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The Internet is an exciting way of being globally connected to the world:It stablishes social
networking sites. These are a new trend in the market, and most everyone who owns or has access to a
computer and the Internet is a member of a social networking site. More than 250 million people log
in daily on Facebook and the site boasts a membership of over 600 million. Facebook can be viry
good if properly used. For example it is the best site for people to meet,teract, share photos and
experiences and stay connected with friends and distant peers without taking the pains of calling or
meeting them everyday.

I do not intend to spread paranoia about using Facebook. My Intention is to.Pesent some of the
possible dangers of facebook because it may be very harmful fon its users one of the prime darigers of
using Facebook is fallinginto the habit of procrastination while wasting large amounts of time in
answering stupid quizzes ond playing Virtual reality gamest Another danger occur's if any of your
frend's accounts are backed, youn personal, information, including your snaps and posts ruay be
viewed by anyone who is on the perjphery of your friends circle, This may Fappen if you have set the
privacy setting for your wall and photos to be viewable by.Everyone.This éxposure can be dangerous,
as your photós and personal iriformation may be uised by these third parties for nefarious purposes.

It is best that you restrict your profile and photos to be viewable to only.your frlends. You can even be
selective about who views your. wall posts among your friends, If·arybody is bothering. you,
troubling you on Facebook, you can Simply block them: So share only.the bare mintmum information
about yourself.if You.set the privacy. settings properly, you can rest assured that: your personal
hformation and snaps are well protected, Facebook is no substitute for the real world and if you think
that you are spending an inordinate amount of time staring "d 'The Wall' and reading largely irrelevant
pieces of information about people you don't know, it is time to be aware of the fact that you are
officially addicted to farebook Don't spend some of the most valuable time, of your life on Facebook
doing nothing! Rather,make it productive by learning your lessons lf you are studentsand working or
meeting real friends in persont

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