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Colegio Keystone Córdoba


Name: ____________________________________________ Group: _____________
Date: ______________________________ Grade: ______ / __65___

I. CAUSE AND EFFECT: Circle the most likely effect of each cause.(10pts)

cause effect
1. When Luca was little, he was
afraid of the chickens on his Luca’s friend came to visit.
grandpa’s farm.
What happened because Luca’s grandpa showed him
Luca was afraid of the how to shoo the chickens away.

2. Luca learned to shoo the
chickens away by waving his Luca wasn’t afraid of the
hand, saying “Shoo chicks, chickens any more.
shoo chicks!”
What happened because Luca played with his grandpa’s
Luca learned to shoo the dog.
chickens away?

cause effect

3. Alex’s grandpa lives on the When Alex was little, he was

18th floor of an apartment afraid to look out his grandpa’s
building. windows.
What happened because
Alex’s grandpa lived on Alex’s grandpa took him to the
the 18th floor? library.
cause effect
4. Alex’s grandpa sat with him
at the window, and showed Alex played with his toy cars.
him all the interesting things
in the city. Alex wasn’t afraid to look out
What happened because the windows any more.
Alex’s grandpa sat with him
at the widow?
II. QUOTATION MARKS: Add quotation marks to each sentence. (10 pts)

1. There's a fifty percent chance of rain this afternoon, reported Emily.

2. Emily asked, Do you think I should take my new umbrella to school?

3. Of course you should take it to school, answered José.

4. If it starts raining, Carly added, you will be nice and dry.

5. Emily squealed, I see dark gray storm clouds rolling in.

6. Oh no! exclaimed José. Carly and I don't have umbrellas.

7. Hooray! yelled Emily. It's finally raining.

8. Carly mumbled, My hair is getting soaked.

9. Would you and José like to share my umbrella with me? asked Emily.

10. Thank you Emily, said Carly. You're more than just a fair weather friend.
III. CORRELATIVE CONJUCTIONS: Read the text and answer the questions.(10pts)
The Talking Dog
Rumors are swirling about a possible talking dog! Citizens claim that Fido, a
friendly golden retriever, has been saying "hello" and "good morning" to them.

Excitement is spreading like wildfire as kids and adults share their

astonishing encounters with Fido. Citizen accounts vary, with some recalling
Fido's cheerful greetings during morning walks, while others claim the dog has
answered questions with barks that sound strangely like words. Local
authorities are investigating this canine mystery, with pet experts and scientists
joining the quest to uncover the truth behind Fido's alleged talking abilities.

Residents are divided between excitement and skepticism, with some

hosting "Fido Watch" parties to catch a glimpse of the talking sensation. As the
town awaits official findings, Pawsington is united in its anticipation of what
might be an extraordinary discovery in the animal kingdom.

1.What is the breaking news?


2.What have citizens reported Fido saying?


3.How are local authorities responding to the situation?


4.How are residents reacting to the news?


5.What is the town united in anticipation of?

IV.CORRELATIVE CONJUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks using correlative
conjunctions. Use each pair only once: (12pts)

neither - nor / whether – or / either - or / both – and / as - as

not – but / not only - but also

1. He has to decide ___________ to go to college __________ get a job.

2. ______________ my teacher ______________ my principal has met my mom.
3. We found ____________ shells ______________ pebbles at the beach.
4. She has ______________ talent ______________ a solid work ethic.
5. I have to ____________ clean my room ____________ do the dishes.
6. She is ______________ upset ______________ not happy.

V. MODAL VERBS: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.(11pt)

Would / Should / Could

1. If I lived in medieval times, I ________________ be a knight.

2. Mark ________________ call his mother. She’s expecting it.
3. I ________________ run, but I don’t feel like it.
4. If I were invited, I ________________ go.
5. I ________________ go. I have to be home by six.
6. I ________________ eat a bagel if we had any.
7. If I were a ninja, you ________________ never know if.
8. My teacher said I ________________ have her letter tomorrow.
9. Martha ________________ make some new friends.
10. That dog ________________ learn some manners.
11. What we ________________ like is an ice cream cake.
VI. WRITING SKILLS: Answer the question using as many details as you can, 50
words minimum. (12pts)

A Canadian boy is thinking about enrolling in an elementary school in

Córdoba, Ver. What would you tell him about Keystone to convince him about
how great it is?

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