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First Up.
As an experienced guide writer, I know that you don’t really care about the author’s note, so I’ll keep it
short and sweet. Congratulations, on making a purchase, which will simply put, change the game of
money making online, as you know it. Just to restart, this guide does NOT contain:

• E-whoring
• EBay
• Blackhat
• Website making
• Clickbank
• Selling anything

This guide utilizes a method and autopilot system I’ve created myself, so for once this is your chance to
learn a new money making method, instead of the usual methods, just worded differently.

Now enough from me, onto the guide!

TO begin with, you will need the following:
 A PayPal account
 A Skype account
 A YouTube account

Yeah, that’s it. No seriously, that’s all.

Picking your network:

So in this guide, we will be utilizing YouTube networks to make us money. That’s right, you know those
networks YouTube channels like to join, such as Machinima, TGN, IGN, etc.? We can use these networks
to make us some very easy money with minimal effort. You’re essentially selling them a product, which
you don’t have to pay for, which will be benefiting both of you without any issues. I call this the perfect
deal. First up, you need to pick which network you will use. We will be working for the chosen network
to recruit new channels for them, and for every channel we get partnered, you will be paid either on a %
of VISO’s earnings monthly, or a flat onetime fee. The networks we will look at for this guide will be as

Viso –

VISO are a fairly large established network on YouTube, and don’t do casual workers. They want people
who wish to join the team and keep working for them monthly. You need to go through an official
application process to join the VIDO recruiters, and provide a cover letter and all. You will be paid
approx. 10% of the monthly earnings of each channel you partner on a monthly basis, until you quit your
job as a recruiter.
Acifin –

Acifin are another alternative network we can join, and are much easier to join, as they have an affiliate
program open to anyone. You can easily join their affiliate program by simply filling out the form, and
then you're given an affiliate link. To partner people, it works much like any other referral link — a
person sees the link, click it, fill the (very basic) form, get sent the contract and bam, they get partnered.
This is the network you wish to join if you don’t want to have to be making a set monthly commitment,
and work more on a free schedule. Acifin allow you to pick from two payment methods 0 10% of their
monthly profit, or a onetime payment of $5 per channel. I personally prefer the $5 payment as you get
paid the channel up front with a decent chunk and are more done with it.

Finding Potential Partners:

Now that you’ve picked a network to use from the list above (or another one if you found something
you prefer more), and you’re signed up and ready to make money, it’s time to find partners. For this
guise I will be assuming you chose to go with the Acifin network. For a YouTube channel to be able to
join a network, it will need to meet these requirements:
 Have no copyrighted content (e.g. uploaded TV shows, music from NOT royalty free artists such
as linken park, etc.)
 300+ daily views and 300 subscribers
 Is not already partnered to another network
To find such channels, it couldn’t be easier. Go to YouTube and type in a game name, such as league of
legends, to pick a channel with a couple thousand views. To check if they meet the requirements,
simply click this link and replace USERNAME with their channel name.
The link:
This channel for example meets the partnership requirements.
Once you’ve found a suitable channel, click the channel name to open a link to their channel, and skim
through a few of their videos to see if they have any copyrighted content. If you find none, then the
channel is good to go. Private message them something similar to this:

This is just the basic mockup of a message you could send – you may want to personalize it or improve it
however you want – it’s your message after all, and you want to make it as enticing as possible so the
channel will join the network.

I do recommend that you give the Skype option of contacting you, as talking to a real person really does
help potential partners become convinced that they SHOULD join your network. Be sure to be patient
with them, friend, and answer any questions they may have. Think of it as Customer interaction.
Once they have signed up using your affiliate link – you’re done, and you can move on to the next
channel. Acifin also provides you with a dashboard where you can track your earnings, so you can see
who used your link and was successful partnered. You will be paid roughly around the end of the money
unto the payment you gave them on registering.

Finding More Channels:

You obviously want to sigh as many channels as you can to the network to maximize your profits, so
once you find your original channel, click the similarly ranked channels button, to find more potential
channels. <- Sample Link
You will get a page similar to the first one below, which will display similar channels views wise. See all
the channels with green boxes around the numbers? These are channels which are over the 300 views a
day requirement. Now simply open tabs for all these channels, check the other requirements, contact
them, rinse and repeat. Easy money right there.

How to automate this process:

Now we have a great method, but how can we make it even better, with autopilot earning for you?

Here are some methods how:

 Post your referral link on suitable forums, talk about the amazing perks of your networks and
why you should join. Pretty basic method, probably won’t yield much results if I’m honest with

So here’s the REAL method you want to use:

You want to OUTSOURCE the channel finding process. I shall explain how to find these workers later.
You can decide to have your “workers” go through the channel entirely to check for copyright, sub
count, and etc. (They will possibly goof this up), and have them send your out reaching message along
with referral link (which you will provide them) to the potential channel (this they WONT goof up), or
you can get them to simply check channels to see their views/day on socialblade, and if they are
partnered on another network.

You want to create an “instruction manual” for these workers to use, so they can understand exactly
what they are doing. Write up a channel checking method similar to the one I’ve provided you in this
guide, and then turn it into a PDF. This will be ESSENTIAL to having the workers succeed. Once they
have done the task to the extent which you have desired (channel finding/checking/messaging, or just
channel finding and view checking), then can submit their channel names to a
form, which you will create. Here is how you want the form laid out:
This allows you to keep track of the channels easily, and when the channel they have submitted gets
partnered under your referral link, you simply check the channel name on the dashboard, refer to the
“responses” section of your form to see who contacted them, and pay them accordingly. Be sure to pay
weekly, otherwise the workers will slack off from visible profits.

TIP: I recommend having the workers not give your referral link, but your Skype so the potential
customer can talk to you directly, this will improve the success rate. Also have them state in their PM(If
you have them PMing people) that they are not actually you, but a representative on your behalf.

How do I pay them? Easy! You will pay your worker $1 per channel sighed to the network via PayPal.
This means you will get $4 per channel, but the finding channels process has been skipped thanks to
your workers, which is the perfect compensation!
How to find the workers:
Now this bit is easy. Once you’ve written the instruction manual, teaching the workers how to check
channels, your template outreaching message, and the link to your Google form, go around popular
forums suck as hackforums, leakforums, warriorforums, etc., and marker your manual as a
moneymaking guide, telling people how it’s super amazing and makes you a lot of money hourly. Don’t
say that you are the one they are working for!! This method of publicizing the “moneymaking eBook”
will get people excited and wanting to get the free download. Once they have done so, they can begin
using your “brilliant money making method” themselves – reality is they are working for you and making
your life easier.


This is a method that will not only make you amazing profits, but allow you to make them on autopilot
thanks to your little worker army, which I just explained above. If you have any questions, feel free to
Private message me, and I’ll help you out no worries 

Happy money making!!

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