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Code Review “Invoice.

package interview;

import java.sql.Date;

public class Invoice {

Date date;
double amount;
String description;
String currency;

public Invoice(Date dateCreated, Double amount, String currenyName, String text) {

date = dateCreated;
description = text;
amount = amount;
currency = currenyName;

public double getAmount() {

return amount;

public String getDescription() {

return description;

public Date getDate() {

return date;

public String getCurrency() {

return currency;

public String toString() {

return date.toString() + ": " + amount + " " + currency + " " + description;

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Invoice)) {
return false;
} else {
Invoice other = (Invoice) obj;
return date ==
&& description == other.description
&& amount == other.amount
&& currency == other.currency;

Single Choice Questions

1. Which of the following below live on the heap in java?

● Class
● Instance variable
● Method
● Object

2. Which of these interfaces handle sequences?

● Set
● List
● Comparator
● Collection

3. Which statement about a valid .java file is true?

● It can only contain one class declaration.
● It can contain one public class declaration and one public interface
● It must define at least one public class.
● It may define at most one public class.

4. Which is correct about an instance variable of type String?

● It defaults to an empty string.
● It defaults to null.
● It does not have a default value.
● It will not compile without initializing on the declaration line

5. How do you force garbage collection to occur at a certain point?

● Call System.forceGc()
● Call System.gc()
● Call System.requireGc()
● None of the above

6. What is the output of the following program?

public class Test {

private static int one = 10;

int two = 20;

public static void main(String []args) {

Test test = new Test();

int today = 20; two = 40;

System.out.println(today + test.two +;

7. What is the value of total after executing the following code snippet?

int meal = 5;

int tip = 2;

int total = meal + (meal>6 ? ++tip : --tip);

● 1
● 2
● 3
● 6
Preparation for Interactive Part/Discussion

1. What is Deadlock?
2. How do you stop a thread in java?
3. What is the difference between the Thread class and Runnable
interface for creating a Thread?
4. What is a race condition?
5. What are Generics? What are the benefits of Generics?
6. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator
7. What is the difference between HashSet and HashMap?

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