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Why Do You Think That Quran Is the Word of Allah?

The Quran is surely a miracle revealed to mankind by Allah through Angel

Jibrael (A.S) to Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in portions each portion being
written and committed to memory as soon as it was revealed. Allah sent down
a total of 4 books to mankind. The message of each of the books has been
completely deteriorated except for the Quran. That is because Allah says,
“It is we who have revealed the message and we would surely guard it from
corruption”. (Quran 15:9)
This research that the Quran is still in its intact form is done by the
Birmingham University situated in England. Carbon dating did a great favor
to humans in this regard. Carbon dating or radio carbon is basically a process
which estimates the objective age for carbon-based products. We all are aware
of the fact that during Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬time period Quran didn’t
exist in book form as it does today but instead it was preserved in the hearts
of the believers or on tablets, bones of animal’s stones etc. University of
Birmingham carried out the radio carbon analysis on a piece of parchment
which had Quranic text written on it and it dated back to Hazrat Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬time period. Hence confirming its authenticity.
It is a matter of fact that this book was revealed some 1400 years ago and it
talks about facts and discoveries which scientists are making today. 1400
years ago, no one could even think of these things and people made no
thoughts to the words of Quran back then. People denied the message of
Quran every now and then but today science is making advancements on all
those facts. For instance, the most the Big Bang Theory has been mentioned
in surah Anbiya it says,
“Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up
mass (Ratqan), then we opened them out?” (Quran 21:31)
Ratqan here basically refers to a joined entity or mass which split up so that
the universe could be created from it.
Not only the Quran mentions about how the universe came into existence but
it also talks about how it would end up. The science knows it as The Big
Crunch Theory This fact too is mentioned in surah Anbiya,
“Remember the day when we shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of
written scrolls by a scribe.” (Quran 21:105)
the big bang theory and the big crunch theory both are explained by Albert
Einstein in his general relativity theory.
Before that apple fell on Newton’s head no one was even aware of the
gravitational force surrounding the earth. No one ever even pondered as to
why or how they are moving around and walking on earth instead of floating
around like a balloon. The force which keeps the planets in their orbits and
prevent them from collapsing and resulting in an explosion. In the Quran
gravitational force has been mentioned as invisible pillars. In surah
“Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see.”
(Quran 13:3).
At some places Allah has talked about gravity as of jaala or rawasiya which
means burden. Jaala as in we are trapped in by an unseen force which helps us
stick to the ground also prevents planets in the solar system from collapsing.
There are numerous other scientific discoveries like embryology, the
creation of solar systems, the moon acting as luminous object and much
more. It even beautifully explains the process of a plant sprouting out from the
tiniest of seed which is mentioned in surah al Anaam.
“Indeed, Allah is the One Who causes seeds and fruit stones to sprout. He brings
forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living. That is Allah! How
can you then be deluded ˹from the truth˺?” (Quran 6:95)
For those who still after so many facts and evidences whose base lies in the
Quran doesn’t believe in the words of the Quran for them Allah says,
“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than
Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” (Quran 4:82)
The Quran is beautifully written in Arabic language whereas the languages in
which the rest of the books were revealed are dead languages such as Hebrew.
Arabic language is understood and read by many Muslims around the world.
“Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.”
(Quran 12:2)
The interpretation of the lines of Quran depends on the reader and each
time the reader gets a new aspect of the same lines written. Allah says,
“If the whole mankind and jinn’s were to gather together to produce the like of
this Quran they could not even if they backed up each other with help and
The Quran as a whole consists of 30 chapters each portion is divided up into
parts called juz. It is quite an interesting fact that even though the Quran has a
total of 30 chapters only but still it talks about almost every single issue of
mankind. No man can write any verse so perfectly as that of the Quran.
Though mankind has evolved a lot since the 1st century but still answers to
every single problem are found in it. Even those which did not existed at the
time of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. The book itself is a miracle. Studying the
rest of the divine books one realizes the fact that Allah Almighty perfected it
by all means. The dialect of the Quran is the same since the start. While the
other three books have various versions one such example is of The Bible
itself. Such a flawless work cannot be done by human beings themselves or
even angels or jinn. Such a level of perfection can only be attained by one
supreme being.
The compilation of Quran is itself a miracle and one of the many favors of
Almighty done to humans. If this book has not been compiled then surely
mankind would have been in chaos till now. Allah has made it quite clear that
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the last of messengers and no one would come after him
to correct us. In order to live the life with accordance to the Islam we have
hold of two things i.e., the Quran and the Sunnah.

Quran was revealed for the whole of humanity not for a particular nation of
creed of people. The Quran itself refers to us using the words,

‫َيا َأُّيَها الَّناُس‬

Which means “O Mankind”. Which is basically a general term referring to the
whole nation.
The Quran is a miracle and a huge favor of Allah Almighty sent to mankind. It is
written perfectly as to no confusion or contradiction can be found in it. It gives
solutions to every problem. This book is just no book but a complete source of
guidance to mankind. No man can produce the like of this Quran its words itself
are the proof that this is written by Allah Himself. The book itself is timeless and
as perfect as the preacher itself. That Lord who made the whole universe flawless
even made sure that there were none in the book too. Attained to perfection.

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