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Pakistan International School Jubail

Subject: Studies in Islam

Grade: 7th (Boys & Girls)
Objective Work Sheet
Q.1: Fill in the blanks.

i. When a person dies, his soul does not perish.

ii. In truth we came from Allah and are returning to him.

iii. Faith in the life after death is one of the basic believes of Islam.

iv. The tree of Zaqqum will be the food of the sinful.

v. The Hajj or pilgrimage to Makkah is one of the pillars of Islam.

vi. The word Hajj is highly meaningful; however, it is translated as pilgrimage.

vii. Zul-hajj is the twelfth month of Muslim calendar.

viii. A blessed Hajj is better than this world and all it contains.

ix. The keys of life and death are in Allah’s Hand.

x. It comes in a Hadith that disobedience to parent is one of the major sins.

xi. The surest way to succeed in this life and hereafter is to obey parents.

xii. Hence respect your parents’ opinion and pray for them whether they are dead or alive.

xiii. When you go to sleep, recite Ayat-ul-kursi, for then there will be a guard from Allah who

will protect you all night.

xiv. Truthfulness may be classified into three types.

xv. Dishonesty is one of the worst types of falsehood.

xvi. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: “Cleanliness is a part of faith”.

xvii. Urine and stool of human and animal are Najas.

xviii. What distinguishes us from hypocrites is our attendance at the Isha and Fajr prayer.

xix. The Tayammum may be performed by touching the pure Earth.

xx. The Shariah permits a traveler to shorten his Salah while on a journey.

xxi. The five daily prayers are obligatory on every Muslim.

xxii. If any one cannot perform his Raku or Sujud, he may perform them symbolically.

xxiii. Man is nearest to Allah in Sujud.

xxiv. A Muslim should take care of truthfulness while talking.

xxv. Allah does not like the liars.

xxvi. Excessive sharing of personal information is not welcome.

xxvii. We don’t need to tell everything to everyone.

xxviii. According to Hadith, Truth leads to Heaven.

xxix. A lying person is shunned and hated.

xxx. When a man lies; he drops out a very bad smell in the air.

Q.2: Choose the Best Answer.

i. When a person dies, his soul does _____________.

(A) Not perish B) Perish C) None of these

ii. The Quran describes the torments of Hell in a _____________ Manner.

(A) Terrible B)Scary C) Terrifying

iii. The Last Day (Yaum-al-Akhir) means a day will come when everything in this ___________

will come to a sudden end.

(A) Sun B) Moon C) Earth

iv. Hajj does not fall at the same time every _____________.

(A) Decade B) Month C) Year

v. The stay at Mina is held at the _____________ Day of Zul-Hajj.

(A) 21st B) 8th C) 30th

vi. Truth fullness may be classified into _____________ types.

(A) Five B) Three C) Eight

vii. Dishonesty is the worst type of _____________.

(A) Lie B) False hood C) Mischief

viii. The Sunnah Rakahs may all be dropped with the exception of those offered at ________.

(A) Maghrib B) Zuhr C) Fajr

ix. The one of the most outstanding witness to Allah’s existence is:

(A) Speed B) Telescope C) Universe

x. The one earth orbits the sun at an average distance of:

(A) 100 million km B) 105 million km C) 110 million km

xi. A day at which everything on this earth will come to a sudden end:

(A) Yaum ul Akhir B) Friday C) First day

xii. _____________ literally means a travel towards Allah:

(A) Salah B) Soum C) Hajj

xiii. It is one of the major sins:

(A) Disobedience to parents B) Keeping promises C) Speaking truth

xiv. When a man lies, he drops out very bad smell in _____________.

(A) The air B) His dress C) His body

xv. Allah loves those who keep themselves_____________.

(A) Dirty B) Happy C) Pure

xvi. Beware of lying, for lying leads to:

(A) Heaven B) Wickedness C) Truth

xvii. The Tayammum is annulled by:

(A) Discovery of water B) Discovery of Fire C) Discovery of sand

xviii. Hajj is an Arabic word, usually translated as:

(A) Pilgrimage B) Fasting C) Praying

xix. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked a man in the Masjid to repeat his Salah because he


(A) Slowly B) Hurriedly C) Normally

xx. There are __________ ayahs in the Quran which ask us to perform Sajdah.

(A) 15 B) 19 C) 14

xxi. _________________________ is the travelers Salah.

(A) Salat-ul-Istisqa B) Salat-ul-Musafir C) Salat-ul-Khusuf

xxii. ____________________________ is the heart of religion and faith.

(A) Fasting B) Hajj C) Salah

xxiii. As Muslims, we should always speak the_________________

(A) Truth B) Lie C) None of These

xxiv. Battle of Badr took place on ___________ A.D:

(A) 571 B) 624 C) 634

xxv. During Ghazwa-e-Badr, the Makkans army were led by:

(A) Abu Lahab B) Abu Jahal C) Abu Sufyan

xxvi. Paradise lies at the feet of the ____________________:

(A) Sister B) Father C) Mother

xxvii. ___________________ is the worship of the lifetime.

(A) Salah B) Hajj C) Cleanliness

xxviii. In ___________, man is closest to Allah.

(A) Sajud B) Raku C) Qiyyam

xxix. There are/is ________ Ruku/s in each Rakah.

(A) 1 B) 2 C) 4

xxx. When a man sins, it forms a ____________ spot on his heart.

(A) Red B) Blue C) Black

Q.3: Mark “False” for False & “True” for True statements.

i. Allah does not like the liars. True

ii. Parents punish their children because they don’t have mercy. False

iii. Man’s hopes and fears therefore, must be Allah. True

iv. Some faces on the Day of Judgement will not be bright. True
v. Truth leads to paradise, falsehood to hell. True

vi. A Muslim tells a lie when it takes courage to speak the truth. False

vii. There is nothing wrong in talking about others who do wrong. False

viii. When a man tells a lie, he drops out a very good smell in the air. False

ix. Allah has full knowledge of everything. True

x. Allah is not the only creator. False

xi. Everything in this world is made according to a plan. True

xii. The Hajj is unique to Islam. True

xiii. Surely man is ungrateful to his lord. True

xiv. The status and values attached to parents in Islam is very high. True

xv. That disobedience to parents is not one of the major sins. False

xvi. Surely Salah is a timed prescription for the believers. True

xvii. Cleanliness is not the part of the Islam. False

xviii. We can eat or drink during Salah. False

xix. Allah has given us many wonderful gifts. True

xx. The run between the two hills is not necessary during Umrah. False

xxi. Allah is beautiful and does not love beauty. False

xxii. A Muslim doesn’t keep himself free from all impurities. False

xxiii. When a dog licks you, you should wash it seven times. True

xxiv. If one’s parents are dead, he should pray to Allah for their forgiveness and success in the

hereafter. True
xxv. The worst of people is he who steals from his Fasting. False

xxvi. Salah is not obligatory on rulers/kings. False

xxvii. Muslim had faced enormous troubles in Makkah. True

xxviii. As Muslims, we can keep dogs as pets. False

xxix. There are 15 obligatory steps in Hajj. False

xxx. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions had migrated to Madinah. True

Q.4: Match the Columns. (These are solved)

Column A Column B
1 Purification is One half of faith.

2 Salah is The key to Paradise.

3 Clean yourself, For Islam is cleanliness.

4 Najasah Means impurity.

5 Allah is beautiful And loves beauty.

6 The Salah is A pillar of Islam.

7 The Tayammum literally means To will or to intend.

8 No sane adult is Exempted from offering Salah.

9 Perform the prayers To remember Allah.

10 The five daily prayers remove sins Just as water removes dirt.

Islamic Studies Department

Pakistan International School Jubail

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