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Task 1 – warm up

Make the words and match with their translation:

1. Даже + t A. Товары
2. Хороший + s B. Сфера
3. Al + большинство / самый C. Событие
4. Al + готов D. Улыбаться
5. B + звонить E. Почти
6. Мех + ther F. Яркий
7. Медведь + d G. Уже
8. B + прав H. Борода
9. Sp + здесь I. Приносить
10. S + миля J.Дальше

Task 2 – vocabulary
Match the words
1. musical A. подарок
2. award B. мюзикл
3. grease C. жир
4. rent D. прослушивание
5. gift E. часы
6. clock F. Ханука
7. Chanukah G. свидание
8. date H. в то время как
9. while I. открытка
10.go out J. награда
11.audition K. стихотворение
12.card L. аренда

Task 3 – watching the video

Friends: Joey's Bad Birthday Gift
Task 4 – watching the video + filling the gaps
Watch the video again and fill the gaps

You know what we ___________ all do?

Go see a musical.
You know which one we should see?
The 1996 Tony ___________ winner.
Do you happen to know the name of that one?
I don't ___________, um, "Grease?"
Yes! "Rent!"
Okay, so ___________ do you want to go?
What? Oh, I'm sorry. I can't, I'm busy.
- Hey. - 'Hey.'
Man, it is so hard to shop for girls.
Yes, it is, at Office Max!
What did you get her?
A ___________.
It's two gifts in one. It's a pen that's also a ___________.
You can't give her that.
- Why not? - ___________ she's not 11!
And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah!
Okay, honey, what he means by that is.. Well, this is a very nice gift maybe it's just not
___________ a boyfriend gives.
Sure it is.
She ___________ a pen for work.
She's writing, she turns it over. Whoa! It's time for my date with Joey!
Alright, ___________, look. What..
What did you get for Angela Del Vecciofor her ___________?
She didn't have a birthday while we were going out.
For ___________ years?
Look, it's too late, and I got an audition. I can't shop ___________. I..
Alright, I will go out and I will ___________ to find something for her, okay?
Thanks, man. And oh, while you're at it, could you get her a ___________?
Would you like me to write her a little ___________ as well?
Or just get a card that has a poem already ___________ it.
Task 5 – grammar revision (in, on, at)
1. Class starts ______ 7:00 p.m. today.
2. They go to class ______ Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
3. There are no classes ______ summer.
4. Elizabeth likes to take a nap ______ noon.
5. Every year I go on vacation ______ August.
6. He will be 21 years old ______ September 4, 2017.
7. We like to ski ______ winter.
8. Today the sun sets ______ 8:15 pm.
9. ______ Monday mornings I go to the gym.
10. She plants vegetable seeds ______ April.
Task 6 – listening (fill the gaps)
Here’s a question. Which Apple ____________ sold a million units in 28 days? Not
the iPhone. It was iPad, a tablet with a touch screen but not iPhone. From 2010 to 2015,
Apple ___________ 250 million of these machines.
Many people think Steve Jobs ______________ the iPad. Not true. The history of the
tablet at Apple goes back to ____________, long before Steve worked there.
In _____________, Apple made its first tablet. It was called the Newton Message Pad.
It didn’t do very much. When Steve ______________ to Apple in 1998, he stopped the
Newton. Many people thought he was going to make a tablet. Apple _____________
everyone with the iPod in 2001.
iPhone was next. Apple made a Smartphone _____________ a tablet. Part of the
problem was the iPad’s large touch screen. It needed _________________ software and
microchips that did not exist at that time.
The first iPhone was for sale in _________________. One year later, Apple decided to
produce a tablet. The software and microchips were _______________, but there was a
What was the iPad? Was it a big iPhone or _______________ completely different,
something between a phone and a laptop? Many people ______________ which option
Apple would choose. In 2010 the iPad was for sale. Apple sold _________________ in the
first week.
Quite quickly, it proved to be a major ________________ success. It also changed the
world. People began reading online and __________________ fewer newspapers and
magazines. Sales of _________________ dropped.
The iPad was a game changer. Its beautiful _________________ mixed with an easy
to use operating system changed the _____________ people work, read and play.
Task 7 – grammar revision (Past Simple or Past Continuous)
Choose the correct variant

1. She was reading/read a book when the phone was ringing/rang.

2. My son found/was finding a coin when he walked/was walking.
3. She was doing/did her hair when the postman was coming/came.
4. When they arrived/were arriving we were waiting/waited for the bus.
5. The mixer broke/was breaking down when I cooked/was cooking dinner.
6. They were noticing/noticed that we were watching/watched them.
7. The teacher was being/was angry because we talked/were talking.
8. The boys weren't playing/didn't play because it rained/was raining.
9. I saw/was seeing him when he was eating/ate the cakes.
10.When the light were going/went out, I was having/had a bath.

Task 8 – reading + translation

Unusual diets
There are много vegetarians in Britain. About 8% of teenagers не едят any meat or fish and
you can always выбрать a vegetarian meal at school. But there are a lot of other
особенных diets, too. Here are three из них.

Lucy: a fruitarian
Fruitarians don’t want to kill living things – растения or animals – for food. We никогда
eat meat or dairy products and we don’t eat many овощей. When you eat a carrot, the carrot
plant dies. But помидоры and cucumbers are OK because the plant doesn’t die. We eat a lot
of fruit and nuts. К сожалению, the human body can’t get much calcium, iron or vitamin B
from a fruitarian diet, so I need a lot of vitamin pills, тоже. There aren’t many fruitarians in
Europe, но there are millions in India.

Tim Jenson: a locavore

The transport of food around the world uses a lot of бензина and that causes global
warming. I am a locavore and I только eat food from the area near my home in Glasgow
потому что local food doesn’t use much petrol. I only eat food produced around fifty
kilometers of my home. I can buy fantastic местную. beef, salmon, хлеб, apples and
yoghurt. But I can’t have chocolate cake, coffee or orange juice because the ingredients
come from abroad. That’s иногда difficult for me. I love chocolate торт! But it’s the right
choice for the environment.
Task 9 – telling time
Match time expression with numbers

1.a quarter past one A. 1.50

2.a quarter to two B. 4.05
3.half past two C. 1.45
4.five to four D. 4.40
5.five past four E. 3.35
6.twenty-five to four F. 4.25
7.twenty-five past four G. 2.30
8.twenty to five H. 3.55
9.five past one I. 1.15
10.ten to two J. 1.05

Task 10 – telling time


Task 11 – telling time

Write a number (1-10) near time expressions

1. 11:25 a quarter past seven ____

2. 2:30 ten past one ____
3. 1:10 half past two ____
4. 9:00 a quarter past eight ____
5. 7:15 two to two ____
6. 7:45 twenty-five past eleven ____
7. 8:45 a quarter to eight ____
8. 8:15 one past three ____
9. 3:01 a quarter to nine ____
10.1:58 nine o'clock ____

Task 12 – telling time

Task 13 – vocabulary (words revision)

1. a________e - выше, над

2. a________t - отсутствующий
3. a________t - принимать
4. a________t - несчастный случай
5. a________y - случайно
6. a________g to - в соответствии с, согласно
7. a________t - счет (в банке)
8. a________e - достигать
9. a________y - на самом деле
10.a________d - продвинутый
11.a________e - приключение
12.a________e - совет
13.a________t - против
14.a________e - живой
15.a________w - позволять, разрешать
16.a________t - почти
17.a________g - вдоль, по
18.a________g - изумительный, удивительный
19.a________g - среди
20.a________r - гнев, злость
21.a________t - объявление, сообщение
22.a________t - квартира, апартаменты
23.a________r - появляться
24.a________y - примерно, приблизительно
25.a________a - область, территория
26.a________e - прибывать, приезжать
27.a________e - средний, среднестатистический
28.a________d - избегать

Task 14 – translation

1. Согласно объявлению Алекс прибыл приблизительно днём (в обед)

2. Случайно появились приключения
3. Удивительная, (но) среднестатистическая территория
4. Несчастный случай (в) квартире выше
5. На самом деле почти избежал злости
Task 15 – listening Sam Smith Dancing with a stranger
Listen to the song and complete with the correct options.
1. Hmm, hmm. I don't wanna be __________ tonight
at home
2. It's pretty clear that I'm _________________
not into you
not over you
3. I'm _________________ 'bout the things you do
still thinking
still singing
4. So I don't ______________ alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight
wanna to be
wanna be
5. _____________ light the fire?
Can you
Can't you
6. I need somebody who can __________________
take control
take it slow
7. I know exactly what I ________________
need to do
mean to you
8. 'Cause I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight
Look what you _____________, I'm with somebody new
made me do
make me do
9. Ooh, baby, baby, I'm _________________________
dancing with a stranger
dancing with the stranger
10.Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing
with a stranger. Dancing with a stranger
I wasn't even _____________ tonight
going out
gonna shout
11.But, boy, I need to get you _____________________
off my mind
off of mine
12.I know exactly what I __________________
had to do
have to do

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