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Front Cover by Mike Cressy May/June 2024

Volume 31 Number 5
Stacey Lane Smith, Editor
Hayley Kim, Assistant Editor
2 Wormy Rivalry by Scott Soeder Julie Peterson, Copyeditor
Suzanne Beck, Senior Art Director
4 Doodlebug & Dandelion by Pamela Dell Shavan Spears, Designer
Michael Chesworth, Artist, SPIDER bugs
9 Birdseed by Jody S. Thomas Adrienne Matzen, Permissions Specialist
Laura Woodside, SVP Education Products
10 Coyote and Bear Plant a Garden Barb Clendenen, Director of Circulation and Fulfillment

by Kathryn C. Tierney Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following publishers and copyright
owners for permission to reprint selections from their publications. All possible care
15 How to Grow a Three Sisters Garden has been taken to trace ownership and secure permission for each selection: Cover
art © 2015 by Mike Cressy; “Wormy Rivalry” text and art © 2017 by Scott Soeder;
“Birdseed” art © 2006 by Tricia Tusa; “Coyote and Bear Plant a Garden” text © 2016

by Susan Lee by Kathryn C. Tierney, art © 2016 by Cindy Revell; “How to Grow a Three Sisters
Garden” text © 2004 by Susan Lee, art © 2004 by Marion Eldridge; “Broccoli” art
© 2014 by Amanda Shepherd; “Picaría” art © 2004 by Carol Brozman; “Market

18 Planet Pumpkin by Kell Andrews Mayhem” text and art © 2003 by Aaron Boyd.

Photo acknowledgments: 10-14 (BG) eestock/; 11, 12 (spots)

WinWin artlab/; 18-22 (BG) Attitude/; 24
23 Broccoli by Lori Walsh (BG) Lenka_X/; 24 (T) Nataly Studio/; 24
(LT) wasanajai/; 24 (LT) WIN12_ET/; 24 (CT)
Evannovostro/; 24 (CT) fotohunter/; 24 (RT)
24 Sow and Grow by Stacey Lane mikeledray/; 24 (RT) Potapov Alexander/; 24
(LC) Linda Harms/; 24 (CC) kadetfoto/; 24 (RC)
vara yaiklang/; 24 (LB) Mustafa reza/; 24 (CB)
25 Shi’s Special Seed by Christie Chu teddiviscious/; 24 (RB) Yakov Oskanov/; 25-31
(BG) Daboost35/; 35 (BG) Kostenko Maxim/;
35 (TC) Texturis/; 35 (spot) Gluiki/; 35 (frame)
31 Bug Adventure by Michael Chesworth lena_nikolaeva/; 35 (CC) Vector Tradition/; 35
(RC) ONYXprj/

32 Spider’s Corner and Spider’s Mailbox SPIDER magazine (ISSN 1070-2911) is published 9 times a year, monthly except
for combined May/June, July/August, and November/December issues, by Cricket
Media, Inc., 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102. Periodicals

34 Ophelia’s Last Word: Corny Comfort Food postage paid at McLean, VA, and at additional mailing offices. For address changes,
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35 Buggy Bulletin Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895, or call 1-800-821-0115. POSTMASTER: Please
send address changes to SPIDER, P.O. Box 6395, Harlan, IA 51593-1895.

May/June 2024, Volume 31, Number 5 © 2024, Cricket Media. All rights reserved,
including right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form. Send correspondence
to For submission information and guidelines, see
The Fun Zone: Picaría We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or other
material. All letters and contest entries accompanied by parent or guardian signatures
are assumed to be for publication and become the property of Cricket Media. For
by Carol Brozman information regarding our privacy policy and compliance with the Children’s Online
Privacy Protection Act, please visit our website at or write to us at
CMG COPPA, 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McLean, VA 22102.
Mind-Buggler: Market Mayhem 1st printing Quad Sussex, Wisconsin April 2024
by Aaron Boyd Printed in the United States of America.

From time to time, SPIDER mails to its subscribers advertisements for other SPIDER
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Spider and the Gang by Michael Chesworth at the Harlan, IA address.

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All hail his royal majesty, or visit

King Bombus the Big! 

May his buzz buzz International Reading


Educational Press Paul A. Witty

on forever! Association of America

Golden Lamp Award
Distinguished Achievement Award
Short Story Award 2008
Doodlebug & Dandelion
Strange Seeds
by Pamela Dell Art by Dom Mansell

“STEP RIGHT UP and get ’em while they’re sprouting!”

a man in a straw hat shouted. He stood in a booth full of
plants beneath a sign that read Seedpod Sam’s. In smaller
letters were the words Seedlings to perk up your garden and
spark your wild mind.
Dandelion Pinkley, her mom, and Dandelion’s best
friend, Tomiko Tanji, were browsing the farmers’ market.
Dandelion and Tomiko had hopes of growing a garden
of veggies they’d never eaten before, so Seedpod Sam’s
seedlings looked promising.
Sam tipped his hat to them as they approached. When
the girls explained what they were looking for, Sam’s eyes
Don’t get up, everybuggy! twinkled with mischief. He brought out a wooden box
No applause, please. Yep.
May he But isn’t Bombus Queen Beetrix
Well, if it isn’t old just a drone?
Bombus, king of the The king is in wallow in runs the hive.
bees, and his royal the house. sweet honey
bee mites. all his days!

from under the counter. “Here’s just They patted soil around each plant.
the thing,” he said, sliding the box Then, following the instructions,
toward the girls. “These plants make they watered their plants with warm
a slow start, but once they get growing, lemon water and sprinkled coffee
they’ll give you a whole new view of grounds around them. Finally, they
the veggie kingdom!” labeled them with the names Sam
Inside the box was a layer of rich- had given: Emerald Energy Spree,
smelling soil and three rows of small Red Rascal, and Spotted Mayhem.
newly sprouted plants. The plants
in the first row were bright green.
Those in the second row looked
slightly reddish. The third-row plants
were speckled, with tiny pointed
The girls bought one of each. As
he handed over the seedlings, Sam
gave them a big wink. “They need
special tending, but you’ll find they’re
worth it.”
Dandelion and Tomiko laughed
as they accepted Sam’s very long list
of instructions. How hard could it be
to take care of a few plants?
Back at Dandelion’s, the girls got
to work. They picked out a sunny
spot in the backyard and dug small
holes for the seedlings’ root balls.
Ye all are pleased to help One ton of flowers with root balls – clumps of
EXCUSE US! But us plant a magnificent roots and soil stuck together under plants’ stems.
here for a
KING BOMBUS royal flower garden. King Bombus.
To please Where do ya
has a royal want ’em?
request! the queen . . .
upon her
birthday. 5
couldn’t help laughing a little.
With less enthusiasm, Tomiko
called out the second part. “Burst
on the world with sudden surprise.”
Both were giggling furiously when
Dandelion’s brother, Doodlebug, and
his good buddy Bog came tromping
into the backyard.
“What’s so funny?” Doodlebug
Dandelion ignored the question.
“Wait till you see the veggies we’re
growing. We were told there’s noth-
ing like them!”
Doodlebug scoffed.
Bog said, “Veggies are all the
“Just wait and see,” Tomiko chal-
lenged, even though neither she nor
Dandelion knew what to expect and
Tomiko didn’t expect much.
“I bid you grow big and wild!” The days passed slowly, and the kids
Dandelion declared loudly, out- grew impatient. For weeks, the plants,
stretching her arms and wiggling although healthy, barely changed at
her fingers over the baby plants as if all. Then overnight, they unexpectedly
casting a spell. This was part of Sam’s burst into action. The Emerald Energy
special instructions, but Dandelion Spree’s brilliant green leaves grew larger
But you must help me, old chap!
No! That’s our Please! We can’t go it alone.
That empty ball field!
place will do. There is little time. And we are
but small, weak parasites.

than dinner plates, shading everything at the Spotted Mayhem. “That thing’s
that needed sun. The Red Rascal perfect for climbing.”
stretched halfway across the lawn, “Let’s go!” Doodlebug hollered.
its tendrils wrapping around anyone’s Before Dandelion could consider
ankle the minute they stepped close. the idea, the Red Rascal coiled
And the towering Spotted Mayhem’s around Tomiko’s shins, and she
thick, notched stem shot up higher plopped to the ground, wailing. “I
than the world’s tallest sunflower. think it’s time we follow Sam’s
Each plant had suddenly sprouted final instructions!” she cried. “I
its own odd-looking vegetables, too. just never believed him—until
“Wow!” Bog exclaimed, looking now!”

Oh, pshaw. It’ll be easy No kidding! Look at these tendrils –

and fun! These flowers thin, leafless stems of climbing You’re all ready
¡Mira! Starting are already growing. plants that wind around things. to bloom, aren't Let’s plant
a garden is a you, big guys? some plants!
lot of work.

Dandelion pulled a sealed envelope from her pocket.
On the outside, it read If things grow dire, open and take
these steps. Tomiko broke free from the Red Rascal and
stood up as Dandelion opened the note. Together, Dandelion
and Tomiko read it aloud:

g o o d to eat.
’r e
s —they .
a l l t h ev e g g i e
h e r e a ch seed
Pluck gat
e m and d!
b t h e M a y h
e l i c i o u s indee
Clim ,d
i v e y o u treats u n d ball.
’ l l g i g r o
They Make a
b .
e R a s c a l .
l o n g a fter fall
Coil th p l a y t h ing til l
a g i c a l shade.
a great r some
It’ll be e e l ea v e s f o
e a t invades
the S p r he h
Weave o w s y when t
n e v e r feel d r
m , d a r k spot.
You’ll o t s in a w
y o u’ve go
ll th e r o w h a t
Store a t a n d behold i t or not!
e p l a n l i e v e
ar, r be
Next ye ne w d e l i ghts—
o m e s trange

The kids stood speechless, imagining next year’s crop

being even weirder and more fun. None of them could
You must help me, Spider! wait to see what next spring might bring. But first things
I fear my situation is dire –
horrible and needing first—a climb up the Spotted Mayhem was a must!
attention right away. The king has forgotten the queen’s OK! We’ll help!
birthday three years in a row. Just stop blowing
How dire? May his majestic that trumpet!
memory improve.

by Jody S. Thomas
Art by Tricia Tusa
I have a bird growing
Here in this pot.
I see it gets sunshine
And water it a lot.

We did this last summer

With tomatoes and beans;
We planted the seeds
And watched for the greens.

At first the stalks

Were just green and bare,
But by late August,
The veggies were there.

Mom thinks I’m silly,

But I know it’s so—
If you plant a birdseed,
A bird’s what you’ll grow!

Coyote and Bear Plant a Garden
Based on an Isleta Pueblo Folk Tale

O NE DAY, COYOTE was walking in the forest when

he found an open field. He thought, This would make a
good place to plant a garden and grow food for my family.
But Coyote knew it would be a lot of work, and he
would need help. If only he had a big, strong animal as a
partner, he wouldn’t have to work so hard. Where could
he find a partner like that?
At that very moment, Bear came wandering through
the trees. Coyote knew that he was looking at the perfect
“Good morning, Bear,” Coyote said, trying to use his
kindest voice. “See that nice open land over there?” he
Ah, to work one’s hands
“I do,” answered Bear.
in the Earth’s rich, Another cake pop, my king?
damp soil!

Retold by Kathryn C. Tierney

Art by Cindy Revell
“Why don’t we plant a garden there
together?” Coyote asked. “It would
grow good food for our families.”
“I agree,” said Bear. “I will bring
the seeds.”
They decided to meet the next
day. Coyote smiled to himself for
choosing such a good partner. Bear
was big and strong and would do most
of the work. But Coyote wanted to
make sure the best part of the crop
went to him, not Bear. He decided
he would play a trick.

The next morning, as promised,

they met at the field.
“Before we begin, we should
decide how the crop will be divided,” dreaming of the day when the crop
said Coyote. “I will take all that would ripen.
grows above the ground, and you Every day, Coyote and Bear came
take all below.” to work the field. They hoed the
Bear thought for a little while. weeds and every once in a while
“That sounds fair to me,” he replied. watered the ground. Soon small
So the work began. After several green sprouts appeared. Then the
hours, the field had been cleared and rain came. The sprouts grew bigger
seeds were planted in neat rows. and bigger. Coyote thought how
Both animals had worked hard. happy his family would be to have
Coyote smiled as he walked home, such delicious-looking food.
It’s not the rich soil. It’s SNACK TIME!
Yeah, this is these fun heavy rocks.
just great fun. Ten minutes for lunch.
Geez! It must be almost . . .

After many weeks, the bushy Before long, both their sacks were
plants were full and green. Bear said full. They started home with their
it was time to harvest. harvests.
These leaves will keep my family
full for months, Coyote thought as he Several weeks later, Coyote met
picked the green tops and put them Bear in the forest. “What kind of
in his sack. Bear followed behind, seeds did we plant, Bear?” he asked.
digging in the ground and pulling up “My family didn’t like the leaves I
dirty round things. brought home.”
Bear’s half is so ugly compared to “They are called potatoes,”
my green leaves! How clever I am, replied Bear with a smile. “My family
Coyote thought, smiling. loved them!”

Attention à tous!
Everybuggy, get your Pickles! Gardening sure Huzzah for
yummy snacks! makes a caterpillar hungry! Miro!
Huzzah for lunch!

“I don’t think the crop was Several days passed. Soon green
divided fairly,” complained Coyote. sprouts came up, pushing through
“But it was your idea! What do the earth. With the rains, the plants
you think we should do about it?” grew tall and straight.
asked Bear. These look different from the
“Let’s plant another crop, but potatoes, Coyote thought.
this time I get the part that grows One day, Bear looked at the green
in the ground. You can have the plants and said, “It is time to harvest.”
part above ground.” The partners agreed to meet the next
“Agreed,” said Bear. “I’ll bring morning.
the seeds.” Coyote arrived on time. To his
Coyote walked home, thinking surprise, Bear was already there. Beside
how easy it was to trick Bear. him on the ground was a full sack.
The following day, they cleared “Good morning, Coyote,” called
the field and planted the seeds Bear. “I decided to get an early start.
Bear brought. I have taken all I need from the top.
It’s not like them Excuse me! Has anybuggy
to miss a snack. Maybe they fell seen my trumpet?
Hey! Where did
exhausted in a ditch.
Spider and Bill go?

As we agreed, you can have every- “Wait, Bear! What kind of seeds
thing growing in the ground.” did we plant this time?”
“Great!” said Coyote, eager to “They are called corn!” Bear
get started. yelled over his shoulder.
Bear heaved his sack over his Coyote stood staring at the hole
back and started home. he had dug. “Well,” he said with
As Bear walked away, Coyote dug his head down and his tail dragging
into the ground excitedly. But he did the ground, “I’ll bring the seeds the
not find dirty round potatoes. He next time.”
found only roots as thin as threads. Carrying his empty sack in his
He bit into one and spit it right mouth, Coyote went home to face
back out. his hungry family.
Sorry. Something heavy must
Did you lose this, have got heaved – lifted ’Ee mite try.
mite guy? with hard work – onto it. Maybe it’ll blow
back up.

How to Grow a
Three Sisters Garden
by Susan Lee
Art by Marion Eldridge

THREE SISTERS? WHO are they, you ask? You may know
them as corn, beans, and squash. These plants produce vegetables
eaten during the summer and fall, as well as seeds dried and
kept for cooking and eating during the winter. Some Indigenous
people call them the Three Sisters because they grow happily
close together, supporting and nourishing each other. Growing
a Three Sisters garden is easy.

What You’ll Need:

corn seeds
pole-bean seeds
squash seeds
small area of soil (If you don’t have a garden, plant
your seeds in a deep, large pot with holes in the
bottom. This allows the water to drain and keeps
the roots from rotting.)

C’mon, gang, there’s It’s perfect for nourishing – Let’s go, Bill. That Waah! But I just
a pile of manure that feeding and helping to grow – muck ain’t gonna started shoveling
Gracias for needs spreading. the new plants. shovel itself. snacks into my mouth.
lunch, Miro.

What to Do:
1. Make a small mound of dirt about 1 foot in
diameter and flatten it (figure 1).

2. Plant the bean seeds around the circle about 4

inches apart and an inch deep, which is about
the depth of your second knuckle (figure 2).

3. Plant a corn seed between each bean seed at

the same depth.

4. Plant 2 or 3 squash seeds in the circle’s center,

about 4 inches apart and as deep as the bean
and corn seeds. When you’re finished, your
seed arrangement should look like figure 3.

5. Water regularly (at least once a week). You can

tell whether or not your plants need water by
sticking your finger into the soil. The top may
be dry, but it should be moist and cool about
an inch underneath.

Good thing we already ate.

Whoa! This stuff smells nasty! Pee-yew! Yucky,
yuck, yuck! Wish I hadn’t now.

1. How Does This Work?
The Three Sisters depend on help from each
other. Beans release nitrogen, a nutrient, into the
soil. The corn uses that nitrogen to grow tall and
strong and then provides support with its stalks for
the beans to climb. The beans and corn give shade
to the squash’s large leaves, which help to trap
moisture for all 3 types of plants.
When to Harvest:
■ Beans are ready to pick in about 7 weeks, when
they are about 3 inches long.

■ Corn takes about 10 weeks to be ready to harvest.

When the corn silk on top of an ear of corn is dry
and brown, the ear is ready to be picked.

3. ■ Squash is the last to ripen. It can take up to

12 weeks to grow and is ready when the stalk
attaching the squash to the vine is dry and
breaks off easily.

What’s important is this And plants just love it.

fertilizer releases nitrogen – They’ll be off and growing!
gas with no color or smell,
found in all living things
and the air.

dirt under my fingernails.
Mom says that’s OK, as long
as I scrub hard before dinner.
She understands because she’s
a gardener like me—except she
says little vegetables taste best.
I might be small, but I like
veggies BIG.
Mom grows carrots the size
of my pinkie. I grow carrots as
long as my arm. Some even
sprout their own legs.
Mom grows tomatoes that
look like red jellybeans, so
sweet and itty-bitty. We pop
them in our mouths by the handful. I grow tomatoes so big that
one slice covers a whole pizza.
This summer, Mom is growing miniature pumpkins.
“They’ll be too small to carve into jack-o’-lanterns,” I say.
“Just right for eating,” Mom answers. “Pumpkin pie and
pumpkin bread.”
Perhaps an inspection Ahhh! If I must. A king’s work is never done.
is in order, sire.
Majesty, the TIME!
day is almost by Kell Andrews
upon us!
Art by Erin Richardson
18 text © 2024 by Kelly Andrews, art © 2024 by Erin Richardson
So what? I’m growing the biggest I pluck off each new blossom after
pumpkin ever. I’m trying to win a it opens so that the plant will grow
blue ribbon at the harvest fair. only one big pumpkin, instead of
I choose the best patch of soil, many little ones. It needs all of its
right by where Mom grows her teeny- energy to make the biggest pumpkin
weeny zucchini. I plant the pumpkin ever.
seed. I water it.
When the baby plant sprouts, I
mulch it, surrounding it with compost
to feed and protect it. I water it.
And it grows.
One day, I’m staring at my pumpkin
plant, trying not to blink so I can
see it getting bigger. My best friend,
Kam, watches with me.
“I don’t see anything,” he says.
So what? I do.
The first blossom opens. The next
day, a baby pumpkin swells at the base
of the shriveled flower. Cool beans!
Over the next few weeks, the little
pumpkin gets bigger, but the vine
grows even faster. It creeps out of its
plot. It races between the lettuce beds.
It winds around the tomato cages and
tangles in the neat rows of green
peppers. It’s the biggest plant in the
whole garden.
Last thing to do is mulch – cover the ground around plants to Is Sonya
Please tell protect their roots, help the soil, and keep away weeds. taking this The
Yes! We want all the nasty weeds way too fertilizer
me all shall Looks like it, your
shriveled – wrinkled, dried up, seriously? finally got
be ready bee–ness.
and small. Mwahaha! to her.
upon the
arrival. 19
When summer gets hot, I give We pick tender baby zucchini
my pumpkin extra water, compost, to slice for the grill. Sometimes, we
and love. Just in case the zucchini don’t notice one growing under the
plants are jealous, I give them water, leaves until it’s as big and tough as a
too. baseball bat. Then Mom turns it into
When Kam comes over from next zucchini bread, cinnamon spicy and
door, we water each other until our crunchy with walnuts.
fingernails are clean. “I told you zucchini were best
Even he can see how big my big,” I say.
pumpkin is now. “It’s like a planet,” She smiles. I knew she’d come
he says. “Planet Pumpkin!” around.
I smile. I knew he’d come around. My pumpkin glows orange as it
Hark! His royal Yes. So, um . . . what are all these stick-like thingies there?
highness has a May his kingly They’re sticks,
question! curiosity be your buzzy-ness.

ripens. And still it grows. vine so I can load it in my wagon,
It’s the biggest pumpkin ever. Bright but it’s too big to lift by myself. Mom
as the late summer sun. So heavy it has helps. So does Kam. We heave. We
its own gravitational pull. Round as a grunt. We sweat.
planet. Actually, it’s a little lopsided. Finally, my pumpkin budges. We
Kam says it looks like Pluto, which almost get it in the wagon. Then it
would be the smallest planet, except slips out of our hands. It sounds like
that it isn’t a planet at all. a big bass drum when it hits the
So what? The harvest fair is wagon edge and then bursts into a
tomorrow, and Planet Pumpkin sticky splat in the dirt. Oh no! My
is going to win. beautiful Planet Pumpkin is the
Mom cuts my pumpkin from the biggest mess ever.

Well . . . they are wooden supports set beneath the heavy buds to work against the
Earth’s gravitational pull – the force that makes things move toward each other. I have, haven’t I?
Sir, might I say,
More! The king you have done
seeks more a majestic job!

Then I see something huge and but the ribbon is green and that’s my
dark green hiding under the leaves favorite color. Zeppelin Zucchini is
where Mom grows her baby zucchini. the sixth-biggest zucchini ever!
Striped like a circus tent. Big as a Back at home, we celebrate with
blimp. pumpkin muffins and toasted seeds,
It’s Zeppelin Zucchini—the hot from the oven.
biggest zucchini ever! Cool beans! Actually, we don’t toast all the
The next day at the harvest fair, seeds. I save the fattest one to plant
Mom, Kam, and I win a ribbon in because next summer, I’m going to
the zucchini competition. Actually, grow an even bigger pumpkin.
Zeppelin Zucchini wins sixth prize,
Hear ye, everybuggy. Zeppelin? As in No. Zeppelin as in a
Well, she said
I’D BE BLOWING A The queen shall arrive the old-timey sausage-shaped aircraft,
she was flying
TRUMPET NOW IF tomorrow by zeppelin. rock band? similar to a blimp.
in—but she
I HAD ONE! didn’t say how.

I took my broccoli for a walk,
So we could have a little talk.
He told me all about his bike,
His dog, his friends, the games he likes.

I learned he is a lot like me,

And so, I know, you surely see,

I could not EAT my broccoli.

by Lori Walsh
Art by Amanda Shepherd
Sow and
Grow by Stacey Lane MATCH THE SEED to the plant it will become. Then in the blank
spaces at the bottom, write the plant’s letter above its seed’s number.

1 2 3 4 5 6

r t l

red maple horn nut rosary pea

Pairs of seeds have wings so they Its underwater seedpods are Its red and black seeds are pretty
spin like helicopters. shaped like bats or horns. but poisonous.
a e i

Answers on page 35
tiger’s claw dandelion double coconut
Its seedpods have hooks on one Fluffy puffs on each seed help Weighing forty pounds each, its
end that stick to animals. seeds float in the wind. seeds are the world’s biggest.

Seeds are _ _ _ _v _ but _ _s _ _ _ _.

p They are waiting for the right combination
1 2 3 4 1 2 4 4

of w_ _ _ _ _, _ _ _, and _h _ _ _ to start growing.

1 5 4 6 1 3 6 4 1 5

text © 2024 by Christie Chu, art © 2024 by Amber Orozco

Special Seed
Based on a Chinese Folk Tale
by Christie Chu
Art by Amber Orozco

“ S HI, STOP SINGING to the flowers! You

have a visitor,” Mui-Mui called. Shi’s little sister
loved to tease him about his garden.
Shi broke off mid-song and whispered an
apology to the flowers. Mud squelched between
his toes as he hurried toward the house. Sweet-
smelling blossoms and green leaves swayed as
he passed. Shi’s mother stepped out into the
garden, followed by a finely dressed stranger.
Shi bowed politely.
Here on the Meadow,
the queen’s airship
just majestically
touched down and HUZZAH FOR
squelched – made a THE QUEEN!
squishing sound – in
the mud.
“What an honor,” Shi’s mother
said, her eyes wide.
Shi planted the special seed in his
best pot. He placed it in his garden
next to his pink peonies, where it
would get lots of sun.
“Hello, little one,” he murmured.
“Ours is not a fine house like the
palace, but I hope you like it here.”
After a month, no green sprout
had pushed through the soil.
“Little one, what’s wrong? Do you
miss your home?” The pot of dirt did
not answer. Shi sang as he watered
it, taking care not to pour too much
“Greetings, Shi,” said the man. water.
“The emperor has heard of your Months later, Mui-Mui stared
gardening skills. He has sent seeds into the pot. “That seed is defective,”
to one hundred of the best gardeners she said.
in China, including some others from Shi took the pot from her. “Don’t
your village. Here is yours. Tend it worry, little one. You take your time,”
and bring it to the palace in one Shi said to it. “Mui-Mui is anxious to
year. Then the emperor will choose meet you, just like I am.” He moved
one of you to be the caretaker of the pot to the cool shade and began
his imperial gardens.” He dropped to sing. Mui-Mui rolled her eyes and
a small black seed into Shi’s palm. stomped away.
“Care for it well.” He bowed and But the seed did not grow. Shi
left. transferred the seed to a different
And there’s the queen Here, darling, here! I shall
herself, looking quite aid in your descent!
imperial – royal or Bring his
having to do with an majesty’s It is here!
empire – waving to all stepstool!
from the cabin door.
pot. He tried composts and fertilizers. One day, Mui-Mui took the water
After more months of waiting, pail from Shi’s hands when they
Shi’s stomach started to hurt. Then began to shake. “I will water the
his head began to pound. He ate seed while you rest,” she said.
little. He couldn’t sleep and often Shi grabbed the pail back. “It is
got up in the night to check on the my responsibility.”
seed. Every day, he dragged himself “Shi, take one of your own plants
outside to water his plants, but he to the emperor. He won’t know it
was too tired to sing. His healthy didn’t come from that seed,” Mui-Mui
garden began to wilt. said.

It is royally
Alas! The defective –
Egads! flawed so it does
furniture has
failed us! not work right. Oh, cursed stool.

“No. Even if he did not know, I and went to greet his garden with
would.” a song.
“This is a ridiculous contest! You Still, the special seed did not grow.
are making yourself sick worrying Mui-Mui tried one more time to
about that seed. You don’t even convince Shi to bring one of his
sing anymore.” Mui-Mui returned plants to the emperor instead.
to the house, where their mother “No, Mui-Mui,” he said. “This is
stood in the doorway, watching Shi the seed he asked me to care for. It
with a furrowed brow. is the one I’ll bring back to him. I
The thought of disappointing won’t win, but at least I’ll see the
the emperor made Shi feel queasy,
but he felt worse about seeing his
mother and sister distressed.
Shi took a deep breath. “It’s OK
if you are not ready to grow yet,
little one,” Shi said to the seed, still
hidden in the dirt. Then he walked
through the rest of the garden,
apologizing to his plants. “I am sorry
I haven’t sung to you lately,” Shi said
to his favorite peonies. “I have missed
you.” He began to sing softly.
Shi woke the next morning
without a stomachache. He ate all
the congee his mother gave him.
When he handed her back the empty
bowl, she smiled and her eyes shone
with tears. He kissed her on the cheek
Oh, not so thick as that, lovey. More
Bombus! Help me up! This
like congee – rice porridge – I’d say.
mud is as thick as oatmeal!

beautiful imperial gardens while I’m was the only one with an empty
there.” pot. Shi bowed, then stared at his
Shi walked all day to get to the feet, dirty from the long walk.
palace. Along the way, he saw other “I am sorry, Emperor,” Shi said.
gardeners from his village carrying His cheeks burned with shame. “I
full, healthy plants. was not able to grow the seed you
When Shi stood among the one- gave me.”
hundred best gardeners in China The emperor laughed. “I know
holding nothing but a pot of dirt, he you weren’t,” he said. “All of the
couldn’t enjoy the imperial gardens’ seeds were boiled. None of them
beauty. The emperor inspected all the could have grown. You are the only
large green plants the other gardeners one who brought me back the seed
held. Finally, he approached Shi, who I sent you.”

Tut-tut, my dearest, we’ll Bombus! What are you doing now?

need you blindfolded.

Shi’s head snapped up in surprise. good care of my beloved gardens.”
“I already know you are the best The other gardeners bowed but
gardeners in China,” the emperor grumbled as they left with their pots.
said to them all. “My advisors told me “Thank you, Emperor,” said Shi.
of your beautiful gardens. However, “Can I bring my mother and sister
I need to trust the people who live to live with me here?”
and work at the palace. That’s why “Yes, you certainly may.”
I had this contest.” The emperor held Shi grinned as he imagined Mui-
up Shi’s empty pot. “Shi was honest Mui’s face when she heard the news.
about his seed. I can trust him to take Then his smile faded.
It would be my pleasure to see you
How romantic! all—if I could see anything! Hold tight to
How majestic! Qué dulce.
Thataway, my hand, sweet
How sweet!
How . . . Queen Beetrix. Queen, and
bee-zarro. all shall be
revealed . . .
“Is something wrong?”
asked the emperor.
“I cannot bring the
peonies from my garden.
I’ll be worried about them.”
“You need someone
trustworthy to tend them
for you,” said the emperor.
“Why don’t you have a

Lovely, Bombus, but my

birthday was last month.

Finding Fingerprints
Aspen B., age 11 It’s amazing how no fingerprints in the Anneka M., age 10
Arvada, Colorado whole wide world are the same. They’re all San Antonio, Texas
different. Even my right thumb and left thumb
Finding Fingerprints are different. Once upon a crime, there was a bored
You see there’s a girl in my class, and no need princess. One day, she was reading Sherlock
to laugh, she just really loves to make a mess. She Lydia O., age 8 Holmes, when the door popped open.
opens the ends of the markers. In class, she spilled Manassas, Virginia “Princess! Someone stole the cinnamon
the ink out on her hands, red and blue, pink and rolls!” said the cook.
green. Then the scream, like a dream. The Cupcake Thief “A case!” said the princess, whose name
You can find where she has been and where Lydia sighed. She had forgotten to do her was Mabel. “Take me to the scene of the crime.”
she hasn’t because of the rainbow fingerprints homework, and so her teacher, Mrs. Kelley, had On a glass window, there were fingerprints.
everywhere. kept her in for recess. “Aha! I know whose these are!”
When they try to find her about the school, Just then, Mrs. Kelley shouted, “Someone She went outside, and there was a koala
I’m sure they’ll find her pretty quickly because of ate my cupcake!” munching on cinnamon rolls.
the little fingerprints all over the school. When Lydia looked up at the desk and saw cakey
we walk down the hall, we only find those small fingerprints on it. Then, she realized they were Mark S., age 7
little fingerprints along the wall, all over the sink, too big to be a third grader’s and too little to be Hawthorne, California
doorknobs, the handrail, and, worst of all, the desk a fifth grader’s. She marched into the fourth-
and chair we all share. We run up and down the grade room. Charles Finds Fingerprints
hall wiping and wiping to see all. The hall gleamed. “Who ate my teacher’s cupcake?” she One day, Charles was taking a walk in
shouted. Everyone started talking at once, so the the park when he saw fingerprints. He was so
Chandwen T., age 8 teacher had to quiet everyone. excited that he asked his mom to call a scientist.
Alfred, Maine Lydia asked a boy. He said that he was A few minutes later, the scientist was at the
talking with his teacher about math. She park. The scientist said the fingerprints were
I found fingerprints. They were all so different! nodded. Then, Lydia asked a girl, who claimed a bear’s fingerprints. When the scientist left,
It’s so weird how three fingerprints can be so she was talking with her friend. Charles was playing on the playground. He
different. I only used my sister’s fingerprints, but Lydia saw a smudge of icing on her face. heard a rustle in the bushes. He looked at the
she used three different fingers. She marched the girl back into her room. bushes, and a bear jumped out of the bushes
We tried to look at fingerprints on different “Sorry for eating your cupcake. Can I bake and ran right toward him. He screamed and ran
surfaces. Each fingerprint at least had one you some more?” said the girl. to his house.
different line.

Dear Everybuggy, Dear Spider,

I just got my first Spider magazine Please tell everybuggy they are great
today, and it is so cool! My favorite in your magazines. Please adopt Freaz.
books are probably the Harry Potter He is a frozen dragon. Please unfreeze him. He
series, anything by Katherine Applegate has been frozen since the beginning of time.
(especially The One and Only Ivan), and a Jasper Sarkissian, age 8
bunch more. I recommend those books to Clawson, Michigan
everyone! I’m a HUGE bookworm. I’m also
writing multiple books. I’d love to have a Dear Everybuggy,
dog but, sadly, I don’t. You guys are awesome! This
Harper T., age 8 is my first letter. Can you adopt
Framingham, Massachusetts Lunax? She’s my lunar space kitty. She
P.S. I usually don’t like spiders, but I do now! eats stars, moon cheese, and candy.
She would love to be in the mag. What’s
Dear Sam, your favorite food? Mine is enchiladas.
This is my first letter to you. I collect Love you!
mushrooms (not Miro!) and flowers. Logan Zook, age 10
I like reading about the Apollo missions. Paso Robles, California
I want to be a scientist. I also like to write. P.S. Can you do an issue on pets?
Cool fact: did you know that it takes 0.13
seconds for light to circle the Earth? Dear Logan,
Eppie W., age 11 We each have a different favorite food,
Mount Morris, New York but we all love Miro’s minestrone—garden
P.S. Sam, I noticed in one of your letters you vegetable soup with a special French and
said you liked the movie Honey, I Shrunk Italian flair!
the Kids. I saw it. That movie was so funny! Bon appétit!
The next day, when he went to the door, he IDENTIFIED! George picked up a piece
saw a bear’s fingerprints. When he opened the of paper and saw the fingerprint and saw
door, Charles saw a huge furry bear. He ran to who it was right away! It was—SOPHIA!
the park and started playing, but when he got (What useful info, fingerprints!) BAD
to the slide, he saw the bear running toward SOPHIA!
him. He screamed, ran back to his house,

locked the door, and ate breakfast.

Pranavi V., age 8

San Carlos, California Her Dra
1. e are t

Fingerprint Sleuths
You he o pictur
There was a group of fingerprint sleuths. e of
They would race against the clock to solve gua r entry nly ru a ve
r d i m l e s geta
an epic mystery on finding fingerprints. Their a n d a n , u s t : ble
latest mystery yet was going to be thrilling! Be /or on author be sig gar
There was a very popular diamond called sur line izin ned .
3. a n e a
d ad to in nd s its p y a g b
felixis felicisto. It was said that if you held it, You dre clud ayi par
u b
you would have immense power.
We r entry s.
s e yo ng it licat ent o
The three members of the club (the club w m ur c ’s yo ion i r leg
i om n a
name was Fingerprint Sleuths) were named issu ll pu ust a
e of blis rriv plet ur own print l
George, Brenda, and Sophia. Their motto was: Em e nam idea
ail y Spi h ou e by
Solve a mystery? Dust for fingerprints first! our der r fa Ma e, a .
They decided to bring their gear and head entr . v o rite 25, y ge,
y to s in 202
to the museum where the diamond of power spi the 4
was stolen! der Oct .
@c obe
Brenda said, “Let’s sprinkle flour on it, rick r 20
and . . .” etm 24
Since they knew almost everyone in their edi
small town, they knew who it was. FINGERPRINT om

Dear Thistle and Keet, Spider, Dear Spider,

Will you adopt Sunny and Icicle? They are I have been getting Spider magazine for Can you adopt Kinsley the unibunny and
axolotls. Their tails change colors depending almost half my life, and it’s still my favorite. Lola the silver hamster? Kinsley only eats
on their mood: red = angry, orange = annoyed, I love reading the comics the best. silver carrots, and Lola eats hammydum
yellow = happy, green = excited, blue = sad, You guys have been super great putting treats. (Buy those at Treatmart.) Give Lola
indigo = sleepy, violet = calm. up with, like, six address changes. So thanks a bath every Sunday or she will not eat.
Laylah, age 7 very much to everybody. Kinsley should get a dentist appointment
Houston, Texas Question for Thistle: do you know how every month.
P.S. Will you say happy late birthday to Woolly is doing lately? Sophia Mastroluca, age 7
Spider, please and thank you? Penelope W., age 14 Westbrook, Maine
P.P.S. Sunny and Icicle eat fish. Kokomo, Indiana
P.S. Can you adopt Calliope? She is
Hi, Spider! a robot hamster.
Can you adopt my cat? She likes
cupcakes, and her name is Bella. Dear Penelope,
Bill, you are funny in the comics at I saw Woolly yesterday sunning himself
the bottom of the magazine! What is your in Ophelia’s garden, watching for the first
favorite book? bean plants to poke their heads up out of the
Elsie Disselkamp, age 7 soil. Calliope is so cute. Email your letters to
Fridley, Minnesota Love, Spider’s Mailbox
Dear Elsie, Please include your complete name, age, and address
Bella just stole my strawberry cupcake! Happy birthday, Spider! in your message!
My favorite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Thank you for the magazines. I want to
Factory, but I also like The Tale of Peter share that my sister and I were dog sitting Planting a garden got everybuggy thinking about how
Rabbit. dogs named Doug and Benny. we can help the planet. Sam says we’ll save lots of
trees by only emailing Spider’s Corner and Spider’s
Happy reading! Zechariah Mailbox. Let’s go green!
Bill San Antonio, Texas 33

UNLIKE CRUMBLY CORNBREAD, spoon bread is so creamy that it

must be eaten with a spoon. Make this simply scrumptious
side dish to share with your whole family.
1 can
What You'll Need: 1 egg
cream-style corn
¼ cup (14.75 ounces)
½ cup
mix spoons

½ cup
mixing baking dish
sour cream
spoon (microwave safe,
plates 1 ½-quart sized)

What to Do:
1. Ask a grownup to preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Put the butter in the dish, and have the grownup microwave
it for 45 seconds.

3. Crack the egg, and stir it into the butter.

4. Add the corn, sour cream, and cornbread mix. Stir until
well mixed.

5. Ask the grownup to bake the dish for 35 to 40 minutes.

When the top is golden brown, it’s time for the grownup to
take it out of the oven.

6. Serve your spoon bread warm. Don’t forget the spoons!

L ov lia
34 Oph
Buggy Bulletin Q. What do you call a worm
Fabulous Facts: on a sunny day?
Answers to Wonder Worms A. Warm.
Market Mayhe m Why do gardeners love slimy, wiggly worms? Send your favorite jokes to
• Worms burrow through hard dirt leaving
tunnels for water and air to reach roots.
• Every day, a worm eats about its body weight
in leaves, grass, fungi, and other organic
matter. What the worm poops out is much
richer in nutrients than the soil around it.
• Worm poo is so great for plant growth that it’s Answers to
nicknamed gardener’s gold! Sow and Grow
1 a
2 l
3 i
4 e
5 t
6 r

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A Pueblo Native American game
for 2 players

What You’ll Need:

3 pennies (for player 1)
3 nickels (for player 2)

What to Do:
1. Players take turns placing one coin
at a time on any empty point on
the board.
2. When all six coins have been
placed, the players take turns
moving one coin at a time along
any line to the next empty point.
Jumping over coins is not allowed.
3. Each player tries to make a row
of three pennies or three nickels.
A row can be made across, up and
down, or on a diagonal.
4. The first person to make a
row is the winner!

Art by Carol Brozman

SONYa ’s
Market Mayhem Mind-Buggler
Melvin Mole’s
market is such a me
His vegetables are
all mixed up. Can yo
help Beatrice Bunny
find two of each fo
on her list?
May/June 2024 Volume 31 Number 5 $6.95
Art by Aaron Boyd

Answers on page 35

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