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ae Electric Help For Bicycles Precautions for use Comply with traffic regulations and safety tips 1 People unter the age of 16 ae orion oarv eect leyeles on ho roa + thomaxmumspeed ofan o-hike shall nat excood ‘5kmih inthe non motorized ano. ‘On roads wth na nan-motonize lanes, you shoul divecn the ahs athe roaaay + Donel nd the electc Beye villa operate the personnels civ, case otinuy, + Ehetc kes shoudl cary people or goods according tolaws andrequations; 1 is recommende to wear a hetnet and pay attention to ving satety:Do not ide wih lone hand orbatn hands ct he nani; 1 When rng in any and erawy weather, the braking cslance ill be extended, Sku ‘sown and yak sovty. Avia travelna im bad weater such as heavy rab, Safety tips for electric vehicle use + Do not arkin bung foyors evacuation staeasos walkways and exis 1 Elie bicycles shoula not 86 charged and parked in residential Bultings charging shouldbe aay rer combustible material charging mv should not bot ona, + Proper use and mainlenance of batteries balloes chal not be dlemanie snout auhorizaton snoub ee organzed by the relovar professional aegarments to recover, 1 Understand the safe use of the charger and waming languagevinen replacing the charger eneuki maich Ine model of he baller + Do pot fash sith wator to avoid poiental accents causod by wong of etoral fdectroni pars ana wena, + hen adustng hanckbars or shouldbe ten nat fe exooge tho eaety Ine marks of he neers and sadaos (omen), Prepare before riding + Powor supoly ecu lghting tating s ood, ' Whetherhe tront and rear brakes ave soriing normaly 1 Ara nandleuars and front and rear whsel in aight stato. 1 Whether the pressures normal + Check the relator for contamination before evel Vehicle coding position diagram X00 Electrical schematic diagram Specification Motor — Controller ‘Overspeed alarm Headlight Power lever 2 Battery Spec Charger port Controller Spee Operation and using Folding step @ pers sins puso Tromanah enos outers © ter rants oon to Operation and using Folding step © tense sy sen panos errs noone Satety switch / © Pevte roey otto on se Steps to use sitting tube pump 1.Open ‘he quick-release 2.Unseraw the cap and draw Plug the air nazzh tightly 4.The 90-dograe hand orp lube clamp and pull out the oul theaircylnder assembly into the valve nozzle of the fp fastener begins to seat post inate Taillight opening and maintenance —_ Change the battery Tallene + Prepare 1 philips screwdriver and 2 battenes. + Remove the rear ight, unscrew the front panel sorew, ‘open the rear housing, and replace the battery. Rearreflctor + Faston the rear sholl, twist the scraw, install an tho Philips scrowdrver fixing late, anc replace the battery. No.7 batteries 2pes +The taillghtis designed as an independent switch, Press the switch when in use Transmission diagram Gear Intensity Speed = Relax Sb 4 Moderate Moderate =5 Hare Fast + Up gear * To spood un, start ina lower gear and switch toa higher gear as you speed up. "As you 90 uphil your speed craps, and you lower your gear to maintain a cetan amount of pedalpower, "Wen the ni inthe wind, you spec up and sh gears to rnaintain acartain ‘mount of pedal power. ‘Tre sbeves e oer sgesten, ou ean sete gear pone secon you seco habs Gear pointe When using the driveline, pay attention to the following details When using a gear shift systern, try not to skip gears as they can easily damage the transmission. is also possible to change ‘ore than two gaars, should be a loval of adjustment, can battar protect the transmission systom. ' wren the bicycle stops running, or when going downhil, donot reverse the rotation system, which is not only bad for the trans~ mmission system, put also can cause accidents. + If is their transmission fluro, or the goar is not accurate, will affect the performance of the transrrission, this time should be timely to professional bicycle shop mantenance, in case of exacerbation ofthe fault Dashboard and cycling mode Dashboard introduction Modetkey _| pees Button key (Cumulative mileage (switching) \ \\ Subtotal ieage (evicting) \\__Hatiatindcatr zp ve | (MID) HIGH) EGO) Power indicator Gear indicator (powertmedium speedihigh speed) + Power cycling + Electric riding Long W press for 3 second to start thebke: “The default rade for the frst time is "ECO* assisted cycling rroco Start this made when the pedals: speed reaches SKMIH, Pross -} bution to switch to MID‘elsc- ine cyting rode. medium speed gearThis mode can be stared by turing the handlebar or when the ‘speed excoeds SKM >ress + to switch to thehigh speed gear of HIGH" elecrreriding made: Tis modo can be started by turing the handlebar or when the speed exceeds kan + Human pedaling Long press @ for 3 += Pedalingis enough. Inthe startup stat; Long press the — 3 seconds key to swith * Open perkeng node, «The headlight switch * Long press op for3 second to tum on the ca lghts; * Long press crersina pg Power pin '= When charging, the status ight of the charger is red = When the battery is fully charged, the charger is in jreen and charges ' Ihe battery is charged in the car, turn off the meter ry status lamp Charging port Battery instructions Battery removal and installation 1 Insert the key and turn it to the end in the rection incicated by the arrow. Release the toatery lock an pull back to take out the pallery pool The battery latch + Push the battery ilo the bolton slowly ‘along the predetermined poston.and the feattory installation will be Gomplotoa when the battery latch springs back and locks, Battery lock. Notewhen the battery is unlocked the key cannot be dialed outit you keep the unlocked state and pull backyou can take out the b Parts information Display Saddle License plate integral tallight Foleing box Folding stern Infator QRofseat post Headlight a Reardisc brake Motor Front isc brake Foldable padel The battery Instructions before use of lithium battery ' Bofore use, contr that the battery modilis the crginal batary, do not use inothar-brand battory a wil * Chock the appearance ofthe Ithium battery is in good condition and there is no abvious phenomenon such as damage, iquic leakage, hot water and sinoke. * Inorderto ensure the safety of transportation, the battery power in the battery plant is about 20%. Oust the power Consumption inthe process of transportation and storage, the battery power s low oro during the frst use. This sa normalphenormenan, so please do not worry, * Please charge the baltery for 24 hours afte frst use after purchase or long-term storage. Using the environment + The best use environment is 1910-45. + In the case of low temperature, the available capacity of lithium battery willhave diferent degrees of attenuation. The specific rofarance dogrea Is as folows: “The available capacity at ~10°C is about 70%, at OT tis 85%,and at 25° its 100% the battory has odor haat, deformation and ‘ther abnormal conditions, please immediately stop using, stay away from the battery and contact the after-sales department Warning tery rota pa na ene rpsreatay users, Khare ary sanoralaherameron sbae carsetihe ater oosrnen fr mrensre, pack poley army lel sty hesing stig fe eclsn, Charging environment + Uso the battery to suppor the origi factory chargar manufacturing Ine chargo, dont use oer brand or model charger wi Ine charge. + Charge the batiny at 'C~40°C to ensure that there are no flammable substanoas around! and good ventilation * Charging time desorstion: the charging time of the battery shouki nol excesd 12 hours, Excessive charging wi fect the battery fe anc there are safety sks. * Thebattery quantty ofthe chargor rises quick inthe cary stage and slowly in thalate stage, Tiss the procedure sat for charging saoty ansis normal + Outdoor charging is stoly prohibited h bad weather + Durng the charging process, the surface terperature of the battery box is found to be very higher than 85°), indicating thal the battary packis in troublo, Cutoff the power supply errnadiataly and sond ito the designated ropar station forrnaintonanca. tts noralthat the surface ofthe charger boxis slot heated (no more then 60°C) durng the charging process. Storage environment * Agjor the batteryis placed in the car, wil slowly consume the battery power dua to the vehiclo's work. The vehicle can be kept for up to wo months, The meter shows that he battery power drops norally + When the battery not used for along perio of time (more than one rnonth), please be sure to reroveit from the e-bike and charge the battery to ahatfullans ful state (after discharging te battery, use the charger for 1 S-2 hours), then store tina cooland dry room (che bestiemperaive is S1C~25C), ana crarge tfor 1 hour every three months. * Batteries and chargers shouldbe stored na clean, dry, venliated place, away trom contact with corrosive substances, away fom fe and heat sources (must be less than ? rneters), away rom flammable substances, and disconnect the charger fram the battery. 1 The most appropriate storage capacity of tha battery fs 80%. tthe batty is lavor than 10% ar higher than 0%, lang-tormn storage vel lead to reversible capacty attenuation ofthe baltey. + Avoid placing the battery in risky lation where a drop could cause uncontrllable darnage tothe baltery and cause leakage, hoal, ‘snk, fre or explosion. Maintenance and rep: Maintenance and cleaning instructions + Donnot flush with water to avoid potential accidents caused by wetting of intemal electronic parts and wing; + Please use neutral cleaner, gently wipe the dit on the surface of paint or plastic parts witha cloth, and then wipe iteloan with a dy cloth, + Please use lubricating oto clean the metal parts of the ear body for maintenance, + Donot oll the brake parts to avoid brake failure and danger. Regular inspection '| Whether the fastener is locked tight, and whether the joints in each part are normal * Whether the tread pattem ofthe outer tre is wom and cracked, whether the airpressure ofthe front and rear tres is appropriate, and whether the drving system is smooth, + Whother the brake systom is working normaly. Vehicle storage method 1 When the product isnot used fora long time, nlaase donot storsitin the outdoor eewirorenent,brightlight and the environment bebo Zero foralong tre. The dstance rom the heal source (heaing equpment ei.) should not be less than 2M; + Store n ty, clean, wel ventatedinioor environment nih temperature between 10 and 45°C and lave hurry no more than 90%: + Ifyou do not use the car for along te, pay altention to the bet charging regularly (generally about two rronths apart) to maintain the battery perforrance; 1 This product should notibe n contact wih corrosive iui o avoid any mnacherical impact and pressure. Trouble shooting Issue Reason Tum on the power No es + No power supply for vehicles Turn on the power and «In the braking state twat the handle Motor | 7 19 he brake ste ‘9008 not start, + Start switch faut + The battery is undercharged + Tire prossurais + Frequent ovaking Insutfoient range * Batley aging or normatattenuation + Low ambient temperature, battery capacity attenuation + The charger is not plugged in property + Batlory temperature site “Tho battory wont charge * Battory temperature is too high * Batlory under votage Solution way Whether the power supply tis loose or not, and ‘whether the power switch is on or nat Battery under votage, charge the battery Whether the brake handle sin the braking state Contact the after-sales ‘Check the charger for any damage Check the tre pressure before each use Develop good driving habits, Change the battery leis normal Check whether the power plug is loose Wait for the baltery to resurne charging ternperature Wait for the battery to resurne charging ternperature Contact customer service RoHS Bike name Electric help for bicycles The name and content of harmful substances in the product Hazardous substance Parts name (Pb) | (Ha) | (ed) | Cer(vny (PBB) (PBDE) Display o|x|o ° ° ° Head lamp o|x fo ° ° ° Tail lamp o|xlo ° °o ° Battery o|x|fo ° ° ° Controller o|x|o ° ° ° Charger o}|x]o Oo oO ° 414. This form is prepared in accordance with the provisions of Su/T 1138 C:ndicates that the content ofthe hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials ofthe partis below the lit set by GBIT 26572, Xclngicates that the content of the hazardous substance in at least ane homogeneous material ofthe component ‘exceeds the iit specified in GBIT 26572. The princinal ang hal HIMO Ee ology Co. LTD Manufacturers; Tianin Fu ‘a Technology Co. LTD Produce Tianjn Fuj-ta Technology Co. LTD Manufacturer add: Tian road and AIMA road, sout distr develoement zone, tianin Sarviea number; 400-182-9808

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