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Free patterns / Women / Cardigans / DROPS / 110 / 18

In Flight by DROPS Design
DROPS cape in ”Alpaca” and ”Vivaldi” with buttons and belt. Size S - XXXL.

🏷 Keywords: bat sleeves, cape, collar, jacket, oversized, poncho

DROPS 110-18
Size: S – M/L – XL/XXL - XXXL

Materials: DROPS Alpaca from Garnstudio

400-450-500-550 g colour no 6360, blue mix
and use: DROPS Vivaldi from Garnstudio
200-200-200-250 g colour no 30, grey/purple

DROPS circular needle size 7 mm (80 cm) – or size needed to get 14 sts x 17 rows in stocking st with 1
thread of each quality = 10 x 10 cm.

DROPS pointed needles size 5 mm - for belt and collar

DROPS crochet hook size 6 mm.

DROPS Buffalo horn button no 536: 6 pcs


Knitting tension – See how to measure it and why here

Alternative Yarn – See how to change yarns here
Yarn Groups A to F – Use the same pattern and change the yarn here
Yarn usage using an alternative yarn – Use our yarn converter here


Pattern instructions

NOTE: This pattern is written in British English. All measurements in charts are in cm. For
conversion from cm to inches - click here. There are different terms for crocheting in British and
American English. If this pattern includes crochet, click for "crochet terms" here. For this pattern
in American English, please click here.

Garter st, back and forth on needle: K all rows.

Measurement tip: Place piece flat for all measurements.

Buttonhole: Cast off for buttonholes on right front band. 1 buttonhole = K tog 3rd and 4th st from mid
front and make 1 YO. Cast off for the first buttonhole when piece measures 8 cm, and place the next 4
buttonholes with 12 cm between each (the 6th buttonhole will be on collar).

Increasing tip: Make all inc from the RS as follows: beg 1 st before marker, make 1 YO, K 2 (marker sits
between these 2 sts), make 1 YO. Work YO into back of loop on return row to avoid a hole.

Cape: Worked from top down.

Cast on 60-62-64-66 sts with 1 thread of each quality on needle size 7 mm. K 4 rows, then K 1 row and
inc to 80 sts evenly for all sizes.
Insert 10 markers in piece as follows: First marker after 13 sts, and the next 9 markers with 6 sts
between each = 13 sts left after the last marker .
Read all of the following section before continuing!
Continue in stocking st with 6 garter sts each side for front bands. At the same time on first row from
RS inc 1st on each side of all markers – see Increasing tip – and repeat the inc on every other row
another 5-7-9-11 times, then on every 4th row a total of 7-7-7-7 times = 340-380-420-460 sts.
Remember the knitting tension!
Buttonholes: At the same time when piece measures 8 cm cast off for buttonholes on right front band –
see above.
When piece measures approx 40-42-44-46 cm (adjust so that next row is from WS) cast off for 4 holes
for belt as follows:
Row from WS: 6 garter sts, P 23-27-30-33 sts, K 5 sts, P 105-117-131-145 sts, K 5 sts, P 52-60-66-72
sts, K 5 sts, P 105-117-131-145 sts, K 5 sts, P 23-27-30-33 sts and 6 garter sts.
Next row from RS: Cast off the middle of the K sts in all K-sections (= hole for belt).
Now work 6 rows stocking st back and forth on the 5 pieces separately with 2 garter sts on both sides
of each hole.
Continue on all sts from the RS, at the same time cast on 1 new st over all 4 holes = 340-380-420-460
sts. On next row from WS K 5 sts over all 4 holes. Continue in stocking st with front bands in garter st as
When piece measures 64-66-68-70 cm work next row as follows from RS: 57-62-70-77 sts (= left front
piece), cast off 60-70-76-82 sts, 106-116-128-142 sts (= back piece), cast off 60-70-76-82 sts, 57-62-
70-77 sts (= right front piece). Now complete each piece separately.

Right front piece: = 57-62-70-77 sts. Continue in stocking st with front band in garter st, at the same
time cast off at the beg of every row from the side: 3-3-4-4 sts 8 times = 33-38-38-45 sts. Cast off when
piece measures 74-76-78-80 cm mid front.

Left front piece: Like right front piece, but mirrored.

Back piece: = 106-116-128-142 sts. Continue in stocking st, at the same time cast off at the beg of
every row: 3-3-4-4 sts 8 times = 58-68-64-78 sts. Cast off when piece measures 74-76-78-80 cm mid

Collar: Pick up 60-62-64-66 sts round neckline with 1 thread of each quality on needle size 7 mm.
Work 6 rows garter st on all sts, at the same time after 2 rows cast off for 1 buttonhole in line with the
others on front band. After 6 rows change to 2 threads Alpaca and needle size 5 mm. Continue in garter
st, at the same time inc evenly to 78-80-82-84 sts on first row. When collar measures 10 cm cast off 1 st
at the beg of every row a total of 5 times, and then cast off 2 sts each side 1 time = 64-66-68-70 sts.
Cast off.

Belt: Cast on 12 sts with 2 threads Alpaca on needle size 5 mm. Work garter st back and forth on
needle until belt measures 120-140-160-180 cm, cast off.

Crochet border: Crochet a border along bottom edge of cape with 2 threads Alpaca and crochet hook
size 6 mm as follows:
1 dc in first st, * 4 ch, 1 tr in the first ch (= 1 picot), skip approx 2 cm, 1 dc *, repeat from *-*.
Crochet a similar border round the collar.

Sew on buttons.

 This pattern has been corrected. Click here to see the correction/s..

© 1982-2023 DROPS Design A/S We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has
What can you do with our patterns? You can share DROPS patterns online, using the pattern original picture,
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Yarn stores are welcome to use the DROPS pattern database to promote the sale of our assortment. You can print
out our patterns, make as many copies as you’d like. The only thing we ask is that you don't make any changes /
additions to the original printed document. And that the patterns according to the DROPS philosophy are given
out to the consumers for free. Editorials that wish to publish our patterns in printed books or magazines can
contact us for more information. The sale of garments based on DROPS patterns is permitted as long as they are
sold as single items or per order. Further commercial use of the patterns is not permitted. It has to be clearly stated
that the garment is made based on a design from DROPS DESIGN. The use of clothing labels of which DROPS
DESIGN forms part is conditioned by the inclusion of the following text: “A DROPS DESIGN made by …..”. The use
of DROPS photos for marketing purposes/sales is only permitted in connection with the use/sale of DROPS
products. The photos may not be cut or edited and the logo should be clearly visible.
We reserve the right to withdraw the permission for use of our patterns at any time, notwithstanding the reason.

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