W1 Lesson Plan

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School Champions Lesson Plans

Week 1 - Introduction
Key Objectives:

• Introduce Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework to students

• Dispel myths about entrepreneurship
• Have students understand the need for action and importance of teaming
Materials Needed:

• Marshmallow Kits (teams of 3-4 students) | Each team will need the following
items: 1 marshmallow, 10 spaghetti, 3 ft. masking tape, 2 ft. string, 1 brown paper
• Tape measure, scissors
• Video projector with working audio, computer, adapter, laptop (working Wi-Fi)
Components of course:

• Review Agenda, Objective, Logistics and Clubs Culture (2-3 minutes) [Slides 1-5]
• Discussion Prompt (5-10 minutes): [Slide 6]
1. Who is an entrepreneur?
2. Who are some examples of entrepreneurs? What are the qualities that
make them successful entrepreneurs?
3. Is entrepreneurship something that can be taught?
4. What reasons are there to start something earlier rather than later?
5. What makes a good idea?
• Video from the beginning (3 minutes) [Slide 7]
• Dispelling Entrepreneurship Myths (discussion debrief): [Slide 8-9]
1. Media glamorization of entrepreneurship has been a double-edged sword.
2. Positive Outcome: Lots of talent going towards entrepreneurship
3. Negative Outcome: Idealized image of what entrepreneurship actually is,
specifically around the entrepreneurial lifestyle
4. ”Freedom” “Innovation” “Wealth” are things that come to mind, but there is
so much more to entrepreneurship … “problem solving” “creating social and
economic value”
5. There are a lot of hurdles that might stand in your way as a high school
student, but they are not impossible to overcome.
• Marshmallow Activity (20 minutes): [Slides 10-11] 18 minutes to build the tallest
free-standing structure measured at the height of the marshmallow – can use as
much or as little of the contents of the kit as you like, not including the bag. You
can break the pieces but cannot get new pieces if you decide you do not want
them broken anymore. Cannot tape it to the desk or hang it from the ceiling. The
marshmallow must remain fully intact, not mashed or broken apart.
• Marshmallow Debrief (15 minutes) [Slides 12-17]
1. In teams on the questions on the slide
2. Together as a full group on the questions (just a few minutes)
3. Going through the slides 12-16 about creativity and age
4. Optional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0_yKBitO8M
• Review Prototyping & Diverse Skills (4 minutes): [Slides 18-22]
1. Prototyping: This is important in the design process because we hold
assumptions that need to be test. Prototyping does not necessarily mean
building out an entire app. It means testing the concept in the market to
determine whether it is really serving a need. This is going to be an
important lesson that is reiterated frequently.
2. Next week we are going to think about teaming. Before next week, please
fill out the entrepreneurial profile form and think about the skill set that you
will be bringing to this process. If you plan on working with a friend group,
that is okay but you want to think about how to complement your skill set
so that your team has all its needs met.
3. The startup curve – there will be initial excitement behind the idea followed
by reality setting in – everyone goes through this! Be the team that finds a
way through
4. Talking about how to get through the trough – using resources around
them – in the club, their team, mentors through MIT Launch
• Homework: Qualtrics Entrepreneurial Profile Form (1 minute): [Slide 23]

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