifer heterogeneity, which
will increase the complexity of NAPL movement and sub-
DONGPING DAI, sequent entrapment (2). The complex spatial distribution of
FRANK T. BARRANCO JR., AND NAPLs is controlled by unstable fingering (3), preferential
TISSA H. ILLANGASEKARE* channeling, and both micro- (pore) and macro-scale het-
Environmental Science and Engineering Division,
erogeneity (layering and soil texture contrasts) of the
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401 subsurface formation (4-7). The final entrapment distribu-
tion in these complex geologic environments ranges from
regions of low saturation (residual ganglia and blobs) to high
saturation (free-phase pools and macro-scale entrapment
Research on the use of partitioning and interfacial tracers zones resulting from capillary barriers).
has led to the development of techniques for estimating Inherent difficulties with conventional NAPL character-
subsurface NAPL amount and NAPL-water interfacial area. ization techniques have prompted the recent development
of innovative, nondestructive techniques that utilize ground-
Although these techniques have been utilized with some
water tracers for NAPL quantification and morphological
success at field sites, current application is limited largely evaluation (8-12). Scientific enthusiasm for, in particular,
to NAPL at residual saturation, such as for the case of post- partitioning and interfacial tracers has led to the development
remediation settings where mobile NAPL has been of quantitative techniques for estimating NAPL amount (9,
removed through product recovery. The goal of this study 13) and NAPL-water contact area (11, 14). Partitioning
was to fundamentally evaluate partitioning and interfacial tracers, many of which are organic compounds themselves,
tracer behavior in controlled column-scale test cells for a reversibly partition (at equilibrium) to different degrees
range of entrapment configurations varying in NAPL between NAPL and groundwater, resulting in the chromato-
saturation, with the results serving as a determinant of graphic separation of tracer signals observed at monitoring
technique efficacy (and design protocol) for use with and/or extraction wells. Ideally, partitioning tracers behave
conservatively during transport in the absence of NAPL, but
complexly distributed NAPLs, possibly at high saturation,
their breakthrough would be retarded if NAPL were en-
in heterogeneous aquifers. Representative end members of countered. By measuring retardation of the partitioning
the range of entrapment configurations observed under tracers during displacement with a conservative tracer, the
conditions of natural heterogeneity (an occurrence with amount of NAPL within the tracer-swept region can be
residual NAPL saturation [discontinuous blobs] and an quantified (8, 12, 13, 15). Such compounds such as alcohols
occurrence with high NAPL saturation [continuous free- (6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17), sulfur hexafluoride (18, 19), 222Rn (20),
phase LNAPL lens]) were evaluated. Study results indicated and chlorofluorinated hydrocarbons (21-24) have been
accurate prediction (using measured tracer retardation utilized as partitioning tracers for hydrocarbon detection and
and equilibrium-based computational techniques) of NAPL quantification.
amount and NAPL-water interfacial area for the case Interfacial tracers are surface-active agents that adsorb
of residual NAPL saturation. For the high-saturation LNAPL and, therefore, accumulate at NAPL-water interfaces, leading
to tracer retardation when compared with conservative
lens, results indicated that NAPL-water interfacial area,
tracers (11, 14, 25). By measuring retardation of the interfacial
but not NAPL amount (underpredicted by 35%), can be tracer relative to a conservative tracer, the NAPL-water
reasonably determined using conventional computation interfacial area (anw) can be estimated if the adsorption
techniques. Underprediction of NAPL amount lead to an isotherm for interfacial tracer accumulation is known. As
erroneous prediction of NAPL distribution, as indicated by demonstrated by Saripalli et al. (11) and Kim et al. (14), the
the NAPL morphology index. In light of these results, Gibbs adsorption model can be employed to establish the
careful consideration should be given to technique design nonlinear isotherm for monolayer interfacial adsorption given
and critical assumptions before applying equilibrium- the data for the decrease in NAPL-water interfacial tension
based partitioning tracer methodology to settings where (γnw) with increasing concentration of interfacial tracer.
NAPLs are complexly entrapped, such as in naturally Previous researchers have employed anionic surfactants,
primarily sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) and
heterogeneous subsurface formations.
cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), as interfacial tracers to
characterize fluid-fluid interfacial areas in laboratory col-
umns tracers (11, 14, 25) and field-scale applications (12).
Introduction The combined use of partitioning and interfacial tracers
The task of locating and characterizing nonaqueous-phase has been proposed as a robust technique for characterizing
liquids (NAPLs) present in the subsurface at contaminated NAPL amount as well as entrapment distribution (11, 12). By
waste sites has presented significant challenges to scientists determining NAPL saturation (Sn) with partitioning tracers
and engineers involved in site risk assessment and reme- and anw with interfacial tracers, a prediction of the spatial
diation. Traditional soil coring methods for NAPL assessments distribution and morphology of entrapped NAPL source
regions can be made. Saripalli et al. (11) proposed that the
* Corresponding author telephone: (303)384-2126; fax: (303)273- ratio of interfacial area to volumetric NAPL content (anw/φSn
3311; e-mail: where φ represents porosity), known as the NAPL morphology
4894 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 35, NO. 24, 2001 10.1021/es010745k CCC: $20.00  2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/17/2001
index (Hn), provides a measure of how NAPL is distributed breakthrough responses in a reasonably short time and yet
within the porous medium. ensure good separation of the partitioning and nonparti-
Partitioning and interfacial tracer techniques were initially tioning tracers. Sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS)
developed to assess the effectiveness of NAPL remediation (Aldrich Chemical) was used as the interfacial tracer through-
technologies. In field investigations, such as partitioning out experimentation. 2-Propanol and bromide (in the form
interwell tracer tests (PITTs), tracers are deployed before of KBr) were utilized as nonreactive tracers.
and after cleanup implementation to assess remedial per- Column experiments were performed with well-charac-
formance (13, 26-28). These techniques, as reported, have terized, industrial-grade silica sand, ranging from fine to
largely been tested and applied directly in the field where medium grain depending on the experiment. Two types of
sufficient experimental control may not exist to gain a sorted sand (nos. 30 and 70) obtained from crushed sandstone
fundamental understanding of the processes and parameters (GRANUSIL silica sand by UNIMIN Corporation) were used
that influence tracer behavior. Previous researchers have to create the NAPL entrapment configurations studied. The
assumed that flowing groundwater containing the tracers saturated hydraulic conductivity of these sands, characterized
effectively contacts all NAPL present in the soil and that in previous studies (29, 30), is 0.13 and 0.014 cm/s, respec-
instantaneous, equilibrium tracer partitioning and/or in- tively.
terfacial adsorption occurs. Controlled laboratory studies Batch-Partitioning Experiments. Batch-partitioning ex-
reported to date (9, 10, 11, 20, 25) have validated these periments were conducted to determine NAPL-water parti-
theoretical assumptions as well as the resulting computa- tion coefficients (Knw) for the alcohols evaluated. Batch-
tional methods for use of partitioning and interfacial tracers partitioning tests, conducted in 16 mL, zero-headspace,
in isotropic porous media at low NAPL saturation (up to septa-capped vials with equal volumes of NAPL and water,
approximately 0.2). Such experimental conditions are reflec- were conducted with 2-propanol, 1-hexanol, and DMP
tive of those expected for homogeneous aquifers following (initially added to the aqueous phase) ranging in concentra-
free NAPL removal but may have limited applicability to a tion from 0 to 1000 mg/L. The vials were equilibrated by
variety of contaminated aquifer settings. vigorous mixing on an orbital mixer for 24 h. This technique
The primary goal of this laboratory study was to evaluate was similar to the “shake flask” method for determination
the behavioral diversity of partitioning, interfacial, and of octanol-water partition coefficients; however samples of
conservative tracers in water-saturated subsurface systems this study were mixed for a longer period of time. Following
where NAPLs are entrapped under conditions of natural equilibration, a 2-mL aqueous sample was collected via
heterogeneity. To that end, representative end members of syringe and placed into a 2-mL septa vial for alcohol analysis
the range of entrapment configurations observed under with a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 6890 gas chromatograph (GC).
natural soil heterogeneity (an occurrence with residual NAPL The GC was equipped with a 30.0 m long by 0.25 mm PAG
saturation [discontinuous blobs] and an occurrence with high capillary column (Supelco 2-4223) and a flame ionization
NAPL saturation [continuous free-phase lens]) were simu- detector (FID). The FID signal was acquired and integrated
lated within controlled column-scale test cells. Subsequently, with a personal computer (PC) using HP Chemstation
each occurrence type was subjected to partitioning and software.
interfacial tracer tests to assess whether tracer evaluation The retardation factors of the partitioning and interfacial
could lead to accurate prediction of known NAPL quantity tracers and the measured NAPL-water partition coefficients
and distribution. Both entrapment types were prepared with were used to solve for the NAPL saturation at equilibrium
the same volume of NAPL to evaluate the sole influence of conditions. Retardation factors were calculated from the
NAPL distribution on tracer behavior. Existing theoretical zeroth and first temporal moment of the measured tracer
assumptions and computational methods, which rely on breakthrough curves as described by Jin et al. (8):
instantaneous equilibrium partitioning, were employed to
test their validity and relative error when applied to complex KnwSn tp
distributed NAPLs, such as the high-saturation NAPL lens. Rpt ) 1 + ) (1)
(1 - Sn) tn
Materials and Methods
where Rpt is the partitioning tracer retardation factor, Knw is
Multiple tracer, laboratory, column-scale experiments (spa- the linear partition coefficient (unitless), Sn is the residual
tially 1-dimensional (1D) with respect to aqueous flow) were NAPL saturation. The NAPL volume (Vn) was then calculated
conducted with partitioning, interfacial, and nonreactive based on the Sn and the pore volume (Ve) as described by Jin
tracers to assess the objectives of this study. Multiple tracer et al. (8):
experiments were preceded by measurement of batch NAPL-
water partition coefficients and NAPL-water interfacial
tension versus interfacial tracer concentrationsimportant Vn ) (2)
data for interpretation of measured tracer retardation. A 1 - Sn
description of experimental materials is followed by meth-
odologies for batch partitioning and interfacial tension studies Tracer-estimated values of NAPL volume and NAPL-water
and multiple tracer column experiments. interfacial area were used to compute the NAPL morphology
Materials. Soltrol 220 (a nontoxic LNAPL mixture com- index for these two occurrences (11) that defined the ratio
posed of C13-C17 hydrocarbons; manufactured by Phillips of interfacial area to volumetric NAPL content. These
66 Company) was utilized as a representative NAPL within estimates were compared with known values (based on test
all experiments. Soltrol does not significantly partition into cell preparation procedures) to assess the ability of the tracers
water or air; therefore, mass transfer of NAPL can be to accurately determine NAPL volume and distribution.
conveniently ignored during the experiments. The Soltrol NAPL-Water Interfacial Tension (γnw) Measurements.
was mixed with iodoheptane at a ratio of 9:1 (by volume), NAPL-water interfacial tension (γnw) of Soltrol and aqueous
respectively, for the purpose of related research studies. solution containing SDBS was determined using the pendant
Additionally, the NAPL was amended with a very low drop method (31). NAPL drops were formed by suspending
concentration of automate red dye for visual identification. inverted droplets from a 2-mL micrometer syringe within a
The alcohols, 1-hexanol, and 2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol 30-mL deionized (DI) aqueous solution of set SDBS con-
(DMP) (Sigma Chemical), were used as partitioning tracers centration (ranging from 0 to 270 mg/L). Each droplet was
throughout all experiments and were chosen to yield viewed through a contact angle goniometer (Rame-Hart, Inc.)

and photographed with an attached Polaroid camera. Droplet 20 cm long by 5 cm wide by 1 cm high channel, which was
dimensions were measured from the photograph and used temporarily separated from the remainder of the test cell
to calculate γnw. For each SDBS concentration evaluated, with a sheet metal barrier. The remainder of the test cell (on
three duplicate pendants were measured. The calculated the opposing side of the sheet metal barrier) was wet packed
interfacial tensions were averaged to obtain a mean γnw as with clean, water-saturated no. 70 sand. (Two sand types
a function of SDBS concentration. General techniques were used in this experiment to create a capillary barrier
specified by Saripalli et al. (11) were followed to determine opposing NAPL migration from the high-saturation lens.)
NAPL-water interfacial tension (γnw) as a function of SDBS The sheet metal barrier was then gently removed, and the
concentration. The local slope of this relationship (∂γnw/ thin opening at the contact between NAPL- and water-
∂CSDBS) at the initial SDBS concentration of injected tracer containing sand was pressed shut by applying mild pressure
(i.e., 185 mg/L) within the test cells was used to determine to the sand surface. Subsequently, the Plexiglas wall was
the interfacial adsorption coefficient (Ki (cm)) as described installed, and the test cell was placed horizontally (with the
by previous tracer studies in laboratory and field settings LNAPL accumulation vertically upward) within a flow ap-
(11, 12, 14). Since Ki is dependent on the tracer concentration, paratus. The flow apparatus was comprised of the test cell
this determination represents an approximation of the actual attached via stainless steel tubing to two, parallel-mounted,
Ki value. Ki describes equilibrium SDBS adsorption at the low-flow syringe pumps (Harvard Apparatus). Outflow from
NAPL-water interface. The approximate value of Ki was the test cell was directed via tubing to a sampling port open
utilized, with tracer breakthrough data to compare the NAPL- to the atmosphere.
water interfacial area (anw) between experiments using the To initiate testing, a multiple partitioning tracer test was
following relationship (11): performed to compare predicted with known NAPL volume.
Flow of deionized water from one pump was established at
Kianw an interstitial pore velocity of 18 cm/h in the test cell. Once
Rift ) 1 + (3) steady-state conditions were achieved, flow was diverted
without interruption to the other pump. At the same rate as
where Rift is the interfacial tracer retardation factor (calculated initial flow, a finite pulse (1 PV) of an aqueous solution
from the zeroth and first temporal moment of the tracer containing 200 mg/L bromide and 250 mg/L each of
breakthrough curve) and θnw is the volumetric water content. 2-propanol, 1-hexanol, and DMP was pumped through the
The anw is the NAPL-water contact area per bulk volume cell. Following tracer injection, equal flow was routed back
(cm2/cm3). The approach used to estimate anw assumes that to DI water in the initial pump for the duration of the test
the NAPL-water interface is the only location for reversible (lasting 5 PV on average). Discrete 2-mL samples were
SDBS adsorption and that this process is the sole contributor collected intermittently (to reduce sample collection time
to the observed retardation. This assumption has been shown and therefore minimize tracer volatilization) at 15-min
to be justified for SDBS use with clean sand media (11), as intervals from the column effluent and analyzed for parti-
was the case for this study. Although it is recognized that the tioning tracers with the previously described GC technique
presence of nonequilbrium adsorption and/or partitioning and analyzed for bromide by HPLC (Hewlett-Packard)
between water and NAPL does not influence first moments equipped with an ion-exchange column.
(32) and, consequently, retardation, severe nonequilibrium Following the partitioning tracer test on this cell, an
could lead to underestimation of first moments because of experiment was performed with the interfacial tracer, SDBS,
difficulties in accurately characterizing extended tails of and bromide to determine the NAPL-water contact area at
breakthrough curves. Because of nonequilibrium effects on the LNAPL lens surface. All experimental procedures and
the interfacial tracer, comparisons can only be drawn between conditions for the interfacial tracer test were the same as for
experiments to determine relative changes in NAPL mor- the partitioning tracer test, except that SDBS and bromide
phology. (at concentrations of 185 and 200 mg/L, respectively) were
Multiple Tracer Column-Scale Experiments. Experi- used rather than partitioning tracers. Both analytes were
ments utilizing nonreactive (bromide and 2-propanol), assessed by HPLC with an ion-exchange column as described
partitioning (1-hexanol and DMP), and interfacial (SDBS) previously (11, 12, 14).
tracers were performed within rectangular 40 cm long by 5 After completing both partitioning and interfacial tracer
cm high by 5 cm wide (internal dimensions) column-scale tests on the high-saturation LNAPL lens, up to 10 pore vol
test cells composed of aluminum on all sides except for a 40 of DI water was flushed through the test cell. Subsequently,
cm long by 5 cm high-gasketed Plexiglas visualization wall. the flow-through cell was prepared for tests on an occurrence
Sidewalls were sealed with butyl rubber compressible gaskets with the same NAPL volume but now distributed in dis-
and held together with counter-sunk allen screws. The continuous blobs at residual saturation. The Plexiglas wall
influent and effluent ends of the test cell were fitted with was removed from the cell. Without removing any media,
0.25 in. thick bronze frits for mixing solutes and creating the NAPL-containing sand from the lens was thoroughly
constant boundary conditions. Procedures for column mixed into adjacent clean sand, creating a homogeneous
preparation, emplacement of NAPL, and tracer experimen- low NAPL saturation (0.10) within the mid-section of the cell
tation for the NAPL entrapment configurations assessed are (dimensions 20 cm long by 5 cm wide by 5 cm high). The
discussed in chronological order of experimentation. Plexiglas wall was reinstalled, and tracer tests were initiated.
The test cell containing a high-saturation LNAPL lens was Partitioning and interfacial tracer tests were then repeated
prepared by premixing a known volume of moist no. 30 sand on this NAPL entrapment configuration. All steps regarding
with a known volume of NAPL to create an LNAPL saturation methodology, procedures, and test conditions for partitioning
of 0.5. All metallic walls of the test cell were joined, leaving and interfacial tracer tests were the same as for those of the
off only the Plexiglas wall for soil packing. On the inside of high-saturation LNAPL lens.
one of longitudinal walls, two 10 cm long by 5 cm wide by
1 cm high aluminum plates were sealed to the test cell to Results and Discussion
create a 20 cm long by 5 cm wide by 1 cm high channel Batch-Partitioning Experiments. The results of batch-
(oriented parallel to the direction of aqueous flow) for NAPL partitioning experiments conducted to determine NAPL-
emplacement. These plates served to prohibit lateral NAPL water partition coefficients for the group of alcohols studied
migration once cell construction was completed. The NAPL- are shown in Figure 2. Results indicate that NAPL-water
containing sand was then spoon-filled transversely into the partitioning is linear with respect to alcohol concentrations

FIGURE 3. Measured relationship between NAPL-water interfacial
tension and SDBS concentration. The local slope of this trend at
FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the column packing (a) high- the injected SDBS concentration (185 mg/L) was used to calculate
saturation pool and (b) residual entrapment configurations. the interfacial adsorption coefficient for determining NAPL-water
interfacial area.

distribution and for comparisons of tracer data between NAPL

entrapment configurations studied (Figures 4 and 5). In Figure
4, the data for DMP after 4 (for residual saturation) and 5
pore vol (for high-saturation entrapment) were extrapolated
assuming a log-linear relationship. The DMP retardations
for both cases were estimated based on the extrapolated
breakthrough curves.
In Tables 1 and 2, measured versus predicted (based on
known NAPL amount) partitioning tracer retardation is
shown for the cases of homogeneously distributed residual
NAPL saturation and the high-saturation LNAPL lens,
respectively. Reasonable predictions of DMP retardation were
made for the former case; the percent difference between
measured and predicted values was only 1.1%, clearly
indicating that equilibrium predictive assumptions are valid
FIGURE 2. Linear partitioning of alcohol tracers between NAPL when NAPL is evenly distributed at low saturation. Inaccurate
and water in the system studied. The partition coefficient reflected prediction resulted, however, for the case of the high-
as the slope of the curve for 2-propanol, 1-hexanol, and DMP is saturation LNAPL lens (Table 2). The percent difference
0.001, 3.0, and 12.0, respectively. between measured and predicted DMP retardation was
approximately 35%. This significant difference is likely
employed in this study. Measured partition coefficients, attributable to kinetic limitations to equilibrium partitioning
reflected as the slope of the linear trend, are constant with behavior resulting from the lack of intimate contact between
increasing aqueous tracer concentration. Based on these the aqueous flow field and the NAPL source zone. As a result
measurements, calculated NAPL-water partition coefficients of relative permeability reductions to water within the NAPL,
for 2-propanol, 1-hexanol, and DMP were 0.01, 3.0, and 12.0, aqueous flow largely bypassed this region, causing an earlier
respectively. These data indicate an increasing Soltrol-water than expected partitioning tracer breakthrough (relative to
partition coefficient with increasing molecular weight of equilibrium NAPL-water partitioning).
alcohol, with 2-propanol acting nearly conservative and DMP The influence of NAPL entrapment configuration on
moderately partitioning. Measured partition coefficients were partitioning tracer behavior is clearly evident by the com-
used in conjunction with measured partitioning tracer parison of breakthrough curves for the case of homogeneously
retardations to predict NAPL volume within the tracer-swept distributed residual NAPL saturation versus that of the high-
region. saturation LNAPL lens (Figure 4). The retardation of DMP
NAPL-Water Interfacial Tension (γnw) Measurements. was 1.87 for the former case and only 1.52 for the latter. Yet,
The relationship between NAPL-water interfacial tension the same amount of NAPL was contained in both simulations.
(γnw) and SDBS concentration is shown in Figure 3. The On the basis of measured retardation, 98% of NAPL mass
interfacial adsorption coefficient, calculated with knowledge was accounted for with the residual occurrence. Conversely,
of the local slope at the injected SDBS concentration (185 only 61% of the mass present in the LNAPL lens was estimated
mg/L), was found to be 5.985 × 10-4 cm. This value was used based on measured DMP retardation. This result clearly
later in conjunction with measured retardations from indicates that the retardation of tracers for the LNAPL lens
interfacial tracer tests to solve for anw of the NAPL occurrences is an underestimate, probably occurring in response to kinetic
that were studied. limitations to partitioning processes. Tracer partitioning for
Multiple Tracer Column Experiments. The results of this occurrence was presumably controlled by rate-limited
partitioning and interfacial tracer tests for the NAPL entrap- diffusion in to and out of the LNAPL lens. Certain aspects of
ment configurations studied are shown in Figures 4 and 5 the LNAPL lens breakthrough curve (Figure 4) support this
and summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The data in Figure 4 are presumption. For instance, the elongated DMP breakthrough
also plotted in log scale and inserted in the figure for readers tail indicates nonequilibrium partitioning of DMP from the
to better assess the tails of the BTCs. Hexanol breakthrough LNAPL to the aqueous phase.
was retarded (1.2) but only slightly relative to bromide and The influence of NAPL entrapment configuration on
2-propanol. DMP retardation 1.87 was significant and, interfacial tracer behavior is also evident from a comparison
therefore, was used for subsequent predictions of NAPL mass/ of breakthrough curves for the case of homogeneously

FIGURE 4. Influence of NAPL entrapment configuration on partitioning tracer breakthrough. The same mass of NAPL was used to create
a homogeneously distributed residual NAPL saturation (on right) vs a high-saturation NAPL lens (on left). Note the significantly greater
retardation for DMP on the former (1.86) (after 5 pore vol, the data were log-linear extrapolated) vs the latter (1.52) (after 4 pore vol, the
data were log-linear extrapolated).

FIGURE 5. Influence of entrapment configuration on interfacial tracer breakthrough. The same mass of Soltrol was used to create a
homogeneously distributed residual NAPL saturation (on left) vs a high-saturation NAPL lens (on right). Note the significantly greater
retardation for SDBS on the former (1.38) vs the latter (1.23).

experiments (11, 14, 25). Considering that interfacial tracers

TABLE 1. Measured vs Predicted Partitioning Tracer only interact with the NAPL-water interface (and not diffuse
Retardation for the Case of Homogeneously Distributed through the bulk NAPL), this result is expected.
Residual NAPL Saturationa
Calculated values of Sn and anw resulting from measured
measured predicted % partitioning and interfacial tracer breakthrough curves were
retardationb retardationc differenced used to compute the NAPL morphology index (Hn) for the
2-propanol 1.03 1.00 2.9 two NAPL occurrences assessed. Hn for the case of residual
n-hexanol 1.21 1.22 0.8 NAPL saturation was 10 500 cm2/cm3, whereas Hn for the
DMP 1.86 1.87 1.1 case of a high-saturation LNAPL lens was 10 100 cm2/cm3.
a Residual NAPL saturation is 0.1. (Residual NAPL saturation for full
Saripalli et al. (11) and Annable et al. (12) have shown that
column volume is 0.068.) b Measured in column-scale test cell at an
high values of Hn indicate that NAPL may be spread out,
interstitial velocity of 14.5 cm/h. c Predicted based on linear, reversible, perhaps as thin coatings on the solid matrix, thus providing
equilibrium partitioning of tracers (see ref 8). d Percent difference large contact area between the NAPL and the aqueous phases,
between measured and predicted retardation. such as for the case of NAPL at residual saturation. In contrast,
lower values of Hn may indicate that NAPL may be confined
to isolated regions or patches of relatively high NAPL
TABLE 2. Measured vs Predicted Partitioning Tracer saturation, providing limited contact area, such as for the
Retardation for the Case of a High-Saturation LNAPL Lensa case of macro-entrapped NAPL ganglia (or pockets) and high-
estd error saturation NAPL pools or lenses. Results of this study do not
measured predicted % for NAPL verify the trend seen in these previous studies. No significant
retardationb retardationc differenced saturation (%) difference is observed between the residual and the high-
saturation cases. This could be due to the underestimation
2-propanol 1.00
of Sn (due to kinetically limited partitioning) for the high-
n-hexanol 1.16 1.22 5.1 23
DMP 1.52 1.87 35 35 saturated LNAPL lens resulting in an inaccurate value of Hn.
a LNAPL saturation in lens was 0.5. (Residual NAPL saturation for

full-column volume is 0.068.) b Measured in column-scale test cell at

Implications of Findings
an interstitial velocity of 14.5 cm/h. c Predicted based on linear, Results of this study indicate that the use of existing
reversible, equilibrium partitioning of tracers (see ref 8). d Percent computational partitioning and interfacial tracer techniques,
difference between measured and predicted retardation.
in particular, those relying on equilibrium assumptions, are
not necessarily valid for determination of NAPL amount and
distributed residual NAPL saturation versus that of the high- distribution with complex NAPL entrapment configurations,
saturation LNAPL lens (Figure 5). Both cases showed such as macro-entrapped, high-saturation LNAPL lenses
measurable retardation, which was used to calculate the (and, presumably, DNAPL pools). Study results further
NAPL-water interfacial area for each occurrence. Calculated indicate that if equilibrium assumptions are used for such
interfacial areas were 281 (homogeneously distributed NAPL) mass transfer-limited systems, gross underestimation of
and 168 cm2/cm3 (high-saturation LNAPL lens). These values NAPL amount and incorrect prediction of NAPL distribution
are comparable with those in the literature from controlled will result. Kinetic limitations observed within laboratory,

column-scale test cells would be expected to play a more (11) Saripalli, K. P.; Kim, H.; Rao, P. S. C.; Annable, M. D. Environ.
significant role in actual field situations where rate-limited Sci. Technol. 1997, 31 (3), 932-936.
tracer diffusion may be enhanced by natural subsurface (12) Annable, M. D.; Jawitz, J. W.; Rao, P. S. C.; Dai, D. P.; Kim, H.;
Wood, A. L. Ground Water 1998, 6 (3), 495-502.
heterogeneity. Rate limitations observed in the field, however,
(13) Annable, M. D.; Rao, P. S. C.; Hatfield, W. D.; Graham, W. D.;
will be dependent on partitioning tracer diffusion coefficients Wood, A. L. J. Environ. Eng. 1998, 124 (6), 491-498.
as well as the thickness of NAPL zones through which (14) Kim, H.; Rao P. S. C.; Annable, M. D. Water Resour. Res. 1997,
partitioning tracers must diffuse. In light of the results of this 33 (12), 270-271.
study, careful consideration should be given to the design (15) Rao, P. S. C.; Annable, M. D.; Sillan, R. K.; Dai, D.; Hatfield, K.;
protocol, testing methodology, and computational assump- Graham, W. D. Water Resour. Res. 1997, 33 (12), 2673-2686.
tions used during field utilization of partitioning and (16) Jawitz, J. W.; Annable, M. D.; Rao, P. S. C.; Rhue, R. D. Environ.
interfacial tracer techniques. For instance, consideration Sci. Technol. 1998, 32, 523-530.
should be given to tracer test optimization through spatially (17) McCray, J. E.; Brusseau, M. L. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1998, 32,
dependent injection, residence time control, and kinetic (as 1285-1293.
(18) Wilson, R. D.; Mackay, D. M. Ground Water 1993, 31 (5), 719-
opposed to equilibrium) data assessment models.
(19) Nelson, N. T.; Brusseau, M. L. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30
Acknowledgments (9), 2589-2863.
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