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Causes and treatments for

 Definition

 How common is it?

 Signs and symptoms

 Causes

 Diagnosis

 Treatment

 Coping strategies

 When to seek help

 Summary
Thalassophobia is a fear of the ocean or other large
bodies of water. A person may develop this phobia
after a traumatic event. Healthcare professionals
typically treat phobias with different types of therapy.

Thalassophobia can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe — some people
may feel slightly afraid of deep water or the ocean, while others may find that
looking at the sea or images of it triggers feelings of panic.

This phobia may stop people from visiting the beach, swimming in the sea, or
traveling by boat.
This article explores what thalassophobia is, signs and symptoms, potential causes,
and treatments.

What is thalassophobia?

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Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder. The word “thalassophobia” refers to a fear
of the ocean or other large, deep bodies of water.

A person with thalassophobia may be afraid of the vastness or emptiness of the

ocean, the sea creatures in the water, or both.

Thalassophobia is different from aquaphobia, which is a fear of water itself.

Aquaphobia can include a fear of being in any body of water, including small ones.

How common is thalassophobia?

Phobias are very common. According to professional diagnostic criteria,
approximately 7–9% of people in the United States have a specific phobia in any
given year.

However, there are no estimates of how many people live with thalassophobia

Signs of thalassophobia
A person with thalassophobia experiences feelings of fear and anxiety about the sea
or another large body of water that do not match the level of danger that the water
poses to them at that moment.

A person with thalassophobia may be afraid of:

 being near the ocean

 going in the ocean
 visiting beaches
 traveling on boats

In severe cases, symptoms may be triggered by images or thoughts of the ocean or

other deep bodies of water.

The anxiety that thalassophobia causes activates the “fight, flight, or freeze”
response, which is the body’s way of preparing for danger. This produces physical
symptoms, such as sweating, faster breathing, and an elevated heart rate.

In more severe cases, this response escalates into a panic attack, which may cause:

 lightheadedness
 rapid breathing, or hyperventilation
 heart palpitations
 trembling or shaking
 sweating
 the feeling of choking
 nausea, with or without vomiting

During a panic attack, a person may feel as if they may faint, that they are losing
control, or that they might die. However, although they can feel very serious, panic
attacks are not dangerous in themselves.

People with thalassophobia may also feel dissociated while they are experiencing
symptoms. Dissociation is a feeling of being disconnected from the body or the
current situation.

The stress resulting from thalassophobia may cause a person to avoid any situation
that might trigger the symptoms.

Sometimes, a person develops a phobia after a traumatic event. Trauma is a
response to extreme stress, which may stem from:

 direct experience of something dangerous or distressing

 witnessing something traumatic happening to someone else
 the transmission of information, such as news coverage or films
 having an unexpected panic attack, which can lead to a fear of the situation
or location in which the attack took place

People with thalassophobia may have had negative early experiences with the
ocean or felt unsafe while learning to swim. Or, they may have become afraid of
the sea after seeing news coverage of an event such as a shark attack or tsunami.
It is common for people to not remember any specific event that triggered their
phobia. Specific phobias, such as thalassophobia, often develop in early childhood,
which can make it difficult to remember the initial cause.

People can also develop phobias as adults.

Psychiatrists and psychologists use criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition — commonly called the DSM-5 — to
diagnose phobias such as thalassophobia. A person may have a phobia if they:

 experience significant anxiety about an object or situation

 almost always feel immediate anxiety when confronted with the object or
 actively avoid the object or situation to cope with their anxiety
 experience anxiety that is out of proportion with the threat that the object or
situation poses
 have experienced these symptoms for 6 months or more
 have no other mental health conditions that would explain the fear

Phobia treatment typically involves therapy. Someone with thalassophobia may
benefit from several types, including:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy. The aim is to help a
person challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs in order to reduce the anxiety that
they cause.
For example, in a CBT session for thalassophobia, a therapist may help someone
learn to identify anxious thoughts about the ocean and understand how those
thoughts affect their emotions, physical symptoms, and behavior.

Over time, CBT can help people question whether their thinking or behavior
patterns are helpful, realistic, or appropriate for the current situation. This can help
the person change their responses to a phobia trigger, reducing their anxiety.

A person may also benefit from cognitive processing therapy, which is similar and
designed specifically for people who have experienced trauma.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves a person coming into close contact with the things or
situations that scare them. Sometimes, this contact is simulated or imagined.

The aim may be to prove that something is not dangerous much less dangerous than
the person believes. Exposure therapy can also help someone feel more confident in
their ability to cope, should they face the situation that they are afraid of.

During exposure therapy, a therapist helps a person confront their fear in a safe,
controlled environment. This can occur in several ways:

 In vivo exposure: This involves direct contact with the phobia trigger.
 Imaginal exposure: This involves a person imagining the object or situation
that they fear in detail. A person with thalassophobia may think about or
describe the ocean during these sessions.
 Virtual reality exposure: This involves using technology to simulate the
experience of engaging with a particular object or situation. Therapists may
use this technique when it is not possible to try in vivoexposure.

Graded exposure involves very gradual exposure to the phobia trigger, while
“flooding” involves beginning with the most difficult tasks.

Medications can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and fear, but they do not cure
phobias. For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, commonly called
SSRIs, are a type of antidepressant that doctors use to manage anxiety.

Coping strategies
Phobias can be disruptive and difficult to manage. But if someone unexpectedly
comes across a phobia trigger, the following coping techniques may help:

 Breathing exercises: Slow, steady breathing can help stop hyperventilation

and make it possible to return to a calmer state. When anxiety begins to rise,
try exhaling in long, slow breaths. Or, try 4-7-8 breathing.
 Mindfulness: This technique involves staying in the present moment, and it
can reduce tension if a person is worried about something that has already
happened or might occur. A person can do this by noticing and focusing on
their breathing, physical sensations, or surroundings.
 Distraction: Focusing on something else can be a temporary solution for
anxiety. It may help to speak with a friend or family member, watch a video,
or listen to music.
 Self-compassion: If a person experiences anxiety unexpectedly, they may
feel embarrassed or that they have failed. But it is not always possible to
prevent negative emotions, and it is normal to have good days and bad days.
Being self-compassionate can ease any stress that a person feels about their

When to seek help

If thalassophobia is causing significant distress or interfering with work and
everyday life, help is available. A doctor or therapist can provide advice or
If a person does not have health insurance, low-cost or free options may be
available. Some therapists offer sliding-scale fees, for example.

Learn how to find free online therapy.

Thalassophobia is a fear of the ocean or other large bodies of water. It may stem
from a traumatic childhood event, which a person may have experienced directly,
seen, possibly onscreen, or heard about.

Several types of therapy, including CBT and exposure therapy, can help reduce the
impact of phobias. In the shorter term, coping strategies such as breathing
exercises, self-compassion, and mindfulness can help people manage anxiety as it

Last medically reviewed on November 19, 2020

 Mental Health
 Anxiety / Stress
 Psychology / Psychiatry

How we reviewed this article:


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Medically reviewed by Marney A. White, PhD, MS, Psychology — By Lois Zoppi on

November 19, 2020

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