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My name is Sean. My school is situated quite near to my home at

Moghbazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. I go there by rickshaw with my father
and sometimes my little brother also goes with me.

I love to go to school. I learn many new things every day at school. The
teachers are very caring and kind. There is no corporal punishment that
is meted out to students. The teachers are very hard working and teach
us with a great deal of interest and patience. I have many friends there.
My best friends are Shakib, Dipro, Jonathan and Taquee (who already
left to USA). If I needs any help they help me and I also sometimes help
them if needed. My favorite teachers are Jessica Miss, Jeba Miss, Nisha
Miss, Wara Miss, Ruth Miss, Joshua Sir, Paul Sir, Victor Sir, Rossy Sir
and Anupom Sir.

At school I study many different subjects like history, geography,

physics, biology, mathematics and chemistry, and languages like English
and Bangla. There is a great deal of syllabus that we need to cover
during the year and prepare for the final examination at the end of the
academic session.

There are also a number of extra-curricular activities that we can

participate in. Sports, music, dance, art, debate etc. are some of the
extra-curricular activities that students participate in. I enjoy taking part
in sports like Football and in Badminton.

There is also a large library at school that is well stocked with books and
other publications. We have a weekly library period when we go to the
library and issue books of interest against our names. I have many
friends at school, and we enjoy studying and playing together.
Castles are medieval buildings which were defensive homes for
powerful people. They could be made from wood, stone, or brick, and
some were used for hundreds of years.

The Castle that I saw in my dream was very beautiful. There were many
kinds of colorful flowers at the castle. Many kinds of unknown birds
were roaming around the castle. There was a farm which had a cow,
sheep, goat, rabbit and hens with some small chicks. There were some
farmers. They were watering the trees. I liked their costumes which was
red and orange in color.

I also saw a prince and met him. He had three favorite pets which I also
loved them. They were Persian Cat, Dog and Humming Bird. I liked the
bird most because it sang very well. The prince from the castle, gave me
his beautiful crown made of pure gold. I wore it on my head and I felt
the crown so heavy. But, then he disappeared. I was searching him for at
least 1 hour, but I couldn’t find him. Then I sat on his throne. I saw a big
sword which I tried to pick it but it was so heavy. Then, I was bored
because I was alone there. So, no one was there to guide me the castle.
So, it’s better I left the castle and get back to my home.
The place that I had dreamed was “The Robot World”. I had dreamt that,
only me and my little brother was travelling the whole robot world.
There, we had met with many robots. And the cars were amazing and
beautifully designed. The car once transformed into a robot and again it
transformed into a car. We saw that the robots were surprised, when they
saw us because, we were the only human in their world. Some robot
guided and showed their country. The country was beautiful and smart.
The country’s name was “United Sonic State”. There were about 50
countries in their world and were about 4 continents in their world. They
are: - “Datsand States”, “Cyborge State”, “Hypersonic Tactic State” and
“Jasey Land”. The continent we went was in “Hypersonic Tactic State”.
That time there was a war between “Danishetes” and “United States of
Jenice”. “United States of Jenice” was the country wo was rich and ruled
the world. And “Danishetes” was the second powerful country on that
world. Those countries nuked bombs each other. And accidentally a
nuke wont wrong at the middle of the sea and came to our country
“United Sonic State”. Our country was so small that the bomb destroyed
that country fully including us. Then my dream was broken and also I
returned to my own world “The Earth” which is the best planet.

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