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Part I: Education & Family

Pupils hiding talents from bullies


1. What do you think the purpose of the article is? Justify your answer.

a. To entertain
b. To inform
c. To persuade
The article informs about the problems of bullying in the school.

2. Find the year and source of the article.

Year 2012
Source BBC News

3. Who do you think the target reader is?

I think the target reader is for teachers, childrends and parents.

4. Write your opinion about the following statement:

“ Because of bullying, far too many students in schools are underachieving

as they are afraid of showing their abilities in science, math and extra-
curricular activities”

In my opinion, we should work on this issue by firstly promoting involvement in

mathematics,sciences and extracurricular activities, Secondly conducting
workshops on awerenes, consciusness and emotions about bulying.

5. Read the sentences and decide if they are true (T) or false (F). Find the evidence.

a. The survey was made in U.S.A. -F- The survey was made in UK

b. One in 10 boys played down their abilities in science. -F- One in 10 children played down
their abilities in science.

c. Many children have stopped singing because of fear. -T-

6. What is the aim of the “Anti-bullying week”?

thee aum of the “ Anti—bullyng week “ to highlight the issue and offer advice on dealing
with bullying.

Lenguas Extranjeras 4to año- Instituto de Formación Docente de la Costa -

7. Vocabulary: You will find some underlined words in the text. Match these words with the


1.deliberate Keep away from something

2.avoid A student who performs less well in school as is

3.suggest An organization

4.underachiever Done on purpose

5.witness To deal with

6.coalition Someone who see an event

7. two-thirds Give advice, recommend

8.tackle Being two of three parts 2/3

Part II: These celebrities were bullied

Read and complete the table below

Victim How? Why? By Whom?

Cristian Bale Kickin and punching ? Other kids
Eva Mendes Torturtured Gawky, skinny girl with big Two bullies
Chris Colfer Verbally and socially bullied Fag Other kid
Robert Pattinson Beaten up Becouse he is an actor that A lot of people
apparently provoked a lot of
Rihanna ? Ligther skin Kids
Demi Lovato Teased Fat ?
PierceBrosnan Ribbed Acent and nickname ?

Lenguas Extranjeras 4to año- Instituto de Formación Docente de la Costa -

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