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Dark Matter Halo Parameters from Overheated Exoplanets
via Bayesian Hierarchical Inference
María Benito,1, ∗ Konstantin Karchev,2, † Rebecca K. Leane,3, 4, ‡
Sven Põder,5, § Juri Smirnov,6, ¶ and Roberto Trotta2, 7, 8, ∗∗
Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu, Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere 61602, Estonia
Theoretical and Scientific Data Science, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94039, USA
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94039, USA
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Rävala 10, Tallinn 10143, Estonia
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 7ZL, United Kingdom
Imperial College London, Physics Department, Blackett Laboratory,
arXiv:2405.09578v1 [astro-ph.IM] 14 May 2024

Prince Consort Rd, SW7 2AZ London, United Kingdom

Italian Research Center on High Performance Computing,
Big Data and Quantum Computing & National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Sezione di Trieste, Italy
(Dated: May 17, 2024)
Dark Matter (DM) can become captured, deposit annihilation energy, and hence increase the
heat flow in exoplanets and brown dwarfs. Detecting such a DM-induced heating in a population
of exoplanets in the inner kpc of the Milky Way thus provides potential sensitivity to the galactic
DM halo parameters. We develop a Bayesian Hierarchical Model to investigate the feasibility of
DM discovery with exoplanets and examine future prospects to recover the spatial distribution
of DM in the Milky Way. We reconstruct from mock exoplanet datasets observable parameters
such as exoplanet age, temperature, mass, and location, together with DM halo parameters, for
representative choices of measurement uncertainty and the number of exoplanets detected. We
find that detection of O(100) exoplanets in the inner Galaxy can yield quantitative information on
the galactic DM density profile, under the assumption of 10% measurement uncertainty. Even as
few as O(10) exoplanets can deliver meaningful sensitivities if the DM density and inner slope are
sufficiently large. ‡

he milky way is estimated to be home to about

T 100 billion exoplanets and brown dwarfs [1]. Each

of them holds a wealth of data, waiting to reveal
Exoplanet Temperature

their secrets and curiosities. One such secret is whether

or not exoplanets and brown dwarfs (hereafter collec-
tively referred to as “exoplanets”) harbor dark matter
(DM) cores and consequently have temperatures much
higher than otherwise expected [2].
DM heating in exoplanets is expected to potentially
arise in the following way. Exoplanets sweep through the
Galactic DM halo, collecting DM which has scattered
with the exoplanet particles and lost sufficient kinetic
energy to become bound to the exoplanet. The accu-
mulated DM can then potentially annihilate, depositing
its annihilation energy into the exoplanet and increas- ›
ing its temperature beyond that expected from models Galactocentric Distance
of exoplanet formation and evolution. Once sufficient
DM has accumulated, the exoplanet can reach equilib- FIG. 1. Schematic of DM heated exoplanets. In the inner
rium between DM scattering and annihilation, such that Galaxy, there is more DM, leading to higher levels of exo-
the measured temperature provides a probe of the DM planet heating. Therefore, measuring exoplanet temperatures
scattering rate and enables inference of the DM density as a function of Galactocentric radius provides a probe of the
DM density distribution in our Galaxy.

near the exoplanet, as the "excess" heating scales with; 0000-0002-4711-6516 the DM density (see Figure 1). This signal can be po-; 0000-0001-9344-736X
‡ tentially detected by upcoming infrared telescopes, such; 0000-0002-1287-8780
§; 0000-0002-0001-7123 as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), or Roman
¶; 0000-0002-3082-0929 Telescope [2].
∗∗; 0000-0002-3415-0707 DM heating processes have also been considered in

other celestial objects, such as nuclear-burning stars, model to investigate the sample size and measurement
neutron stars and white dwarfs [3–52], the Earth [53– precision required for inference of DM halo parameters.
55], and other planets and moons [55–64]. Exoplanets This paper is organized as follows. In Section I, we de-
can be superior probes to these other celestial objects in scribe our statistical model and provide details of the lu-
several ways [2, 65]. First, they have cooler cores while minosities of exoplanets, including DM capture and heat-
having relatively high escape velocities, allowing lighter ing. We discuss our results, including the sensitivity to
DM particles to not evaporate and be retained in the DM-heating detectability, in Section II. Finally, we con-
system, providing a probe of sub-GeV mass DM. Second, clude and discuss the outlook for detecting DM-heated
they have large radii, allowing them to be detectable far exoplanets in Section III.
into the inner Galaxy. Third, exoplanets are highly abun-
dant, such that this signature can be probed throughout
the Galaxy with potentially high statistics. This allows I. THE BAYESIAN HIERARCHICAL MODEL
for a location-dependent probe of the DM density profile.
The exoplanet program is rapidly accelerating. Many
The interplay between the latent (i.e., unobserved) dis-
new exoplanets are expected to be identified soon, and
tribution of exoplanet parameters and noise arising from
many new measurements will be performed. The Vera
observational error leads to a well-known statistical ef-
C. Rubin Observatory (Rubin), the Nancy Grace Roman
fect that astronomers call “Eddington bias” [71] – the fact
Space Telescope (Roman), and the Gaia Spacecraft have
that the parameters of the underlying population will be
or will have targeted programs to discover as many ex-
incorrectly estimated from the observed sample (for an
oplanets as possible [66–68]. While exoplanets have not
illustration of how and why this arises in Gaussian lin-
yet had their spectra measured at the low temperatures
ear models, see Refs. [72, 73]). To counter the bias, it
and large distances required for this search, the tech-
is necessary to model the process leading from popula-
nological breakthroughs of these instruments will allow
tion parameters to observed (noisy) samples. This can
unprecedented sensitivities to distant exoplanets. There
be achieved by means of a hierarchical structure, which
are also many surveys such as the Optical Gravitational
models separately the population distribution and the
Lensing Experiment (OGLE), Two Micron All Sky Sur-
noise. Conditioning on the observed data then leads to
vey (2MASS), and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Ex-
posterior distributions for all – global and latent – pa-
plorer (WISE), which peer deep into our Galaxy. Detect-
rameters in the model that correctly capture the differ-
ing the temperature of either free-floating exoplanets, or
ent properties at each level where uncertainties are intro-
brown dwarfs, first requires target detection via gravita-
duced (either through intrinsic variability at the popula-
tional microlensing, which can be aided especially with
tion level or through noise). In other words, this requires
simultaneous use of telescopes. This has already been
a Bayesian hierarchical model of the forward generation
investigated for example with Roman and Euclid [69].
of the data.
Microlensing has so far led to the identification of can-
didates of free floating exoplanets and brown dwarfs at In this spirit, we present in this section a Bayesian hi-
large distances, for example OGLE-2015-BLG-1268, a erarchical model for DM-heated exoplanets, which allows
brown dwarf candidate with 50 Jupiter masses and at one to infer the normalisation and slope of the Galactic
5.9 ± 1.0 kpc [70]. DM halo density profile jointly with parameters describ-
ing the population of exoplanets and the a-priori uncer-
Overall, the interplay of all these telescopes will only tain properties of individual objects from noisy measure-
improve the prospects for this search, making it timely ments of their temperatures, masses, ages, and positions
to consider the precision required of exoplanet-related within the Galaxy.
measurements to be used in inference of DM distribution
Figure 2 shows a graphical network which illustrates
and properties. Setting up a first statistical framework
the structure of this model, and is summarised in Table I.
to attack this problem, and quantifying the measurement
We proceed to elaborate it below.
uncertainties required alongside the number of required
target exoplanets to test the DM halo, is the goal of this
In this work, we develop a Bayesian hierarchical model A. Observables
(BHM) that takes as input measured properties of exo-
planets and infers simultaneously: parameters describing The observed data d consists of noisy measurements
their population, such as the shape of their initial mass Âi , M̂i , R̂i , and T̂i (i = 1, . . . , N ) of the ages, masses,
function and Galactic radial number density profile; the Galactocentric distances, and temperatures, respectively,
individual properties of all objects; and parameters of the of a sample of N exoplanets; the data are shown in green
Galactic DM density profile. We use this model because in the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of Fig. 2. Under
our problem contains many correlated uncertainties, and the assumption of normally distributed errors, the sam-
the model is particularly powerful at accounting for the pling distribution of d ∈ R4N is Gaussian:
variability within the exoplanet population and measure-
ment uncertainties. We use this Bayesian hierarchical d ∼ N ([A, M , R, T ], Σ̂), (1)

Parameter Prior Mock value

Measured age, mass, X̂ N (X, (σ · X)2 ) a b Mmin γΜ γR
Gal. distance & temp.
Mean X
U (a, b) P( M , Mmin ) E( R)
Uncertainty σ·X σ ∈ [1, 20]%
Latent age A U(a, b) α
Ai Mi Ri
Min. age a 8 Gyr
Max. age b 10 Gyr DM
heat,i C
Latent mass M P(γM , Mmin ) ∈ [14, 55] Mjup heat,i

Slope γM N (0.6, 0.12 ) 0.6 σDM

Min. mass Mmin 14 Mjup
N Ai , ( · Ai ) 2 2
N Mi , ( · Mi ) 2 N Ri , ( · Ri ) 2
Latent Gal. dist. R E(γR ) ∈ [0.1, 1] kpc N (Ti , ( · Ti ) )

Slope γR U(1, 2) 1.46

Âi M̂i R̂i T̂i
Latent temp. T
DM dens. slope α U(0, 3) ∈ [0, 3] N
DM dens. norm. C U(0.5, 40) 6, 20 GeV/cm
DM vel. dispersion σDM 100 km/s FIG. 2. Directed acyclic graph depicting our Bayesian hi-
erarchical model used to analyse overheated exoplanets and
properties of their population and of the DM density profile.
Deterministic and probabilistic connections between variables
TABLE I. Exoplanet parameters, priors and fiducial values are indicated by solid and dotted arrows, respectively. Within
used to generate mock observations (see Subsection I E). the N plate, representing enumeration over N objects, data
are shown in green, while independent and dependent (un-
observed, latent) parameters are denoted by purple and grey
where A, M and R are RN vectors containing the latent nodes, respectively. Global parameters are depicted in blue,
(unobserved, true) age Ai , mass Mi , and Galactocen- with those held fixed in this study shown in pink.
tric distance Ri , respectively, of individual exoplanets,
while T ∈ RN is the latent temperature of each exo-
planet, which is a deterministic function of the other ex- heat,i (Ai , Mi ), we use the theoretical evolution
out DM, Γint
oplanet parameters and of properties of the DM halo (see model Atmo2020 [74].
Eq. 4). Latent variables are depicted in the DAG as pur- The amount of DM heating in an exoplanet depends in
ple and grey nodes, the latter indicating that they are part on the flux of DM particles available to be captured.
obtained from other variables via a deterministic rela- This is characterized by the phase-space distribution of
tionship (dotted arrows). The observational covariance DM particles, which provides a particular DM flux at a
matrix Σ̂ ∈ R4N ×4N accounts for correlations between given location in the Galaxy. The most widely adopted
measurements of individual exoplanets and among dif- generalized Navarro-Frenk-White (gNFW) density pro-
ferent exoplanets. We will assume for simplicity that file (see Eq. B1) exhibits a 2D degeneracy between the
all measurements are independent, which means that Σ̂ scale radius rs and the inner slope γ [75]. When the
reduces to a diagonal matrix. In order to explore the ef- Galactocentric position is smaller than rs , this profile
fect of measurement uncertainty on our results, we will approximates a power-law form (see App. B for details).
adopt different noise levels, expressed through the rel- Since we are interested in the inner 1 kpc of the Galaxy
ative uncertainty σ in measurements of each quantity and values of rs less than 10 kpc are disfavoured by ob-
X ∈ {A, M, R, T }, as detailed in Table I and Subsec- servations of the Milky Way’s rotation curve [76, 77], we
tion I E. Thus, the covariance matrix takes the form: adopt a power-law density profile given by
Σ̂ = diag(σ 2 · A2i , σ 2 · Mi2 , σ 2 · Ri2 , σ 2 · Ti2 ), i = 1, . . . , N. ρDM (R; α, C) = C , (2)
1 kpc
where C denotes the DM density at a Galactocentric ra-
B. Heat Model for Exoplanets dius of 1 kpc.
For the DM velocities, we assume that the DM par-
We now discuss the heat contributions to exoplanets, ticles follow an isotropic velocity profile described by a
both from DM and internal background processes. With- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, with an averaged veloc-
out DM, exoplanets have an effective temperature as a ity v̄DM (R) related to the velocity
p dispersion of DM par-
function of their age Ai and mass Mi . This heat oc- ticles σDM (R) as v̄DM (R) = 8/(3π) σDM (R). The mean
curs from e.g. burning processes in the object, as well as velocity and velocity dispersion of DM particles in the in-
heat left over from formation. For the internal heat with- ner part of the Galaxy are not well constrained by obser-

vations and must be estimated from simulations (see e.g.

Ref. [78]). Under the assumption of an isothermal sphere,
the DM velocity dispersion canpbe related to the circu- 60 Mjup
lar velocity curve by σDM (r) = 3/2vc (r). However, for
simplicity we assume a constant value for the velocity dis-
persion. Specifically, we adopt σDM = 100 km/s, which 20 Mjup 40 Mjup
is compatible with the circular velocities at a radius of
0.1 kpc − 1 kpc, obtained by combining the contribution 30 Mjup 50 Mjup

Teff [K]
of the stellar bulge, the stellar disk and the DM halo (see 103 10 Mjup
e.g. Refs. [77, 79]). This assumption can be refined in
future investigations.
The total DM heat power ΓDM heat,i in the exoplanet is 1 Mjup
given (in natural units) by [2]

3 vesc (RE,i , Mi )
heat,i = f πR 2
E,i DM (R )v̄
i DM 1 + 2 ,
2 σDM
where f is the fraction of DM particles captured (and will 10-2 10-1 1 10
depend on the particle physics model), RE,i is the radius
of the exoplanet, vesc,i is the escape velocity at its surface. Age [Gyr]
We neglect the relative motion of the exoplanet, which
is only a minor correction, and assume that the object FIG. 3. Theoretical effective temperature for the evolution of
Jupiters, Super-Jupiters, and Brown Dwarfs, as per Ref. [74],
is at rest with respect to the DM halo. For the radius
with (solid) and without (dashed) DM heating. For the DM-
RE,i , we adopt Rjup for all exoplanets since the radius of heating lines, a Galactocentric distance of 0.1 kpc and a NFW
exoplanets older than 500 Myr is roughly equal to that DM profile with scale radius rs = 20 kpc, and DM velocity dis-
of Jupiter according to current evolutionary models (see persion σDM = 100 km/s, are assumed for illustration. Larger
e.g. [74, 80, 81]) and leave for future work the relaxation DM heating rates occur for greater inner slope values.
of this assumption.
Under the assumption that there is no nearby host
star (i.e. we consider free-floating exoplanets or brown have higher luminosities. We therefore will focus on can-
dwarfs), the total heat or luminosity of the exoplanet is didates with masses greater than 14 Mjup (sufficiently
then the sum of the contributions from DM heating and hot with DM heating to detect in the inner Galaxy), but
internal heat, given by not larger than 55 Mjup (backgrounds become too high
relative to DM heating), which is the optimal detection
Γint DM 4
heat,i + Γheat,i = 4πRE,i σSB Ti ϵi , (4) range [2].
Figure 4 depicts the expected excess in exoplanet ef-
where σSB is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and ϵi is
fective temperature, as a function of age and mass for
the dimensionless emissivity of the given exoplanet. The
exoplanets across three Galactocentric distance ranges:
emissivity is a measure of heat retention of the object;
[0.1, 0.4) kpc, [0.4, 0.7) kpc and [0.7, 1] kpc. The decrease
ϵi = 1 corresponds to a blackbody, while values ϵi < 1
in exoplanet abundance moving away from the Galactic
are a greybody and can produce spectra peaked in more
center is attributed to the postulation of an exponential
favorable wavelength regions for detection (see Ref. [2] for
radial number density profile for the exoplanet popula-
an extended discussion of this point). As such, we take
tion (see Subsections I C and I E for details), and the
the simplifying yet conservative choice of a blackbody,
scatter at a given age and mass is due to the distance
i.e. ϵi = 1. Note that here we have assumed only DM
heating from contact interactions. Dark kinetic heating
of exoplanets due to long-range forces can increase the
signal sensitivity substantially [82], but we do not con- C. Population Distribution of Exoplanets
sider this here.
Figure 3 shows expected exoplanet temperatures as a
function of age, with and without DM, for a range of For the population of exoplanets we assume indepen-
planetary masses. We have used an example NFW DM dent distributions of Ri , Ai and Mi controlled by global
profile for the DM heating rates; even larger amounts of parameters as explained below.
DM heating occur for greater inner slopes as per gNFW • Exoplanet Age: We consider a uniform (i.e. con-
profiles. We see that DM heating is most striking when stant birthrate) age distribution from 8–10 Gyr,
objects are old, or when objects are smaller such that
backgrounds are comparably lower. Note however that Ai ∼ U(8 Gyr; 10 Gyr), (5)
this does not take into account telescope detectability,
which can be easier to achieve for hotter objects which compatible with observations of an old population

R [0.1, 0.4) kpc R [0.4, 0.7) kpc R [0.7, 1] kpc


Temp. excess [K]

M [Mjup]

20 100

8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 10
A [Gyr] A [Gyr] A [Gyr]

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Galactocentric distance R [kpc]
FIG. 4. Theoretical excess in the exoplanet effective temperature due to DM-heating for exoplanets located between Galacto-
centric distances of 0.1–0.4 kpc (left panel), 0.4–0.7 kpc (middle panel) and 0.7–1 kpc (right panel), as a function of exoplanet
age and mass. We consider a sample of 1000 exoplanets under the assumption of a power-law DM density profile characterized
by a normalization of C = 10 GeV/cm3 and an inner slope of α = 1.

of Galactic bulge stars (see Ref. [83, 84] and refer- D. Priors
ences therein).
The priors on the population variables are chosen to
• Exoplanet Mass: We use a Pareto distribution, encompass observational constraints. Specifically, the
namely population parameter γM is inferred to be 0.6 ± 0.1 [86]
based on a sample of exoplanets located within 20 pc from
 −γM the Sun. This value is consistent with other estimates in
γM − 1 Mi the literature, e.g. [1]. Conversely, γR is assigned a uni-
Mi ∼ , (6)
Mmin Mmin form distribution that accounts for the uncertain shape
of the distribution of stars and sub-stellar objects in the
which describes a power-law initial mass function. central region of our Galaxy. Mathematically, this is rep-
As noted above, we set Mmin = 14 Mjup and trun- resented as:
cate the distribution at Mmax = 55 Mjup to restrict
the simulation within the optimal DM detection γM ∼ N (0.6, 0.12 ) and
range [2]. γR ∼ U(1, 2).

Finally, we adopt uniform priors for the DM halo pa-

• Exoplanet Spatial Distribution: We assume
rameters within the ranges 0 < α < 3 and 0.5 <
that exoplanets follow the distribution of bulge
C[GeV/cm3 ] < 40.
stars, hence we employ an exponential distribution,
given by
E. Simulator Configuration
Ri ∼ γR e−γR Ri . (7)
In the absence of real data and in order to verify the
Note that for γR = 1.46 kpc−1 this is equivalent inference procedure, we analyze mock data. Herein, we
to the exoplanets being spatially distributed ac- justify the selected configuration of global parameters to
cording to the E2 bulge profile from Ref. [85] (see generate the simulations and outline potential improve-
App. A for details). Since the closer to the centre ments for future investigations.
of the Galaxy, the higher the expected temperature
excess, we limit the simulation to Ri ∈ [0.1, 1], with • Regarding exoplanet ages, we opted for an old pop-
the lower boundary representing JWST’s approxi- ulation with uniform ages spanning from 8 to 10
mate minimum sensitivity threshold for exoplanet Gyr. Given the ongoing debate surrounding the
temperature measurement [2]. age distribution of stars in the Galactic bulge (see

Refs. [83, 84] and references therein), we defer ac- II. RESULTS
counting for intermediate-aged stars in the Galactic
bulge (e.g., [87]) and possible contamination from A. Global Parameter Inference
disc stars to future work.
• Exoplanets are set to have a power-law initial mass Figure 5 shows example joint posteriors for the global
function of γM = 0.6, consistent with findings in (DM halo and exoplanet population) parameters ob-
the literature (e.g. [1, 86]). tained from mock data sets comprising 10 or 100 exo-
planets, with noise levels set to 1% or 10%. This figure
• Furthermore, exoplanets are spatially distributed illustrates the increase in precision obtained with noise
according to the E2 bulge profile from Ref. [85] (see level reduced to 1% or, similarly, with sample size in-
App. A for details), setting γR = 1.46 kpc−1 . creased to 100 objects. Regarding the population pa-
rameters, the inference is dominated by the initial prior
• For global DM parameters, we simulate datasets
on the slope of the initial mass function (IMF) power law
from true underlying values of α drawn from its
denoted as γM , since it is small compared to the expected
prior range and two settings for the normaliza-
constraints of 100 objects or less. On the contrary, for
tion constant, specifically C = 6 GeV/cm3 and
the exponential slope of the number density of exoplan-
C = 20 GeV/cm3 . The former value is adopted to
ets, γR , the prior distribution is broad compared to the
reproduce the normalization of the DM density as
expected constraints of 100 or fewer objects (even with
in the NFW profile with scale radius of 20 kpc and
zero uncertainty)1 .
local DM density of ρ0 = 0.42 GeV/cm3 [75, 77],
Figure 6 focuses on the marginal results (under the
while the latter value could account for an increase
configurations of N and σ indicated in the legend) for the
of the DM density due to, for example, adiabatic
inner DM profile slope α. Here we plot central 68% cred-
contraction [88].
ible intervals, defined as the 16th and 84th percentiles
Furthermore, we adopt relative measurement uncertain- of the 1D marginal posterior, versus the true2 α values
ties, denoted by σ, across a wide range to investigate the used to simulate the analysed data sets. From this fig-
impact of noise levels. In particular, σ is fixed to values ure, the increase in precision with increasing number of
within [1, 20] %, where the optimistic (but unrealistic in observed exoplanets and decreasing noise level is also ob-
the near future) value of 1% allows verification of the in- served. Additionally, we see that larger values of the
ference procedure, while a more realistic albeit still opti- slope can be recovered with greater precision. This is ex-
mistic scenario is 20% uncertainty [70]. Additionally, we pected, since for a fixed normalisation C, the DM density
vary the number of observed exoplanets N from 10 to 200. increases with increasing α value.
In this first study, we do not consider selection effects and Figure 7 displays the normalized bias of inferring α and
focus on the construction and validation of an idealised C as measured by the offset of the posterior mean from
simulator. Modelling selection effects in a Bayesian hi- the true value divided by the standard deviation of the
erarchical model framework is computationally demand- marginal posterior, i.e.
ing, as it usually involves a selection probability correc-
tion factor that depends in a non-factorizable way on the ⟨X⟩ − Xtrue
Normalized bias = p , (9)
parameters of interest, and can only be computed analyt- ⟨X 2 ⟩ − ⟨X⟩2
ically if a number of assumptions about selection proba-
bility are met [72]. The next step will be to investigate where X ∈ {α, C}, and inferred from mock data with
selection effects with, for example, Simulation-Based In- true parameter values drawn from their respective priors.
ference (SBI) methods, which offer more flexibility and We observe a systematic shift of the posteriors towards
ease of implementation in modelling selection processes. the middle of the prior range when the true values of α
are at the extremes of this range, particularly for larger
noise level and smaller number of exoplanets. This is a
F. Inference reflection of a statistical effect called ‘shrinkage’, which in
the context of the Bayesian hierarchical model employed
To sample the high-dimensional posterior over all 3N here ‘shrinks’ posterior estimates towards the prior mean
latent and 4 global parameters, we employ the No-U-turn
sampler (NUTS) [89], a self-tuning variant of Hamilto-
nian Monte Carlo (HMC) [90], as implemented in the
Pyro [91] probabilistic programming language. After 1 2 ) (if
The trivial estimator γ̂R = R̂i /N has variance 1/(N γR
1400 adaptation and warmup steps, we run a chain of the observational noise is negligible), which amounts to about
10% of the prior range for γR and is an indicator for the optimal
3200 samples (with near-unity autocorrelation length due
precision in inferring it. However, the fact that we are restrict-
to the efficiency of NUTS), which are enough to ade- ing R ∈ [0.1, 1] kpc further broadens the γR , and so the ±0.1
quately explore the posterior distribution. Inference took precision is not achieved even for 1% observational uncertainty.
around 4 minutes (25 minutes) per data set with 10 (100) 2 Here and elsewhere, we use the word ‘true’ to indicate the pa-
objects on a single CPU. rameter values adopted in generating the data.

= 1% = 10%
N=10 N=10
N=100 N=100
10 20 30 40 50 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90

10 20 30 40 50 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90






FIG. 5. Posterior marginalized 2D and 1D distributions for the exoplanet population parameters and DM halo density profile
from analyses of mock data (true parameter values indicated by crosses / vertical lines in the 2D / 1D plots) with different
noise levels and number of detected objects as indicated in the legends. The 2D contours depict the 2σ highest posterior density
(HPD) regions (i.e. with 86% credibility).

= 1% = 10%
2.5 N=10 N=10
N=100 N=100




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
True True
FIG. 6. Marginal central 68% credible intervals for the DM density slope α, inferred from mock data with true simulated α
values drawn from the prior distribution and plotted on the abscissa. The legends indicate the number of exoplanets analysed.
As in Fig. 5, in the left and right panels the noise levels are fixed to 1% and 10%, respectively. In the simulation, C, γR and
γM were fixed to 20 GeV/cm3 , 1.43 and 0.6 respectively and then inferred jointly with α and the latent variables (exactly as in
Fig. 5).

when the data are less constraining. These figures also ages which produces an irreducible variance in the distri-
reveal a subtle pattern in which the mean estimate of α bution of their values.
tends to be biased low, while that of C tends to be bi-
ased high, explained by the anticorrelation between these Figure 8 illustrates how the inferred posterior distri-
parameters (see Fig. 5). This is, in turn, driven by the butions, depicted in Fig. 5, translate into the marginal
intrinsic scatter in temperatures at a given Galactocen- posterior for the inner slope γ of a gNFW profile (via
tric distance due to the scatter in exoplanet masses and Eq. (B1)). The transformation into a gNFW assumes
equal inner steepness in both profiles (α = γ), a local

Normalised bias for

Normalised bias for C

N=10, = 1% N=100, = 1%
3 N=10, = 10% N=100, = 10%
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
FIG. 7. Normalized bias for the DM density profile parameters α (top) and C (bottom) as inferred for a given (N, σ) config-
uration using mock data with true values drawn from their priors. The left panels display the true parameter value on the
abscissa, while the right panels depict histograms of the bias across the different (N, σ) configurations.

DM density of ρ0 = 0.43 ± 0.02 GeV/cm3 [75, 77], and

equivalence in density at 1 kpc from the Galactic cen-
ter. As expected, with increasing numbers of objects
N=10, = 1% and smaller observational error the posterior distribution
N=100, = 1%
N=10, = 10% for γ becomes increasingly concentrated around the true
N=100, = 10% value. As for the scale radius rs of the gNFW profile, our
choice of priors translates into an informative prior on rs ,
which cannot anyway be meaningfully constrained using
only data in the inner kpc and a single value for the DM
0 1 2 3 density at the solar location. As a consequence of the
informative prior and the weak constraining power of the
data, rs cannot be strongly constrained in this setup.
FIG. 8. 1D marginalized posterior for the inner slope of a
gNFW density profile, derived from the analyses of the mock
data in Figure 5. The colour scheme, denoting varying noise
levels and number of detected objects, matches that of the B. Latent Parameter Inference
reference figure. The grey, dashed line depicts the prior, while
the vertical black line is the ground truth.
Our Bayesian hierarchical model allows us to further
infer the age, mass, and Galactocentric distance of each
exoplanet in a given simulated data set, along with

102 true
Temperature excess [K]


10 1

= 1.5, C = 20 = 1.5, C = 6 = 0.0, C = 20

10 2
Norm. bias

10 1 100 10 1 100 10 1 100
Galactocentric distance [kpc] Galactocentric distance [kpc] Galactocentric distance [kpc]

FIG. 9. Inferred (yellow, with 1σ posterior ranges) and true (green) temperature excesses as a function of inferred (with
1σ posterior ranges) and true Galactocentric distance, respectively, for mock observations of N = 100 exoplanets generated
assuming different DM halo shapes and a relative uncertainty in exoplanet parameters of 1%. The bottom panels show the
normalized bias. Note that errorbars in the inferred Galactocentric distance are tiny due to the low noise level of 1% and are
consequently not discernible.

the population and DM halo parameters. We leave for more detectable [2]. Furthermore, other telescopes such
App. C a more thorough examination of the marginal as Roman may be more optimal for this search. We there-
posteriors of the latent parameters. fore do not implement this temperature cut in this work,
Figure 9 compares the true and inferred temperature and while including a cut can reduce signal sensitivity,
excesses for simulated datasets with 100 exoplanets, noise we defer to future work for a more detailed analysis of
level σ = 1% and different shapes of the DM halo as indi- this issue.
cated in the text insets. The normalized residuals, given In the hierarchical Bayesian framework we adopt
by Eq. (9), for each DM halo configuration is shown in throughout, the “detection significance” can be quantified
the bottom panels of this figure. The patterns observed by the Bayes factor, i.e. the ratio of Bayesian evidences3 :
in the residuals in the bottom panels of Fig. 9 can be ex- p(d|DM)
plained in the context of hierarchical Bayesian modelling B= . (10)
by the trends in the inference of global parameters, as
described in the previous section, namely the shrinkage Here no-DM indicates a model that only considers the
of posterior estimates and the 2D degeneracy between α standard exoplanet evolution, while DM includes the con-
and C. tribution of DM heating. It should be noted that no-DM
is nested within DM: it corresponds to setting C = 0.
In turn, the Bayesian evidence for each model is the
average likelihood of all its global and latent param-
C. Detection
eters, distributed according to the hierarchical prior.
Since the number of parameters scales with N , the high-
Our goal is to detect annihilating DM particles through dimensional integral this requires prohibits an exact com-
their impact on the temperature rise of a population of putation even for as few as 10 exoplanets.
exoplanets. A global indication of this signal would be an Instead, we employ a simple approximation scheme
increase in the temperature of exoplanets with decreasing for the required evidences, which makes use of the
Galactocentric distance, as the expected excess in effec- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo posterior inference described
tive temperature scales with the DM density in the exo- above. For a given data set, we first run the Hamilto-
planet’s surrounding. Note however that there is a lim- nian Monte Carlo with each model (labelled M ). From
itation to the lowest exoplanet temperature that can be each set of posterior samples, we then derive a Gaus-
measured at large distances. In Ref. [2], it was estimated sian posterior density estimate centred on the maximum-
that JWST could observe exoplanets with Jupiter’s ra- a-posteriori (MAP) value, θ0 , and with a covariance
dius down to about 650 K. However, a number of simpli-
fying assumptions were made in obtaining this number,
including observation time, and that the thermal emis- 3 Adopting equal model priors (i.e. prior beliefs in the
sion is a blackbody; considering more accurate spectra existence/non-existence of DM) makes the Bayes factor equal
can produce higher signals in telescope bins which are to the ratio of the two models’ posterior probabilities.

log10 BF
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

C = 6GeV/cm3 C = 20GeV/cm3 200
Number of exoplanets, N

Number of exoplanets, N
150 150

100 100

50 50

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Noise level, Noise level,
FIG. 10. Data realizations (dots) are colour-coded according to their approximate Bayes factor, equal to the posterior odds
ratio between the DM and no-DM models, calculated for simulated observations from the DM model with varying numbers of
exoplanets and noise levels, α drawn from the prior, and fiducial γR = 1.43 and γM = 0.6. A log Bayes factor larger than 0
indicates (correctly) a preference for the DM model. The left (right) panel assumes a lower (larger) DM density. The background
shading illustrates the median trend of Bayes factors, with the black line indicating the locus of equal posterior odds.

matrix matching the empirical covariance of the sam- 10 exoplanets, there is the potential to detect the signal
ples. This allows us to approximate p(θ0 |d, M ); divid- when the density slope α exceeds about 1, along with
ing it by the joint probability at θ0 , given model M , C = 6 GeV/cm2 , a normalization constant in agreement
p(θ0 , d|M ) = p(d|θ0 , M )p(θ0 |M ) (which is already cal- with rotation curve constraints.
culated and recorded in the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
run), gives (an approximation for) the evidence p(d|M )
by virtue of Bayes’ theorem. This approximation allows III. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK
us to explore via analyses of mock data the expected
“detectability” of DM under different data set configura- We have demonstrated the application of Bayesian hi-
tions: number of observed objects, N , and noise level, σ, erarchical modelling of overheated exoplanets with the
and for different halo parameters: slope, α, and normal- goal of detecting and characterising dark matter and ap-
isation, C. plied it to simulated data sets representing realisitic ex-
Figure 10 illustrates the effect of these four parame- oplanet populations within the inner kpc of the Galaxy.
ters. Both panels of the figure show the mean of the Considering different configurations of sample size and
Bayes factors within 2D bins of (N , σ), calculated from uncertainty level, our study has demonstrated that it is
data set realizations with different N ∈ [5, 200] and possible to achieve high accuracy in inferring the shape
σ ∈ [1/%, 20/%], drawn uniformly from their range. Fur- of the DM halo, both in the inner slope and in the nor-
thermore, the true simulated values of α are drawn from malisation. In the case of 1% measurement uncertain-
its prior distribution, while γR and γM are fixed to 1.43 ties, observations of a sample of about 10 exoplanets can
and 0.6, respectively. Finally, the two panels present the be sufficient for this task, depending on the underlying
results with C fixed at 6 GeV/cm3 (left) and 20 GeV/cm3 DM density at a Galactocentric distance of 1 kpc and
(right). As expected, the figure shows that the feasibil- the inner DM slope. Despite the potential variability,
ity of detecting DM-overheated exoplanets – i.e., values the detection of DM-overheated exoplanets within 1 kpc
of the log Bayes factor larger than 0 – increases with of our Galaxy remains feasible for data sets containing
increasing number of observed objects and DM density, about 100 exoplanets and a DM density profile in agree-
and decreasing uncertainty, i.e., towards the top left of ment with extrapolations of the inference of the DM den-
each panel. It is also shown that for small N and large sity profile in our Galaxy via the stellar disc rotation
noise level, there is a large scatter of Bayes factors at curve. However, more realistic but still very optimistic
fixed (α, C) that can be explained by whether we observe measurement uncertainties of about 10% require around
the less massive and older exoplanets close to the Galac- 100 exoplanets for DM parameter inference. To optimise
tic centre. For example, for a sample dataset of about detection strategies, follow-up observations with multiple

telescopes should prioritise accurate measurements of the with

mass, age and Galactocentric distance of these exoplan- s  2  2   2
ets γR (θ, ϕ) = sin2 θ cos (ϕ+α)
x0 + sin (ϕ+α)
y0 + cos θ
z0 , (A2)
While our model correctly infers both global and per-
object latent parameters, an application to real data
x0 = 0.899 kpc, y0 = 0.386 kpc, z0 = 0.250 kpc, and α =
requires the inclusion of observational selection effects.
23.8o is the angle between the bulges’s major axis and
A viable solution for this is simulation-based inference
the Sun-Galactic center line. The scale radius and scale
(SBI), which offers a straightforward approach to han-
length of the disc are 2.15 kpc and 0.40 kpc, respectively5 .
dling arbitrarily complex probabilistic models both for
We are only interested in the distances of exoplan-
parameter inference and model selection. Therefore, in-
ets to the Galactic center, rather than in their three-
tegrating the Bayesian hierarchical model developed here
dimensional position. Is it for this reason that we get
into an SBI framework represents a logical progression
rid of θ and ϕ by integrating n(r, ϕ, θ) over these coor-
in advancing this novel and promising approach to indi-
dinates. The integration must be done over the region
rectly search for DM particles through overheated exo-
covered by the observations. However, for simplicity, we
have assumed ϕ = 0 and θ = π/2, which gives a value of
γR = 1.46 kpc−1 .
Appendix B: Power-law Bias
We thank Bruce Macintosh, Rain Kipper, Elmo Tem-
pel and Peeter Tenjes for helpful discussions and com-
As discussed in the main text for radii that are signif-
ments. RKL was supported in part by the U.S. Depart-
icantly smaller than the scale radius of the profile rs , we
ment of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
can expand the gNFW equation
This work was supported by the Estonian Research
Council grants PRG1006, PRG803 and PSG938, and par-  γ  3−γ
R0 rs + R0
tially supported by the ETAg CoE grant “Foundations ρDM (R; γ, rs , ρ0 ) = ρ0 , (B1)
of the Universe" (TK202) and University of Tartu AS- R rs + R
TRA project 2014-2020.4.01.16-0029 KOMEET. RT ac- which yields a power law expression
knowledges co-funding from Next Generation EU, in the
context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, ρDM (R; C, γ) ≈ C R−γ for R ≪ rs . (B2)
Investment PE1 – Project FAIR “Future Artificial Intel-
ligence Research”. This resource was co-financed by the As discussed, this helps to simplify the fitting procedure
Next Generation EU [DM 1555 del 11.10.22]. RT is par- and breaks the degeneracy between the scale radius and
tially supported by the Fondazione ICSC, Spoke 3 “As- the inner steepness parameter γ. However, this procedure
trophysics and Cosmos Observations”, Piano Nazionale introduces a systematic bias to slightly larger γ values. A
di Ripresa e Resilienza Project ID CN00000013 “Italian simple shape analysis shows that comparing the shape of
Research Center on High-Performance Computing, Big the full expression in Eq. B1 and the expanded expres-
Data and Quantum Computing” funded by MUR Mis- sion in Eq. B2 leads to very similar graphs for slightly
sione 4 Componente 2 Investimento 1.4: Potenziamento different scale parameters γ, modulo a total normaliza-
strutture di ricerca e creazione di “campioni nazionali di tion correction.
R&S (M4C2-19 )” - Next Generation EU (NGEU). This Table II shows several values for the γ parameters that
article/publication is based upon work from COST Ac- lead to identical inner slopes for the DM profile. We can
tion COSMIC WISPers CA21106, supported by COST make two observations. One, is that the bias when using
(European Cooperation in Science and Technology) the power law leads to systematically larger values for γ.
The second is, that the bias can be somewhat substantial
for γ values smaller than one, and vanishes entirely for
Appendix A: Spatial Distribution steeper profiles, when γ approaches two. In the interme-
diate regime, that corresponds to the standard NFW pro-
The spatial distribution of exoplanets is assumed to file, the bias is about 10%. We conclude that the induced
follow the E2 bulge profile from [85]. Thus, the number bias is well below the experimental accuracy that we can
density profile, given in arbitrary units, takes the form4 hope to archive in the near and intermediate future, and
thus the expansion prescription is a valid method for the
n(r, ϕ, θ) = n0 exp [−γR (θ, ϕ)r] (A1) γ factor reconstruction.

4 We adopt Galactocentric spherical coordinates with ϕ increasing

in the direction of Galactic rotation, i.e. clock-wise as seen from 5 Scale parameters in the planed defined by θ = π/2 (i.e. xy-
the North Galactic Pole (NGP), and where θ is measured from plane), which are taken from observational studies, are re-scaled
the NGP. as R0 .

γ from full gNFW γ from Power Law Induced bias

0.5 0.57 +14%

Normalized bias Ai
1.0 1.1 +10% 1
1.2 1.3 +8%
1.5 1.6 +6% 0
1.8 1.8 0% 1
TABLE II. The induced bias for several benchmark values of 2
the DM profile parameter γ.
8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00
true Ai [Gyr]
Appendix C: Closer Examination of Latent
Parameter Inference

Normalized bias Mi
For a given mock dataset, the accuracy in the inferred 1
age, mass and Galactocentric distance, as measured by 0
the normalized bias, is plotted in the top, middle and bot-
tom panels, respectively, of Figure 11, as a function of the 1
true values of these latent parameters. The true latent 2
parameter space has been divided into three equal-width N = 100, = 1%
intervals, with color bands within each interval repre- 3 N = 100, = 20%
senting the bias region encompassing 1σ of the points is 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
shown to ease visualization. These bands highlight the true Mi [M ]
effect of ‘shrinkage’ discussed in the text, particularly
notable at high noise levels, on latent parameter infer- 2
ence (most notably for A), demonstrating a tendency for
Normalized bias Ri

the marginal posteriors to be shrunk, in virtue of the 1

Bayesian hierarchical model, towards the mean of the
prior range. 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
true Ri [kpc]

FIG. 11. Normalized bias for the latent ages (top), masses
(middle) and Galactocentric distance (bottom) inferred, along
with the global parameters, from a mock observation with 100
exoplanets and σ as indicated in the legend. In the simulation,
α, C, γR and γM were fixed to 1.5, 20 GeV/cm3 , 1.43 and
0.6, respectively. The shaded bands indicate the standard
deviation computed within the top-hat bin shown.

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