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Catalina Narváez Morales 2328203 10/04/2024

PART I A. Make a list of the problems you see about the environment in Colombia. Make sure
you describe the problem and indicate the origin of such problems.
1. Contamination of the rivers: It is generated by the garbage water generated by industries.
These waters damage the vitality of the water, causing life in the water to die in some cases,
such as fish.

2. Air pollution: It is produced by the burning of chemical substances that industries release
into the air. Air pollution is a big problem because air pollution causes respiratory diseases.

3. Deforestation: Most of the time deforestation is related to the livestock industry, as it cuts
down trees to make grass for cows. In the same way that produces more carbon dioxide.

4. Excess industry: Excess industry causes more pollution in the air, water and health of

PART I B. Watch the video below for a class forum. Make sure that you understand the
arguments that the people talk about in the video. You need to to take notes and be prepared
to actively participate in the fourum.
The Colombian government fights against environmental destruction in the Bogotá River, with laws
and proposals to punish those who damage the environment. Despite existing laws, lack of
compliance and budget make recovery of the river difficult. Citizen participation and pressure on
social networks are key to achieving positive change in environmental protection.
Do skimming and answer the following questions.
What is the general idea of the text?
The text talks about the tropical Andes mountain system, its geography and communities. It
describes some differences between the indigenous and mestizos people, such as they perspectives
of the agriculture, food, languages and worldviews. I think it emphatic in how the indigenous have a
close relation with environment, eat strange animals like llamas or guinea pigs. Also it explain how
the indigenous worldviews influenced to build Andes cities as Bogotá, Quito and La Paz.
What is the purpose of the text?
I think its purpose is talk about the relation of indigenous and environment, how they have had a
better care with the land, so they have worked it without hurt environment. They have a more
sustainable activities and worldviews than capitalims societies.
1. Make a chart with all the logical connectors with their meaning and example usage.
Connector Meaning Example Usage

If...then Indicates implication, if one "If it is sunny, then we will go

condition is true, then another to the beach."
condition follows.
If and only if Indicates biconditional, both "You can enter if and only if
conditions are true or both are you have a ticket."
However Indicates contrast or "She is smart; however, she
contradiction. lacks confidence."
Therefore Indicates conclusion or "It's raining outside, therefore
inference. we should bring an umbrella."
Moreover Indicates addition or further "She speaks French fluently.
information. Moreover, she's learning
Nevertheless Indicates contrast or "It's cold outside;
concession. nevertheless, I'm going for a

2. Identify some nominal and verbal phrase in the text.

Nominal Phrases: Verbal Phrases:

"The Tropical Andes" "Include Most of the Mountainous Areas"

"Multiple Visions of Nature"
"Indigenous Heartland of South America" "Are Extraordinarily Diverse"
"Close Coexistence of Multiple Worldviews"
"Western Ideologies" "Are Key to Understanding"
"Indigenous Traditions"
"The Concept of Worldview" "Might Seem Problematic"
"Indigenous Justice"
"Can Be Applied"
"Traditional Agricultural Technologies"
"Does Not Presuppose"

"Include the Idea"

"Such as Mother Earth"

3. Indicate the general idea of each of the paragraph in the tex.

Introduction to the Tropical Andes: The paragraph introduces the Tropical Andes region,
highlighting its geographical, biological, and cultural diversity, particularly emphasizing the
presence of indigenous populations and their coexistence with mestizo communities.

Explanation of Indigenous and Mestizo Worldviews: This paragraph discusses the differences
between indigenous and mestizo worldviews, focusing on their respective perspectives on nature,
land ownership, and economic exchange.
Description of Ecosystems in the Tropical Andes: The paragraph describes the diverse ecosystems
found in the Tropical Andes, ranging from high-altitude mountains to lowland forests, and the
factors contributing to this biodiversity.
Influence of Ecosystems on Human Settlement Patterns: Here, the text explores how the diversity of
ecosystems has influenced human settlement patterns in the region, particularly in terms of
indigenous practices and historical developments.
Historical Environmental Transformations: This paragraph discusses the major environmental
changes that have occurred in the Tropical Andes since the nineteenth century, largely driven by
mestizo visions of development and economic exploitation.
Resilience of Indigenous Practices: The text highlights the resilience of indigenous agricultural
practices and communal land ownership despite environmental transformations and modernization
Emergence of New Movements: This paragraph discusses the emergence of new social movements
advocating for environmental justice, indigenous rights, and alternative modes of living, influenced
by a fusion of indigenous and global perspectives.
Challenges and Prospects for Reconciliation: Finally, the text acknowledges the ongoing challenges
in reconciling diverse worldviews in the Tropical Andes and reflects on the potential of recent
efforts to promote harmony with nature and challenge capitalist paradigms.
4. Make a time line with the information given.
Pre-19th Century:
Indigenous societies inhabit the Tropical Andes region, practicing traditional agricultural and
communal land ownership systems.
Human settlement patterns influenced by the diversity of ecosystems, with emphasis on highland
19th Century:

Beginning of significant environmental transformations driven by mestizo visions of development.

Introduction of export-oriented economies, leading to exploitation of natural resources such as
cinchona bark.
Construction of infrastructure like roads and railways to facilitate resource extraction and economic
20th Century:
Continuation of environmental changes, including deforestation, industrialization, and urbanization.
Intensification of commercial ties with the United States, leading to shifts in agricultural practices
and land use.
Emergence of social movements advocating for indigenous rights, environmental justice, and
alternative modes of living.
21st Century:
Growing recognition of indigenous perspectives and incorporation of concepts like "suma qamaña"
and "sumak kawsay" into national constitutions.
Efforts to promote harmony with nature and challenge capitalist paradigms, with focus on
sustainable agriculture, environmental justice, and community empowerment.
Ongoing challenges in reconciling diverse worldviews and addressing environmental degradation,
with prospects for positive change through collaborative efforts and policy reforms.
5. Send an email to the people in one of the pictures you see in the text.
Hi Ana,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Catalina Narváez Morales, and I came across a very
interesting text discussing the Tropical Andes region. In the text, there was mention of a photo in
which you appeared, and I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to reach out and share some
thoughts on the subject.
I was particularly impressed by the emphasis on the importance of indigenous and mestizo
perspectives in the region, as well as the current efforts to promote environmental justice and
harmonious coexistence with nature.
I would love to hear more about your experience in the region and how you have been involved in
these issues. If you have any free time, I would be delighted to have a conversation with you about
I hope you're having a great day, and I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Catalina Narváez Morales.
6. Make a summary of the text.
The text provides an insightful exploration of the Tropical Andes region, focusing on its diverse
ecosystems, cultural dynamics, and environmental history. It highlights the coexistence of
indigenous and mestizo worldviews, contrasting their perspectives on nature, land ownership, and
development. The historical transformations in the region, driven by mestizo visions of
development, have led to significant environmental changes, including deforestation and
industrialization. Despite these challenges, indigenous communities demonstrate resilience through
their continued practice of traditional agricultural methods and communal land ownership. The
emergence of social movements advocating for environmental justice and alternative modes of
living reflects a growing recognition of indigenous perspectives and the need for sustainable
development. Ultimately, the text calls for a reconciliation of diverse worldviews in order to address
environmental degradation and promote harmony with nature in the Tropical Andes region.
7. Write a conclusion.
In conclusion, the text offers a comprehensive exploration of the Tropical Andes region, shedding
light on its rich ecological diversity, cultural complexities, and environmental challenges. By
examining the interplay between indigenous and mestizo worldviews, as well as the historical and
contemporary transformations in the region, it underscores the importance of recognizing and
respecting diverse perspectives in the pursuit of sustainable development. Despite the
environmental degradation and social inequalities that have occurred, there is hope in the resilience
of indigenous communities and the emergence of social movements advocating for environmental
justice. Moving forward, it is imperative to foster dialogue, collaboration, and policy reforms that
prioritize the protection of ecosystems, the promotion of cultural diversity, and the well-being of all
inhabitants of the Tropical Andes. Only through such concerted efforts can we aspire to achieve a
harmonious coexistence with nature and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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