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Collective Bargaining Simulation Assignment - Arshdeep new

Human Resources Management (Conestoga College)

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Copy of No琀椀ce to Bargain

Dear Union Representa琀椀ve,

I am wri琀椀ng to you on behalf of management to request that nego琀椀a琀椀ons for a
new collec琀椀ve agreement be ini琀椀ated.
As you are aware that we all are in accordance with our rights under labor law, we
wish to begin nego琀椀a琀椀ons for a new agreement.
We believe that it is in the best interest of both the employer and employees to
engage in these nego琀椀a琀椀ons in good faith and with a spirit of coopera琀椀on. We are
willing to work together to 昀椀nd a mutually bene昀椀cial solu琀椀on that meets the
needs of all par琀椀es involved.
We propose that nego琀椀a琀椀ons be scheduled at a mutually convenient 琀椀me and
place and that both par琀椀es come prepared to discuss and nego琀椀ate the terms of a
new collec琀椀ve agreement.
We look forward to hearing from you and beginning the nego琀椀a琀椀on process as
soon as possible.
Gagandeep Kaur

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Copy of Original Employer Demands

We expect the union members to nego琀椀ate on the following proposals:
1.Internal Job Pos琀椀ngs should be based on merit rather than seniority.
2.Union members should contribute to the bene昀椀ts package.
3.There should be a longer trial period.

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Copy of Original Union Demands

1.Change the language of the exis琀椀ng bereavement leave clause by adding a
friend in it

2. 1.3% salary increase for the employees. The increase in salary would be highly

3. Improvements in the contrac琀椀ng out provisions for our members and also the
seniority clause in rela琀椀on to job vacancies

4. Increase in salary for all employees who possess 3 extra class engineering

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