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Full name: Mustapha Daou

The Summary of Video

Lesson planning is considered as an essential element of effective teaching since it offers plenty
of advantages to both teachers and students. envisioning and materializing the lesson beforehand
can make teachers maintain focus, prevent disruptions, and demonstrate control and
professionalism within the classroom. Moreover, it serves as a valuable tool for building a
teaching portfolio, facilitating career advancement. Key components such as lesson objectives,
procedure, assessment methods, and reflections play a crucial role within the lesson planning
process. Objectives need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based, so
that they can indicate what students will know by the end of the lesson. The nine-step lesson
procedure (greetings, class rules, warm-up, review, introduction, presentation, guided and
independent production, and closure) provides a comprehensive guide for teachers. Assessment
methods (quizzes and language games to hands-on activities and presentations) assist the teacher
to measure students' learning and achieving lesson objectives. Post-lesson reflections (involving
self-evaluation and considerations of preparation, clarity, student engagement, and areas for
improvement) contribute to ongoing professional growth. Guided by essential principles, lesson
planning is recognized as a creative process which emphasizes teaching learners rather than just
following a lesson plan. It advocates focusing on one language point at a time in order to avoid
excessive content, and it defines variety into each lesson. Regularly reviewing and revising
lesson plans ensures adaptability and effectiveness. The culmination of successful lesson
planning is reflected in a teacher's sense of accomplishment. This includes the rewarding feeling
after a well-executed lesson, the ability to track progress and improvement, and the continuous
learning process of creating effective lesson plans. To conclude, lesson planning emerges as a
crucial and creative endeavor that significantly contributes to the success of teaching and student

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