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Welcome to T h e Wa r l o c k O f F i r e t o p M o u n t a i n , When you are actually playing, you’ll find that the

an exciting fantasy board game for two to six players, highlighted sections help you find rules quicker too.
aged from 10 to adult. Average playing time is We’ve also numbered each rule section so you can
around two hours. find the rule you want just when you want it.

T hi s ga me i s ba sed on th e be st - sell in g Figh ti ng Fa n - In the centre pages of this booklet you will notice
t a sy gamebook T h e Wa r l o c k o f F i r e t o p M o u n t a i n , that there are some special pages describing the
published be Puffin Books. As heroic adventurers, powers of the various special cards which might be
players must make their way through the dungeon encountered in play. They are collected together here
complex beneath Firetop Mountain, fighting terrible so you can find them in a hurry. If you wish, you
monsters, evading fiendish traps, and collecting can pull them out from the main rules and keep
fabulous treasures. They must also discover the them handy while you are placing the game. (We
secret combination of keys which will open the evil will refer to them throughout the rules as the central
Warlock’s treasure chest and bring them the greatest pull-out pages.)
treasure of all!!

Players familiar with the original book will recognise

many of the rules used in this game, particularly
those used for combat, but it definitely isn’t The way to win this game is to be the first
necessary to be familiar with the book to play. With a d v e n t u r e r t o r e a c h t h e Wa r l o c k ’ s t r e a s u r e
its clear and concise, easy-to-learn rules and attrac- r o o m a n d o p e n h i s Tr e a s u r e C h e s t . The Chest is
tive pieces, everyone will find this game thrilling opened with a secret combination of three keys. On
and enjoyable. the way through the dungeon, adventurers must try
to discover the combination and find (or steal!) the
necessary keys, while surviving the attentions of the
ferocious monsters and devious traps which infest it!
The box contains the following game parts:
Now you know what to do – let’s start playing!
 RULES BOOKLET – You’re reading it now!
 GAME BOARD – Depicting the Warlock’s
dungeon, with sinister rooms and passages
leading into the depths of the earth!
 33 ENCOUNTER CARDS – Creatures, traps,
Before starting your quest for the Warlock’s treasure
traders, and many others, which may be en-
lay the board out on a suitable flat surface, punch
countered by the adventurers as they explore
out the Cards and sort them into 4 separate piles. All
the dungeon.
the Cards with ‘Treasure’ printed on the back form
 32 TREASURE CARDS – Gold, keys, weapons,
t he Trea sure Ca rd d ec k; all th e Ca rd s wi th ‘E n -
magic, etc., which may be found in the rooms
c ount e r ’ on the back form the Encounter Card deck;
guarded by monsters.
all the Cards with ‘Key Challenge Card’ on the back
 15 KEY CARDS – 6 Cards are marked ‘blank’; the
form the Key Cards deck; and the remaining 6 cards
others depict keys numbered from 1 to 9.
form the Fixed Encounter Cards deck. Then set the
Three of these are the right keys to the
game up as follows:
 6 MAZE CARDS – Showing possible junctions in 1.1 S h u f f l e t h e Tr e a s u r e C a r d s a n d p l a c e o n e
The Maze area of the map. face down in each room on the board, except
 TREASURE CHEST – The object of the quest, it f o r t h e Wa r l o c k ’ s S t u d y a n d t h e Tr e a s u r e R o o m .
holds the Warlock’s treasure!
1.2 Ta k e t h e F i x e d E n c o u n t e r C a r d s d e c k . P l a c e
 PIECES AND DICE – 6 playing pieces, each
these cards on their appropriate rooms on the
representing an adventurer, and two normal,
board. The rooms that contain Fixed En
six-sided dice.
counters are marked on the board, and in the
Central Pull-Out section.
details of the adventurers.
Shuffle the remaining Encounter Cards and
p l a c e o n e f a c e d o w n o n t o p o f e a c h Tr e a s u r e
Card in all rooms except those already filled by
Take a quick flick through this short booklet. You’ll Fixed Encounter Cards.
see that the most important parts of the rules stand 1.3 P l a c e t h e Tr e a s u r e C h e s t i n t h e Tr e a s u r e
out from the rest, because they are highlighted in Room.
s l o p i n g b o l d l e t t e r s . You only need to read these
sections to start playing, so you can start almost im- 1.4 Take the pack of Key Cards and separate out the
mediately! 6 blanks. G i v e o n e b l a n k K e y C a r d t o e a c h
p l a y e r . If fewer than 6 are playing, place the remain-
After reading this introduction, scan through the ing blank cards back in the box.
main body of the rules, only reading the section
headings and those sections we have highlighted. 1.5 Take the nine remaining Key Cards and shuffle
Read the brief Example of Play at the end of the them. S e c r e t l y p l a c e t h r e e K e y C a r d s i n t h e
rules – then start playing! Tr e a s u r e R o o m u n d e r t h e Tr e a s u r e C h e s t –
without anyone seeing what they are!
W he n pla ye rs n ee d t o re f e r t o t he ap p rop riat e sec - Distribute the remaining Key Cards evenly to
ti on s you can then refer to them in full, but there’s t h e p l a y e r s . If 4 or 5 are playing, the spare cards
no need to read and memorise them all beforehand. are given to the player(s) with the lowest SKILL scores
when characters are created. (Note: the Key Cards 2.10 I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s e s c o r e s , e a c h a d v e n
are not to be confused with the Treasure Cards turer should prepare for battle by kitting out
which depict keys – see 11.2.) with the following items of equipment:
 A sword. Useful for fighting creatures (and other
1.6 Ta k e t h e 6 M a z e C a r d s , s h u f f l e t h e m , a n d adventurers who get in the way!). Only one sword
place one face down on each of the six empty can he used at a time and no more than two swords
boxes in The Maze at the top of the board. may ever be carried by an adventurer. The sword
1.7 E a c h p l a y e r t a k e s a P l a y i n g P i e c e o f t h e i r does not count towards items carried (see the
choice, and places it on the Entrance area, rucksack. below), nor may, an adventurer leave his
ready to start. sword behind out of choice.
 A rucksack. This can carry a maximum of six
items of Treasure (ie, 6 treasure Cards). A player
picking up his seventh Treasure Card must select one
t o lea ve b ehi nd – fac e d ownwa rd s – wh e re h e c ur-
2.1 Give each player one of the special Adventure
re nt ly is. Note that Gold and Provisions do not
Sheets. They will also need a pencil and an eraser, to
count towards this carrying limit.
write their own special scores on the sheet.
 A lantern. This is used to light a way through
the pitch-dark Secret Passages. If it is lost, travelling
2.2 E a c h p l a y e r m u s t c r e a t e h i s o r h e r o w n through Secret Passages will be more difficult.
adventurer by rolling dice and recording the  Provisions. E v e r y a d v e n t u r e r s t a r t s t h e g a m e
s c o r e s o n t h e A d v e n t u r e S h e e t . Suffice it to say, that w i t h 3 P r o v i s i o n s ; they may find more on their
the higher these numbers, the stronger a character will journey. Eating Provisions help restore some STAMINA
be. A stronger character will have a slightly better points after an injury.
chance of winning the game – but there is plenty of
opportunity for players to ‘gang up’ on another player
All these items should be noted on each player ’s
who is doing particularly well, as you’ll see in a minute!
Adventure Sheet.

2.3 SKILL: Roll one die. If the result is a 1 or 2,

2.11 E x t r a P r o v i s i o n s a n d G o l d P i e c e s . Everyone
enter the number ‘9’ in the Skill box on your Adven-
has the choice of taking with them extra Provisions
ture Sheet, under the heading Initial Skill. If the
and/or Cold Pieces, according to their Initial SKILL
result is a 3 or 4, your adventurer ’s Initial Skill is
score. Take the adventurer ’s Initial SKILL score away
‘10’. If the result is a 5 or 6, Initial Skill is ‘11’.
from 12 to determine how many extra Provisions
and/or Gold Pieces may be taken at the start.
2.4 STAMINA: Roll two dice, add twelve to the
result and enter this total in the Stamina box under
2.12 Example: A player with a SKILL score of 9 can
Initial Stamina.
choose any combination of 3 Provisions/Gold Pieces
(e.g. 1 Provision and 2 Gold Pieces). As a hint to new
2.5 LUCK: Roll one die, add six to the result and players, Provisions are generally more useful than
enter the total in the Luck box under Initial Luck. Gold Pieces, but a mix of both is best.

2.6 No matter what bonuses are collected during the 2.13 Each player should give their adventurer a
game, an adventurer ’s S TA M I N A a n d L U C K s c o r e s m a y name, and decide whether they are male or female.
n e v e r e x c e e d t h e i r I n i t i a l v a l u e (those scores you They are now ready for battle!! Before the game
have just rolled during 2.3 and 2.4 above). starts, though, we’d better explain a pair of special
rules, about Luck and Provisions.
2.7 An adventurer ’s SKILL score represents his or her
abilities at swordsmanship and general fighting ex-
pertise. SKILL scores will not change much during an
adventure. However, SKILL may be increased if a Magic
S w o rd i s f o un d , f o r e x a m p l e . B ut re m e m b e r t h a t on - 3.1 I f a n a d v e n t u r e r i s i n s t r u c t e d t o Te s t f o r
ly one weapon may be used at a time; an adventurer Luck at any time during the game (e.g., on an
cannot use two SKILL bonuses for carrying two Magic Encounter Card), he must roll two dice and
Swords. compare the total with his current LUCK score.

2.8 An adventurer ’s STAMINA score represents their  If the total is less than or equal to his current LUCK
will to survive, overall fitness, determination and score he has been Lucky.
general constitution. S TA M I NA changes constantly dur-  If the total is greater than his current LUCK score
ing the adventure as a result of battles, injuries, and he has been Unlucky.
so on. If an adventurer ’s STAMINA score should ever  The consequences of being Lucky or Unlucky are
fall to zero that character is unfortunately dead (see then followed (if an Encounter Card, these will be
Section 17). STAMINA is restored, however, by eating found on the Card).
Provisions (see Section 4). 3.2 E a c h t i m e y o u r a d v e n t u r e r Te s t s f o r L u c k
you must deduct one point from his current
2.9 An adventurer ’s LUCK score reflects how naturally LUCK score – whether he was Lucky or Unlucky.
lucky or unlucky that character is. During the adven- As you can imagine, the more LUCK is used, the more
ture, players will often be instructed to Test for Luck risky it becomes to test it! LUCK can be restored with
(see Section 3) in order to determine whether an the Potion of Fortune (a Treasure Card) and by
event will go favourably or not. defeating monsters (see 9.5).
open the Warlock’s Treasure Chest and win the game
(see Section 12). Players must also try to collect the
W h e n a n a d v e n t u r e r ’ s S TA M I N A s c o r e d r o p s t o necessary keys (found on the Treasure Cards) which
z e r o h e o r s h e i s d e a d (see Section 17). It is will fit the Treasure Chest. These keys may be found
therefore important to watch that STAMINA is never in rooms, or they may be stolen from the other
allowed to fall too low. players.

4.1 S TA M I N A c a n b e r e s t o r e d b y e a t i n g P r o v i s i o n s ,
which all adventurers will have at the start and may
be found as the game progresses. An adventurer may
pause to eat Provisions at any time, provided that: 7.1 E a c h p l a y e r r o l l s o n e d i e t o m o v e h i s a d v e n
turer. This is the maximum number of spaces
 He is not involved in a fight at the time or is
an adventurer may move along a passageway.
potentially involved in one (e.g. has just entered the
An adventurer may move forwards, backwards,
room), and
sideways but not diagonally.
 He does nothing else in that turn, and
 He has not eaten and Provisions on the previous
turn. 7.2 If a die rolls off the table, or lands ‘cocked’, the
whole throw must be taken again. This rule applies
4.2 E a t i n g o n e b a t c h o f P r o v i s i o n s w i l l r e s t o r e to all dice rolls made for combat, penalties, or
4 S TA M I N A p o i n t s . Note that STAMINA may never whatever.
exceed its Initial level (see 2.6).
7.3 I f a p l a y e r r o l l s a 1 f o r M o v e m e n t , h e m a y
4.3 E a c h t i m e P r o v i s i o n s a r e t a k e n , o n e u n i t o f i m m e d i a t e l y m a k e a K e y C h a l l e n g e (see Section
Provisions must be crossed off the Provisions 12).
section of the Adventure Sheet.
7.4 An adventurer may set off in any direction, and
turn as he wishes at a junction.

5.1 Play begins at the sinister, foreboding Entrance 7.5 Obviously, rooms may only be entered and left
to the dungeon. T h e l e a s t s k i l f u l a d v e n t u r e r through doors! A n a d v e n t u r e r m u s t s t o p i m
b e g i n s t h e g a m e (i.e., the one with the lowest SKILL mediately if he enters a room – any surplus
score). If two or more players have the lowest SKILL m o v e m e n t a l l o w a n c e s a r e l o s t . This means that
score they should dice to choose who starts. Play movement through a room is not possible, even if it
then proceeds clockwise around the table. is empty (Exception: see 10.4).

5.2 Battles between adventurers may not start until 7.6 If an adventurer comes across another adven
each adventurer has entered and left at least one turer, or perhaps some discarded treasure, in the
room. At the start of the quest all the adventurers passageway, the moving character has the option of
are friends. During the course of the game, though, either continuing movement as normal and ignoring
the word ‘friendship’ may well become meaningless. the encounter, or stopping to deal with it, perhaps
to collect the treasure or fight or trade with the
other adventurer. If the moving adventurer chooses
to stop his movement allowance ends immediately.

6.1 Setting off from the Entrance, the first player 7.7 I f a n a d v e n t u r e r ’ s m o v e m e n t e n d s i n a
rolls one die and moves his adventurer along the room, that player must take the Encounter Card
passageways in whichever way they wish (but see (if one is present), reveal it and resolve the en
Section 7) up to the number rolled. If a token ends counter. This may require you to refer to the
its move on an unoccupied passageway space, the centre page pull-out section for special details
turn ends and passes to the next player. of the monster or item encountered. Once the
encounter has been resolved, the adventurer
6.2 If the adventurer arrives in a room, the En
m a y c l a i m t h e Tr e a s u r e C a r d u n d e r n e a t h . If
counter Card (if present) is revealed and the en
someone else has been through a room and the en-
counter is resolved, taking note of any special details
counter has been dealt with (e.g. monster killed),
listed on the centre page pull-out section. If a
then the adventurer may simply claim any
creature is defeated – or in some cases, whatever
Treasure Cards available in the room. Details of the
happens – the adventurer may then take the Treasure
Treasure Cards are again to be found on the central
Card underneath. The turn then ends and passes to
pull-out pages.
the next player.

6.3 If the adventurer lands on a space, or room, oc The only exception to this is the Special Encounter
cupied by another adventurer, the two may either rooms (e.g. Shylock, the Dragon). These encounters
fight, exchange information or ignore each other. continue throughout the game for each and every
adventurer who arrives in those rooms.
6.4 During the game, adventurers will have oppor-
tunities to make Key Challenges in an attempt to If a room is completely empty, the adventurer does
discover the secret combination of keys which will nothing and can move off next turn.
If he has a Treasure Card, the Fool will give
it to any adventurer who encounters him. If
Monsters he has no Treasure Card, he will give away
Each Monster is named; its SKI LL score is as many Gold Pieces as are rolled on one die
printed in the bottom left hand corner of the by the visitor. No adventurer may visit the
counter and its STAMINA score is in the bot- Fool more than once. The Fool remains in
tom right. Monsters marked with a star () his room throughout the game.
have special skills which are detailed below.

The Undead Hexmaster

Apart from the Wight, all creatures marked For a payment of 2 Gold Pieces, the Hex-
‘Undead’ can be killed immediately – without master will curse any adventurer who has not
a battle – by the ‘Giver of Sleep’ Treasure already been cursed, providing the adven-
Card. turer’s STAMINA exceeds 6. Any adventurer
so cursed must lose 1 SKILL and 4 STAMINA
points. His Treasure Card can be used by the first adventurer
to use his services. The Hexmaster remains in his room
throughout the game.

The revolting Ghoul will paralyse and kill its
victim after it has inflicted its fourth wound
Hungry Beggar
on an adventurer.
The Beggar will exchange his Treasure Card
for 1 Gold Piece or 1 Provision. He is remov-
ed from play as soon as this offer is taken up.

Hell Hound
Roll 1 die after each round of attack (if the
creature survives) for the creature’s breath of
fire. A 1 or 2 indicates a hit, burning for 1
Lucky Find
STAMINA point of damage.
In order to make the Lucky Find, an adven-
turer must successfully Test for Luck. If he
is Unlucky, he finds no treasure and the
Vampire Lucky Find token remains in place, ready for
If the Vampire rolls a double (such as a 5 and a visit from the next adventurer (the first
5, for example) when rolling for Attack adventurer must leave). Each adventurer can
Strength, the adventurer must Test for Luck only visit the Lucky Find room to try and find the treasure once.
to avoid being enslaved by its hypnotic The first adventurer to be Lucky will find the Treasure (and can
power If the adventurer is Lucky, he or she take the Treasure Card). He should also roll one die, and will
survives and play continues as normal. If the find that many Gold Pieces too.
result is Unlucky, the adventurer is enslaved and dies.

This is a frightening and dangerous monster Pitfall Trap
which can only be harmed by magical An adventurer falling into the Pitfall Trap
weapons (including the Giver of Sleep, which must immediately Test for Luck. If he is Lucky
hurts it like any other normal weapon). The he is not injured and may take the Treasure
Wight must be fought as normal, but any suc- Card. If he is Unlucky, he must lose 4
cessful attack will only cause a wound if the S T A M I N A p o i n ts , t ho u gh he m a y s t i l l t a ke
attacker is carrying a magic weapon. the Treasure Card. He may climb out and move off on his next

Cage Trap
The first person to enter the Cage Trap can Sage
claim its Treasure but must miss one turn. On The Sage will never allow his Treasure Card
subsequent turns, he must try to escape by to be stolen, but a visitor may exchange one
either Testing for Luck (escaping when he is of their own Treasure Cards for the one he
Lucky) or trying to roll a 5 or 6 on one die. guards. A Key Challenge may be made by a
If the escape is successful he may move off visitor to the Sage’s room. The Sage remains
again in the same turn. in his room throughout the game.
Spike Trap c h a r a c t e r (p r e fe r a b l y so m e o n e wh o i s n o t p l a yi n g i n t h e c i r -
An adventurer entering the Spike Trap room cle). The first player must roll less than 12 with two dice. The
must immediately lose 1 SKILL point and 3 next must roll less than 11; the next less than 10 and so on. The
STAMINA points (no Luck roll). He may, Runestone explodes in the hands of anyone who rolls too high.
however, claim the Treasure Card, and climb An unsuccessful player must drop out and loses 1 SKILL and 3
out and move off next turn. STAMINA points. The game then starts again and this continues
until only one of the adventurers (not counting the non-player
character) is still left in. The winner wins 10 Gold Pieces, and
Thief may take one Treasure Card from anywhere else on the board!
Anyone visiting the Thief may buy his
Treasure Card for 1 Gold Piece. As they leave, The Treasure Card in the Gambling Halls room may be taken
though, the Thief will steal one Treasure Card by the first adventurer to ewer the Gambling Halls and play
(chosen at random) from the adventurer. If Runestones, whether or not he wins.
there is more than one Treasure Card in this
r o o m, t h e a dv e n t u r e r m a y t a ke o n e a t r a n -
Larder (In second section)
dom. The Thief stays in his room throughout the game.
Provisions may be purchased at a cost of 2
Gold Pieces each. The first adventurer to ar-
rive and buy food may take the Treasure
The Trader will buy any Treasure Card for 3
Gold Pieces, and will sell any Treasure Card (un-
seen) for as many Gold Pieces as am rolled
on one die by an adventurer wishing to buy.
A adventurer ma y do both, but he must sell Shylock the Mone yle nder (near beginn-
before he buys. In this case the cards are mixed up and the one ing of 1st section)
to be bought is chosen at random. If the price is more than he Shylock will lend 10 Gold Pieces to any
can afford, he loses act his Gold Pieces and does not get the Card. adventurer. A total of 13 Gold Pieces (i.e. the
loan together with 3 Gold Pieces interest)
must be repaid before entering the Maze sec-
tion. Otherwise he claims his pound of flesh:
1 SKILL point plus 5 STAMINA points. He will give his Treasure
This strange man is a practical joker. He
Cud to the first adventurer to borrow Gold from him. He does
demands 2 Gold Pieces, or he will send his
not have to be re-visited in order to repay him.
visitor back to the beginning of that section
of the dungeon (i.e. Main Entrance for the
first section, or far side of the river for the se- Zagor (Before Treasure Room)
cond). If he has a Treasure Card and the 2 GP are paid, he will The Warlock of Firetop Mountain himself! He
allow the Treasure Card to be taken. He remains in his room can be fought and defeated or killed without
throughout the game. a battle, by using the Eye of the Cyclops.

Dragon (In the fast room before the These fall into four categories; Keys, Gold Pieces, Provisions,
Maze) and Specials.
The Dragon cannot be killed. An adventurer
‘killing’ the Dragon merely drives it back into Keys
its cave, allowing that adventurer to pass There are nine Bunches of Keys. Each bunch
through and steal its Treasure Counter. It will holds three keys, which am numbered (‘11’,
re-emerge to meet the next adventurer, with its full SKILL and ‘444’ etc.). The individual keys on these bun-
STAMINA scores. ches are to be used to open the Warlock’s
Treasure Chest. See Sections 11 and 12 for
further details.
Fountain of Life (In Maze)
There are three Skeleton Keys. Each key can be used in place
Costing 3 Gold Pieces to use, the Fountain
restores STAMINA to its Initial level. Its of one of the numbered keys when trying to open the Warlock’s
Treasure Card may be claimed by the first Chest.
Player to enter and use the Fountain.
Gold Pieces
These are marked in value between 2 and 10
Gold Pieces. When Gold Pieces are found,
Gambling Halls (In second section)
they are declared immediately. The card is
Adventurers may play ‘Runestones’ here All
handed in and the number of Gold Pieces
other adventurers must be invited to join in
found is marked on that player’s Adventure
as soon as a visitor enters the Gambling Halls.
Sheet. In this way, Gold does not count
Any other players wishing to play must im-
towards the maximum carrying capacity.
mediatel y move their tokens to the Gambl-
ing Halls (no combat allowed here). The
game is played by as many players as wish to play, plus one ‘non-
player character’. Provisions
These are described like this: e.g. Orc Ale – 2
Imagine that all the contestants are standing in a circle. An en-
Provisions. When Provisions are found, they
chanted Runestone is being thrown around the circle in a
must be declared immediately. The card is
clockwise direction. Its ‘enchantment’ is that it will explode
handed in and the number of Provisions
at some time and whoever is holding it at the time will be in-
found is marked on that players Adventure
ured. Dice to decide who starts with the Runestone and deter-
S h e e t. P r o v i s i o n s d o n o t c o u n t t o w a r d s t h e m a x i m u m c a r r y -
mine the order of the circle. Anyone may act for the non-player
ing capacity.
The Pickpocket is for hire. For I Gold Piece,
Cheese he will steal one Treasure Card from another
Any adventurer finding the Cheese can force adventurer and give it to his hirer. On enter-
another adventurer to accept it in exchange ing a room that contains a Pickpocket card,
for one of their Treasure Cards, chosen un- an adventurer may choose to hire the
seen. The Cheese card can either be used im- Pickpocket and can, nominate another adventurer who will have
mediately or kept for use later. The his pocket picked. That player must allow the hirer to choose
adventurer who receives the Cheese can pus it on in the same one of his Treasure Cards at random. The Pickpocket remains
way after his neat turn. The Cheese can never be passed back i n h i s r o o m o n c e h e h as b e e n di s c o v e r e d. Ea c h p l a ye r m a y o n -
to someone who has already had it. Adventurers do not need ly use the Pickpocket once.
to be on the same square to use the Cheese.

Elven Boots While carrying the Poison Card, an adven-
While wearing the Elven Boots, an adven- turer can poison another adventurer. First of
turer rolls 2 dice for movement. The Elven all, both adventurers must be on the same
Boots may be taken off at any time by turn- space, whether in a passageway, in a room,
ing this Treasure Card face downwards. It is at the Assembly Halls or at the Gambling
impossible to make a Key Challenge (i.e. roll Halls. The next time the victim eats Provisions, the poisoner can
a 1 for movement) whilst wearing the Elven Boots. then declare that the food has been poisoned and the vic-
tim must lose 4 STAMINA points. An adventurer can only use
the Poison once, so once an adventurer has poisoned another,
he may not use the Poison again. If an adventurer whose Pro-
Enchanted Broadsword visions are poisoned dies, the player responsible for the poison-
This is a Magic Weapon and can be used ing must remember this. Any adventurer who picks them up
against the Wight. Whilst carrying this in the future and eats them will suffer the same penalties. This
sword, an adventurer may add two SKILL does not happen if the adventurer does not die.
points. If it is lost or stolen, his S KILL returns
to normal.

Potion of Fortune
When this potion is drunk, an adventurer’s
Eye of the Cyclops
LUCK score returns to its Initial level. This
This jewel is a powerful magical artifact,
potion can only be used once during the
which will kill Zagor the Warlock without
game. Any other adventurer who finds a
the need for battle.
discarded Potion of Fortune (or steals it) can-
not use it.

Giver of Sleep Potion of Invisibility

This enchanted bow and arrow (‘The Giver This potion allows an adventurer standing
of Sleep to Those Who Never Can’), is outside the door of a room to steal the
especially effective against Undead creatures. Treasure Card inside a room without having
It will automatically kill any Undead to deal with the Encounter Card. It can also
creatures without the need for a battle, with be used to pass through a room without hav-
the exception of the Wight. Against the Wight it is effective as ing to deal with the Encounter Card (or Fixed Encounter). If
a normal weapon, but will not kill the creature outright. there are two or more exits to a room, an adventurer passing
invisibly through the room may choose which exit he wishes
to leave through. It can be used once only during the game and
Hypnotic Eye is useless to an adventurer finding or stealing it after it has been
If an adventurer carrying the Hypnotic Eye used.
is on the same space as another adventurer
he may hypnotise his opponent. When this
happens, no battle may take place between
Potion of Strength
t h e t wo a dv e n t u r e rs , a n d t h e h ol de r o f th e
Drinking this potion restores an adventurer’s
Eye may force the other adventurer to reveal all his Treasure
STAMINA to its Initial level. It Can only be us-
Cards or his Key Cards. As soon as the beater of the Eye leaves
ed once during a game, and is useless to an
the square the other adventurer is freed from the hypnotism.
adventurer finding it or stealing it after it has
been used.

Magic Sword
The bearer of this sword can add 1 SKILL
point whist carrying it. If it is lost or stolen, Slumber Pipes
this bonus is also lost. It counts u a magic These pipes may send to sleep any non-
weapon and will be effective in combat human creature (except the Undead). It will
against the dreaded Wight. not work on other adventurers. If an adven-
turer enters a room and the adventurer
wishes to use the Slumber Pipes on the
monster inside (after looking at the Encounter Card), he may
do so immediately by Testing for Luck. A Lucky result will send
Any adventurer entering the Maze area (The
the creature to sleep and its Treasure Card may be stolen.
Maze begins on the steps after the Dragon’s
A s l e e p i n g m o n s t e r wi l l wa ke u p a ga i n a s s o o n a s t h e a dv e n -
Lair) carrying the Map may secretly look at
turer has left the room.
the Maze Cards without having to approach
the adjacent space first.
7.8 No permanently occupied room (e.g. Pickpocket, 9.5 I f a n a d v e n t u r e r k i l l s a m o n s t e r , h e m a y
Shylock) may be re-entered by an adventurer un a d d o n e L U C K p o i n t t o h i s c u r r e n t s c o r e . Note
til another adventurer has entered and left the room. that an adventurer ’s u ac score may never increase
beyond its Initial value (any extra LUCK allowances are
7.9 Special Movement rules apply to The River, lost).
Secret Passages and the Maze; see Sections 14, 15
and 16 respectively. 9.6 O n c e t h e m o n s t e r h a s b e e n d e f e a t e d , t h e
a d v e n t u r e r m a y c l a i m t h e Tr e a s u r e C a r d i n t h a t

9.7 O p t i o n a l R u l e : If everyone agrees at the start

8.1 Tr e a s u r e C a r d s c l a i m e d f r o m r o o m s o n t h e of the game, before you all start playing, you may in-
board are kept hidden from the other players clude this extra rule in Combat. If an adventurer or
u n t i l a p l a y e r w i s h e s t o u s e o n e . When a player monster rolls a double six during combat, and the
attempts to use a Treasure Card he must reveal it for total is sufficient to win that attack round, the
all others to see. resulting hit does double damage; i.e. a blow does 4
STAMINA points of damage instead of the usual 2.
8.2 T h e e x c e p t i o n s t o t h i s a r e Tr e a s u r e C a r d s
r e p r e s e n t i n g G o l d P i e c e s a n d P r o v i s i o n s . When
these are discovered they are revealed immediately.
Additions to Gold or Provisions are noted on the
Adventure Sheet and the card is handed in. It plays 10.1 A n a d v e n t u r e r m a y c h o o s e t o E s c a p e f r o m
no further part in the game. This is why Gold and a f i g h t I f a b a t t l e I s g o i n g b a d l y f o r h i m . This
Provisions do not count towards an adventurer ’s car- applies both if the fight is with a creature or another
rying capacity. adventurer. The option to Escape may not be chosen
until after at least one round of combat has been
resolved, and must be declared before either party
rolls the dice to begin another Attack Round.

9.1 I f a n e n c o u n t e r c a r d r e v e a l s a m o n s t e r t o b e 10.2 An Escape is always successful, but the

fought, or if two adventurers meet and choose penalties for Escaping can vary. To E s c a p e , t h e
to fight each other, the procedure for conduc adventurer must roll one die and consult the
ting such a battle is as follows. E s c a p e Ta b l e p r i n t e d o n t h e b o t t o m r i g h t - h a n d
corner of the board.
9.2 One of the other players is nominated to fight
for the monster (the adventurer ’s player will fight for 10.3 I f a n a d v e n t u r e r i s e s c a p i n g f r o m a
himself ). If two adventurers are fighting, each will creature in a mom, his token is placed just out-
fight for himself; references in 9.3 to ‘the monster ’ s i d e t h e d o o r h e e n t e r e d t h r o u g h . On his next
will apply to the other adventurer. The progress of turn, the adventurer must move his token away from
the battle is recorded on the Adventure Sheet. the room. (What happens to the monster? See 9.3!)

9.3 B a t t l e s a r e f o u g h t a s a s e r i e s o f A t t a c k 10.4 I f a n a d v e n t u r e r i s e s c a p i n g f r o m a n o t h e r
Rounds. Each and every Attack Round consists adventurer, he must move his token 4 spaces
of the following sequence: away from his opponent in whichever direction
h e c h o o s e s . Rooms count as one space, but if the
(i) The monster player rolls both dice, adds its SKILL room is occupied the adventurer must halt there and
score, and announces the total. resolve the encounter on his very next turn. Secret
(ii) The adventurer player rolls both dice, adds his own Passages may not be used for an Escape.
SKILL score and announces the total.
(iii) Whoever has the highest total has won that Attack
10.5 If, during a fight between two adventurers, one
Round and has wounded his opponent. Two
chooses to Escape, the winner can claim all Treasure
STAMINA points of damage are recorded against the
Cards representing keys (not Key Cards) from his op-
loser. This loss is noted in the loser’s STAMINA box
ponent. Alternatively, the victor can claim one
by ducting 2 from the previous total.
Treasure Card instead of keys. If he knows what
(iv) If both totals are the same, the contestants have
Treasure Cards are held by his fleeing opponent, he
avoided each other’s blows, and the fight continues
may name one and claim it. If he doesn’t know
from step (i).
what Treasure Cards are being carried, he may
choose one at random. The victor can also steal the
 The sequence is repeated until the STAMINA of one of loser ’s lantern, if he so desires.
the contestants is reduced to zero (death! – see
Section 17), or until an adventurer chooses to
Escape (see Section 10). Monsters cannot escape.

9.4 O n c e a m o n s t e r i s d e f e a t e d , i t i s r e m o v e d 11.1 During the course of the game t h e p l a y e r s

f r o m t h e b o a r d . If the adventurer Escapes before must try to discover which Key Cards are held
the Monster is defeated, its Encounter Card is turned b y t h e o t h e r p l a y e r s . By learning which Key Cards
face downwards and it remains where it is. It will are not in the Treasure Room, they may deduce
have recovered its full SKILL and STAMINA scores if any which cards are in the room (i.e. which are required
adventurer enters the room again. to open the Treasure Chest and win the game!).
11.2 Va r i o u s Tr e a s u r e C a r d s r e p r e s e n t K e y s . T h e s e
m u s t b e c o l l e c t e d . Most are labelled ‘Bunch of Keys’,
each of which contains 3 numbered Keys. In addition
there are 3 Skeleton Keys which will double as any one
numbered key. 13.1 W h e n a n a d v e n t u r e r a r r i v e s i n t h e Tr e a s u r e
Room, he may make a Key Challenge in the usual
Thus the adventurers have two tasks: way, with one difference. Keys may only be nam-
 First of all they must collect as many Treasure Card ed if that player holds those particular numbered
keys as possible. k e y s o n Tr e a s u r e C a r d s . These cards must be reveal-
 Secondly, they must also discover which three keys ed face-up to the others by the player as he names them.
are needed to open the Treasure Chest. The other players should then discretely show him the
named keys, or their blank, in the same manner as before.
11.3 It is not necessary to open the chest with all three 13.2 The Key Challenge is conducted as above. I f a n y
keys on the same bunch (indeed it is unlikely that all of the suggested keys were wrong, the player must
three keys will be found on the same bunch!). An adven- announce how many keys were wrong and his
turer must simply hold Treasure Cards showing the three adventurer is then immediately transported to the
correct keys (or Skeleton Keys) on them. s o u t h b a n k o f t h e R i v e r (on the Entrance side) and his
turn ends.

13.3 E x a m p l e : A player believes he has the Treasure

Card keys which match the Key Cards to open the
Warlock’s Chest. He says, “I think the correct keys are
12.1 I f a p l a y e r r o l l s a 1 d u r i n g m o v e m e n t , h e m a y 1, 8 and 9,” while turning them face up for everyone to
m a k e a K e y C h a l l e n g e i f h e s o d e s i r e s . This privilege see. In this case one of the other players discretely show-
is in addition to normal movement, which is made as ed the Key Challenger his 8 Key Card, so his adventurer
usual (i.e. the adventurer can both make a Key Challenge had to return to the south side of the river and start all
and move 1 space). over again!

13.4 I f a l l t h e o t h e r p l a y e r s h e l d o u t b l a n k c a r d s ,
12.2 T h e p l a y e r m a k e s a K e y C h a l l e n g e b y s a y i n g ,
the Challenge is correct and the game has been
for example, “I think the correct keys include one
w o n ! The three cards from the Treasure Room are reveal-
numbered 5.”
ed to confirm this.

12.3 A l l o t h e r p l a y e r s m u s t t h e n l o o k t h r o u g h t h e i r 13.5 Note that the b l a n k K e y C a r d s s e r v e o n l y t o

key cards, regardless of where their adventurers d i s g u i s e whether or not a player is showing a real or
are on the game board. a blank key during a Key Challenge.

 If any player has the number suggested, he must

hold it out face down in front of him.
 If players do not have the number suggested,
14.1 There are two sets of Secret Passages on the board:
they must hold out their blank Key Cards face
one before the river, and one after it. Entrances to Secret
down in front of them.
Passages are numbered and coloured. A Secret Passage
 The Key Challenger can then look at all Key
may only be entered from the Passageway square next to
C a r d s b e i n g h e l d o u t . If anyone has shown him the
the Iron Ring on the Secret Passage entrance. A player
suggested number (in this case 5), he will know that this
leaving a Secret Passage must enter the Passageway Square
number is not required to open the Treasure Chest.
next to the Iron Ring, also. A n a d v e n t u r e r l a n d i n g o n
Without giving any clues as to what he has seen, the Key
a Secret Passage space must end his turn im-
Challenger must hand the face-down Key Cards back to
mediately. Next turn he may move to any of the
their original owners.
other Secret Passage entrances within the same
area (i.e. of the same colour), roll the dice as
12.4 During the game, players are encouraged to usual and continue to move.
threaten, bribe or confer with each other in any way that
they wish, in order to gain information about each 14.2 Secret Passages are lit by the lantern carried by each
other ’s Key Cards, providing they take note of rule 12.5. adventurer. If an adventurer loses his lantern or has it
In addition, there are magic objects, spells, etc., which stolen, he cannot find his way through Secret Passages
will allow an adventurer to look at another ’s Key Cards. easily. If an adventurer without a lantern enters a secret
Once a player has seen another ’s Key Cards he will know passage, he must roll one die (at the beginning of his next
which keys will not open the Treasure Chest. turn). The number indicated is the area where he will
emerge from the Secret Passage network. This could, of
course, mean he comes out at the same place he went in!
12.5 No exchanges, revelations or any other collusions
may take place between adventurers unless they are on 14.3 If a lantern is lost (by Escaping – see 10.5), it is cross-
the same space. Players are allowed to talk to each other ed off the Adventure Sheet. The only way of recovering
to arrange meetings, but cards cannot be exchanged or a lantern is by stealing one from another player (see 10.5
revealed until two adventurers are on the same space or and 17.2).
in the same room. And, as players will discover, a meeting
with a stronger adventurer will often result in a double- 14.4 No fighting is allowed on a Secret Passage square.
cross! It is not necessary for everyone to be in the same Other activities, such as trading, may take place as
area when making a Key Challenge. normal.
15.1 A n a d v e n t u r e r a t t e m p t i n g t o c r o s s t h e r i v e r
has three choices, as printed on the table on the
l e f t - h a n d s i d e o f t h e b o a r d . He may pay 3 Gold Pieces  Alan Adventurer has a SKILL of 9 and STAMINA of 20. His
m use the fern, he may punt a raft across (Test for Luck); SKILL is the lowest so he goes first. He rolls a ‘6’ and
or he may try the bridge (roll one die to determine result). moves 6 spaces following the left-hand passageway. Six
Falling into the ricer involves a battle with a Crocodile. spaces takes him to the crossroads. His turn ends.
If the Crocodile is killed, another will take its place for
the next adventurer attempting to cross.
 On his next turn he rolls a ‘4’. This takes him 2 spaces
15.2 If an adventurer falls into the river and defeats the northwards, where he enters a room by a door in the
Crocodile, he is returned to the south bank of the river left-hand wall. Although he has moved only three spaces,
(i.e. the side nearest the dungeon entrance). he has entered a room so further movement is not
15.3 The procedure is the same for crossing the river
from either side. However, since he has entered a room, he must take the
Encounter card. Turning it over, he finds himself facing
a dreaded Wererat, half-man half-rat ( SKILL 8 STAMINA
7). The battle is resolved as follows:

16.1 Beyond the Dragon’s Lair is the blaze. There is a Attack Round 1: Charlie, another player, decides to throw
sure war through the Maze following the long outside for the Wererat and rolls a ‘6’ with two dice. Alan rolls
track, but the quickest way is unknown and varies from a ‘10’. Each side adds its SKILL to the roll and the highest
game to game. T h e s h o r t c u t t h r o u g h t h e m a z e i s total has won the Attack Round. In this case Alan has
determined by the Maze Cards. won with a total of 19 (10 +9) against the Wererat’s total
of 14 (6 + 8). Two STAMINA points are deducted from the
16.2 In order to investigate a Maze Card, an adventurer
Wererat’s total, giving it a new STAMINA of 5 (7 – 2).
must reach a space adjacent to such a card. That placer ’s
turn ends here and any additional movement allowances
are lost. On his very next turn, the Maze Card is turned Attack Round 2: The Wererat rolls ‘11’ and adds 8 (its
SKILL ) for a total of 19. Alan rolls a ‘4’ and adds 9 (his
over to reveal whether it presents a way through or a
dead end (the Maze Cards will only fit one way, see the own SKILL ) for a total of 13. The Wererat wins this round
Warlock’s Maze diagram on the back page of the rule and Alan is injured for 2 points, reducing his STAMINA to
book.) 18.

 If there is a way through, the adventurer may then Attack Round 3: The Wererat rolls ‘9’ (total 17); Alan rolls
move as normal. a ‘6’ (total 15). The Wererat wins and Alan must deduct
 If he is facing a dead end, he must miss a turn before another 2 STAMINA points. He begins to get worried and
continuing in another direction. considers the possibility of Escaping from the fight.

16.3 After investigation and, if appropriate, after an

Attack Round 4: Alan decides not to Escape. The Wererat
adventurer has passed through a Maze Card, the Maze
rolls a ‘7’ (total 15); Alan rolls a 6 (total 15). The totals
Card is flipped face-down again. Other players must
are the same – they have avoided each other ’s blows and
remember whether or not each Maze Card presents a way
nothing happens.
through the Maze.

Attack Round 5: The Wererat rolls a ‘6’ (total 14); Alan

rolls a ‘9’ (total 18). Alan wins and the Wererat is reduc-
ed to a STAMINA of 3.
17.1 I f an ad ve n tu re r’s S TA M I N A is re d uce d to ze ro he
i s d e a d . A l l h i s Tr e a s u r e C a r d s a r e p l a c e d o n t h e Attack Rounds 6 & 7: Alan wins both of these. Round
b o a r d w h e r e h e d i e d . ‘These Treasures are deemed to 6 reduces the Wererat’s STAMINA to 1, and Round 7 kills
have been hidden. Only that player may reclaim these the beast.
items, and only if he returns to the place of death (see
17.3 for re-entering the game). Note that Key Cards are Alan has defeated the creature after losing 4 STAMINA
not left behind. points himself. He may now take the Treasure Card in
the room.
17.2 However, i f t h e d e a t h h a s b e e n a s a r e s u l t o f
a fight with another adventurer, the victor can
a u t o m a t i c a l l y c l a i m a l l t h e l o s e r ’ s Tr e a s u r e C a r d s , The Treasure Card shows 5 Gold Pieces. He declares this
G o l d , P r o v i s i o n s a n d h i s l a n t e r n . He may leave immediately, hands in the card and adds 5 Gold Pieces
behind any Treasure Cards which are not wanted. If he to the total on his Adventure Sheet. His second turn ends.
decides to leave Treasure Cards behind they may be pick-
ed up by any player landing on that space. Everyone On his third turn Alan rolls a ‘1’. He may make a Key
should remember that they can only carry a maximum Challenge to help him discover which keys will open the
of 6 Treasure Cards. Treasure Chest. He announces “I choose key 3.” The
other placers select Key Cards to show him. Taking them
17.3 A p l a y e r w h o s e a d v e n t u r e r d i e s i n t h e g a m e one by one, he is shown three Blank cards and a 3.
may roll up another character and re-enter the He now knows that 3 will not open the Treasure Chest.
g a m e f r o m t h e E n t r a n c e . All key cards held by the He hands the Key Cards back, then moves one space,
original adventurer are transferred to this new ‘reincar- through the door of the room and out into the corridor.
nation’. His turn ends.
 Next turn Alan rolls a ‘4’. Marching along the corridor,  Next go, Alan decides not to throw, but to steal the
he turns left and enters the room. Taking the Encounter Treasure Card inside the room by using his Potion of In-
Card, he finds it is the Hungry Beggar. He consults the visibility. He turns over his Treasure Card to reveal the
central pull-out pages to find out what happens and Potion, and takes the Treasure Card from inside the room.
discovers that the Beggar will exchange his Treasure It is a ‘Bunch of Keys’, with the 2, 7 and 9 keys
Card for one Gold Piece. Alan agrees, and crosses a Gold on it. The 9 is definitely useless, as he knows from
Piece off his Adventure Sheet. Bill that it is not required, but the other two numbers
The Treasure Card is the Potion of Invisibility. Looking may be just what he needs. His turn ends. And so the
at the pull-out again, he finds that this Potion will enable game goes on . . .
him to steal one Treasure Card without having to turn CREDITS
over the Encounter Card in a room. A useful find. His
turn ends. Designed by Steve Jackson
Edited by Marc Gascoigne
 On his next turn he rolls a ‘5’. He leaves the room Graphic Design by Charles Elliott
through the southern door. Four spaces takes him to Cover Illustration be Peter Jones© 1986 Solar Wind Ltd.
Secret Passage 2. His turn ends. Counters by Russ Nicholson
 Next turn. Alan decides to use the Secret Passage to Board by Dave Superstar Andrews
move across the board to Secret Passage 5. He does this Produced by the Games Workshop Design Studio:
(since he has a lantern), then rolls the dice, rolls a ‘2’ Bryan Ansell, Managing Director; Richard Ellard, Pro-
and moves down the passageway until he is outside a duction Manager; Alan Merrett, Publicatlons Manager;
door to the room on the left. His turn ends. Jervis Johnson, Development Manager; John Blanche,
 Before his next turn comes round, one of the other Studio Manager; Charles Elliott, Graphic Designer; Paul
players – Bill – lands on his square. Bill wishes to fight Cockburn, Commissioning Editor; Marc Gascoigne,
to steal Alan’s Treasure Card. Alan manages to persuade Editor; Jim Bambra, Graeme Davis, Rick Priestley,
him that this is not a good idea and the two agree to show Authors; Tony Ackland, Dave Superstar Andrews, Colin
each other their Key Cards. Secretly showing their cards, Dixon, Artists; Julie Weaving, Gail Morgan, Typesetting;
Alan discovers that Bill holds a 9 Key Card. He now Mark Craven, Visualising; Oliver Campbell, Ruth Capon,
knows that both 3 and 9 are not necessary to open Susan McLoughlin, David Oliver, Joanne Podonski. Ian
the Warlock’s Treasure Chest. Varley, Finished Art

The diagram above shows how the Passageway Squares on the Passageway Squares on the Maze Card connect with the
game board connect with the Maze Cards. When a Maze Card Passageway Squares on the game board marked with the
is turned upright you will find that there is only one symbols on the diagram (see rule 16).
way that it can be placed on the game board so that the

As shown in the diagram on As shown in the diagram on

the left, a player can only the left, a player can only
enter the Secret Passageway enter the room from the
from the square marked ‘A’. A square marked ‘A’. A player can
player can not enter the Secret not enter the room from the
Passageway from any of the squares marked ‘X’. Remember
squares marked ‘X’. (See rule you may not move diagonally.

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