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Estimation of Phosphatase activity of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria based on their

characterization and its effectiveness on plant growth

Sustainable agriculture aims to minimize the use of hazardous chemical fertilizers, without
affecting the crop production. The use of microorganisms to avail the macronutrients to the plants is the
modern and traditional method used by the farmers in many countries. Phosphorus (P) is one of the
macronutrients responsible for the growth and development as it is central atom in energy currency (ATP)
also. There are some genera of bacteria responsible for the solubilization of ortho-Phosphate to avail the
crop plants in fields. The Phosphate solubilizing bacteria collectively called as PSBs have ability to
produce the phosphatase and phytase enzymes, and the micro inoculum prepared using the PSBs is an
important and environment friendly approach to increase the crop productivity without any kind adverse
effects on the fertility of soil. The present investigation aims to isolates the phosphate solubilizing
microorganisms, to characterized the bacterial isolates on the basis of morphology and biochemical
identification methods and then to estimate the phosphate solubilizing activity of the isolated
microorganisms and preparation of a cost effective, environmentally safe bio-fertilizer to maintain
biological as well as chemical balance of soil and to increase the crop production for the fulfillment of the
fundamental need of food in healthy manner.
KEY WORDS : Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Solubilization, Characterization, biofertilizer

Phosphorus (P) is an essential and significant These PSB’s also produce ubiquitous class of
macronutrient for food production. It also plays an enzymes such as phosphatase and phytase. These
important role in photosynthesis, cell division, enzymes help to convert Organic and inorganic
energy transfer and storage, respiration and other phosphorus compounds that are not readily
plant functions (Dadarwal et al., 1997). Although, available to plants into a soluble form that plants
only 25% of the Phosphorus applied to the soil is can absorb. Phosphatases are generally classified
available for the crops and the rest become as alkaline or acid phosphatases based on their pH.
unavailable due to its binding to soil minerals and Acid phosphatases are plant-derived hydrolases
elements such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), works better under acidic conditions. Alkaline
aluminium (Al), Iron (Fe) present in soil leads to phosphatases are hydrolases produced by bacteria
losses in several crop yields. under alkaline and neutral soil conditions (Stephen
et al., 1994). Whereas, Phytases are a type of
This bound form of phosphorus can solubilize by
enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acid
various types of microorganisms called as
(inositol hexakisphosphate) an indigestible,
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM’s).
organic form of phosphorus into a more digestible
Strains from the genera Pseudomonas,
form. Apart from this, adding phosphatase to the
Enterobacter, Bacillus and Rhizobium are among
soil root interface improves plant efficiency in
the most powerful phosphate solubilizers
utilizing organic P components (Sharpley 1985).
(Rodríguez et al., 1999). It possesses the ability to
bring insoluble phosphates in the soluble forms by Biofertilizers are usually carrier-based inoculants
secreting organic acids. These acids lower the pH containing beneficial microorganisms.
and bring about the dissolution of bound forms of Incorporation of such microorganisms in carrier
phosphorus. material enables long-term storage, easy handling
and high effectiveness of biofertilizers (Malik et
al., 2017). Phosphorus biofertilizers, in the form of Various biochemical tests such as IMViC, Catalase
microorganisms, can increase the availability of test, Oxidase test, Carbohydrate utilization test,
phosphates for plant growth by solubilizing them. Nitrate reduction test and Triple sugar iron test for
Incorporating Phosphate solubilizing PSB isolates were performed and results were
microorganisms as a biofertilizer could reduce the recorded.
need of chemical fertilizers in crop production.
5) Characterization of isolates
This study aims to investigate and characterize
5.(a) Organic acid production :
various species of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria
found in soils and their use in plant development Organic acid production by PSB isolates was
in the form of biofertilizers. estimated by method of (sperber 1958). PSB
strains were inoculated on Pikovskaya’s broth
followed by incubation at 30°C for 7 days. After
incubation the culture was centrifuged. 2 ml of
supernatant was taken in a flask and few drops of
1) Isolation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria phenolphthalein indicator were added and titrated
(PSB) against 0.01N Sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The
Rhizospheric soil sample was collected from the volume of NaOH consumed by culture filtrate was
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University area in the total titrable acidity of the culture filtrate. The
Amravati region and kept in a sterile zip lock total titrable acidity was demonstrated by ml of
plastic bag. 1 gm of soil sample was serially 0.01 N NaOH consumed by culture filtrate.
diluted from 10-1 to 10-10 and plated on 5.(b) Thin layer chromatography:
Pikovskaya’s agar medium and subjected to
incubation. After 48 h of incubation, colonies Presence of organic acid in media produced by
showing clear halo zone were picked, sub-cultured PSB isolates using Thin layer chromatography
and were restreaked on Nutrient agar slants for described by Gupta and Sahoo (2017). Isopropanol
further use. : 2N ammonia in 7:3 ratio was used as a solvent
system to developed chromatogram. The bacterial
2) Phosphate solubilization activity culture spotted on the chromatographic paper and
allowed to run. The chromatogram was air dried
The phosphate solubilizing ability of PSB isolates
and dipped in 0.4% bromocresol green prepared in
were measured by phosphate solubilization index
ethanol. After air dried the Rf values of the yellow
(PSI) as given by (Akintokun et al., 2007).
spots of organic acids appeared on blue
PSI = Colony diameter + Halo zone diameter background was measured and compared with Rf
values of standard organic acid for identification.
Colony diameter
5.(c) Ammonia production:
These isolates were inoculated on Pikovskaya’s
agar plate and incubated at 37°C for 48h. After The Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial isolates were
incubation, the diameters of colonies and clear tested for the production of ammonia in peptone
zone were measured and the PSI were calculated. broth. The isolates were inoculated in 10 ml
peptone broth and incubated at 30°C for 48 h. After
3) Cultural and morphological study incubation, 1 ml Nessler’s reagent was added to
The cultural characters of isolates such as size, each tube. Development of yellow to brown colour
shape, colour, margin, elevation etc were recorded. indicates production of ammonia (Cappucino and
The gram staining and microscopic study of Sherman 1992).
isolates were done according to standard method 5.(d) Indole acetic acid production:
as per Bergey’s manual of determinative
bacteriology. The production of Indole acetic acid was estimated
by the method described by Gutierrez et al. (2009).
4) Biochemical identification The isolated PSB strains were inoculated in 4 ml
LB broth developed with tryptophan (1mg/ml) and 420 nm. Later, the phosphatase activity was
subjected to incubation at 30°C with continuous determined by 1 mole of PNP released/ml of
shaking for 5 days. After incubation, the culture filtrate/h.
was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 min. Then 1 ml
6) Preparation and application of biofertilizer
of supernatant taken into test tube in which
Salkowski’s reagent (1.2% FeCl3 in 37% sulphuric The two strains of PSB selected for biofertilizer
acid) was added and incubated for 30 min at room preparation based on their zone of solubilization
temperature. Then optical density was measured at and enzyme activity. The selected isolates were
530 nm and the standard curve was created by inoculated in Nutrient broth. Peat soil, Coconut
serially diluting IAA solution (50 mg mL−1) in LB husks and Charcoal were selected as a carrier
medium. materials. The incubated bacterial culture(10ml) of
PSB2 and PSB6 respectively were mixed with 50g
5.(e) Analysis of Zinc solubilization:
peat soil and 50g Coconut husks(i.e. mixture a
The Zinc Solubilization Agar media contains with PSB2 and mixture b with PSB6) separately.
(Dextrose 10.000g/L, Magnesium sulphate
These two mixtures subjected to curing process for
heptahydrate 0.200 g/L, Potassium chloride
7 days. Then the selected seeds(Mungbean and
0.200g/L, Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate
Chickpea) were coated with prepared biofertilizer
0.100g/L, Zinc Oxide 1.000g/L) was used. ZnO
with jaggery solution and sowed in soil and plant
was used as a zinc source. Other than ZnO, ZnCO3
growth was observed.
and (ZnPO3)4 are also used as insoluble zinc
sources. The isolates were inoculated into media RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
and incubated at 30°C for 72 h. After incubation,
the colonies that exhibited clear zone were 1)Isolation of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria
considered as zinc solubilizers (Sunithakumari et Soil sample was collected and subjected to serial
al., 2016). dilution. The diluent was loaded on Pikovskaya’s
5.(f) Estimation of Phosphatase activity: agar plate followed by incubation. The PSB with
high phosphate solubilization were isolated and
Phosphatase activity was estimated by the method point inoculated on Pikovskaya’s medium to
described by Eivazi And Tabatabai (1977). The obtain individual growth. These isolates were
selected isolates of PSB based on their phosphate designated as PSB1, PSB2, PSB3, PSB4, PSB5,
solubilization efficiency inoculated in PSB6, PSB7, PSB8, PSB9, and PSB10 (Fig1).
Pikovskaya’s broth in which tri calcium phosphate
was replaced by (p-glycerophosphate) then 2)Phosphate solubilization activity
subjected to incubation at 28°C for 78h with The zone of phosphate solubilization by PSB
continuous shaking. After incubation, 10 ml of the isolates was measured, its efficiency was
broth culture was taken and centrifuged at 4°C at calculated and results were noted down. From the
10,000 rpm for 10 minutes. Then after discarding observation table 1, it was observed that PSB 6,
supernatant pellets were suspended in 5 ml sterile PSB 2 and PSB 7 have the ability to solubilize
distilled water. These cells provided a source of phosphate in large amounts.
enzymes. Take 1 ml of sample in a 50 ml flask,
add, 4 ml of modified universal buffer, 1 ml of p- 3) Cultural and Morphological study
nitrophenyl phosphate solution which was made in The isolated strains of PSB are subjected to
the same buffer and 0.25 ml of toluene and agitate cultural and morphological characterization. In
the flask for a few seconds to mix these which all the PSB isolates were white in colour,
ingredients. Plug the flask and subjected to had translucent colonies, most of them had entire
incubation at 37°C. After incubation of 1 h, add margin except PSB4 and PSB9 which had irregular
4ml of 0.5M sodium hydroxide and 1 ml of 0.5M margin (Table 2). Again it was observed that all
calcium chloride. Swirl the flask and and filtered PSB isolates were gram positive except PSB5 and
the content through a filter paper. Measure the PSB6 which were gram negative in nature (Table
absorbance ( yellow colour intensity) of mixture at 2).
4) Biochemical identification 5(b) Thin layer chromatography:
There are various types of biochemical tests were Isolated phosphate solubilizing bacteria were
performed for Isolated PSB strains. As mentioned capable to produced organic acid according to
in (Table 3), it was observed that all PSB isolates (Table 5) but to identify which organic acid
were showed Indole test negative. Methyl red test produced by isolates. Thin layer chromatography
were positive for all PSB isolates. Voges- was performed for all isolates. Isopropanol: 2N
prausker’s test showed negative results for all PSB ammonia in 7:3 ratio was prepared to developed
isolates. Among 10 PSB isolates PSB1, PSB2, chromatogram as a solvent system. All PSB
PSB3, PSB6, PSB8, PSB9 utilized citrate as a cultures were inoculated on TLC sheet coated with
carbon source while others showed negative test silica gel and allowed to run. Then the sheets were
for citrate utilization. The catalase test was carried dipped in 0.4% Bromocresol green followed by air
out to determine the nature of the bacteria involved drying. PSB4 and PSB5 showed yellow spot on
in producing the Catalase enzyme. It was observed blue background on silica gel sheet. The Rf value
that all PSB isolates were catalase positive. of PSB4 and PSB5 were obtained 0.27 and 0.30
Oxidase test were showed positive by all PSB respectively which coincided with Gluconic acid
isolates which determine the nature of the bacteria The present results were compared with (Sahoo
involved in producing the Oxidase enzyme. All and Gupta 2017). In their study, they obtained Rf
PSB isolates showed Nitrate reduction test value around 0.9 and 0.6 which coincided with
negative which indicated that all isolates failed to oxalic acid and citric acid respectively..
reduce nitrates into nitrites. Carbohydrates such as
5.(c) Ammonia production:
Fructose, Sucrose, Mannitol and Lactose were
fermented by all PSB isolates by producing acid Ammonia producing bacteria can mineralize
and gas. Triple sugar iron test was negative for all organic nitrogen in the soil into ammonia, which
PSB isolates. can then be used by other microbes including PSB
to produce ammonium phosphate, which is a
5) Characterization of isolates
soluble form of phosphate. Therefore PSB isolates
5.(a) Organic acid production: were tested for ammonia production in which all
isolates were inoculated in peptone broth at 30°C
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria solubilize
for 48 h. After incubation, 1 ml Nessler’s reagent
insoluble phosphate into soluble form by
was added in each tube. The qualitative analysis
producing organic acids such as malic acid, acetic
was done by observing change in colour from
acid, gluconic acid, citrate acid etc. So it is
colourless to yellow and brown. Faint yellow
important to estimate organic acid production by
colour indicated ammonia production in small
PSB isolates thus all PSB isolates tested for
amount whereas dark yellow or brown colour
organic acid production. The isolates were
indicated ammonia production in large amount. In
inoculated in Pikovskaya’s broth and were
quantitative measurement, colorimetric analysis
centrifuged. After centrifugation, 2 ml supernatant
was done in which it was observed that PSB 6
was taken in conical flask with Few drops of
produced ammonia in high amount than other
phenolphthalein indicator and titrated against 0.01
isolates (Graph 2). These results were compared
N NaOH. The total consumption of NaOH by PSB
with (Walpola and Yoon 2013).
cultures was recorded (Table 4). The consumption
of NaOH was found higher in PSB10. Obtained 5.(d) Indole acetic acid production:
results were compared with (Padmavathi and
The production of Indole acetic acid(IAA) by
Swetha 2016). In their study, they inoculated
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria can enhance root
culture in Reyes basal medium containing five
growth and development, which in turn increases
phosphate sources in presence of an indicator
the plant’s ability to take up nutrients, including
bromocresol green. They have obtained results
phosphorus. The PSB isolates were inoculated in
showing change in colour from blue to yellow in
LB broth supplemented with tryptophan and
medium indicated production of organic acid.
subjected to incubation at 30° C for 5 days. After
incubation, centrifuged it and Salkowski’s reagent 1995; He et al., 2004). Among ten PSB isolates,
was added. After 30 min colour change was five were selected for estimation of phosphatase
observed from yellow to red it was because activity based on their ability to solubilize
Salkowski’s reagent react with IAA produced by phosphate and these isolates were subjected to
bacteria. The intensity of the color was used to Estimation of phosphatase activity which was
estimate the concentration of IAA produced by the done followed by (Eivazi And Tabatabai, 1977).
isolates by colorimetric analysis at 540 nm. In The obtained results indicated that PSB6 showed
which it was observed that PSB9 produced IAA in highest activity of phosphatase i.e. 26.49 And least
high amount(i.e 79 µg/ml) than other isolates. The with PSB i.e. 17.22 (Table 7). These present results
present results are in line with the study of were compared with (Goswami and Damor 2016).
(Walpola and Yoon 2013) who investigated with a In their study, they estimated phosphatase activity
pot experiment conducted under green house of four isolates out of which they suggested the
conditions and found IAA production 10 and 7.5 better efficiency of strain P 12 in enzyme
µg/ml respectively for P. agglomerans and B. production i.e. 28.50
anthina. IAA induce a quick response such as Cell
6) Preparation and application of biofertilizer
elongation also a long-term response such as cell
division and differentiation within plants (Ahmad Biofertilizers are beneficial microorganisms that
et al., 2008). promote plant growth by increasing the
availability of nutrients to the plants. There are
5.(e) Analysis of Zinc solubilization:
various importance of biofertilizers such as it
Zinc is an essential micronutrient in plant growth reduces the need of chemical fertilizers, it
and development. Deficiency of zinc in plants can enhances nutrient uptake, cost effective, reduces
causes stunted growth, inhibits flowering etc. But soil degradation, promotes sustainable agriculture
Zinc present in soil in inorganic form which is not etc. Also biofertlizers are easy to handle and can
uptake by plants directly therefore there are some store for long duration so it can use by farmers
microorganisms which can convert this insoluble affordably. So to prepare biofertilizer the isolates
form of Zinc in soluble which is accessible for were selected which were capable to solubilize
plants by secreting organic acids such as gluconic phosphate in large amount and enzyme activity i.e.
acid. Adequate zinc levels are essential for proper PSB2 and PSB6 (Mixture a and Mixture b). Out of
seed production and development and it is also an 2 prepared biofertilizers a and b were applied to
essential plant growth regulator. Thus, PSB plants planted in second row of root trainer and
isolates were tested for Zinc solubilization test in fourth row of root trainer respectively via seed
which isolates point inoculated on Zinc coating. It was observed that the plants applied
solubilization media involved ZnO as a Zinc with biofertilizers showed more growth than
source and incubated. After incubation, zone of control plant.
solubilization was observed (Fig. 2). It was
The comparative examination was done. In which
observed that PSB2, PSB5, PSB6, PSB7 and PSB9
it was observed that the growth of plants applied
were capable to solubilized Zinc and formed clear
with phosphatic bioferilizer were maximum than
zone of solubilization around the colonies where
the control plant which was uninoculated with any
other isolates failed to solubilize zinc. These
PSB isolates and biofertilizer (Graph 4 and 5).
results were compared with (Sunithakumari et al.,
From overall discussion it was found that the
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria stimulates growth
5.(f) Estimation of Phosphatase activity: of the roots and enhances the plant’s ability to take
up nutrients and water from soil. The use of
Phosphatase is an enzyme released by PSB which
phosphatic biofertilizers can reduce the need for
contribute to phosphate solubilization in efficient
chemical fertilizers and for farmers it is cost
manner. This enzyme hydrolyzes organic form of
effective. Overall, phosphatic biofertilizers play a
phosphorus into inorganic form i.e. hydrogen
significant role in promoting sustainable
phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate before its
implementation by roots of plants. (Marschner,
Photo 1: Isolates of PSB

Table 1:- Efficiency of Phosphate Solubilization

Isolates Colony diameter Halo zone Phosphate

(mm) (mm) solubilization
PSB 1 2 17 9.5
PSB 2 1 19 20
PSB 3 1 12 13
PSB 4 2 20 11
PSB 5 2 20 11.5
PSB 6 1 21 22
PSB 7 1 19 20
PSB 8 2 10 6
PSB 9 2 9 5.5
PSB 10 2 8 5
Table 2:- cultural and morphological characters

Isolates Colour Size(mm) Shape Margin Elevation Opacity Gram Shape Arrangement
PSB 1 White 2 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods
PSB 2 White 1 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods
PSB 3 White 1 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Cocci Single
PSB 4 White 2 Irregular Irregular Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
negative rods
PSB 5 White 2 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
negative rods
PSB 6 White 1 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
negative rods
PSB 7 White 1 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods
PSB 8 White 2 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods
PSB 9 White 2 Irregular Irregular Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods
PSB 10 White 2 Circular Entire Convex Opaque Gram Small Single
positive rods

Table 3:- Biochemical tests for phosphate solubilizing bacterial isolates

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Indole - - - - - - - - - -
Methyl red + + + + + + + + + +
Voges - - - - - - - - - -
Citrate + + + - - + - + + -
Catalase + + + + + + + + + +
Oxidase + + + + + + + + + +
Nitrate - - - - - - - - - -
H2S H2S - - - - - - - - - -

Acid + + + + + + + + + +
Gas + + + + + + + + + +
Sucrose Acid + + + + + + + + + +
Gas + + + + + + + + + +
Fructose Acid + + + + + + + + + +
Gas + + + + + + + + + +
Mannitol Acid + + + + + + + + + +
Gas + + + + + + + + + +
Lactose Acid + + + + + + + + + +
Gas + + + + + + + + + +
Table 4: - Titrimetric analysis of organic acid production

Isolates Total NaOH

PSB 1 5.5
PSB 2 7.4
PSB 3 4.1
PSB 4 8.3
PSB 5 4.5
PSB 6 8.0
PSB 7 5.4
PSB 8 4.3
Graph 1: Production of organic acid by PSB isolates
PSB 9 4.4
PSB 10 8.9

Table 5: Optical densities of ammonia production

Isolates Optical density

at 540 nm 70
Production of IAA (ug/ml)

PSB 1 56 62
50 57 57 59
56 54
53 53
PSB 2 57 40 46 47
PSB 3 57
PSB 4 53 10
PSB 5 46
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PSB 6 62
PSB Isolates
PSB 7 53

PSB 8 47

PSB 9 59 Graph 2: Ammonia Production by PSB isolates

PSB 10 54
Table 6: Optical density of IAA at 540 nm

Isolated Optical Production of

density IAA by PSB
(nm) isolates(µg/ml) 90

Production of IAA by PSB

PSB 1 0.18 61 70 77 77 79
74 75

60 70
PSB 2 0.2 77 63 66
50 61 62
PSB 3 0.181 63
PSB 4 0.186 66
PSB 5 0.197 74
PSB 6 0.2 77 10
PSB Isolates
PSB 7 0.198 75

PSB 8 0.187 70
Graph 3: IAA Production by PSB isolates
PSB 9 0.21 79

PSB 10 0.18 62

Table 7: Estimation of phosphatase activity

Isolates Phosphate Phosphatase activity (Mg of

solubilization index P-Nitrophenol/ gm soil)
PSB6 22 26.49
PSB5 11.5 19.45
PSB7 20 22.83
PSB2 20 23.09
PSB3 13 17.22

Photo 2: Zinc Solubilization by PSB isolates Photo 3: Plant growth of germinated seeds
Table 7: Comparative analysis of plant growth of Mugbeans inoculated with the PSB2 and PSB6 isolate with control

Sr.No. Parameters Control plant Plant with Plant with

1 Plant length (cm) 18.9 27.9 32
2 Total fresh weight of plant (g) 0.149 0.580 0.572
3 Total dry weight of plant(g) 0.033 0.045 0.081
4 Shoot length (cm) 11 19.3 23.5
5 Fresh weight of shoot (g) 0.082 0.231 0.233
6 Dry weight of shoot (g) 0.014 0.039 0.026
7 No. of leaves 3 5 4
8 Fresh weight of leaves (g) 0.045 0.155 0.152
9 Dry weight of leaves (g) 0.012 0.010 0.029
10 Root length (cm) 4 3.9 4.1
11 Fresh weight of root (g) 0.006 0.009 0.020
12 Dry weight of root (g) 0.001 0.014 0.007

Graph 4: Comparative analysis of plant growth of Mugbeans inoculated with the PSB2 and PSB6 isolate with control
Table 8: Comparative analysis of plant growth of Chickpeas inoculated with the PSB2 and PSB6 isolate with control

Sr.No. Parameters Control Plant with Plant with

plant PSB 2 PSB 6
1 Plant length (cm) 24.9 29 31.1
2 Total fresh weight of plant (g) 0.351 0.462 0.456
3 Total dry weight of plant(g) 0.030 0.052 0.05
4 Shoot length (cm) 14 27.9 30
5 Fresh weight of shoot (g) 0.079 0.242 0.255
6 Dry weight of shoot (g) 0.005 0.011 0.027
7 No. of leaves 19 25 32
8 Fresh weight of leaves (g) 0.045 0.069 0.075
9 Dry weight of leaves (g) 0.002 0.010 0.011
10 Root length (cm) 3.2 3.5 3.3
11 Fresh weight of root (g) 0.003 0.007 0.012
12 Dry weight of root (g) 0.002 0.008 0.006

Graph 5: Comparative analysis of plant growth of Chickpeas inoculated with the PSB2 and PSB6 isolate with control
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