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Made by: Orsakhanova Arina IFF20-3

Some people argue that space exploration has had more to do with national pride
than international effort. To what extent do you agree? How do you think space
exploration will change in the future?

The world's position in space exploration is currently being discussed and this
topic is very vital nowadays. Some people claim that national pride has pay more
attention than international efforts. This essay agrees with that suggestion
completely because each country in one way or another wants to be at the top
among all the countries and support this image in all possible ways. The essay will
first look at how space exploration helps to achieve recognition and pride all over
the world and then discuss how it can be difficult to cooperate in the face of
constant competition.

Space exploration was used to show the greatness of the country. Every country
wants to be proud of its achievements and to be remembered around the world. On
April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin went into space for the first time in the history of
mankind. In memory of the 55th anniversary of the historic flight, Roskomos
declared 2016 the Year of Yuri Gagarin. This date has become one of the most
important in the Russian calendar. Many Russians see it as a symbol of national
pride, and this year Russian space exploration heroes are remembered and honored
for their outstanding accomplishments. For most Russians, Yuri Gagarin's flight is
a symbol of pride in their country.

There will always be competition between the countries in the field of space
exploration. The need of different governments to be strong and influential is the
key force that induces rivalry. The race for space exploration between Russia and
the United States began a long time ago. Now a huge conflict is growing between
the two powers. Mark Gubrud, a researcher at the University of North Carolina,
said that a "space war" is already underway. The risk of a sharp escalation becomes
a serious threat to nuclear stability, since the main warring powers will almost
certainly be the United States and Russia. Therefore, in this situation, it is
impossible to talk about cooperation when the war almost escalates between the

In the future, I think that a huge number of new technologies will appear, and
people will be able to explore the rest of the planets and make them fit for human
life. Also, I hope that governments will still be able to cooperate to achieve more
global goals.

To summarize, space exploration has historically been associated with national

pride rather than international cooperation, but I hope that in the future, amid the
never-ending space races, space agencies will collaborate on a shared purpose.

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