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3Handling Customer-Defined Fields and Interfaces


If you are using new General Ledger Accounting and also using customer-defined fields, these fields are generated to the appropriate
compatibility views.

For customer fields in BSEG and the index tables, note the following for the creation of the views with the same names:
If a customer field exists in both the BSEG and in the indexes, it is automatically generated into the view with the same name. It is not
transferred into a view with the same name if the customer field only exists in the index. In this case the field must first be included in
the BSEG and filled using a customer program.

If you transferred data from your Z tables to new General Ledger Accounting during the migration to the Financial Accounting add-on
1.0, you have to delete the data of these Z tables before the migration to SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition. If you do not delete
the data, the data of the Z tables is migrated again and transferred to the new table structure. The values would then be duplicated.

If you have used interfaces to connect your system to external systems that make postings to General Ledger Accounting (in real time
or subsequently), check whether adjustments need to be made to the interfaces. For more information, see FI-GL (New), Transfer of
Totals and Single Documents in Distributed Systems [external document].

In SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503, ALE scenarios are only partially supported. An SAP Simple Finance, on-premise
edition 1503 system cannot serve as an ALE receiver for CO line items. The reason is that in Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503,
FI and CO line items use the same persistence table. Therefore, the CO line items cannot be posted alone without the FI line items they
belong to. SAP does not provide a check to determine if this scenario is used in the system. You have to check this manually. ALE
scenarios for the distribution of CO master data, such as cost centers, continue to be supported. Closing Activities

Unless directed otherwise, perform the following activities in your test system and production system, and document the results.

Lock the current and previous periods in Materials Management (program RMMMPERI)

Perform closing for periodic asset postings (with program RAPERB2000).

You perform this step if you are using Asset Accounting.

Execute the periodic depreciation posting run (with program RAPOST2000).

You perform this activity if you are using classic Asset Accounting, new Asset Accounting, or the SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0.

Check for update terminations in your system and correct any you find.

Make sure that all held documents have either been posted or deleted.

To post held documents, use transaction FB50, for example. In the menu for the transaction, choose EditSelect Held Document.

To delete held documents, you can use program RFTMPBLD.

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