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Agricultural Science

School-Based Assessment
Crop Investigation

Name of student: Joshua Adams

Candidate Number:
Centre Number: 090309
Name of School: Diamond Secondary School
Project Title: Investigation of the growth of Hot Peppers using plastic mulch against no mulch
Start Date:
Termination Date:
Teacher’s Name: Sir Corey Hamilton
Examination Year: 2025
Content Page

1. Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………….
2. Introduction/literature review …………………………………………...
3. Statement of problem ……………………………………………………
4. Aims ……………………………………………………………………..
5. Methodology/experimental design ……………………………………...
6. List of tools/materials and equipment …………………………………..
7. Uses of tools/materials and equipment ………………………………….
8. Description of activities …………………………………………………
9. Data collection …………………………………………………………..
10. Presentation of data ……………………………………………………..
11. Interpretation of data ……………………………………………………
12. Discussion ………………………………………………………………
13. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………...
14. Limitations ……………………………………………………………...
15. Recommendations ………………………………………………………
16. Budgets (projected and actual) ………………………………………….
17. Comparison of projected and actual budgets ……………………………
18. Bibliography/Reference …………………………………………………
19. Appendix ………………………………………………………………..

Tiger teeth pepper scientifically known as Capsium Chinense is a member of the Solanacae family. There
are many different kinds of hot pepper, some of which are bird pepper, West Indian red, Wiri-Wiri, Ghost
pepper, poblano and Serrano. Tiger teeth pepper draws its name from the distinctive shape, resembling the
shape of a tiger’s teeth. They comes in an array of colours from red to orange to yellow.
Hot pepper is considered to have originated from the America’s, through which it has spread through the
South America, West Indies, Mexico and Northern America. The peppers are believed to have originated
from South America for more than 6000 years.
The Tiger Teeth pepper has an elongated shape and is approximately two to three inches long.

Name of the Project: Investigation of the growth of hot pepper (Capsicum Chinense) using plastic mulch
against no material.
Location: Diamond Secondary School
Starting Date:
Termination Date:
Literature Review:
Statement of Problem:

Experimental Design:
List of Materials, Tools and Equipment:

Hot pepper seeds/seedlings, Cutlass, Gloves, Organic manure (chicken), Garden fork, Long
boots, Watering cans, Ruler, Rake, Shovel, Wheelbarrow, Black plastic sheeting/polyethylene
sheeting roll

List of materials, tools and equipment

Tools Equipment Materials

Cutlass Long boots Hot pepper seeds/seedlings

Gloves Watering cans Organic manure (Chicken)

Garden Fork Wheelbarrow Black plastic




Uses of Materials, Tools and Equipment:

Description of tools, equipment and materials

● Cutlass: The Cutlass is used for both land clearing and tilling purposes. The cutlass in terms of
land clearing is used to get rid of unwanted vegetation, weeds and tree stumps. The Cutlass in
secondary tillage purposes is used to break down large soil particles into fine tilt.
● Gloves: these are used to protect the hand from injuries.
● Garden Fork: This tool is used for the breaking up of the soil, removing weeds and roots and aids
in the mixing and upturning of the soil.
● Ruler: this is used to measure the distances accurately when preparing the bed, checking the level
of the bed and get accurate distance while placing the seed.
● Rake: this is used for levelling the soil, loosening up clumps, removing debris and spreading
● Shovel: this aid in the removal of debris from the soil, transplantation of the plants and seedlings,
digging and moving of soil and the creation of drains.
● Long boots: they are used for the protection of the feet from mud, water, injuries and any
chemical substances.
● Watering cans: the watering cans are used for sufficient watering of the crops.
● Wheelbarrow: they help to transport materials, debris and soil that were cleared from the beds and
aided in the movement of heavy objects.
● Hot pepper seeds: they were used for the cultivation of new crops, harvesting and for the purpose
of carrying out the investigation.
● Organic manure(chicken): this was used to supply the soil with the necessary nutrients and to
improve the soil structure.
● Black plastic sheeting/polyethylene: this served as a mulch, it helped to suppress weeds, retains
moisture and improve soil structure.

● Rake: this is used for leveling the soil, loosening up clumps, removing debris and spreading
● Shovel: this aid in the removal of debris from the soil, transplantation of the plants and seedlings,
digging and moving of soil and the creation of drains.
● Long boots: they are used for the protection of the feet from mud, water, injuries and any
chemical substances.
● Watering cans: the watering cans are used for sufficient watering of the crops.
● Wheelbarrow: they help to transport materials, debris and soil that were cleared from the beds and
aided in the movement of heavy objects.
● Hot pepper seeds: they were used for the cultivation of new crops, harvesting and for the purpose
of carrying out the investigation.
● Organic manure(chicken): this was used to supply the soil with the necessary nutrients and to
improve the soil structure.
● Black plastic sheeting/polyethylene: this served as a mulch, it helped to suppress weeds, retains
moisture and improve soil structure.
Description of Activities:

Land clearing
Primary tillage/plowing
Secondary tillage
Construction of beds and drains
Transplanting of seedlings
Application of organic manure
Weed control
Harvesting and cleaning
Packaging and marketing

Description of Activities

● Land clearing: During this process, rocks, vegetations and other obstacles were removed from the
farming area.
● Primary tillage/ ploughing: After clearing the land, the soil was then broken up and loosened up
ensuring that the drain is properly made.
● Secondary tillage: this is the phase after primary tillage. This phase entails the further break down
do the soil, ensuring that there is no large clumps visible, the bed was refined and the soil surface
was leveled
● Construction of beds and drains: During this activity, the desired bed dimensions are marked out,
the garden fork is used to dig up the soil along the marked lines to create drains. The loose soil is
then taken out from the drains and is mounded onto the beds to create a raised platform for the
planting of crops.
● Transplanting of seedlings: Before transplanting, the seedlings are hardened off by gradually
exposing it to outdoor conditions. After the beds have been prepared, holes were dug for the
seedling with sufficient spacing. The seedlings are then removed from the seedling box carefully
and placed into the holes. They were then watered.
● Mulching: the black plastic sheeting was then placed around the seedlings to retain moisture and
suppress weeds.
● Irrigation: This is the process whereby sufficient water is provided to the crops.
● Weed Control: This is the process where different methods are used to manage and reduce the
growth of unwanted vegetation.
● Harvesting and cleaning: This is the activity where mature crops are gathered and dirt, debris and
other produce were removed.
● Packaging and marketing: This is whereby appropriating packing if chosen for the preparing and
preserving of the groups. The harvest if then advertised for sale.

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