Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer

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Mercury Retrograde

Neutralizer manual

brought to you by
elemental reiki

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

Copyright Information
Copyright 2009. This manual may be given to your students and those you attune
as long as the entire manual is kept intact. You are welcome to charge for
attunements to this system, but please do not post this manual for free on the
Internet. In addition, there is a flat rate price range of $17 USD for resale
of this initiation by others. This system cannot be passed for free by Yahoo,
Ning or any other groups, and cannot be passed onto eBay for sale less than $17
USD and cannot be included in buy one get one free sales. This manual may not
be given as a free attunement. An energy exchange must take place. Manual may
not be translated, displayed or altered without the express written permission of
the author.

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Elemental Reiki

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

About the Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is an astrological period where the planet Mercury reverses
direction in relation to earth's orbit. (Mercury doesn't actually start spinning in the
opposite direction, it simply appears to reverse direction relative to the
perspective of earth.) During the period of Mercury Retrograde, communications
tend to go awry, electronic equipment malfunctions, and it's not the best time to
sign contracts.

Mercury Retrograde periods thankfully only happen a few times per year (though
some years more frequently). They last a few weeks and can often just be “ridden
through.” These Mercury Retrograde periods can be very inconvenient, however,
and sometimes they wreak a lot of havoc before they are over.

One of the biggest problems with Mercury Retrograding is that it is generally a

bad time to start something new. It is not the best time to get a job, buy
expensive equipment, or sign loan papers for a new house.

Astrologers generally recommend avoiding large purchases and signing contracts

while Mercury is reverse. But this is not always practical. What if you absolutely
must sign a contract while Mercury is retrograding? Is your project doomed to
failure? Well, astrological energy is just that – energy. It is not fate or destiny. It is
simply the energetic weather that we live in.

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

Yes, the energetic weather during Mercury Retrograde can be quite bad, and it
can make it somewhat perilous to undertake certain ventures that might be more
auspicious when Mercury is direct.

Yet, much like we can put on a raincoat to protect ourselves from a harsh
rainstorm, we can energetically protect ourselves from a bad energetic weather
storm. This is what the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer is for. It can help smooth
the way during a time of retrograde.

Using the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer, you can mitigate if not totally remove
any negative effects of the astrological weather. Contracts signed can be signed
auspiciously instead of with an air of fatalism or defeat. New jobs can be
undertaken. Communication can be smoothed out and improved.

This energy is very easy to use. It simply uses intention. Use it as often as
possible during time of Mercury Retrograde until the situation clears up. You'll find
this is a useful tool to keep your life flowing smoothly instead of sidetracked by
Mercury Retrograde phases.

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

To Activate
This energy is easy to use. Simply ask your higher self to activate it. For example,
to neutralize a situation (such as communication gone bad), simply ask:

Higher self, please send the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer to this situation.

As a personal shield:

Higher self, please active the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer Shield around me.

To shield equipment:

Higher self, please active the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer Shield around this

To bless a contract, new job, or beginning:

Higher self, please apply the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer to this new venture.
Let the energy surrounding it be positive and flowing.

Give the energy a little time to work. If you have not been using the Neutralizer
and things have gone awry, it may take a few days or more to get the energy
moving again. Keep using the Neutralizer – additional applications strengthen it.

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer
To follow is the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer attunement process. You are also
welcome to use any existing attunement method you are already familiar with.

In-Person Attunement

Most people you attune to Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer should already be Reiki
Masters or at least Level II. If not, you should make sure the person has had a
Reiki session in the past week (at minimum).

For the attunement: Have the client sit in front of you with eyes closed to receive
the attunement.

Call upon your higher self. Then ask to connect with the higher self of the

To pass the attunements, place both hands on the client’s head. Ask your higher
self to send the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer energy into the crown chakra.

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

Distance Attunement

Distance attunements are just as effective as in-person attunements. You do not

even need to send the attunement at the same time the client receives it (as
attunements can be sent through time and distance).

If you want to send the attunement at the same time the client receives it, then
you will need to set a mutually beneficial time to do so. Have the client prepare
themselves on their end by finding a quiet place to meditate for at least a half-

You can also send the attunement with the intention that the client will receive it
when they are ready. All you need to do is send the attunement with that
intention, and then direct the client to set aside a time to receive the attunements
(a half-hour at least) at their convenience.

For both methods, the client can open themselves up to receiving the attunement
by repeating to themselves out loud or silently:

I am now receiving the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer attunement sent

by <your name>. Thank you.

To send the attunement: Call upon your higher self. Ask your higher self to send
the Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer energy into the crown chakra.

Copyright 2009 Elemental Reiki –

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