Intermedio 8

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Libreto intermedio 8

good afternoon teacher good afternoon classmates I am

Gabriela Yoplac and today I am going to present my project
that consists of telling a fanciful story from my childhood,
this is terrifying and I will give you some details below

how old was i?

I was 6 years old

Where was it ?

I was in the playground of my elementary school

what was it doing there ?

there was a parent meeting

who were you with ?

I was with my best friend Estella and then a girl from
another grade didn't approach her and she was the one
who didn't tell the story

Once these questions have been answered, I will tell you

the story that I will call THE GIRL WHO DIED IN THE
BATHROOM an urban legend of my elementary school.

It all started when I was 6 years old. I had just entered

primary school and I was very happy because I was
starting a new stage in my life. It should be noted that
when I was little, I used to be very scared.
In fact, I didn't even watch horror movies.
There was a day at the beginning of the school start, the
school called parent meetings to create the parent
committee, among other things. The point is that my
mother went to the meeting, in fact, she always did that,
she used to be very responsible with those things. things,
this was at the time of departure so while my mom was in
the meeting I was playing with my best friend from that
time Estella the thing is that suddenly a tall girl from
another grade approached us she was the person who told
us this legend. at first he asked us for information about us
and then he began to tell us the story.

It all started in the first year that the school was built, a girl
we will call Leonor, this girl suffered from problems in her
family, and from bullying, her life used to be miserable, she
used to have a very low autestism and she She used to be
very alone all the time, she entered that school in the
middle of the year when she was in the fourth grade of
primary school, there she suffered bullying, Leonor used
to lock herself in the last bathroom of the school and cry
about the situation of her family for that her parents had
alcohol problems with her mother the same, they argued
all the time and she was ignored a lot by them and well,
they also made fun of her and beat her at school and that's
how Leonor believed that life was not it was worth living.
One day in one of the few days that she locked herself in
the last bathroom of the school, she had brought a vial of
poison to it and decided to take it at the time she fell
because of consuming the poison, she fell and hit her head
with the toilet, dying. Due to the impact of this and obio
due to the poison, those two factors caused her death.
from there her soul usually suffers in the bathroom and if
you go near the place where she died you don't count it.

I remember that this story caused me a lot of fear, I

remember that I used to have many nightmares and I also
went to sleep every night with my parents. I did not tell my
parents for a long time because I avoided talking about it
out of fear. My fear was so great that I even It was very
scary to go to the school bathroom and I preferred to put
up with it until I got home. In the end they withdrew me
from that school due to some problems with the care of the
teachers towards the students, I overcame my fear but hey,
a fun fact is the girl who told me and my friend the story.I
never saw the girl who told us the story again the whole
year I was at that school.

and well this is all for today and thanks for watching and
listening thank you very much

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