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I designed this jumper to suit the seasonal subscription boxes I
receive from Lauren Aston Designs. The wool is fabulous, and I
am totally addicted!
This jumper is a true to size fit designed to have approximately
5cm positive ease. Mine is a waist length fit however feel free to
make it as long or as short as you wish. Please bare in mine
adding length will require more wool.

Sizes, S (M, L)

Bust measurement: 90cm(100cm,110cm)

NB – I made a size small and measure a 90cm bust

Tension: 7sts x 9-10rows (10x10cm)


• 15mm circular needles, 15mm DPNs for sleeves
• 10mm circular needles, 10mm DPNs for sleeves
• Lauren Aston Designs super chunky wool (100g/60m)
Small = 450g (270m)
Medium = 550g (330m)
Large = 700g (420m)
Quantity is an estimate and may vary on how long prefer
your jumper to be.
• Sewing needle

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Cast on 38(40,42) stitches on 10mm circular needles

Rounds 1-4: K1, P1

Change to 15mm circular needles

Round 5: Knit the round whilst setting up raglan stitches as



Beginning of round marker K2, PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K15,
PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K13


Beginning of round marker K2, PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K16,
PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K14.


Beginning of round marker K2, PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K17,
PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K15.

Use a different style marker to denote beginning of the round

If following colour changes change to a different colour now, and

every 4 rows from now.

Round 6:Knit to the first marker, M1R, SM, K1, SM, M1L, Knit to
the next marker , M1R, SM, K1, SM, M1L, Knit to the next marker,

3 @Knitting_Hannah
M1R, SM, K1, SM, M1L, Knit to the next marker, M1R, SM, K1, SM,
M1L, Knit to the beginning of the round. (8sts increased)

Round 7: Knit the whole round.

Small - Rounds 8-25: Repeat rounds 6&7 (118sts)

Round 26-28: Knit

Medium – Rounds 8-27: Repeat rounds 6&7 (128sts)

Round 28: Knit

Large – Rounds 8-29: Repeat rounds 6&7 (138sts)

Separate sleeves

Using a spare needle or scrap wool, slip the sleeve stitches

including the raglan stitches off the needles.

Knitting across the round like normal


Place the beginning of round marker between the gathered

stitches underarm.

Knit in the round until 4cm short of desired length

Change to 10mm circular needles

Change to rib colour and knit 1 round

Round ‘n’-‘n+4’: K1, P1

Cast off in pattern to keep it stretchy

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Pick up the 24(26,28) stitches earlier put to rest on 15mm needles

Knit in the round following colour changes until 4cm short of

desired length

Change to 10mm needles – DPN or magic circle method

Change to rib colour

Knit the next 4 rounds as follows: K1, P1

Cast off in pattern to keep it stretchy

Repeat for the opposite side.

Finishing touches

Sew in any loose ends and patch up any potential holes on the

Ta da! A finished jumper

Tips & Tricks

Colour changing – for my jumper I have used 4 colours in the

body it is 4 rounds of each colour.

When colour changing between the rib, knit 1 row prior in the
correct rib colour this stops the broken colour coming through the
purl stitches.

When changing colour knit all the way around to the first stitch, to
reduce the step appearance pick up the stitch from the row below

5 @Knitting_Hannah
(the previous colour) and place on left hand needle, knit the two
stitches together to smooth the colour transition.


SM – Slip Marker

PM – Place Marker

M1R - Insert the left needle under the strand that runs
between two stitches from back to front, then knit this

M1L - Insert the left needle under the strand that runs
between two stitches from front to back, then knit this
strand through the back loop (twisted).

K… – Knit number of stitches

P… - Purl number of stitches

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