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Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77

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Food Chemistry
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Analytical Methods

Method development by GC–ECD and HS-SPME–GC–MS for beer volatile

Gisele C. da Silva ⇑, Abner A.S. da Silva, Larissa S.N. da Silva, Ronoel Luiz de O. Godoy,
Luciana C. Nogueira, Simone L. Quitério, Renata S.L. Raices
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Mestrado Profissional em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (PCTA), Rua Senador Furtado, 121,
20270-021 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Two methods for the extraction, identification and quantification of the highest occurrence and lowest
Received 14 June 2013 perception threshold off-flavours in fifteen different samples of Brazilian Pilsner beers were developed.
Received in revised form 18 February 2014 For this purpose, headspace solid phase microextraction in combination with a gas chromatography
Accepted 8 June 2014
coupled to a mass spectrometric detection (HS-SPME–GC–MS) as well as headspace extraction in combi-
Available online 16 June 2014
nation with a gas chromatography coupled to electron capture detection (HS–GC–ECD) were evaluated.
The first and the second methods were used for esters and vicinal diketones analysis, respectively. All
data were comprehended below the taster‘s threshold detection limit: ethyl acetate 39.48 ng mL 1
(RSD mean value 4.2%), isoamyl acetate 3.88 ng mL 1 (RSD mean value 3.4%), ethyl hexanoate
SPME (solid-phase microextraction) 0.61 ng mL 1 (RSD mean value 3.1%) and 2,3-butanedione 0.10 ng mL 1 (RSD mean value 2.9%). The
HS (headspace) validated method demonstrated to be useful for the analysis of highest incidence beer off-flavours.
Gas chromatography Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is possible to assume there is a problem in the fermentation

process (Araújo, Silva, & Minim, 2003). The sensory analysis is per-
The beer consumer has increasingly demanded products with formed by a tasting panel, which consists of brewers with experience
sensory appeal. Moreover, the search for the product which has in the type of sensory tests as well as regular consumers (no experi-
the best quality and lowest price has been increasing among those ence in sensory testing) that can be selected and trained for tasting
consumers. For these reasons, breweries are concerned with the beers. The training of this panel is accomplished through periodic
market, and it has motivated the adoption of a more strict quality training using both commercial beers as test samples as well as beers
control (sensory and physicochemical characteristics) of the final added with possible off-flavours. These flavours or odors are often
products. associated with beer deterioration (Hughes & Baxter, 2001). The
Beer is an alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation pro- concentration thresholds for sensory detection of the off-flavours
cesses and it is a very complex mixture. Therefore, the chemical normally present in beer are: isoamyl acetate (banana flavour) –
composition of different beers available varies considerably. The 1400 ng mL 1, ethyl acetate (vernish aroma) – 15,000 ng mL 1, ethyl
presence of aromatic substances in beer is very important because hexanoate (apple flavour) – 200 ng mL 1 and 2,3-butanedione
it contributes to the quality of the final product (Silva et al., 2012). (butter flavouring) – 40 ng mL 1 (Flavouractiv, 2005).
The balance of volatile and non-volatile compounds (esters, alde- Because of concern about the health of the panelist, the number
hydes, vicinal diketones, organic acids, higher alcohols, phenols, of tests to be performed must be limited, requiring thus a greater
iso-alpha-acids and other compounds) is closely related to accep- number of panelists to take part of the study. This fact is important
tance and quality of the beverage (Siqueira, Bolini, & Macedo, once the development of an analytical methodology as an alterna-
2008). Esters and diketones, which are responsible for off-flavours, tive to identify and quantify off-flavours is required (Rudnitskaya
are normally present in beer and when their contents are higher it et al, 2009).
A recent review, in a search for years 2006–2011, has shown
that the most analyzed foods with respect to flavour/volatile
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Jose Luiz Ferraz Avenue, 550/apt 605. Recreio
dos Bandeirantes, CEP 22790-587, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Tel.: +55 21 7515 7632;
compounds by means of solid phase microextraction are wines fol-
fax: + 55 21 3346 1813. lowed by fruits/vegetables, dairy products, beverages, meat, spice
E-mail address: gisele.dasilva@ig.com.br (G.C. da Silva). and herbs, cereals/bakery, snacks, fats and oils, seafood/fish and

0308-8146/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 G.C. da Silva et al. / Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77

honey. HS-SPME, a solvent-free sample preparation technique, Three stock solutions were prepared. The first solution was a
allows simiultaneous sampling, extraction, pre-concentration and mixture of esters at a concentration of 0.09 g mL 1 of ethyl acetate,
addition of analytes into a gas chromaographer in a single step, 0.0006 g mL 1 of ethyl hexanoate and 0.0042 g mL 1 of isoamyl
extending thus the column life and preventing contamination dur- acetate. The second solution was composed of 0.001 g mL 1 of
ing sample injection. The technique can be easily automated with a 2,3-butanedione. The third solution was composed of 0.0005 g mL 1
XYZ type autosampler or it can also be used in a manual form with of 2,3-pentanedione (internal standard).
a reusable holder in which the fibres can be replaced. According to Calibration curves were prepared from dilutions of the stock
the review, the fibre coating in which the adsorption process dom- solutions using a 10 mL volumetric flask. The concentration range
inates is known as Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsilox- of esters curve was from 0.1 to 108,000 ng mL 1 (18 to
ane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) and manual or automated procedure offers 108,000 ng mL 1 for ethyl acetate, 0.1 to 720 ng mL 1 for ethyl
high reproducibility (Jelén, Majcher, & Dziadas, 2012). hexanoate and 0.8 to 5040 ng mL 1 for isoamyl acetate). The range
In a study of flavour fingerprinting of beer by means of a flame of concentration of 2,3-butanedione curve was 0.06 to 1200 ng mL 1
ionization detection, HS-SPME–GC–FID, using divinylbenzene/ (128 ng mL 1 internal standard).
Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS), a total of 28 Quantitation was performed using a calibration curve prepared
samples of four brands were analyzed and classified into three on the day of the assay. Quantification of the esters was performed
main types: chopp, traditional beer and dark beer. A total of 18 by using the spiking method in beer (standard addition method).
volatile compounds were identified by GC-MS (Jiao et al., 2011). The quantification of 2,3-butenodione was made by internal stan-
Brazilian beer samples were used for the determination of dardization using 2,3-pentanedione (internal standard).
(E)-2-nonenal using HS-SPME–GC–MS with Carboxen/Poly-
dimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) fibre (Scherer, Roger, Kowalski, & 2.2. HS-SPME procedure and GC-MS analysis
Teixeira, 2010). E-2-nonenal is an off-flavour (cardboard flavour)
from the fermentation process of beer. The developed method Before analysis, beer bottles were cooled at 5 °C to prevent loss
proved to be simple, efficient and sensitive for the determination of volatiles.
of this analyte, which can also be easily applied in quality control A total of 10 mL of beer and aliquots of the stock solution of
programs. (E)-2-nonenal was found in all the beer samples, with ester patterns were added to 25 mL flasks. The volume was trans-
concentrations ranging from 0.17 to 0.42 mg L 1. ferred to headspace vials (40 mL) that contained 3.0 g of sodium
Headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to a chromato- chloride and magnetic stirrers. The vials were sealed with polyeth-
graphic process is a very well-established procedure for analysis of ylene and silicone septum cap.
volatile off-flavours in beverages. Research has shown the applica- The samples were conditioned in thermostatic bath at
tion of HS–GC–MS (Charry-Parra, DeJesus-Echevarria, & Perez, 70 ± 1.0 °C for 1 h. After this sample/headspace equilibration per-
2011; Tian, 2010) and HS-SPME coupled to gas chromatography/ iod, the septum covering the vial headspace was pierced with the
tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) using fibres recovered needle containing the fibre retracted and then the fibre was
with Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/ exposed to the headspace for 30 min at 60 ± 1.0 °C. SPME Fibre
PDMS) for the determination of volatile compounds in beers, such 50/30 lm Diviniylbenzene Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/
as: monophenols, aldehydes, alcohols, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-ethyl- CAR/PDMS) and manual holder were purchased from Supelco Park
phenol, 4-vinylguaiacol and 4-vinylphenol (Jelén et al., 2012; (USA). The extracted analytes were desorbed in the injection port
Pizarro, Pérez-del-Notario, & González-Sáiz, 2010; Sterckx, of GC–MS.
Saidson, & Delvaux, 2010). The analyses were performed using a gas chromatographer
The objective of this study was to validate methods for use in (Hewlett-Packard model 7890A) fitted with a splitless injection
quality control programs for the identification and quantification with a liner suitable for SPME analysis and an Agilent 5975C mass
of off-flavours in beer. The esters were analyzed using the standard spectrometer (MS) detector in Full-Scan mode. Helium was used as
addition method by HS-SPME–GC–MS, with SPME fibre containing the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 mL min 1.
divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) Samples and chemical standards we analyzed on a HP-5 capil-
film thickness. The 2,3-butanedione was analyzed by internal stan- lary column 30 m  250 lm  1.0 lm film thickness (19091J-
dardization (2,3-pentanedione) using headspace extraction in 413-Agilent Technologies, USA). The injector temperature was
combination with a gas chromatography coupled to electron 260 °C. The oven temperature was programmed as follows: 2 min
capture detection (HS–GC–ECD). at 35 °C ? 8 °C min 1 ? 100 °C ? 20 °C min 1 ? 160 °C ? 30 °C
The accurate quantification of specific off- flavours in a complex min 1 ? 220 °C. The MS transfer line was kept at 250 °C.
matrix like beer is a difficult process, especially when we consider
the competition phenomena caused by many volatiles compounds 2.3. HS procedure and GC–ECD analysis
(Hafez & Wenclawiak, 2013; Jelén et al., 2012). The methods were
applied to 15 beers marketed in the southeastern Brazil. A total of 10 mL of cold beer at 5 °C was added into a 25 mL vol-
umetric flask and aliquots of the stock solution of 2,3-butanedione
and 2,3-pentanedione standards and water were added to complete
2. Materials and methods the volume. The volume was transferred to vials (40 mL of head-
space) containing 3.0 g of sodium chloride and magnetic stirrers.
2.1. Samples and chemicals The vials were sealed with silicone septum and aluminium seal.
The samples were conditioned in a thermostatic bath at
Samples from 15 different brands of Pilsner beer known in the 70 ± 1.0 °C for 1 hour. Vials were transferred to an auto sampler
domestic market of southeastern Brazil were obtained at local (model Agilent 7697A) of the chromatographic system and main-
supermarkets. Ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate and 2,3-butanedione tained for 15 min at 60 °C to establish themselves equilibrium
were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (USA), while 2,3-pentanedione between headspace and sample.
and isoamyl acetate were purchased from Merck (Germany); The analyses were performed using a gas chromatographer
HPLC-grade sodium chloride, methanol and ethanol were from (Hewlett-Packard model 7890A) fitted with a splitless injection
J.T. Baker (Brazil). Water was obtained from a Millipore Milli-Q with a liner suitable for HS analysis and Agilent electron capture
water purification system. detector (ECD). The injector temperature was 250 °C. The
G.C. da Silva et al. / Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77 73

Abundance a

ethyl hexanoate
isoamyl acetate

Time (mim)

Abundance b
2,3- butanedione

2,3- pentanedione

Time (mim)

Fig. 1. (a) Chromatogram obtained from beer sample spiked with (a) ethyl acetate (Rt: 2.275 min–90,000 ng mL 1), isoamyl acetate (Rt: 6.783 min–4200 ng mL 1), ethyl
hexanoate (Rt: 9.410 min–600 ng mL 1), 2,3-butanedione (not detected – 1200 ng mL 1) and 2,3-pentanedione (Rt: not detected – 200 ng mL 1). (b) Chromatogram obtained
from beer sample spiked with 2,3-butanedione (Rt: 2.595 min–1200 ng mL 1) and 2,3-pentanedione (Rt: 4.527 min–200 ng mL 1).

Table 1
Repeatability in beer, at taster’s threshold detection limit (ng mL ): 2,3-butenodione by HS–GC–ECD and isoamyl acetate, ethyl acetate and ethyl hexanoate by HS-SPME–GC–

Parameter 2,3-Butanodione Isoamyl acetate Ethyl acetate Ethyl hexanoate

day 1 day 2 day 3 day 1 day 2 day 3 day 1 day 2 day 3 day 1 day 2 day 3
38.2 40.3 41.7 1366.9 1387.2 1305.0 14,067.7 14,410.0 14,180.9 187.6 192.1 189.1
38.2 39.4 39.3 1434.3 1391.5 1364.3 14,855.5 15,591.4 14,329.2 198.1 207.9 191.1
40.5 42.1 40.8 1482.4 1416.7 1364.3 14,868.0 15,719.4 14,730.3 198.2 209.6 196.4
40.5 38.8 39.8 1366.9 1418.3 1412.4 14,868.0 14,279.2 14,986.5 198.2 190.4 199.8
40.9 39.7 40.1 1316.5 1373.6 1458.9 15,408.6 14,410.0 15,954.0 205.4 192.1 212.7
Average 39.6 40.1 40.3 1393.4 1397.4 1381.0 14,813.5 14,882.0 14,836.2 197.5 198.4 197.8
RSDa (%) 3.3 3.1 2.3 4.7 1.4 4.2 3.2 4.8 4.7 3.2 4.8 4.7
Relative standard deviation.

components were separated on a DB-5 capillary column 2.4. Statistical analysis

60 m  530 lm  1.5 lm film thickness (125-5062-Agilent Tech-
nologies, USA). Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas at flow rate Linear regression was applied for the working range, and mean
of 1 mL min 1. The analysis time was 10 min with isotherm at values, standard deviations, and variances were computed using
50 °C. Microsoft Excel 2010 for Windows.
74 G.C. da Silva et al. / Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77

Table 2
Precision and Accuracy calculations.

Parameter 2,3-Butanedione Isoamyl acetate Ethyl acetate Ethyl hexanoate

Added Observed Added Observed Added Observed Added Observed
(ng mL ) (ng mL 1) (ng mL 1
) (ng mL 1) (ng mL 1
) (ng mL 1) (ng mL 1
) (ng mL 1)
38.8 40.0 1426.6 1326.4 15,180.0 15,180.0 210.6 238.5
37.7 1330.5 16,424.6 229.0
39.1 1354.6 16,559.3 238.2
38.2 1356.1 15,042.2 200.6
38.5 1313.4 15,180.0 238.2
Average 38.7 1336.2 15,677.2 228.9
Precision (%) 2.3 1.4 4.8 7.1
Accuracy (%) 96.8 95.4 104.5 108.7

Table 3 Table 4
Ruggedness: 2,3-butanedione (HS–GC–ECD) and isoamyl acetate, ethyl acetate and Concentration of the main off-flavors found in 15 known-brand beers analyzed by HS-
ethyl hexanoate (HS-SPME–GC–MS). SPME–GC–MS and HS–GC–ECD techniques.
Name Time(min) Concentration (ng mL ) RSDa Beers brand recognized Concentration (ng mL 1
in the market
2.3-Butanedione 56.4 41.2 39.5 40.3 2.1 HS–GC–ECD HS-SPME–GC–MS
60.0 38.8 40.0 40.7 2.4
2.3- Isoamyl Ethyl Ethyl
63.6 41.0 39.6 39.5 2.1
Butanedione acetate acetate hexanoate
RSD – 3.2 0.7 1.5 –
A1 0.10 4.03 41.67 0.62
Isoamyl acetate 56.4 121.6 112.6 114.0 4.1 A2 0.09 4.54 39.43 0.72
60 1512.7 1400.0 1424.4 4.1 A3 0.10 4.11 43.51 0.64
63.6 2567.3 2414.7 2342.5 4.7 A4 0.09 3.69 44.04 0.60
RSDb – 87.6 88.1 86.6 – A5 0.09 4.43 46.11 0.75
A6 0.09 4.05 42.72 0.62
Ethyl acetate 56.4 6199.0 6063.0 5868.7 2.7 A7 0.09 4.55 40.77 0.63
60 10,094.4 10,148.4 9757.2 2.1 A8 0.10 4.09 44.76 0.53
63.6 19,319.0 18,673.0 17,710.5 4.4 A9 0.10 3.98 37.33 0.60
RSDb – 56.8 55.3 54.3 – A10 0.10 2.60 35.43 0.38
A11 0.10 4.05 36.01 0.70
Ethyl hexanoate 56.4 9298.4 9094.5 8803.0 2.7 A12 0.10 3.46 33.86 0.63
60 15,141.6 15,222.6 14,635.8 2.1 A13 0.10 3.57 20.62 0.57
63.6 28,978.5 28,009.5 26,565.7 4.4 A14 0.10 3.97 39.63 0.83
RSDb – 56.8 55.3 54.3 – A15 0.10 3.04 46.28 0.38
Relative standard deviation of triplicate under the same conditions.
Relative standard deviation of triplicates between the three variations of the
extraction time. remains in the GC injector for another 15 min. Thus, the fibre was
activated for 30 min. To expedite the routine, this time can be opti-
mized with the use of more than one fibre or by using an autosam-
3. Results and discussion pler (Ashraf, Linforth, Bealin-Kelly, Smart & Taylor, 2010; Hill &
Smith, 2000).
A mixture containing off-flavour esters (ethyl acetate, isoamyl After preparing the samples for SPME analysis followed by GC-
acetate, and ethyl hexanoate) and vicinal diketones (2,3-pentane- MS, saturation of the samples with 3.0 g of sodium chloride was
dione and 2,3-butanedione) was tested in water and Pilsner beer. performed, once it is readily soluble in water and influences the
In determining the method for SPME analysis of off-flavours, extraction efficiency by changing the polarity of the medium, forc-
several tests were performed for the following parameters: expo- ing the passage of off-flavours to the headspace. This technique is
sure time and extraction temperature. Charry-Parra et al. (2011) known as salting-out (Cajka, Riddellova, Tomaniova, & Hajslova,
evaluated these parameters for nine volatile compounds (alcohols 2010; Giordano, Calabrese, Davoli, & Rotilio, 2003; Gómez-Ariza,
and esters) in beer samples. Using fibre DVB/CAR/PDMS with García-Barrera, Lorenzo, & Beltrán, 2006; Hafez & Wenclawiak,
extraction time of 45 min and temperature of 24 °C showed greater 2013; Saison, De Schutter, Delvaux, & Delvaux, 2008; Sterckx
sensitivity to ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate. The best response et al., 2010).
in terms of number of constituents and chromatographic separa- During the preparation of samples and standards added to beer,
tion was obtained in the current work using DVB/CAR/PDMS fibre, foam was produced, hindering the preparation of solutions. To
whose application is suggested for low to high polarity volatile and minimize this effect, samples of cold beer were used, and a low
non-volatile compounds (Jelén et al., 2012; Zapata, Mateo- temperature was found to be important for obtaining linearity
Vivaracho, Lopez, & Ferreira, 2012). (correlation coefficient of 0.99) as well as to avoid undesirable loss
After evaluating the area of the analytes for some variations in of volatile compounds.
the experimental conditions of time and temperature of extraction, Fig. 1a shows the chromatogram of volatile compounds present
an extraction time of 30 min at a temperature of 60 °C was in beer obtained by using a mixture of off-flavour esters and
determined. ketones as analyzed by SPME followed by GC-MS techniques.
The chromatographic conditions of the GC were optimized. In applying the SPME technique, individual solutions for each
However, despite the analytical run time was 15 min, the total ester and ketone in water were extracted successfully with DVB/
analysis time for each analytical run was one hour because the CAR/PDMS fibre. For the beer samples spiked with esters and
extraction time lasted 30 min, and after the analytical run the fibre ketones, only the chromatographic signals concerning esters were
G.C. da Silva et al. / Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77 75

Fig. 2. Chromatograms refering to the identification of (a) esters: ethyl acetate (Rt = 2.265 min), isoamyl acetate (Rt = 6.775 min) and ethyl hexanoate (Rt = 9.396 min) by HS-
SPME coupled to HRGC-MS and (b) vicinal diketones: 2,3-butanedione (Rt = 2.595 min) and 2,3-pentanedione (Rt = 4.527) by HS-HRGC–ECD in one of the beer samples.

identified (Fig. 1a) due to a competition between the esters and concentration usually found in beers which are proper for con-
vicinal diketones (Valente & Augusto, 2000). sumption. For the beer samples, the presence of interfering signals
The electron capture detector is selective and presents high sen- in the retention time of the analytes were not observed. Esters ana-
sitivity even for trace analysis of halogenated organic compounds, lyzed by mass spectrometry were identified by the NIST standard
nitroaromatic compounds and conjugated systems. Compounds of reference database with a probability value greater than 96%.
high electron affinity can be determined at sub-picogram amounts The effect of the sharp and matrix-induced chromatographic
facilitating trace analysis (Poole, 2013). The HS–GC–ECD technique response is one of the performance parameters that must be
was then adopted for the analysis of vicinal diketones in beer. evaluated, since this can markedly affect sample concentrations.
(Fig. 1b). In order to evaluate the matrix effect, the F test is used to assess
whether the residual variances of the two curves (matrix and sol-
3.1. Validation of the method vent) are significantly different. If the experimental F-value is
greater than the theoretical F-value, it is possible to state that there
In order to verify the analytical performance of the developed is a significant difference between the residual variances and that
methodology, the validation parameters were evaluated in accor- they are not statistically similar. In this case, the matrix has an
dance with ISO standards (INMETRO, 2011). effect on the accuracy of the range evaluated in the study
The calibration curves obtained from the off-flavours in beer (Cardoso, Nobrega & Abrantes, 2008). Then, Student-t test must
and water were used to evaluate selectivity. These curves be applied (Snedecor & Cochran, 1989; INMETRO, 2011). According
presented a concentration interval which encompasses not only to Thompson, Ellison, and Wood (2002), it is essential to assess
the taster’s perception threshold but also the off-flavours whether the slopes of the analytical curves for the solvent and
76 G.C. da Silva et al. / Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 71–77

matrix are significantly different by means of the Student-t test, 4. Conclusion

and this can be carried out by comparing the slopes of the two
curves. The t-test is applied after calculating the pooled standard The techniques were developed and validated using HS-SPME–
deviation. When the experimental t-value is higher than the theo- GC–MS and HS–GC–ECD for identification and quantification of
retical t-value, it is possible to assume that the matrix affects the off-flavours in beer. Both techniques were shown to be precise,
method. accurate and with suitable sensitivity for quality control purposes.
Comparing the slopes as well as the highest and lowest variance The techniques were applied to 15 different beer brands in the
from the concentration levels of the calibration curve made in marketed in Brazil, enabling rapid identification and quantification
water and beer, a matrix effect was observed due to a significant of compounds of interest in beer industry.
difference in the slope between curves. All calculated values were
higher than the tabulated value. The lowest calculated F-value
(F = 89.6) obtained for isoamyl acetate was higher than the tabu-
lated F-value (F = 19.0). The lowest calculated t-value (t = 21.6) Araújo, F. B., Silva, P. H. A., & Minim, V. P. R. (2003). Perfil sensorial e composição
obtained for isoamyl acetate was higher than the tabulated t-value físico-química de cervejas provenientes de dois segmentos do mercado
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Ashraf, N., Linforth, R. S. T., Bealin-Kelly, F., Smart, K., & Taylor, A. J. (2010). Rapid
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centration of the analytes was calculated using the standard addi- mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 294, 47–53.
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brand based on multivariate analysis of volatile fingerprint. Journal of
of the test samples (commercial beers).
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