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Course Name

• Teacher • Sir. Bilal

• Semester • Fall 2023
• Credit Hours • 03

Faculty of Management Sciences, Indus University 3


• Assignment • 05
• Quiz • 05
• Report • 15

Faculty of Management Sciences, Indus University 4


Supply chain network design plays a vital role in creating an efficient and
cost-effective supply chain that meets customer demand. In this
presentation, we will explore the factors influencing network design
decisions and the frameworks that can be used to make those decisions.

By Bilal
Factors Influencing Network Design Decisions

1 Costs

The cost of production, transportation, and inventory are all

Customer Demand important factors that need to be considered when deciding on

a network design.
Understanding and meeting customer demand is the ultimate
goal of any supply chain. Network design needs to ensure that
customer demand is met in the most efficient way possible. 3 Risk Management

Managing risks in the supply chain can be challenging.

Network design can help mitigate risks through strategic
Technology advancements 4 inventory placement and transportation modes.

The advent of new technologies such as automation,

blockchain, and artificial intelligence is changing the way
supply chains operate. Network design needs to incorporate
these technologies to remain competitive.
Models for Facility Location and Capacity

P-Median Model P-Center Model

A mathematical model for facility location that minimizes A mathematical model for facility location that minimizes
the total distance traveled by all customers to reach the the maximum distance traveled by all customers to
facilities. reach the facilities.

P-Median-Center Model Capacity Allocation Models

A hybrid model that minimizes both the total and These models help decide how much capacity to
maximum distances traveled by all customers to reach allocate to different facilities. They consider factors such
the facilities. as demand, cost, and location.
The Offshoring Decision: Total Cost 1456.3

Offshore Oil Drilling Factory Assembly Transportation Costs

An example of offshoring where Companies can outsource production International transportation costs can
companies choose to move their to other countries with lower labor be high and need to be factored into
operations to other countries with costs. This can result in cheaper the total cost of offshoring.
lower labor costs. For example, call products being produced, but can also
centers in India. increase the total cost of the supply
E valuating Network Design Decisions Using
Decision Trees
Decision Making Probability Distribution Payoffs
Proces s
Decision trees use probability Payoffs in decision trees are used to
Decision trees can help evaluate distributions to assign likelihoods to assign values to each possible
network design decisions by different outcomes. outcome.
mapping out different possible
To Onshore or Offshore: Evaluation of
Global Supply Chain Design Decisions
Under Uncertainty
1 Risk Management 2 Cultural Differences

When making offs horing decis ions , Language barriers, work ethics , and
companies need to cons ider the ris ks cultural norms can pres ent challenges
involved, s uch as political ins tability or when outs ourcing to other countries .
natural dis as ters, and prepare Companies need to cons ider thes e
contingency plans. factors when making global supply
chain des ign decis ions .

3 Regulatory Compliance

Companies need to ensure that their offshoring decisions comply with local regulations and
laws to avoid penalties and reputational damage.
Making Global Supply Chain Design Decisions
Under Uncertainty in P ractice

1 R isk Identification

Identify potential risks that could affect network

R isk Assessment 2
design decisions, such as natural disasters or
political instability.
Quantify the likelihood of each identified risk
occurring and assess the impact it would have on
the supply chain. 3 R isk Mitigation

Develop contingency plans to mitigate the impact

of risks on the supply chain.
Key Considerations for Global Supply Chain
Network Design

Trade-offs between cost and lead time Infrastructure and transportation options

Supply chain managers need to find the optimal balance The availability and quality of infrastructure and
between cost and lead time to keep customers happy transportation networks can have a significant impact on
without sacrificing profitability. the design of a global supply chain.

Risk management strategies Cultural and Regulatory Challenges

Supply chain managers need to develop robust risk Companies need to take into account cultural differences
management strategies to mitigate potential disruptions and regulatory compliance issues when designing a
and ensure continuity of operations. global supply chain.

Supply Chain Efficiencies Global Reach The Future of Network Design

Through effective network design, Globalization has presented new New technologies such as automation
companies can minimize costs, opportunities and challenges for and artificial intelligence are set to
improve efficiencies, and increase global supply chain networks, and reshape the supply chain network
customer satisfaction. network design decisions have design landscape, offering new
become increasingly critical for efficiencies and opportunities for
success in today's global marketplace. growth.
Thank You


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