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(Submitted in partial fulfillment of Summer Training Project for MBA course)


Under the guidance of Submitted by:

Submitted by: Gauri Devi
Mr. Arpit Saxena MBA 2nd year
(Assistant Professor) Roll No:



Embarking on an internship journey in the dynamic realm of Human Resources and Labour
Relations has been an enlightening and transformative experience. This internship report
serves as a comprehensive reflection on the invaluable insights gained, challenges faced,
and the substantial growth achieved during my tenure with Jaguar Group.

Human Resources and Labour Relations play a pivotal role in shaping the foundation of
any organization, acting as the driving force behind employee engagement,
organizational culture, and overall workplace dynamics. As I delved into the intricacies
of this field, I encountered a diverse range of responsibilities, from recruitment and
talent management to navigating the complexities of labour relations and fostering a
positive work environment.

This report is structured to provide a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of my

internship, shedding light on the various projects undertaken, the skills honed, and the
knowledge acquired. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical
experiences, it aims to articulate the significance of effective human resource
management and its direct impact on organizational success.

Throughout this internship, I had the privilege of working alongside seasoned

professionals who generously shared their expertise, offering guidance and mentorship
that significantly contributed to my professional development. The challenges faced
during the internship were instrumental in honing problem-solving skills and fostering
adaptability, proving that the world of Human Resources is both dynamic and

I extend my gratitude to the entire [Company/Organization] team for providing me with

this invaluable opportunity. The exposure gained has not only expanded my
understanding of HR practices but has also instilled a deep appreciation for the intricate
balance required to manage the human element within an organization.

As I present this internship report, I hope it serves as a testament to the transformative

power of experiential learning in the field of Human Resources and Labour Relations.
May it contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective HR practices and inspire future
professionals to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the workplace with confidence
and competence.


First and foremost, I would like to thank KANPUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOY

for giving me the platform to work with such a prestigious company in the HR sector. I
am thankful to my faculty guide and Ms. Sonali Verma for providing me help and
support throughout the Project Report period that helped, inspired and mentored me and
without their help this project report would not have taken its current shape. Under their
brilliant untiring guidance. I could complete the project being undertaken on the “HR
successfully in time. Their meticulous attention and invaluable suggestions have helped
me in simplifying the problem involved in the work. I would also like to thank the
overwhelming support of all the people who gave me an opportunity to learn and gain
knowledge about the various aspects of the industry.

I once again express my heartfelt in debt to all-aforesaid. Any omission or error in

acknowledgment is inadvertent. For such oversights and lapses, I tender unconditional

Roll No: 2201650700033



SELECTION PROCESS” is the result of the project work carried out by me under the
guidance of Assistant Prof. Mr. ARPIT SAXENA in partial fulfillment for the award
of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by DR. APJ ABDUL KALAM
I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or
Diploma or Certificate.

MBA 2nd year
Roll No: 2201650700033



SELECTION PROCESS at Jaguar Group Gurgaon, Haryana”. The organization has to
be more responsive to the changing scenario and latest trends in, recruitments and then
of selection process. Organizational capabilities need improvement through continuous
updating of latest technique, involving latest trends and methodologies used for
Recruitment and Selection of candidates, formulating recruitment policy and in
designing an effective HR Plan as any failure in HR Planning will be a limiting factor
in achieving the objectives of the organization. Objectives in the present day of stiff
challenge from competitive market, it is ongoing process which requires proper
identification of organizational manpower requirement and also ways of hiring the
efficient and right person at the right time. The scope of the project was to collect data
from the selected employees of company, analyse the significance of the data and the
The project starts with the general introduction to what Recruitment and Selection is all
about. Then comes the Company Profile. It consists of an introduction about the
organization. Here I have stated the history of the organization, its objectives, products and
capabilities of the organization. The project provides me excellent opportunity to correlate
my theoretical learning with the ground realities of the industry and the market.

To accomplish the above, around 50 employees were surveyed and interviewed. The
core purpose of the survey was to find out employee perspective towards the
Recruitment and Selection process in the organization. In conclusion, this project will
enable one to understand the concept of Recruitment and Selection process among the
employees and simultaneously it will help the employer in practicing them. This report
will also help to understand benefits and drawbacks of present process of the same.


S. No. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction 7-22
2. Project Overview 23-49
3. Literature Review 50-51
4. Research Methodology 52-60
5. Data Analysis & Interpretation 62-72

6. Finding, Bibliography & Questionnaire 73-74

7. Recommendation 75
8. Conclusion 76




The Jaguar group, established in 1960, is a bathroom and lightening company, offers faucets,
showers, shower enclosures, sanitary ware, flushing systems, wellness products, concealed
cisterns, water heaters, and varied lighting products.

It employees over 12,000 people including 2400 service technicians and has 7 manufacturing
units with 1 in South Korea spread over 3,30,000 sq.m. Currently it manufactures 39 million
bath fittings every year for nearly 2.9 million bathrooms every year, delivering 3.3 million
sanitary were pieces annually and 9.9 million lightings products yearly. The lighting plant in
India has capacity to produce 25 mm pcs annually. The company has 21 orientation centers in
India and 22 Jaguar world Stores globally at London, Milan, Singapore, Dubai, Kuala
Lampur and other locations.

Jaguar Group has global headquarters spread across 48,000 sq. meters in Manesar, Haryana,
India and presently operates in over 55 countries in Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Africa
and SAARC region.


To be a part of consumer's daily life by giving them best value for money through
well researched and ever evolving excellent products.


• Continuous Improvement
• Integrity
• Sustainability
• Consumer Centricity
• Thorough Planning and Execution


Jaguar Group is one of the fastest growing brands in market. Jaguar Currently it
manufactures 39 million bath fittings every year for nearly 2.9 million bathrooms every year,
delivering 3.3 million sanitary were pieces annually and 9.9 million lightings products
yearly. The lighting plant in India has capacity to produce 25 mm pcs annually.


My primary objective here is to study and observe the Recruitment and Selection Process
of Jaguar Group under the following heads: —
• To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process at Jaguar Group.
• To analyse the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment
and selection procedure of an organization.
• To study Labour relations at Jaguar Group.


 Bathroom Products : Faucets – Sanityware – Diverters & Shower Valves

 Lightings

Some of the images of the products are shown on Next page



Recruitment Policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and provides a framework of
implementation of the recruitment program in the form of procedures. Recruitment and
selection Policy of JAGUAR GROUP is such that:
 It focuses on recruiting the best potential people.
 It ensures that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and respect.
 It aids and encourage employees in realizing their full potential.
 It’s transparent, task oriented and Merit based selection.
 It gives weightage, during selection, to factors that suit organization needs.
 It Optimize manpower at the time of selection process.
 It defines the competent authority to approve each selection.
 It abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment relationship.
 It integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.


JAGUAR GROUP is India’s leading staffing company and provides a range of manpower
solutions. The workers who are deputed to various companies who prefer to outsource
their HR operations. The work for the company they are assigned to but are on the payroll
of the staffing.

• Recruit as per Client requirement and assign them to Client or Transfer candidate
identified by client on to Jaguar Group.
• Co-employment relationship between the Client, Associate and
• Manage HR Administration, Payroll and Regulatory activities.

Benefit for Client

As business these days grow on a confounding rate, outsourcing the basic functions
like recruiting becomes a common thing. The need for flexi staffing is on demand and
in such a scenario JAGUAR GROUPS renders these services to its clients.

A much defined process spans into four distinct stages,

• Initialization
• Transition
• Operations
• Relationship Management

Methods or Techniques of Recruitment

Direct Method

These include sending recruiters to educational and professional institutions, employees'

contacts with public and manned exhibits. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation
with the placement office of the college. The placement office usually provides help in
attracting students, an-angling interviews, furnishing space and providing student résumés.

For managerial, professional and sales personnel, campus recruiting is an extensive exercise.
For this purpose, carefully prepared brochures describing the organizing and the job it offers
are distributed among the students, before the interviewer arrives.

Indirect Method

These methods involve mostly advertising in newspapers, websites, radio, in trade and
professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Companies advertise when qualified
or experienced personnel are not available from other sources.

Third Party Method

These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies and
placement offices of colleges, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, friends
and relatives.

Professional Organizations:

These organizations maintain a pool of human resource for possible employment. These
firms are also called ‘head hunters’, ‘raider’ and pirates by organizations who lose personnel
thought their efforts. Fundamentally there are two distinct steps of recruitment and each is a
comprehensive process in itself.


Know your client

Learning about companies is valuable because knowing what a company values will help an
agent to assess the candidates better. Pertinent information about the processes of the
company would also help you analyze CVs and find the right candidate.
This can be done by reading the corporate website or calling the company for further
information or using your own network and find out the ‘work culture’.

This will help one to know about the history of the company, their core values, their
clients and processes, the benefits employees can enjoy and the career growth chart.
When one has knowledge about these vital parameters, it becomes easier to assess a
resume based on these parameters. Moreover, when one is equipped with such vital
information about the company and the job profile, it helps to motivate and mould the
suitable but reluctant candidates to attend the interview.

Analyse the Job Description (JD)

A job description is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and requirements of

a particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and not the work. It is a statement
describing the job in such terms as “Title, location, duties, working condition and
hazards”. An updated job description is essential for a good selection interview. It helps
one to explain the nature of work to the prospective candidate properly without any
over or under commitment. This also helps to put the candidate, the client company and
the agent on the same platform.

Prepare a Job Specification (JS)

It is a written record of the requirements sought in an individual worker for a given job.
In other words, it refers to a summary of the personal characteristics required for a job.
Once the agent knows what the job is, then he can decide what kind of person he/she
would need to do it. Sometimes the job specification is already prepared and given by

the client along with the job description. In such a case, the job of the agent becomes
easier. The job specification is for the benefit of the employees working in Denave. It
is ready reference to check on the requirements that one needs to keep in mind while
sourcing for the different clients. It makes the whole task easier and more convenient.


Sourcing: Sourcing is the most of all recruitment activities. It is also difficult being
monotonous in nature. A recruiter needs to be self-motivated to do the job.

The sourcing takes place in different levels and in all the verticals of the industry

The procedures involved are discussed below.

Even before sourcing is started, it is very important to have a clear understanding of

the requirement of the client company. The recruiter must have all knowledge about
the company he/she is about to source for. It makes sure that all the questions that a
candidate has regarding the profile or the credibility of the company are satisfactorily
answered. Sourcing is defined as the process wherein the recruiter creates a pool of
potential candidates to fill up a position. It is the first step of recruitment. Sourcing
involves logging on to a job-portal and doing a search for the potential candidates.
After the search is generated, the most critical part of sourcing starts. Mainly four
steps are involved in Sourcing. They are discussed below:

Analyze the Curriculum Vitae (CV):

Now is the time to scrutinize the candidate’s resume. It is human nature to generally omit the
negative points while creating a resume or to exaggerate the achievements. Though most of

the time people are truthful while forming their resumes, others can hide or not
mention things that can portrait a negative picture of them. A good CV is one which
is precise and presentable. It should contain all details of education and work
experience should be arranged in reversed chronological method so as to emphasize
on the most recent one. Analysing a CV helps in short- listing a candidate.

Match the JD and JS:

When a CV has been analysed and is considered as a good one, the next step is to
match it with the job description. It is necessary to match it with the profile given by
the company. Matching it with the JD gives an idea if the person will be able to serve
well in the position or not. Next it is important to match it with the job specification.
The JS gives the details of the desired skills and the mandatory skills. These are the
criteria for selection.

Shortlist the candidate:

Once the CV has been matched with the job description and matched with the job
specification, CV can be shortlisted.
Such a candidate is then called in for a face-to-face interview. There is an individual
interview of the recruiter and the candidate. In this interview the candidate answers the
questions the recruiter asks to be sure that the candidate would suit the profile of the job.

Handling the rejected candidates:

It is very important how a recruiter manages the rejected candidates. It is important

to make the candidate where his lacunas are and what can he do about it. In this way
not only the recruiter helps the candidate to correct itself but also helps in creating an
association with them which is so very vital in the service industry.


Interviews determine if a potential candidate will be a finalist and if he shall suit the
job. A lot of things get clear during an interview. Face to face talk with the candidate
ensures that the recruiter evaluates the candidate on terms of attitude, confidence and
communication. The gaps that seem in the resume are also questioned. The candidate
may have an explanation for it. On the other hand if he is lying, then he can be cross-
questioned about this. Some of the objectives of interview are:

• To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and characteristics as a

basic for sound selection and placement.

• To give an applicant essential fact about the job and the company you are recruiting for.

• To establish a rapport.

• To promote goodwill about the company whether interview culminates in employment
or not.
• To get a real feel of the candidate.
The nature of the job determines which of these interviews would suit best. All the
interviews are not conducted for all the job profiles. The complexity of the
interview depends on the complexity of the job.

The telephonic Interview

It is said that listening intently gives a good idea of what a person want to say and
what a person does not say. The sound, intonations, the varying pressures that a
prospective candidate uses while he/she speaks tells a lot about his/her attitude. This
in turn helps the recruiter to judge that if the candidate would be suitable for the job
or not. Unlike the face-to-face interview where the recruiter can read the non-verbal
languages, in a telephonic interview he has to even sharper. Listening to the words
used and their tone used gives immense messages about the candidate.

As a recruiter, one has to be completely prepared before taking a telephonic interview. The
following steps can be kept in mind while taking a telephonic interview:

1) You must keep the CV next to you and make notes while taking the interview.
2) Must prepare a set of questions that would match the JD.
3) To use a call script. This helps in being professional and saves time to in approaching
the right candidate.
4) Do not display any negative emotion during the interview. Not to over or under
commit anyone.

Devise interview questions:

Preparation in advance of an interview is essential if one is to make a successful hire.

Critical in the preparation process is the development of interview questions that elicit
tangible facts from all applicants. Basically, two rules are kept in mind when framing
the questions that will indicate whether or not an applicant meets the requirements
you established for the position:

RULE 1: Ask questions that concentrate on the applicant’s past performance – to permit
reliable assumptions about future success.

RULE 2: Ask questions that relate directly to at least one of your listed requirements to
maximize the information you will gain in the time allotted.

General Questions:

Tell me about yourself

What do you about the company?

What are your goals?

What are your strengths and weakness?

What has been your most significant contribution in your college/previous

Why should we hire you?

Specific Questions:

What was experience in previous company?

From how long you are working there


Human resources is the department or division of a business, corporation, or

organization that manages all aspects related to its personnel, including recruiting
employees, training and career development, overseeing compensation packages,
managing benefits plans, and other duties that serve to maximize a company's
business and its employees' satisfaction with their jobs. Simply, the function of the
human resources industry is to produce competent personnel and to keep employees

More than 700,000 people work inhuman resources and related fields today. As an
increasingly large portion of the U.S. economy has come to depend on service
industries—businesses in which the main product is not an item sold in a store but
rather is a set of actions performed for a client by the business's employees—the
growth of the human resources (HR) industry has increased proportionally.

Meeting these increased demands has resulted in the field of human resources
evolving from its early role whose primary responsibilities included hiring and
training workers, managing a company's payroll, and dealing with labour issues to
now being charged with a broader, more conceptual and strategic set of
responsibilities that may include setting up job classifications and employee benefits
systems or working with top management to develop plans to optimize use of
company employees. In large, multinational corporations, an international human
resources department is often created to meet the needs of U.S. citizens working in
foreign countries, as well as people from other countries working in the United States.

Human resources professionals are generally employed in one of two major areas: large or
medium-sized companies in any kind of industry; and personnel consulting firms that help
other companies find qualified employees, both on a permanent and temporary basis.
Any organization with many employees, whether a bank, oil company, or fast food
restaurant, needs personnel specialists. Employment agencies, executive placement
services, temporary help services, labour contractors, and registries for chauffeurs,
household workers, models, nurses, ship crews, and teachers also need HR

Human resources encompass a variety of jobs, including human resources generalists,

employment and placement managers, employer relations representatives, personnel
managers, industrial relations directors, job- development specialists, job analysts,
compensation managers, training instructors, benefits managers, employee health-
maintenance specialists, mediators, and employment, placement, and recruitment
specialists. Other occupations in HR include ergonomists, employment firm workers,
and career and employment counselor and technicians

Key HR Activities

• Managing and using people effectively

• Tying performance appraisal and compensation to competencies
• Developing competencies that enhance individual and
organizational performance
• Increasing the innovation, creativity, and flexibility necessary to
enhance competitiveness
• Managing the implementation and integration of technology through improved
staffing, training, and communication with employees


Human resources professionals are generally employed in one of two major arenas. In
the first, they work for large or medium-sized companies in any kind of industry. Any
organization with many employees, whether a bank, oil company, or fast food
restaurant, needs personnel specialists. The second major arena is in personnel
consulting firms that help other companies find qualified employees, both on a
permanent and temporary basis. Such companies provide a service to both employers

and those seeking employment. Employment agencies, executive placement services,
temporary help services, labour contractors, and registries for chauffeurs, household
workers, models, nurses, ship crews, and teachers are all examples of this type of
service firm. Many human resource managers earn a certificate in Professional
Human Resources Management.




Rigorous sourcing was undertaken to understand the recruitment process. Candidates

were interviewed and then potential candidates were shortlisted. During the tenure of
the project. I learnt to put the candidates under assessment tests and took the initial
rounds of interview. Job Portals used by me for the recruitment of candidates through

The whole process of recruitment from a recruitment firm like RSP is a very exhausting
one. It is detail oriented in nature. The reason why every employee gets motivated to do
the job is because of the knowledge that at that particular moment that particular recruiter
was responsible for giving job to these candidates. To generate employment is one thing
but to recruit the right kind of workforce for a job is another thing. It not only needs the
basic understanding of the client company’s need to fill the position in a period of time
but it also requires the recruiter to be sensitive of the needs of the candidate to find the
right job for himself. All this needs a great profundity of intellect.

During my tenure at RSPL LIMITED, I learnt to work as professional. The one thing
that got profoundly clear is that text books do not help in the actual corporate world.
There are unwritten policies and standard operating procedures that each employee
has to abide to. No matter what, profit maximization is the core purpose of the
existence of every business. Meeting targets on your level dedicatedly is your
contribution to the revenue generation of the company.

Functional area of HRM

• Human resource auditing

• Human resource strategic planning

• Human resource planning

• Manpower panning

• Recruitment / selection

• Induction

• Orientation

• Training

• Management development

• Compensation development

• Performance appraisals

• Performance management

• Career planning / development

• Coaching

• Counseling’s

• Staff amenities planning

• Event management

• Succession planning

• Talent management

• Safety management

• Staff communication

• Reward

Responsibility of HR department in large organization Position

Job Responsibilities

HR Executive committee, organization planning, HR planning & policy, Organization

development Manager, recruitment& employment Recruiting, Interviewing, Testing,
Placement & Termination Manager, compensation & benefits Job analysis and
evaluation, surveys, Performance appraisal, compensation administration, bonus,
Profit sharing plans, Employee benefits. Manager, Training &Development
Orientation, Training, Management development, Career Planning & development
Manager, Employee relations EEO relations, contract compliance, staff assistance
programs, Employee counseling.

Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting
that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient
workforce.” Edwin B Flippo- defined recruitment as “the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.” In
simple words recruitment can be defined as a ‘linking function’-joining together those
with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates.
Specifically, the purposes and needs are:

• Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with
its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.
• Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
• Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
• Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave
the organization only after a short period of time.
• Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
• Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.
• Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.
• Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.
• Search for talent globally and not just within the company.


The following are the 2 important factors affecting Recruitment: -


 Temporary and part-time employees

 Recruitment of local citizens

 Engagement of the company in HRP

 Company’s size

 Cost of recruitment

 Company’s growth and expansion


• Supply and Demand factors

• Unemployment Rate
• Labour-market conditions
• Political and legal considerations
• Social factors
• Economic factors
• Technological factors


Many employers perceive recruitment to be a challenge. However, the reality is that

by following the best-practice methods, you can maintain an enjoyable hiring
journey for both your candidates and your colleagues.

Here are the 7 stages of recruitment that will help you get the most out of
your campaigns:

Step 1: Planning – Identify the vacancy and its requirements

The first step of any recruitment journey is to identify the vacancy. This means
establishing exactly what role the new recruit must play to meet the needs of your
business. You should consider your desired results from the campaign, including
the number of applicants you would like to attract, based on your typical
interview/hire ratio, as well as the desired recruitment turnaround time.

You should also establish a defined marketing plan, assessing which aspects of your
employer brand to showcase in order to attract the best applicants. Preparation is
important, and choosing the right tools for the job before you begin makes all the
difference. By browsing recruitment software solutions, you can ensure a
streamlined approach to hiring from start to finish.

Step 2: Analysis – Who are you looking for?

Next, it is time to establish the qualities you are looking for in your ideal candidate.
This may include desired skills, level of education, and amount of experience. By
establishing what your ideal candidate looks like early on, you know which
applicants to engage later in the hiring process. This will help with narrowing down
your top picks for the role, saving valuable time and effort in subsequent stages.

At this stage, you should begin creating marketing material from compelling job
adverts to campaign-specific landing pages, and social media campaigns. This will
give candidates a taste of your employer brand, increasing the effectiveness of

your hiring campaigns.

Step 3: Searching – Candidate attraction

At this stage, the real search begins; you will implement the strategy you established
at the beginning of the process. This means applying any relevant technology,
kickstarting advertising campaigns, and showcasing defined aspects of your
employer brand to win over the best talent.

This is when you will post your job to your chosen advertising sites and/or publish
your marketing material such as social campaigns/careers websites. Your recruitment
software may also provide you with access to an agency portal so that you can
choose to inform your PSL of the role.

It is crucial to have the right tools at hand to track the success of your attraction
campaigns. By tracking the source of your hire you can manage your hiring budget
more effectively in the future and maximize the ROI of your recruitment campaigns.

With Talos ATS, you gain access to an intuitive recruitment advertising suite,
allowing you to build, post, and regularly review marketing campaigns for
engaging, cost-effective results.

Step 4: Screening – Select which applicants to engage

The screening stage is a crucial moment in recruitment. This means assessing the
suitability of your applicants in order to engage and pursue the strongest individuals.

For this stage to be successful, it is vital that you have the correct tools at hand. With
the intelligent applicant tracking system within the Talos hiring platform, you can
easily manage, screen, and engage candidates in an efficient, user-friendly manner.

In order to reduce admin in the screening process, it can be useful to implement

‘killer questions’ on your application forms. These may include years of experience,
education level, or availability in order to automatically filter out unsuitable

Step 5: Engagement – Interviewing, connecting, assessing

Once you have selected the top applicants, it is time to engage your candidates to
establish the best fit for the role. Contact is key at this stage; automating your
SMS/email outreach can help to keep candidates engaged and informed
throughout the process.

In the interview stage, it is important to plan your interview questions wisely in

order to establish the suitability of candidates for the job. If you are hiring remotely,
using video interviewing technology is a great way to interact and engage with your
candidates – allowing you to get the most out of your interview stage, in spite of
any situational challenges.

Step 6: Selection – Make a data-backed hiring decision

Once interviews have taken place, the review process must take place. This means
comparing the performance of each candidate at the interview stage, and
assessing which traits and skills are most desirable for the role in question.

Using multiple hiring managers and candidate scorecards can improve consistency in
the hiring process and also help to counteract unconscious bias. Make sure to discuss
both the perceived strengths and weaknesses of your candidates, and compare these
to the requirements of the role established earlier in the process.

Step 7: Onboarding – Welcome new talent to the team

Congratulations! You’ve made a positive hiring decision, and brought new talent to your
team. A strong onboarding strategy is crucial in order to secure the success of your new
recruits. This includes introducing your candidate to their responsibilities, working
environment, and colleagues – as well as carrying out any training necessary.

A positive onboarding experience has a huge impact on employee retention. The

more welcome you make new recruits feel within your company, the more likely
they are to prosper in their career, and stick with you for the long-run.




1. Objective theory

1) Assumes applicants use a very rational method for making decisions

2) Thus, the more information you can give them (EG-salaries, benefits, working condition,
etc), the better applicants weight these factors to arrive at a relative “desirability” index

2. Subjective theory

1) Assumes applicants are not rational, but respond to social or psychological needs (EG.
security, achievement, affiliation)
2) Thus, play to these needs by highlighting job security or opportunities for promotion or
collegiality of work group, etc.

3. Critical Contact theory

1) Assumes key attractor is quality of contact with the recruiter or recruiter behavior,
e.g. (promptness, warmth, follow-up calls, sincerity, etc.)
2) Research indicates that more recruiter contact enhances acceptance of offer, also
experienced recruiter (EG. middle-aged) more successful than young or inexperienced
recruiter - may be especially important when recruiting ethnic minorities, women, etc.


Recruitment policy of any organization is derived from the personnel policy of the
same organization. However, recruitment policy by itself should take into
consideration the government’s reservation policy, policy regarding sons of soil, etc.,
personnel policies of other organizations regarding merit, internal sources, social
responsibility in absorbing minority sections, women, etc.

Specific issues which may be addressed in Recruitment Policy:

1) Statement: Nondiscrimination (EEO employer) or particular protected class members

that may be sought for different positions (see also Affirmative Action guidelines)

2) Position description: Adherence to job description (& qualifications) in recruitment &

selection -BFOQ’s – Bona fide occupational qualifications

3) How to handle special personnel in recruitment/selection: e.g- relatives (nepotism)
veterans (any special advancement toward retirement for military experience?), rehires
(special consideration? vacation days or other prior benefits?), part-time or temporary
personnel (special consideration? benefits?)
4) Recruitment budget/expenses: what is covered? Travel, Lodging/meals, Staff travel to
recruit, relocation, expenses, etc.
5) Others:
a. Residency requirement in district?
b. Favors, special considerations related to recruitment? - Example- Get spouse a job?


Organisational inducements are all the positive features and benefits offered by an
organization that serves to attract job applicants to the organisation

Three inducements need specific mention here they are-

• Compensation: Starting salaries, frequency of pay increases, incentives and

fringe benefits can all serve as inducements to potential employees.

• Career Opportunities: These help the present employees to grow personally

and professionally and also attract good people to the organization. The
feeling that the company takes care of employee career aspirations serves as a
powerful inducements to potential employees.

• Image or Reputation: Factors that affect an organisation’s reputation include

its general treatment of employees, the nature and quality of its products and
services and its participation in worthwhile social endeavours.


• Poor image: If the image of the firm is perceived to be low (due to factors like
operation in the declining industry, poor quality products, nepotism etc), the
likelihood of attracting large number of qualified applicants is reduced.
• Unattractive jobs: if the job to be filled is not very attractive, most prospective
candidates may turn indifferent and may not even apply. This is especially
true of job that is boring, anxiety producing, devoid of career growth
opportunities and generally not reward performance in a proper way (Example
-Jobs in post office and railways).
• Government policy: Government policies often come in the way of recruitment as
per the rules of company or on the basis of merit and seniority. Policies like
reservations (scheduled castes, scheduled tribe etc) have to be observed.
• Conservative internal policies: Firms which go for internal recruitments or
where labor unions are very active, face hindrances in recruitments and
selection planning.

RECRUITMENT - Relationship with other activities


Recruitment practices vary from one organization to another. Some organizations like
commercial banks resort to centralized recruitment while some organizations like the
Indian Railway resort to decentralized recruitment practices. Personnel department at
the central office performs all the functions of recruitment in case of centralised
recruitment and personnel departments at unit level/zonal level perform all the
functions of recruitment concerning to the jobs of the respective unit or zone.


Internal Methods:
1. Promotions and Transfers

his is a method of filling vacancies from internal resources of the company to achieve
optimum utilization of a staff member's skills and talents. Transfer is the permanent
lateral movement of an employee from one position to another position in the same or
another job class assigned to usually same salary range. Promotion, on the other hand
is the permanent movement of a staff member from a position in one job class to a
position in another job class of increased responsibility or complexity of duties and in
a higher salary range.

Job Posting:

Job Posting is an arrangement in which a firm internally posts a list of open positions
(with their descriptions and requirements) so that the existing employees who wish to
move to different functional areas may apply. It is also known as Job bidding. It helps
the qualified employees working in the organization to scale new heights, instead of
looking for better perspectives outside. It also helps organization to retain its
experienced and promising employees.

Employee Referral:

It is a recruitment method in which the current employees are encouraged and

rewarded for introducing suitable recruits from among the people they know.
The logic behind employee referral is that “it takes one to know one”. Benefits of

this method are as follows: Quality Candidates
▪ Cost savings
▪ Faster recruitment cycles
▪ Incentives to current employees

On the other hand it is important for an organization to ensure that nepotism or favoritism
does not happen, and that such aspects do not make inroads into the recruitment process.

External Methods:

External methods of recruitment are again divided into two categories- Direct
External Recruitment and Indirect External Recruitment methods.


Campus Recruitment

In Campus Recruitment, Companies / Corporate visit some of the most important

Technical and Professional Institutes in an attempt to hire young intelligent and

smart students at source. It is common practice for Institutes today to hire a
Placement Officer who coordinates with small, medium and large sized
Companies and helps in streamlining the entire Campus Recruitment procedure.

Benefits of Campus Recruitment

Companies get the opportunity to choose from and select the best talent in a short span
of time.
1. Companies end up saving a lot of time and efforts that go in
advertising vacancies,
2. screening and eventually selecting applicants for employment
College students who are just passing out get the opportunity to present themselves to
some of the best companies within their industry of interest. Landing a job offer

while still in college and joining just after graduating is definitely what all
students dream of.
4. On the negative front, campus recruiting means hiring people with little or no work



Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in
many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should
include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job
description, how to apply-either by CV or application form, etc). Where a business chooses to
advertise will depend on the cost of advertising and the coverage needed i.e. how far away
people will consider applying for the job.

Third Party Methods

Walk-ins: Walk-ins is relatively inexpensive, and applicants may be filed and
processed whenever vacancies occur

. Walk-ins provide an excellent public relations opportunity because well-treated
applicants are likely to Sinform others. On the other hand, walk-ins show up
randomly, and there may be no match with available openings. This is particularly
true for jobs requiring specialized skills.

Public and private employment agencies: Public and private employment agencies
are established to match job openings with listings of job applicants. These agencies
also classify and screen applicants. Most agencies administer work-sample tests, such
as typing exams, to applicants.

E-Recruiting: There are many methods used for e-recruitment, some of the important
methods are as follows:

a. Job boards: These are the places where the employers post jobs and search for
candidates. One of the disadvantages is, it is generic in nature.

b. Employer websites: These sites can be of the company owned sites, or a site
developed by various employers.
c. Professional websites: These are for specific professions, skills and not general in

Gate Hiring and Contractors: The concept of gate hiring is to select people who
approach on their own for employment in the organization. This happens mostly in
the case of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Gate hiring is quite useful and
convenient method at the initial stage of the organization when large number of such
people may be required by the organization



Time-lapse data: They show the time lag between the dates of requisition for manpower
supply from a department to the actual date of filling the vacancies in that department. For
example, a company's past experience may indicate that the average number of days from
application to interview is 10, from inter

view to offer is 7, from offer to acceptance is 10 and from acceptance to report for work is
15. Therefore, if the company starts the recruitment and selection process now, it would
require 42 days before the new employee joins its ranks. Armed with this information, the
length of the time needed for alternative sources of recruitment can be ascertained - before
pinning hopes on a particular source that meets the recruitment objectives of the company.

Yield ratios: These ratios indicate the number of leads/ contacts needed to generate a given
number of hires at a point at time. For example, if a company needs 10 management trainees
in the next six months, it has to monitor past yield ratios in order to find out the number of
candidates to be contacted for this purpose. On the basis of past experience, to continue the
same example, the company finds that to hire 10 trainees, it has to extend 20 offers. If the
interview-to-offer ratio is 3:2, then 30 interviews must be conducted. If the invitees to
interview ratio is 4:3 then, as many as 40 candidates must be invited. Lastly, if contacts or
leads needed to identify suitable trainees to invite are in 5:1 ratio, then 200 contacts are made.

Surveys and studies: Surveys may also be conducted to find out the suitability of a particular
source for certain positions. For example, as pointed out previously, employee referral has
emerged as a popular way of hiring people in the Information Technology industry in recent
times in India. Correlation studies could also be carried out to find out the relationship
between different sources of recruitment and factors of success on the job. In addition to
these, data on employee turnover, grievances, and disciplinary action would also throw light
on the relative strengths of a particular source of recruitment for different organizational
positions. Before finally identifying the sources of recruitment, the human resource managers
must also look into the cost or hiring a candidate. The cost per hire can be found out by
dividing the recruitment cost by the number of candidates hired.


• Talent Acquisition

Retention of Employees
• Expensive
• Time Constraint
• Budget
• Managing Low attrition rate


• Talent Shortage
• Attrition rate
• Remoteness of job
• Reservations and government policies


• Recruitment for Fresher:

1. Written/aptitude
2. Group Discussion

3. Technical Interviews
4. HR Interviews
• Recruitment process for higher post:
1. Psychometric Test
2. Business Game
3. HR interviews

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all the applicants. It is the
process of matching qualifications of applicants with the job requirement.
The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education, work experience,
attitude, and creativity will not only increase the quality and stability of the workforce, it will
also play a large role in bringing management strategies and planning to fruition.

Features of selection
Selection is choosing the best out of the recruited persons.
It is a negative process
It reduces absenteeism and labor turnover
It helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity
It helps in building up of a stable workforce


• External environment

Supply and demand of specific skill

Unemployment rate

Legal and political considerations

Company’s Image
• Internal environment

Company’s policy


Cost of hiring


External Environment

Internal Environment

Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests

Employment Interview

Reference and Background


Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer Employment

Contract Evaluation

2.0 Recruitment and Selection Framework

2.1 Overview of Process

• Assess the need for the job and ensure there is adequate funding for it.

• Review the job description to ensure that it meets the present and future requirements.

• Review the person specification to ensure it meets the requirements of the job description.

• Design the selection process.

• Draft the advertisement and select the advertising media that how you will advertise.

• Short list using the person specification.

• Interview and test short-listed candidates are they perfect for the job profile.

• Validate references, qualifications and security clearances.

3.0 Recruitment and Selection Provisions

3.1 Review the Job and the Need for It
Managers need to consider the following issues:

• Is the job still necessary? What value does it add to the team and to the delivery of service?
• How will the post be founded? Positions outside of existing establishment require
the Director’s and Chief Executive’s approval of the company.

• Does the job description need updating? If so, the grade for the job and the person
specification may need to be re-evaluated. The HR Team is available to provide advice on
constructing both job descriptions and person specifications and advising on grading issues.

• Is this jobbing a politically restricted post or will the incumbent have unsupervised access
to children or vulnerable adults?

• What type of employment could be offered?

a) Full-time, part-time?

b) Is job-sharing an option?

c) Permanent or fixed term contract or agency?

d) Use of fixed term contracts is most appropriate for covering a particular task/project/item
of work or an interim appointment.

They should not normally be used to fill permanent posts. Agency staff may be used to
cover short term peaks in work or projects or interim vacancies, whilst a permanent position
is being advertised. Should total employment under any of these arrangements extend
beyond 12 months, the individual may have an entitlement to permanent employment rights,
including redundancy. Employment through an agency may count towards this 12 month
period. It is the responsibility of the Manager to ensure that the Authority to recruit form is
completed and sent to HR as soon as possible.

3.2 Design Selection Process
Managers need to design the selection process they will use, giving consideration to the
following points:

3.2.1 Panel Composition:

All interviews for permanent posts must be conducted by a panel. The Manager is responsible
for selecting interview panel members – being mindful of:

• The requirement that the panel consists of at least two people, and if possible, is mixed
in terms of race and gender. (No discrimination)

• The requirement that at least one panel member has received training on recruitment and
equal opportunities, normally limited to that provided by the organization. If not trained,
the matter should be referred to Human Resources.

• The requirement that each panel member be familiar with anti-discrimination legislation

• The willingness and ability of potential panel members to attend all interviews for the
duration of the recruitment process, to maintain consistency and to ensure fair treatment of
all candidates. Panel members must be satisfied that their relationship with any candidate:

a) Will not improperly influence their decision

b) Will not give rise to suspicion about their motives

3.2.2 Selection Tests:

Where selection tests are a valid method of assessing a candidate (i.e. effectively measures the
job criteria, is relevant, reliable, fair and unbiased – also considering the predictive capacities
of tests), they are an extremely useful tool and are recommended for use

. Managers should seek advice from HR on the use of such tests. All psychometric tests used
in selection must be developed, administered and interpreted by accredited people.

3.2.3 Interview Questions:

Human resource department hold the interview guides that contain competency
based interview questions. Managers need to ensure they contact human resources
prior to interview to obtain copies of these guides.

3.3. Advertising
Reaching any target market can be extremely difficult. Through niche websites like RD, you can
guarantee that the people using the service haven interest in your field. As more and more
people turn to online means for their information and service needs, an active web presence is

vital for any organization, large or small. Utilizing all the benefits of online advertising and
adding the cloud already held by Australia's leading industry news provider, Specialist
News, ads placed with RD are a great way to generate interest in new products and services,
or to improve awareness of your brand.

3.3.1 Advertising the vacancy:

All vacancies at all levels must be advertised - there will be no “word of mouth” recruitment
as this can lead to indirect discrimination.

No vacancy can be advertised until the request to fill procedure has been completed, and
upto-date job description, person specification and outline have been sent electronically to the
Recruitment Office. These will ensure that: We do not break our own operational policies-

•Candidates receive the best possible information;

•We are properly prepared to respond to candidates’ enquiries;

•We are properly prepared to carry out the best interviews; possible and thus

•Make the correct decisions;

Jobs are the medium for externally advertised vacancies in the first instance. Internal
vacancies will be advertised in the Vacancy Bulletin produced by the Recruitment
Office. External vacancies will be advertised in the Vacancy Bulletin and Jobs.

The recruiting manager should indicate the preferred advertising medium on the request to
fill form in the event that no appointment has been made from advertising in the Vacancy
bulletin and jobs

. If the recruiting manager wishes to advertise in more than 1 journal, he/she will agree to
fund50% of the costs from the Directorate budget.

The HR department routinely monitors the cost and response rate of advertisements and, as a
result, will give advice on the choice of publications to ensure more cost-effective
advertising. For some posts it is not necessary to pay for expensive advertising space, when
job centre or internal bulletin can provide suitable candidates at no cost. Care will be taken to
ensure that both the wording and placement of advertisements encourage a wide cross-
section of the population to apply. All vacancies will be listed in the weekly Vacancy
Bulletin produced by the recruitment team and circulated throughout the Trust and to specific

The aim of the advertisement is to attract suitable candidates only, at the least cost.
The information it should contain is taken largely from the job description and the
person specification, as set out below:

•Job title

•Grade and/or salary as appropriate

•Brief description of the post

•Essential requirements, such as shift work or

travel •Any positive features such as training


•A contact person/telephone number for further information about the

job •Encourage informal visits, where applicable



Most employers recognized the fact that staff are their greatest asset, and the right recruitment
and induction processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes effective in the
shortest time. The success of an organisation depends on having the right no. of staff, with the
right skills and abilities. Organisations may have dedicated personnel/human resource function
over seeing this process or they may devolve these responsibilities to line manager and
supervisor. Many people may be involved and all should be aware of the principles of good
practice. Even it is essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and selection.

Ms. Ambika Verma (2009) in their survey research on the use technologies in recruiting,
screening and selection process for job candidates conducted in dimension group found
that most organisation implemented technology based on recruitment and selection tools to
improve efficiency, reduce cost and expand the applicant pool.

The meta-analysis of the research conducted by chapman, uggersler, Carroll, paisentin

and Jones (2005) concluded that timely response from HR managers was linked to greater
applicant attraction to a job within an organization.

According to Robins, in his study revealed that, “the ideal recruitment effort will attract a
large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered. So recruiting is
a process of discovering the potential candidates for actual organizational vacancies”.

Robert (2005), in his study titled, “Strategic HR Review,2004,” states that successful
recruitment and selection can improve organization performance.

50Bowen, et al (1991), in his study examined, “that integrated recruitment and selection
process helps recruiters to choose the candidates to fit the characteristics of an organization

Beard well, et al (2003), in his study examined that, “selection is carried out by
organization as a means of candidate’s potential and actual performance and the intake of
employees will make the most appropriate contribution to organisation-now and in future.”



The primary objective is to study, understand and analyse aspects related to various HR
Procedures of Recruitment and Selection at RSPL LIMITED, Kanpur.


To study the existing policy of RSPL LIMITED regarding Recruitment and Selection

To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the existing recruitment and
selection process.

To identify the internal and external sources of recruitment and selection.


The study will be conducted to achieve the aforesaid objectives including both exploratory
and descriptive in nature and involve personal interviews that will be based on the
questionnaire format. A Research Methodology defines the purpose of the research, how it
proceeds, how to measure progress and what constitute success with respect to the objectives
determined for carrying out the research study. There is a unique methodology that Denave
adopts to render the service.

The research methodology for the present study has been adopted to reflect these realties and
help reach the logical conclusion in an objective and scientific manner.


A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to structure or solve the problem
It is the overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stimulates what information is
to be collected from which source and by what procedure. On the basis of major purpose of

our investigation the EXPLORATORY RESEARCH was found to be most suitable. This kind
of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies
the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of


It is a scientific study that seek to solve various practical problems in the day to day life. It
find answers or solutions to everyday problems, cure illness, develop innovative technologies

For example-

1. Improve agricultural crop production

2. Treat or cure specific disease
3. Improve energy efficiency of homes, offices, modes of transportation


It is called as Fundamental or Pure research. It Expands the person's knowledge. This type
of research is not going to create or invent anything new. Instead, it is based on Basic
science investigation.

For example-

1. How did universe begin?

2. What are protons?


The relationship among 2 or more variables without necessarily determining the cause
and effect is known as correlational research.

For example-

1. Correlation between obesity and diabetes mellitus
2. Correlation between smoking and cancer


1. It is easy to collect much information from many subjects at single time.

2. Wide range of variables and their interrelations.
3. Study variables are not easily produced in the laboratory.


1. Does not indicate causation (cause and effect)

2. Problems with self reporting method.


This type of research provides accurate portrayal of characteristics of a particular

individual, situation or group. Also known as statistical research. It deals with everything
that can be counted and studied which have an impact on the lives of people.


1. Less expensive, time consuming

2. Collect a large amount of notes for detailed studying.


1. Require more skills

2. Does not identify cause behind the research.


This type of research involves investigation of a culture through an in-depth study of

members of culture. It involves systematic collection, description, analysis of data for
development of theories of cultural behavior. There are anthropological studies that
studies people, ethnic group, ethnic formations and social welfare characteristics. It is
done on the basis of observations, interviews, questionnaire and data collection.


This study involves objective, systematic, controlled investigation for purpose of

predicting and controlling the phenomena. It also includes examining the probability and
causality among variables.


1. Best in establishing the cause and effect

relationships Disadvantages-

1. Artificiality
2. Feasibility
3. Unethical


There will be two variables- Dependent and Independent


This type of research will be conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It
helps to determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of
subjects. It is quite informal relying on the secondary research.

For Example-

Online marketing and exploring through different sites


It studies about the problems existing in a given social environment and how people
involved handles them. It operates almost in a reverse fashion from traditional research and
involves 4 stages- Codes, Concepts, Categories and Theory

For Example-

Creating a situation and looking at how people react to it


Research involving analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past.

Application- Understanding this can add perspective on how we can examine the
current situation.


It aim to describe an experience that has been actually lived by a person.

For example-

A person suffering from cancer, quality of life of the patient at that point of time.


Involving numbers and quantifying the results mathematically in numbers.


Difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically such as beliefs, meaning

s, attributes and symbols. It aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior.


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been identified and the
research design has been chalked out. While deciding the method of data collection to be
used for the study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data: a. Primary data
b. Secondary data

In this research project the data being collected is as follows:

Primary Data: The survey method is used to collect the primary data in this research as it is
the Analytical research to find out the shortcomings and area of improvements according to
the skill required for recruitment team. The data that is collected first hand by someone
specifically for the purpose of facilitating the study is known as primary data so in this
research the data is collected from respondents through QUESTIONNAIRE.

Primary source of data:

(i). Personal interview

(ii). Questionnaire technique.

QUESTIONNAIRE - Survey among the officials and employees of MONARCH.

PERSONAL INTERVIEWS with the company representatives regarding recruitment and
selection practices in organization.

Secondary Data:

The secondary data is also used in a lesser proportion to find out the name and designation of
the employer who are working with this organization and the company profile. Secondary
data refer to information gathered by someone other than the researcher conducting the
current study. Such data can be internal or external to the organization and accessed through
the Internet or perusal of recorded or published information.

Secondary sources of data provide a lot of information for research and problem solving.
Such data are as we have seen mostly qualitative in nature.

Secondary source of data:

(i). Company brochure.

(ii). Internet.

(iii). Websites

(iv). Organizational Reports & Records.

(v). Business magazines

(vi). Journals etc



Simple sampling is a sampling process that utilizes some form of random selection. In
probability sampling, each unit is drawn with known probability, or has a nonzero chance of
being selected in the sample. Such samples are usually selected with the help of random
numbers. With probability sampling, a measure of sampling variation can be obtained
objectively from the sample itself.

Simple Random sampling has been adopted for this research. Under which we have
considered the sampling which has been done for a specific designated population, because
here a small cluster of professionals has been considered out of the total universe which has
been divided in small group like recruitment team & employee.


Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from universe to constitute a
sample. The sample size should be optimum as 80


The sample area refers to the universe to be studied under our research project. The area
denotes the place or the region to be studied and taken into research consideration. Thus, the
sample area chosen for this research project is RSPL Ltd.




Q1) Is there a well-defined Recruitment Policy in your organization?

S.No. Options No. %

1. Strongly agree 20 50

2. Moderately agree 10 25

3. Strongly disagree 5 12.5

4. Moderately disagree 3 7.5

5. Can’t say 2 5



Strongly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Can't say

An organization must have a well-defined recruitment policy corresponding to the company
and vacancy requirements. Existing employees can give a fair feedback on the suitability of

the policy. Responding to it 30 out of 40 employees (75%) told that there is a sound
recruitment policy in organization that can be evaluated by comparing skills and knowledge
of new recruits and existing employees. 8 out of 40 employees (20%) feel that the
organization’s recruitment policy is not properly defined. And rest 2 could not say about the
recruitment policy. Majority of employees felt that policy was well defined which is a great
morale victory on the part of management; still there are chances of its improvement as
20% employees have negative opinion about the policy.

Q2) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority? Options No. %

1. Job Posting 10 25

2. Employee Referrals 10 25

3. Internal Promotions 20 50

4. Transfer - -

Job Posting 25

Employee Referrals

Internal Promotion

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Options No. %

1. Campus Interview - -

2. Advertisement 3 7.5

3. Online Job Portals 2 5

4. Walk-in Interview 35 87.5

5. Agencies/ Consultancies - -

6. Employment Exchanges - -


Internal Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are currently employed.
Responding to above asked question, 50% employees tell that company prefers internal
promotion as internal source of recruitments. 25% employees tell that Employee referrals are
given due priority and rest 25% say that Job posting is preferred. Majority of employees
actually thinks that internal promotion is given priority and followed by company as internal
source of recruitment.

Q3) Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more priority?

Agencies/ Consultancies 0

Walk-in Interview 87.5

Online Job Portals 5

Advertisement 7.5

Campus Interview 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


External Sources of recruitment lie inside the organization.35 out of 40 employees (87.5%)
feel that company prefer online Job Portals for hiring from outside. 5% employees (appx.)
think that company prefers Advertisement as external source of recruitment. 7.5 say that
Campus Interviews and Consultancies hiring from outside did not prefer by the Organization.
Analysis shows that more than 87% employees tell that preferred External Source of Hiring
and finds these recruiting cheaper, faster and potentially more effective.

Q4) which source of recruitment is replied upon when immediate requirement arises? Options No. %

1. Internal 4 10

2. External 36 90

90 %

10 %

Internal External


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes
from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources.

Responding to recruitment source question, almost all the employees tell that External
sources are relied upon when there is any immediate manpower requirement in company.

Analysis clearly represents that 36 out of 40 employees (90%) show that External sources are
prefer for immediate opening in organization but my study suggests that internal hiring would

be better option for immediate opening in organization in which company can have
sufficient knowledge about the internal candidate and it is less costly

S.No. Options No. %

1. Patterned 20 50

2. Stress 5 12.5

3. Depth 10 25

4. Others 5 12.5

Q5) what type of interview is taken while selection? Options No. %

1. Agree 20 50

2. Disagree 5 12.5

3. Moderately 10 25

4. No opinion 5 12.5

Sn. Options No. %

1. Direct Walk In 15 37.5

2. Existing Database 5 12.5

3. Reference 10 25

4. Internal Movement 5 12.5

5. Others 5 12.5


100 Stress
70 50 Depth
50 25 Others
12.5 12.5
Patterned Stress Depth



The PATTERNED INTERVIEW format has a structure to it. There is a set of pre-determined
questions that will be asked from each candidate for a position. The STRESS INTERVIEW is
the interview in which the interviewers try to 'discomfort' the candidates in various ways and
observe how they react to various difficult situations. An IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW is a
qualitative research technique that allows person to person discussion.
It can lead to increased insight into people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour on important
issues. This type of interview is often unstructured.

Responding to the type of interview 20 out of 40 employees think that patterned interviews
are generally taken. 25% employees have the opinion that depth interviews are often used.
Rest believes that stress or any other type of interview is being taken.

Q6) the recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal




30 %

12.5 12.5

Agree Disagree Moderately No opinion


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes. In
this research most employees responded positively to this question. They feel that the
company follows different recruitment process for different positions.

Analysis clearly represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show that maximum
employees are agree with this process whereas 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not like the
current recruitment process whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.



25 25


Yes No Can’t Say

Q7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?


The basic focus of every organization is to satisfy the employees with its own compensation
plan. In this research most employees responded positively that they are satisfied with their

salary. They feel that the company has good compensation plan for their employees.

Analysis clearly represents that 20 out of 40 employees (50%) show that maximum
employees are satisfied with their Salary 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not like their
current salary whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.

Q8) what were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client?

Others 12.5

Internal Movement 12.5

Reference 25

Existing Database 12.5

Direct Walk In 37.5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Every organization follows various sources of recruitment to acquire a good talent for their
organization. In this research I could find the various degrees of various sources of recruitment.

Analysis clearly represents that 15 out of 40 employees (37.5%) show that recruitment is done
through Direct Walk Ins, 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%) show that recruitment is done through
Existing Database, 10 out of 40 employees (25%) show that recruitment is done through
Employee Referrals and 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%) show that recruitment is done through
Internal Movement whereas 5 employees show that recruitment is done through other sources.

Q9) How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your company?

Sn. Options No. %

1. Satisfactory 25 62.5

2. Unsatisfactory 10 25

3. Can’t Say 5 12.5

Can’t Say 12.5

Unsatisfactory 25

Satisfactory 62.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes. In
this research most employees responded positively to this question. They feel that the
company follows a good recruitment and selection procedure.

Analysis clearly represents that25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) shows that maximum
employees are satisfied with this procedure whereas 10 out of 40 employees (25%) are not
satisfied with the current recruitment and selection procedure and 12.5% were unable to

Q10) Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?
70 62.5
30 25 %
Yes No Can’t Say


Every organization tries to enable their employees for their offered job position along with a
good compensation plan for which the organization provides Training. In this research most
employees agreed positively that they are provided training sessions apart from the domain
training. They feel that the company has good Training programs for their employees.

Analysis clearly represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show that maximum
employees are satisfied with the training program offered to them. 10 out of 40 employees
(25%) did not agree on the training programs offered to them whereas 12.5% were unable to



• There are 71 employees said that job description is being discussed and 9 said no.

• 78 Employees said that yes job location is discussed before and at the time of interview.

• Most of the employees said that it is checked i.e. 72 out of 80 employees said Yes and some i.e.

8 out of employees said No.

• There are 63 employees said that yes it is done by the previous organization 35 of them said no

and 3 of them said occasionally.

• There are 95% that is 76 employees said that salary negotiation is done and only 5% i.e.

4 employees said that No it is not done.

• 71 employees said that manpower number is fixed and rest of them said no it is not fixed.

• 65 employees said yes job description for each role is finalized. And rest of them said no.

• 56 out of 80 Employees said internal job posting and procedure is helping to hire quality applicants.

And 15 employees said that external hiring is there. 9 of them initial reference.

• 84% i.e. 72 number of employees said that they are agree And 16% i.e. 8 number of

employees said that they are not.


Every company looks for an employee, who can work effectively. They are in
search of a person who has the maximum skills required for the job. After selecting
the right person, the company’s main aim is to place that person at the right job.
The main strength of any companyis its employees. Effective workers are the best
route to success. For this reason, company strives to attract and hire the best, and to
provide the best place to work.
Some of the biggest and most constant challenges that plague organization is
people related because they don’t place more emphasis on getting the recruitment
process right. If they get the right person in the right job at the right time, bottom-
line and many other business benefits are immediate, tangible and significant. If
they get the wrong person in the wrong job, then productivity, culture and retention
rates can all take a hit in a big way.

JAQUAR has competent and committed workforce, still there are scope for more
improvements. To ensure that company recruits the right people, it has to identify
essential skills and behaviours that applicants should demonstrate. For each
position there should be a job description outlining typical duties and
responsibilities and a person specification definingpersonal skills and competences.
The emphasis should be on matching the needs of the company to the needs of the
applicants. This would minimize employee turnover and enhancesatisfaction.

It is important for the company to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in
place, which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the
selection of the right candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable
recruitment policy is the first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and
concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound recruitment process.

Management should structure and systematically organize the entire recruitment

processes. It should Offer tolls and supports to enhance productivity, solutions and
optimizing the recruitment processes to ensure improved ROI. The Recruitment
Management System (RMS)should be such that it helps to save the time and costs
of the HR recruiters in company and improving the recruitment processes.


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