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Is there a difference between male
and female in respect to GPA?

Statistics Null: There is no difference

between male and female in
respect to GPA

Alternative: Females on
average have a higher GPA
than males

I first organized my information into categories of Male, Female, Other and different GPA’s. With
this information in the table, you could see how many females had what gpa and how many males
had that gpa too. Next, I calculated the expected amount of females/males to gpas. The numbers
in the observed table are not super similar to the numbers found in the expected table.

Lastly, I needed to find the chi-squared for each section of information so I could complete the
total chi-squared. Once the chi-squared was complete I had 3 rows and 5 columns. I took (5-1) *
(3-1) to get me with a degree of freedom of 8. Once found, I used the Critical value table to find
the critical value and the p-value.

These are all

for my

What is the difference between male and female in respect to GPA? The total chi-
squared is 18.88 with a degree of freedom of 8. My critical value from the chart is
15.507. Because my chi-squared is greater than the critical value, there is enough
evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Overall, this has left us with the conclusion
that there is a difference between males and females in respect to GPA. We reject our
null and accept our alternative hypothesis.

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