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Hoofstuk 40: Die besoek 2

The visit 2

Betekenis van die hoofstuktitel:

Die besoek 2 verwys na Lien se besoek aan haar pa in die tronk. Refers to Lien visiting her
dad in jail.

Lien kyk onseker na die vaal gebou en dan Lien looked uncertainly at the dull building
weer na die flentertjie papier met die and then again at the scrap of paper with
aanwysings in haar hand. By die ingang keer the directions in her hand. At the entrance,
'n wag haar voor. Hy beduie dan na ‘n a guard stopped her. He then points to an
ingang aan die kant van die gebou. ‘n Man entrance on the side of the building. A man
in ‘n uniform by die deur beduie sy moet in a uniform at the door motioned for her
ingaan. Sy word deursoek. Sy gaan onseker to enter. She is searched. She enters
binne. uncertainly.

Dis stil in die vertrekkie. Die bewaarder It's quiet in the room. The warden
bly by die deur staan. Hy beduie Lien moet remains at the door. He motioned for Lien
gaan sit. Sy gaan sit op die harde to sit down. She sat down on the hard
houtbankie, so ver moontlik van die ander wooden bench, as far away from the other
mense af. people as possible.

Dan sien sy hom by die deur inkom aan Then she saw him come through the door
die ander kant van die vertrek. on the other side of the room.

Sy voel skielik yskoud. Sy voel trane She suddenly felt freezing cold. She felt
iewers brand. Haar keel trek toe. Sy kyk en tears burning somewhere. Her throat
sy kyk. tightened. She looked and she looked.

Hy het grys geword. Hy loop effens krom, He turned gray. He walks slightly crooked,
sy oë soekend.. Daar is ‘n trek om sy mond his eyes searching. He pulls his mouth in a
wat sy nie ken nie. Sy oë lag nie meer soos way that she doesn't know. His eyes no
sy onthou nie. Sy gesig lyk so sad. longer laughed as she remembered. His
(=Ongelukkig/hartseer) face looks so sad.
Ek haat jou, probeer sy dink. Ek haat jou, I hate you, she tried to think. I hate you,
wil sy hardop gil soos sy al so baie keer she wanted to scream out loud like she had
voor die spieël gedoen het. done so many times in front of the mirror.

My pa, my pa, is al wat in haar kop My father, my father, is all that is going on
gebeur. Haar mond is droog. in her head. Her mouth is dry.

Hy maak nog steeds geen beweging nie. He still makes no move. Lien herself feels
Lien voel self lam. paralyzed.

Uiteindelik gaan hy oorkant haar sit. Finally he sat down across from her.
Huiwerig probeer hy haar hand vat. Sy ruk Hesitantly he tried to take her hand. She
instinktief weg en is dan dadelik spyt dat jerked away instinctively and then
sy dit gedoen het. immediately regretted doing so.

Sy mond lyk anders. Daar is ‘n vreemde His mouth looks different. There is a
trek wat sy nie kan onthou nie. Hy lyk strange feature that she cannot remember.
onseker. Dis nie die man met die gladde He looks unsure. It's not the man with the
bek en die selfvertroue wat sy onthou nie, smooth mouth and the self-confidence she
die man wat gedurig oor sy selfoon met remembers, the man who constantly
kliënte ge-wheel en ge-deal het nie. wheeled and dealt with customers on his
mobile phone.
Om besigheid te doen. Om wins te maak of 'n voordeel te kry deur slim, ingewikkelde en SOMS
ONEERLIKE METODES te gebruik. What's the meaning of wheel and deal?
To try to make a profit or get an advantage using clever, complicated, and SOMETIMES DISHONEST

Tog is daar iets in sy oë wat sy onthou. Yet there is something in his eyes that she
Haar rapport in sy hande. Lien, jy gaan nog remembers. Her report in his hands. Lien,
eendag saam met my in die praktyk werk. you are going to work with me in practice
Jooste en Jooste. Ernstig, asof hy dit nie one day. Jooste and Jooste. Seriously, as if
sommer net sê nie. he wasn't just saying that.

Hulle kyk net vir mekaar, hoe lank weet They just look at each other, for how long
Lien nie. Dis asof die tyd gaan stilstaan het. Lien doesn't know. It's as if time has
Uiteindelik sê hy: “Ek het baiekeer gedink stopped.
ek sal jou nooit weer sien nie.” Finally he said: "Many times I thought I
would never see you again."
Dis ook baie na aan hoe Lien gevoel het. This is also very
close to how Lien felt.

Lien kan steeds nie ‘n woord uitkry nie. Lien still can't get a word out.
“Gaan dit goed met julle, my kind?” "Are you all right, my child?"

Sy knik voordat sy besef wat sy doen. She nodded before realizing what she was
Goed? Dis seker debatable. doing. Well? It's probably debatable.

“Hoekom het jy dit gedoen?”vra sy nadat "Why did you do that?" she asked after
hulle lank net gesit het. they had just sat for a long time.

Hy haal sy skouers op. He shrugged his shoulders.

“Dinge gebeur. Ek het gedink ek is die “Things happen. I thought I was the
slimste en sterkste mens onder die son. smartest and strongest person under the
Daar was versoekings ... Ek was gulsig.”Hy sun. There were temptations... I was
lyk verleë. greedy.” He looks embarrassed.

“En al die geld wat julle gevat het?” "And all the money you took?"

Hy lyk ongemaklik en kyk na die hoek He looked uncomfortable and looked at

van die vertrek. Ná ‘n ruk sê hy: “Ons het the corner of the room. After a while he
‘n klomp in die buiteland belê, maar dit says: "We invested a lot abroad, but it was
was ‘n flop (=mislukking). Die scheme was a flop. The scheme was dodgy and we lost a
dodgy en ons het baie verloor. Die res het lot. The rest we gave out and the others we
ons uitgegee en die ander moes ons had to pay back. You know..." (=potentially
terugbetaal. Jy weet mos...” dangerous, was daring, dishonest, likely to
(=potensieel gevaarlik, was gewaagd, cause failure or trouble)
oneerlik, sou waarskynlik mislukking of
probleme veroorsaak)

Hy bly 'n rukkie stil. He remains silent for a while.

“Ek praat baie met jou. In my kop. Elke "I talk to you a lot. In my head. Every day.
dag. Ek weet ek het julle seker vir altyd I know I probably lost you forever and I
verloor en ek wonder elke dag of julle my wonder every day if you will ever forgive
ooit sal vergewe.” me."
Ironies presies dieselfde ding wat Lien vir haar ma
gevra het in die vorige hoofstuk. Ironically, the
exact same thing that Lien asked her mother in the
previous chapter.

Lien bit her lower lip. She won't cry. She

Lien byt op haar onderlip. Sy sal nie huil looked at him speechless. She felt the tears
nie. Sy kyk woordeloos na hom. Sy voel die burning behind her eyelids.
trane agter haar ooglede brand.
“Wanneer kom jy uit?”vra sy oplaas. "When are you coming out?" she asked

“Seker so oor ses maande, as alles goed "Probably in six months, if all goes well."
gaan.” Hy probeer weer haar hand vat. Dié He tried to take her hand again. This time
slag ruk sy nie weg nie. Sy hand is sterk en she did not flinch. His hand is strong and
koel. Sy kyk na die haartjies op sy vingers. cool. She looked at the hairs on his fingers.

“Waarheen gaan jy dan?” "Then where are you going?"

“Seker maar eers na oom Frank-hulle.” "Probably to Uncle Frank first." (=Lien's
(=Lien se pa se broer en sy vrou) father's brother and his wife)

“Ek sal dalk maar iets soos meubels "I might just start making something like
begin maak,”sê hy met 'n effense glimlag.. furniture," he says with a slight smile.

“Ek gaan nie meer regte swot (=studeer) "I'm not going to swot anymore," she
nie,”verander sy die onderwerp. changes the subject.

Hy lyk teleurgesteld. He looks disappointed.

“Maar daar is mos geld vir julle studies. "But there is money for your studies. No
Niemand het aan julle studiepolisse geraak one touched your study policies... And not
nie ... En nie alle prokureurs is skelm nie!”sê all lawyers are crooks!” he says fiercely.
hy heftig.

“Dis nie dit nie. Ek weet nie eintlik wat ek "It's not that. I don't really know what I
wil doen nie. Ek wil travel (=reis), gaan kyk want to do. I want to travel, go see what
hoe lyk die wêreld.” the world looks like."

Hy sê niks nie. Dit lyk asof hy nie kan He doesn't say anything. He can't seem to
ophou om na haar te kyk nie. stop looking at her.

“Jy het lank geword,”sê hy nadat hulle ‘n "You've grown tall," he said after they sat
rukkie in stilte gesit het. “En groot. Ek in silence for a while. “And big. I mean...
bedoel ... jy is nie meer my poplap (= 'n you're not my poplap (=a pet name)
troeteldiernaam) nie.” Lien druk haar hare anymore.” Lien tucked her hair behind her
agter haar ore in. ears.

Besoektyd is verby. Lien stoot verleë die Visiting time is over. Embarrassed, Lien
pakkie droëwors wat sy met ‘n gesukkel pushes the package of dry sausage, which
toegelaat is om in te bring, oor die tafel. Sy she was allowed to bring in with some
gunsteling. As hy eers begin eet, kan hy nie difficulty, over the table. His favorite. Once
ophou nie. Hy draai om by die deur. Hulle he starts eating, he can't stop. He turned
kyk nog ‘n rukkie na mekaar. around at the door. They look at each other
for a while.

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