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IATF 16949:2016 and ISO14001:2015

Ref #: 70QA-F-075
Rev. # 15 Rev. date: Jan.9, 2019 Approved by: Management Rep.

Part A
IATF 16949:2016

1. What is IATF 16949:2016?

It is a Quality Management System (QMS) used by the Automotive Industry.

2. What should you know?

Quality Policy and Quality Objectives
Quality Policy of People, Passion, Product, Partners
Your job responsibility
Your operator instructions

3. What does the Quality Policy say?

It says that we are committed to making high quality parts to satisfy our customers.

4. What are our Quality Objectives for the year 2019?

100% On Time Delivery

IPM (Instances per Million) of 40
97% Moulding OEE
96% Sanding OEE
95% Assembly OEE
85.5% Paint total yield

5. Where are the Quality Policy and Quality Objectives located?

Quality Policy and Quality Objectives are posted throughout the plant on
communication boards and ABC exterior Systems website.

6. What is your job?

My job is a Production Operator (Assembly Operator, QC Inspectors, Paint
Technician, etc.) and I have been trained to do my job according to the Operator

7. If there is a change in Operator Instructions, how are you advised?

Revised Operator Instructions are posted and my Supervisor trains me.

8. What would you do if you found a bad part or broken equipment?

I will notify my Supervisor. My Supervisor will notify Quality or Maintenance Dept.

9. How are defective parts identified?

Defective parts have a yellow “Hold” label or red “Non-Conformance” label. Defective
parts also identified by Quality Alert.

10. Who is responsible for part quality?

All employees are responsible to produce a good part. All employees are responsible
to notify their Supervisor, Department Head and/or Quality department if a problem is

11. What is an Audit?

An audit is a way of checking that everyone is doing his/her job according to his/her
instructions. Audits are conducted by our own employees and by Auditors from
outside to make sure that we are following standards properly.

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IATF 16949:2016 and ISO14001:2015
Ref #: 70QA-F-075
Rev. # 15 Rev. date: Jan.9, 2019 Approved by: Management Rep.

Part B
ISO 14001:2015

What is ISO 14001?

 The International Standard for Environmental Management System (EMS)

What should you know?

 Environmental Policy and Environmental Objectives
 Environmental Aspect and Impact
 Your EMS Operator Instructions
 How to report of the environmental concerns

What Does the Environmental Policy Say?

 Committed to preventing pollution (reduce, reuse and recycle).
 Compliance to the applicable legal and other requirements
 Continual improvement

What are our Environmental Objectives for the year 2019?

 Reduce Waste to landfill by 1%
 Reduce Energy consumption by 1%

What is an Environmental Aspect?

Any activities or products or services that have actual or potential significant impact on the
environment (e.g. scrap spoilers, cardboards, gloves or plastic wrap disposed to the landfill).

What is an Environmental Impact?

Any change to the environment because of environmental aspect (e.g. oil from moulding machine
may cause water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution etc.).

What is an Operational Control?

It is identified as an EMS Operator Instruction that your Supervisor trains you. The purpose of an
operational control is to control the significant aspects (e.g. recycling materials, spill containment,
handling of hazardous materials, lift truck emissions, handling of propane, solid waste reduction,

What do you do when you have an environmental concern?

Report to your immediate Supervisor or Manager. Supervisor or Manager will write in detail your
environmental concern on an Environmental Communication Form and forward it to ISO
14001 Management Representative.

Where can you get more information?

 EMS Communication boards
 ISO 14001 Management Representative – Bob Caughey
 ISO 14001 Element Champions
 Department Managers
 ISO 14001 Website

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