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You received a message from Helen, an English student, who is coming to do her

work placement in the last company where you did yours. Answer her message.

From :

To : (** your email address **)

Subject : Our Partnership

Send Attached

Dear (** your First Name **),

I hope you're doing well?
As I told you in our last exchange, I’m starting my work placement in France next
month in the company where you went last time.
I'd like to be prepared as much as possible and make a good impression.
Could you please help me by giving me details about how the company works?
• How big is the company?
• Is there a dress code?
• How is the staff?
• What tasks were you given?
• Did you appreciate your experience there?
Thank you in advance for all your answers.
I hope we can meet when I’ll be there!
See you soon

Mme A. COURAT : Séquence 4 « Working Life » [Niveau - Tale] [13]

Contexte: Vie Professionnelle
1. Prendre connaissance du sujet

• Compréhension du document source : bien comprendre le sens et le contexte

(ici – Helen, étudiante anglaise, vous écrit à vous, étudiant.e français.e, pour
avoir des informations sur votre dernier lieu de stage, où elle va à son tour
aller le mois prochain.
Expéditeur : Helen
Destinataire : ** you **
Date : next month

• Respecter les contraintes (ici - répondre aux questions / connaître la

méthodologie d’un courriel)
Les questions : Surlignées
Eléments de Contexte : soulignés
2. Mon plan, mes idées
Réponses à apporter :
• I’m good and I can help (with pleasure!)
• It’s a small independent beauty salon and shop / hairdressing salon
• Black dress code with name tag, make-up and hair done
• Small team with lovely and friendly staff
• Details of different tasks (cf brainstorm)
• Opinion (cf brainstorm)
• Of course we’ll meet (cf brainstorm)
Questions à poser :
• When exactly are you starting and for how long
• Where are you staying
• Have you worked in a similar company before

Mme A. COURAT : Séquence 4 « Working Life » [Niveau - Tale] [15]

Brainstorm :

cleaning and linen

Selling perfumes and/or

cosmetic products
Nail and Face Care

Do a shampoo / haircut (-) a lot of observation

(+) manage to perform hair

removal (half legs) on customer

(+) manage to advice a

Opinion customer and conclude with a

(+) manage to perform a female

visit our
vocational :-( didn't like answering the
school phone

What we can do drink or meal in

:-) really confirmed my training
when we meet city centre
choice as a beautician /
saleswoman / hairdresser
visit on

Mme A. COURAT : Séquence 4 « Working Life » [Niveau - Tale] [16]

Proposition de réponse pour l’interaction à l’écrit

From :

To :

Subject : RE : Our Partnership

Send Attached

Hello Helen,

I’m doing very well and you?

I remember you telling me about this. Of course, I’ll be happy to help you. Here
is the information I can give you about the company: it’s a small independent
beauty salon and shop [hairdressing salon]. The manager employs a small team
of lovely and friendly staff. The dress code is black. You just have to make sure
you wear your nametag and do your hair and make-up. When I was there in
December, I did a lot of cleaning and linen. I was happy to be able to do nail and
face care on customers [sell perfumes and/or cosmetic products / do shampoos
and haircuts]. On the one hand, my work placement consisted of a lot of
observation, but on the other I managed to perform hair removal (half legs) on a
customer by myself, [advice a client and conclude a sale / perform a female
haircut]. I didn’t like answering the phone but I really appreciated the fact that it
really confirmed my training choice as a beautician [saleswoman / hairdresser].
I hope we will meet too! When exactly are you starting and for how long? Where
are you staying? Now that I have given you details, have you worked in a similar
company before?
When you are over, I suggest you could come and visit our vocational school
and in turn I could visit you on your placement location. We can of course also
go out for a drink or a meal on the city centre of Guingamp.

I hope I have answered all your questions…?

Can’t wait to see you next month!

Stéphanie x

N° de mots : 265

Mme A. COURAT : Séquence 4 « Working Life » [Niveau - Tale] [17]

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