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Workplace – miejsce pracy Tight deadlines – ciasne terminy końcowe

Office - biuro A bit more – trochę więcej

Smart dust A whole lot more – o wiele więcej

Factor – czynnik, parametr Considerably more – znacznie więcej

Pressurized – pod ciśnieniem Far more – o wiele więcej

Forces - oddział Marginally more – marginalnie więcej

Downsizing – zmniejszać zatrudnienie, Infinitely more – nieskończenie więcej

Slightly more – trochę więcej
Non-stop workshop
Somewhat more – nieco więcej
Take a breather – odetchnąć, wytchnąć
Mad dash - a wild and uncontrolled rush
Suite - pakiet
Cram – dopchać, napakować, wkuwać,
Intranet - niepubliczna sieć telekomunikacyjna
Workstation – stacja robocza
Exceed budget - beyond the amount of money
than had been planned for. Upgrade system
Productivitiy target - the expected ratio of Applications are crashing
output versus input
Server went down
Pressure-cooker - a situation or environment
that is fraught with emotional or social Documents have been deleted
pressures Installed patches
Swept through – przetoczyć się Downloaded new drivers
Labour – praca, robocizna Setting up mobile internet connections
Headcount – liczba pracowników Enter data on the system
Fierce competition – ostra konkurencja You have to installed it
Quest for efficiency – dążenie do wydajności Set a password
Sales pitches – stanowiska sprzedażowe, a PCs crash
salesperson's attempt to persuade their
audience to buy or believe what they're Set up account
offering Advance components
Overhauled - o completely change something, Download illegal mp3s
especially by getting rid of some people or
things and replacing them with others Stretched – having difficulty doing everything
that you should because you lack the
Output – wydajność, produkcja necessary time, money, people or equipment
Occur – występować się, zdarzać się keep someone in the loop – has more
Slick set of slide - Zgrabny zestaw slajdów ingormation and makes decisions about sth

Thus - zatem call back - oddzwonić

Likely outcome – prawdopodobny wynik give an update – zdawać komuś relację

keep informed - keep me up to date, let me
know of anything new

give a ring – contact by telephone

fill someone in - to tell someone something

they do not know, especially something that
happened when they were not there: I haven't
seen the latest report, so perhaps you could
fill me in?

Fill in for someone – zastąpić kogoś

let someone know – dać komuś znać

get in touch – skontaktować się

Database vendors – dostawcy baz danych

Abstract of presentation – streszczenie


Internet connection is down

Charter flights – loty czarterowe

Holiday club – obóz wakacyjny

Car ferries – promy samochodowe

The the .., the..

The older i get, the wiser i am

The more you chase money, the harder it is to

catch it

Give someone a hand – help someone

Hassle – annoy someone, cause problem for


In the know – when you have more

information about sth than other people

Snail mail – letters that are sent by post

Bulky – too pig to be carried or stored coming

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