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Outline #2 –Start broad and then zoom in

Use this outline if you find your argument works best by first beginning broadly,
discussing the entire work or body of work. Then, you can zoom in on particular details
in the extract to provide more clarity and specificity to your argument. This structure
also provides a clear separation between the larger work or body of work and the extract.

Narrowed Down Global Issue: How the objectification of women influences how the
role of women are perceived in society by young women and girls

1-minute introduction (This is just a suggestion and is not exhaustive nor the only thing
students can do! In no particular order, students may want to have the following in their

What is the global issue and how have you narrowed it down?
The objectification of women is a global issue, and how that influences the perceived
role of women in society is how it is narrowed down.

What is the summary/description of the “whole” literary work you’ve chosen? Write
1-2 bullet points.
Elena Ferrante’s The Lying Life of Adults follows Giovanna as she begins to reach
adulthood. Her story is explored through her many interactions with drastically diverse

What is the summary/description of this particular extract you’ve chosen and why?
Write 1-2 bullet points.
A boy in Giovana’s class says “her ass isn’t bad either, just put a pillow over her face and
you’d have a great fuck”. This humiliates her, and she goes on to think about all men
and how they act the same/degrading women. I chose this extract because it embodies a
lot of interactions Giovanna has with male characters, and highlights how they treat

What is the link or connection between the literary work and the global issue in
Throughout the story, Giovanna has many interactions with certain characters that
objectify her. They only see her as something to have sex with, and not as a person or
equal. As the story progresses, the reader sees how this has an impact on her mental
health on how she sees herself.

What is your thesis or main claim? Alternatively, what is a question you could pose
that would frame your exploration?
2-minute whole literary work broader discussion on larger authorial choices in
connection to the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

The book’s first person narrative style helps the reader to better understand how
certain things impact Giovanna, supporting the global issue.

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

“Seeing him I felt sorry for him, but it didn't last. I was irritated that his excited gaze fell
immediately on my breasts, just like Corrado and Rosario” (Ferrante, 184)

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the formal or technical choice(s) in your evidence
and add your analysis and interpretation of how meaning is created:
Ferrante includes a stream of consciousness in her writing, allowing the reader to know
what Giovanna thinks. This supports the global issue as interactions with men who
objectify Giovana leave impressions on her that agree with how she views the dynamic
of women and men in society

2-minute literary extract discussion zooming in on specific and detailed examples of the
author’s choices in connection to the global issue

Main claim/argument for this portion of the IO:

Ferrante’s heavy use of figurative language supports the global issue

Piece(s) of evidence to support the claim/argument:

“how brutal in every word they dedicated to love. They liked humiliating us, dragging
us along their lewd path. I was discouraged, and in lightning flashes even today, in
moments of suffering I feel as if I had an electrical storm in my head” (Ferrante, 207)

Unpacking of the evidence - Name the broader authorial choices or how the choices in
the extract are continued in the whole literary work. Make sure to add your analysis
and interpretation of how meaning is created:
The figurative language in the novel creates a very real atmosphere for the reader, and
conveys a lot of what Ferrante wants to say to the reader. One of these messages is the
global issue, in this extract Giovana describes in detail how she feels about the dynamic
between women and men, the figurative language helping to convey her emotions

Conclusion/Synthesis (This is just a suggestion and is not exhaustive nor the only thing
students can do! In no particular order, students may want to have the following in their

Return to the global issue at hand. Why does it matter?

The global issue matters because of the already patriarchal society of the world, and
how that has harmful impacts on women globally.

Return to the techniques and choices used by the author in the extract and the body of
work or whole work. How is the global issue presented in both the work and the
extract? Why? Make sure this isn’t just a list of devices or features!
The entire work portrays the global issue because of the charter development and
insights of Giovanna, who constantly needs to put up with disrespect and
objectification. This is seen in both the extract and the work as a whole. How men
interact with her and what she thinks and feels is constantly portrayed, supporting the
global issue.

Try to synthesize what the author has done in connection to the global issue. What’s
interesting or insightful about the ways in which they have explored the global issue?

If you want to do so, go broad. Why does all of this matter? How might this connect to
TOK? What makes this worth studying?

Peer Feedback space

Peer 1:
- Spoke a bit fast
- evaluated content well
- good examples/extracts
peer 2:
- Spoke fast
- Not a lot of emotion/interest in voice

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