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Opinion Essay

I believe that the current school system is outdated and ineffective. These days,
the schooling system isn’t changing as rapidly as it should be, it’s structure and
curriculum is almost the same that our grandparents used to learn with. The
world is rapidly changing at the moment and that’s why I will be discussing
why the school system is outdated and insufficient in teaching the newer
generations what matters.
To begin with, the present-day school system heavily relies on traditional
methods. These lead to students often failing to adapt to the changes in society
and technology, this is because most subjects learned in school lack relevance in
the real world. A serious problem has appeared due to subjects not aligning with
the current societal need and career opportunities presented in the market. There
are some truly sad examples, where people graduate from a very reputable
college, after paying the hefty academic fees, they try to get a job using their
diploma and for the majority it is very difficult. Furthermore, the way professors
grade their students is just useless if you want to work in a company. We all
know that teamwork is not appreciated in school, but later students discover that
it’s a critical skill no matter where they work.
Another important aspect is the lack of modernization in schools over time.
Currently, a lot of schools have no technological advancements and lessons
aren’t interactive at all. Modern educational technologies offer innovative ways
to engage students in lessons and encourage learning efficiently, but some
schools just don’t want or don’t have the possibility to invest in this kind of
equipment. The real question is how can we learn effectively, with all the
technological advancements and newly appearing distractions that are
happening around us, if the school don’t implement it? Sadly, this is the case for
many schools, primarily in Third World countries.
In conclusion, outdated schooling systems are affecting students every day,
depending on classic methods that are just inefficient for the present-day
standards. Lack of individualization and many other factors ruin learning today
and, in the future, if something doesn’t change.

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