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Exploring Arithmetic Sequences and Their Sums

Main body:
Arithmetic sequences are an essential concept in mathematics, often encountered in various real-
life scenarios. In this article, we will delve into the world of arithmetic sequences and explore
their sums.

Let's start with the first requirement: finding the sum $S_5$ of an arithmetic sequence. An
arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the difference between consecutive terms
remains constant. Given that the first term is 10 and the last term is 100, we can determine the
common difference by subtracting the first term from the last term and dividing it by the number
of terms minus one. In this case, the common difference is $(100-10)/(5-1) = 90/4 = 22.5$.

To find the sum $S_5$, we can use the formula $S_n = (n/2)(a_1 + a_n)$, where $n$ represents
the number of terms, $a_1$ is the first term, and $a_n$ is the last term. Plugging in the values,
we have $S_5 = (5/2)(10 + 100) = 55(110) = 6050$.

Moving on to the second requirement: given the sum $S_8 = 120$ of an arithmetic sequence, we
need to find the sum of the integers from the first term to the eighth term. To do this, we can
rearrange the formula for the sum of an arithmetic sequence as $S_n = (n/2)(a_1 + a_n)$ and
solve for $a_n$. In this case, we have $120 = (8/2)(a_1 + a_8)$. Simplifying further, we get $60
= a_1 + a_8$.

Now, let's consider the third requirement: finding the sum of the integers from the first term to
the fourth term. Since we know the sum $S_8 = 120$, we can use the formula $S_n = (n/2)(a_1
+ a_n)$ to find the sum $S_4$. We have $120 = (8/2)(a_1 + a_4)$. Simplifying, we get $60 =
a_1 + a_4$.

Lastly, let's address the fourth requirement: finding the sum of odd integers from the first term to
the eighth term. In an arithmetic sequence, if the common difference is an even number, the sum
of odd integers will be half of the sum of all the terms. Therefore, we can divide the sum $S_8 =
120$ by 2 to find the sum of the odd integers.
In conclusion, arithmetic sequences play a crucial role in mathematics and have practical
applications in various fields. By understanding the formulas and concepts associated with
arithmetic sequences, we can solve problems related to finding the sum of terms or specific
subsets of terms. So, whether you're calculating the sum of an arithmetic sequence or exploring
its properties, arithmetic sequences offer a fascinating journey into the world of numbers.

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