Hem Ikh Egyptian Shamanic Healing 2017

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egyptian shamanic healing

The name of this healing system roughly translates into English as a Ball
Suspended in the Air. This refers both to the power inherent in the Sun Gods
Ra and Aten, as well as the shamanic journey which is made out of the body
and moves through the ether like a suspended ball. The magickal practices of
Ancient Egypt were termed Heka and this was considered a gift of the God of
The sun, Ra. It was given to enable mankind to ward off ills and shape their
destiny. The word Heka had the dual meaning of Healing and Magick, so
Magickal Healing, which is exactly how Shamanic Healing could and has been
described by people.

The topic of this fascinating practice is far too large a subject to cover within
the pages of this manual and to do so would be wrong, as Egyptian
Shamanism is not to be confused with Heka, which it is not. Where Heka could
be considered a marriage of Low and High Magick, the way Ceremonial Magick
would operate if joined with Traditional Witchcraft, as in certain Wiccan
traditions, such as Garderian.
Egyptian Shamanism makes use of tools, frameworks and techniques, as does
any core Shamanic practice. However, that having been said, it is a practice
different in intention, purpose and execution. Hem Ikh is my own Shamanic
Healing practice and as such you are being taught something which has
organically grown over time and via direct spiritual channelled experiences
and communications. This system has been many years in the making and is
only the cornerstone of my own Egyptian Spiritual Healing Practice.

The Hem Ikh energy is a very clean energetic stream and has the ability to be
both warming and cooling. This is very unusual and because of this quality the
energy may be used in a great many ways. The following will give you an idea
of the depth of its healing range, more ideas will come to you as you work with
it. There is a symbol for use with each application, but do feel free to
experiment with and without the symbols, you may also wish to combine
symbols, depending on the work you are engaged in at the time. Think of this
as a complete working Egyptian Shamanic Energy System.

On the following page is a list of symbols for use with this Healing System.
These can be drawn on paper as you are working and focusing on a particular
aspect. They can also be printed and laminated as cards and used in that way.
They could also be painted on stones or wood. Each symbol is a different
aspect of the healing energy force of Hem Ikh and each allow you to tap into a
different latent aspect. These are, The Hem Ikh symbol, Hem Ikh Energy Flush,
Negative Energy, Cooling Water, Divine Flow, Movement, Uniting Elements,
Hollow Reed, Property Cleansing, Balancing Dark and Light, Aten, Shabti.
Together these symbols provide you with a complete set of archetypes with
which to assist you with any healing challenge you may come across.
hem ikh symbols

Hem Ikh Hem Ikh Energy Flush Negative Energy

Cooling Water Divine Flow Movement

Uniting Elements Hollow Reed Property Cleansing

Balancing Dark and Light Aten Shabti

The Hollow Reed symbol. Use this symbol before all Shamanic Healing
Sessions. This is the image and act of self-cleansing, removing the mundane and
making of you, the healer, an instrument of Divine energy. By performing The Four-
Fold breathing technique and concentrating on this symbol you remove impurities
and turn yourself into a Hollow Reed.

four-fold breathing technique

Breathe in through the nose slowly to the count of four. Hold the breath to the count
of four. Release the breath by breathing out through the mouth to the count of four.
Repeat this four times, or until you feel relaxed. Students who have worked with me
in the past will recognise this breathing technique as one that I use with all of my
original Egyptian healing systems; this is because it works very well and needs no

Say the following in your mind or out loud, as you gaze on the symbol:

“I call upon the old ones and ask that I be made worthy. Remove that which is
offensive and leave only the Hollow Reed of purity. I ask this in the most Holy name
of Lord Imhotep master of medicine and of healing. I seal this with the name of Lord

Hem Ikh symbol is to be used during every Shamanic Healing Session.

Place the Hem Ikh symbol before you and concentrate.
As you do this say the following either in your mind or out loud:

“I call upon the Hem Ikh, may it flow toward me and make me full. May I be a worthy
vessel for the Divine.”

Now you are ready to begin. The symbol or symbols you choose for your Healing
Session will depend on your client’s needs and situation. The examples below would
be suitable for a client who needs to move forward and gain insight into their
situation, perhaps from depression or other dibilitating afflictions.

Here we have used the Divine Flow and Movement symbols

together in order to focus our intention of both healing and aiding in bringing the
client out of their lethargic state.

Here we have been made aware of negativity within a

household/home/building/property and wisely decided to use our Shabti * together
with Property Cleansing. Each symbol when concentrated on unlocks a different
aspect of the Hem Ikh energy current. This is no different to tuning in stations on a
radio, different vibrational frequencies of the same energy stream. *More about The
Shabti follows shortly.

If a client has anger issues you would use to cool down the hot energy

and to rebalance their energies. The Aten symbol is heat and is

perfect where warming energy is needed, this symbol is the polar opposite of the
Cooling Water symbol above, which is useful for reducing inflamation, swellings and
This is perfect for those clients in need of an overall rebalancing.

Hem Ikh Energy Flush

The Hem Ikh Energy Flush symbol is for use when you feel that something is
either prooving too stubborn or else when extra energy is needed. Think of it as an
extra energy boost. This adds a Heka element to the energy stream and is what can
be termed The Hem Ikh Energy Flush. This has the ability to act as both a cleansing
agent as well as an energy boost. It is very powerful and can be used on its own.
This is also good for running through your own energy system prior to beginning your

The above examples are just a sample of how the symbols can be used during
session, please do allow yourself to be guided. Sometimes if you’re unsure of what
symbol/symbols are appropiate for a given situation, ask your Guides/Higher Self.
Let go and allow yourself to be shown what is right. Remember the more you use
these and get to know them, the easier working with them will become. Nothing is
set in stone, so do experiment with their use.
the shabti
The Shabti, of which can be found a full description below, is a very useful ally in our
Shamanic work, as he/she is literally a willing worker, waiting to be animated and to
then do our work for us. These small figures, of which thousands have been
recovered from tombs in Egypt, all were created with one purpose in mind. Each one
was named after its owner and would be available to do any manual work on her/his
behalf in the after-life. Now from a Shamanic perspective this little piece of
sympathetic magick is perfect for using as a Shamanic ally, not all our power and
totems are creatures, we can and do make use of other things to.

The idea of the Shabti was that if work was needed of the diseased person, up would
jump the nearest Shabti and shout

“Here am I, my name is ----- I will do my work.”

Some tombs even had a Shabti for each day of the year.

The Shabti in Shamanic work

For our purposes we will be creating an etheric version of the figure, perfect for use
in Shaman Healing. Once created and released, the etheric Shabti figure will be
ready to be called during any future healing sessions. It will respond on your behalf
and will only be able to do good and noble work.

You may wish to either print out or laminate a picture of a Shabti you would like to
use or purchase a modern replica, these can be bought very cheaply and are usually
made of plaster or resin. Should you choose to buy one, once charged it can be kept
wrapped in red cloth and kept in a box, to be taken out and used only for Egyptian
Shamanic Healing work.

Do not underestimate the power of making a sympathetic helper in this way; it can
transform your healing work in a very powerful way.

Negative energies and entities encountered during healing sessions can be dealt
with via the Shabti and thus lessening your actual etheric contact with them.

activating the shabti

Sit quietly, as you would during any serious spiritual work. Be sure to unplug/switch
off mobile phones and make certain you will not be disturbed. Place the image/figure
of your chosen Shabti helper before you; this can be on a computer screen or on a
printed image. What matters here are two things, your intention and your
concentration. Look carefully at your Shabti, take your time and really examine it.
See its exact colour shade, its expression if it has one. Does it have clear facial
features? Can you see its hands? Once you are confident that you know what it
looks like, close your eyes and count to ten slowly. Breathe normally. Now open your
eyes again and look at not simply a Shabti, but at the smaller version of yourself.
Name it, using your own name. Really own the figure/image/Shabti. You can say its
name within your mind, just so long as you call it by name.

Look at her/him for as long as is comfortable and as you do repeat the following
formula in your mind or out loud, as you wish.

If I be summoned or if I be detailed to do any healing work which has to be done in

the other realms … “here I am ----” you shall say’.

With all of your will push these words into your chosen Shabti and know that they are
causing it to live, not in its own right, but simply as an energetic extension of

Write the formula out by hand on a piece of paper and attach it to your Shabti. This
can either be glued or taped to a statuette or to a picture. You could even type it
beneath an image, though this will result in a weaker process. Remember to insert
its/your name into the formula after the words “Here I am -----.

Once you have the formula written on the paper and have attached this to the figure.
Hold or touch the Shabti and repeat the formula one last time. Know that the ritual is
now done and that it has been successful, even if you have experienced nothing,
knowing it is so is the important thing with this work.

If you’re working with an actual figure/statue you may notice that it feels heavier after
the activation, this is proof that it has been a success.


An interesting Shamanic correlation is to be found in the Native American Medicine

healer Frank Fools Crow’s book, Power and Wisdom. In the book he outlines the
creation of a power stick person. His creation is used to pray on his behalf. However,
the principle is the same. The book is highly recommended and should be read by
anyone interested in Shamanic work, Native American Medicine Teachings or
Energy work in general.
The Shabti’s above were used during the channelled creation of this healing system
and are part of the system creator’s personal collection of genuine Ancient Egyptian
artefacts. These are also used during Shamanic Egyptian healing sessions. As are
the Scarabs pictured below.

The description below is from the University College London’s website.
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums-static/digitalegypt/Welcome.html Shabtis: also
ushebtis or shawabtis. The word is ancient Egyptian, and may derive from Egyptian
Swb 'stick' originally, perhaps reinterpreted as from Egyptian wSb 'answer', 'respond'
in the first millennium BC. Shabtis are small figures of adult male or female form
inscribed with a special formula to be recited (Shabti formula), or figures
representing the function expressed in that spell, namely, to carry out heavy manual
tasks on behalf of a person in the afterlife. In the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069
BC) and Late Period (about 1550 - 332 BC) these figures were carved in stone or
wood or formed in faience. From the neck down the body was usually in the form of
a mummy, but at the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty there are also shabtis in daily life
dress. Shabtis were usually represented with tools in their hands - baskets, mattocks
and hoes. The number of shabtis in a standard elite burial grew over time, from one
in the Eighteenth Dynasty, to several in the Nineteenth Dynasty, to one for every day
of the year by the Third Intermediate Period. In the early Third Intermediate Period
(about 1069-850 BC), there was a special form of shabti with one hand to the side,
the other holding a whip. These are 'overseers' to keep control of a set of ten: a
typical elite burial would then have thirty-six overseers to keep control of the three
hundred and sixty-five ordinary workers. In the Late Period the numbers remained in
the hundreds, but the 'overseer' type was no longer used.
The sickness spoken of in the following Ancient Egyptian poem is
one that we healers cannot cure, for it speaks of love. The term
sister, like brother did not indicate family relationship and incest as
was so often falsely believed, but were instead used the way many
different people call each other brother and sister. This is a
common practice and is found in such diverse groups as Christians
and Witchcraft Practitioners. Incest in Ancient Egypt was generally
kept within Royal families in order to keep a pure bloodline and for
ruling purposes.

Sickness Invaded Me

Seven days since I saw my sister,

And sickness invaded me;
I am heavy in all my limbs,
My body has forsaken me.

When the physicians come to me,

My heart rejects their remedies;
The magicians are quite helpless,
My sickness is not discerned.

To tell me "She is here" would revive me!

Her name would make me rise;
Her messenger's coming and going,
That would revive my heart!

My sister is better than all prescriptions,

She does more for me than all medicines;
Her coming to me is my amulet,
The sight of her makes me well!

When she opens her eyes my body is young,

Her speaking makes me strong;
Embracing her expels my malady—
Seven days since she went from me!

Seventh Stanza, from Papyrus Chester Beatty I

passing on the hem ikh attunement

Once you have been attuned to this system you are able to attune others and in so
doing pass on the energy stream as well as confer on others the ability to heal and

Regardless of your chosen method of attunement, whether in-person/real-time or

distance Shabti/Chi-Ball, it is important that you send each Hem Ikh symbol whether
directly or indirectly to the student. Concentrate on each symbol in turn hold it in your
mind and direct it using the Hem Ikh energy flow. The final symbol, The Hem Ikh
Energy Flush will be experienced as a short energy burst. As a symbol is passed it
will glow or flash within your awareness. Don’t worry if you do not experience this, as
different people have different levels of awareness, you will however feel a subtle
change has taken place and then you are to move on to the next symbol, until all
have been sent or placed into the Shabti or Chi-Ball/Black Scarab.

attunement method

the shabti method

Whether sending a distant attunement or conducting an in-person one, this method

is very powerful and effective. It has been created for use with this attunement.

It is vital that you are not disturbed during this time period and so you should set
aside enough time to not only complete your attunement session, and to also
prepare yourself beforehand.

You may wish to burn incense, such as Frankincense or Sandalwood. You may wish
to light a candle, if you do, use a White one, a tea light is fine.
If you would like to use music I recommend the following cd which I use myself. The
Ancient Egyptian Harp by Michael Levy.

four-fold breathing technique

Breathe in through the nose slowly to the count of four. Hold the breath to the count
of four. Release the breath by breathing out through the mouth to the count of four.
Repeat this four times, or until you feel relaxed. Students who have worked with me
in the past will recognise this breathing technique as one that I use with all of my
original Egyptian healing systems, this is because it works very well and needs no

calling the shabti

Call on your Shabti (for instructions in the creation of this see above. Call on your
Shabti to carry the Hem Ikh energy-stream. This then will activate the attunement,
either in-person or at a distance. During the whole time of attunement or in creation
of a chi-ball you must hold the Shabti in your mind in deep concentration. . You may
use the Black Scarab and Golden Pyramid technique for this.
black scarab & golden pyramid chi-ball technique
When you wish to send a distance attunement use this very powerful technique.
Begin in the same way you would prepare for any other healing or attunement

It is vital that you are not disturbed and so you should set aside enough time to not
only complete your healing session, or attunement, but to also prepare yourself
beforehand. There is no set day, or time for using the system. Choose a suitable
table, or altar on which to place your direction symbols. If you are using scent and or
sound have this selected and ready for use. You might also like to use a single white
candle, or tea light. Unplug phone and turn off mobiles/pagers. Place your symbols
on the table/altar and Sit in a suitable comfortable chair. Now relax using the four-
fold breathing technique.

you are now ready to begin creating your chi-ball.

Visualise a large black scarab beetle floating in mid-air. It has the appearance of a
statue and is not alarming in any way, shape or form. You see it has a back which
opens revealing a deep cavity. Now having opened the energy stream, cause it to
flow into the space within the scarab. See within your mind a river of positive energy
pouring into the space. Within a short time, perhaps 15 minutes you will become
aware that it is full and that in fact the energy flow has stopped. Now declare within
your mind, or out loud that the scarab is sealed in the Holy names of The ladies
Nebt-Het & Auset and of the lords Set & Asar for the greater good of NAME OF
STUDENT Here you will replace the missing name with that of your student. Now
see in your mind the scarab climb slowly up the side of a great golden pyramid.
When it reaches the top, it will stop and remain there until it is collected by your

receiving the scarab chi-ball

To receive this Chi-Ball the student must prepare as for a session up to the Four-fold
breath and then say the following;

I accept the Black scarab on the Golden pyramid place there by NAME OF
Master/Teacher I accept this for the greater good of all in the most Holy names of
Lady Nebt-Het
Lord Set
Lady Auset
Lord Asar

You will now experience the attunement. This can be felt in any number of ways and
so to be expectant, but not to expect anything in particular is the correct frame of
mind to be in. You might feel a sensation such as electrical energy flowing through
your hands and arms. You could see colours in your mind, or any number of
variations. Some people do not actually experience anything, but this does not mean
that the attunement has not taken place. For some people the whole attunement
experience is a subtle one. For others it can be an almost overwhelming sensory
experience. Each person is an individual and as such will have a unique sensation.
In the image above you can see a number of tools which I use during Egyptian
Shamanic Healing work. The image on the left of the picture is a Chakra
representation for my client. This I designed and created myself. It is based on the
common and most used Chakra points, these can be seen in the coloured spots.
This then represents the client I am working on and once an energetic link with them
is established via the Shabti or through other means, it will respond to a pendulum,
shown beside it. By this is a crystal healing wand, which I use to energise the Chakra
points and move energy around the client’s energy framework. The shell Ankh box I
use to place my client’s name in together with two genuine Ancient Egyptian
artefacts, a Scarab and an Eye of Horus Amulet, both of which I utilise as energy
conduits during my healing sessions. The pyramids are all made from crystal and
represent the Chakra areas. These I place on the image during rebalancing.

Following this information you will find a client representational image for you to print
out and laminate yourself. You will need a pendulum to work with this. If you are new
to the idea of the pendulum, my advice would be to try it, it is my most used energy
tool and one I would not want to be without. If you’re new to pendulum work and
dowsing in general, you may find this short original article helpful.

Pendulums & Dowsing

A pendulum is a very useful tool and can be used for many different things. Most
people will at one time or another have seen a pendulum, whether it’s at a psychic
fair, or in a new age/spiritual shop. They come in all shapes and sizes. Pendulums
can be made of almost any type of material from crystal to wood. You can even use
a pendant on a chain, or cord/string, so long as it’s balanced. On its own a
pendulum is nothing more than an object attached to thread, but when held in the
hand it will trigger the users energy, very like when anyone utilises healing energy.
The energy used is that of an outside universal kind that blends in with the energy of
the individual. If you decide to try using a pendulum all you have to do, is first buy, or
make yourself one.

The first thing to do is find the hand that feels most comfortable with it held in. Many
people use their dominant hand, so if you were right handed then that would be the
hand for you to use. However the main thing is to find what is right for you, so try not
to push yourself into doing anything that doesn’t feel natural and right for you. Once
you’re happy with your choice of hand to use, we’ll move right along to the next step.
Now you’ll have to find out the way your pendulum swings for you. Each person has
their own relationship with their own pendulum, or pendulums. You start by asking it
to show you the answer to a few basic questions.

You do this by simply asking it either out loud, or within your mind, either way works
just as well. Ask it to first show you YES, while holding your hand very still. If you find
your hand is shaking a little, don’t worry; just hold the hand with the pendulum by the
elbow of your free hand and it will stop shaking. Your pendulum will soon start
moving on its own. Take note of the direction of its spin in relation to your question
and you’ll now have the answer to your first question, yes, as easy as that. Now ask
it to show you NO. Okay same as last time, just take note of its spin this time. Then
repeat this but asking it to show you NOT SURE, or DON’T KNOW. Okay so now
you’re armed with a little knowledge, so it’s time to play.

Just to check that you’ve written down, or memorised the answers correctly, we’ll
give it a little test. We’ll say that you are in fact a woman, so you will now ask it AM I
A WOMAN? If the answer is correct, you’re right on target, if not, then you’ll have to
check again. Next you’d ask AM I A MAN? Which should give you the answer NO.
Assuming these two questions are working fine, then you can start working in
earnest with your newfound friend. Treat working with your pendulum as fun, but do
treat its responses with respect, for in my years of experience working with them,
they are very rarely wrong and if they are, you can bet that nine times out of ten it
was in the way that you asked your question that brought about the confusion. One
great way of getting help from pendulums is to find things that are lost, or mislaid
around your home. I’ve known such things as passports, rings, keys and a hundred
and one other things all found thanks to carefully asked questions. A useful thing to
do in searching a home is to draw a basic room plan and move from room to room
asking your question. This works the same way as it does dowsing Chakras. The
pendulum can also be used in tracing energies, both positive and negative. Have fun
and enjoy.

The dowsing cloth pictured above is a very handy and inexpensive way to have an
all-purpose template for use with your clients, regardless of the energy stream you
are working with at the time, this can be purchased online at many shops or Ebay.
ancient egyptian stones & crystals
A crystal is a very useful Shamanic ally. Below is a list which you might find
useful during Egyptian energy work and Healing.

Amethyst was used by the Ancient Egyptians for its ability to bestow spiritual
insight. The Ancient Egyptians also wore jewels made of Amethyst.

Alabaster is a stone made of calcite and was used by the Ancient Egyptians to
make small objects such as vases, bowls, and lamps.

Alum (found in powdered form) was used in protective amulets against evil.

Amazonite was obtained by the Ancient Egyptians from numerous possible sources
in the Eastern desert of Egypt. It was used by the Ancient Egyptians to a limited
degree for beads, inlay, and small items.

Amber (Baltic amber) was used in Ancient Egypt for amulets and jewellery. Amber
amulets were worn to provide fertility. Ancient Egyptians actually used pine resin as
an embalming agent of which amber comes from.

Aquamarine was the sea-goddesses of Ancient Egypt’s stone. Aquamarine is a

protective amulet and can be worn to relieve pain and ensure good health. Beads of
aquamarine were found in Ancient Egyptian mummy pits.

Azurite was used by the priests and priestesses of Ancient Egypt to enhance their
spiritual consciousness.
Basalt was used by the Ancient Egyptians for stone coffins and sometimes for
statues and small objects.

Bloodstone was used in Ancient Egypt to open doors and break bonds
(mental/spiritual kind). Its most famous use is to halt bleeding and it was always
carried by soldiers. It was also worn to cure fevers and as a general health giving
talisman. The Ancient Egyptians called this stone hematite; although what we call
hematite today is a different stone entirely.

Blue Lace Agate was highly regarded as a stone of protection and good luck.
Country of origin is Egypt.

Breccia has fragments of one type of stone embedded in another. Two types of
breccia were available to the Ancient Egyptians – a green variety found in the
eastern desert, and a red-and-white variety found in the western desert and along
the Nile. Breccia was used by the Ancient Egyptians for vases and other objects.

Carnelian was used by the Ancient Egyptians to make amulets and it was one of the
stones that the high priest wore in his breastplate. It was revered by ancient
shamans as being sacred and a protector. Carnelian was the stone of good luck and
was shaped into shields, amulets, and hearts. It was also carved into insignia seals
because it didn’t stick to wax. Ancient Egyptian tombs are full of examples of
carnelian jewels, because of their belief in the stone’s power in the afterlife.
According to the Ancient Egyptians amulets of carnelian could prove helpful in
ensuring the Ka’s (the soul’s) passage into the next world.

Chalcedony was used by the Ancient Egyptians around 3000 B.C. Chrysoprase was
the beautiful, apple green form of chalcedony which the Ancient Egyptians used. It
was said to improve perception, both physical as well as mental and it improves
eyesight and enhances psychic perception as well. Ancient Egyptians set it with

Coral was the stone of Isis and it was used in Ancient Egypt for its healing
properties, to regulate menstruation and for agriculture purposes. In Ancient Egypt
powdered coral was mixed with seed and sown or scattered over newly planted
fields. This protected the growing crops from inclement weather and insects. Coral
was also hung on fruit trees to increase their yield. It was extensively used in Ancient
Egypt (sculpting of scarabs) and in jewellery.

Diorite was a stone used by the Ancient Egyptians for statues, bowls, and other fine

Eilat Stone is a combination of Chrysocolla, Turquoise and Copper and it is found in

Eilat, Egypt. A stone used today (as no information suggest the AE used it) to help
attain growth and wisdom.
Emerald (beryl) is the stone of Isis and was mined by the Ancient Egyptians.
Emeralds have always been highly prized by royalty and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
wore emeralds from her mine in Upper Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians believed it
stood for fertility and rebirth. It was also used as a protection from enchantment and
to cure eye diseases.

Fluorite was used by the Ancient Egyptians in statues and in carving scarabs.
Ancient physicians used powdered fluorite in water to relieve kidney disease.

Garnet can be traced to the Nile Delta in 3100 B.C. Ancient Egyptian artisans
created beautiful garnet beads, bracelets and other jewellery. In Ancient Egypt
garnets were used widely as an abrasive.

Granite was used by the Ancient Egyptians for buildings, tombs, and statues.

Hematite was used by the Ancient Egyptians in the creation of their magical amulets
such as the carpenter square, headrest amulets and several heart amulets. It was
used as an inscription stone for passages from the Book of the Dead. The Ancient
Egyptians used it to treat hysteria, to reduce inflammation, and to place in tombs.
The hematite that the Ancient Egyptians used was of the crystalline type being black,
opaque, and having a metallic lustre. They also used hematite for beads, amulets,
kohl sticks and other small ornamental objects.

Jade is the stone of Ma’at and was a mineral found in Ancient Egyptian jewellery
and the walls of their tombs and pyramids. It was probably sourced from Asia with
whom they were trading with at the time.

Jasper was one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. It was
revered and considered a sacred, protective stone which facilitated safe astral travel.
It was used in Ancient Egypt to make scarab amulets from red jasper as it was
considered a symbol of eternal life. Jasper, with light and dark brown markings was
referred to as “Egyptian Marble”. Green jasper had been engraved with the image
of a dragon surrounded by rays was worn by the Ancient Egyptian King Nechepsus
to strengthen his digestive tract.

Lapis Lazuli was called “sapphire” by Ancient Egyptians because it was considered
to be the most precious stone. Because of its deep blue colour, lapis was a symbol
of the heavens and was widely used as a magical stone for worshipping purposes.
The Ancient Egyptians used it to open the door between conscious self and higher
self, creating harmony between mind, body and spirit, to reveal one’s inner truth,
deepen intuition, psychic awareness and as a tool for dreams and “illumination”.
They pulverized lapis and made it into a poultice, which was then rubbed into the
crown of the head to draw out spiritual impurities. It’s the stone of Isis and her child
Horus since it’s associated with motherhood. Ancient Egyptians called the stone
“chesbet” commonly fashioning scarabs from it. Lapis was also considered to be a
royal stone and the Chief Justice of Ancient Egypt wore a lapis amulet carved with
the Goddess Ma’at (Goddess of Truth) as it was thought to give wisdom and fairness
to its wearer and increase spiritual love. They also believed lapis to be sacred and
burned it with their dead to protect and guide them in the afterlife.

Limestone was the first stone used for building in Ancient Egypt. It was taken from
the rocky cliffs where some of the earliest tombs were carved into the stone.

Malachite was used to make green paint in Ancient Egyptian artwork. Green
represented life and growing things. It was also a stone dedicated to Hathor as it
was believed that malachite was a stone for womanhood as it enhanced seduction,
sensuality, aesthetics and the arts. The pharaohs often had their headdresses lined
with malachite to help them rule wisely.

Moonstone is the stone of Isis and provides contact with the Ancient Egyptian
builders. It can be used to initiate insight into the ancient methods and associated
wisdom of that time.

Orthoclase is a stone which provides contact with the Ancient Egyptian builders and
can be used to initiate into the ancient methods and associated wisdom.

Pearl is the stone of Isis. Pearl, like amber, jet, and mother of pearl, is the product of
a living creature. Since the oyster must be killed to obtain the pearl, the use of pearls
may carry a heavy debt. The Romans imported pearls from Egypt were they were
worn to grant favours from Isis. The Ancient Egyptians believed they were connected
with the moon, so they could only be worn at night for magic.

Peridot was used in Ancient Egypt for healing and as jewels. It was considered the
“gem of the sun”. Peridot was used to keep away evil spiritus and to develop its full
strength as a talisman it had to be set in gold. Ancient Egyptian miners searched for
Peridot crystals at night where they would mark the spot, then come back in the
daylight to dig them up. Peridot was greatly prized by Ancient Egyptian Kings and
some of Cleopatra’s emeralds were in fact Peridot.

Quartz was used by the Ancient Egyptians for diagnostic healing, raising
consciousness towards enlightened states, communications with spirits and those
from other words. It was also used it for digestive disorders.

Quartzite was used by the Ancient Egyptians for buildings, tombs, and monuments.
The Ancient Egyptians called it ‘wonderful.’ Statues of kings were often carved of
quartzite. It came in many colours and white, yellow, and red were symbols of the

Roselite is used as a window access to the traditions of Ancient Egypt and can help
translate the hieroglyphs.
Serpentine was common in Egypt’s eastern desert and the Ancient Egyptians used
it for small objects, magical stone posts, and amulets to ward off snakes and

Serpentine was common in Egypt’s eastern desert. Ancient Egyptians used

serpentine for small objects, magical stone posts, and amulets to ward off snakes
and scorpions.

Tigers Eye was found in Ancient Egyptian tombs and these stones were shaped into
shields, amulets, and hearts. The Ancient Egyptians used tiger’s eye stone for
amulets to transmit the power of Ra, the sun god, for it is said Tiger’s Eye contained
the power of the sun and of the earth.

Topaz is a projective stone and is the stone of the Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra. The
colour of yellow topaz symbolized Ra, the god of the sun to the Ancient Egyptians.
Topaz has been worn as an amulet to protect against evils, to strengthen intellect,
and prevent bad dreams. It was also said if you wore topaz you would be invisible,
beautiful, intelligent, and have a long life. All of these powers could come and go with
the changes of the moon. It was believed that topaz worn as an amulet (mounted in
gold and hung around the neck) could drive away sadness, strengthen the intellect
and bestow courage. Topaz was believed in wine was used as a cure for asthma,
insomnia, burns and haemorrhages. It was also claimed to calm angry tempers and
prevent bad dreams.

Tsavorite (Green Garnet) is used to contact Egyptian Gods who represent learning,
prudence, wisdom and magic.

Turquoise was the stone of Hathor and was worn as a powerful talisman against
evil spells, and to promote good health, happiness and friendship. Turquoise stones
were shaped into shields, amulets and hearts. The Ancient Egyptians considered it a
symbol of prosperity. Ancient doctors exploited the stone’s medicinal potential by
making it into a paste to treat ailments of the hip. They also mounted turquoise in
silver to treat eyes suffering from cataracts. It was an important ornamental mineral
for jewellery and bracelets worn by the Ancient Egyptians as it graced the necks of
Egyptian Pharaohs. It has been found in tombs and the Ancient Egyptian miners
had to go deep into the Arabian Desert to find turquoise.
© T. Georgitsis 2003

Love Is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals (Love is in the Earth) by Melody Earth-Love Publishing House Ltd, 1995 ISBN:

The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals by Judy Hall Published by Walking Stick Press, 2003 ISBN: 1582972400

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham

Llewellyn Publications, 2002

ancient egyptian herbal remedies

Acacia (acacia nilotica)- vermifuge, eases diharea and internal bleeding, also used
to treat skin diseases.

Aloe vera - worms, relieves headaches, soothes chest pains, burns, ulcers and for
skin disease and allergies.

Basil (ocimum basilicum)- excellent for heart.

Balsam Apple (malus sylvestris)or Apple of Jerusalem - laxative, skin allergies,

soothes headaches, gums and teeth, for asthma, liver stimulant, weak digestion.

Bayberry(Myrica cerifera) - stops diarrhea, soothes ulcers, shrinks hemorrhoids,

repels flies.

Belladonna - pain reliever;camphor tree - reduces fevers, soothes gums, soothes


Caraway (Carum carvi; Umbelliferae)- soothes flatulence, digestive, breath


Cardamom( Eletarria cardamomum; Zingiberacae)- Used as a spice in

foods,digestive, soothes flatulence.

Colchicum (Citrullus colocynthus) - also known as "Meadow Saffron", soothes

rheumatism, reduces swelling.
Common Juniper tree (Juniperis phonecia; Juniperus drupacea)- digestive, soothes
chest pains, soothes stomach cramps.

Cubeb pepper (Piper cubeba; Piperaceae)- urinary tract infections, larynx and throat
infections, gum ulcers and infections, soothes headaches.

Dill (Anethum graveolens)- soothes flatulence, relieves dyspepsia, laxative and

diuretic properties.

Fenugreek(Trigonella foenum-graecum) - respiratory disorders, cleanses the

stomach, calms the liver, soothes pancreas, reduces swelling.

Frankincense(Boswellia carterii) - throat and larynx infections, stops bleeding, cuts

phlegm, asthma, stops vomiting.

Garlic (Allium sativa) - gives vitality, soothes flatulence and aids digestion, mild
laxative, shrinks hemorrhoids, rids body of "spirits" (note, during the building of the
Pyramids, the workers were given garlic daily to give them the vitality and strength to
carry on and perform well).

Henna (Lawsomia inermis) - astringent, stops diarrhea, close open wounds (and
used as a dye).

Honey was widely used, a natural antibiotic and used to dress wounds and as a
base for healing unguants, as was castor oil, coriander,beer and other foods.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra - mild laxative, expels phlegm, soothes liver, pancreas
and chest and respiratory problems.

Mustard (Sinapis alba) - induces vomiting, relieves chest pains.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) - stops diarrhea, relives headaches, soothes gums,

toothaches and backaches.

Onion (Allium cepa) - diuretic, induces perspiration, prevents colds, soothes sciatica,
relieves pains and other cardiovascular problems.
Parsley (Apium petroselinum) - diuretic.

Mint (Mentha piperita) - soothes flatulence, aids digestion, stops vomiting, breath

Sandalwood (Santallum albus) - aids digestion, stops diarrhea, soothes headaches

and gout (used, of course, in incense).

Sesame (Sesamum indicum)- soothes asthma.

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)- laxative.

Thyme (Thymus/Thimbra) - pain reliever.

Tumeric (Curcumae longa) - closes open wounds (also was used to dye skin and

Poppy (papaver somniferum) - relieves insomnia, relieves headaches, anesthetic,

soothes respiratory problems, deadens pain.


Egyptian Oracle Cards

The card pictured above is from The Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild. This is a perfect
oracle deck for those who want to get under the skin of Egyptian energy work.
Perfect for anyone who works with Egyptian Magick or Egyptian Shamanism.
copyright/disclaimer information
Copyright 2006-2017 Raine Hilton and Philip Hilton. This manual may be passed on
to your students as long as the entire manual is kept intact. No text or portion of this
manual may be copied or used for any purpose, unless quoted briefly as part of fair
use in a review, attunement advertising or other commentary. All rights remain with
Raine Hilton, Philip Hilton, GVHT & with Good Vibes Holistic Therapies. Please be
aware that energy healing, attunements and empowerments are no substitution for
professional medical services and assistance. Energetic Healing is to be used as a
complimentary holistic therapy and not as an alternative to mainstream professional
medicine. If you consider that you might have a medical condition, please seek
professional medical help at your earliest convenience.

for more reiki courses and other attunements

Please stop by our websites www.goodvibesgirl.co.uk and www.philiphilton.co.uk for
a full range of attunements and healing therapies. All paid attunements come with a
distance attunement guide explaining how best to prepare and get the most from
your attunement.

please note
In the interest of fair energy exchange we ask that this initiation / empowerment /
activation or healing system attunement must be sold for a fixed fee of £25 or the

equivalent in your currency. This attunement is not to be given away for free or used
as part of any buy 1 get 1 free sales or similar.

Channelled and created by Philip Hilton

I have been an active channeller for 19 years. These energetic alignments are
not new energy, but are rather older energies re-surfacing in a newer age. We
are very fortunate that they are now ready to be re-birthed once again. I am
simply the messenger. I am nothing more than a conduit through which these
energies can return and aid in the planetary changes and upliftment, as we
journey toward a more understanding and beneficial future. I have been
tasked at this time to bring these energetic alignments to those who will be
able to make use of their unique healing gifts. They are powerful resources for
both the healer and the lightworker.



for more reiki courses and other attunements

Please stop by our websites www.goodvibesgirl.co.uk and www.philiphilton.co.uk for
a full range of attunements and healing therapies. All paid attunements come with a
distance attunement guide explaining how best to prepare and get the most from
your attunement.

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