2024 May End of Year Assessment Final

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End Of Year Assessment

Grade 1 Spanish May 2024

B. . Complete with information about yourself.

1. Me llamo _______________________
2. Tengo _______________ años.
3. Mi mamá se llama_________________.
4. Mi papá se llama__________________.

C. Can you draw something that is usually found in these colours?

verde rojo

azul morado
D. Can you put these words in their correct group, school supplies or family

Lápiz abuelo tío libro cuaderno hermano sacapuntas primo

_____________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ ________________________

E. Match the Spanish sentences with their meaning in English.

1. Tengo dos gatos __ a. In my backpack I have four books.

2. El triángulo es azul. __ b. My cousin’s name is Paul.

3. Mi primo se llama Pablo.__ c. Today is Monday.

4. En mi mochila tengo cuatro libros.__ d. I have two cats.

5. Hoy es lunes. ___ e. The triangle is blue.

End Of Year Examination
Grade 2 Spanish May 2024
A. Complete the dialogue with the correct word from the patch.

mañana Adiós Cómo Hola Me llamo

Buenos días

1. _________________

2. _____________ te llamas?

Me llamo Alberto. Y tú?

3. ___________________ Carmen.

Adiós Carmen.

4. ______________ Alberto.

5. Hasta _______________!

B. Give the Spanish number name answer for the following .

Doce uno cuatro siete diez ocho

Tres cinco seis dos nueve once

1. Diez plus uno is_____________.

2. One hand has__________ fingers

3. A pair has _________ things.

4. There are _______eggs in a dozen.

5. This number is half of twenty__________-

6. There are _____________ days in one week.

7. There are ______________ sides on a square.

C. Circle the word that does not belong to the group.

1. lunes libro martes miércoles

2. bebida rojo negro verde

3. libro regla morado cuaderno

4. abuelo nueve hermano prima

5. Mexico China Cuba Colombia

D. Write the Spanish names of any five family members on the lines provided.

Hermana abuelo tío primo madre prima abuela tía yo hermano abuela
E. What do you have in your school bag? Write the Spanish and the
English names of three items.

Spanish English
1. _________________ ________________
2. _________________ ________________
3. _________________ _________________
F. Which Spanish-speaking country would you like to visit? What would
you like to see when you are there?

End of Year Examination

Grade 3. Spanish May 2024

A. What do you do in your free time? Choose three activities and write the Spanish on the
line below the picture.

_____________________ ______________________ _________________________

______________________ _______________________ __________________________

B. Answer the following questions in English.

1. ¿ Cuántos años tienes? _____________________________________________

2. ¿ Cuál es tu juguete favorito? _____________________________________________

3. ¿ De qué color es tu mochila? ______________________________________________

4. ¿ Tienes un borrador? _______________________________________________

5. ¿Cómo se llama tu abuelo? ________________________________________________

C. Read the clues then fill in the crossword with the correct answer in Spanish.

D. Fill in the spaces with the correct number name in Spanish.

1. once , _____________ , trece, catorce, _______________

2. veinte , dieciocho, ______________ , catorce, doce

3. ____________, diez, quince, veinte

4. siete, nueve, ________________, _______________, quince

E. Rearrange these words to make sentences.

1. es juguete robot mi favorito mi


2. ojos tengo verdes los


3. tiempo mi patino libre en


4. madre alta es mi


F. Write in English about a typical dance in a Spanish-speaking country: name the

country and the dance and add some other detail.





End of Year Examination
Grade 4. Spanish May 2024

A. Introduce yourself in three sentences in Spanish.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

B. Give the Spanish number name answer for the following clues.

1. Number of months in a year plus number of days in a week. ___________________

2. A half of two dozens. ___________________

3. There are ________________ sides altogether on five squares. ___________________

4. This number comes just before catorce. ____________________

5. If you were an octopus you would have _______legs. ____________________

C. Complete the sentences with the most suitable word from the brackets.

1. El elefante tiene las ( manos orejas reglas) grandes.

2. (Los Las El ) conejos son ( morados verdes blancos)

3. Yo ( tengo llamo vivo) en una casa azul .

4. Me (gusta gustan) el helado.

5. Mi hermano (me se te) llama Javier.

D. Name three Spanish-speaking countries and their capitals

Country Capital

1. ________________________ 1.______________________

2. ________________________ 2. ______________________

3. ________________________ 3. ______________________

E. Write el la los or las in front of each of the following words.

1. _____ boca 5. __________ pelo

2. _____ monos 6. __________ narices

3. _____ abuelos 7. __________ madre

4. ______ regla 8. __________ ojo

F. Sort these ítems into the correct category: Comida or Bebida

Pollo café leche sándwich agua caramelos pescado limonada té jamón

Comida Bebida

________________________________ _____________________________

________________________________ _____________________________

________________________________ _____________________________

________________________________ ______________________________

________________________________ ______________________________

Now write two sentences in Spanish saying which one you like and which one you do not

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________
End of Year Examination
Grade 5. Spanish May 2024

A. ¿ Cómo eres? Write three sentences in Spanish to introduce


1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

B. Match the questions and the answers.

1. __ ¿Qué haces los martes? A. Trece.

2. __¿ Qué desea? B. Me gusta jugar.

3. __ ¿Cuántos libros hay? C. Voy al cine.

4. __¿Dónde vives? D. El pollo, por favor.

5. __ ¿Qué te gusta hacer? E. En un apartamento.

C. Choose any four pictures and write the corresponding weather on the line.

hace frío hace calor hace viento hace sol está lloviendo

hace buen tiempo hace mal tiempo está nevando

1. ____________________ 2. ______________________

3. _________________ 4. _______________ 5. ________________

6._________________ 7. _______________ 8. _________________

D. Rearrange these words to make sentences.

1. grandes tengo catorce conejos


2. me batidos gustan los de no chocolate

3. las grande elefante el tiene orejas


4. sandalias unas verdes llevo


5. riquísimo helado es el


E. Spanish-speaking countries have many festivals. Write something about one of them.
Name the country and the festival , giving some details about how it is celebrated


F. Put three items on the school menu under Comida and Bebida

Comida Bebida
End of Year Examination
Grade 5. French May 2024

A. French is an official language in many countries.Can you name three of them?

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ______________

B . Complete the sentences with information about yourself.

1. Je ______________ ___________________.

2. J’ai ___________ ans.

3. J’habite _____ __________________.

4. Je parle __________________________________.

5. Tu as un animal chez toi ? Oui, _________________________________.

C. Write the meaning of these sentences in English.
1. Paul a trois lapins et une tortue. __________________________________________

2. Ma mère parle hindi et chinois. ___________________________________________

3. Mon fils habite à Dieppe. ____________________________________________

4. Le beau-père de Juliette a quarante ans._____________________________________

5. Tu as un cheval chez toi ? _________________________________________________

D. Find the French names of four family members and four pets hidden in the wordsearch.
. Find the French number names for the following clues.
2. Quarter of eight
3. Pronounced wheat
4. Four times dix
5. Quinze plus quinze

Complete the crossword below

Created with TheTeachersCorner.net Crossword Puzzle Generator

1. Days in April and September together
2. Number of legs on three chairs
6. Vingt less onze

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