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ID Supplementory


Famr Tools and Farm Implements are the
Standard Five Agriculture topics that fall
under the module, General Agricutfure.
Reading around these two topics, one is
Iikely to come across concepts like farm
equipment and farm machinery which need
to be defined for befter understanding of the
topics Farm Tools and Farm Implements.

Equipment refers to the tools, implements

and machines used for farming. It should
be noted that tools, implements and
equipment are terms that are often used (hllpsl /,nqw.tractorjunction.con/ftitltsey-Jbrguson tractot/24 di- fiah.).
interchangeably without knowing the Farm machinery means all machines,implements
actual difference between them, but in and tools that are used in theproduction, harvesting
fact they have different definitions. Tools, and care of farm products. They include; trailers
implements and machines are always that are used to transport agricultural produce
equipment but a piece of equipment is or agricultural production materials between
not always a tool. For instance, a hammer a local place of storage or supply and the farm,
and a saw are tools, and if you are planning agricultural tractors, threshing machinery, hay-
to build something they are part of your baling machinery, corn shellers and hamrner mills
equipment for the job (Horton 2021). ( ht tp s : / / w in s id er. c o m / d i ct ion ar y /far m -
Similarly, a tractor, plough, planter, sickle machinery). Theresah Kankam (2021) states that
and an axe are part of equipment for an agricultural machine generates or uses po\{/er
farming- Equipment represents all sorts of to apply forces and control movement to perform
machinery functional devices or accessories an intended action. It is a mechanised equipment
and equipmentis designedfor a specific task which can run on electric, diesel, petrol or
(Makwana 2021). t}:re readers will notice hydraulic. It is operated and controlled by human
that in the above list there is machinery, or automatically. They range from the tractor to
implements and tools and these terms thresher, mills and so on. Farm machines are also
will be defined later in this publication. said to be mechanical devices that include tractors
and implements used in farming to save labour.
Farm equipment is any kind of machinqry Farm machines include a great variety of devices
used on afarm tohelp with farming. Thebest- ' with a wide range of complexity (Britannica 2020).
known example of machinery is a tractor.
A tractor is a farm vehide. Agricultural The readers should know that today, agriculture
implements may be towed behind or is all about high precision and high speed. It
mounted on the tractor and a tractor may also is because of this that learning about farming
provide a source of power if the implement equipment or machinery is essential and not only
is mechanised or automated. A farm tractor that but also using them efectively. The concept
is used for; pulling or pushing agricultural of precision farming is to do the right thing at the
implements or trailers, ploughing, tilling right time in the right place with the right amount.
disking harrowing, planting and similar This practice results in improved sustainabiliry
tasks. increased productMty and higher profitability for
(hftp s : / I s c- s. si I j ooml al im age s I F ar m'/.20 e qui p m en t.p df ).
farmers. AIso, it saves their time considerably. It
shoLrld be noted that modern and elficient fhnrr grasses. Many variants of hand sicldes are used
equipment lets farmers improve their prorluce, across many cultures.
reduce input costs, reduce wrx'k and incr-ease
comfort (Precision Agriculture 2018).

This topic specilically addresses rhe description of
fann tools, discussion of comrnon farm too1s, the
proper use of common larm tools and the proper
care and stolage of farm tools.

| )*l,i,:;:ip!iIIr: r:f !artl I'll*lr

Farm tools are instt rlments used on iarms to aid

work, reduce labour and improve elfectiveness.
That is, they are iDstruments used in the irrm to
aicl farmers ln farm lrrcrk, thereby making it easy
( hlll:: I ift e-\ii1t. tuj tliilx.rq.s,,rr-!r.I rgrl lool-r si.ftl..l;X
(Sarmah 2020). Farm tools are usually hand,held r

and do not reqr"rile the help of animal and machine

(Kankam 2021). Urhat this means is that farm toois i'i::{r ,.1 -r;,'
ale simple rypes of equipment, u,hich are used A pick axe or pick is a hand tool with a hard head
manually by the farmers. The tools are all hand attached pelpendicular to the hancile. They are
held and operated rlanual11.. It should be noted used as tools for landscapirlg, bleaking up harci
that tools are mnlti prlr'pose, sma1l, handy objects surfbces and as farming tools. It consists ofa long
rt ith udrich to work in a particular environment, wooden handle and a clouble-headed thick metal
this could be in the farm, gartlen or tor household blade that has both a pointed ancl blunt end tl-rat
purposes (Makrvana 202 1 ). Hower,.er, agricultural is attached to the handle through a loop. The
tools are used in agricultural activities to make pointed end breaks up hard surfaces, n'hile the
the process rnore productive and elicient. blunt end can be used to pry or force things up.
A pick axe can often break Lrp soils that a shovel
'1t;lt (,*r!1rlx{r,1
irzrrc 'iirr:ir ;*il! l&lir- iori}r},i. l-iia cannot. Dry, hardened clay or rock1. soils can
be broken up uslng the sharp end of the axe. It
There are dill'erent types of tools that are nsed in can also be used lor digging r-rp of roots and tr-ee
farming fbr diffelent purposes and at dill-erer-rt stumps.
stages of production. The ibllowing a1-e some
of the most common farr.r.r tools and their uses
proi.ided by FM EXINI (2020):

|itl'r{} liicl !t:

A siclde is a hancl-heid agricultural tool rsith
a \rariously curved metal blade and a wooden
handle. The innel part of the curr.ed metal blade is
ver). sharp while the othel part, has a blunt edge. It
is used for harvesting grain crops or crrtting tast),
forage (feed) chiefly for feeding livestclck (either
freshly cut or dried as hay). It can also be used in
the plucking of fruits and ir-r the han est of (https://,lyw.
\jectot 1955953)
Pick-Mattock Axe
A rnattock is a hand tool used for digging and It h;rs a short heary metirl head rrith a sharp edge
and a long rvooclen or metal handle. It is used for
chopping. It is a handy tool that is Lrsed for digging
cntting wood ancl big branches oftrees or bigcer size
and breaking stones as well as copping roots and
stumps. It is used for digging canals, breaking
hard topsoil and for digging up stoues and tree

lltl t]ts:l itl n \1:.rci.iot t1/ lrt odtr:ti 10o3:ll/ltLll:;-l:r /l -Aisd -rrrc,
Shovel and Spade
The shovel blade is angled forrvard rvhich makes
(hl tPs:/ /t\ t\, \li skd': -eLti l,rodlttt.l gnnl. ut!/Lrtirr,r ioo/.s...) it eflicient ibr digging and scooping. Most
shovels are hand tools consisting of a broad
blacie fixed to a medium-length handle. Shovels
A hoe has metal blade rvith a wooderr or metal
are nsed extensirely in agriculture, constnlction
handle. It is an ancient and versatile agr:icultural
ancl gardening. A shoverl is a tool for digging,
l-rand tool used to shape the soi1, control weeds,
ciear soil, and harvest root crops. Shaping the
lifting and moving bulk materials, such as soil,
coal, gravei, snor,u', sand or ore. It is also used in
soil can be done by piling soil alound the base of
plants (hillhg) or creatirlg lrarrow furrows (dli11s)
renioving trash, digging loose soil, moving soil
and shallorv trenches tbr planting seeds and bu1bs.
from one place to another and fbr mixing soil
Weed control can be done with the help of a hoe
by cutting foliage from the roots ancl clearing the
soil of o1d roots and crop residues. Hoes can be
used for digging and moving the soil used in tl-re
harvesting of root crops such as potatoes and

The spade is made up of a long rectangular flat I{heelbarrow
blade n liich is attached to a fairly long cylindrical The r,vheelbarron is a hand-propelled vehicle,
handle that widens at the posterior end to folm designed with one r,r,heel and t'w,o handles, lvhich
a triangular block with a D shaped wl-ro1e for is pushed by one person. The wheelbarrow can
hand rvhen used. A Spade is used lor dillerent be used in the farm, home, and construction site
proposes. It can be used for digging ofholes and (Kankam 202 i). It can also be used for moving
trenches around us, for leveling the ground, for lightweight items fertilizers, manure,
sr.rch as
making seedbeds, ridges, mounds and heaps, plants, seeds, lvaste rnaterials or trash and other
transplanting ofseedlings like palm oil seedlings, things around the fie1d.
tulning the soil and the n'rixing of rtanures,
light weeding in the fann and at home, mixing
of cement and concrete for farm and hrxle
structrlres and the digging of foundations rvhen
constructing farm and home buildings (Sarmali

rl,rrp. n rr r'r. -./rlr,i/ ,,,,'tlt.t. .ro. .n y,o,ltt, t, t.,,tto,nt .vltt;l l,.tt t,t,,

It is made up of a thick hear,y metal head that
is litted into a straight wooden or rnetal handle.
At the end of the thick heavy metal there is a
prong which is used for the removal of nails.
The hammer can be used for driving nails into
(httpsL lv,u,N.c,tshbuildo ptoiuctsililsht spidc li!{i g) wooden stluctures rvhether in the farm or at
home. It can also be used to straighten damaged
or bent components of either farm implements
The rake is a broom for outside use as it is used
or our home fumiture. Furthermore, it can be
for cleaning ground and leveling topsoil. It
used in the removal of nails from wood (Sarmah
consists of a toothed bar fixed to the handle used
for collecting leaves, grass, hay, maize corns,
bear-r tubes and sorghum heads when threshing
these field crops after harvesting for packaging of
grains (Kankam 2021).

ihltPs:Ii '1'tri\'. Llistrtlt..l)i2i r. /.1nh, hd nl$ (arbo11

550 A02A7i?ljO t t07r)

The Proper Care and Storage ofFarm Tirols

Good tools can be quite an investment and if
they are taken good-care-ol they will return
the favor.rr to the user. Keeping farming tools
( httP s:i i v,$,t\,.milre Ltp/ tttLtts trudt-trctde broced- properly stored, cleaned and maintained will
gcnden-rake 16 tttoth black orange/ p i 1037 52) save the user's time and money. It should be
noted that taking care of tools requires a bit of as it is not damped with other chemicals or water.
a comnitment, but a well-cared-for tool can N{ineral oil is preferred but motor oil can also be
reward the user with so much Uo it yourself' used for oiling and it is cheaper.
(DIY) goodness (Glenn 2014). Farm tools have NB: Tools that have accumulated rust should
to be maintained because 'breakages are payablei be hosed with water and scrubbed with a wire
These tools and equipment help to make farm brush, steel wool or sand paper until the rust is
work easier and effective. There are many ofthem gone. This should be done befbre the tools are
designed to do one or a number of functions. The oiled.
design and shape of the tools and probably the 4. Wooden handles should be strong
equipment should be given proper attention if Make sure tools with wooden handles are strong
they are to do their function for which they were and durable. If there is any defect such as if
made (Kankam 2021). Farm toois and equipment the handle is cracked or heavily splintered or
must be rnaintained for the following reasons: fractured, replace them. This is because when
1. They last longer when they are maintained. a wooden handle is damaged, it is prone to
2. Tools and equipment that are maintained work breaking during use, which can cause injury to
more efficiently. the user or others. Wooden handles that show
3. When tools and equipment are kept in good wear-and-tear should be sanded (that is, scraped
riskofinjuryto the operator is reduced.
shape, the or sandpapered) down and rubbed with oil.
4. Regular maintenance reduces the cost of 5. Hang your tools
maintenance. Keep your tools hanged. Leaving them on the
floor can cause rust as they may come in contact
How to Effectively Maintain Farm Tools with moisture. Leaving tools on the floor may
(Proper Care) cause injury to persons or persons stepping on
Kankam (2021) suggests the following for them may break or deform them, causing them
effective maintenance of farm tools and/or to be unsuitable for work.
equipment: 6. Store tools in their original cases
l. Sharpen tool before and after use Some tools and equipment come in their special
When you sharpen tools it reduces the amount cases to keep them protected for damage. Make
of force you need to apply to perform the task. sure to clean and keep thern in their original
Blunt tools may break when being used. cases. With respect to power toois, it is best to
2. Clean tools after every use store them in the hard piastic cases they usualiy
Cleaning tools may be the last thing the user come with. Not only are they better protected
wants to do after a day of work, but it is essential from humidity as they are also just better
for keeping the tools in good shape. Most hand protected in general.
tools may be cleaned by simply wiping them 7. Use silica gel packs or rust collector
with a rag. If they are dirry they may be given Silica gel helps to keep tools dry in their cases.
a good wash with soap and water. But they need It can be used to prevent rust of tools and
to be dried well afterward (Glenu 2014). Metal equipment with metal parts. The silica gel
tools need to be wiped with clean rag damp with packs that come in lots ofpackaging are great at
oi1 to leave a light film on them to help keep the keeping moisture at bay. They have to be tossed
rrlst away. (chucked) in drawers or toolboxes and they can
3. Oil or grease metal parts help keep rust alvay. Rust inhibitors can also be
This will prevent rusts of metal parts of tools and used for the same purpose and even anti-rust
equipment. Oiling the movable parts regularly as liners for drawers and shelves (Gienn 2014).
needed makes the tools easy to work with. It also
increases the elliciency of the tool or equipment. NB: As much as tools and equipment are
It is important to rnake sure that the tools are important to accomplishing tasks on the farm, it
clean and dry before oiling. Tools can be oiled is equally important to ah,ays keep them ready
with a towel or rag that is damp with oil as long for work. It is also important to remember to
wear safety goggles and gloves when n-or
with sharp tools.

Proper Storage of Farm Tools

Tools have to be stored properly and this
requires the user to work with the space they
have. Srrart storage can save the users the
burden of purchasing new tools'because time or
winter weather can quickly age tools that are not
properly taken care of. Tools may be hanged on
pegboards, stored in boxes, bags, or chests, or
kept in drawers or on shelves in the usert shop.
Whatever works for the users is best (Glenn
(htq,.://cln.irchiletttreldb-net/$,? co,tte t/uplonis/2020106i I3-13est...)
Pegboards Buckets containing a sand/oil mixture
These make a great storage system for tools. They Regardless of the location in which tools are
let the nsers see all their tools at a glance and they stored, users may want to consider.storing them
can make use of wall space in a pretty efficient in a sand/oil mixture, which can be used for years.
way. If there is no enough wall space, the user This can be done by using a five-gallon bucket
can still take advantage ofpegboards by building filled with sand and a half-gallon of mineral or
a hinged system, a rolling pegboard, or even a motor oil
Shovels, hoes, pitchforks and other
portable pegboard storage system (Glenn 2014). farm tools can all be stored in this mixture. These
buckets may be used year after year as long as
they are kept away from rain. Simply add oil each
year as needed (Storagefront 2021).

(https://www.wall cofl pegboanl photo contest/ teat-tidf...)

( ht ry s: / / -h, w.'y. th aimp n I ienl gar Ll en e L co ftt/ st or e gLt kl en - to ol s/ )

Portable storage unit

Portable storage companies deliver a large box
to the user's location, and then the user can pack
iterns in the storage unit at his convenience. Users
can choose what size of a portable storage unit
his they want and companies usually allow them to
store the box at a location of their choice. Either
way, the portable storage company will haul the
box away when the user is ready (Storagefront
NB: Always remember to store tools weII, keep The Common Farm Implements and their
them clean and well maintained, and you would Proper Use
not be sorry. The other methods that may be Farm implements are generally required to carry
considered are: out agricultural practices. It is important to note
. Put clean tools in an empty plastic container, that since field crop cultivation and farming
such as a trashcan. involve heavy labour and a variety of diferent
. Also, consider hanging tools up o1 a rack or processes, it would be nearly impossible to do
installing brackets to hold and organise the tools. so by hand. Machinery and implements have
Both of these methods will keep tools of the become a necessityfor farming in this day and age
ground, away from dirt and bugs, and out from (Precision Agricuiture 2018). There are a number
underfoot. of farm implements used in today's farming
FARM rMprEMENrs ;:',J,T[fHif$J*.l}:T.#:[lr"lJjJ#
This topic addresses the description of farrn their use:
implements, common farm implements, the proper l.Irrigation Machinery: Helps to keep crops
use of common farm implements, tl-re proper care watered at appropriate ievels, and usuailyincludes
and storage of farm implements, impact of farm central pivot irrigation systems and pump units.
irnplements on the environment and the solution for 2.Soil Cultivation Implements: Used to plough
that. the soil and prepare it for cultivation. Some
examples of soil cultivation equipment are spike,
Description of Farm Implements drag and disk harrows, mouldboard ploughs and
Farm implements are those accessories, which tillers in several varieties.
are being pulled by working animals, or mounted 3.Planting Machines (Seeders): Designed to
to machineries such as a tractor and are usually plant saplings (seedlings) and seeds over broad
used in the preparation ofland. These are usually areas of land after the soil has been cultivated.
made of speciai kind of metal. There are actually Planters, broadcast seeders, seed drills, air seeders
numerous implements that are used for various and transplanting equipment all fall under this
purposes at different stages of farming, from soil category.
preparatlon to planting and harvesting (Pfitzner 4.Harvesting Implements: : Used to bring in the
2020). crops once they have reached fuIl maturity. A
combine harvester, trailers, diggers and pickers
Farm implements are meant as appendages (that are a few examples of this kind of equipment.
is, accessories or attachments) to mechanised S.Miscellaneous Agricultural Equipment:
machinery and they add more value to that There is a wide variety of other tractor
piece of machinery. Implements when added, attachments commonly used in farming and
allow the machine to be used for different tlpe related applications. These include; sprayers,
of usages. They would be pulled or pushed by the mowers and transplanters. Some are used
machinery to be able to perform its designated in corollary agricultural activities such as
purpose or function for which it is designed. The haymaking, shredding and loading (Precision
implements may be pr"rlled manually by animals Agriculture 2018).
or by tractors and they are made accordingly. l.Irrigation Machinery
Nowadays tractors are used extensively though Center Pivot Irrigation Sl.stem
there are places where by necessity oxens or A center pivot irrigation system is a movable
manual method has to be used (nkp 2018). They pipe structure that rotates around a central pivot
cannot work on their own and the examples point connected to a water supply. Center pivots
include; the planter, harrower and irrigate in a circular pattern and they are capable
of applying water or fertilizer, chemicals and
herbicides mixed with the water. The center pivot
irrigation systems are the most popular sprinkler
may be usecl to move hay bales and other
Like other equipment, planters and drills should
harvested grains or goods from one area of the
be cleaned ofany bulldup, especially in tl-re seed
farm to another.
5. Miscellaneoar Agri$lftral Eqaipmert or fertilizer boxes. &take sure a1l movable parts
Sprayers are free and not stuck due to chemical corrosion.
Sprayers can be used to spray pesticides, fertilizers Operators should check all moviirg parts for
and other substances across large areas. These are a excessive wear. On air planters, the condition of
must'have for any farniing operation that han{les the cutofi bmsh is very important and should be
large lracters.
adjusted properly. Finally, all moving parts should
be lubricated and all chains and other drive
Proper Care and Storage of Farm Implements mechanisms should be inspected for excessive
The proper care of falm implements helps wear or misalignrrent. Proper off-season storage
decrease costs. One great means of decreasing will add value to farm implements, increase their
costs the farmel can adopt is to extend the life lilbspan and decrease operating costs. Before
of the implements. tt is thlough ploper care and pLltting ary implement in the fie1d after a period
maintenance that not only the lifespan of the ofidleness it should be gone over thoroughly and
agricultural machinery is prolongecl, but also all bo1ts, bearings and connections tightened up.
the risk for unexpected restoration, repair and
the costs thereof is minimised (AgrifoodSA. Harvesting Implements
Info 202A). Jarrett (1995) provides the follorving Combine headers require special storage care.
general tips: Theheaderunits should be closely inspected, both
. A11 equipment (tools, impiements and corn and grain t1.pes, for worn, bent or broken
machinery) should be thorouglrly cleaned parts and replaced as needed. Proper adjustment
with a high-pressure washer to remove dirt of belts and chains is critical to prolong wear.
and tlash residue. Accumulated trash and dirt For corn heads, stalk roll knives should be
can create fire hazards, elecirical malfunctior-rs, sharpened or replaced and lubricated, and auger
corrosion and rust of equipment, which may systems checked for proper fr:nction. The coln
result in breakdowns flext season. head top off check up shflrld be carried out by
. Once equipment ls clean, farmers should lubricating all main points including chains and
thoroughlv sen ice and lubricate the machine. other moving parts. For grain headers, operators
Also check for n orn be1ts, loose bolts, oi1 leaks shonid check the reel drlve, sickle wobble box
and the condition of all hoses, in addition to drive, auger, retractable fingers and stripper bars
operational/performance checks. Of-season ofthe grain header. Knife guards and other parts
is the tirne to nrake those necessary lepails should be inspected for weal and replaced as
and adjustn-rents to ar.oid undue downtime r.reeded. Lubricating and proper\ adjusting the
during the next busy season. grain header should round out the check up.
Fina1ly, implen-rent tyres should be cleaned and
]arrett (1995) further provides some guidance on inspected for possible cuts. Check tyre pressures
proper care and storage of indivldual implements before storing equipment and inflate them as
as follows: necessary.
Soil Cultivation or Tillage Implements
The remedy lbr rust is oil or grease. Every tool
Before storing the unit, all ground-working tools
that requires a polished surface for proper work
and mouldboard ploughs should be cleaned and
shouid be kept weil greased v,,hen id1e. It is very
coated with a lubricant to guard against rnst. The
much worthrvhile to keep a grease rag with
shanks on field cultivators should be checked.
every piough, planter, seeder and cultivator.
Worn shank br,rshings or pins should be leplaced.
Best-Practice Storage to Prevent Damage and
The farmers should not go into the next season
with bent or worn shanks that can leave skips in Storing the agricultural equipment (machinerT,
the fields.
tools anr.l imp16,111s111.; satelr- aittl aorteatlv is problenrs cituse,,l br-tjrc Lrsc rti iiirrn jr))plements
irnp()rtartt tn 1,r.'11'1111,r* sr.rn, uind irntl lrail ()1r thc el)\'irolllnellt.
darnage to the paintwork, seats, or any exposed
parts. Operators should use a suitable shelter Soil Cultivation Implements
to store and protect their mechanisation Birkis (2011) defines Conventional
implements and machinery from the elements (conservative) tillage (cultivation) as: "\{orking
for longer-lasting quality and a prolonged the entire soil surface, using conventional plough
lifespan (AgrifoodSA.Info 2020). fbr primary tillage, creating soil conditions
assnmed to be favourable for plant growth by
an unreasonably large number of tillage passes
and r,vith excessive tirne, energy and cost input;
inconsistent, if any, adaptation to soil condition
and typically repeating ineffective tillage

Conventional farmin g/tillage irvolves ploughing

the soil regularly and deeply for the purposes of
k:osening the soil structure, promoting drainage
and aeraticln, controlling rveeds and turning
under crop residues (Cliessman 2000, pps. 3-4
quoted in Killebrew and Hendrik
Wolff 2010). Tillage causes detrirrental changes
( https:/ / w\a,$,,sqttordl:l,st,otg/b rn,htl,) in soil structure and lbrtility and greenhouse
gas emissiotls, that is, it impacts on soils and
NB: Structures like the one above can also be
greenhouse gas emissions (Killebrerv and Wolff
used to store farm implements.
2010) as provided below:

Off-Season Storage Checklist

. Impacts on Soils: lt reduces soil organic
Jarrett (1995) suggests the following cheeldist:
matter (the portion of soii that originates
. fhoroughly clean all equipment with a from animals and plants) makirrg soils less
high-pressure washer. able to absorb and retain rvater leading to
. Lr,rbricate all points. increasecl erosior-r.
. Coat all parti that rust easily, such as plough . Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: It
shares or chrome hydraulic cylinder rods, corltributes to carbon dioxide emissions (a
with a high-quality protectant. greenhouse gas that cultributes to clirnate
. Inspect all equipment for broken, bent or chiurge) due to decornposition of soil organic
worn parts. Repair or replace as necessary. utatter.
. Applytouch-up paint to scratched or rusted Other thall these, incorrect use ofcultivation can
areas. have the fbllowing effects:
. Apply a generous coating of wax to help . Cultivatiou that mixes surf'ace soil with
{i equipment fight the effects of the elements. subsurface soil will lead to a dilution of
l . Store equipmefit in a shed or under a tarp or organic matter (which is most concentrated
heary plastic if possible. at the soil surf,ice). This u,ill mean that cmsts
are mole likely to form after cultivation.
Problems Caused by usage of Farm
Implements on the Environment
. Cuitivation can nrake hardsetting and
crusting problerns worse, since soil oragalic
matter arrt.l stable aggregates are destroyed.
Environment and agriculture have always been
closely inter-twined and every agrictrltural
. Cultivation can bring sodic material to the
soil surface. This carr cause or increase soil
activity has its
particular impact on the
environment. In this seetlon we discuss the
irrigation systems in the w'or1d because of their and turn the soil. This is an ideal tlpe of plough
high eficienc,v, high uniformiry ability to irrigate for shallow but thorough soil turning, which is
uner.en terrain, lorv capital, maintenance and often necessary fbr land that has not been used
management costs. The systems move through for crop production for several years.
the field by electrically powered tractor wheels
(Waller and Yitayew 2016), also towered by the
tractor depending on the model. These highly
automated systems will give the user precise
control over the application amount, optimising
water use and eflicient Llptake to achieve ideal

(ii)Disc ploughs
Disc ploughs consist of rows of discs that work
to turn the soil and cut up weeds. These are less
common than mouldboard ploughs as they are
less effective at turning the soil, but disc ploughs

may be more useful for soil that is particularly
(l1tt ps:/ / soilscoltt-con/ cLt,l Jdtnters reduce-.enter)
sticky or rocky.
2, Snil Cultivation Implements
There are a number of these implements but
only two are provided here being ploughs and
A plough is a large tractor attachment that drags
behind the tractor, using long blades to cut
furrows in the soil. This process not only loosens
and turns the soil, but it also helps kill otr any
surface vegetation that is not intended to be
there. While the soil has to go through several
subsequent steps to be ready for sowing seeds or
planting, ploughing is an essential first step. The
primary purpose ofploughing is to turn over the
(https://twtt.lleldknlg.cottr/product portfulio/ltLtrron/he&/-dutl-PoLy...)
upper layer ofthe soil, bringing fresh nutrients to
the surface, while burying weeds and the remains (iii)Chisel ploughs
of previous crops, allowing them to break down. Chisel ploughs consist of exceptionally long shanks.
These shanks turn the soil at a depth ofa foot or
It also aerates (airs) the soil, and allows it to hold
more. This is often necessary for land that has been
moisture b etter (ht tp s : / / w ww. holt ags. com / ty p es -
trsed for consistent crop production (httpsl/www.
of-farm- equipment- and-their -uses). There are a
h olt ags. c o m / typ e s - of-far m - e quip m e nt - an d- th eir - u s e s ).
variety ofdilferent plough t)?es and each plough
tl?e is suited to a specific soil rr7pe, soil condition ( b)Harrows
and crop t1pe. These are; mouldboard ploughs, Where ploughing primes (preparesi readies) the
discs ploughs and chisel ploughs. soi1, harrowing further agitates (stirsimixes) it in
preparation for agricultural work. This makes them
(i)Moutdboard plnughs different in their effect from the plough, which is
Mor,rldboard ploughs consist of wing-shaped used for deeper cultivation. These attachments break
blades, which are specifically designed to crlt into dorvn clumps of soi1, make the soil surface level and
redistribute crop-and weed residue to make it easier for or Grain
new plants to take root and grow. That is, they provide It is an implement that is used in sowing seeds for
a finer finish, a good soil structure that is suitable crops by positioning them in the soil and burying
for seeding and planting operations. Harrows can them to a specific depth. Its purpose is to sow the
also be used after distributing manure and fertilizer, seeds evenly over the entire surface. This allows
as they can help break up clumps and distribute the
plants to get sufficient sunlight, nutrients and
fertiiizer more evenly. There are nominally three tlpes water from the soil. A seeder needs a machine
of harrows: disk harrows, spike or roller harrows and that pulls it because it is not self-propelled. Row
drag harrows (httpsL / types-of-farm- spacing and the depth of sowing can be controlled.
equipment-and-their-uses). Harrows can be pulled
behind tractors depending on their size and complexity.

(i)Disc harrows
Disc harrows are the more modern version of spring
harrows and they consist of rows oflarge discs that
break up soil and weeds more thoroughly after

A rotary tiller, also known as a rototiller, (http / / n w w. in dian afi cofll/prc tld et oil / eed dr ill... )
s: . s -

rotavator, rotary hoe, power tiller, or rotary (c)Planters

plough is a motorised cultivator that works the Planters are the most accurate seeders, though they
soil by means of rotating tines or blades. Rotary also tend to be the most expensive. Planters consist of
tillers are either self propelled or drawn as an several blades and wheels topped with seedboxes that
attachment behind a tractor. contain the seeds to be planted. The planter works by
cuttirg into the ground, dropping individual seeds,
3, Planting Machines (Seeders) and then closing the ground behind them, all in
Seeders, as the name would suggest, are designed
quick succession.
to spread seeds across large plots of land quickly
and eficiently. Tractor-pulled seeders are most
commonly used in large-scale farmstoday (https:/ /
w ww.h olt ag s. com/ t yp es- of-far m - e quipm e nt - afi d -

(a)Broadcast Seeder
This is what is also called a broadcast spreader
or fertiiizer spreader. It is a tractor implement
commonly used for spreading seed, lime
or fertilizer. 0tttps://$r,a,.A,.johnrrisstles.cottt/planters/food pld"replnnt pltnte^/)

4. Harvesting Implements
{a)A control combine harvester
This is a harvester that combines the tasks of
harvesting, threshing, separating and cleaning
grain crops. The main objective is harvesting of
the crop which rnay be; corn [naize), soybeans,
flax (linseed), oats, or wheat. Larger amount of
crop can be harvested quickly and most efficiently
(nkp 2018). Tractor - drawn combines are also
(ht tps: / / w1' w. go ogle. cont / i n qr u?... ) called pull-type combines.

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