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Sample Translation 1

Saudi Arabia Receives 14 Palestinian Demands to "Revive" Oslo Accords as Part of

Normalisation Deal with Israel

On October 1, the Qatari-owned London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi daily carried the following
report from Nazareth by its correspondent Wadih Awawda: Today, on Sunday, the Hebrew
newspaper Haaretz corroborated the statement made by a Palestinian senior in Ramallah to Al-
Quds Al-Arabi regarding Saudi Arabia's endeavors to establish normal relations with Israel,
without sticking to its peace plan. It is worth noting that this initiative was transformed into an
Arab initiative after the 2002 Arab Summit in Beirut. According to Haaretz, three reliable
sources from the Middle East, who are knowledgeable about the confidential discussions,
revealed that Saudi Arabia is resolute in pursuing a military alliance with the United States.
This alliance would be contingent upon the normalization of relations, even if Israel does not
make any "concessions" to the Palestinians.

Nevertheless, insiders knowledgeable of the covert exchanges also informed Haaretz that the
Palestinian demands would not fulfill their hopes for an autonomous nation and significant self-
governance. They will probably have to accept the relaxation of Israeli limitations.

On Saturday, a reliable Palestinian source in Ramallah confirmed this information to Al-Quds

Al-Arabi. He clarified that in recent discussions with Saudi Ambassador Naif Al-Sudairi, the
Palestinian delegation acknowledged that the present circumstances are not conducive to
reaching a consensus on establishing a Palestinian state.

According to the source, the Saudi envoy informed the Palestinian leadership that Saudi Arabia
is now unable to facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state. He proposed that the
Palestinians put out a pragmatic and attainable list of requirements that could breathe new life
into the Oslo Accords. Subsequently, they may forward these requests to the United States and
diligently pursue their attainment.

According to the source, as reported by Al-Quds Al-Arabi, the Palestinian Authority

comprehends the stance taken by Saudi Arabia. They have chosen to draw lessons from the
UAE and Bahrain's decision to normalize relations with Israel. They are transitioning from
complete refusal to actively engaging in the prospective agreement with Saudi Arabia to
improve their circumstances, expanding their influence, and bolstering their ability to withstand
challenges at a national level.

As per the source, the Palestinian side put out 14 demands urging the execution of the sections
of the Oslo Agreement that were previously put on hold. According to the Palestinian source,
the Authority believes that fulfilling these requests will enhance the Palestinian political entity,
safeguard the two-state solution, resuscitate the Oslo Agreement, and counteract the efforts of
Israeli government circles aiming to destabilize the Palestinian Authority. Furthermore, it was
reported that the Palestinian faction agreed with the Saudi stance, which advocated for delaying
the Arab Peace Initiative at this time due to the lack of an Israeli counterpart.

It is important to mention that current leaks suggest that the Israeli security establishment has
concerns about the security element of the negotiations. These worries encompass Riyadh's
requests for American assistance in establishing a civilian nuclear program within Saudi
territory, as well as the objections held by certain uncompromising officials over any perceived
concessions to the Palestinians.

However, the leaders of the Israeli security agencies have chosen to remain silent and refrain
from providing any comments regarding the advancements made toward reaching an agreement
with Saudi Arabia.

Sample Translation2

"Palestinians Present 14 Demands to Saudi Arabia to 'Revive' Oslo Accords as Part of

Normalization Deal with Israel"
On October 1, the London-based Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper carried the following piece from
Nazareth by its correspondent Wadih Awawda: The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz confirmed
today, Sunday, what a Palestinian leader in Ramallah told Al-Quds Al-Arabi about Saudi
Arabia's efforts towards normalization with Israel without adhering to its peace initiative,
which became an Arab initiative after the 2002 Arab Summit in Beirut. Haaretz cited three
Middle Eastern sources familiar with the secret deliberations, who reported that Saudi Arabia is
determined to obtain a military alliance with the United States in return for normalization, even
if Israel offers no "concessions" to the Palestinians.
However, the sources familiar with the secret communications also told Haaretz that the
Palestinian demands will not achieve their aspirations for an independent state and extensive
sovereignty. They will likely have to settle for the easing of Israeli restrictions.
A Palestinian source in Ramallah confirmed this to Al-Quds Al-Arabi on Saturday. He
explained that during recent meetings with Saudi Ambassador Naif Al-Sudairi, the Palestinian
side agreed that the current opportunity is not suitable for an agreement establishing a
Palestinian state.
The source quoted the Saudi ambassador as telling the Palestinian leadership that Saudi Arabia
cannot currently bring about a Palestinian state. He suggested that the Palestinians present a
realistic set of demands that could revive the Oslo Accords. They could then take these
demands to the United States and follow up on achieving them.
The source explained to Al-Quds Al-Arabi that the Palestinian Authority understands the Saudi
position. They have decided to learn from the experience of the UAE and Bahrain's
normalization with Israel. They are moving from outright rejection to participating in the
potential agreement with Saudi Arabia to improve their situation, expand and enhance their
sovereignty, and strengthen their national resilience.

According to the source, the Palestinian side presented 14 demands calling for implementing
the suspended clauses of the Oslo Agreement. The Palestinian source said that the Authority
believes meeting these demands will strengthen the Palestinian political entity, preserve the two
-state solution, revive the Oslo Agreement, and thwart plans by Israeli government circles
working towards the collapse of the Palestinian Authority. It was also said that the Palestinian
side accepted the Saudi position calling for postponing the Arab Peace Initiative at this stage
due to the absence of an Israeli partner.
It is worth noting that ongoing leaks are indicating the Israeli security establishment's
reservations regarding the security aspect of the negotiations. These include concerns about
Riyadh's demands to obtain American support to develop a civilian nuclear program on Saudi
territory, in addition to the reservations of some hardline ministers towards any "concessions"
to the Palestinians.
But so far, officials in the leadership of the Israeli security agencies remain silent and avoid
commenting on the progress towards an agreement with Saudi Arabia.

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