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An Abundance of Apocryphal

Adversaries: Heretic Astartes

Unofficial Rules for Chaos Space Marine threats in Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory
Written and Compiled by Nathan Dowdell

Due to matters of timing and the main Abundance of Apocrypha document growing so large and unwieldy, I’ve
chosen to break the bestiary sections off into their own smaller, more manageable supplements.

This bestiary deals with Renegade and Traitor Space Marines, ancient and terrible foes of the Imperium of Man and a
scourge faced by all in the galaxy.

First Complete Version: 15th November 2023

GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-
headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Battlefleet Gothic, Inquisitor, Epic,
Gorkamorka, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons,
characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably
registered around the world. All Rights Reserved. Used Without Permission.
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Heretic Astartes ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Common Heretic Astartes Rules ................................................................................................................................... 8
Daemon Engine ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Death to the False Emperor ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Malicious Volleys....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Space Marine Implants ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Mark of Chaos ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chaos Legions and Warbands ................................................................................................................................... 9
Heretic Astartes Armaments....................................................................................................................................... 11
Chaos Prayers .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Dark Pacts ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Legionary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Legionary Aspiring Champion ................................................................................................................................. 15
Anointed Legionary ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Balefire Acolyte ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Butcher .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Shrivetalon .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Legionary Gunner .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Legionary Heavy Gunner ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Legionary Icon Bearer ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Chosen of Chaos.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Raptor ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Warp Talon.................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Havoc .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Obliterator .................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Mutilator ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Possessed .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chaos Terminator........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Traitor Guard............................................................................................................................................................... 27
Traitor Brimstone Grenadier ................................................................................................................................... 28
Traitor Butcher ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
Traitor Commsman ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Traitor Corpseman .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Traitor Flenser ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Traitor Gunner ........................................................................................................................................................ 30

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Sharpshooter ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Traitor Thug............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Traitor Trench Sweeper .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Traitor Chieftain ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Traitor Enforcer ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Traitor Ogryn Brute ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Fellgor Beastmen ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Fellgor Ironhorn ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Fellgor Deathknell ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Fellgor Fluxbray ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Fellgor Gnarlscar ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Fellgor Gorehorn ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
Fellgor Herd-Goad ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Fellgor Mangler ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Fellgor Shaman........................................................................................................................................................ 39
Fellgor Toxhorn ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Fellgor Vandal ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Chaos Cultists .............................................................................................................................................................. 42
Accursed Mutants ................................................................................................................................................... 43
Accursed Torment ................................................................................................................................................... 44
Cult Demagogue ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Mindwitch ............................................................................................................................................................... 46
Iconarch................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Blessed Blade .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Chaos Hounds ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Chaos Spawn ............................................................................................................................................................... 49
Exalted Champion ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
Dark Apostle ................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Master of Executions .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Warpsmith .................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Master of Possession .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Malefic Discipline .................................................................................................................................................... 55
Chaos Sorcerer ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour........................................................................................................................ 60
Dark Hereticus......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Chaos Lord................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour .............................................................................................................................. 64

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Heretic Astartes
Daemon Prince ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
Helbrute ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Defiler.......................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Forgefiend ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Maulerfiend ................................................................................................................................................................ 69
Venomcrawler ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
Haarken Worldclaimer, Herald of the Apocalypse ..................................................................................................... 71
Abaddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos ............................................................................................................ 72
Huron Blackheart, the Tyrant of Badab ...................................................................................................................... 73
Fabius Bile ................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Vashtorr, the Arkifane................................................................................................................................................. 75
The Path to Glory—Heretic Astartes Adversaries ....................................................................................................... 76
Adversary Traits ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Relics & Daemon Weapons ..................................................................................................................................... 81
The Death Guard ............................................................................................................................................................. 91
Common Death Guard Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 92
Contagions of Nurgle .............................................................................................................................................. 92
Death Guard [Legion] .............................................................................................................................................. 92
Disgustingly Resilient .............................................................................................................................................. 92
Mark of Nurgle ........................................................................................................................................................ 92
Plague Weapons ..................................................................................................................................................... 92
Remorseless ............................................................................................................................................................ 92
Common Death Guard Threats ................................................................................................................................... 93
Plague Marines ........................................................................................................................................................... 94
Poxwalkers .................................................................................................................................................................. 95
Blightlord Terminators ................................................................................................................................................ 96
Deathshroud Terminators........................................................................................................................................... 97
Biologus Putrifier......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Foul Blightspawn ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Noxious Blightbringer ............................................................................................................................................... 100
Plague Surgeon ......................................................................................................................................................... 101
Tallyman .................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Malignant Plaguecaster ............................................................................................................................................ 103
Contagion Discipline.............................................................................................................................................. 104
Lord of Contagion...................................................................................................................................................... 105
Lord of Virulence ....................................................................................................................................................... 106
Foetid Bloat-drone .................................................................................................................................................... 107

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Myphitic Blight-haulers ............................................................................................................................................. 108
Plagueburst Crawler .................................................................................................................................................. 109
Typhus, Herald of Nurgle .......................................................................................................................................... 110
Mortarion, The Lord of Death, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle## ................................................................................ 111
The Grandfather’s Favourites—Death Guard Adversaries ....................................................................................... 112
Adversary Traits .................................................................................................................................................... 112
Relics of Decay ...................................................................................................................................................... 113
Deadly Pathogens ................................................................................................................................................. 115
The Emperor’s Children ................................................................................................................................................ 116
Common Emperor’s Children Rules .......................................................................................................................... 117
Emperor’s Children [Legion] ................................................................................................................................. 117
Mark of Slaanesh................................................................................................................................................... 117
Sonic Weapons ...................................................................................................................................................... 117
Common Emperor’s Children Threats....................................................................................................................... 117
Noise Marines ........................................................................................................................................................... 118
Slaangor Fiendbloods ................................................................................................................................................ 119
Lucius the Eternal...................................................................................................................................................... 120
Chosen of the Prince of Excess—Emperor’s Children Adversaries ........................................................................... 121
Adversary Traits .................................................................................................................................................... 121
Relics of Excess ...................................................................................................................................................... 121
The Thousand Sons ....................................................................................................................................................... 123
Common Thousand Sons Rules ................................................................................................................................. 124
Cabbalistic Rituals ................................................................................................................................................. 124
All is Dust............................................................................................................................................................... 125
Arcane Automata .................................................................................................................................................. 125
Mark of Tzeentch .................................................................................................................................................. 125
Thousand Sons [Legion] ........................................................................................................................................ 125
Common Thousand Sons Threats ............................................................................................................................. 126
Psychic Powers .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
The Discipline of Change ....................................................................................................................................... 127
The Discipline of Vengeance ................................................................................................................................. 129
Rubric Marines .......................................................................................................................................................... 132
Aspiring Sorcerer ....................................................................................................................................................... 133
Tzaangors .................................................................................................................................................................. 134
Scarab Occult Terminators ........................................................................................................................................ 135
Scarab Occult Sorcerer .............................................................................................................................................. 136
Tzaangor Shaman ...................................................................................................................................................... 137

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Tzaangor Enlightened ............................................................................................................................................... 138
Disc of Tzeentch ........................................................................................................................................................ 139
Exalted Sorcerer ........................................................................................................................................................ 140
Infernal Master ......................................................................................................................................................... 141
Ahzek Ahriman, Chief Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons ............................................................................................. 142
Magnus the Red, The Crimson King, Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch ....................................................................... 143
Servants of the Changer of Ways—Thousand Sons Adversaries .............................................................................. 144
Adversary Traits .................................................................................................................................................... 144
Sorcerous Arcana .................................................................................................................................................. 145
Cult Psychic Powers............................................................................................................................................... 150
The World Eaters .......................................................................................................................................................... 153
Common World Eaters Rules .................................................................................................................................... 154
The Blood Tithe ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
Mark of Khorne ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
World Eaters [Legion] ........................................................................................................................................... 154
Common World Eaters Threats................................................................................................................................. 155
Khorne Berzerkers..................................................................................................................................................... 156
Jakhals ....................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Eightbound ................................................................................................................................................................ 158
Exalted Eightbound ................................................................................................................................................... 159
Juggernaut of Khorne ................................................................................................................................................ 160
Lord Invocatus ........................................................................................................................................................... 161
Khârn the Betrayer .................................................................................................................................................... 162
Angron, The Red Angel, Daemon Primarch of Khorne ............................................................................................. 163
Bloody-Handed Slayers—World Eaters Adversaries................................................................................................. 164
Adversary Traits .................................................................................................................................................... 164
Gore-Caked Relics ................................................................................................................................................. 164

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Heretic Astartes
Chaos Space Marines, also sometimes called Traitor of the Warp, Human Traitors from the Imperial Army,
Marines, Renegade Marines, or Heretic Astartes, are the potent infantry and combat walker forces of the
former Space Marines of the Imperium of Man who Dark Mechanicum and Chaos Cultists drawn from
have chosen to abandon the service of the Emperor of across the galaxy.
Mankind and dedicate themselves to Chaos to achieve
The flesh and power armour of Chaos Space Marines
their own ends.
often warps and twists into new, darker and inhuman
Such corrupt Astartes usually belong to one of the nine forms under the influence of the Warp energies they
original Traitor Legions that betrayed the Emperor are exposed to as their shapes morph to embody the
during the ancient civil war called the Horus Heresy corrupted Astartes' new allegiance.
more than 10,000 years ago, while others come from
Chaos Space Marines fight for everything they were
Space Marine Chapters created long after the Heresy
once forbidden to indulge in as the ascetic servants of
ended that have turned Renegade. Chaos can
the Emperor and the selfless guardians of Mankind.
corrupt Astartes of any time and place just as its
Pleasure, wealth, mayhem, but above all else, the
siren call leads many lesser men and women to
power to rule their fellow Humans in
their damnation.
the name of the Chaos Gods is
During the Horus Heresy, the the driving ambition and goal
terrible Imperial civil war that of every Chaos Space Marine.
pitted the battle-brothers of the
All Heretic Astartes are ultimately
18 known Space Marine Legions
united by this sheer hunger for
against one another, there were
power. At first, this desire is
two factions. These
focused towards
were the
goals, but
as time passes, it
Marines who
becomes a bone-deep
continued to serve the
obsession. Though the Dark Gods
Imperium and the Emperor of
are given to rewarding their
Mankind and the Chaos Space
mortal followers for acts of
Marines of the Traitor Legions
carnage that further their
who betrayed the Emperor
divine cause, the gifts they
and pledged their souls to
bestow upon their favoured
the service of the four Ruinous
are fickle indeed.
Powers of Chaos.
A particularly extravagant slaughter might be
Some Traitor Marines pledged their service to all four
rewarded with a blood-red aura that invigorates the
of the Dark Gods, a malevolent force known as Chaos
supplicant, but it is just as likely the champion will find
Undivided, whilst others preferred to dedicate
his arms being reshaped as axes of bone, or that he has
themselves to the worship of only one of the Ruinous
the face of a slavering hound.
Powers. The Traitor Legions were led by the Warmaster
Horus, Primarch and the Emperor's favoured son Eventually, the Chaos Space Marine seeks immortality,
before he was corrupted by the promises and lies of the to ascend to such lofty heights of favour that he is
Dark Gods and his own inner flaws and ambition. remade as a Daemon Prince. But for every successful
aspirant there are hundreds of failures, mutated
The Traitor Legions were the most powerful
beyond recognition into mewling abominations called
component of the forces of Chaos which fought during
Chaos Spawn.
the Heresy, which also included the myriad Daemons

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Common Heretic Astartes Rules
Chaos Marine Threats share a few common special Mark of Chaos
abilities. Chaos Marines with these abilities will list As servants and champions of the Dark Gods, Heretic
them in their entries, and some Chaos Marines have Astartes often bear the mark of a patron god. More
special abilities which refer to or alter these abilities in spiritual than physical, this mark is a permanent stain
some way. upon the soul, though it may manifest in strange ways
upon the bearer’s physical form too.
Some abilities in this bestiary may be named similarly
to Talents or abilities used by Chaos Space Marine PCs A Threat may take a Mark of Chaos, which will replace
in official products or Abundance of Apocrypha. Where their [MARK OF CHAOS] keyword with the name of one
they are different, this is by design as NPCs often need of the Dark Gods and grant an additional benefit.
to function differently to player characters.
A Threat without a Mark of Chaos is UNDIVIDED.
Daemon Engine
Ensorcelled war machines animated through the
The mark of the Blood God may manifest as a skull-
malevolent sentience of a possessing daemon, these
shaped brand of black fire, the visage of a snarling
iron-wrought abominations resist the most powerful
canine, blood-red eyes that weep ichor or a brazen halo
attacks, and their sigil-inscribed hulls can regenerate as
erupting from the skull.
if they were living flesh.
A KHORNE Threat adds +1ED to damage when making
This Threat heals 1d3 Wounds at the start of each of its
an All-Out Attack and may become Frenzied as a simple
turns unless it is already dead. Additionally, it may roll
action. This cannot be selected if the Threat is a
Determination against Mortal Wounds. It counts as a
Vehicle for the purposes of Arc and Melta weapons.
Death to the False Emperor The duplicitous worshippers of Tzeentch may bear
The seething hatred that Chaos Space Marines harbour multitudinous eyes, multi-hued avian mutations,
for the Corpse Emperor and his weakling Imperium is a sentient serpentine tattoos or glittering crystalline
weapon unto itself. flesh.
Each time this Threat rolls an Exalted Icon on an attack Once per scene, when rolling Determination, A
against an enemy with the IMPERIUM keyword, it may TZEENTCH Threat may instantly reduce an attack’s
immediately roll one additional die on that attack. damage to 0 without rolling. TZEENTCH PSYKERS know
These additional dice may not themselves grant extra one additional psychic power.
Malicious Volleys Those in thrall to the Prince of Excess may exude a
To a Chaos Space Marine, the boltgun is more than a cloying musk or stare with lidless black orbs instead of
weapon—it is an instrument of his anger and the eyes. Others bear repulsive growths or caress foes with
bringer of death to his foes. barbed talons.
When making a ranged attack with a BOLT weapon A SLAANESH Threat may act first during a combat
with the Rapid Fire (X) trait, the Threat increases the round without spending Ruin to interrupt, and they do
trait’s rating by +Tier. not have to spend Ruin to Keep the Initiative.
Space Marine Implants Nurgle
Space Marines have an assortment of additional bio- Some pledged to Nurgle bear insectile appendages or
engineered implants and transgenic modifications boils in the shape of his sigil; others are swollen with
which enable their superhuman feats. corruption.

As described on page 75 of the Wrath & Glory core A NURGLE Threat does not need to spend Ruin to roll
rulebook, the Implants of a Space Marine may allow Determination, and gains bonus dice on the
them to take unusual actions or gain a bonus die on Determination roll equal to the attack’s ED. NURGLE
certain actions. Threats are immune to the Poisoned X condition.
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Chaos Legions and Warbands

The following groups are the largest and most powerful Emperor’s Children
of the Traitor Legions and Renegade Warbands. If you Inured to ordinary sensations by several
wish, you may select one of these dynasties for your lifetimes of indulgence, the Emperor’s
Heretic Astartes to belong to. The name of the Legion Children find stimulation only in excess, be
or Warband replaces the Threat’s [LEGION] keyword, it brutally shocking acts of violence or gratuitous
and the Threat gains the associated special rule, below. displays of martial prowess.

Alpha Legion An EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Threat may ignore up to

The warriors of the Alpha Legion are 2DN worth of penalties to any attack made. Further, if
specialists in complex perfidy, using stealth, any Exalted Icons are rolled on the damage roll of an
feints and misdirection to mislead even the attack they make, the attack’s AP is improved by 1 (i.e.,
most vigilant enemies into carefully prepared traps from AP -1 to AP -2). Must have the Mark of SLAANESH.
before delivering the killing blow.
Iron Warriors
An ALPHA LEGION Threat counts its Defence as +1 Hardened by the most gruelling theatres of
higher when attacked by enemies more than 12m war in the galaxy, the Iron Warriors
away. Further, they may Fall Back as a Simple Action, continue to fight long after others of their
rather than a Combat Action. ilk have fallen. They are embittered siege
lords who are able to gouge out even the most
Black Legion
stubbornly entrenched enemies.
Merciless and unflinching, the Black Legion
exemplify the threat posed by the Heretic An IRON WARRIORS Threat ignores Defence bonuses
Astartes, emerging from the Eye of Terror to for cover when making a ranged attack. Further, if
vent their eternal hatred in brutal and rapid assaults attacked by a weapon with AP -1 or AP -2, they count
that tear the throat from the foe. the AP as one worse (i.e., from AP -2 to -1).

Add 1 to the Resolve of all BLACK LEGION Threats. In Night Lords

addition, when they make a ranged attack at close The Night Lords revel in spreading fear and
range, or a melee attack when Charging, it gains +2 mayhem, and will take apart an opposing
bonus dice. army piecemeal, dividing and isolating the
weakest enemies so that their confused cries can be
Death Guard
savoured before being swiftly and violently silenced.
The Death Guard trudge towards the
enemy at a relentless pace, guns Creatures within 9m of a NIGHT LORDS Threat add
hammering in a staccato roar. +1DN to all Resolve tests. This is cumulative with
multiple Threats, up to a maximum DN increase equal
When a DEATH GUARD Threat makes a ranged attack,
to the game’s Tier. Further, NIGHT LORDS Threats add
they count as if the attack was stationary and the
+2 bonus dice on any attack against an enemy with the
Threat aimed, even if they moved. Must have the Mark
Fear, Terror, or Pinned conditions.
Thousand Sons
The Thousand Sons have spent countless
years honing their psychic abilities to
sublime perfection and deepening their
sorcerous wisdom. Such favoured warriors enjoy a
measure of Tzeentch's mystical protection.

A THOUSAND SONS Threat adds +2 to its Psychic

Mastery skill, +2 dice to its Determination, and it may
roll Determination against Mortal Wounds. Must have
the Mark of TZEENTCH.

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Heretic Astartes
Word Bearers The Flawless Host
The Word Bearers march to war for the glory The Flawless Host have an unshakeable faith in their
of the Chaos pantheon, stirred into a own abilities, their every strike perfectly timed and
rapturous state of fanaticism by promises of expertly placed.
unholy porter in return for the offering of
A FLAWLESS HOST Threat may use its Death to the
battlefield sacrifices.
False Emperor ability against any foe, not just those
A WORD BEARERS Threat may reroll any failed dice on with the IMPERIUM keyword. Must have the Mark of
an attack made when Charging. Further, they may roll SLAANESH.
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
Red Corsairs
World Eaters Freed from the constraints of their loyalty to the
Angron’s sons hurl themselves towards Imperium, the Red Corsairs indulge their enhanced
their foe, intent on tearing them apart in a capacity for violence. When they emerge from the
brutal whirlwind of violence. warp, they strike fast with overwhelming force to
achieve their objectives and destroy their targets
When a WORLD EATERS Threat takes the Charge
before the enemy can respond.
action, add +1 ED to the attack’s damage. Must have
the Mark of KHORNE. A RED CORSAIRS Threat may add +2 to its Speed when
it Charges.
Creations of Bile
All of Fabius Bile’s Terata are chemically and physically The Purge
altered by his experiments, elevating their abilities The Purge seek to cleanse the galaxy of everything that
above those of similar beings – for now… lives, not moving on until each of their opponents is
completely obliterated.
Add 1 to the Speed and Strength of CREATIONS OF BILE
Threats. This will also add +1 to the damage of any THE PURGE Threats may re-roll any failures when
melee weapons used. making an attack against an enemy who has already
suffered one or more Wounds. Must have the Mark of
Brazen Beasts
The Brazen Beasts charge into the enemy with animal
fury, tearing them limb from limb. The Scourged
The constant whispering of Daemons ensures that the
When a BRAZEN BEASTS Threat charges, or it makes an
Scourged know what course of action an enemy will
attack against an enemy which charged during the
take almost before they themselves do.
previous Round, the Threat’s melee attacks gain the
Rending (4) Trait. Must have the Mark of KHORNE. THE SCOURGED Threats may re-roll a number of dice
equal to the game’s Tier on any attacks it makes. In
Crimson Slaughter
addition, their Passive Awareness is increased by +2.
For the Crimson Slaughter, the maddening cries of
Must have the Mark of TZEENTCH.
tormented spirits can only be satiated by the spilling of

When a CRIMSON SLAUGHTER Threat slays an enemy:

• Roll one D6. On a 5+, you gain 1 Ruin.

• That Threat automatically passes Resolve tests
until the end of the turn.

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Heretic Astartes Armaments
Special Weapons
Many Heretic Astartes Threats may exchange one of their weapons with an option from the Special Weapons list,
which includes the weapons below:


Flamer 10 1 – 4 8 12 1 Assault, Flamer FIRE, CHAOS
Meltagun 16 2 -4 6 12 18 1 Assault, Melta MELTA, CHAOS
Mk I. Plasma Gun 15 4 -3 12 24 36 2 Rapid Fire (2), Volatile (d6) PLASMA, CHAOS,
Heavy Weapons
Many Heretic Astartes Threats may exchange one of their weapons with an option from the Heavy Weapons list, which
includes the weapons below:


Havoc 16 2 -2 24 48 72 3 Heavy (6) PROJECTILE,
Heavy Bolter 12 2 -1 18 36 54 3 Brutal, Heavy (4), Rapid Fire (4) BOLT, CHAOS
Heavy Flamer 12 2 -1 4 8 12 2 Flamer, Heavy (6) FIRE, CHAOS
Lascannon 18 3 -3 24 48 72 1 Heavy (8), Reliable LAS, CHAOS
Mk I Heavy 15 2 -3 18 36 54 2 Barrage, Blast (2), Heavy (8), PLASMA, CHAOS,
Plasma Gun Supercharge, Volatile (1) HERETIC ASTARTES
Reaper 12 1 -1 12 24 36 8 Heavy (6), Rapid Fire (3), Sustained PROJECTILE,
Chaincannon CHAOS, HERETIC
Missile As Missile 24 48 72 – Heavy (6), As Missile EXPLOSIVE,
Frag 12 5 – As Launcher Blast (10) EXPLOSIVE,
Krak 16 6 -2 As Launcher Blast (4) EXPLOSIVE,

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Heretic Astartes
Chaos Prayers
The Dark Apostles of Chaos have a singular connection with their deities. It is not for warrior glory nor for self-
aggrandisement they fight, but for the furtherance of their patron god’s cause – as such they can call upon the favour
of the Ruinous Powers to lend them strength at a critical moment.

A PRIEST Threat who knows one or more Prayers may spend an action to invoke one of the Prayers they know. Prayers
also require an intensity of focus and fervour which is draining to maintain: it is not merely sufficient to speak the
words; one must embody them in order to inspire others.

Invoking a Prayer is a Simple Action and requires a Persuasion test with a DN of 3. Further, invoking a Prayer inflicts
1d3 Shock due to the fervour required. If this test is successful, then the Prayer grants the listed effect. If the Wrath
die is a 6 when invoking a Prayer, then the Prayer does not inflict any Shock. If the Wrath die is a 1 when invoking a
Chaos Prayer, then the PRIEST suffers 1 Mortal Wound, as the Dark Gods punish their devotee’s insolence.

Each Prayer lasts for a single round: until the start of the Priest’s next turn. However, if they have shifted one or more
Exalted Icons on your Prayer roll, each one increases the duration by one round, to a maximum number of rounds
equal to the game’s Tier.
Dark Zealotry Omen of Potency
All your hatred, all of your spite, issues forth in a You begin to radiate the unbridled power of the Warp.
vitriolic exhortation to destroy.
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, the PRIEST and all remains in effect, the PRIEST gains +Tier bonus
CHAOS allies within 12m may re-roll up to dice to melee attacks they make and counts all
Double Tier dice on melee attacks, while the melee weapons he wields as having AP -4.
Prayer remains in effect.
Warp-sight Plea
Benediction of Darkness You entreat your dark masters to guide your followers’
As your words grow louder, inly blackness pours from aim, granting their shots unerring accuracy.
your eyes, forming a swirling mist around your allies.
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, the PRIEST and all remains in effect, the PRIEST and all CHAOS
CHAOS allies within 12m, gain +Tier to Defence allies within 12m add +Tier bonus dice to
against ranged attacks and +Tier dice on ranged attacks.
Stealth tests while the Prayer remains in effect.
Soultearer Portent
Litany of Despair Your flock strike at their victim’s very souls, the better
You call upon the Dark Gods to offer your foes all to release them from their mortal bonds as an offering
manner of whispered temptations, sapping their will to to the glory of Chaos.
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, all creatures without remains in effect, the PRIEST and all CHAOS
the CHAOS keyword within 12m must take a allies within 12m add +Tier ED to all melee
DN 2 +Tier Fear test immediately. Instead of attacks.
increasing the duration, each Exalted Icon
shifted adds +3m to the range of this Prayer. Illusory Supplication
Chanting un-words that would drive most mortals mad,
you bend and distort the fabric of reality, creating
shadowy doppelgängers of nearby allies.

Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer

remains in effect, the PRIEST and all CHAOS
allies within 12m add +Tier to their Defence.

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Heretic Astartes
If a PRIEST has a Mark of Chaos (page 8), they also know an additional prayer specific to their god, described below.
Wrathful Entreaty Feculent Beseechment
Drawing blood from your palm, you request that the You beg the Grandfather of Pestilence to bless your
Lord of Skulls impart a measure of his furious strength form with wondrous disease, every syllable expelling a
to you. cloud of flies.

KHORNE PRIESTS know this Prayer in addition to any NURGLE PRIESTS know this Prayer in addition to any
others. others.

Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer
remains in effect, you add +Tier to your remains in effect, you add +Tier to your
Strength. Toughness.

Mutating Invocation Blissful Devotion

Speaking riddles, you bargain with the Master of Fate You ask your beloved Prince of Pleasure to grant you
to make your flesh flow like liquid, unmaking the harm the unnatural swiftness of their daemonic children.
dealt to you.
SLAANESH PRIESTS know this Prayer in addition to any
TZEENTCH PRIESTS know this Prayer in addition to any others.
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then while the Prayer
Effect: If this Prayer is successful, then you instantly remains in effect, increase your Speed by +Tier
recover Tier Wounds. This Prayer has no when advancing or charging
ongoing duration—once the effect has
occurred, the Prayer is done.

Dark Pacts
Beseeching the Chaos Gods with fanatical fervour, the vile Heretic Astartes pray for diabolic boons, promising the
vilest of offerings in return for their power.

HERETIC ASTARTES Threats may invoke a Dark Pact as a Ruin Action. Choose one of the Pact Boons listed below, and
roll 1d6: if the roll is a 1, the Threat suffers 1d3+Tier Mortal Wounds, as the Gods’ favours exact a deadly price.
Determination may not be rolled against Mortal Wounds suffered in this way, even if the Threat could normally roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.

Some of the Boons below grant additional benefits if the Threat possesses a particular [MARK OF CHAOS].

Blood for the Blood God Implacable

The Threat makes a Charge action. KHORNE Threats The Threat makes a normal move. Until the end of the
also add +Tier dice to the attack. Threat’s next turn, they ignore the effects of being
Wounded, and cannot suffer the Hindered or
Graceful Killer
Vulnerable conditions. NURGLE Threats also recover
The Threat makes a melee attack, and the weapon
1d3+Tier Wounds.
used gains the Rending (2) trait for this attack.
SLAANESH Threats add +2ED to the attack’s damage Protected by Fate
for each Exalted Icon shifted to increase damage. The Threat makes a normal move. Their Defence is
increased by +1 against ranged attacks until the start of
their next turn. Ranged attacks against TZEENTCH
Threats suffer a Complication if the Wrath Die rolls any

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Adeptus Astartes were created as the Emperor's
ultimate fighting force. Implanted with the gene-seed
of the Primarchs, the Space Marines stand seven TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Terran feet tall, with thickened bones, two hearts, THREAT A A E E T
hyper-dense muscles and all manner of special organs KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
that allow them to survive and fight in the most hostile ASTARTES, [LEGION]
conditions. They feel little pain and heal wounds at a S T A I WIL INT FEL
remarkable rate. 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
Their will is hardened by constant training and fighting, 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
and they battle with dedication and zeal, brooking no DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
hesitation, mercy or cowardice. All of these things 4 10 6
combine with the best weaponry and armour in the SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
galaxy to make the Space Marines the most fearsome Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9
warriors of the Imperium. BONUSES
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
The Chaos Space Marines have all of these strengths has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
and skills as well, to which are added the power of DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Chaos and a brutal devotion to the Dark Gods. Ever MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
since the Horus Heresy, Space Marines of every Legion SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
and Chapter have been tempted by the path of Chaos, ABILITIES
whether for selfish reasons or great ideals. ACTION: Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36
/ Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Sundered from the Imperium, having turned their Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
backs on the Emperor, these warriors know that there / Brutal, Pistol
can be no peace for them, neither forgiveness nor Astartes Combat Knife: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Reliable
absolution. They are wholly committed to the path Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 28 / Blast
they now tread, for good or ill, and they can expect no (6)
quarter from former Battle-Brothers. Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
Blast (4)
WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: When this Threat
scores a Wrath Critical on an attack, roll increase
the effect of that Critical as if Glory had been spent
equal to the game’s Tier.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
4 4 7 Average
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: Any number of Legionaries
may replace their Boltgun with an Astartes
Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,

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Heretic Astartes
Legionary Aspiring Champion Anointed Legionary
Aspiring Champions are the strongest and most Some Heretic Astartes thirst for power at any cost and
merciless of their brothers. These blood-soaked offer themselves wholly to Chaos. They become willing
warriors enforce their will through brutal acts of might, hosts to the immaterial creatures of the warp. This is a
seeking to become favoured of the gods. slow and painful process, and those in the early stages
are known as Anointed due to their mutations.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT A A E E T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
8 6 5 5 5 4 3 S T A I WIL INT FEL
RESILIENCE 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR) RESILIENCE
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic 4 10 6
Skill 9, Intimidation 8, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 10 SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
BONUSES Skill 8, Weapon Skill 9
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and BONUSES
has 3 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13. CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8 has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
ACTION: Tainted Bolt Pistol: 10 +2ED / AP – / ABILITIES
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal, / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Parry Daemonic Claws: 12 +4ED / Rending (3)
RUIN: Command the Damned: When this Threat RUIN: Unleash Daemon. By spending 1 Ruin, the
spends Ruin to invoke a Dark Pact (page XX), any Anointed may unleash the daemon within them.
Legionary within 6m also gains the benefits of that Until the end of the battle, the Anointed becomes
Pact as well. Frenzied, adds the Brutal trait to their Daemonic
WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14. Claws, and their Shock is set to –.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. This WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14.
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. This
Wounds. Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
THREAT OPTIONS 4 4 7 Average
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: The Aspiring Champion may
replace his Astartes Chainsword and/or Bolt Pistol
with weapons from the following list:
Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol, Volatile (1d3)
Power Sword: 13 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
Chainaxe: 14 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
Power Axe: 13 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
Power Maul: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
Power Fist: 13 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Lightning Claw: 13 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing

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Heretic Astartes
Balefire Acolyte Butcher
Balefire Acolytes are petty sorcerers blessed by the Bloodthirsty madmen, Butchers are Heretic Astartes
Chaos Gods with the dark power of the empyrean, that fight without subtlety of any kind in combat. They
which they turn indiscriminately upon the foe. Many deal furious strikes with their enormous chain axes,
also carry blades made even deadlier thanks to the which can carve enemies to pieces.
power of the warp they are infused with.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 THREAT A A E E T
S T A I WIL INT FEL 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
8 6 5 5 5 4 2 RESILIENCE
RESILIENCE 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR) DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
4 10 7 SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic Skill 8, Weapon Skill 9
Skill 8, Psychic Mastery 8, Weapon Skill 9 BONUSES
BONUSES CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
ABILITIES ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
ACTION: Tainted Bolt Pistol: 10 +2ED / AP – / / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol Heavy Chainaxe: 16 +6ED / AP -4 / Range 2 / Brutal,
Fell Dagger: 10 +3ED / AP -1 / Mortal (1), Reliable Rending (2), Unwieldy (2)
Balefire Tome: The Balefire Acolyte attempts to Devastating Onslaught: Each time the Butcher
activate a psychic power. They know Smite, Charges or makes an All-Out attack, add the
Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and one power from Reaping trait to their Heavy Chainaxe.
the Dark Hereticus discipline (page 61). WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14.
WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14. DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
5 5 7 Average

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Heretic Astartes
Shrivetalon Legionary Gunner
Inflicting pain and torture becomes a near addiction for Armed with flamers, Heretic Astartes burn through
some Heretic Astartes. Those who embrace this swathes of light enemy infantry. With meltaguns they
propensity become known as Shrivetalons, and they destroy armoured bunkers and with plasma guns they
stalk the battlefield looking for enemies to torment. pose a threat to the heaviest enemy troops.


TIER 1 2 3 4 5 TIER 1 2 3 4 5
8 6 5 5 4 4 2 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR) 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
4 10 6 4 10 6
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
Skill 8, Weapon Skill 9 Skill 9, Weapon Skill 8
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13. has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
kills an enemy or scores a critical hit with a melee SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
attack, all enemies within 3m must pass a DN 3 Fear ABILITIES
test. ACTION: Flamer: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 4-8-12 /
MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8 Salvo 1 / Assault, Flamer
SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8 Armoured Fists: 8 +1ED
ABILITIES WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14.
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
Flensing Blades: 11 +3ED / AP -1 / Agonising, Parry, 4 4 7 Average
Inflict (Bleeding). THREAT OPTIONS
WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14. ACCURS’D ARSENAL: A Legionary Gunner may
REACTION: Vicious Reflexes. When an enemy replace their Flamer with a Meltagun or Flamer:
misses a melee attack against the Shrivetalon, they Mk. I Plasma Gun: 15 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-
may immediately make a melee attack as a 36 / Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (2), Volatile (d6)
Reflexive Action. Meltagun: 16 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. 1 / Assault, Melta
4 4 7 Average

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Heretic Astartes
Legionary Heavy Gunner Legionary Icon Bearer
Heretic Astartes bearing heavy weapons provide Many Heretic Astartes warbands include Icon Bearers -
devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower, warriors bearing totems, banners or standards
dominating large swathes of any killzone. dedicated to the glory of the Dark Gods.


TIER 1 2 3 4 5 TIER 1 2 3 4 5
8 6 5 5 4 4 2 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR) 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
4 10 6 4 10 6
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
Skill 9, Weapon Skill 8 Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13. has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8 CHAOS ICON: An Icon Bearer grants a bonus to all
MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8 [MARK OF CHAOS] Threats within 6m, depending
SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8 on the Icon Bearer’s own Mark:
ABILITIES KHORNE Threats add +1 to Speed when they
ACTION: Heavy Bolter: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 18- Charge.
36-54 / Salvo 3 / Brutal, Heavy (4), Rapid Fire (4) TZEENTCH Threats add Inflict (On Fire) to their
Armoured Fists: 8 +1ED attacks.
WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14. NURGLE Threats add Inflict (Poisoned 3) to
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. their attacks.
CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE SLAANESH Threats may re-roll any dice which
4 4 7 Average roll 1s on their attacks.
THREAT OPTIONS UNDIVIDED Threats add +1 to Resolve, and
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: A Legionary Heavy Gunner ignore the penalty for being Wounded.
may replace their Heavy Bolter with one of the DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
following: MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Havoc Autocannon: 16 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 24-48- SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
72 / Salvo 3 / Heavy (6) ABILITIES
Lascannon: 18 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 24-48-72 / ACTION: Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36
Salvo 1 / Heavy (8), Reliable / Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Reaper Chaincannon: 12 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 12- Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
24-36 / Salvo 8 / Heavy (6), Rapid Fire (3), Sustained / Brutal, Pistol
Missile Launcher: As Missile / Range 24-48-72 / Astartes Combat Knife: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Reliable
Salvo - / Heavy (6), As Missile WRATH: Let the Galaxy Burn: See page 14.
Frag Missile: 12 +5ED / AP - / Blast (10) DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
Krak Missile: 16 +6ED / AP -2 / Blast (4) CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
4 4 7 Average
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: An Icon Bearer may replace
his Boltgun with an Astartes Chainsword.
Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,

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Heretic Astartes
Chosen of Chaos
The Chosen of a Chaos Space Marine warband are the
most battle-hardened of the Heretic Astartes and are
functionally equivalent to the Veteran Marines of the TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Adeptus Astartes. THREAT A A A E E
The most experienced and dedicated Chaos Space ASTARTES, [LEGION], CHAMPION
Marines are known as "Chosen." Even at a glance, it is S T A I WIL INT FEL
obvious that they are favoured amongst the bitter 8 6 6 6 5 4 3
brotherhood of Chaos, for their baroque armour is RESILIENCE
embellished with forbidden runes and their grimacing 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
helmets give them the aspect of raging daemons. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
5 12 8
Equipped with the finest wargear the warband can SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
provide, the Chosen are even more hard-bitten and Ballistic Skill 10, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 11
callous than other Chaos Space Marines and think BONUSES
nothing of sacrificing the lives of their comrades to CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
increase their own standing with the gods. has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Chosen have many centuries of combat experience to MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
draw upon and are typically found in the vanguard of SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
any attack, fighting from the front where they can earn ABILITIES
the most glory and take the greatest spoils. ACTION: Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36
/ Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Sometimes the Chosen will use their battle skills to
Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
infiltrate enemy lines and set up ambushes or outflank
/ Brutal, Pistol
an enemy army to launch surprise attacks on the Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
opposition’s strongpoints. Parry Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 32 /
Confident in the extreme, and contemptuous even of Blast (6)
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 32 /
those that march to war alongside them, the Chosen
Blast (4)
bow only to the gods themselves and to the Chaos
RUIN: Veteran of the Long War: Spend 1 Ruin to
Champions who command their allegiance. add the game’s Tier as ED to all attacks this Threat
Like Chaos Champions, there are many Heretic Astartes makes this round.
who may be called Chosen; dedicated, deadly soldiers. DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
Often, Chosen will band together with other such CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
5 5 7 Average
veterans and may be defined as much by the wargear
they wield and the tactics they prefer as their
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: Any Chosen may replace their
dedication to a particular Chaos God.
Astartes Chainsword and/or their Boltgun with one
of the following.
Chainaxe: 13 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
Daemon Blade: 12 +5ED / AP -2 / Parry, Mortal (1)
Power Sword: 13 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
Power Axe: 13 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
Power Maul: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
Power Fist: 13 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Lightning Claw: 13 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing
COMBI WEAPONS: a Chosen may exchange their
Boltgun for a Combi-Weapon, combining a Boltgun
with a weapon from the Special Weapons list.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Chaos Space Marine Raptors are the dedicated assault
infantry of the Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legions.
Raptors consider themselves to be elite shock troops TIER 1 2 3 4 5
similar to the warriors who comprise the Loyalist Space THREAT A A E E T
Marine Assault Squads, although they are far more KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
egotistical and self-centred. ASTARTES, [LEGION]
As Raptors are used to strike at the weakest point in an 8 6 6 5 4 4 2
enemy line, this tactical usage has been expanded into RESILIENCE
an outright philosophy dedicated to the concept of 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
preying on the weak, making them vicious hunters. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
4 10 6
The cruel terror troops known as Raptors consider SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5),
themselves the elite of the Heretic Astartes warbands. Ballistic Skill 9, Pilot 8, Weapon Skill 9
Their murder squads epitomise what has become of BONUSES
the Assault Marines of the Traitor Legions. FEARSOME: When this Threat becomes Engaged
with an enemy, they must immediately pass a DN 3
Though they were once rare and highly valued Imperial
Fear test.
troops, the Raptors have fallen to their own pride and CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
lust for violence. They now roam the galaxy as has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
merciless hunters, relishing the fear they cause as they DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
plummet screaming out of the skies. MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
BATTLECRY: The Raptor immediately makes a
normal move towards the highest vantage point.
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 32 / Blast
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 32 /
Blast (4)
RUIN: Vicious Descent: Spend 1 Ruin when this
Threat charges to roll a number of d6 equal to the
game’s Tier: for each Exalted Icon rolled, the enemy
charged suffers 1 Mortal Wound.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
4 4 14 Flight Average
SPECIAL WEAPONS: a Raptor may exchange their
Bolt Pistol and Astartes Chainsword with a weapon
from the Special Weapons list.

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Heretic Astartes
Warp Talon
A Warp Talon is a Chaos Space Marine Raptor whose
long exposure to the Immaterium has corrupted his
physical form, enabling him to move through the veil of TIER 1 2 3 4 5
reality and slice between dimensions. THREAT A A A E E
Warp Talons are capable of striking at their enemies as ASTARTES, [LEGION], DAEMON, DAEMONKIN
if appearing from nowhere before slinking back into S T A I WIL INT FEL
their nightmarish home dimension. 9 6 7 6 5 3 2
When a pack of Warp Talons emerges from the Warp,
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
it appears to those on the battlefield below as if
daemonic warriors have burst out from nothingness 5 12 -
into fiery, vengeful life. SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Pilot 8,
Like the stuff of nightmares, they plummet downwards Weapon Skill 9
in an explosion of Warp fire, tearing into the foe with
FEARSOME: When this Threat becomes Engaged
murderous intent.
with an enemy, they must immediately pass a DN 5
Fear test.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
WARPFLAMES: Enemies engaged with the Threat
attempting to Fall Back must pass an Agility test (DN
2+ Double Tier); failure means that they cannot Fall
Back this turn.
BATTLECRY: The Warp Talon immediately makes a
normal move towards the highest vantage point.
ACTION: Warp Claws: 14 +4ED / AP -2 / Tearing,
RUIN: Vicious Descent: Spend 1 Ruin when this
Threat charges to roll a number of d6 equal to the
game’s Tier: for each Exalted Icon rolled, the enemy
charged suffers 1 Mortal Wound.
DETERMINATION: Daemonkin. Spend 1 Ruin to roll
6d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds.
5 5 14 Flight Average

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Heretic Astartes
Some Heretic Astartes squads carry a high proportion
of heavy weapons to lay down supporting fire for their
brethren. Known as Havocs, these squads provide TIER 1 2 3 4 5
devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower THREAT A A E E T
and dominate large swathes of the battlefield with KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
their merciless volleys of fire. ASTARTES, [LEGION]
Such is the blood-pounding thrill of pouring heavy fire 8 6 5 5 4 4 2
into the enemy ranks that many Havocs become RESILIENCE
obsessed by the power their weapons afford them. 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
They see themselves as gods of the battlefield, blasting DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
the insect vermin of the enemy into oblivion with each 4 10 6
twitch of the finger. Over time, a Havoc Squad that SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
lingers within the Warp may find their heavy weapons Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9
becoming a part of them, extensions of their own BONUSES
physical body that can never be laid down or CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Casings blend with flesh, blood plasma becomes highly MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
volatile, and ammunition hoppers become hungry SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
second mouths that snap and growl for more bullets. STABILISATION TALONS: Havocs ignore the Heavy
Eventually, Chaos Space Marine and weapon become quality on their weapons but cannot Sprint.
one and the same entity. ABILITIES
BATTLECRY: The Havoc may either make a normal
This is the way of Chaos -- where the Warp bleeds into move, or a Suppressive Fire attack against the
realspace, it is not nature that defines form but deadly nearest visible enemy.
psychic compulsion -- the ugliness in a Havoc's soul is ACTION: Havoc Autocannon: 16 +2ED / AP -2 /
made manifest in the flesh for all to see. Range 24-48-72 / Salvo 3
Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
/ Brutal, Pistol
Astartes Combat Knife: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Reliable
WRATH: Unrelenting Devastation: When this
Threat scores a Wrath Critical on an attack, they
may spend 1 Ammo to immediately make another
attack with that weapon.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
4 4 6 Average
HEAVY WEAPONS: Any Havoc may replace their
Havoc Autocannon with one weapon from the
Heavy Weapons list.

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Heretic Astartes
An Obliterator is a Chaos Space Marine, often a former
Techmarine, who is believed to have been affected by
a so-called "technovirus," a daemonic, Warp-powered OBLITERATOR
virus that transformed these once-loyal servants of the
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Imperium into bloodthirsty mutant weapons of Chaos.
They are monstrous hybrids of Human, Daemon and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
machine. An Obliterator is able to absorb any weapon ASTARTES, [LEGION], DAEMON, DAEMONKIN, CULT
into its body that is held for too long. These OF DESTRUCTION
unfortunates can spawn these weapons from their very
12 9 4 4 6 6 2
flesh, and also grow ammunition for them. Chaos
Obliterators are biologically fused to their suits of
16 (Fleshmetal: 6 AR)
Power Armour.
As a result of their mutation, Obliterators are no longer 3 15 -
even remotely sane. This insanity could be caused by SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5),
the constant mental and physical trauma of absorbing Ballistic Skill 11, Tech 9, Weapon Skill 8
weapons into the Obliterator's body or being BONUSES
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
biologically welded by his own body to his armour.
has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
This insanity is also possibly caused by the Machine DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Spirits of his weapons and armour fusing into a MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
destructive daemonic entity after infection by the SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
virus. Obliterators are rarely part of an existing Traitor UNRELENTING FIREPOWER: Obliterators ignore the
Legion or Renegade Space Marine warband; they Heavy trait on all the weapons they produce and
may fire those weapons when engaged in melee as
prefer to sell their services to the highest bidder
if those weapons had the Pistol trait.
amongst the forces of Chaos in return for access to the
archaeotech that they crave. ACTION: Crushing Fists: 17 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal
The monstrous warriors of the Obliterator Cults Obliterator Weapons: This Threat may make a
amongst the Heretic Astartes are a blasphemy against single ranged attack using one of the weapons from
the Heavy Weapons list on page 11.
nature and Machine God alike. Their forms are so
RUIN: Unholy Devastation: When this Threat
altered, so thoroughly conjoined with the tools of war,
makes a ranged attack using Obliterator Weapons,
that every cell in their bodies thrills with a spark of
it may spend 1 Ruin to instead make a number of
mechanical life. The technomagi of Mars dream of attacks equal to the game’s Tier. Each attack must
achieving such a symbiosis, but in truth, only their use a different weapon.
Heretek brothers in the Dark Mechanicum have DETERMINATION: Fleshmetal: Spend 1 Ruin to roll
mastered the complete fusion of metal and flesh. 9d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds. Further, each Exalted Icon rolled
It is only the changeling power of the Warp that allows
heals 1 Wound.
this process to take place, melding the inert and the CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
animate together on a spiritual level in order to form 6 6 5 Large
something far greater than mere cybernetics. Because
of their Chaos-born powers, Obliterators are capable of
not only absorbing weaponry into themselves, but also
of manifesting munitions from their titanium-laced

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Heretic Astartes
A Mutilator is a vile Chaos Space Marine whose intense
lust for battle and quest for the simple purity of the
blade have warped his physical form until he has fused, MUTILATOR
body and soul, with his melee weaponry.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
The exact origins of Mutilators is not exactly clear. It is THREAT A A A E E
generally believed that the first of their number were KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
originally Terminators of the Traitor Legions who ASTARTES, [LEGION], DAEMON, DAEMONKIN, CULT
specialised in close-quarters fighting, but as with all OF DESTRUCTION
who harbour an obsession within the Warp, they grew
12 9 6 4 6 4 2
to become the incarnation of the murderous desires in
their hearts.
16 (Fleshmetal: 6 AR)
Like their brethren Heretic Astartes, they adopted an DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
obsession with the Warp that mutated them into 3 15 -
mindless killing machines, becoming one with the axes SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5),
and swords that they hold dear. Those who dedicate Ballistic Skill 11, Tech 9, Weapon Skill 8
themselves to the act of killing in melee cannot help BONUSES
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
but be affected by it.
has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
The satisfying impact of a bludgeon smashing into an DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
unprotected head, the yielding of flesh to the point of SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
a blade or an axe's bloody bite -- even the most faithful UNRELENTING SLAUGHTER: When a Mutilator
Space Marine cannot deny that these acts bring a rush, makes a multi-attack, they may reduce the DN
penalty by the game’s Tier.
or even a thrill, to the mind and body alike. A lifetime
of unrelenting battle can breed a dangerous need for
ACTION: Mutilator Weapons: This Threat may
such acts of violence, and when that period spans
make a single melee attack using one of the
several Terran centuries, the effects upon the psyche weapons below:
can be dramatic. Chainaxe: 17 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
For those who seek refuge in the Immaterium, this Power Sword: 17 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
Power Axe: 17 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
psychosis is magnified beyond all reason. Such warriors
Power Fist: 17 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
might begin their descent into madness by constant
Lightning Claw: 17 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing
maintenance of their weapons in between battle, by RUIN: Unholy Carnage: When this Threat makes a
chaining themselves to their favoured wargear, or by melee attack using Mutilator Weapons, it may
outright refusing to let go of their favoured tools of war spend 1 Ruin to instead make a number of attacks
under any circumstances. These dangerously focused equal to the game’s Tier. Each attack must use a
individuals are easy prey for the corruption of Chaos. different weapon.
DETERMINATION: Fleshmetal: Spend 1 Ruin to roll
Before long, a warrior who yearns too much for the 9d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
visceral charms of battle may find that he has fused Mortal Wounds. Further, each Exalted Icon rolled
with his weapons, the blade becoming part of him as a heals 1 Wound.
hand would be to a normal man. Over time, these CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
assault specialists come to identify more with their 6 6 5 Large
weaponry than with their fellow Battle-Brothers.
Disillusioned by the fickle nature of Mankind, they
instead strive for the simple purity of the blade. As the
years take their toll, such individuals leave their
humanity behind altogether, becoming living weapons.

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Heretic Astartes
The Possessed, also known as Possessed Chaos Space
Marines, Daemonkin and "The Secondborn," are those
Chaos Space Marines who have entirely forsaken their TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Humanity and given up their souls and bodies to the THREAT A A A E E
Daemonic servants of the Chaos Gods. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
Their body has been possessed by a Chaos Daemon, S T A I WIL INT FEL
who keeps its Human shell alive using the energy of the 9 8 7 7 6 5 4
Warp. The Possessed feel no pain and their bodies can RESILIENCE
be warped and mutated to suit the purpose or whim of 14 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
the Daemon that inhabits them. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
6 14 -
For some of the more extreme devotees of the Ruinous SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
Powers, simply offering their souls up to the service of Ballistic Skill 10, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 11
the Chaos Gods is not enough. Those who thirst for BONUSES
power at any cost will offer themselves wholly to CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Chaos, becoming willing hosts for the immaterial has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
entities of the Warp. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
LASHING APPENDAGES: When this Threat makes a
Such a possession is a lengthy and agonising Multi-Attack, it may reduce the DN penalty by the
experience, as the Daemons within them infest their game’s Tier.
physical forms and reshape them to better suit their ABILITIES
particular needs. Those who offer themselves up for BATTLECRY: Sea of Mutations: The Daemon warps
possession usually spend solar months in rituals of its host’s form, preparing it for battle. Before the
debasement and scarification, offering up blood first round of combat, this Threat appears to be an
sacrifices and preparing their bodies to harbour a ordinary Chaos Space Marine, but it swiftly
daemonic entity. transforms into a hulking monster. Anyone who
sees the transformation must make a DN 3 Fear
Though the personalities of these half-mad supplicants Test.
are subsumed forever within the power of the ACTION: Hideous Mutations: 12 +5ED / AP -2 /
possessing Daemon, mass possessions are nonetheless Brutal
great celebrations for the devotees of Chaos of the RUIN: Veteran of the Long War: Spend 1 Ruin to
spiritual union between mortal and Daemon, material add the game’s Tier as ED to all attacks this Threat
and Empyrean. They are marked by the more lustful makes this round.
amongst the devotees of Chaos with orgies of feasting DETERMINATION: Daemonkin. Spend 1 Ruin to roll
8d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
and other depravity, and by the more devout with
Mortal Wounds.
solemn hymnals of impurity.
ANNIHILATION: Painful Lessons. When this Threat
dies, the GM gains 2 Ruin.
6 6 9 Large

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Chaos Terminator
A Chaos Terminator is a Chosen Chaos Space Marine RESILIENCE
who wears a suit of Tactical Dreadnought Armour 14 (Terminator Armour: 7 AR, Cumbersome)
(Terminator Armour) and serves as one of the Traitor DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Legions' most powerful infantry shock troops. 5 12 8
SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
Sundered and cast out from the Imperium of Man, Ballistic Skill 10, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 11
having turned their backs on the Emperor of Mankind, BONUSES
the Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions know CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
that there can be no peace for them, no forgiveness nor has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
absolution. They are wholly committed to the path of DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
damnation that they have trod for millennia, for good MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
or ill. SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
These genetically-enhanced transhuman warriors have Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
all the strengths and skills of their Imperial weapons they wield.
counterparts, to which are added the power of Chaos ABILITIES
and a brutal devotion to their patron Chaos Gods. ACTION: Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-
24-36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3)
Since the time of the Horus Heresy the Chaos Chainaxe: 14 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
Terminators' brutal reputation as fearsome, RUIN: Veteran of the Long War: Spend 1 Ruin to
unrepentant killers has spread throughout the galaxy. add the game’s Tier as ED to all attacks this Threat
makes this round.
Chaos Terminators form the elite of their masters'
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. This
Heretic Astartes warbands, for though they are Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
ponderous compared to their standard Power Armour- Wounds.
clad comrades, nothing short of a dedicated anti-tank CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
weapon can stop a Terminator in full stride. These 5 5 6 Large
seasoned killers often act as the personal guards of an THREAT OPTIONS
esteemed Champion of Chaos, enforcing the ACCURS’D ARSENAL: Any Chaos Terminator may
commands of their leader with pitiless efficiency and replace their Chainaxe and/or their Boltgun with
taking their pick of the spoils after each victory. one of the following.
Power Sword: 14 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
They tend to be egotistical, brutish and crude, using Power Axe: 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
their physical prowess and the favour of their lord to Power Maul: 14 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
intimidate other members of their warband. Far from Power Fist: 14 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
resenting such behaviour, most Chaos Space Marines Lightning Claw: 14 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing
simply plot to bring about the day when they can abuse Chainfist: 16 +6ED / AP -4 / Brutal, Unwieldy (3)
such power for themselves. COMBI WEAPONS: Any Chaos Terminator may
exchange their Combi-Bolter for a Combi-Weapon,
combining a Boltgun with a weapon from the
Special Weapons list.
Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 2
/ Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
HEAVY WEAPONS: One in five Chaos Terminators
may exchange their Combi-Bolter for one of the
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Reaper Autocannon: 14 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 18-
THREAT A A A E E 36-54 / Salvo 4 / Heavy (8), Rapid Fire (2)
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC Heavy Flamer: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18 /
ASTARTES, [LEGION], TERMINATOR Salvo 2 / Flamer, Heavy (6)
9 6 6 6 5 4 3

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Guard
Traitor Guard (or guardsmen) is a term given to the vast
majority of disloyal mortals who have left the Imperial
Guard and Planetary Defence Forces in order to fight TIER 1 2 3 4 5
for Chaos. They are not a single coherent force, but THREAT T T T T T
rather a near-infinite assortment of warbands and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, MILITARUM TRAITORIS,
hosts under the leadership of Chaos Champions. HERETIC
In order to fulfil their own agendas, Champions of 3 3 3 3 2 1 2
Chaos draw lesser Chaos followers to them to form RESILIENCE
their own personal armies, which can vary 7 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
tremendously in size and strength. The Traitor Guard DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
are among the better armed and minded troops that 2 5 3
Chaos Champions and/or Arch-Heretics have at their SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
disposal. Like other Imperial military deserters who Ballistic Skill 5
have turned from their Emperor and fled from Imperial ABILITIES
justice. Occasionally entire companies, or even ACTION: Lasgun: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Reliable
regiments of the Imperial Guard turn to Chaos and take
Bayonet: 5 +2ED
with them their vehicles and armoury.
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 12 / Blast
These traitors, unlike other mutants and other vile (6)
Beastmen, have not completely lost their military skills Bayonet Charge: This Threat makes a Charge action
or sanity, forming a reasonably reliable core force and attacks with their Bayonet. The weapon gains
+2ED and the Brutal trait for this attack.
amongst the slavering hordes of the Lost and Damned.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
Often these mortal guardsmen will fight alongside
mutants or Daemons of the warp by summoning them
2 1 6 Average
by way of blasphemous rituals. Their allies are MOB BONUSES
complemented further with monstrosities of all kinds, HUMAN WAVES: The GM gains 1 Ruin whenever
such as Chaos Spawn, hordes of mutants and this Mob fails a Resolve test or is wiped out.
Beastmen, and other horrors. BRING IT DOWN! The Mob gains +2ED when all
members attack the same target.

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Brimstone Grenadier Traitor Butcher
Brimstone Grenadiers have an unhealthy penchant for Some amongst the Militarum Traitoris shrug off their
explosive slaughter and think nothing of wielding humanity altogether, taking monstrous pleasure in
unstable explosives capable of showering their victims hacking their enemies apart at close quarters and
with unclean alchemical acids and poisons, or even devouring chunks of hot, bloody flesh—sometimes
swallowing them up in roiling clouds of infernal warp while their luckless victims are still screaming their last.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 THREAT E T T T T
S T A I WIL INT FEL 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 RESILIENCE
RESILIENCE 8 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
2 5 3 SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), Weapon Skill 5
Ballistic Skill 5 BONUSES
BONUSES CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and has 1 personal Ruin.
has 1 personal Ruin. SECOND STRIKE: The Threat reduces the DN of a
ABILITIES melee Multi-Attack by 2, as if they had the Dual
ACTION: Lasgun: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Wield talent.
Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Reliable ABILITIES
Bayonet: 5 +2ED ACTION: Power Axe: 9 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
Frag Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 12 / Blast Cleaver: 7 +3ED / Inflict (Bleeding)
(6) WRATH: Unholy Sustenance. When this Threat
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -1 / Range 12 / scores a Wrath Critical on a melee attack, or kills a
Blast (4) foe with a melee attack, they immediately heal 1d3
Diabolyk Bomb (1): 11 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 12 / Wounds.
Blast (1d3+5), Indirect, Inflict (On Fire) DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
ANNIHILATION: Explosive Demise. When this 2 1 6 Average
Threat is slain, roll 1d6: on a 4, 5, or 6, it explodes,
using the profile of the Diabolyk Bomb, above.
2 1 6 Average

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Traitor Commsman Traitor Corpseman
Acting as the mouthpieces for their tyrannical masters, Having cast aside the ethics and oaths of the true
Traitor Commsmen spit relayed orders through the medicae, these twisted field surgeons specialise in
corrupted vox networks of Traitor Guard forces, concocting potent combat stimulants. These they dole
broadcasting amplified exhortations for their out to drive their comrades into a savage battle-frenzy,
comrades to fight harder in the name of the blessed and also to control them through increasing
Octed. dependency.


TIER 1 2 3 4 5 TIER 1 2 3 4 5
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
7 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) 7 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
2 5 3 2 5 3
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
Ballistic Skill 5, Tech 5 Ballistic Skill 5, Medicae 5
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin. has 1 personal Ruin.
ACTION: Lasgun: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / BATTLECRY: Regular Dosage. Select a number of
Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Reliable MILITARUM TRAITORIS allies equal to the game’s
Bayonet: 5 +2ED Tier. Selected allies are either Frenzied or add +2
Corrupted Vox: Make a Tech test with a DN of 3. If dice to Determination for the rest of the battle.
successful, add 1 to Ruin. ACTION: Lasgun: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
RUIN: Damned Souls: As a Ruin Action, spend 1 Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Reliable
Ruin to call for reinforcements: a number of Bayonet: 5 +2ED
MILITARUM TRAITORIS Elites equal to the game’s Stimm Needle: 3 +4ED / Careful, Fleshbane, Mortal
Tier, or a MILITARUM TRAITORIS mob consisting of (1), Unwieldy (2).
3x Tier Troops. Medicae: As an Action, the Corpseman attempts a
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6. Medicae Test (DN3) to heal an ally. On success, heal
CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE 1d3 Wounds, +1 per Exalted Icon shifted.
2 1 6 Average RUIN: Stimms: As a Ruin Action, spend 1 Ruin to
move to a Wounded MILITARUM TRAITORIS ally
and attempt the Medicae action (above). If the
action succeeds, the patient heals twice as many
Wounds, and either become Frenzied or add +2 dice
to their Determination for the rest of the battle.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
2 1 6 Average

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Flenser Traitor Gunner
Some amongst the Militarum Traitoris shrug off their Where Imperial Guardsmen may be issued special
humanity altogether, taking monstrous pleasure in weapons such as flamers or plasma guns, renegades
hacking their enemies apart at close quarters and claim them from their victims as trophies, bearing
devouring chunks of hot, bloody flesh—sometimes them as symbols of power and status. Wielding such a
while their luckless victims are still screaming their last. potent weapon assists them in offering more gory
sacrifices to the Gods.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT E T T T T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 4 3 2 2 2 S T A I WIL INT FEL
RESILIENCE 3 3 3 3 2 1 2
7 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) RESILIENCE
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), 2 5 3
Stealth 6, Weapon Skill 6 SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
BONUSES Ballistic Skill 5
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and BONUSES
has 1 personal Ruin. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
SECOND STRIKE: The Threat reduces the DN of a has 1 personal Ruin.
melee Multi-Attack by 2, as if they had the Dual ABILITIES
Wield talent. ACTION: Baleflamer: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 4-8-
STALK: This Threat may move stealthily at normal 12 / Salvo 1 / Assault, Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 3)
speed, rather than half speed. When the Threat Cruel Blade: 5 +2ED
makes a sneak attack, they add ED equal to half DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
ABILITIES 2 1 6 Average
BATTLECRY: Lurk. The Threat moves up to its Speed THREAT OPTIONS
and makes a Stealth test to hide. SPECIAL WEAPONS: The Traitor Gunner may
ACTION: Skinning Blades: 7 +3ED / AP -1 / Silent, replace their Baleflamer with one of the following:
Inflict (Bleeding), Paired Grenade Launcher: As Grenade / Range 12-24-36 /
REACTION: Wretched Ambush. When an enemy Salvo - / Reliable
finishes moving within 6m of this Threat while it has Frag Grenade: 10 +4ED / AP – / Blast (6)
a Stealth Score, it may immediately Charge as a Krak Grenade: 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Blast (4)
Reflexive Action. Plasma Gun: 15 +1ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-36 /
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6. Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Supercharge
ANNIHILATION: Wretched Retaliation. Meltagun: 16 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo
When this Threat is slain, it immediately makes a 1 / Assault, Melta
melee attack at a single engaged enemy before
2 1 6 Average

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Sharpshooter Traitor Thug
Where Imperial Guardsmen may be issued special Amongst the Militarum Traitoris, strength and brutality
weapons such as flamers or plasma guns, renegades count for more than discipline or loyalty. Many are the
claim them from their victims as trophies, bearing Thugs amongst their ragged ranks—violent men and
them as symbols of power and status. Wielding such a woman who have become virtual ogres thanks to their
potent weapon assists them in offering more gory inner savagery and the taint of heresy.
sacrifices to the Gods.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 THREAT E T T T T
S T A I WIL INT FEL 4 4 3 3 2 1 2
3 3 3 3 2 1 2 RESILIENCE
RESILIENCE 8 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
2 5 3 SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), Intimidation 5, Weapon Skill 6
Ballistic Skill 6, Stealth 6 BONUSES
BONUSES CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and has 1 personal Ruin.
has 1 personal Ruin. ABILITIES
CAMO CLOAK: When in shadows or cover, this ACTION: Heavy Club: 10 +4ED / Brutal,
Threat gains +2d on Stealth tests and +2 Defence. Overwhelming
ABILITIES DETERMINATION: Tough. Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
BATTLECRY: Sniper’s Nest. The Threat moves up to This Threat may re-roll any dice which roll 1.
its Speed and makes a Stealth Test to Hide. CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
ACTION: Sharpshooter’s Long-las: 10 +1ED / Range 2 1 6 Average
18-36-54 / Salvo 0 / Silent, Sniper (1), Reliable
Bayonet: 5 +2ED
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
2 1 6 Average

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Heretic Astartes
Traitor Trench Sweeper Traitor Chieftain
Trench Sweepers are that rarest of things - a traitor still Through force of will, threat of violence and sheer
loyal to their comrades. Retaining something of their charisma, Chieftains rule over warbands of Traitor
former discipline, they focus on shielding their direct Guard and lead them to war. Their position gives them
superiors during the advance, before surging ahead to the pick of the battlefield riches, ensuring they charge
clear a bloody path at close quarters. into the fray wielding the most potent of weapons and
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT E T T T T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 3 3 3 1 2 S T A I WIL INT FEL
RESILIENCE 4 4 3 3 3 2 3
9 (Flak Armour, Shield: 3 AR, +2 AR) RESILIENCE
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), 2 6 6
Intimidation 5, Weapon Skill 6 SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3),
BONUSES Intimidation 6, Leadership 7
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and BONUSES
has 1 personal Ruin. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
SHIELDING: A single MILITARUM TRAITORIS ally has 2 personal Ruin.
within 1m and behind the Trench Sweeper is LEAD WITH STRENGTH: This Threat may spend Ruin
shielded and cannot be targeted by ranged attacks to allow a MILITARUM TRAITORIS mob within 6m
except with a Called Shot (+2 DN). to attempt a Ruin Action.
ACTION: Shotgun: 8 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / ACTION: Lasgun: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
Salvo 1 / Assault, Spread Salvo 1 / Rapid Fire (1), Reliable
Bayonet: 6 +2ED Bayonet: 6 +2ED
Incendiary Shells: The Trench Sweeper may load his DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
shotgun with incendiary shells as a Simple Action. If CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
he does so, his next attack with the shotgun loses 3 2 6 Average
the Spread trait but gains Blast (4) and Inflict (On THREAT OPTIONS
Fire). THE SPOILS OF WAR: The Traitor Chieftain may
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6. replace their Lasgun with an Autopistol, Bolt Pistol,
CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE Boltgun, Laspistol, or Plasma Pistol:
3 2 6 Average Autopistol: 7 +1ED / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2 / Pistol
Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 /
Brutal, Pistol
Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 2
/ Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Laspistol: 7 +1ED / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Pistol,
Plasma Pistol: 15 +1ED / AP -3 / Range 6-12-18 /
Salvo 1 / Pistol, Supercharge
BLADES: If armed with a Pistol of any kind, the
Traitor Chieftain may carry a Chainsword or Power
Chainsword: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Parry
Power Sword: 9 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry

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Traitor Enforcer
Traitor Enforcers—sometimes mockingly called Traitor
Commissars—are the sadistic discipline officers found
within Traitor Guard forces. TRAITOR ENFORCER
Allegedly, some did begin as Astra Militarum TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Commissars, tempted or broken by the dark works of THREAT A A E E E
Chaos. Others are bullies and petty tyrants, risen KEYWORDS: CHAOS, MILITARUM TRAITORIS,
through the ranks due to their cruelty and brutality, HERETIC
garbed in a mockery of the uniforms of Commissars. S T A I WIL INT FEL
3 4 3 4 4 2 4
Their discipline comes from cruel malice, and each is RESILIENCE
driven only by their own petty ambition and their fear 7 (Refractor Field: *3 AR)
of their superiors. They understand that their loyalty is DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
dependent on their continued usefulness. 3 8 6
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 7 (Passive 4),
Intimidation 8, Leadership 8
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 3 personal Ruin.
Allied MILITARUM TRAITORIS Threats within 6m
may use the Traitor Enforcer’s Resolve instead of
their own.
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Power Fist: 6 +2ED / AP -1
Enforce: Select a single MILITARUM TRAITORIS
Threat or Mob within 6m. They may immediately
make a Run move, or they make an attack with
bonus dice equal to the game’s Tier.
Mob within 12m fails a Resolve test, the Traitor
Enforcer immediately kills 1 member of that mob,
and the mob counts as having passed the test.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6. This
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
within 12m must immediately attempt a DN3
Resolve Test or become Pinned as if suppressed by
a Salvo 3 weapon.
4 3 6 Average

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Traitor Ogryn Brute
The Ogryn (Homo sapiens gigantus) are a huge and
physically powerful Abhuman mutant subspecies of
Humanity, often employed by the Imperium of Man as TRAITOR OGRYN BRUTE
shock troopers in the Astra Militarum's Militarum
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Ogryns possess many traits prized by the Imperium; KEYWORDS: CHAOS, MILITARUM TRAITORIS,
they are brutally strong and completely loyal, although HERETIC, ABHUMAN, MUTANT
extremely limited intellectually, which restricts their S T A I WIL INT FEL
battlefield role to simple and direct assaults. 11 7 2 2 3 1 1
They hail from a series of cold and barren planets 11 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
across the galaxy that possess high gravity, such as DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Anark Zeta, which is why they appear larger, heavier 1 11 5
and bulkier compared to baseline Humans. SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 5 (Passive 3),
Intimidation 7, Weapon Skill 7
Ogryns compensate for their mental deficiencies with BONUSES
overwhelming physicality -- the brutish creatures stand AVALANCHE OF MUSCLE: When this Threat
around 10 Terran feet (3 metres) tall and can shrug off charges, it adds +Tier bonus dice to the melee
wounds that would kill an Imperial Guardsman several attack.
times over. These qualities mean that Ogryns make BIG TARGET: The Traitor Ogryn Brute will shield a
exceptional shock troops and are often deployed on single MILITARUM TRAITORIS Elite or Adversary.
the front lines of battle by Imperial commanders. While that Elite or Adversary is within 3m, any
ranged attack targeting them must target the Ogryn
On the other hand, Ogryns are known for their inability instead
to understand complex commands and tactics. This ABILITIES
simple-mindedness has also contributed to the big BATTLECRY: Obedience. The Ogryn chooses a single
Abhumans' reputation as being notoriously easy to MILITARUM TRAITORIS Elite or Adversary and
corrupt to the service of Chaos. These simplistic makes a normal move towards them. It will protect
Abhumans dwell on worlds far from the Emperor's that Threat with its Big Target ability (above)
ACTION: Power Maul: 16 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
light, and often fall into the worship of the Ruinous
Mutant Claw: 14 +6ED / AP -2 / Careful
Powers. The servants of Chaos also sometimes forcibly
The Threat may make two attacks—one with each
conscript Ogryns into their ranks. weapon above—as a single Combat Action.
Known as Ogryn Brutes, the servants of the Dark Gods DETERMINATION: Wall of Muscle. Spend 1 Ruin to
will utilise crude surgical procedures, forbidden roll 7d6, rerolling any dice which roll 1.
combat drugs and sorcerous rituals in order to control
3 2 6 Large
the beasts and set them upon their enemies.

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Fellgor Beastmen
Beastmen (sing. Beastman) (Homo sapiens variatus)
are Abhumans descended from baseline Human stock
who combine the physical appearances of Humans and TIER 1 2 3 4 5
certain Terran animals, usually ungulates like goats or THREAT E E T T T
Beastmen do not necessarily look alike, and different 5 5 4 4 2 1 1
animal traits can manifest themselves in each RESILIENCE
individual, but apart from this form of phenotypical 9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
variation they are a genetically stable Human DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
subspecies and are considered to be a form of 3 9 4
Abhuman rather than an actual mutant. SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7
(Passive 4), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 6
Fellgor Beastmen are ill-disciplined brutes who follow BONUSES
only the strong. They constantly fight amongst BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
themselves when not on the hunt or at war. Their herds when they Charge.
are merely a grouping of warriors led by a powerful BLOODSENSE: When one or more enemies are
Beastlord. Wounded, and there’s at least one FELLGOR Threat
present, add +1 to Ruin at the start of the round.
They have superior hunting skills, strength and FELLGOR Threats add +2 to their Resolve when one
endurance compared to other Beastmen, and are or more enemies are Wounded.
convinced that the gods of Chaos favour them. They ABILITIES
possess an advanced human cunning and a greater BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
intelligence than many of their fellows. Like all and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
Beastmen, they possess keen senses, but their warp- score.
enhanced abilities are sharper than those of their lower ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
kin. / Salvo 2 / Pistol
Cleaver: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 20 / Blast
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. When killed, a Fellgor
Beastman instead becomes Frenzied and will
continue to fight until the end of its next turn, or if
it suffers any additional damage. If part of a mob,
the Beastman will separate from the mob when this
2 1 7 Average

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Fellgor Ironhorn Fellgor Deathknell
The leaders of Fellgor warband are warriors who have Beastmen are hunters, and the Fellgor Ravagers are
fought their way to the top of their pack. They are skilled above the rest of their kind. Deathknells carry
uniformly vicious killers, possessed of an inhuman into battle great war gongs which they use to beat the
cunning that they use to merciless effect. hunt, signal their packmates and herald the doom of
the enemy.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT A E E T T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
6 6 4 4 3 2 1 S T A I WIL INT FEL
RESILIENCE 5 5 4 4 2 1 1
10 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) RESILIENCE
SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 8, Awareness 9 3 9 4
(Passive 5), Leadership 8, Stealth 7, Weapon Skill 8 SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7
BONUSES (Passive 4), Intimidation 7, Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 6
BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed BONUSES
when they Charge. BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen. when they Charge.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
has 2 personal Ruin. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
ABILITIES has 1 personal Ruin.
BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move CHAOS ICON: FELLGOR Threats add +1 to Resolve
and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth and ignore the penalty for being Wounded.
ACTION: Corrupted Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
Chainsword: 11 +4ED / Brutal, Parry score.
RUIN: Call the Attack. As a Ruin Action, spend 1 ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
Ruin and select a single FELLGOR Threat visible to / Salvo 2 / Pistol
the Ironhorn. That FELLGOR, and all other FELLGOR Bludgeon: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Inflict (Hindered)
within 3m of it, immediately make a normal move. War Gong: Sound the gong as a Combat Action. All
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. FELLGOR Threats within 3m gain +2 Resilience until
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen. the start of the Deathknell’s next turn.
3 2 7 Average ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
2 1 7 Average

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Fellgor Fluxbray Fellgor Gnarlscar
Many a Fellgor Ravager desires the blessings of the Fellgor Ravagers never stop fighting, whether for prey
gods. Fluxbrays have been gifted with an extra limb, all or their place in the pecking order. Few last long, but
the better for carrying additional weapons into battle. those that do are heavily scarred, having sustained
When they reach the fray, they launch a multitude of many injuries. Some are given crude bionics after
blows that are all but impossible to evade for long. suffering loss of limb or eye, rendering their
appearance all the more fearsome.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT E E T T T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 5 4 2 1 1 5 5 5 4 2 1 1
9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) 9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
3 9 4 3 9 4
SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7 SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7
(Passive 4), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7 (Passive 4), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7
BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
when they Charge. when they Charge.
BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen. BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin. has 1 personal Ruin.
CHAOS ICON: FELLGOR Threats add +1 to Resolve CUNNING: While this Threat is yet to take a turn, it
and ignore the penalty for being Wounded. does not cost Ruin to Keep the Initiative.
SECOND STRIKE: The Threat reduces the DN of a ABILITIES
melee Multi-Attack by 2, as if they had the Dual BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
Wield talent. and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth / Salvo 2 / Pistol
score. Augmetic Fist: 8 +4ED / Brutal, Inflict (Restrained)
ACTION: Triple Cleavers: 9 +4ED / Parry, Tearing, Uncompromising Attack: Make one ranged attack
Reaping and one melee attack, in any order, as a single
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. Combat Action.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen. DETERMINATION: Augmetics. Spend 1 Ruin to roll
2 1 7 Average ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
2 1 7 Average

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Fellgor Gorehorn Fellgor Herd-Goad
Some Fellgor Ravagers harbour a thirst for blood Fellgor Ravagers have powerful senses as befits such
greater than that of their fellows, throwing themselves capable hunters. Some relish the feeling of pain and
into battle with wild abandon. Carnage swiftly follows inflicting torturous sensations on others. These Herd-
as they hack off the arms and heads of their foes in goads are blessed by the gods with whips infused with
violent sprays of viscera. empyric power, which the Beastmen use to drive their
fellows to fury as well as harm the enemy.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
THREAT E E T T T TIER 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 5 4 2 1 1 S T A I WIL INT FEL
RESILIENCE 5 5 5 4 2 1 1
9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) RESILIENCE
SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7 3 9 4
(Passive 4), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7 SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7
BONUSES (Passive 4), Intimidation 6, Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 6
BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed BONUSES
when they Charge. BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen. when they Charge.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
has 1 personal Ruin. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
HEADTAKER: Each time this Threat inflicts damage has 1 personal Ruin.
in melee, it recovers 1d3 Wounds. This increases by WHIP CONTROL: When the Threat makes an
+Tier if damage was inflicted by a Critical Hit. Intimidation Interaction Attack against an enemy
ABILITIES within range of their Crackthorn Whip, the target
BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move suffers 1d3 Shock
and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth ABILITIES
score. BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
/ Salvo 2 / Pistol score.
Skullcleaver: 10 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (2) ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. / Salvo 2 / Pistol
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen. Crackthorn Whip: 7 +4ED / Range 6 [M] /
CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE Agonising, Inflict (Hindered)
2 1 7 Average RUIN: Incite Fury. As a Ruin Action, spend 1 Ruin
and pick one FELLGOR ally within 6m. That Threat
moves up to its Speed and adds +Tier dice to its
next skill test.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
2 1 7 Average

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Fellgor Mangler Fellgor Shaman
Manglers have warp-given rage and power, enabling Serving as obscene preachers to their kin as well as
them to smash through bulkheads and deliver skull- malevolent advisors to Ironhorns, Shamans are capable
crushing headbutts. Though they wear masks, they of wielding the raw power of Chaos. It is also Shamans
possess enhanced senses - some Beastmen claim who take the lead in the Fellgor Ravagers’ bloody ritual
Manglers can see the very souls of their victims as they sacrifices before the pack’s herdstone.
rip them apart.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 THREAT E E T T T
MUTANT 5 5 5 4 4 2 1
5 5 5 4 2 1 1 9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR) 3 9 6
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 9
3 9 4 (Passive 5), Psychic Mastery 7, Stealth 5, Weapon
SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 9 Skill 7
(Passive 5), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7 BONUSES
BONUSES BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed when they Charge.
when they Charge. BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and has 1 personal Ruin.
has 1 personal Ruin. ABILITIES
ABILITIES BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth score.
score. ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
ACTION: Vicious Claws: 8 +5ED / Sustained, Tearing / Salvo 2 / Pistol
Berserker: The Mangler immediately becomes Braystaff: 10 +3ED / Range 2 [M] / Brutal, Force
Frenzied. Shaman: The Shaman attempts to activate a
WRATH: Savage Assault. When the Mangler scores psychic power. The Shaman knows Smite,
a Wrath Critical on a melee attack, it may Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and the Fellgor
immediately make an additional melee attack Powers (see sidebar).
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen. ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
2 1 7 Average 2 1 7 Average

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Fellgor Toxhorn
Mantle of Darkness
DN: 4 Even more than the rest of their kind, Toxhorns take
Activation: Action particular joy in destroying the technology of their foes.
Duration: Instant They revel in decay and unleashing the chemicals and
Range: Self toxins that accelerate it, whether against machine or
Multi-Target: No living being.
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and FELLGOR MANGLER
FELLGOR keywords
Effect: The Shaman wreaths themselves in TIER 1 2 3 4 5
a shroud of gloom. The Shaman and all THREAT E E T T T
FELLGOR within 3m cannot be targeted by KEYWORDS: CHAOS, FELLGOR, ABHUMAN
ranged attacks unless the attacker is within S T A I WIL INT FEL
6m. 5 5 5 4 2 1 1
*[2] Affected creatures gain +1 Speed. 9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
[1] Affected creatures gain +1 dice on Stealth DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
tests. 3 9 4
SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 9
Apoplectic Rejuvenation (Passive 5), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7
Activation: Action BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
Duration: Instant when they Charge.
Range: 6m BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
Multi-Target: No CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Keywords: CHAOS, PSYCHIC has 1 personal Ruin.
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and TOXIC BLESSINGS: The Toxhorn is unaffected by the
FELLGOR keywords Poisoned condition and ignores penalties for being
Effect: The Shaman channels dark power Wounded.
into one of their kin. A single Wounded ABILITIES
FELLGOR ally within range heals 2d3 BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
Wounds. and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
Potency: score.
[1] +1 Wound healed. ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 2 / Pistol
Curse Weapon Cleaver: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
DN: 4 Pox Bomb (2): 5 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 20 / Blast (4),
Activation: Action Fleshbane, Inflict (Hindered 2), Mortal (1)
Duration: 1 Round DETERMINATION: Toxic Blessing. Spend 1 Ruin to
Range: 18m roll 5d6, re-rolling any die which rolls 1.
Multi-Target: Yes ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and 2 1 7 Average
FELLGOR keywords
Effect: The Shaman directs an entropic
curse to unmake the weapons of the
enemy. The weapon of one visible enemy
within range. Until the start of the
Shaman’s next turn, that weapon gains the
Volatile (3) trait.
*[2] Weapon also gains Unreliable 3 trait.
[1] Increase Volatile trait rating by +1.

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Fellgor Vandal
Wielders of immense, two-handed mancrushers,
Vandals have a simple task among the Fellgor
Ravagers—smash apart anything and anyone they or
their Ironhorn wish. With every hammering strike they
pulverise armour, bone and flesh.

TIER 1 2 3 4 5
6 5 5 4 2 1 1
9 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
3 9 4
SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 9
(Passive 5), Stealth 5, Weapon Skill 7
BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
when they Charge.
BLOODSENSE: See Fellgor Beastmen.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin.
BATTLECRY: Feral Ambush. Make a normal move
and then make a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth
ACTION: Mancrusher: 11 +6ED / AP -2 / Range 2 [M]
/ Brutal, Reaping, Overwhelm, Unwieldy (2)
Devastating Onslaught: Each time the Vandal
Charges or makes an All-Out attack, add the
Reaping trait to their Mancrusher.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzy. See Fellgor Beastmen.
2 1 7 Average

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Chaos Cultists
Chaos Cults are the most dangerous of all those
organisations that plot to overthrow the rule of the
Imperium of Man from within. TIER 1 2 3 4 5
All planets and civilisations belonging to the Imperium KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC,
can harbour Chaos-aligned organisations, which CULTIST
themselves are as diverse in practice and membership S T A I WIL INT FEL
as is imaginable. From the blood-soaked sacrificial cults 3 3 2 3 2 2 3
of Feral Worlds to the philosophical secret societies of RESILIENCE
more advanced planets, the temptations of Chaos can 6 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
2 5 3
Chaos Cults are dedicated to the worship of one or all SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 4 (Passive 2),
of the Ruinous Powers. Billions of these warped men Ballistic Skill 5, Deception 5, Stealth 5, Weapon Skill
and women who have willingly sold their souls to the 5
Chaos Gods also exist within the Eye of Terror, making BONUSES
up the twisted populations of the Daemon Worlds. RITUAL KILL: Each time a Cultist (or Mob of Cultists)
kills an enemy, add +1 to their Resolve and add 1 to
Chaos Cults can be found on nearly every type of Ruin.
Imperial world and have an extraordinary diversity of ABILITIES
membership, belief and practice. ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 2 / Pistol
From the bloody Human sacrifices practiced on some
Improvised Melee Weapon: 6 +2ED
Feral and Feudal Worlds, to the more philosophical
Improvised Firebomb (1): 8 +6ED / AP – / Range 12
arcane secret societies that infect the jaded / Blast (D3+3), Inflict (On Fire)
aristocracies of Hive Worlds, the temptations offered THREAT OPTIONS: Any Cultist may replace their
by Chaos can corrupt people of any station or origin. Autopistol with an Autogun or Stubcannon:
Autogun: 7 +1ED / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 3 / Rapid
Chaos Cultists are found in almost every Chaos force of
Fire (1)
any size, having either been recruited from the local
Stubcannon: 9 +1ED / Range 9-18-27 / Salvo 1 /
population or brought to the world from the Warp as Brutal
the slaves and servants of the Chaos Space Marines. RUIN: Tide of Traitors.
Spend 1 Ruin at the start of a Round to roll a number
of d6 equal to the game’s Tier. A number of Chaos
Cultists equal to the total rolled enter the battlefield.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
2 1 6 Average
SPECIAL WEAPONS: One Chaos Cultist in every ten
may replace their Autopistol with one of the
Flamer: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 4-8-12 / Salvo 1 /
Assault, Flamer
Grenade Launcher: As Grenade / Range 12-24-36 /
Salvo - / Reliable
Frag Grenade: 10 +4ED / AP – / Blast (6)
Krak Grenade: 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Blast (4)

Heavy Stubber: 10 +2ED / Range 18-36-54 / Salvo 3

/ Heavy (4)

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Accursed Mutants
The Imperium of Man greatly fears mutation. First off,
many such growths are physically alarming, causing
natural revulsion in those who witness them. ACCURSED MUTANT
Beyond simpler signs of mutation are grotesqueries TIER 1 2 3 4 5
such as insectoid claws, tentacles or fanged maws THREAT E T T T T
where no mouth ought to be. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC,
Rampant growth of meat and bone can create twelve­ S T A I WIL INT FEL
foot-high monstrosities whose fists are capable of 6 5 3 3 3 1 1
bending plasteel, and whose mass can absorb bolt RESILIENCE
shells that would fell an ordinary person. There have 8 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
also been many recorded instances of mutants whose DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
flesh has melded with machinery or other inorganic 2 7 4
technology, often through the reality-warping power SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 4 (Passive 2),
of Chaos. Weapon Skill 5
Yet it is not just the appearance or abilities of mutants ACCURSED HORDE: At the start of each round, roll
that rankles the right-minded citizens of the Imperium, a number of d6s equal to the game’s Tier. A
for those whose physical forms are marred by Warp number of Accursed Mutants arrive on the
energies often harbour deviant intent, spreading battlefield equal to the number of Icons rolled.
bloodshed and mayhem. They may form a new mob or join an existing one.
Worse still, the most afflicted become willing pawns of BATTLECRY: Mutant Horrors. Anyone who sees the
the Dark Gods, foul agents of corruption actively Accursed Mutants must make a DN 3 Fear Test.
dedicated to spreading ruin and overthrowing the ACTION: Blasphemous Appendages: 9 +3ED / AP -1
Imperium. / Tearing
DETERMINATION: Unnatural Regeneration.
Accursed Cultist Mutants are Chaos Cultists who are Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. Regain 1 Wound for each
heavily mutated by Chaos. More than the mere mutant Exalted Icon rolled.
dregs who populate the benighted depts and sumps of ANNIHILATION: Frenzied Demise.
many a hive world, Accused Cultists are horrifying When slain by a melee attack, this Threat inflicts one
devotees of the Dark Gods. Mortal Wound on one engaged enemy.
Accursed Cultists have myriad and terrifying origins – 3 2 6 Average
whether born of rituals, experimentation, or the MOB BONUSES
predation of Daemons, these aberrations are herded MUTANT TIDE: After an attack is made against this
into battle as shock troops, their tainted flesh mob, for each an Accursed Mutant is slain, roll 1d6.
regenerating grievous wounds with unnatural vigour. For each Exalted Icon rolled, one Accursed Mutant
Once they reach close quarters, Mutants flail and lash is returned to the mob.
at the enemy with claws or tendrils.

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Accursed Torment
Accursed Torments are Chaos Cultists who have
mutated to so great a degree that they are little more
than twisted monstrosities driven by agony and hatred. ACCURSED TORMENT
So little of their humanity remains that there is little to
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
distinguish them from Chaos Spawn.
These hideous abominations are possessed by one or KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC,
many daemons, and it is impossible to tell how much MUTANT, DAEMON, CULTIST
of the original host remains. Each has a scroll or S T A I WIL INT FEL
parchment nailed to its form, upon which are written 8 6 4 3 3 1 1
words in evil tongues to prevent the bound daemons
9 (Twisted Flesh: 2 AR)
from fully-manifesting.
Accursed Torments are often found alongside their 2 10 -
lesser kin, towering abominations amidst teeming SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3),
hordes of slavering monsters. Weapon Skill 7
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin.
During arcane rituals, the most devoted among a Chaos
MUTANT RABBLE: MUTANT Threats within 6m of
Cult have evil symbols carved into their flesh or tattooed
this Threat are Frenzied.
onto their skin. Should the correct words of invocation
be said in battle, these icons appear to draw empyric BATTLECRY: Abomination. Anyone who sees the
power to them, which twists the flesh of the Devotee Accursed Torment must make a DN 5 Fear Test.
and horrifically mutates them. This does not satisfy the ACTION: Hideous Mutations: 12 +4ED / AP -2 /
dark cravings and power lust of some. Depraved prayers Overwhelm, Reaping
are written upon flayed skin and nailed into the RUIN: Unleash the Daemon.
tormented flesh of these individuals, then daemons are When this Threat makes a melee attack, spend 1
summoned and bound into their mortal bodies. Ruin to instead make a number of melee attacks
equal to the game’s Tier.
During battle, CULTIST Threats may ‘mutate’ as a result DETERMINATION: Unnatural Regeneration.
of the GM spending Ruin. By spending 1 Ruin at the end Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. Regain 1 Wound for each
of a round, one of the following occurs: Exalted Icon rolled. This Threat may roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
A number of Chaos Cultists equal to the game’s Tier ANNIHILATION: Frenzied Demise.
mutate into Accursed Mutants. When slain by a melee attack, this Threat inflicts 1d3
A single Accursed Mutant mutates into an Accursed Mortal Wounds, divided amongst any Engaged
Torment. enemies.
A single CULTIST Threat heals 1d3+Tier Wounds and CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
recovers all Shock.
3 2 6 Large
When mutating into a different type of Threat, the
Threat heals all Wounds and Shock. If part of a Mob, the
Threats separate from the Mob (and, if their new form
are also Troops, may form a new Mob immediately).

When an Elite Threat mutates (or an Accursed Mutant

mutates into an Accursed Torment), they may
immediately roll on one of the Mutation tables in the
Wrath & Glory core rulebook.

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Cult Demagogue
Heresy, false belief, political corruption, the danger of
religious schism, treachery, apostasy, rebellion, and
disorder are all utterly corrosive to the unflinching TIER 1 2 3 4 5
order that sustains Human interstellar civilisation. THREAT A A E E E
Unity of purpose is needed if the Imperium, indeed CULTIST, DARK COMMUNE, PRIEST
Humanity, is to survive in such a hostile universe. Since S T A I WIL INT FEL
the dark days of the Age of Apostasy, it has been the 3 3 4 4 4 3 4
sacred task of the Ordo Hereticus of the Inquisition to RESILIENCE
sustain that order by any means necessary. 6 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
The foes of that order are diverse and widespread, 3 9 7
from the false Adeptus Ministorum priest to the SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 8 (Passive 4),
dissolute noblemen, demagogues and seditionists of Deception 9, Leadership 8, Persuasion 10, Stealth 9
every stripe, the mutant skulking in the shadows, and BONUSES
those who would sell out Humanity to the alien or CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
worse. has 3 personal Ruin.
Cult Demagogues are heretic priests and orators whose 6m automatically pass Resolve tests.
words convince others to embrace Heresy as well and HERALD OF RUIN: At the start of each round this
soon leads to the formation of a Chaos Cult, which the Threat is alive, the GM gains +1 Ruin for every 6
Demagogue may command. Some of these HERETIC Threats alive in the scene.
demagogues are firebrand zealots driven by dark ABILITIES
inspiration. Others are cruel schemers whose vile BATTLECRY: For the Dark Gods!
ambitions lead others into damnation. Amongst the The Cult Demagogue Invokes a Chaos Prayer.
most abhorrent, however, are apostate priests: those ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
of the Frateris Clergy who have turned their backs upon / Salvo 2 / Pistol
the Emperor’s Light for their own twisted goals and Diabolical Staff (melee): 7 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 2 /
Brutal, Inflict (Staggered)
taken much of their flock with them.
Prayers to the Dark Gods: The Cult Demagogue
may attempt a Persuasion test as a Simple Action to
perform a Chaos Prayer (page 12). The Cult
Demagogue knows Dark Zealotry and one other
RUIN: Ruinous Invocation. The Cult Demagogue
attempts a single Chaos Prayer as a Ruin Action.
REACTION: Sacrifice
When this Threat is the target of a ranged attack,
select a HERETIC Threat within 3m. That Threat
becomes the target of the attack instead.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
4 3 6 Average

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Many Chaos Cults include powerful sorcerers or Iconarch
witches, renegade psykers who have devoted Iconarchs have the blessing and the curse of carrying
themselves to the Dark Gods. These beings are often their Cult’s spike and flame-billowing censer-icon to
twisted and inhuman, altered through mutation, war. This great symbol radiates with the mutating
arcane technology, profane rituals, or worse. power of the warp, affecting the foes and devotees of
In some cases, their power has ravaged their body such Chaos alike.
that they are little more than a swollen head mounted
on an armature, connected by arcane tubes and cables ICONARCH
to a mindless slave. These disembodied wyrds are TIER 1 2 3 4 5
known as Mindwitches, and each is a being of THREAT A A E E E
formidable power, able to torture the minds of their KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC,
victims and weave vortexes of empyric energy. CULTIST, DARK COMMUNE
MINDWITCH 3 3 3 4 4 2 2
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
CULTIST, DARK COMMUNE, PSYKER SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3),
S T A I WIL INT FEL Intimidation 6
1 2 2 3 6 4 1 BONUSES
RESILIENCE CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
3 has 1 personal Ruin.
2 6 8 add +2 to their Resolve and may re-roll any 1s rolled
SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3), when they make attacks.
Psychic Mastery 9. ABILITIES
BONUSES ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and / Salvo 2 / Pistol
has 1 personal Ruin. Improvised Melee Weapon: 6 +2ED
WARP TOUCHED: Whenever a Mindwitch rolls a Burning Censer: 7 +1ED / Range 3-6-9 / Salvo 1 /
Psychic Mastery test, they gain bonus Wrath dice Flamer, Pistol
equal to the Tier of the game. Ruinous Deterioration: Until the start of the
ABILITIES Iconarch’s next turn, any attack made by a HERETIC
BATTLECRY: For the Dark Gods! within 6m inflicts +Tier ED.
The Cult Demagogue Invokes a Chaos Prayer. Ruinous Invigoration: Until the start of the
ACTION: Iconarch’s next turn, HERETICs within 6m gain +Tier
Maleficarum: The Mindwitch attempts to activate a Resilience.
psychic power they know. The Mindwitch knows DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
Smite, Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and the Dark CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
Commune powers on the following page. 4 3 6 Average
RUIN: Psychic Storm.
Spent 1 Ruin to have the Mindwitch attempt to
activate a psychic power or Deny the Witch as a
Ruin Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 2d6.
6 5 6 Average

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Blessed Blade
The most devoted and skilled of the Cult Demagogue’s
followers, Blessed Blades serve as their fanatically loyal Heinous Deluge
bodyguards. They will gladly die to protect their charge DN: 4
Activation: Action
and have been silenced either by ritual or blade to
Duration: Instant
ensure they never speak over their master.
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC, Effect: The Mindwitch unleashes their vile
CULTIST, DARK COMMUNE power, and a foe is drenched in gore, filth,
S T A I WIL INT FEL ectoplasm, and other foulness. One visible
5 4 5 5 4 3 2 target in range is Hindered (2).
7 (Crude Armour: 2 AR) *[2] Target is also Vulnerable (2).
[1] Increase the rating of conditions by +1.
4 9 6
Malefic Vortex
SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3),
DN: 5
Intimidation 6, Weapon Skill 7
Activation: Full Action
Duration: Sustained
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Range: 18m
has 1 personal Ruin.
Multi-Target: No
CUT THEM DOWN: Enemies engaged with the
Threat attempting to Fall Back must pass an Agility
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
test (DN 2+ Double Tier); failure means that they
cannot Fall Back this turn.
Effect: The Mindwitch conjures a whirling
storm of sorcerous power. The vortex is
ACTION: Commune Blade: 10 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
centred on any visible point within range.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
Any enemy within 4m of that point suffers
Tier Mortal Wounds and is Staggered.
4 3 6 Average While the power remains in effect, each
enemy within 4m of the storm at the start
of the Mindwitch’s turn suffers a further
Tier Mortal Wounds and is Staggered.
[2] +1 Mortal Wound.
[1] Increase the range of the vortex by +1m.

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Heretic Astartes
Chaos Hounds
Chaos Hounds, also known as Warhounds of Chaos, or
simply Chaos Warhounds, are large, mutated canid or
lupine animals that stalk the darker parts of many CHAOS HOUND
worlds in search of prey. They are often rounded up by
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Chaos cults, Beastmen herds, and other servants of the
Dark Gods as hunting beasts. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, BEAST, MUTANT
The red, glinting eyes of Chaos Warhounds peer from S T A I WIL INT FEL
the treeline, and saliva pools upon the litter-strewn 5 4 5 4 4 1 1
ground as they taste the air for the scent of their next RESILIENCE
7 (Mutated Hide: 2 AR)
victim. Many a lone Enforcer on night-time patrol has
shivered at the sound of baleful howling in the
3 8 6
distance, only to be confronted by the low growling of
SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 7 (Passive 4),
the pack of Chaos Hounds that has crept up behind him Weapon Skill 6
whilst he was distracted. BONUSES
Drawn to the lure of fresh meat, warhounds often ANIMAL: A Chaos Hound is unable to take any
prowl near isolated communities, searching for lone or actions which would require the use of hands.
vulnerable creatures to attack. These slinking
BATTLECRY: Haunting Howl. Anyone who hears the
predators have an innate kinship with Beastmen, and
Chaos Hounds must make a DN 3 Fear Test.
freely wander through the filthy and bonestrewn ACTION: Slavering Jaws: 9 +3ED / AP -1 / Inflict
encampments that serve as lairs for those bestial (Bleeding)
abhumans. Pounce: Make a Charge action with the Chaos
Hound. During this attack, the Hound’s Slavering
Gradually the warhounds become as much a part of the
Jaws attack gains the Inflict (Prone) quality.
herd as any Fellgor. Some Beastmen deliberately rear
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
these vicious attack beasts, training them for battle,
though they can never be truly tamed. Through all 4 3 10 Average
manner of cruel mistreatments the warhounds are MOB BONUSES
conditioned to display particular characteristics, such PACK OF HOUNDS: When a Mob of Chaos Hounds
as aggression and speed—not that they need much make a melee attack, their damage is increased by
encouragement. +2ED.

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Chaos Spawn
A Chaos Spawn is a mindless mutant creature who once
belonged to one of the intelligent mortal races of the
galaxy and who has become so mutated through their CHAOS SPAWN
servitude to Chaos that they devolved into a twisted
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
and insane abomination.
Those seeking immortality and power through the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], BEAST,
ultimate attainment of Daemonhood in service to the MUTANT
Ruinous Powers face the constant possibility of being S T A I WIL INT FEL
reduced to Chaos Spawn, either by accumulating too 7 7 5 4 1 1 1
many mutations or being cast aside by their Chaos
11 (Ever-Changing Flesh: 3 AR)
patrons as unworthy of further advancement because
of their consistent failure to serve the will of the Chaos
3 11 -
Gods. SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 6 (Passive 3),
More simply, they may lack the inherent qualities Weapon Skill 9
required for successful leadership of other Chaos BONUSES
servants and thus be of no further use to their patrons. BEAST: A Chaos Spawn is unable to take any actions
which would require the use of hands.
Chaos warband members who are transformed into CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Chaos Spawn will either be abandoned by their former has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
comrades or kept as pets or as cannon fodder, to be CREATURE OF CHAOS: The GM gains 1 Ruin at the
herded into battle along with the rest of the Lost and start of each of a Chaos Spawn’s turns.
the Damned. LASHING AND FLAILING: Any creature Engaged
with a Chaos Spawn at the start of their turn must
Although physically powerful and extremely resilient, pass a DN 3 Athletics test; if they fail, they are
Chaos Spawn are insane, mewling creatures with no knocked prone.
mental powers or self-awareness. Their former MINDLESS: A Chaos Spawn is unaffected by abilities
intelligence has been sacrificed to their failed ambition. that target the mind, and never needs to make a
Many a Chaos Champion of great promise has ended Resolve Test.
up as a seething mound of bone and blubber,
BATTLECRY: Abomination. Anyone who hears the
monstrous and screaming with lunatic rage.
Chaos Spawn must make a DN 5 Terror Test.
ACTION: Mutated Beyond Reason: As the start of
each of the Chaos Spawn’s turns, roll 1d3 to
determine the nature of its attacks.
1: Razor-Sharp Claws: 12 +3ED / AP -4 / Range 2
[M] / Overwhelm
2: Grasping Pseudopods: 12 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 4
[M] / Reaping or Inflict (Restrained)
3: Toxic Haemorrhage: 10 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 2
[M] / Fleshbane, Inflict (Poisoned 5)
RUIN: Surge of Mutation.
The Chaos Spawn may spend 1 Ruin to move 2d6
metres towards an enemy and make a melee attack
against them. Roll 1d3 to determine which melee
attack it makes.
DETERMINATION: Hideous Regeneration. Spend 1
Ruin to roll 7d6. Regain 1 Wound for each Exalted
Icon rolled.
1 1 7 Large

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Exalted Champion
For every Chaos Lord making their grisly mark upon the
galaxy, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of common
Chaos Champions vying for the favour of the Ruinous TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Powers. Each is an exceptional warrior; whether they THREAT A A A A E
are known for their martial prowess or sheer KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
animalistic brutality, the most elite of the Chaos ASTARTES, [LEGION], CHAMPION
Champions, known as "Exalted Champions," inevitably S T A I WIL INT FEL
leave a trail of corpses in their wake. 9 7 7 7 6 5 5
In seeking out and slaying the most vaunted of 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
enemies, Exalted Champions hope to draw the eye of DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
the Dark Gods. They do so with good reason -- from the 6 15 10
perspective of a power-hungry madman, at least. SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
Unlike so many other deities given obeisance across Ballistic Skill 11, Leadership 10, Weapon Skill 11
the galaxy, who remain distant and unknowable, if they BONUSES
exist at all, the Ruinous Powers of Chaos are very real ASPIRE TO GLORY: While allied [LEGION] Threats
are within 6m of the Exalted Champion, they add +2
entities, and willing to reward or punish their
ED to the damage of their attacks.
supplicants on the whim of the moment.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
An Exalted Champion that proves a capable pawn in the has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Great Game will find themselves rewarded with DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
abilities far beyond those of even the most MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
accomplished mortal. Warp-given "rewards" usually SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
appear first as blemishes or stigmata, then, as time
ACTION: Combi-Melta:
passes, as strange protuberances or abilities that
Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
become ever more pronounced over the passage of Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
time. Meltagun: 16 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 6-12-18 /
Their nature is sometimes suited to the recipient's Salvo 1 / Assault, Melta
Exalted Power Axe: 14 +6ED / AP -2 / Rending (2)
personal agenda -- a bloodthirsty butcher may become
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
possessed of insane strength, whereas a leader of
warriors might find their commands obeyed without
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
question. Other times these "gifts" of the Dark Gods Blast (4)
might be hideously disfiguring, or even physically RUIN: Exalted Pact. When the Exalted Champion
crippling, for what the Ruinous Powers consider a invokes a Dark Pact, all [LEGION] Threats affected
blessing might be seen by mortals as the vilest curse. by Aspire to Glory (above) may also benefit from
that Pact Boon.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
6 6 7 Average

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Dark Apostle
Dark Apostles make up the priesthood of the Dark
Gods. Just as the Chaplains of the Loyalist Space
Marines uphold the creeds of their Chapters, the Dark TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Apostles devote their lives to the propagation of the THREAT A A A A A
unholy word, actively spreading the worship of Chaos KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
across the galaxy. Their efforts do not go unrewarded - ASTARTES, [LEGION], PRIEST, CHAMPION
- Dark Apostles are surrounded by daemonic auras of S T A I WIL INT FEL
protection that shimmer and writhe as they chant their 8 7 6 7 7 5 7
blasphemous prayers.
13 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
The Dark Apostles preach that, compared to the blood 12 (Sigil of Corruption: *4AR, Force Field)
and thunder of their own faith, the falsehoods of the DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Ecclesiarchy are but cobweb-thin tissues of 6 17 12
superstition. These are more than idle words -- most SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
Dark Apostles can act as direct conduits through which Leadership 10, Persuasion 11, Weapon Skill 11
the Ruinous Powers can speak to mortal men.
It is not unknown for a Dark Apostle to suddenly Threats are within 12m of the Dark Apostle, they
straighten, his eyes glazing over as his mouth spits may use the Dark Apostle’s Resolve instead of their
guttural and blood-flecked gibberish. Those who can own.
understand this glottal tongue claim that it is the CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
language of the gods themselves. has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
The Dark Apostles sit high in the esteem of their MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
brethren, and their intense charisma and burning SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
conviction inspires men to great and terrible acts. The ABILITIES
often harsh yoke of the Imperium fosters great BATTLECRY: For the Dark Gods!
resentment in those of weak character, and Dark The Dark Apostle Invokes a Chaos Prayer.
Apostles are experts at fanning those sparks into raging ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Accursed Crozius: 13 +5ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
When these preachers of terrible truths infiltrate an Corrupting
Imperial world, hidden Chaos Cults are brought Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 32 / Blast
together and long-fostered alliances are brought to (6)
terrible fruition. It is never long before the bodies of Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 32 /
Blast (4)
Adeptus Arbites, Judges and aristocrats alike, are
Prayers to the Dark Gods: The Dark Apostle may
strung from spire and cable.
attempt a Persuasion test as a Simple Action to
perform a Chaos Prayer (page 12). The Cult
Demagogue knows Dark Zealotry and one other
RUIN: Ruinous Invocation. The Dark Apostle
attempts a single Chaos Prayer as a Ruin Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6. This
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
7 7 7 Average

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Master of Executions
Masters of Executions are Chaos Space Marine
warriors who have given their entire existence to the
art of killing with melee attacks and now bestride TIER 1 2 3 4 5
battlefields like gods of war, that use warp-enhanced THREAT A A A A E
senses to seek their prey. They sometimes lead the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
forces of Chaos to battle. ASTARTES, [LEGION]
Masters of Execution specialize in the slaying of enemy 9 7 7 7 5 4 3
champions, sacrificing them to the Dark Gods in a ritual RESILIENCE
that sees his hunger for death grow even stronger. 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
Through sorcerous rituals, they are able to attune their DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
murderous senses to the currents of the Warp, 6 15 10
allowing them to see the souls of their foes. Some even SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
go so far as to gouge out one of their eyes to allow Weapon Skill 13
currents to coalesce in the raw and empty socket. Thus, BONUSES
even on the most anarchic battlefield, a Master of TROPHY TAKER: Each time the Master of
Executions slays a player character or Adversary
Execution can pick out his prey. Within a warband,
Threat, add 1 to Ruin.
Masters of Execution are often used to mete out
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
punishment to those who seek to usurp the rule of a has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Chaos Lord, often in the form of a gladiatorial duel. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Their expertise is evident from the gruesome array of MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
skull and bone trophies they keep on their armour. SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Accursed Crozius: 15 +6ED / AP -3 / Mortal (2)
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
Blast (4)
REACTION: Warp-Sighted Butcher. When an enemy
moves within 6m, the Master of Executions may
interrupt that movement to Charge that enemy as a
Reflexive Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
5 5 7 Average

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Heretic Astartes
A Warpsmith is a fallen Chaos Space Marine
Techmarine who now serves the Ruinous Powers or
their own cruel ambition. TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Though each Warpsmith is an expert in battlefield KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
repair and siege craft, his true calling lies in the soul ASTARTES, [LEGION], HERETEK, DARK
forges of the Warp, especially those in the Eye of MECHANICUM
Terror. There, the spirits of captured Imperial machines S T A I WIL INT FEL
are driven to madness as their physical forms are 9 7 5 6 6 7 2
rebuilt into bestial and terrifying new shapes. RESILIENCE
14 (Fleshmetal: 6 AR)
The Warpsmiths preside over their infernal industry as DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
pioneers of mechamorphosis, as they watch Daemon 5 15 10
Princes thrust Lesser Daemons into the cogs of giant, SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
mechanoid birth-factories that crank out new Daemon Ballistic Skill 11, Scholar 10, Tech 12
Engines from their cable-lined wombs. When the time BONUSES
for conquest is finally at hand, entire armies of these CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
growling battle engines stomp and soar into the has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
material world under their command, the Warpsmith's DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
bitter ambition writ large and set loose upon the LIVING WEAPONS PLATFORM: Whenever the
Imperium of Man. Warpsmith makes an attack, he may make up to two
additional attacks with his Mechatendrils or one
Warpsmiths tend to be obsessive characters who attack each with the Flamer Tendril and the Melta
believe that Mankind's ambition is limited by his mortal Tendril.
nature. Daemons are ultimately insubstantial of form, MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
and machines, though physically indomitable, are all SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
but inert. Because of this, all Warpsmiths are engaged ABILITIES
in an eternal quest to combine the strengths of all ACTION: Flamer Tendril: 10 +1ED / Range 6-12-18 /
three of these elements -- mortal, daemon and Salvo 1 / Flamer, Pistol
Melta Tendril: 16 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 3-6-9 / Salvo
machine -- whilst eradicating their weaknesses.
1 / Melta, Pistol
Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol, Volatile (1d3)
Exalted Power Axe: 14 +6ED / AP -2 / Rending (2)
Mechatendrils: 10 + 2ED / Range 2 / Reaping
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
Blast (4)
Master of Mechanisms: The Warpsmith may use an
action to repair a CHAOS vehicle within 3m.
Attempt a DN3 Tech test: if successful, the vehicle
regains 1d3 Wounds, +1 per Exalted Icon shifted.
RUIN: Enrage Machine Spirits. As a Ruin Action,
Choose a CHAOS vehicle within 3m; on that
vehicle’s next attack, it gains +Tier bonus dice.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
6 6 7 Average

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Master of Possession
A Master of Possession is a Heretic Astartes Chaos
Sorcerer who is well-versed in the forbidden art of
using living hosts to contain the Daemons of the Warp TIER 1 2 3 4 5
and often serve as the leaders of Daemonkin THREAT A A A A E
These techniques can also be used to create Daemon S T A I WIL INT FEL
Engines by binding Daemons into machine hosts, a 8 6 6 6 7 5 4
process at which Masters of Possession are almost as RESILIENCE
skilled as Warpsmiths. 12 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
Masters of Possession are also potent psychic sorcerers 5 14 11
whose abilities can provide substantial support to SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
Chaos Space Marine forces in battle. Scholar 11, Psychic Mastery 11
Masters of Possession lead warbands of devoted
warriors in pursuit of untold power. These sorcerous
suffer Complications on Psychic Mastery tests for
figures have mastered the darkest and most
each Wrath Die that rolls 1, 2, or 3.
blasphemous lore: the art of using hosts of living flesh CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
to house Daemonic spirits. It is they who perform the has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
profane ceremonies of binding that imbue the DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Daemonkin with their Warp-born power. MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Gouging a breach in the fabric of realspace through the
use of sorcery, the Master of Possession draws a willing
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
entity from the Immaterium, channelling its terrible / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
energies into the body of a supplicant or the chassis of Staff of Possession: 17 +3ED / AP -1 / Force
a war machine. So thoroughly are these dread figures A PSYKER struck by a Staff of Possession
steeped in blasphemous sorcery that where they walk, immediately suffers Perils of the Warp, adding +Tier
reality itself recoils. to the tens die.
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
Blast (4)
Malefic Sorcerer: The Master of Possession
attempts to activate a psychic power they know.
The Master of Possession knows Smite, Deny the
Witch, Psyniscience, and two powers from the
Malefic discipline on the following page.
RUIN: Sacrificial Dagger. When attempting to
activate a psychic power, the Threat may inflict Tier
Mortal Wounds on a single CHAOS ally (other than
a DAEMON) within 3m to gain +Tier dice on the
Psychic Mastery test.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. This
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
7 7 7 Average

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Malefic Discipline
Warp Marked
DN: 6
Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN and CHAOS keywords
Effect: The psyker marks his foes with a cursed rune that attracts the denizens of the warp, who rush to
devour the victim’s souls. Target all enemies within a Blast (6) within range and line of sight. Until the start of
the Psyker’s next turn, all DAEMON allies add +2 ED to the damage of their attacks.
*[2] The area affected is a Blast (10).
[1] +1 ED

Pact of Flesh
DN: 4
Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN and CHAOS keywords
Effect: The psyker uses a measure of soul energy to remould the flesh of his allies, or else to animate their
corpses with an unholy daemon inhabitant. Select a single allied DAEMONKIN or CHAMPION within range.
The chosen target immediately heals wounds equal to the game’s Tier.
[1] +1 Wound healed.

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Cursed Earth
DN: 6
Activation: Full Action
Duration: Sustained
Range: 6m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN and CHAOS keywords
Effect: The psyker becomes a conduit for the energies of the warp, tainting the ground and sustaining the
Daemonkin that walk upon it. While the power remains in effect, all DAEMON allies within range increase
their Resilience by the game’s Tier. Enemies who enter engagement range of any affected DAEMONs must roll
Tier d6, suffering a Mortal Wound for each Icon rolled.
[2] Enemies roll +1 die when engaging.
[1] +1 Resilience

DN: Target’s Conviction
Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 9m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN and CHAOS keywords
Effect: The psyker blasts away their enemy’s soul so that the spiritless shell can be possessed, even if only
temporarily. In a frenzied orgy, the inhabiting daemon rips and tears before its host crumbles. Target a single
enemy within range that the psyker can see. That enemy is immediately possessed, becoming an Accursed

The Imperium of Man greatly fears mutation. First off, dedicated to spreading ruin and overthrowing the
many such growths are physically alarming, causing Imperium.
natural revulsion in those who witness them.
Accursed Cultist Mutants are Chaos Cultists who are
Beyond simpler signs of mutation are grotesqueries heavily mutated by Chaos. More than the mere mutant
such as insectoid claws, tentacles or fanged maws dregs who populate the benighted depts and sumps of
where no mouth ought to be. many a hive world, Accused Cultists are horrifying
devotees of the Dark Gods.
Rampant growth of meat and bone can create twelve­
foot-high monstrosities whose fists are capable of Accursed Cultists have myriad and terrifying origins –
bending plasteel, and whose mass can absorb bolt whether born of rituals, experimentation, or the
shells that would fell an ordinary person. There have predation of Daemons, these aberrations are herded
also been many recorded instances of mutants whose into battle as shock troops, their tainted flesh
flesh has melded with machinery or other inorganic regenerating grievous wounds with unnatural vigour.
technology, often through the reality-warping power Once they reach close quarters, Mutants flail and lash
of Chaos. at the enemy with claws or tendrils.

Yet it is not just the appearance or abilities of mutants

that rankles the right-minded citizens of the Imperium,
for those whose physical forms are marred by Warp
energies often harbour deviant intent, spreading
bloodshed and mayhem.

Worse still, the most afflicted become willing pawns of

the Dark Gods, foul agents of corruption actively
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TIER 1 2 3 4 5
6 5 3 3 3 1 1
8 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
2 7 4
SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 4 (Passive 2),
Weapon Skill 5
ACCURSED HORDE: At the start of each round, roll
a number of d6s equal to the game’s Tier. A
number of Accursed Mutants arrive on the
battlefield equal to the number of Icons rolled.
They may form a new mob or join an existing one.
BATTLECRY: Mutant Horrors. Anyone who sees the
Accursed Mutants must make a DN 3 Fear Test.
ACTION: Blasphemous Appendages: 9 +3ED / AP -1
/ Tearing
DETERMINATION: Unnatural Regeneration.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. Regain 1 Wound for each
Exalted Icon rolled.
ANNIHILATION: Frenzied Demise.
When slain by a melee attack, this Threat inflicts one
Mortal Wound on one engaged enemy.
3 2 6 Average
MUTANT TIDE: After an attack is made against this
mob, for each an Accursed Mutant is slain, roll 1d6.
For each Exalted Icon rolled, one Accursed Mutant
is returned to the mob.

Accursed Torment. Player characters instead suffer Infernal Power

1d3+Tier Mortal Wounds and Corruption DN: 5
points equal to the game’s Tier, as they resist Activation: Action
the onslaught. Duration: 1 Round
Potency: Range: 18m
[1] An affected PC suffers +1 Mortal Wound. Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN
and CHAOS keywords
Effect: Diabolic energy flows from the psyker,
imbuing the entities that reside within his
followers’ bodies with even greater ferocity.

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Select a single allied DAEMONKIN or DAEMON Mutated Invigoration
ENGINE that the psyker can see within range. DN: 5
Until the start of the psyker’s next turn, all Activation: Action
melee attacks made by the affected Threat Duration: 1 Round
gain the Mortal (1) quality. Range: 18m
Potency: Multi-Target: No
[1] The affected ally adds +1 ED to melee Keywords: CHAOS, DAEMONKIN, PSYCHIC
attacks. Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMONKIN
and CHAOS keywords
Effect: A wave of insanity and mutation flows
from the psyker’s fingers, enveloping their
allies with bountiful diabolic gifts. Select a
that the psyker can see within range. Until the
start of the psyker’s next turn, the affected
Threat adds +1 to either Strength or
Toughness. Increasing Strength will increase
melee damage. Increasing Toughness will
increase Resilience, Maximum Wounds, and
*[2] The Threat increases both Strength and
[1] +1 to the increased Attribute.

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Chaos Sorcerer
A Chaos Sorcerer is a powerful form of psyker found
among the Chaos Space Marines and the other mortal
forces of Chaos. TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Instead of the subtle psychic manipulation and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC
divination used by the Farseers of the Aeldari or the ASTARTES, [LEGION], PSYKER, CHAMPION
strength-boosting powers of the Space Marine S T A I WIL INT FEL
Librarians, the sorcerers of Chaos wield death, 8 6 6 6 7 5 4
destruction, and mutation, the mightiest powers of the RESILIENCE
Warp. 12 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
Sorcerers of Chaos shape destiny itself with arcane 5 14 11
rituals and unspeakable pacts forged with the malefic SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
entities -- the Daemons -- of the Empyrean. In truth, Scholar 11, Psychic Mastery 11
"sorcery" itself differs from other forms of psychic BONUSES
ability because it often requires interacting and cutting ABHORRENT RITES: Chaos Sorcerers gain additional
deals for knowledge and/or power with the entities of Wrath dice on their Psychic Mastery tests equal to
the Warp in the pursuit of one's own selfish gain. the game’s Tier.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Through the knowledge gained by such pacts, sorcerers has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
channel the soul-blasting energies of the Warp into DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
potent hexes and blasts of wyrdflame, and they mould MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
the fabric of the material universe with little more than SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
a hate-filled curse. ABILITIES
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
Because of their constant exposure to the power of / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Chaos, sorcerers are inevitably haunted by the Force Staff: 16 +3ED / AP -1 / Brutal, Force
prospect of eventually succumbing to crippling Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
mutation or insanity. Though they believe they are (6)
above mortal concerns, the truth is that they, too, are Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
only pawns, raised up and then expended by the Dark Blast (4)
Gods for their own amusement. Dark Hereticus: The Chaos Sorcerer attempts to
activate a psychic power they know. The Chaos
Sorcerer knows Smite, Deny the Witch,
Psyniscience, and two powers from the Dark
Hereticus discipline on page 61.
RUIN: Sorcerous Might. Spend 1 Ruin to attempt to
activate a psychic power or Deny the Witch as a
Ruin Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
7 7 7 Average
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: A Chaos Sorcerer may replace
their Force Staff with one of the following:
Force Sword: 17 +4ED / AP -3 / Force, Parry
Power Axe: 17 +5ED / AP -2 / Force

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Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour

The first Chaos Sorcerers emerged from the ranks of RESILIENCE
the Thousand Sons before and during the Horus 14 (Terminator Armour: 7 AR, Cumbersome)
Heresy. The Thousand Sons sent their Librarians to DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
other Legions teaching them to wield psychic powers 5 14 11
to support their battle-brothers, creating the Librarius SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
divisions that still exist to this day. As the Heresy began, Scholar 11, Psychic Mastery 11
many of these Librarians in the Traitor Legions started BONUSES
ABHORRENT RITES: Chaos Sorcerers gain additional
dabbling with profane warp-craft and making deals
Wrath dice on their Psychic Mastery tests equal to
with daemons.
the game’s Tier.
Most Sorcerers are granted gifts by their god, which CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
further enhance their psychic powers. They are also has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
often selfish madmen, believing themselves superior DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
to all others and on a mighty quest for power and MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
knowledge to increase their mental fortitude and
develop new ways of using their powers. Often the
Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
visions given to Sorcerers are unattainable,
weapons they wield.
subsequently driving them to extremes in their desire ABILITIES
to achieve these goals. ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
Sorcerers often take part in Daemonic Pacts to increase / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
Force Staff: 17 +3ED / AP -1 / Brutal, Force
their powers through the use of Daemonic energy. This
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
pact bargains some form of service or payment in
return for a part of the Daemon's power. The Sorcerer Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
can use this power to unleash staggering psychic Blast (4)
powers, in the same way as Daemons use it to maintain Dark Hereticus: The Chaos Sorcerer attempts to
their grip on reality. The greatest Sorcerers have activate a psychic power they know. The Chaos
dozens of daemonic pacts to increase their powers to Sorcerer knows Smite, Deny the Witch,
unimaginable ends. While this can be useful and Psyniscience, and two powers from the Dark
attractive, eventually a price must be paid by the Hereticus discipline on page 61.
Sorcerer. RUIN: Sorcerous Might. Spend 1 Ruin to attempt to
activate a psychic power or Deny the Witch as a
In addition to their warp powers, Chaos Sorcerers Ruin Action.
remain powerful combatants, often wielding force DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6. The
weapons and clad in mighty armour bedecked in Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
talismans and etched with vile runes. Some few have Wounds.
managed to secure ancient suits of Tactical CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
Dreadnought Armour, also known as Terminator 7 7 6 Large
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: A Chaos Sorcerer may replace
their Force Staff with one of the following:
Force Sword: 18 +4ED / AP -3 / Force, Parry
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Power Axe: 18 +5ED / AP -2 / Force
THREAT A A A A E COMBI WEAPONS: A Chaos Sorcerer may exchange
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC their Combi-Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, combining
ASTARTES, [LEGION], PSYKER, CHAMPION, a Boltgun with a weapon from the Special Weapons
S T A I WIL INT FEL Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 2
9 6 6 6 7 5 4 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)

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Dark Hereticus
Chaos Space Marine psykers open their minds fully to the horrors of the warp, drawing immense power from this
nightmare dimension to rip apart their enemies and infuse their allies with strength. Only those already inured to the
maddening taint of Chaos can wield such raw power without losing all remnants of sanity.

HERETIC ASTARTES PSYKERS with the Mark of NURGLE know the power Miasma of Pestilence in addition to any others
they know. HERETIC ASTARTES PSYKERS with the Mark of TZEENTCH know the power Weaver of Fates in addition to
any others they know. HERETIC ASTARTES PSYKERS with the Mark of SLAANESH know the power Delightful Agonies
in addition to any others they know.

Infernal Gaze Gift of Chaos

This is identical to the power of the same name in the DN: Target’s Toughness
Maleficarum discipline, on page 281 of the Wrath & Activation: Action
Glory rulebook. Its presence in the Dark Hereticus Duration: Instant
discipline allows characters to select that power Range: 6m
Multi-Target: No
without also knowing the Maleficarum discipline.
Prescience Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
This is identical to the power of the same name in the ASTARTES and CHAOS keywords
Divination discipline, on page 274 of the Wrath & Effect: As the power of the warp surges
Glory rulebook. Its presence in the Dark Hereticus through the sorcerer’s victim, bones snap and
discipline allows characters to select that power flesh rips as a new form takes shape. This
power targets a single creature within range.
without also knowing the Divination discipline.
The target suffers 1d3+3 Mortal Wounds, and
Death Hex an equal number of Corruption points. If the
DN: 7 target is reduced to 0 wounds by this power
Activation: Action and subsequently dies, the target mutates into
Duration: 1 Round a Chaos Spawn (page 49) instead of dying.
Range: 12m Potency:
Multi-Target: No [2] +1 Mortal Wound and +1 Corruption.
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Diabolic Strength
ASTARTES and CHAOS keywords DN: 5
Effect: The sorcerer places a dire hex upon his Activation: Action
foes. Wards and shields flicker and fail, leaving Duration: Sustained
the foe exposed. The power affects all enemies Range: 12m
in a Blast (6) within range. Affected enemies Multi-Target: No
may not roll Determination until the start of Keywords: CHAOS, PSYCHIC
the Sorcerer’s next turn. Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Potency: ASTARTES and CHAOS keywords
*[2] The area affected is a Blast (10). Effect: The unholy energies of Chaos course
[1] -1 Resilience to the affected enemies. through the recipient, swelling their frame
with the strength to tear tanks asunder. Select
a CHAOS ally within range. The ally’s Strength
is increased by +4, and they receive +2 bonus
dice on melee attacks, while this power
remains in effect.
[2] +1 Strength
[1] +1ED to the affected ally’s melee damage.

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Warptime Miasma of Pestilence
Point Cost: 20 Point Cost: 15
DN: 5 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 5m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
ASTARTES and CHAOS keywords ASTARTES and NURGLE keywords
Effect: The power of the immaterium bursts Effect: As the sorcerer chants in a phlegm-
from the sorcerer, warping time and choked drone, a dark cloud of filth and flies
heightening the speed of his allies. The shrouds his allies from view. Select a number
Sorcerer and all CHAOS allies within range, NURGLE allies within range equal to his
may immediately move up to your Speed. Willpower. The affected allies count as in
Potency: Cover, adding +2 to their Defence, until the
[1] +1 Speed to all affected characters. start of the sorcerer’s next turn.
Weaver of Fates *[2] Affect an additional number of affected allies
Point Cost: 15 equal to your Willpower
DN: 6
Activation: Action Delightful Agonies
Duration: 1 Round Point Cost: 15
Range: 18m DN: 6
Multi-Target: No Activation: Action
Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC Duration: 1 Round
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Range: 18m
ASTARTES and TZEENTCH keywords Multi-Target: No
Effect: The sorcerer traces the skeins of the Keywords: CHAOS, SLAANESH, PSYCHIC
future to see the fates of battle. Forewarned of Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
imminent danger, warriors dodge bullets and ASTARTES and SLAANESH keywords
blades with seemingly supernatural reflexes. Effect: Those whose minds are touched by the
Select a number of TZEENTCH allies within Sorcerer’s caress are wracked by waves of
range equal to the sorcerer’s Willpower. Until exquisite pain, and the real injuries of battle
the start of the sorcerer’s next turn, the are trivial by comparison. Select a number of
affected allies add +2 to their Resilience and SLAANESH allies within range equal to the
may roll Determination against Mortal sorcerer’s Willpower. Until the start of the
Wounds. sorcerer’s next turn, the affected allies may roll
Potency: Determination against Mortal Wounds, and do
*[2] Affect an additional number of affected allies not suffer any Shock when they roll
equal to the sorcerer’s Willpower Determination—each Icon rolled simply
[1] +1 Resilience negates a Wound or Mortal Wound.
[2] +1 bonus dice on Determination rolls. Potency:
*[2] Affect an additional number of affected allies
equal to the sorcerer’s Willpower
[2] +1 bonus dice on Determination rolls.

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Chaos Lord
A Chaos Lord is one of the most powerful of the RESILIENCE
Champions of Chaos who often serves as the 14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
commander of a Chaos Space Marine warband and the DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
other forces of Chaos. 7 18 12
SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
The greatest of the Champions of Chaos become Chaos Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13
Lords and are often granted hideous mutations and BONUSES
physical alterations by the Ruinous Powers to further LORD OF CHAOS: While allied [LEGION] Threats are
their cause. Chaos Lords are so powerful as to be able within 6m of the Chaos Lord, they add +Tier dice
to bind the other forces of Chaos to their will, although when making an Attack.
this often brings a dangerous position as advancement CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
among the forces of Chaos is commonly achieved has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
through the death or murder of another Chaos Lord or DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Champion. MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Some Chaos Lords lead through brute strength, others ABILITIES
through cunning and some are maniacs bent solely on ACTION: Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 /
self-aggrandisement. Others are true-believing Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol,
worshipers of Chaos and possess a zealous dedication Volatile (1d3)
to the cause of the Dark Gods. Daemon Hammer: 18 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2 /
Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
A Chaos Lord is ultimately always a tyrannical warrior- Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 40 / Blast
king who lives to bathe in the blood of worlds. He (6)
strives to bring whole star systems to their knees in the Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 40 /
name of his patron deities. Typified by merciless Blast (4)
ambition and fierce pride, many of these champions of RUIN: Chance for Glory. When the Chaos Lord
disorder were once noble Chapter Masters and makes an attack, you may spend 1 Ruin to take a
Chance for Glory. If he does so, then until the start
captains of the Adeptus Astartes, but long Terran years
of his next turn, all of his attacks, and any attacks
of unremitting war have twisted their souls beyond
made by allies affected by Lord of Chaos (above)
inflict +Tier ED.
It takes a being of exceptional willpower and personal DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. The
magnetism to unite the warbands of Chaos Space Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
Marines lurking in the Warp, and even then, a would-
be warlord cannot be everywhere at once. Only those
7 7 7 Average
marked for greatness by the gods themselves can claim
support from Heretic Astartes, mortals and Daemons
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: The Chaos Lord may replace
alike. his Plasma Pistol and/or Thunder Hammer with one
of the following:
CHAOS LORD Astartes Chainsword: 15 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal, Parry
Chainaxe: 15 +5ED / Brutal, Rending (1)
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Daemon Blade: 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Parry, Mortal (1)
Lightning Claw: 15 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing
Power Axe: 15 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
Power Fist: 15 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Power Maul: 15 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
10 8 8 8 7 6 6
Power Sword: 15 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry

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Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
It takes a being of exceptional willpower and personal S T A I WIL INT FEL
magnetism to unite the warbands of Chaos Space 11 8 8 8 7 6 6
Marines lurking in the Warp, and even then, a would- RESILIENCE
be warlord cannot be everywhere at once. Only those 16 (Terminator Armour: 7 AR, Cumbersome)
marked for greatness by the gods themselves can claim DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
support from Heretic Astartes, mortals and Daemons 7 18 12
alike. SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13
All Chaos Lords are imposing in stature. In the case of BONUSES
Chaos Space Marines, their genetically-enhanced LORD OF CHAOS: While allied [LEGION] Threats are
transhuman physiques have been made even more within 6m of the Chaos Lord, they add +Tier dice
impressive by the protean caress of the Warp. Their when making an Attack.
wargear is often as outlandish as their physical CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
appearance; a Chaos Lord may hack his foes apart with has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
a massive chainaxe, blast them with an ancient combi- DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
weapon, or slice open their vehicles with a screaming
Daemon Sword.
Regardless of affiliation, these conquerors of worlds Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
invariably prefer to lead from the front. There, the weapons they wield.
visceral thrill of war is strong enough to eclipse any ABILITIES
glimmering sense of betrayal they may feel as they ACTION: Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-
24-36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3)
rend their Loyalist brothers limb from limb.
Exalted Power Axe: 16 +6ED / AP -2 / Rending (2)
RUIN: Chance for Glory. When the Chaos Lord
makes an attack, you may spend 1 Ruin to take a
Chance for Glory. If he does so, then until the start
of his next turn, all of his attacks, and any attacks
made by allies affected by Lord of Chaos (above)
inflict +Tier ED.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. The
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
7 7 6 Large
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: The Chaos Lord may replace
his Plasma Pistol and/or Thunder Hammer with one
of the following:
Daemon Blade: 15 +5ED / AP -2 / Parry, Mortal (1)
Lightning Claw: 16 +4ED / AP -2 / Paired, Tearing
Power Axe: 16 +5ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
Power Fist: 16 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Power Maul: 16 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal
Power Sword: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
COMBI WEAPONS: A Chaos Lord may exchange
their Combi-Bolter for a Combi-Weapon, combining
a Boltgun with a weapon from the Special Weapons
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 list.
THREAT A A A A A Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 2 /

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Daemon Prince
In order to attract the attention of their patrons, Chaos DAEMON OF SLAANESH: If the Daemon Prince has
Champions have to perform great and terrible deeds. the SLAANESH keyword, add +2 to its Initiative
They sacrifice enemies and allies alike for their (which affects Defence) and Speed.
ambitions and risk their demise at the hands of both DAEMON OF TZEENTCH: If the Daemon Prince has
their foes and gods. The few that manage to avoid the TZEENTCH keyword, add +2 to its Willpower
death and spawndom are changed beyond recognition. (which increases Resolve and Conviction) and adds
+2 to Psychic Mastery.
While Daemon Princes come in various shapes, most DAEMONIC ALLEGIANCE: The Daemon Prince must
are of hulking stature, displaying numerous mutations have a Mark of Chaos (page 8)
such as horns and wings. Even more notable are the DAEMONIC AURA: The Daemon Prince has an
supernatural powers they wield, some of which are Armour Rating of *4 in addition to its armour listed
associated with their patron god. What they maintain above.
of former selves are the driving ambition and ruthless
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
cunning which helped them earn their ultimate reward.
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
In the 41st millennium, most Daemon Princes hail from PRINCE OF CHAOS: While [LEGION] allies are within
the ranks of the Chaos Space Marines, warriors with 6m, they may re-roll any die which rolls a 1 on any
the capability and motivation to slay the populations of attack they attempt.
TOUCHED BY THE WARP: If the Daemon Prince does
entire worlds, although the oldest managed to ascend
not have the KHORNE keyword, it gains the PSYKER
during the savage age long before mankind left ancient
keyword and a Psychic Mastery skill of 13, and knows
the Smite, Psyniscience, and Deny the Witch powers,
plus two powers from the Dark Hereticus discipline.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
THREAT A A A A A this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, [MARK OF CHAOS], ACTION: Infernal Cannon: 13 +2ED / AP -1 / Range
HERETIC ASTARTES, [LEGION], MONSTER 12-24-36 / Salvo 3 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (1)
S T A I WIL INT FEL Hellforged Sword: (S)+5 +5ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M]
13 9 7 7 9 7 7 / Parry
Malefic Talons: (S)+2 +3ED / AP -1 / Reaping
Psyker: A PSYKER Daemon Prince may attempt to
14 (Daemonic Armour: 5 AR)
activate any psychic power it knows.
ACTION OPTIONS: A Daemon Prince may replace its
6 19 —
Hellforged Sword with a Daemonic Axe, or an extra
SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
set of Malefic Talons.
Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 13
Daemonic Axe: (S)+6 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 3 (M) /
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
Malefic Talons: If an extra set of Malefic Talons are
has 8 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
selected, they gain the Paired quality.
DAEMON OF KHORNE: If the Daemon Prince has the
Wings: The Daemon Prince may have Wings, which
KHORNE keyword, add +2 to its Strength (which
changes its Speed to 12 (Fly).
affects melee damage), and +2 to its Weapon Skill.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
DAEMON OF NURGLE: If the Daemon Prince has the
roll 9d6. The Threat may roll Determination against
NURGLE keyword, add +2 to its Toughness (which
Mortal Wounds.
also increases Resilience, Wounds, and
9 9 8 Huge

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A Helbrute is a twisted mockery of the Space Marine Missile Launcher (Frag): 12 +5ED / Range 24-48-72 /
Dreadnought he used to be, combining the firepower Salvo - / Blast (10), Heavy (6)
of a small tank with the mind of a frenzied psychopath. Missile Launcher (Krak): 16 +6ED / AP -2 / Range 24-
A Helbrute is piloted by a warrior who, like his Loyalist 48-72 / Salvo - / Blast (4), Heavy (6)
Dreadnought counterparts, has suffered extreme Hateful Mass: 13 +1ED
bodily damage in combat. REACTION: Fire Frenzy: When the Helbrute is hit by
a ranged attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to make a
The critically injured Heretic Astartes is then bound ranged attack as a Reflexive Action. This ranged
into an amniotic sarcophagus at the combat walker's attack must target either the closest enemy, or the
heart, connected by cybernetic nervous system enemy who attacked it.
implants and a Mind Impulse Unit to the controls of the DETERMINATION: Monstrous Resilience.
war machine. Spend 1 Ruin to roll 13d6. The Helbrute may re-roll
any dice which roll 1.
However, while Loyalist Adeptus Astartes consider it an ANNIHILATION: Explodes: When this Threat is
honour to serve their Chapter for eternity as a destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
Dreadnought, Chaos Space Marines consider such a Threat explodes:
fate to be little more than a living death -- a torturous, Helbrute Explosion: 10 +4ED / Blast (8)
mocking punishment from the Ruinous Powers. CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
5 5 6 Huge
MAIN GUN: A Helbrute may replace its Twin Heavy
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Bolter with one of the following:
THREAT — — MC MC MC Helbrute Plasma Cannon: 15 +2ED / AP -3 / Range
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, [MARK OF CHAOS], HERETIC 18-36-54 / Salvo 1 / Barrage, Blast (2), Mounted
ASTARTES, [LEGION], VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT (Huge), Supercharge, Volatile (1)
S T A I WIL INT FEL Multimelta: 16 +3ED / AP -4 / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo
10 13 4 4 5 2 1 2 / Heavy (8), Melta
RESILIENCE Reaper Autocannon: 14 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 18-
19 (Mutated Chassis: 5 AR) 36-54 / Salvo 4 / Heavy (8), Rapid Fire (2)
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK Twin Lascannon: 18 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 24-48-72 /
3 19 — Salvo 1 / Mounted (Huge), Reliable
SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 7 (Passive 4), Ballistic Helbrute Fist: 18 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] / Brutal
Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9 SECOND WEAPON: A Helbrute may replace its
BONUSES Missile Launcher can be replaced with one of the
CRAZED MACHINE: This Threat does not suffer the following:
normal penalty for being Wounded. Instead, it Helbrute Fist: 18 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] /
becomes Frenzied if it has suffered one or more Brutal
Wounds. Helbrute Hammer: 18 +6ED / AP -4 / Range 3 [M] /
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8 Brutal, Inflict (Staggered), Unwieldy (2)
DREADNOUGHT: This Threat ignores the Heavy trait Power Scourge: 15 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 3 [M] /
on all weapons, and it may make up to two ranged Reaping, Tearing
attacks with different weapons as part of a Multi- HELBRUTE FISTS: If the Helbrute has two Helbrute
Action. Fists, they gain the Paired trait. Each Helbrute Fist
MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8 may be accompanied by a Heavy Flamer or a
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to Combi-Bolter:
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions. Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
ABILITIES Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3)
BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can Heavy Flamer: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18 /
see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test. Salvo 2 / Flamer, Heavy (6)
ACTION: Twin Heavy Bolter: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range
18-36-54 / Salvo 6 / Brutal, Mounted (Huge), Rapid
Fire (4)

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A Defiler is a massive Daemon Engine in the service of DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
the Heretic Astartes of Chaos and it is a truly potent DREADFUL BARRAGE: This Threat ignores the Heavy
beast of war, mounted upon six massive spine-legs. It trait on its weapons and may perform multiple
is twice the size of most other Daemon Engines and is ranged attacks as part of a Multi-Action, so long as
possessed of a temper to match. each attack is using a different weapon.
Each Defiler is roughly tank-sized, and both extremely MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
violent in its actions and indiscriminate with who bears the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
the brunt of its wrath. Whether using its massive Battle ABILITIES
Cannon to destroy entire formations or ripping apart BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
enemies with its massive claws, this engine of war acts see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
as a harbinger of utter devastation to its foes. ACTION: Defiler Cannon: 16 +5ED / AP -2 / Range
36-72-108 / Salvo - / Blast (8), Mounted (Gtn)
Though their origins are lost to the ages, Defilers were Reaper Autocannon: 14 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 18-
created sometime after the end of the Horus Heresy in 36-54 / Salvo 4 / Heavy (8), Rapid Fire (2)
the early 31st Millennium on the orders of Abaddon Defiler Hellflamer: 12 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18
the Despoiler to supplement the forces of the Traitor / Salvo 4 / Flamer, Mounted (Huge)
Legions, whose remaining Chaos Dreadnoughts were Defiler Claws: 22 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 3 / Rending
no longer the reliable heavy support units they had (3)
ACTION OPTIONS: A Defiler may replace its Defiler
once been before their transformation into the insane
Hellflamer with a Havoc Launcher or a Defiler
cybernetic servants of the Ruinous Powers.
Defilers are truly massive beasts of war, twice the size It may replace its Reaper Autocannon with a Twin
of most other Daemon Engines and with a Heavy Bolter or a Twin Lascannon.
temperament to match. The ground shivers and melts Havoc Launcher: 11 +4ED / Range 24-48-72 / Salvo 2
/ Barrage, Blast (6), Mounted (Huge)
as they stalk towards their foes on six massive,
Defiler Scourge: 17 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 4 (M) /
segmented legs, their great pincer-arms twitching and
Overwhelm, Reaping
snipping with an impatient need to slice through warm Twin Heavy Bolter: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 18-36-
flesh. 54 / Salvo (6) / Brutal, Mounted (Huge), Rapid Fire
DEFILER Twin Lascannon: 18 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 24-48-72 /
Salvo 1 / Mounted (Huge), Reliable
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
RUIN: Daemonforge: When the Threat makes a
shooting or melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to add +Tier
dice to the attack.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 12d6. Daemons can roll
14 12 5 4 5 3 1
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Explodes: When this Threat is
18 (Fleshmetal Structure: 5 AR)
destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
3 18 — Defiler Explosion: 12 +5ED / Blast (10)
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
Skill 10, Weapon Skill 10 5 4 8 Gargantuan

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A Forgefiend is a Daemon Engine used by the Chaos
Space Marine Traitor Legions and the forces of the Dark
Mechanicum. The Forgefiend was devised by Dark FORGEFIEND
Mechanicum Warpsmiths to sow death and
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
destruction amongst enemy forces from afar.
The Forgefiend is roughly centauroid in form and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, DAEMON ENGINE,
stands on four powerful legs. The daemonic beast's HERETIC ASTARTES, [LEGION]
two arms are replaced with twin weapon-mounts that S T A I WIL INT FEL
carry hell-forged parodies of Imperial armaments. 11 12 4 4 4 2 1
When a Daemon Engine is forged in the citadels of the
18 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
Warp, part of the fire that burns there is transferred
into the heart of the engine itself.
3 18 —
It is this brimstone-scented furnace that powers the SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
engine's mechanical motion, but also that provides the Skill 10, Weapon Skill 8
baleful energies it pours into the ranks of its foes. BONUSES
DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
DREADFUL BARRAGE: This Threat may perform
multiple ranged attacks as part of a Multi-Action, so
long as each attack is using a different weapon.
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
ACTION: Two Hades Autocannons: 16 +2ED / AP -1
/ Range 18-36-54 / Salvo 4 / Heavy (12)
Daemon Jaws: 14 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 2 (M)
Hateful Mass: 14 +1ED
ACTION OPTIONS: A Forgefiend may replace both
its Hades Autocannons with Ectoplasma Cannons. It
may replace its Daemon Jaws with an Ectoplasma
Ectoplasma Cannon: 15 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-
36 / Salvo 0 / Blast (6), Heavy (12), Supercharge
RUIN: Daemonforge: When the Threat makes a
shooting or melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to add +Tier
dice to the attack.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 12d6. Daemons can roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Explodes: When this Threat is
destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
Threat explodes:
Forgefiend Explosion: 12 +5ED / Blast (10)
4 3 8 Huge

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A Maulerfiend is a Daemon Engine used by the Chaos
Space Marine Traitor Legions and the forces of the Dark
Mechanicum. Unlike its counterpart the Chaos MAULERFIEND
Forgefiend, the Maulerfiend was designed by the
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Warpsmiths of the Dark Mechanicum for close-range
combat. Maulerfiends thunder towards their foes like KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, DAEMON ENGINE,
giant attack beasts loosed from the leash. The eyes of HERETIC ASTARTES, [LEGION]
these beasts glow with the balefire of the Warp as S T A I WIL INT FEL
ectoplasmic drool drizzles down through their great 13 12 5 5 4 2 1
fanged maws. RESILIENCE
18 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
The Maulerfiend's primary limbs end in prehensile,
clawed Power Fists powerful enough to tear an
4 18 —
Astartes Dreadnought limb from limb. Should a SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 8, Awareness 10
Maulerfiend catch a squad of less protected warriors, (Passive 5), Ballistic Skill 8, Weapon Skill 10
they will scissor them apart or simply squeeze them BONUSES
into paste with a flex of their claws and a growl of DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
satisfaction. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
The Maulerfiend is also known as a "Stalker-tank" or a
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
"Scaler" to Imperial troops, as these multi-limbed
REND AND TEAR: This Threat reduces the Multi-
monsters have the strength and agility to climb even Attack penalty for melee attacks by 2DN and may use
the most sheer of walls, and no place is truly safe from a different melee weapon for each attack in the
a Maulerfiend that has taken the scent of its prey. Multi-Attack.
BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
ACTION: Magma Cutters: 16 +3ED / AP -4 / Range
3-6-9 / Salvo 2 / Pistol, Melta
Maulerfiend Fists: 20 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2 (M)
ACTION OPTIONS: A Maulerfiend may replace its
Magma Cutters with Lasher Tendrils.
Lasher Tendrils: 15 +3ED / AP -2 / Blast (6)
The Maulerfiend cannot be harmed by its own
Lasher Tendril attacks.
RUIN: Daemonforge: When the Threat makes a
shooting or melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to add +Tier
dice to the attack.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 12d6. Daemons can roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Explodes: When this Threat is
destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
Threat explodes:
Maulerfiend Explosion: 12 +5ED / Blast (10)
4 3 10 Huge

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Pounding forwards upon bladed limbs come the
horrors known as Venomcrawlers. Grotesque
amalgams of metal, flesh and daemonic entities, these VENOMCRAWLER
monstrosities hiss and snarl as they scuttle towards
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
their prey. Fleshy tongues flap from snarling maws and
Soulflayer tendrils lash back and forth, all tasting the air KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, DAEMON ENGINE,
for the scent of their enemies' fear. HERETIC ASTARTES, [LEGION]
Upon locking onto their target, the Venomcrawlers S T A I WIL INT FEL
emit an ear-splitting screech. Pent-up Warp energy is 11 11 6 5 4 2 1
channelled into their Excruciator Cannons, coalescing
17 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
into hails of solid shot that rip through entire ranks of
armoured foes with ease.
4 15 —
With their guns still screaming the Daemon Engines SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 8, Awareness 10
close ground on their victims, using their eviscerating (Passive 5), Ballistic Skill 8, Weapon Skill 8
claws to prise open vehicles and skewer those within. BONUSES
Soulflayer tendrils thrash frantically, mangling bodies DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
and flensing them of their essence. As the
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
Venomcrawlers continue to butcher, their fanged
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
mouths gape ever wider, drawing the souls of those
slain into their vast mechanical abdomens. [LEGION] PSYKER within 9m of this Threat may add
Venomcrawlers are uniquely valued both off and on +2 dice to any Psychic Mastery test.
the battlefield. Not only can their repositories of stored ABILITIES
BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
Warp energy be siphoned in order to create fresh
see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
Daemon Engines, but they can be used in the thick of
ACTION: Two Excruciator Cannons: 13 +2ED / AP -2
combat to weaken the fabric of reality. Masters of / Range 18-36-54 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Sustained
Possession are particularly adept at drawing upon this Tendrils and Claws: 14 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 (M)
reservoir to lure the daemonic servants of the Chaos RUIN: Daemonforge: When the Threat makes a
Gods into existence. At battle's end these daemons are shooting or melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to add +Tier
hastily consumed by the Venomcrawler, their essences dice to the attack.
used to replenish its depleted Warp stores. DETERMINATION: Daemonic Determination.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 11d6. Daemons can roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Explodes: When this Threat is
destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
Threat explodes:
Venomcrawler Explosion: 11 +4ED / Blast (6)
4 3 12 Large

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Haarken Worldclaimer, Herald of the Apocalypse
Before every doom, there is a portent, before every KEYWORDS: CHAOS, UNDIVIDED, HERETIC
apocalypse a sign. Haarken Worldclaimer is that dark ASTARTES, BLACK LEGION, CHAMPION
omen given form, and the otherworldly destruction he S T A I WIL INT FEL
heralds is the coming of the Warmaster of Chaos 10 8 8 8 7 6 6
himself -- Abaddon the Despoiler, Lord of the Black RESILIENCE
Legion. 14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
Haarken Worldclaimer takes a heinous joy in his role as 7 18 12
the mouthpiece of Abaddon, for it is he that proclaims SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
the death of worlds. He does so not with some Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13
quotidian threat or hollow boast, but by driving a spear BONUSES
of terror and confusion deep into the heart of citizen LORD OF CHAOS: While allied BLACK LEGION
and soldier alike. Threats are within 6m of the Chaos Lord, they add
+Tier dice when making an Attack.
In such a fashion, he prepares the way for the coming BLACK LEGION: When the Threat makes a ranged
of the Black Legion, his Raptor hosts descending on attack at close range, or a melee attack when
tongues of flame to bring panic and despair with each Charging, it gains +2 bonus dice. It also has +1
murderous onslaught. Resolve (included).
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Long ago, the Traitor Legions learned the value of fear. has 7 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
A planet undermined by doubt -- or better yet, DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
paralysed by it -- is one already half-conquered. HEADTAKER: Each time this Threat kills a player
Worldclaimer is a scholar and collector of dark character, or an Adversary Threat, he immediately
knowledge as well as a leader of men, and he knows gains 1 personal Ruin, and adds +6m to the range of
the power of words well chosen. the Herald of the Apocalypse rule.
HERALD OF THE APOCALYPSE: Enemies within 6m of
this Threat add +1 to the difficulty of all Resolve
LORD OF TERROR: When an enemy within 6m makes
a Resolve test, they treat any Wrath die result of 1,
2, or 3 as a Complication.
ACTION: Helspear: 14 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo - / Brutal, Rending (3)
Herald’s Talon: 15 +5ED / AP -3 / Tearing
Lord of Raptors: As a simple action, select BLACK
LEGION allies within 6m equal to his Intellect. Until
the start of this Threat’s next turn, they can re-roll
all failures on attacks. Raptors may also re-roll ED.
RUIN: Chance for Glory. When the Chaos Lord
makes an attack, you may spend 1 Ruin to take a
Chance for Glory. If he does so, then until the start
of his next turn, all of his attacks, and any attacks
made by allies affected by Lord of Chaos (above)
inflict +Tier ED.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. The
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
THREAT A A A A A 7 8 14 Flight Average

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Abaddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos
Abaddon, also known as "Abaddon the Despoiler," CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
once named First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon, whose has 13 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
preferred title is "Warmaster of the Imperium Nihilus," BLACK LEGION: When the Threat makes a ranged
and is sometimes called by others the "Warmaster of attack at close range, or a melee attack when
Chaos," is a Chaos Lord and the greatest Champion of Charging, it gains +2 bonus dice. It also has +1
Chaos Undivided in the galaxy. Resolve (included).
Abaddon is the master of the Black Legion of Chaos MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Space Marines and is rumoured to be the clone- MARK OF CHAOS ASCENDANT: Abaddon has all four
progeny of the Warmaster Horus, the greatest Traitor Marks of Chaos described on page 8.
in Imperial history, and at one time his most favoured PARAGON OF HATRED: Abaddon adds +2 to Speed
son as the first captain of the Sons of Horus Legion. when he Charges and reduces the DN increase for a
Multi-Attack in melee by an amount equal to the
Abaddon is now infamous for leading Black Crusades, game’s Tier.
the terrible military campaigns during which the SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
normally fractious forces of Chaos unite under his TACTICAL DREADNOUGHT ARMOUR: A warrior in
leadership and launch a massive attack against the Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
Imperium from within the Eye of Terror. weapons they wield.
What few realised at the time was that these BATTLECRY: Eternal Vendetta. Select a single
campaigns were part of an overall strategic plan called enemy before the first round of combat. Any BLACK
the "Crimson Path" intended to lead the forces of LEGION ally within 6m of Abaddon may re-roll
Chaos from the Eye of Terror all the way to Holy Terra failures on ED against that chosen enemy.
itself, which reached its fruition in the final days of the ACTION: Talon of Horus (Shooting): 12 +2ED / AP -1
41st Millennium. Abaddon intends to succeed where / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 4 / Assault, Brutal, Heavy
his predecessor Horus failed, breaking the Imperial (3), Rapid Fire (4)
Talon of Horus (melee): 18 +4ED / AP -4 / Rending
Palace wide open and tearing the Emperor's rotting
(2), Reaping
corpse from the Golden Throne.
Drach’nyen: 20 +6ED / AP -4 / Mortal (d3)
Lord of the Traitor Legions: As a simple action,
ABADDON THE DESPOILER select HERETIC ASTARTES allies within 6m equal to
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 his Intellect. Until the start of Abaddon’s next turn,
THREAT A A A A A they can re-roll all failures on attacks. BLACK
CHAMPION attack, you may spend 1 Ruin to take a Chance for
S T A I WIL INT FEL Glory. If he does so, then until the start of his next
13 10 8 8 8 7 7 turn, all of his attacks, and any attacks made by
allies affected by The Despoiler (above) inflict +Tier
19 (Chaos Terminator Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome)
DETERMINATION: Dark Destiny. Roll 10d6.
Abaddon may roll Determination against Mortal
7 22 14
Wounds. For each Exalted Icon rolled, recover 1
SKILLS: Default 13, Awareness 14 (Passive 7),
Ballistic Skill 15, Leadership 14, Weapon Skill 15
ANNIHILATION: You Have Not Seen the Last…
If Abaddon would be slain, he is instead restored to
THE DESPOILER: While allied CHAOS Threats are
1 Wound, and he withdraws to his ship by teleport,
within 6m of Abaddon, they add +1 to Speed when
swearing revenge. Add 2 to Ruin.
Charging, and may re-roll any dice which roll 1
when making an attack.
8 9 6 Large

Page 72 of 164
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Huron Blackheart, the Tyrant of Badab
Lufgt Huron, also known as "Huron Blackheart" and the RESILIENCE
"Tyrant of Badab," was once the Chapter Master of the 15 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
Astral Claws and self-claimed Imperial governor of the DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
world of Badab Primaris in the Maelstrom Zone of the 7 19 12
Ultima Segmentum. SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 14, Weapon Skill 13
But ultimately, Huron was corrupted in his ambitious BONUSES
pursuit of power and he tainted most of his Chapter as LORD OF CHAOS: While allied RED CORSAIRS
well, leading them into an open rebellion against the Threats are within 6m of the Chaos Lord, they add
Imperium of Man, known as the Badab War, which +Tier dice when making an Attack.
lasted from 901-912.M41. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 7 personal Ruin.
Badly wounded at the end of his rebellion and bound DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
to machines which keep him alive and forever in pain, MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Huron is now a scarred creature of hate. His machine REAVER LORD: At the start of each round, add 1 Ruin
claw clicking, he has strode to battle time and again, as long as Huron Blackheart is present.
followed by his Daemonic companion the Hamadrya, RED CORSAIR: A RED CORSAIRS Threat may add +2
and each time the agony of his existence grows and the to its Speed when it Charges.
spite within him deepens. SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Reborn as the Chaos Lord "Huron Blackheart," he is an ACTION: Tyrant’s Claw (Melee): 14 +4ED / AP -2 /
inhuman servant of Chaos who now lives only to bleed Tearing, Reaping
the Imperium he once served. Master of the warband Tyrant’s Claw (Ranged): 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 6-
of piratical Chaos Space Marines called the Red 12-18 / Salvo 1 / Assault, Flamer
Corsairs and Lord of the Maelstrom, he is the dark- Exalted Power Axe: 16 +6ED / AP -2 / Rending (2)
souled king of an empire of monsters. Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 40 / Blast
Dwelling within the swirling madness of the Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 40 /
Maelstrom, Blackheart has slowly built an empire Blast (4)
amongst the Renegades and Heretics of that great The Tyrant of Badab: As a simple action, select RED
Warp rift that will soon rival the strength of the forces CORSAIRS allies within 6m equal to his Intellect.
of Chaos that call the Eye of Terror home. Reaving into Until the start of this Threat’s next turn, they can
the Imperium at the head of a fleet of Renegades and re-roll all failures on attacks.
RUIN: The Hamadrya. Huron can draw upon the
Traitors, he has grown in power even as the light of the
power of the bizarre creature that accompanies him
Imperium has grown dim and tattered.
as a Ruin Action. By spending 1 Ruin, Huron gains
the PSYKER keyword until the start of his next turn
HURON BLACKHEART and may immediately attempt to use one Dark
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Hereticus psychic power, with a Psychic Mastery of
ASTARTES, RED CORSAIRS, CHAMPION Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
7 7 7 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Fabius Bile
Fabius Bile, also called the "Clone Lord," the 7 18 12
"Primogenitor," the "Manflayer" and "the Spider," is a SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Chaos Space Marine Apothecary and Chaos Lord, Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13
originally the Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's BONUSES
Children Legion, who has repeatedly attempted to use CHIRURGEON: At the start of each turn, Fabius Bile
his extensive knowledge of cloning and genetic regains Wounds equal to the game’s Tier.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
engineering to create superhuman beings under his
has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
The goal of his quest for knowledge is to match and SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
then exceed the Emperor of Mankind's original SURGICAL PRECISION: When Fabius Bile makes a
scientific achievement in creating the Primarchs and melee attack, the attack scores a Critical Hit if the
the transhuman Adeptus Astartes, in the hope of Wrath die rolls a 4, 5, or 6.
creating a truly perfect Human form.
BATTLECRY: Enhance Warriors.
Travelling the galaxy more widely than any other Chaos Select a number of UNIDIVIDED HERETIC ASTARTES
Lord of the Traitor Legions, Bile has earned a number allies equal to Fabius Bile’s Intellect and roll 1d3 to
of epithets and aliases from those who have suffered determine how they are enhanced.
the effects of his vile experiments. On Dimmamar, Bile 1. +2 Strength (increases melee damage)
was known as the "Chem-master", for there he 2. +2 Toughness (increases Resilience,
Determination, and Max Wounds)
changed the atomic composition of the air until the
3. +2 Weapon Skill
population was forced to ingest his transformative
ACTION: Xyclos Needler: 6 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 9-
serums or slowly suffocate. 18-27 / Salvo 3 / Fleshbane, Pistol
On Arden IX and in the Bray System he is "Manflayer," Rod of Torment: 14 +6ED / AP -2 / Agonizing, Brutal
for there he would wear the skins of those who The Chirurgeon: 10 +1ED / AP -1 / Reaping
When Fabius Bile makes a melee attack, he may
opposed him as a great stitched cloak, forcing the
make up to Tier attacks with The Chirurgeon as
skinless survivors to carry the garment behind him like
a bridal train. Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 40 / Blast
To the wretched tribes living among the ravaged hives (6)
of Paramar V he is the "Clone Lord," for he vat-grew Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 40 /
Blast (4)
obedient twins of every firstborn child and replaced
RUIN: The Chirurgeon. As a Ruin Action, attempt a
them with their doppelgangers the better to guide the
Medicae test with a DN of 3 on an UNDIVIDED
planet's descent into darkness. HERETIC ASTARTES ally within 3m. If successful, the
ally heals 1d3+Tier Wounds, and regains all lost
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. The
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
If Fabius Bile would be slain, it turns out that this was
just a clone, and the real Fabius Bile is still out there.
11 8 8 8 7 9 6
Add 2 to Ruin.
14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
7 7 8 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Vashtorr, the Arkifane
Vashtorr, also known as Vashtorr the Arkifane, who RESILIENCE
bears the titles of "Master of the Soul Forges" and the 14 (Unholy Artifice: 7 AR)
"God in the Machine," is the Greater Daemon of Chaos DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
who rules over the Forge of Souls where Daemon 5 23 —
Weapons and Daemon Engines are forged within the SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 6),
Immaterium's Realm of Chaos. Vashtorr serves Chaos Scholar 13, Tech 13
Undivided and claims to have no connection to any of BONUSES
A GHOST IN THE MACHINE: When an enemy within
the four major Chaos Gods, having come into existence
18m attempts to make a ranged attack against
in the Warp as a result of mortals' obsessive pursuit of
Vashtorr, count all the range values of their ranged
technological innovation at all costs -- especially
weapons as half (round up) their normal values.
inventions that resulted in unexpected and terrible CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
consequences. has 13 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Vashtorr is the Daemonic demigod of inventors, DAEMONIC AURA: Vashtorr has an Armour Rating
of *4 in addition to its armour listed above.
engineers, scientists and artisans. He is curiosity and
LORD OF TERROR: When an enemy within 6m makes
innovation shorn of moral conscience and driven to its
a Resolve test, they treat any Wrath die result of 1,
darkest extremes. Empowered by the ceaseless 2, or 3 as a Complication.
inquiring of mortal minds, Vashtorr embodies the MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
mortal need to understand and then enslave natural the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
forces to their will, and to eventually achieve UNHOLY MECHANISMS: While an allied DAEMON
technological apotheosis at any cost. ENGINE is within 6m of Vashtorr, it adds +Tier ED to
the damage of all of its weapons.
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
ACTION: Hammer of the Soul Forges: 21 +6ED / AP
-2 / Range 3 [M] / Arc (2), Brutal, Mortal (1)
Vashtorr’s Claw: 12 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18 /
Salvo 3 / Assault, Flamer
Agonise Machine Spirits: Tech Interaction Attacks
from Vashtorr may target Vehicles, rolling against
the Pilot skill of the vehicle’s PILOT. If successful, in
addition to other effects, the vehicle is Restrained.
RUIN: Cogitated Fates. As a Ruin Action, Vashtorr
may select a single CHAOS vehicle, a CHAOS
MONSTER, up to 5 CHAOS elites, or a CHAOS mob
within 12m. On the selected allies next ranged
attacks, they gain +Tier bonus dice.
DETERMINATION: Body of Unholy Artifice. Spend 1
Ruin to roll 9d6. The Threat may roll Determination
against Mortal Wounds, and may re-roll any die
ANNIHILATION: Forge-Hot Demise.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Vashtorr’s physical form detonates. This is a Blast
THREAT A A A A A (6) centred on Vashtorr’s body, inflicting 13+ 6ED
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, MONSTER, damage with AP -1, and the Inflict (On Fire) quality.
10 9 12 Flight Huge
13 11 7 6 10 12 7

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Path to Glory—Heretic Astartes Adversaries
The forces of Chaos are foe to many, spreading their brutality and depravity across the cosmos, seeking to drown the
stars themselves in blood. There is nowhere they do not threaten, nowhere their influence cannot reach. From
insidious cults rising up on settled worlds, to reavers and pirates, to invading warbands and the dire power of a Black
Crusade, there is no way to escape the threat of Chaos. And, amidst this, every servant of the Dark Gods seeks to attain
ever-greater power as they walk upon The Path to Glory, whether to fulfil mortal ambition, or to attain something
approaching immortality as a Daemon Prince of Chaos.

As a result, Chaos Space Marine Adversaries—the mighty, notable, and notorious foes who lead raids, invasions, and
Black Crusades and engage in the vile plots and abhorrent schemes that Player Characters will be required to foil—are
likely to take numerous forms as unique and distinct as their goals. This section provides several items of unique,
deadly equipment and a few additional abilities which can be applied to CHAOS Adversaries to make them more
distinct and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Lord of Terror

The following abilities can be applied to a CHAOS The aura of despair and hopelessness that surrounds
Adversary, normally a HERETIC ASTARTES one. Only this Adversary brings all of his victims’ worst
one such trait should be applied to any given Adversary nightmares to their minds.
under most circumstances, though the ultimate When an enemy within 6m makes a Resolve test, they
Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign might treat any Wrath die result of 1, 2, or 3 as a
justifiably have more than one (Abaddon the Despoiler Complication.
has three, but he’s arguably a Tier 6 Adversary). Some
of these abilities are intended for HERETIC ASTARTES Eternal Vendetta
of a specific [LEGION]. This Adversary has sworn never to rest in his dark
crusade against his most hated foes.
Flames of Spite
The Adversary’s bitterness burns so fiercely that his The Adversary gains a Battlecry ability or adds to an
weapons flicker with the fires of Chaos. existing Battlecry ability:

The Adversary’s melee weapons gain the Tearing and BATTLECRY: Eternal Vendetta. Select a single enemy
Mortal (1) qualities if it lacked them. before the first round of combat. Any [LEGION] ally
within 6m of the Adversary may re-roll failures on ED
Unholy Fortitude
against that chosen enemy.
Whether it is the power of the warp flowing through
this warlord’s veins that imbues him with unnatural Gaze of the Gods
resilience, or simply the whims of destiny and fate, he Favoured amongst the Dark Gods, this exalted warlord
has so far proven impossible to slay. is bequeathed the immortal fury of the warp itself.

Each time the Adversary rolls Determination, they may The Adversary has an additional AR of *4, which does
re-roll any die which rolls a 1. not stack with their normal armour. In addition, the
Adversary may use the Death to the False Emperor
Hatred Incarnate
ability (page 8) against any foe, not just IMPERIUM
The intense animosity that festers in this Adversary’s
soul lends his strikes a terrible, hate-fuelled strength.
Veteran Raider [Black Legion]
The Adversary may re-roll any dice which roll a 1 on his A consummate raider both in the Eye of Terror and on
melee attacks. Further, each time this Adversary countless worlds in realspace, this adversary knows
Charges, his melee attacks inflict +Tier ED. when to strike and when to retreat.


This Adversary, and all BLACK LEGION allies within 6m,

may Fall Back as a Free Action at the start of their turn.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Indomitable [Black Legion] The Voice of Lorgar [Word Bearers]
This adversary has done little but fight in the millennia The adversary speaks with the authority of his
since Horus’ defeat, and he grows more resilient with Primarch; when he commands, others follow without
each battle. question or hesitation.


When the Adversary rolls Determination, each Exalted All of the Adversary’s Prayers, and other special
Icon rolled restores 1 Shock. abilities which provide a benefit or bonus to allies,
increase in range by +3m.
Merciless Overseer [Black Legion]
This Adversary is a formidable orchestrator of kill Exalted Possession [Word Bearers]
zones, expertly directing his warriors’ close-range The adversary shares his flesh with a particularly
firepower to scythe down any who opposes him. powerful daemon. Physically stronger and faster than
mere mortals, he venerates the Chaos pantheon with
this union.
The Adversary, and all BLACK LEGION allies within 6m
add +Tier to the Salvo ratings of any weapons with the
Assault or Rapid Fire (X) qualities. The Adversary gains the DAEMON and DAEMONKIN
keywords. The Adversary additionally has an additional
Soul-Eater [Black Legion]
AR of *4, which does not stack with their normal
This Adversary is a peerless fighter, imbibing the very
armour. Finally, the Adversary’s Strength and Speed
life essence of his defeated foes in a constant quest for
are both increased by +2 (this will increase the damage
greater power.
of their melee weapons), and their Maximum Shock
BLACK LEGION only. becomes “–“, meaning that they can no longer suffer
This Adversary may re-roll any ED which roll failures.
Further, each time the Adversary inflicts a Critical Hit in Daemonic Whispers [Word Bearers]
melee, he heals 1d3 Wounds, and recovers Shock equal Insidious voices seeping from the empyrean promise
to the game’s Tier. boons to this Adversary, but such power must be
Trusted War Leader [Black Legion]
This Adversary is a high-ranking member of the Black WORD BEARERS only.
Legion and part of the Despoiler’s inner circle—one of
Each time the Adversary successfully invokes a Chaos
few who are permitted to call Abaddon by name and
Prayer, activates a psychic power, or succeeds at a skill
offer advice.
test which is not an attack, roll 1d6. If an Exalted Icon
BLACK LEGION only. is rolled, gain 1 Ruin.

While this Adversary is on the battlefield, roll 1d6 each Master of the Union [Word Bearers]
time a point of Ruin is spent. On a 6, that point is This Adversary leads his daemonic brethren with
immediately regained. fearsome influence, drawing forth the unholy
emotions of the corrupted.
Paragon of Hatred [Black Legion]
This exemplar of undying bitterness has sworn never to WORD BEARERS only.
rest in their eternal vendetta against the Imperium as
WORD BEARERS DAEMONKIN allies within 6m of this
they vent their loathing against their most hated foes.
Adversary add +Tier ED to the damage of their melee
BLACK LEGION only. attacks, and improves the AP by 1 (i.e., from AP -1 to
AP -2).
This Adversary adds +2 to Speed when he Charges and
reduces the DN increase for a Multi-Attack in melee by
an amount equal to the game’s Tier.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Diabolist [Word Bearers] Murderous Reputation [Night Lords]
This Adversary etches diabolical incantations into his Even amongst a breed of murderers, this Adversary has
armour and skin to channel the protection of the warp. gained a notorious reputation for his mastery of the
killing art, such that his mere presence erodes the
stoutest heart and robs stalwart warriors of their
The Adversary increases their Determination by an willingness to fight.
amount equal to half their Intellect (round up).
Hate-Fuelled Demagogue [Word
Enemies who start their turn within 6m of this
Raw vitriol and inspirational oratory spill from this Adversary must pass a Fear test with a DN of 2 + Tier.
Adversary’s cracked lips, irrefutable rhetoric tinged Killing Fury [Night Lords]
with daemonic malice. His commands stoke the hatred This Adversary launches himself into the heart of
in his minions’ hearts to incandescent levels. enemy lines to slake his thirst for butchery.
All CULTIST allies within 6m of the Adversary gain the Each time this Adversary Charges, the DN increase for
Death to the False Emperor ability. All WORD BEARERS a Multi-Attack is reduced by an amount equal to the
allies within 6m of the Adversary improve Death to the game’s Tier. In addition, if attacking an enemy with the
False Emperor, gaining two additional dice for each IMPERIUM keyword with a melee attack, he gains two
Exalted Icon rolled on melee attacks. additional dice for each Exalted Icon rolled, rather than
Night Haunter’s Curse [Night Lords]
Some Night Lords adversaries share the same curse of One with the Shadows [Night Lords]
foresight that plagued their Primarch. So skilled at blending into darkness is this Adversary
that it is difficult to discern where his corporeal form
ends and the shadows begin.
By spending one Ruin, the Adversary may change a
single die in a skill test (other than the Wrath die), an
Extra Damage die, or die in a Determination roll to be The Adversary’s Defence is increased by +Tier against
an Exalted Icon. ranged attacks. In addition, whenever the Adversary
would gain a Stealth Score, increase it by +Tier.
One Piece at a Time [Night Lords]
This Adversary prefers to toy with his prey, striking Dirty Fighter [Night Lords]
hard and fast then slipping through the foe’s lines to To this Adversary, the very notion of fighting fair is
strike from another unexpected angle, his injured and alien. He will use any dishonourable trick and
terrified victims completely at his mercy. underhand tactic there is to gain an advantage.
After a successful melee attack, this Adversary may When the Adversary begins his turn engaged with an
move up to his Speed (round up) in any direction and enemy, he may make an Interaction Attack as a Simple
may leave Engagement range without provoking Action.
reaction attacks.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Siege Lord [Iron Warriors] Architect of Destruction [Iron
This Adversary has perfected siege warfare over Warriors]
countless millennia in the most brutal war zones. He When destroying an enemy position calls for nothing
has studied the arcane learnings of Heretek reductors, short of ceaseless firepower, this Adversary will
uncovered the structural analyses of xenos war masons deliver.
and prised STC secrets from the ragged bionic fingers
of dying techmagi, so that no means of sundering
enemy defences are beyond him. Any IRON WARRIORS ally within 6m of the Adversary
gains two additional dice for each Exalted Icon rolled,
rather than one, from Death to the False Emperor, so
All IRON WARRIORS allies within 6m of the Adversary long as the attack was made with a ranged weapon
add +Tier ED to the damage of all attacks made against with the Rapid Fire (X) or Heavy qualities.
vehicles or buildings, so long as the attacks have a base
Implacable Taskmaster [Iron Warriors]
damage of 14 or higher. This Adversary advances with bitter resolve and, led by
Daemonsmith [Iron Warriors] his example, his followers do the same.
This Adversary has an innate understanding of the
relationship between daemon and machine, and will
use this to its full potential on the battlefield. Any IRON WARRIORS ally within 6m of this Adversary
count their ranged attacks as aimed even if they
moved, and they all count Heavy weapons as being
Any IRON WARRIORS DAEMON ENGINE, vehicle, or Braced.
CULT OF DESTRUCTION ally within 6m of the Adversary
I Am Alpharius [Alpha Legion]
add +Tier bonus dice on all attacks. The Alpha Legion are experts in the art of deception,
Unyielding Mettle [Iron Warriors] and none moreso than this Adversary.
Warp-powered bionics, battle-damaged armour, and
countless ugly scars adorn this warlord, all marking
incidents that would have felled lesser warriors. ANNHILATION: I am Alpharius. When this Adversary is
slain, add 2 points to Ruin, as the slain foe is revealed
to be a decoy.
The Adversary’s Toughness is increased by +2, which in
Clandestine [Alpha Legion]
turn will increase the Adversary's Resilience, Maximum This Adversary blends in with his surroundings
Wounds, and Determination. Further, the Warlord may effortlessly, an esteemed agent of discord and anarchy
re-roll any dice which roll 1 on their Determination with millennia of infiltration experience.
Bastion [Iron Warriors]
This Adversary is an iron bulwark of implacable Each time an attack is made against this Adversary, if
tenacity. Under his threatening gaze his warriors will the Wrath die of that attack was 1, 2, or 3, then the
hold any and all available positions, bolstering them attack misses, regardless of any other factors.
against enemy counter-attack.


All IRON WARRIORS allies within 6m of this Adversary

add +2 to their Resolve. Further, if an IRON WARRIOR
within 6m of the Adversary does not move during their
turn, then they may make an attack as a Reflexive
Action against any charging enemy: this may be a
ranged attack or a melee attack, but either way it is
resolved before the charging enemy’s attack.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Headhunter [Alpha Legion] Reaver Lord [ Red Corsairs]
No target is safe in the sights of this Adversary. Enemy This martial genius has forged an empire of cruelty
commanders, rallying zealots, and specialist officers from his raids.
alike fall to pinpoint headshots, sowing confusion
amongst their fragmenting army.
At the start of each round, add 1 Ruin as long as this
Adversary is present.
Any ranged weapon which the Adversary wields, with
Angel of Hatred [Red Corsairs]
the Pistol or Rapid Fire (X) qualities gain the Sniper (2)
This once noble warrior now revels in his deepest
quality. The Adversary never risks hitting an ally when
firing into melee.
Master of Diversion [Alpha Legion]
A venerated tactician, this Adversary makes use of Each time this Adversary Charges, their attacks add
feints, false signals, holoprojectors, and a host of +Tier ED to their damage.
strategic diversions in their battle plans.
Dark Raider [Red Corsairs]
ALPHA LEGION only. The raids this Adversary leads are as rapid as they are
BATTLECRY: Master of Diversion. The Adversary
chooses a number of ALPHA LEGION Threats on the RED CORSAIRS only.
battlefield equal to the game’s Tier. They vanish,
Spend 1 Ruin and select a number of RED CORSAIRS
having only been decoys. The actual Threats are
allies within 6m equal to the game’s Tier. On their next
deployed anywhere the Adversary wishes and may
turn, each of those RED CORSAIRS may immediately
immediately make a Stealth test to generate a Stealth
move up to their Speed as a free action after making a
ranged attack.
Cult Leader [Alpha Legion]
Surgical Precision [Creations of Bile]
This Adversary directs local cults and infiltrators
This Adversary’s knowledge of natural and augmented
personally, having trained and honed their skills during
anatomy is unparalleled, and their every strike is
countless undercover operations of rebellion and
deliberate, cruel, and lethal.
When this Adversary makes a melee attack, the attack
scores a Critical Hit if the Wrath die rolls a 4, 5, or 6.
9m gain the ALPHA LEGION keyword and the
associated special rule. Further, they add +Tier dice to Prime Test Subject [Creations of Bile]
any attacks they make, and improve the attacks’ AP by Only the strongest test subjects long survive the
1 (i.e., from AP – to AP -1). rampant cellular transformations associated with Bile’s
mysterious bio-alchemy.
Covert Control [Alpha Legion]
This Adversary has led innumerable covert actions in CREATIONS OF BILE only.
every imaginable warzone, always stealing their prize
from under their opponents’ nose before they realise The Adversary’s Strength and Toughness are both
it. increased by +2. This will increase melee damage,
maximum Wounds, Resilience, and Determination
As a Ruin action, the Adversary may select a number of accordingly.
ALPHA LEGION Threats (which may include
themselves), who may immediately make a normal
move and a Stealth test, gaining a Stealth Score as a

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Twisted Regeneration [Creations of The Adversary may re-roll any ED which roll 1 on all
Bile] attacks. Further, their weapons gain the Mortal (1)
Not even death is able to lay the vilest of Bile’s quality.
creations low.
Shattering Truth [The Scourged]
CREATIONS OF BILE only. Voicing just one of the many lies whispered to him, the
Adversary stops the enemy in their tracks, taking
ANNIHILATION: Twisted Regeneration. Spend 1 Ruin
advantage of their hesitation.
when this Adversary is slain and roll their normal
Determination dice pool. They are returned to life THE SCOURGED only.
immediately, with a number of Wounds remaining
equal to the total rolled on the Determination dice. When the Adversary makes a Persuasion or
This may only occur once per scene. Intimidation Interaction Attack, the rating of the
Hindered or Vulnerable condition increases by +2.
Carve the Runes [Brazen Beasts]
This Adversary seeks Khorne’s bloody blessing by Relics & Daemon Weapons
dedicating each worthy kill to his name. Only one item from the list below should be given to
any given Adversary under most circumstances, though
BRAZEN BEASTS only. the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign
Each time this Adversary slays a Player Character or an might justifiably have more than one. Some of these
Adversary Threat, add +1 to Ruin, and increase the options are intended for HERETIC ASTARTES of a
Adversary’s Strength score (this will increase their specific [LEGION]. Melee weapons listed here do not
melee damage accordingly). include the wielder’s Strength in their damage rating.

Maelstrom of Torment [Crimson Some of these items are Daemon Weapons. These
Slaughter] sentient, malicious weapons seek to rebel against their
Terrifying phantasms surround the Adversary, sapping masters:
the will to fight from nearby foes.
When a melee attack is made with a Daemon
CRIMSON SLAUGHTER only. Weapon, the attacker converts additional dice
to Wrath Dice equal to the game’s Tier.
Enemies within 6m of the Adversary add +1DN to all
Any Wrath Complication suffered inflicts 1d3
Resolve tests they must attempt. Further, each time
Mortal Wounds on the wielder.
the Adversary kills an enemy, any other enemies within
A Daemon Weapon inflicts a Critical hit if any
6m must pass a Fear Test with a DN of 2 +Tier.
of its Wrath dice roll a 6; each Wrath Critical
Ultimate Confidence [The Flawless after the first increases the severity of that
Host] Critical Hit as if 1 Glory had been spent.
This Adversary is driven by complete arrogance, his
G’holl’ax, the Decayed
faith in his own abilities unshakeable—and he has not
The very essence of pestilence exudes from the
been proven wrong yet.
extremities of this malign artefact. Said to have been
FLAWLESS HOST only. gifted by the Lord of Decay himself, the mortal that
bears this symbolic weapon is a herald of contagion
When this Adversary scores Exalted Icons on an attack, and physical proof that none can resist the inescapable
the Death to the False Emperor ability grants him three touch of decay.
bonus dice, rather than one. As normal, these
additional dice cannot themselves generate additional NURGLE Adversary only. Select one melee weapon the
dice. Adversary wields.

Blessed Mission [The Purge] The weapon is now a Daemon Weapon. Further,
This Adversary is an expert at ensuring the utter enemies may not roll Determination against Wounds
obliteration of the enemy, leaving none alive. inflicted by this weapon.


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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Q’o’ak, the Boundless Zaall, the Wrathful
It is claimed that Q’o’ak drew Tzeentch’s ire for Only Khorne’s most incensed warriors can wield a
tinkering with the plans of his masters Lords of Change, weapon inhabited by the daemon known as Zaall.
and thus was bound within this weapon to stop its Bondage within such a weapon gives a purpose to the
tireless meddling. Yet when the weapon clashes with beings’ endless fury; its anger ebbs and flows like a tide
the blades of the bearers enemies, a new victim falls of gore, synchronised with the wielder’s wrath.
foul of Q’o’ak’s temporal tampering. How Q’o’ak can
KHORNE Adversary only. Select one melee weapon the
traverse time while bound within its prison is unknown,
Adversary wields.
but for each soul Q’o’ak pulls from the path of fate, a
fresh plume materialises from the weapons hilt. The weapon is now a Daemon Weapon. The weapon
gains the Brutal quality, and its damage is increased by
TZEENTCH Adversary only. Select one melee weapon
+Tier ED.
the Adversary wields.
Black Rune of Damnation
The weapon is now a Daemon Weapon. Further, the
This accursed rune, forged of sentient shadow, hovers
weapon’s attacks ignore all Armour Rating the target
in black warp-light above the forehead of the damned
has, including Invulnerable Armour Rating.
like a malefic electoo-hologram. The malign influence
Thaa’ris and Rhi’ol, the Rapacious of the warp emanates from it, disrupting the flow of
Thaa’ris and Rhi’ol were two rival daemons who, it is the empyrean, as the bearer burns a portion of their
said, endlessly performed at the court of a great soul to protect themselves from mortal harm.
Daemon Prince. They drew their patron’s displeasure
when their competitive rivalry became the prime focus
of their performances, neglecting the court and its lord. Each time an attack is made against the bearer, re-roll
Thus, they were bound within two prisons - paired any Icons or Exalted Icons rolled on the attack’s ED. In
weapons forever destined to dance at the behest of addition, when a PSYKER attempts a Psychic Mastery
their bearer. test within 18m, they suffer a Wrath Complication on
any Wrath die which rolls 1, 2, or 3.
SLAANESH Adversary only. Select two melee weapons
the Adversary wields. Blade of the Relentless
Fabled to have once been known as the Imperator
These weapons are now Daemon Weapons and gain
Blade, this weapon has long been titled for the deeds
the Paired quality if they didn’t already have it. When
of he that wields it. As it feeds on the blood of its
making a melee attack with the weapon, Wrath
victims, so too does it feed on their souls.
Criticals scored do not cause Critical Hits, but instead
allow the wielder to make one additional attack with HERETIC ASTARTES Adversary only. This weapon
one of the weapons (wielder’s choice). replaces a Power Sword or Daemon Blade the
Adversary wields.
Ul’o’cca, the Black
This warp-tainted artefact was found in a warded The Blade of the Relentless: (S) +5 +5ED / AP -4 / Parry,
cavern upon a diabolical daemon world. Thousands of Mortal (2), Sustained
corpses lay before it - offerings from an unknown
warden to appease its hunger. One brave soul now
seeks to feed the daemon by other means.

UNDIVIDED Adversary only. Select one melee weapon

the Adversary wields.

The weapon is now a Daemon Weapon. The weapon

gains the Mortal (1) quality.

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Eye of Tzeentch Intoxicating Elixir
The Eye of Tzeentch is a relic that has been exposed to This dispenser is filled with a self-replenishing liquid
wild psychic energies for ten millennia. Sorcerers who that is pumped into the bearer’s bloodstream by the
stare into the artefact’s unblinking depths can glean pint. Some say the liquid, which grants those that
the secrets of the warp and use such knowledge to partake of it unholy physical power, is a nectar distilled
focus their own eldritch powers. from Slaanesh’s own pleasure gardens.

TZEENTCH PSYKER Adversary only. SLAANESH Adversary only.

Each time the bearer attempts a Psychic Mastery test, Once per battle, as a Free Action at the start of their
they may re-roll up to 9 dice in that dice pool. Further, turn, the bearer may use this relic. Until the end of their
each 6 rolled on the Wrath dice for that Psychic turn, when the Adversary makes a melee attack, they
Mastery test grants one bonus Exalted Icon that can be may make a number of attacks equal to the game’s Tier
shifted for Potency effects. instead of one. Further, until the start of their next
turn, they do not suffer Shock when they roll
Gorget of Eternal Hate
Determination: wounds are simply ignored.
This ancient piece of armour - all that remains of a once
abhorrent panoply - sits beneath the wearers throat Liber Hereticus
and feeds off their spiteful vitriol, using the heady This cursed tome contains forbidden lore said to have
emotion to ward off powerful blows. Should this been absorbed while the artefact consumed the minds
protection prove insufficient, the gorget ignites what is of those who risked reading it. One with the strength
left of the wearer’s soul, scouring the foe to inflict one to tame it can use it to empower their rituals.
last act of vengeance upon the galaxy.
HERETIC ASTARTES Adversary only.
The Adversary may attempt to activate up to two
The Adversary’s AR is increased by +2, and they have psychic powers as part of a Multi-Action. Further, any
an additional Invulnerable Armour Rating of *4 (which power they activate increases its range by +6m.
does not stack). Further, when the Adversary is slain,
Mantle of Traitors
each enemy within 3m suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds and
This tattered cloak was once worn by a ferocious Chaos
suffers the On Fire condition.
champion. Though the warriors name is long forgotten,
Inferno Tome his deeds of slaughter caused the warp itself to ripple
Flames lick at the pages of this ancient book, but the in satisfaction. He demanded total obedience from his
parchment never burns. The most damning truths are minions, and no foe was said to be able to best him in
said to be inscribed within - revelations from insane open combat. The champion was ultimately betrayed
prophets and visions of oracles whose eyes burned out by an ambitious underling, a warrior who first tricked
while trying to pen what they saw. Only those whose then slew the savage warlord, taking the heavy cloak as
zeal outweighs their caution can attempt to read from his own. So has the Mantle of Traitors exchanged hands
the flaming pages. With the correctly spoken words, ever since; each time, greater atrocities and betrayals
these flames blast forth, incinerating the foe. are committed, leaving treachery itself the victor.

PRIEST Adversary only. CHAMPION Adversary only.

The bearer knows one additional Chaos Prayer. In The Adversary’s Personal Ruin is increased by +2. In
addition, each time the bearer successfully invokes a addition, the Adversary doubles the range of any of the
prayer, it inflicts 1d3 Mortal Wounds on the nearest following abilities it may have: Lord of Chaos, Aspire to
enemy within 18m. Glory, or Demagogue.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Orb of Unlife Ghorisvex’s Teeth [Black Legion]
Within this glassy sphere lurks a diluted life-eater virus. When the daemon Ghorisvex the Red-hand was broken
Although quick to burn out when the sphere is broken, over the knee of Lord Voraddon of the Black Legion, his
everything nearby - flesh, armour and bone - finds itself spirit was bound into Voraddon’s chainsword. It resides
consumed by the ravaging viral strain. there still, ripping and tearing at not just the bodies,
but also the very souls, of the Black Legions foes.
NURGLE Adversary only. This item is a single unique
grenade. BLACK LEGION Adversary only. This weapon replaces
an Astartes Chainsword.
Orb of Unlife: Damage 7 +7ED / AP - / Range S x4 [T} /
Salvo - / Blast (7), Fleshbane, Mortal (1) Ghorisvex’s Teeth: S+5 +4ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Parry,
Talisman of Burning Blood
This talisman constantly drips with thick, bubbling Loyalty’s Reward [Black Legion]
gore. The air around it is so heavy with the charnel This daemon-infused machine spirit earned its name at
stench of the slaughterhouse that it imbues the the Siege of Terra, transforming a fell bolter into a
bearer’s limbs with supernatural speed and strength - terrifying weapon that has slain countless loyalists.
a welcome boon to those eager to claim the worthiest Over the millennia, this gheist-like entity has delighted
skulls for Khorne. in slaughtering those faithful to the Emperor.

KHORNE Adversary only. BLACK LEGION Adversary only. Select a single BOLT
weapon the Adversary wields.
The Adversary’s Speed is increased by +1 when they
Run or Charge. This increases to +2 if the Adversary is The weapon gains the Bane (Imperium) and Mortal (1)
Frenzied. qualities.
The Black Mace Veilbreaker Plate [Black Legion]
This malefic mace is said to have been cursed by each Some of the Legion’s more ancient veterans claim to
of the Daemon Primarchs. One who is struck by it recognise in this suit of thrice-accursed Terminator
instantly collapses into a mouldering pile of bones, armour echoes of the infamous Justaerin elite who
while the curse spreads in a deadly shock wave. once served the Primarch Horus. The massive war plate
is so saturated with diabolic power that through an act
HERETIC ASTARTES Adversary only. This weapon
of bludgeoning will, its occupant can tear open a
replaces a Power Maul or Accursed Crozius the
temporary warp rift through which to launch a surprise
Adversary wields.
The Black Mace: (S) +6 +6ED / AP -2 / Brutal, Reaping,
keyword only.
The Warp’s Malice
Each time this Adversary is attacked, the AP of the
From the dawn of the Horus Heresy until now, this
attack is reduced by one (i.e., from AP -2 to AP -1).
accursed bolt pistol has murdered countless heroes of
the Imperium, its wielders mere conduits for its In addition, once per scene, as a Ruin Action, the
malignity. The weapons hatred is bloated with the Adversary, and a number of BLACK LEGION allies equal
malice of the warp and its fury is fanned by ten to the game’s Tier within 3m, vanishes from the
thousand years of treachery and betrayal. battlefield and reappears anywhere else more than 9m
from an enemy.
HERETIC ASTARTES Adversary only. This weapon
replaces a Bolt Pistol the Adversary wields.

The Warp’s Malice: 12 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 9-18-27 /

Salvo 4 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2), Pistol, Mortal (1).

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Heretic Astartes
Cloak of Conquest [Black Legion] Eightfold-Cursed Crozius [Word
This patchwork garment is fashioned from scraps of Bearers]
fabric telling of the wearers many conquests. From the Once a rod of office amongst Lorgar’s first Chaplains,
mantles of Adeptus Astartes heroes to the banners of this weapon is said to have been first used for its true
the Astra Militarum, with each victory the cloak is purpose to crush the skull of a White Scars Praetor. It
further adorned. still bears the indelible stains of that first treacherous
kill to this day.
BLACK LEGION Adversary only.
WORD BEARERS Adversary only. This weapon replaces
All BLACK LEGION allies within 6m add +2 to their a Power Maul or Accursed Crozius the Adversary
Resolve. wields.
Sightless Helm [Black Legion]
Eightfold-Cursed Crozius: (S) +6 +6ED / AP -2 / Brutal,
The lenses of this helm remain forever dark, the wearer
Reaping, Spread.
unable to perceive the galaxy with their own eyes.
Instead, strange warp senses are granted by the helms Special: If the bearer of this weapon is a PRIEST, the
machine spirit, illuminating the foe’s weaknesses. weapon gains the Fleshbane quality.

BLACK LEGION or CULTIST Adversaries only. Crown of the Blasphemer [Word

A CULTIST with this item gains the BLACK LEGION This artefact draws the attention of warp entities to the
keyword. The bearer’s attacks never suffer any DN wearer: blades are turned aside by invisible hands, and
modifiers. In addition, attacks the bearer makes volleys of bullets are snatched away at the last
improve their AP by 1 (i.e., from AP -1 to AP -2). moment.
Trophies of Slaughter [Black Legion] WORD BEARERS or CULTIST Adversary only.
This gore-crusted and sigil-carved trophy rack carries
gruesome spoils taken from defeated challengers all A CULTIST Adversary gains the WORD BEARERS
over the galaxy and cements the bearers right to lead. keyword. The bearer has an Invulnerable Armour
Rating of *4 AR with the Force Field trait. Once per
BLACK LEGION CHAMPION Adversary only. scene, as a Free Action when targeted by an attack, the
The Adversary adds +3m to the range of any special bearer may improve this to *6 AR until the start of the
ability that benefits nearby BLACK LEGION allies. In bearer’s next turn.
addition, you my attempt an intimidation Interaction Malefic Tome [Word Bearers]
Attack as a Simple Action, so long as the target is within This unholy book was stitched together from the flayed
9m. skins of a dozen mortal psykers, their horror emanating
Wrath of the Abyss [Black Legion] from every inch of its parchment. The tome is inscribed
Within the hilt of this immense thunder hammer is with true names and daemonic hierarchies that offer
mounted a strange artefact of unknown origin, a shard the bearer insights into the powers of the warp.
of some hyper-dimensional material thought by some WORD BEARERS PSYKER Adversary only.
to be a key to untold power. Whatever the truth, this
brutal weapon strikes with meteoric speed, the sigils The bearer knows one additional psychic power from
upon its head pulsing with sickly warp-light with every the discipline it has access to. Each time the bearer
impact. attempts to activate a psychic power, it may re-roll any
1s on the Psychic Mastery test.
BLACK LEGION Adversary only. This weapon replaces a
Thunder Hammer.

Wrath of the Abyss: (S) +8 +8ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M]

/ Brutal, Inflict (Staggered).

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Epistle of Lorgar [Word Bearers] Claw of the Stygian Count [Night Lords]
When a priest reads aloud this hallowed epistle from This vicious taloned gauntlet has spilt the blood of
the Book of Lorgar, the very air turns metallic and the thousands of victims since its creation for the infamous
words summon dark blessings from the immaterium. champion known as the Stygian Count. When plunged
into flesh, nano-barbs slide out of each of the weapon’s
claws, tearing open cratered wounds when yanked out.
The bearer knows one additional Chaos Prayer, and
NIGHT LORDS Adversary only. This weapon replaces a
you may use up to two prayers as part of a Multi-
lightning claw or malefic talons.
Claw of the Stygian Count: (S) +6 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict
Ashen Axe [Word Bearers]
(Bleeding), Reaping, Tearing
A malefic nexus for the warp’s denizens, foes of the
Word Bearers find themselves unable to flee the Ashen Special: Enemies may not roll Determination against
Axes blows, as invisible claws seem to root them to the damage inflicted by this weapon.
spot. In truth, their minds are assailed by the entities,
Vox Daemonicus [Night Lords]
who circle impatiently for the soul feast the Ashen Axe
Emanating from the ornate winged helm in which it
will deliver.
makes its home, this living susurrus haunts the
WORD BEARERS Adversary only. This weapon replaces airwaves, spreading lies and falsehoods across the vox
a chainaxe, power axe, exalted power axe, daemonic networks of the Night Lords’ enemies.
axe, or axe of dismemberment.
NIGHT LORDS or CULTIST Adversary only.
Ashen Axe: (S) +6 +6ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Inflict
A CULTIST Adversary gains the NIGHT LORDS keyword.
The Adversary may use a Deception or Intimidation
The Armour Diabolus [Word Bearers] Interaction Attack at any range to any enemy equipped
This ancient battle plate is etched with a thousand and with a vox-bead or similar item. Enemies affected by
one dark runes of vengeance. Should the wearer’s these Interaction Attacks are both Hindered and
blood flow into one of these graven sigils, it glows Vulnerable, rather than only one or the other.
white hot and the infidels who dealt the blow burst into
Talons of the Night Terror [Night
WORD BEARERS Adversary only. Attached to armoured boots or melded with daemonic
flesh, these talons give the wielder the appearance of
The bearer’s AR is increased to 7. Further, when the some eldritch raptor-beast that has evolved to better
bearer rolls determination, each Exalted Icon rolled disembowel prey. Should the bearer descend feet first
inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the attacker. into the ranks of his quarry, these talons will eviscerate
Baleful Icon [Word Bearers] all those too slow to evade them.
This icon bears an eight-pointed star so saturated in the
NIGHT LORDS Adversary with the FLY keyword.
blood of loyalists that it is forever stained with the taint
of treachery. Word Bearers feel its toxic aura much as Each time this Adversary makes a normal move, Runs,
a sun worshipper feels the kiss of a summer day upon or Sprints, select a number of enemies equal to the
their skin. Those who seek to harm the faithful will game’s Tier which the Adversary moved over (within
instead find their muscles shuddering in revulsion, and 2m) during the move. Roll 1d6 for each enemy: they
even the Adeptus Astartes are drained of their suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds on an Icon, or Tier Mortal
righteous anger in its presence. Wounds for an Exalted Icon.

WORD BEARERS Adversary only. Additionally, when this Adversary charges, roll d6s
equal to the game’s Tier, and inflict Mortal Wounds on
While allied WORD BEARERS are within 6m of this icon,
the enemy charged equal to the number of Icons
melee attacks made against them cannot re-roll any
rolled. This is resolved before the charge attack.
dice on the attack or the damage roll.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Scourging Chains [Night Lords] Axe of the Forgemaster [Iron Warriors]
The Scourging Chains once jangled from the rafters of Masters of the soul forges have long had to ensure
the Primarch’s throne room, and many a soul has been dominance over their creations. Such are the energies
hung from their spikes. As the wearer closes with his of unmaking bound into this axe’s haft that a single
victims, the chains appear taut as corded tendons, blow can turn an armoured tank into a pile of rusted
before lashing out to render the captured prey helpless scrap.
to the killing blow.
IRON WARRIORS Adversary only. This weapon replaces
NIGHT LORDS Adversary only. a chain axe, power axe, exalted power axe, axe of
dismemberment, or daemonic axe.
The Adversary increases the range of all his melee
attacks by +Tier metres. Further, the AP of all their Axe of the Forgemaster: (S) +7 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2
melee attacks improves by 1 (i.e., from AP -2 to AP -3). [M] / Arc (2), Mortal (1)
Misery of the Meek [Night Lords] Siegebreaker Mace [Iron Warriors]
This elixir was crafted by one of the Legion’s few A vast sphere of dense star-metal bound with sigils of
remaining Apothecaries, distilled from the fear and shattering and mounted on the pole of a captured
suffering of countless victims. When a son of Nostramo Adeptus Astartes standard, the Siegebreaker Mace was
indulges in its sickening contents, they are imbued with created with acts of destructive symbolism in mind.
new energy.
IRON WARRIORS Adversary only. This weapon replaces
NIGHT LORDS Adversary only. a power maul, thunder hammer, or Accursed Crozius.

The Adversary may imbibe this elixir as a simple action When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the
once per scene. When imbibed, the elixir immediately following profiles:
heals up to half of their maximum Wounds and
Siegebreaker Mace (Swing): (S) +6 +5ED / AP -2 / Range
recovers all of their Shock.
2 [M] / Reaping, Inflict (Staggered)
Stormbolt Plate [Night Lords]
This armour was fashioned in the darkest pits of long Siegebreaker Mace (Smash): (S) +8 +8ED / AP -3 /
dead Nostramo. It is wreathed in a cloying darkness, a Range 2 [M] / Brutal, Rending (3), Inflict (Staggered)
web of midnight skeins that perpetually shrouds the Fleshmetal Exoskeleton [Iron Warriors]
wearer. This semi-sentient bio-mechanical armature bonds
with the wearer’s wargear and anatomy alike. Blades
NIGHT LORDS Adversary only.
that penetrate the wearers armour blunt themselves
The Adversary’s Defence is increased by +2 as if in on the hardened flesh beneath, while the warrior’s
heavy cover. Further, enemies cannot make ranged cabled muscles reknit in a frenzy of writhing, silvered
attacks against this Adversary from more than 12m fibres.
away unless he is the closest target.
IRON WARRIORS Adversary only.
Flayer [Night Lords]
When the Legion’s frightful tendencies came to the The Adversary’s Determination is increased by +Tier
fore, the Flayer was the tool that carved the skin to be dice, and wounds cancelled by Determination are no
hung in the Night Haunter’s throne room. The foulest longer converted to Shock: they’re just negated. In
of deeds were done with this blade, and its dreadful addition, whenever the Adversary rolls Determination,
reputation endures. if more Icons are rolled than the total damage, then
each excess Icon heals one Wound lost previously.
NIGHT LORDS Adversary only. This weapon replaces a
power sword or force sword.

Flayer: (S) +6 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Fear 3), Parry

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Cranium Malevolus [Iron Warriors] Each time the Adversary performs repairs using its
This ironclad death’s head is a mouthpiece for the Master of Mechanisms ability, it repairs 3 lost wounds
mind-shattering language of the soul forges. The coded instead of 1d3.
blurts of Dark Tongue it emits are potent enough to
undo the machine spirits of enemy technology. Techno-Venomous Mechatendrils: 10 + 2ED / Range 2
/ Reaping, Mortal (1)
IRON WARRIORS or CULTIST Adversary only.
Blade of the Hydra [Alpha Legion]
A CULTIST Adversary gains the IRON WARRIORS Ever since the Daemon Prince Gharual of the Nine
keyword. This Adversary can make Tech Interaction Sundered Souls was bound inside this oversized
Attacks against enemy vehicles, with a DN equal to the chainsword, the blade has been a fiendish tool of
pilot’s Pilot skill. If successful, the vehicle also suffers destruction. Those with a will strong enough to control
1d3+Tier Mortal Wounds. its multiple thirsting personas can cause the saw-
toothed blade to shimmer into not one but several
Insidium [Iron Warriors]
swords that gnaw and gnash with an immortal hunger.
This vast suite of bionics was originally implanted to
avoid the mutating effects of the immaterium, but the ALPHA LEGION Adversary only. This weapon replaces
warp is fickle. Insidium and its bearer are now a warped an Astartes Chainsword.
host of the techno-virus, the fusion of mortal, daemon
and machine turning the bearer into an unstoppable Blade of the Hydra: (S) +5 +4ED / AP -2 / Brutal, Parry,
leviathan. Reaping

IRON WARRIORS Adversary only; they must lack the When wielding this weapon, the Adversary reduces the
DAEMON keyword. DN increase for a melee Multi-Attack by an amount
equal to the game’s Tier.
The Adversary gains the DAEMON and DAEMONKIN
Drakescale Plate [Alpha Legion]
keyword, and their size becomes Large. In addition, the
A suit of powered armour forged by a tech-savant of
Adversary’s Strength and Toughness are increased by
the Dark Mechanicum, this battle plate incorporates
+2 (which will affect melee damage, Resilience,
the living titanium scales of a mica skydrake. Its wearer
Maximum Wounds, and Determination).
is protected by the elder beast’s innate resistance, and
Spitespitter [Iron Warriors] attacks seem to slide from its dark scales like water
For each servant of the Corpse Emperor destroyed, this from obsidian.
hate-filled weapon allows its wielder one step towards
victory in the Long War, and one closer to damnation. ALPHA LEGION Adversary only.

IRON WARRIORS Adversary only. This weapon replaces The bearer’s Armour Rating is increased to 7. In
a Combi-Bolter, or the bolter portion of a combi- addition, the maximum damage an attack can inflict is
weapon. equal to the total Icons rolled on the attack’s ED.
Hydra’s Wail [Alpha Legion]
Spitespitter: 12 +2ED / AP -3 / Range 15-30-45 / Salvo
This sophisticated jamming device is corrupted by the
4 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (4).
Ruinous Powers. A burst of directed scrapcode
Techno-Venomous Mechatendrils [Iron infiltrates the vox networks and communications
Warriors] devices of the enemy, rendering strategic planning null
The morass of mechanical tentacles that grace the and void.
wearers back are possessed of a cruel consciousness.
Each is a small Daemon Engine, capable of using the ALPHA LEGION Adversary only.
essence of stolen souls to repair warp-infused metal The Adversary may spend 1 Ruin when making a Tech
nearby. Interaction Attack. If the attack is successful, the target
IRON WARRIORS Warpsmith only. cannot spend Wrath or Glory points on their next turn.

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Heretic Astartes
Viper’s Spite [Alpha Legion] Mindveil [Alpha Legion]
This ornate bolt pistol has a wide, serpent head muzzle Shimmering with illusion, the Mindveil is a long cloak
and a magazine that never seems to run dry. When stitched with the interlocking teeth of Dostoy Prime’s
fired, it makes no noise louder than a dry hiss, but a chameleonic hydrasharks. So potent are the spells of
cacophony of screams is never far behind. The confusion and dislocation cast upon it that the bearer
projectiles it fires glow with acrid viridian witchfire so is accompanied by incorporeal mirages that mirror his
virulent that they can sizzle through even Terminator appearance. Stranger still, at a chanted command in
war plate. the Dark Tongue, the wearer’s true location and that of
one of his doppelgangers can switch places, an instant
ALPHA LEGION Adversary only. This weapon replaces a
translocation that leaves his enemies gaping in
Bolt Pistol.
Viper’s Spite: 10 +2ED / AP -3 / Range 9-18-27 / Salvo
ALPHA LEGION Adversary only.
6 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (3), Silent.
This Adversary has a number of illusory doppelgangers
Hydra’s Teeth [Alpha Legion]
equal to the game’s Tier. These doppelgangers can
The legend goes that these bolt rounds are sentient in
move freely (and have the same Speed as the
the manner of daemon weapons, and that sorcerous
Adversary) but cannot perform other actions (though
powers have somehow given them a terrible hunger
they may appear to attempt other actions). The
for destruction. Once fired, they seek out fresh victims
doppelgangers have 1 Wound and the same Defence as
before exploding in a blast of warp-fuelled destruction.
the Adversary. If a doppelganger is slain, it will appear
ALPHA LEGION Adversary only. Select a single BOLT to die as if it were the Adversary, but a replacement
weapon the Adversary carries. doppelganger will appear elsewhere on the battlefield
at the start of the Adversary’s turn.
The weapon can be loaded with Hydra’s Teeth
ammunition. When the weapon is used to make a The Adversary may spend 1 Ruin to switch places with
ranged attack, the Adversary may spend 1 Ruin to fire any active doppelganger as a Ruin Action.
a Hydra’s Teeth bolt:
Maelstrom’s Bite [Red Corsairs]
The target’s Defence is considered to be 1. This weapon heretically blends the pinnacle of Imperial
The weapon’s damage is increased by +4, and thermal technology with the twisted energies of the
it gains +2 ED. immaterium.
The weapon gains the Careful, Rending (2), and
RED CORSAIRS Adversary only. This weapon replaces a
Warp Weapon qualities.
Icon of the Hydra Cult [Alpha Legion]
This weapon is a combi weapon, as described on page
This unassuming, apparently meanly finished sigil hides
227 of the Wrath & Glory core rulebook.
a powerful device beneath its serpentine exterior.
Within its coils lies unknown cloaking technology that Warp-Twisted Meltagun: 18 +3ED / AP -4 / Range 9-
emits a gloomy pall to hide the vilest of deeds from the 18-27 / Salvo 1 / Assault, Rad (2)
most vigilant of sentinels.
Artificer Boltgun: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 12-24-36 /
Adversary only.


the ALPHA LEGION keyword. While allied CULTIST or
MILITARUM TRAITORIS Threats are within 6m of the
Adversary, they gain +2 to their Defence against all
ranged attacks from more than 12m away, as if in

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Armour of Badab [Red Corsairs] Living Carapace [Creations of Bile]
This once magnificent Terminator plate is now as With a thought, the wearer can compel this bio-armour
degenerate as the soul who wears it and exudes a to thicken.
malign intent to survive.
CREATIONS OF BILE Adversary only.
Once per scene, when the Adversary rolls
keyword only.
Determination, he may automatically reduce the
Allied RED CORSAIRS within 3m of the Adversary add amount of damage suffered to 1 instead of rolling.
+1 to their Resilience. This increases to +2 if they also
Hyper-Growth Bolts [Creations of Bile]
have the TERMINATOR keyword.
These rounds contain Bile’s most unstable growth-
Traitor’s Laurels [Red Corsairs] inducing serums, causing victims to explode in
This mocking wreath is fashioned from the melted eruptions of swelling flesh.
down remains of service studs ripped from the skulls of
CREATIONS OF BILE Adversary only. Choose one BOLT
loyalist Space Marines.
weapon the Adversary carries.
The weapon can be loaded with Hyper-Growth
The Adversary’s Weapon Skill and Leadership are ammunition. When the weapon is used to make a
increased by +2, and their Personal Threat is increased ranged attack, the Adversary may spend 1 Ruin to fire
by +1. In addition, RED CORSAIRS allies within 6m of a Hyper-Growth bolt:
the Adversary may re-roll any failures on their Resolve
The weapon gains the Careful, Fleshbane, and
Inflict (Poisoned 7) qualities. While Poisoned
Helm of All-Seeing [Creations of Bile] by this attack, the target suffers 1d3+Tier
This baroque helm sports numerous additional Mortal Wounds at the start of each of their
sensors, requiring various disfiguring organs with turns and gains the Staggered condition.
which to process the information. The weapon gains +4ED.
The weapon’s AP is -1.
CREATIONS OF BILE Adversary only.

While the Adversary is on the battlefield, each time the

player characters spend Wrath, roll a d6: on a 4, 5, or
6, the GM gains 1 Ruin.

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The Death Guard

The Death Guard are one of the Traitor Legions of twisted into contempt for the weak and the conviction
Chaos Space Marines. They worship and devote that individuals were not fit to judge for themselves
themselves exclusively to the Chaos God Nurgle and as what was best for them.
a result of his mutational "gifts" they have become
When the Legion was trapped and infected by Nurgle
Plague Marines; Heretic Astartes who are eternally
in the warp, their arrogance and contempt for
rotting away within their power armour and infected
weakness turned against them. Their surrender to
with every known form of disease and decay but who
Nurgle caused them to become self-loathing and now
are immune to all pain or minor injury.
they seek to spread ruin and decay in order to let their
When the XIV Legion was first raised on Terra by the own fate appear less shameful in comparison.
Emperor during the First Founding, its Astartes were
A modern Death Guard force is largely made up of
known as the Dusk Raiders. After the XIV Legion was
Plague Marines, and still follows the doctrines that
reunited with its Primarch Mortarion on the world of
their Primarch Mortarion taught them. Their tactics are
Barbarus, he renamed the Legion the Death Guard.
based on the use of foot-slogging infantry and their
The Death Guard are a Traitor Legion entirely Bolters. Any vehicles that were in possession of the
steeped in the power of Nurgle, the Chaos Death Guard at the time of the Horus
God of death, disease and despair, Heresy have since fallen into disrepair
their very essence the epitome of or been commandeered by cheeky
all that vile Chaos God stands for. Nurglings. The Death Guard make
Their bodies are hives of filth full use of Nurgle's gifts,
and decay, their flesh eternally spreading turmoil, advancing
rotting away even as it is solidly amidst a mist of choking
renewed by the ceaseless disease, surrounded by
process of death and rebirth. Nurglings at their feet and
summoning horrific
Once, however, the Death
Plaguebearers from the Warp.
Guard were the strongest and
In larger battles where the
most resilient of all of the
outcome is of dire importance, a
Emperor's Space Marine Legions,
decaying Daemon Prince may take
the inheritors of Primarch Mortarion in
the reins of the army, or a Great Unclean
whose genetic image they were created.
One may possess a Champion.
Mortarion grew to maturity on the world of
Barbarus, a planet steeped in a toxic miasma where the As with all aspects of the Death Guard, Mortarion has
Human population cowered in the dark lowlands, retained an iron grip upon the doctrines and
fearful of the overlords that preyed upon them from dispositions of his champions. He expects even his
their mountaintop keeps deep within the fog. most gifted sons to choose the path that best suits their
talents, and then to cleave to it. In this way Mortarion
Originally the Death Guard believed that humans
ensures that even as the Lords of the Death Guard win
should be free of oppression and that hardship should
the favour of Nurgle and progress along the path to
be faced with faith in inner strength, strong will and
glory, they still integrate with the pragmatic, infantry-
stern resolution. During the Heresy, these beliefs were
based tactics of their warriors.

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Common Death Guard Rules
Death Guard Threats share a few common special abilities in addition to those common to all Chaos Space Marines.
Death Guard units with these abilities will list them in their entries, and some Death Guard have special abilities which
refer to or alter these abilities in some way.

All Death Guard have the DEATH GUARD Legion keyword and the accompanying special rule, and they all have the
Mark of NURGLE with the accompanying special ability. These are copied here again for convenience. Some Death
Guard do exist as part of other warbands and legions, though they are rare; for these, replace the Death Guard Legion
keyword and its ability with those of a different Legion.

Contagions of Nurgle Disgustingly Resilient

The Death Guard are carriers of countless infections Those favoured by Nurgle are inured to pain, their
and contagions, each a gift from Nurgle. Whenever rotting bodies shrugging off all but the most traumatic
they march to war, these diseases spread, damage with ease.
contaminating all around, sapping the strength of its
When a Threat with this rule rolls Determination,
victims, draining them of energy, withering their
wounds are negated rather than being converted into
muscles and overwhelming their immune system. Such
is its malefic nature, they can even undo metallic
bonds, alien psychic materials and all manner of other Mark of Nurgle
elements and components, rendering even armoured Some pledged to Nurgle bear insectile appendages or
vehicles vulnerable. boils in the shape of his sigil; others are swollen with
DEATH GUARD Threats may have one or more
Contagion abilities. These abilities affect all enemy A NURGLE Threat does not need to spend Ruin to roll
characters and creatures within Contagion Range. The Determination, and gains bonus dice on the
effects of multiple, identically-named Contagion Determination roll equal to the attack’s ED.
abilities is not cumulative—an enemy within Contagion
range of two Threats with the same Contagion ability is Plague Weapons
only affected once. Revolting toxins and infectious slime weeps from this
weapon in a ceaseless stream. Even shallow cuts or
Contagion Range is a number of metres equal to the glancing blows will leave the enemy’s flesh seething
GM’s current Ruin—as the powers of darkness gain in with incurable diseases.
strength, Grandfather Nurgle’s contagions grow more
virulent. Any Weapon wielded by a NURGLE Threat which has
the Inflict (Poisoned X) Trait is coated in a mixture of
Nurgle’s Gift virulent diseases and deadly warp-toxins. Weapons
All DEATH GUARD Threats have the Nurgle’s Gift with the Flamer trait wielded by NURGLE Threats do
Contagion, in addition to any others noted. not inflict the On Fire condition. Rather, they inflict the
While an enemy is within Contagion Range of one or Poisoned 4 condition.
more Threats with this Contagion, they reduce their A character Poisoned by an attack or effect from a
Resilience by 1, and roll 1 fewer dice when rolling NURGLE threat suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds at the start
Determination. of each of their turns.
Death Guard [Legion] Remorseless
The Death Guard trudge towards the enemy at a The Death Guard are never perturbed, for there are
relentless pace, guns hammering in a staccato roar. few things more horrifying than they, and they know
When a DEATH GUARD Threat makes a ranged attack, the Plague God smiles down upon them.
they count as if the attack was stationary and the DEATH GUARD Threats may re-roll any failures on
Threat aimed, even if they moved. Must have the Mark Resolve tests.

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Common Death Guard Threats
In addition to the specific DEATH GUARD Threats described in this section, many existing HERETIC ASTARTES Threats
mentioned in the previous section can be given the DEATH GUARD Legion keyword and the Mark of NURGLE. The
most common of these are below, but any of the Threats in the first section of this bestiary can be used with a little

Chaos Spawn (page 49): must have the Mark of Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (page
Chaos Lord (page 63) Defiler (page 67)
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour (page 64) Helbrute (page 66)
Daemon Prince (page 65) Possessed (page 25)
Chaos Sorcerer (page 59) Any CHAOS Vehicle from Church of Steel,
pages 97-98.

Each of those Threats can be used with the following changes:

The Threat gains the Contagion Nurgle’s Gift (page 92) and the Disgustingly Resilient, Remorseless, and Plague
Weapons special rules.
The Threat loses the Death to the False Emperor ability.
The Threat gains +1 Toughness (which increases Maximum Wounds, Resilience, and Determination by 1 each), but
reduces their Speed by 1.
Any Threat able to take a Power Sword or Daemon Blade may also select a Balesword:
o Balesword: S +5 +4ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 4), Parry
Any Threat with Frag Grenades replaces them with Blight Grenades:
o Blight Grenade: 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 28 / Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
A Daemon Prince replaces its Infernal Cannon with a Plague Spewer:
o Plague Spewer: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 4-8-12 / Salvo 2 / Flamer, Heavy (6), Poisoned (4)
PSYKER Threats may use the Contagion psychic discipline instead of the Dark Hereticus psychic discipline.

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Plague Marines
Plague Marines are those Chaos Space Marines who SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
have wholly dedicated their lives and souls to the PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
service of the Chaos God Nurgle. REMORSELESS: See page 92
Within their corpulent and disgusting power armour ACTION: Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36
their bodies are bloated with disease, swollen with / Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
corruption and rank with decay even as they no longer Plague Knife: 11 +2ED / Inflict (Poisoned 3)
are capable of feeling pain, the greatest mutational Blight Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 28 /
"gift" given to them by the Plague Lord. Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
The first Plague Marines were warriors of the Death Blast (4)
Guard Legion, trapped in the Warp upon their starships REACTION: Cloud of Flies: When this Threat is the
when the virulent Destroyer Plague struck their fleet. target of a ranged attack, they may spend 1 Ruin as
a Reflexive Action. Against that attack, and until the
Mortarion and his Legion offered themselves up to the
start of the Threat’s next turn, the Threat and all
service of the Lord of Decay in return for their lives and NURGLE allies within Contagion Range gain +2
the end of the constant suffering caused by the Defence as if in heavy cover.
unnatural disease. DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Roll 7d6.
Their bodies became bloated and swollen with the
corruption festering within them, but they no longer
5 5 5 Average
felt the agony of the Warp-pox and did not die from its
horrific symptoms. PESTILENT PANOPLY: A Plague Marine may replace
Since then, many Heretic Astartes have dedicated their Boltgun with a second Plague Knife. These
themselves to Nurgle, though few achieve the vaunted knives gain the Paired quality.
SPECIAL WEAPONS: A Plague Marine may exchange
ranks of the Death Guard. Those who truly wish to join
their boltgun for one of the following:
this most foetid of cadres must first swear loyalty to the
Blight Launcher: 13 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 12-24-36 /
Primarch Mortarion -- only then will Nurgle bestow Salvo 2 / Assault, Barrage, Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned
upon them the corrupting ague that created the Plague 4)
Marines. Plague Spewer: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 4-8-12 /
Salvo 2 / Flamer, Heavy (6), Poisoned (4)
PLAGUE MARINE Meltagun: 16 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo
1 / Assault, Melta
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Plague Belcher: 10 +1ED / Range 4-8-12 / Salvo 1 /
Assault, Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned), Spread
Mk I Plasma Gun: 15 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-36
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (2), Volatile (d6)
MELEE WEAPONS: A Plague Marine may exchange
8 7 4 4 5 4 2 their boltgun for one of the following:
RESILIENCE Bubotic Axe: 13 +5ED / AP -2 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR) Rending (1)
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK Mace of Contagion: 13 +5ED / AP -1 / Inflict
3 11 7 (Poisoned 4), Unwieldy (2)
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic Flail of Corruption: 14 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 2 [M] /
Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9 Brutal, Inflict (Poisoned 4), Overwhelming
BONUSES Great Plague Cleaver: 16 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2
CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92 [M] / Brutal, Inflict (Poisoned 4), Unwieldy (2)

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Shambling across the battlefield in reeking hordes,
Poxwalkers engulf their enemies in a rotting tide. They
are the cursed victims of Nurgle's plagues, transformed POXWALKER
into the unliving weapons of the Death Guard and
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
other servants of the Plague God. Amongst the
countless diseases propagated by the Death Guard and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, MUTANT, UNDEAD
Chaos Cults of Nurgle, none is more fearsome than S T A I WIL INT FEL
Nurgle's Rot. This perfect plague is both spiritual and 4 5 2 2 1 1 1
physical in nature, inflicting a drawn-out and horrific RESILIENCE
decline upon the victim that eventually erodes their 6
soul, while leaving their body as a plague-ridden husk. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
1 7 -
Yet Nurgle's Rot is but one of the diseases that churn
SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 4 (Passive 2),
within the innards of the Heretic Astartes of the Death Weapon Skill 5
Guard and Nurgle's other faithful and saturate every BONUSES
world upon which they tread. The Destroyer Plague -- CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
that which tormented the Primarch Mortarion's gene- MINDLESS: This Threat automatically passes Resolve
sons and delivered them to Nurgle during the Horus tests.
Heresy -- still lurks in their rotting flesh. The Zombie CURSE OF THE WAKING POX: Enemies slain while
Plague, the malady of unliving abomination for which Poisoned by this Threat will become a new
Typhus the Herald is the vector primoria, has Poxwalker in the following round.
variegated into countless strains since the Great Rift ABILITIES
yawned wide at the dawn of the Era Indomitus. The ACTION: Filthy Improvised Weapon: 7 +3ED / Inflict
Weeping, Mutterflux, the Slithering Scourge and (Poisoned 3)
countless others spread before the Death Guard, and it DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Roll 5d6.
is a cocktail of these appalling maladies that breeds the
Walking Pox.
1 1 4 Average
Victims of the Walking Pox find their bodies rotting and MOB ABILITIES
shutting down until death eventually takes them. Yet UNENDING HORDE: Each time a member of this
this is not the end. The sufferer remains cruelly Mob is slain, roll 1d6: on a 6, that Poxwalker is
conscious and aware, unlike a zombie, trapped within returned to the mob.
MUTANT STRAIN: When the mob makes an attack,
their corpse as it reanimates with a rictus grin and
spend 1 Ruin. The mob’s attacks gain the Mortal (1)
staggers off in search of the living. Their flesh mutates
quality, but if a Wrath Complication is rolled on the
even after death, sprouting bloated, pulsating attack, 1d3 Poxwalkers are slain.
tentacles and horn-like growths from their skulls
similar to those of Nurgle's Daemonic Plaguebearers.

Simply hearing the mindless, groaning cacophony of

the Poxwalkers is enough to infect the souls of all but
the most faithful Imperial citizens, leading to massed
outbreaks even within fortresses and cities that appear
inviolate. Countless souls have been lost in such a way
to this malady, each one becoming another heretical
abomination intent on murder. By the time the Death
Guard move to attack a world so afflicted, they have an
army of the dead waiting to aid them.

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Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Terminators are an elite formation of shock CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
troops utilised exclusively by the Death Guard. Bound MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
as they are to their Cataphractii warplate, these deadly PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
warriors stalk relentlessly towards the foe's battlelines REMORSELESS: See page 92
with their deadly array of virulent weaponry mowing SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
down the enemy's ranks with contemptuous ease. At CATAPHRACTIII TERMINATOR ARMOUR: A warrior
the last, the Terminators break into a lumbering in Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on
any weapons they wield.
charge, hefting huge weapons with which to hack and
bludgeon the enemy. Flails of corruption entangle
ACTION: Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-
weapons and limbs in sizzling, corrosive barbs. Bubotic
24-36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3)
Axes and Baleswords tear ragged wounds into which a Balesword: 14 +4ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
thousand poxes seep. By the time the Blightlord Parry
Terminators stomp on in search of new victims, RUIN: Break their Spirits: Spend 1 Ruin after killing
nothing remains of their enemies but maggot-riddled an enemy with a melee attack to force all enemies
corpses. within 6m of the slain foe to take a Fear Test with a
DN of 2 +Tier.
Combining the protective powers of Cataphractii war DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
plate with the diseased resilience bestowed by Nurgle's Spend 1 Ruin to roll 9d6. This Threat may roll
gifts, Blightlord Terminators are terrifyingly hard to kill. Determination against Mortal Wounds.
They take great pride in this fact, advancing CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
contemptuously into the teeth of the fiercest 5 5 5 Large
firestorms, mocking their enemies' attempts to lay THREAT OPTIONS
them low. This arrogance grates upon their Death PESTILENT PANOPLY: Any Blightlord Terminator
Guard brothers, but the Blightlords make such may replace their Balesword with one of the
exceptional shock troops that it is overlooked -- or even following.
condoned -- by their masters. Most Death Guard Bubotic Axe: 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
vectoriums include at least one band of Blightlord Rending (1)
Terminators for breach assaults, boarding actions and A Blightlord Terminator may replace both his
combi-bolter and Balesword with a Flail of
sudden teleport strikes, and it is a rare ship of the
Plague Fleets that takes to the tides of the Warp
Flail of Corruption: 15 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 2 [M] /
without a complement of Blightlords aboard. Brutal, Inflict (Poisoned 4), Overwhelming
COMBI WEAPONS: Any Blightlord Terminator may
BLIGHTLORD TERMINATOR exchange their Combi-Bolter for a Combi-Weapon,
combining a Boltgun with a weapon from the
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Special Weapons list.
Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 2
/ Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
HEAVY WEAPONS: One in five Chaos Terminators
may exchange their Combi-Bolter for one of the
9 7 5 5 5 4 3
Reaper Autocannon: 14 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 18-
16 (Cataphractii Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome)
36-54 / Salvo 4 / Heavy (8), Rapid Fire (2)
Blight Launcher: 13 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 12-24-36 /
4 13 8
Salvo 2 / Assault, Barrage, Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned
SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6), 4)
Ballistic Skill 10, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 11 Plague Spewer: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 4-8-12 /
BONUSES Salvo 2 / Flamer, Heavy (6), Poisoned (4)
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.

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Deathshroud Terminators
The Deathshroud, or Deathshroud Terminators, known
as the "Pale Harvestmen," the "Scythes of Nurgle" and
the "Eyes of Mortarion," are Chaos Terminators of the TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Death Guard Traitor Legion who serve as the Daemon THREAT A A A E E
Primarch Mortarion's elite warriors. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
Every one of these plague-ridden Heretic Astartes are S T A I WIL INT FEL
redolent with a miasma of fear and menace. Such a 9 7 5 6 6 5 3
reputation is richly deserved. Swollen with unnatural RESILIENCE
power, the Deathshroud tower over their enemies. 16 (Cataphractii Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome)
Rusted gauntlets and squirming tentacles clutch huge 5 13 8
battle scythes known as Manreapers, cursed weapons SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
that slice heads from shoulders and limbs from torsos Ballistic Skill 10, Leadership 9, Weapon Skill 13
with every swing. Clouds of plague flies boil around the BONUSES
Deathshroud, while vile smog spills from vents in their CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
armour to choke and blind their foes. has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
The warriors of the Deathshroud are sublimely skilled, PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
whirling and striking with a speed that belies their REMORSELESS: See page 92
massive, distended frames. Yet it is not merely their SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
abilities in battle that make them so feared. The CATAPHRACTIII TERMINATOR ARMOUR: A warrior
Deathshroud are the handpicked champions of in Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on
Mortarion, his dark emissaries, and wherever they go any weapons they wield.
they bear the authority of their gene-sire with them. ABILITIES
BATTLECRY: Emissaries of Death.
They rarely speak but to convey Mortarion's The Deathshroud Terminator makes a normal move
commands, and when they do so their voices emerge towards a single DEATH GUARD CHAMPION.
as a rattling hiss. The Deathshroud fight in ominous ACTION: Plaguespurt Gauntlet: 7 +2ED / AP – /
silence, uttering no battle cry and rising to no Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 1 / Pistol, Flamer, Inflict
challenge, embodying the faceless, wordless onset of (Poisoned 3)
inescapable death as their shadows fall across their Manreaper: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
enemies. Reaping
REACTION: Bodyguard: When an allied DEATH
GUARD CHAMPION within 3m is the target of an
attack, a Deathshroud Terminator may interpose,
becoming the target of that attack. The
Deathshroud automatically rolls Determination
against that attack.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 9d6. This Threat may roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
6 6 5 Large

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Biologus Putrifier
The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread
Nurgle's bounteous gifts to every corner of realspace.
The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this TIER 1 2 3 4 5
process, for it is they who refine the batches of THREAT A A A A E
diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn and KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
distil them to utmost potency. DEATH GUARD
Biologus Putrifiers bear a unique mutation: lidless, 8 7 5 5 6 6 5
milky eyes that grow like cysts concealed beneath their RESILIENCE
flesh. Known as "occulobes," the gaze of these foul 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
orbs can penetrate armour, flesh and bone to perceive DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
every nuance of an infection's spread through a living 4 15 10
body. Putrifiers croak out their observations to SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
scurrying menials and capering daemonic scribes, Scholar 11, Medicae 10, Tech 10
filling tomes of mouldering parchment with forbidden BONUSES
lore. BLIGHT RACKS: Allied DEATH GUARD within 7m
equipped with Blight Grenades inflict +2ED and
Driven by an obsessive desire to test their plague- increase the weapons’ AP to -1. This is included on
batches to perfection, Biologus Putrifiers take a very the Threat’s own Blight Grenades, below.
active role in spreading disease upon the field of battle. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
From their backs dangle racks of Blight Grenades, has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
churning with the latest strains of noxious plagues to CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
issue from the disease factories. Death's heads drip
is slain while suffering from the Poisoned condition,
foetid slime. Brittleglass alembics seethe with bubbling
add 1 to Ruin.
fluids and potent gasses. With every movement these
flasks and vessels rattle and clink together, threatening REMORSELESS: See page 92
to shatter and spill their noxious contents. As the fury SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
of battle rages around them, the Putrifiers urge their ABILITIES
brother Plague Marines to pluck the Blight Grenades ACTION: Injector Pistol: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2-
from their racks like spoiled fruit and fling them into 4-6 / Salvo 1 / Inflict (Poisoned 5), Mortal (d3),
the ranks of the foe. Pistol
Plague Knife: 11 +2ED / Inflict (Poisoned 3)
With each volley of hurled ordnance, the epidemic Blight Grenade (6): 10 +6ED / AP -1 / Range 28 /
spreads, the Biologus Putrifiers watching every nuance Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
as though in slow motion through their occulobes. Yet Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
to simply observe is not their way; samples must be Blast (4)
extracted, and tests must be run. This is when their Foul Infusion: As a Simple Action, select a single
Injector Pistols come into play. Striding into the midst DEATH GUARD ally within 3m. Until the start of this
of their reeling foe, the Putrifiers pick out the most Threat’s next turn, any melee weapon with the
intriguing entities to assail. Some look for the most Inflict (Poisoned X) quality also gains the Mortal (1)
resilient enemies upon the field of battle; others seek quality.
out the most easily infected, the bravest, the swiftest, RUIN: Rain of Blight. As a Ruin Action, this Threat
or one DEATH GUARD ally within 7m immediately
or whatever other esoteric criteria they decide their
makes a ranged attack with a Blight Grenade (if
test subjects must display.
they have one). They may even do this if engaged in
melee, and they will not be affected by the
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
6 6 5 Average

Page 98 of 164
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Foul Blightspawn
A revolting stench wafts around the Foul Blightspawn,
his corruption clotting the air itself. Breath rattles
through pus-slick tubes as he cranks the rusted handle TIER 1 2 3 4 5
of his malignant churn, bellows wheezing and plague THREAT A A A A E
slop roiling in the incubatum upon his back. Some foes KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
stare in bewilderment at this strange performance. DEATH GUARD
Some direct their fire at the Blightspawn, shots 8 7 5 5 6 5 5
rebounding from his armour or thumping harmlessly RESILIENCE
through rotted flesh in sprays of effluence. The wise 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
flee for their lives. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
4 15 10
With a grunt of satisfaction, the Blightspawn deems his SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
mixture ready, and raises the nozzle of his Plague Ballistic Skill 11, Tech 10
Sprayer. A gurgling surge, a peristaltic urging, and a BONUSES
fountain of stinking slime engulfs the enemy. Flesh CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
melts like wax. Armour bubbles and corrodes. Souls rot has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
and bones crumble. CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
As the last of his targets devolve into infectious sludge, PUTREFYING STINK: Enemies which begin their turn
the Blightspawn chuckles and nods to himself, before within 3m of this Threat must pass a Toughness test
lumbering on in search of fresh victims. (DN 3) or be Hindered (2).
REMORSELESS: See page 92
ACTION: Plague Sprayer: 14 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 6-
12-18 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 5)
Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP - / Range 28 /
Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
Blast (4)
Unholy Death’s Head Grenade (1): 12 +6ED / AP -1
/ Range 28 / Blast (8), Inflict (Poisoned 5)
RUIN: Overwhelming Generosity. As a Ruin Action,
this Threat a number of DEATH GUARD allies within
7m equal to the game’s Tier increase the range of
any ranged weapons with the Inflict (Poisoned X)
quality. These weapons add +3 to short range, +6 to
medium range, and +9 to long range.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
6 6 5 Average

Page 99 of 164
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Noxious Blightbringer
The primary role of Noxious Blightbringers is to sow
dismay and weakness amidst the enemy ranks. The
dissonance of their chiming bells sends waves of TIER 1 2 3 4 5
entropy rolling across the battlefield to batter not only THREAT A A A A E
the enemy's physical senses, but their souls. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
The blessings of Nurgle manifest wherever the tocsins' S T A I WIL INT FEL
waves hit home, each thunderous toll wearing the foe 8 7 5 5 6 5 6
down a little more and spreading sickness and RESILIENCE
corruption. The enemy's will to fight erodes as their 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
muscles fester and their strength leaves them. Faith DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
and conviction are spider-webbed with cracks of 4 15 10
doubt. Bones and organs shudder and turn green with SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
furring growths. Intimidation 11, Persuasion 10
In close proximity, the Empyric peals that roll from the CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Noxious Blightbringers torment enemy psykers. Not has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
only must these unfortunates deal with the violent CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
waves that threaten to overwhelm their tightly EMPYRIC MALAISE: An enemy PSYKER within 7m
controlled abilities, but they must also face the adds +2 DN to any Psychic Mastery test they
corruption of the very powers they wield. Gnawing attempt.
Warp maggots wriggle into being within the minds of PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
those psykers who show weakness, chewing hungrily REMORSELESS: See page 92
upon their new hosts' sanity until the victim is driven
within 7m of this Threat add +1 to their Speed.
irrevocably mad.
Where the tolling of the tocsins corrodes the spirits of TOCSIN OF MISERY: Enemies within 7m add +2 to
the Death Guard's enemies, it instils fresh vitality in the the DN of any Resolve tests they attempt.
Legion's own warriors. Wherever they follow the ABILITIES
Noxious Blightbringers into battle, Mortarion's sons ACTION: Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 /
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol,
move with a vigour that is at odds with their rotting
Volatile (1d3)
bulk, rusted joints grating and guts swaying as they
Cursed Plague Bell: 11 +4ED / AP -1 / Inflict
pound into combat. (Poisoned 3)
To be gifted with a tocsin of misery is a great honour, Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP - / Range 28 /
bestowed by Mortarion himself upon only the cruellest Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
and corrupt of his sons. Potent warriors in their own
Blast (4)
right, each Noxious Blightbringer becomes a living
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
canker who revels in the spreading of disease and Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
sorrow. Bludgeoning their way through the enemy CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
ranks, the Blightbringers attempt to lodge themselves 6 6 5 Average
as deep within the enemy's lines as they can, the better
to crush their spirit with the tolling of their awful bells.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Plague Surgeon
Sinister, hooded figures, Plague Surgeons drift through
the mayhem of battle like ghoulish spectres of death.
They were once Death Guard Apothecaries who TIER 1 2 3 4 5
brought healing to those who could be saved, and THREAT A A A A E
absolution to those who could not. Damnation by KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
Chaos transformed their order, rendering them the DEATH GUARD
dark antithesis of what they once were. S T A I WIL INT FEL
8 7 5 5 6 7 5
The unnatural resilience of Mortarion's gene-sons RESILIENCE
leaves little call for conventional medicine. Flesh 13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
wounds seal up with bulbous flab and clotted pus, DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
while any damage serious enough to lay one of the 4 15 10
Death Guard low is usually so catastrophic that no SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
amount of suturing or surgery can save them. Instead, Medicae 11, Weapon Skill 10
the Plague Surgeons tend to the well-being of the BONUSES
diseases that their brothers carry within their rotting CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Like proud fathers, the Plague Surgeons spare no effort MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
tending to all of Nurgle's children. Their bodies are PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
incubators for every form of parasite and phage, their REMORSELESS: See page 92
flesh and blood offered willingly as living nurseries for REVITALISING MALIGNANCY: Allied DEATH GUARD
these ghastly offspring. Threats within 7m of this Threat may re-roll a
number of dice equal to the game’s Tier on their
As a result, the very touch of a Plague Surgeon is Determination rolls.
virulently infectious, while every breath they exhale SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
teems with spores, Warp-infused bacilli and Daemon ABILITIES
motes. The miasma that seeps from their plague ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
censers and the filth that drips from their weapons and / Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
surgical instruments only adds to this effect. Any foe Balesword: 13 +4ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
foolish enough to engage a Plague Surgeon in combat
Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP - / Range 28 /
will soon be crawling with Empyric disease.
Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Plague Surgeons bolster the potency of Nurgle's Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
plagues in friend and foe alike. The Chaos-tainted Blast (4)
Narthecium-like instruments upon their arms contain Tainted Narthecium: As a Simple Action, the Threat
may make a DN3 Medicae test on a DEATH GUARD
booster-vials and macro-stimulants for plagues both
ally within 3m. If successful, the ally heals Wounds
naturally-occurring and Warp-spawned, imbuing
equal to the game’s Tier.
Nurgle's mortal servants with new strength even as DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
they worsen the enemy's sickness to lethal degrees. Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
6 6 5 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The worshippers of the Dark Gods know that there is the Death Guard keep their most appalling viral
power in words and numbers, incantations and arcane weapons -- Warp-spawned hell-plagues that can
numerology. Mortarion's obsession with the sacred obliterate entire worlds. Such strains are precious and
number seven borders upon the manic, infecting every irreplaceable, and not lightly do the Tallymen part with
strata of his Legion. Seven is the unholy number of them. The Death Guard Lord who demands access to
Nurgle, the integer infectum, the digit of disease. these horrific instruments of destruction had best be
Through fervent repetition, ritual conjunction and prepared to pay their terrible price.
symbolic adherence, the Death Guard channel the
energies of their sacred numeral to beseech Nurgle's TALLYMAN
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
The preachers of this sevenfold doctrine are the THREAT A A A A E
Tallymen. Part priests, part demagogues, part KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
metaphysical scribes and quartermasters, these DEATH GUARD
festering zealots stride to battle festooned with the S T A I WIL INT FEL
trappings of their strange craft. They carry heavy tomes 8 7 5 5 6 6 5
and reams of parchment whose mouldering pages
13 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
crawl with tallies penned in a crabbed, spidery hand.
Nurglings caper about their feet, brandishing more
4 15 10
scrolls, more tallies, more counts of the seven. Upon SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
their shoulders the Tallymen bear huge Vox speakers Ballistic Skill 10, Scholar 11
through which their stentorian voices boom, BONUSES
underpinned by the nerve-shredding scritch and scrape CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
of their poisoned quills. Their incantations are endless, has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
a purgatorial drone of counting that rises to a sevenfold CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
crescendo before looping around and beginning yet PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
again. REMORSELESS: See page 92
THE SEVEN-FOLD CHANT: At the start of each round,
The Tallymen count woes. They count shells expended, while the Tallyman is present, roll 2d6. If the total
wounds inflicted, foes that flee screaming into the rolled is 7 or higher, add 1 to Ruin.
gloom. They count the flies in the air and the number SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
of the slain, victories achieved and defeats suffered. ABILITIES
Always they tally the unholy seven, and in so doing they ACTION: Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 /
invoke Nurgle's boon. Nurgle's faithful are empowered Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol,
and inspired by the Tallyman's count. As his voice Volatile (1d3)
echoes in their ears, so empyric power seeps into their Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP - / Range 28 /
souls. Wounds heal shut with sucking slurps. Rotted Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
muscles bulge with strength while the rambunctious Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 28 /
Blast (4)
joy of Grandfather Nurgle fills up curdled souls. Flies
Malicious Calculation: As a Simple Action, the
swarm thick in buzzing clouds, and diseases blossom all
Tallyman may select a number of DEATH GUARD
the faster as the eye of Nurgle turns toward the allies within 7m. Until the start of the Tallyman’s
battlefield. The Death Guard rejoice as they feel their next turn, the selected allies add +2 bonus dice to
Dark God's power squirming like worms through their their attacks.
flesh. DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
On the battlefield, Tallymen are bellowing terrors, yet
at all other times their order is cloistered and secretive.
6 6 5 Average
Long ago, Mortarion entrusted them with the
numerological codes to unlock the hidden vaults where

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Malignant Plaguecaster
Potent Death Guard Sorcerers, these vile psykers are
warp-rotted from their pallid, flyblown skin to their
ever-churning innards. They have bargained away what TIER 1 2 3 4 5
remained of their souls in exchange for Nurgle’s THREAT A A A A A
blessings and been gifted with the ability to channel KEYWORDS: CHAOS, HERETIC ASTARTES, DEATH
the malaise of the Plague God’s realm. GUARD, NURGLE, PSYKER, CHAMPION
The bloated bodies of Malignant Plaguecasters have 8 8 5 5 7 5 4
become living conduits for the Garden of Nurgle’s toxic RESILIENCE
miasmas. Flesh-eating spore clouds, droning plague 14 (Mark V Power Armour: 5 AR)
flies, vomitus mists and plague-laden corpse gas roil DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
within the Plaguecasters’ guts, at times straining their 4 18 12
skin to bursting point. With retching exhalations, the SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 11 (Passive 6), Psychic
Plaguecasters blow these lethal clouds across the Mastery 11
battlefield. Around a Plaguecaster, warriors collapse, BONUSES
choking upon their own rotting lungs even as their flesh CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
blackens and liquefies. Armor corrodes and weapons
malfunction as they are eaten away. Even sealed
fortifications offer no protection.
REMORSELESS: See page 92
VIRULENT CONDUIT: A Malignant Plaguecaster adds
one additional Wrath die to Psychic Mastery tests for
every enemy with the Poisoned X condition within
ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / Range 6-12-18 /
Salvo 2 / Pistol, Brutal
Corrupted Staff: 12 +2ED / AP -1 / 2m / Brutal,
Force, Inflict (Poison 4).
Contagion: The Malignant Plaguecaster attempts to
activate a psychic power he knows. The Malignant
Plaguecaster knows Smite, Deny the Witch,
Psyniscience, and two powers from the Contagion
discipline on the following page.
WRATH: Pestilential Fallout: When the Malignant
Plaguecaster rolls one or more Exalted Icons on
Wrath Dice when activating a psychic power, one
enemy within 14m gains the Poisoned 4 condition.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6.
7 7 5 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Contagion Discipline
The disgusting psychic powers unleashed by the Sorcerers of Nurgle reduce their enemies to rancid corpses, drown
the foe in spewing sprays of noxious bile, and bless the Grandfather’s children with plague-ridden vitality.

Any HERETIC ASTARTES PSYKER with the Mark of NURGLE may choose to use the Contagion discipline instead of the
Dark Hereticus discipline.
Curse of the Leper Plague Wind
DN: Target’s Toughness DN: 5
Activation: Action Activation: Full Action
Duration: 1 Round Duration: Instant
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
ASTARTES and NURGLE keywords ASTARTES and NURGLE keywords
Effect: The victims touched by this enervating Effect: The Psyker belches forth a wind of
curse find themselves weakened and drained plague that blows through his foes, choking
of life within moments. This targets the nearest them and leaving only diseased, maggot-
enemy within range and line of sight. Roll bloated corpses in its wake. This affects
seven d6: for each Icon, the target suffers 1 enemies within a Blast (6). Each enemy hit
Shock and is Staggered. suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds and the Poisoned
Potency: (4) condition. While they remain Poisoned,
[1] The target suffers +1 Shock per Icon rolled. creatures affected suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds
[2] If a target becomes Exhausted, they suffer 1d3 at the start of each turn.
Mortal Wounds immediately. Potency:
[1] Add +1 to the rating of the Poisoned effect.
Gift of Contagion [3] Add +1 to the number of Mortal Wounds
DN: 4 inflicted by the power’s initial effect, and each
Activation: Action turn.
Duration: Instant
Range: 18m Putrescent Vitality
Multi-Target: Yes Points Cost: 20
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Activation: Action
ASTARTES and NURGLE keywords Duration: 1 Round
Effect: With a gesture, the Psyker gathers a Range: 18m
foul fog of contagion about his foes, granting Multi-Target: No
them a blessing from Grandfather Nurgle. This Keywords: CHAOS, NURGLE, PSYCHIC
affects enemies you can see within a Blast (6) Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
within range. Each enemy hit suffers the ASTARTES and NURGLE keywords
Poisoned (4) condition. While they remain Effect: Rancorous energies surge through
Poisoned, creatures affected increase the DN Nurgle’s followers, bloating their distended
of all Strength-based tests by +2. bodies further with fresh infections and
Potency: granting them new strength. Select a number
[1] Add +1 to the rating of the Poisoned effect. of allies with the NURGLE keyword within
*[2] While Poisoned affected targets also add +2 range equal to your Willpower. The affected
DN to all melee attacks they make. allies add +2 to their Strength and Toughness
until the start of your next turn.
Miasma of Pestilence Potency:
This is identical to the power of the same name in the [1] Each affected ally regains 1d3 Shock.
Dark Hereticus discipline, on page 62. [2] Each affected ally regains 1 Wound.

Page 104 of 164

Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Lord of Contagion
The most aggressive and belligerent Lords of the Death 11 9 7 7 7 6 6
Guard take up the Mantle of Contagion, a philosophy RESILIENCE
of Mortarion based around the application of 18 (Cataphractii Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome)
relentless advance. Lords of Contagion lumber into DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
battle in Cataphractii Terminator Armour, wielding 6 19 12
either giant Plaguereaper Power Axes or Manreaper SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Scythes. They tend towards direct strategies with little Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13
in the way of cunning or subtlety and are pugnacious BONUSES
commanders, supremely confident in their followers’
in Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on
ability to absorb the worst the enemy can throw at
any weapons they wield.
them and still prevail. They embody the swift- CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
spreading plague that tears through a crowd, killing has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
indiscriminately and leaving mounds of bodies in its CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
GUARD Threats are within 7m of the Lord of
Contagion, they add +Tier dice when making an
REMORSELESS: See page 92
VECTOR OF DISEASE: Add the game’s Tier to this
Threat’s Contagion Range.
ACTION: Plaguereaper Axe: 19 +7ED / AP -3 / Inflict
(Poisoned 5), Rending (2), Unwieldy (2)
RUIN: Befouled Incubator. Spend 1 Ruin when the
Lord of Corruption inflicts the Poisoned X condition
on one or more enemies. Until the end of the
scene, if any of those creatures die, they
immediately inflict Mortal Wounds equal to the
game’s Tier to all non-NURGLE creatures within
Contagion Range.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 9d6.
7 7 5 Large
may replace his Plaguereaper Axe for a Manreaper
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 and a single Orb of Desiccation:
THREAT A A A A A Manreaper: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 4),
DEATH GUARD, CHAMPION, TERMINATOR Orb of Desiccation (1): 10 +6ED / AP -1 / Range 44 /
S T A I WIL INT FEL Blast (2d6), Inflict (Poisoned 4), Inflict (Exhausted)

Page 105 of 164

Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Lord of Virulence
Lords of Virulence are powerful Nurgle-tainted Chaos CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Lords of the Death Guard. They have taken up the has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Mantle of Virulence, and are masters of massed CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
bombardment, hammering their enemies with heavy LORD OF THE DEATH GUARD: While allied DEATH
firepower and decimating their ranks in the manner of GUARD Threats are within 7m of the Lord of
a lethal infection laying their victim low. Contagion, they add +Tier dice when making an
Tubes and pipes erupt in profusion from the Lord of MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Virulence's armour. From these gout noxious fumes, MASTER OF DESTRUCTION: While DEATH GUARD
putrid eruptions whose hue and stench guide the fire allies are within 7m of the Lord of Virulence, any
of artillery engines behind the lines. Behind them their ranged weapon they use which has the Inflict
flensefrond cloaks leave a trail of mucosal slime for (Poisoned X) gains the Rending (1) quality.
hungry Daemon Engines to follow. PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
REMORSELESS: See page 92
Clad in his mutilated Terminator armour, he is adorned SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
with the signs of symbols of Grandfather Nurgle's many ABILITIES
blessings. Armed with a twin plague spewer and plague ACTION: Twin Plague Spewer: 12 +4ED / AP -1 /
claw, he is ready to spread these diseases across the Range 4-8-12 / Salvo 4 / Flamer, Heavy (6),
galaxy. Poisoned (4)
Power Fist: 16 +5ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Inflict (Poisoned
5), Unwieldy (2)
Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 44 /
LORD OF VIRULENCE Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Krak Grenade (3): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 44 /
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Blast (4)
THREAT A A A A A RUIN: Blight Bombardment. Spend 2 Ruin at the
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES, start of the Lord of Virulence’s turn to call in a
DEATH GUARD, CHAMPION, TERMINATOR bombardment of vile blight spores. Choose a single
S T A I WIL INT FEL point on the battlefield. At the start of the next
11 9 7 7 7 6 6 round, roll 7d6 for every enemy within Contagion
RESILIENCE Range of that point, and inflict a number of Mortal
18 (Cataphractii Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome) Wounds equal to the Icons rolled. Anyone who
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK suffers one or more wounds also suffers the
6 19 12 Poisoned X condition, with a rating equal to the
SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6), number of Mortal Wounds inflicted.
Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 13 DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
BONUSES Spend 1 Ruin to roll 9d6.
in Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on 7 7 5 Large
any weapons they wield.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Foetid Bloat-drone
Labouring through the air on buzzing turbines and Fleshmower victims make excellent slop-fuel for those
driven by the trapped essence of a Nurgle Daemon, the Bloat-drones armed with Plaguespitters, and so the
Foetid Bloat-drone drifts towards the enemy like an two variants often form parasitic war packs.
armoured plague fly. This hideous war engine bears
monstrous weapons onto the battlefield to annihilate FOETID BLOAT-DRONE
the enemies of the Death Guard.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Many Foetid Bloat-drones are equipped with a pair of THREAT — MC MC MC MC
Plaguespitters. As the Daemon Engine floats over the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, DAEMON, DAEMON
battlefield, its trailing pipes and tubules suckle rot and ENGINE, HERETIC ASTARTES, DEATH GUARD
filth with idol hunger to fuel these revolting weapons. S T A I WIL INT FEL
The Bloat-drone slurps up diseased innards and 9 11 6 6 4 2 1
maggot-thick mud until its putrid flesh is straining and
17 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
pulsating, refining a hideous cocktail of hyper-
concentrated toxic slime.
5 15 —
Then, with a disgusting spasm of regurgitation, the SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 8, Awareness 10
drone squirts the resultant soup through its (Passive 5), Ballistic Skill 8, Weapon Skill 8
Plaguespitters, spraying it in great fans across the foe. BONUSES
No cover or defence can protect the target from this CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
lethal rain of filth. Victims find their bodies convulsing
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
and twisting in the grip of a thousand maladies, rotting
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
and bloating until they collapse into a heap of decaying,
highly-infectious matter. Many are still screaming ABILITIES
when they do. BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
Other Bloat-drones are equipped for long-range see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
ACTION: Fleshmower: 14 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 2
bombardment. Fitted with a Heavy Blight Launcher,
[M] / Inflict (Poisoned 3), Reaping, Sustained
these Daemon Engines suck armour-piercing blight
Plague Probe: 12 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 2 (M) /
shells from their rusting drum magazines and fire them
Inflict (Poisoned 3)
in rippling volleys. This rain of disease-ridden shells can ACTION OPTIONS: A Bloat-Drone may replace its
reduce a battle tank to a corroded, collapsing wreck in Fleshmower with one of the following:
moments, or bring whole squads of heavily armoured Twin Plague Spitter: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-
infantry to their knees. 18 / Salvo 4 / Flamer, Mounted (Large), Poisoned
The entities that possess Foetid Bloat-drones are more
Heavy Blight Launcher: 13 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 18-
aggressive and spiteful than most Daemons of Nurgle. 36-54 / Salvo 6 / Assault, Barrage, Blast (2),
Some are so wilful that they cannot be entrusted with Mounted (Large), Poisoned (4)
ranged weaponry at all, their desire to smash RUIN: Dark Cravings: When the Threat kills an
themselves into the enemy ranks all too evident. enemy with a melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to heal a
number of Wounds equal to the game’s Tier.
These rebellious engines are instead fitted with the
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
macabre devices known as Fleshmowers. Heavy Spend 1 Ruin to roll 11d6.
cylinders of rusted iron blades, Fleshmowers thrust out ANNIHILATION: Putrid Explosion: When this Threat
in front of the Bloat-drone on bulky arms and whir is destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
frenetically as it flies into battle. These weapons can be Threat explodes:
used in thrumming passes through the enemy ranks, or Bloat-Drone Explosion: 11 +4ED / Blast (7), Inflict
more deliberately pressed against resilient targets to (Poisoned 3)
4 3 10 Flight Large
Either way, the result is a hideous red spray and a
mulched strew of body parts. The mashed remains of
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Myphitic Blight-haulers
Powering into battle on a trio of articulated track units,
the Myphitic Blight-hauler is a light Daemon Engine
that provides the Death Guard Traitor Legion with TIER 1 2 3 4 5
heavy firepower wherever it is needed. THREAT — MC MC MC MC
Resembling a Foetid Bloat-drone that has been ENGINE, HERETIC ASTARTES, DEATH GUARD
stripped of its turbines, this strange machine has heavy S T A I WIL INT FEL
weapons mounted on its carapace, typically a 9 11 5 5 4 2 1
combination of Multi-Melta and Missile Launcher for RESILIENCE
mid-to-close range tank-hunting. 17 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
At the front of the Daemon Engine's hull, a single eye 4 15 —
lens stares at the enemy with feral hunger, while below SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 8, Awareness 10
it a fang-filled maw gnashes and drools. Should the (Passive 5), Ballistic Skill 8, Weapon Skill 8
enemy get too close, the Myphitic Blight-hauler falls BONUSES
upon them like a ravenous wolf, biting and devouring, CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
or sprays diseased bile over them from the rotted DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
nozzle that juts between its fangs. DREADFUL BARRAGE: This Threat may perform
multiple ranged attacks as part of a Multi-Action, so
The Myphitic Blight-hauler is well armoured in rusting long as each attack is using a different weapon.
plates, and its blubbery flesh-parts can soak up FOUL STENCH: The Blight-Hauler’s Defence is
appalling trauma. It possesses a further defence increased by 2 against melee attacks.
mechanism in the form of the keratinous spouts that MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
protrude from its armoured body. As it devours the the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
filth and corpse-matter carpeting the battlefield, the PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
machine churns the accumulated foulness within its ABILITIES
foetid innards. Rank gasses and miasmal fumes build BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
within the Daemon Engine's gastric boilers until, with a see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
wet rasp, it spews them forth in billowing clouds. ACTION: Bile Spurt: 13 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Blast (4), Inflict (Poisoned 3), Pistol
The retched stink of these unnatural gasses is enough Missile Launcher (Frag): 12 +5ED / Range 24-48-72 /
to render nearby enemies unconscious, or send them Salvo - / Blast (10), Heavy (6)
into uncontrollable fits of vomiting. Meanwhile, the Missile Launcher (Krak): 16 +6ED / AP -2 / Range 24-
moistened matter borne upon the clouds hangs thick 48-72 / Salvo - / Blast (4), Heavy (6)
in the air, veiling the Myphitic Blight-hauler and any Multimelta: 16 +3ED / AP -4 / Range 12-24-36 / Salvo
2 / Heavy (8), Melta
nearby units behind an obscuring curtain of filth.
Gnashing Maw: 12 +3ED / AP -2 / Inflict (Poisoned
In this way, packs of Myphitic Blight-haulers provide 3)
rolling smog banks of revolting cover for the Death RUIN: Belching Fumes: When this Threat is the
Guard advance, clogging the air with indescribable target of a ranged attack, they may spend 1 Ruin as
foulness from which the Plague Marines emerge with a Reflexive Action. Against that attack, and until the
bolters blazing. start of its next turn, the Threat counts as if in
Heavy Cover, gaining +2 Defence.
Most Death Guard commanders use packs of these DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Daemon Engines to fill the role that Havocs or Spend 1 Ruin to roll 11d6.
Obliterators might in other Traitor Legions. The ANNIHILATION: Putrid Explosion: When this Threat
possessor entities that animate Myphitic Blight-haulers is destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
are as loyal as hounds to their masters, rushing to obey Threat explodes:
Blight-Hauler Explosion: 11 +4ED / Blast (7), Inflict
any instruction they are given.
(Poisoned 3)
4 3 10 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Plagueburst Crawler
The Daemon Primarch Mortarion himself perfected the RESILIENCE
designs for the first Plagueburst Crawlers as a labour of 20 (Fleshmetal Hide: 5 AR)
pure spite. The Death Lord sought to create a DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
superlative mobile artillery piece that would outclass 3 20 —
any comparative Imperial weapon, and thus SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
demonstrate the Death Guard's superiority over their Skill 8
corpse-worshipping former kin. BONUSES
For many solar months he locked himself away in the DAEMON ENGINE: See page 8.
smog-wreathed spires of the Black Manse on the DREADFUL BARRAGE: This Threat may perform
Plague Planet, obsessing endlessly over his foul multiple ranged attacks as part of a Multi-Action, so
brainchild, turning all of his remarkable intellect to the long as each attack is using a different weapon.
challenge. The resultant Daemon Engines reflect well MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
the values of the nightmarish figure that created them. the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
Plagueburst Crawlers are lumbering, formidable siege PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
tanks whose huge ram-blades, thick armour plating
BATTLECRY: Terrifying Presence: Anyone that can
and daemonic energies provide them with incredible
see this Threat must make a DN 3 Terror Test.
resilience. ACTION: Plagueburst Mortar: 16 +5ED / AP -2 /
Their fearsome Plagueburst Mortars boast a parabolic Range 24-48-72 / Salvo - / Blast (6), Indirect, Inflict
fire arc and terrifying range, while the shells they fire (Poisoned 3), Inflict (Pinning 3), Mounted (Huge)
Heavy Slugger: 12 +1ED / Range 18-36-54 / Salvo 4 /
combine high-radius explosives with lethal clouds of
Rapid Fire (2), Heavy (8)
corrosive spores to inflict damage comparable to that
Two Entropy Cannons: 16 +5ED / AP -4 / Range 18-
of Imperial Demolisher Cannons. The drawback of this 36-54 / Salvo 1 / Heavy (10), Inflict (Poisoned 5)
weapon is its inability to fire at targets that are closer ACTION OPTIONS: A Plagueburst Crawler may
than its minimum range. However, the remainder of replace its two Entropy Cannons with the following:
the Crawler's weaponry is intended to slaughter the Two Plague Spitters: 13 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-
foe up close, spraying diseased slime and hails of viral 18 / Salvo 2 / Flamer, Mounted (Large), Poisoned
shells at any who approach. (4)
A Plagueburst Crawler may replace its Heavy
Mortarion's decision to make these vehicles Daemon Slugger with the following:
Engines says much for his contempt for all living things. Rothail Volley Gun: 13 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 12-24-
Live crew -- even Death Guard Heretic Astartes -- might 36 / Salvo 7 / Mounted (Large), Rapid Fire (3),
be injured or slain or suffer an all-too-Human error of Sustained
judgement in battle. By comparison, though great RUIN: Belching Fumes: When this Threat is the
effort is required to bind a Daemon within each target of a ranged attack, they may spend 1 Ruin as
Plagueburst Crawler, once installed the possessor a Reflexive Action. Against that attack, and until the
entities tirelessly obey their masters and, by extension, start of its next turn, the Threat counts as if in
the will of Mortarion. Heavy Cover, gaining +2 Defence.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 14d6.
ANNIHILATION: Putrid Explosion: When this Threat
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 is destroyed, roll 1d6. If you roll a Complication, the
THREAT — — MC MC MC Threat explodes:
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, DAEMON, DAEMON Plagueburst Crawler: 13 +4ED / Blast (14), Inflict
11 14 4 4 4 2 1 4 3 10 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Typhus, Herald of Nurgle
Typhus, also known as "Typhus the Traveller," SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
originally the Space Marine named Calas Typhon of the Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 13, Psychic Mastery 12,
world of Barbarus, is the Herald of Nurgle, the lord of Weapon Skill 13
the Death Guard Traitor Legion's 1st Plague Company, BONUSES
and the host of the terrible plague known as the CATAPHRACTIII TERMINATOR ARMOUR: A warrior
Destroyer Hive. He is a Champion of Chaos and the in Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on
any weapons they wield.
former first captain of the Death Guard Legion. Typhus
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
is also the most feared of all Chaos Lords to command
has 7 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
one of the legendary Plague Fleets. CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92
That Typhus has been truly blessed by Nurgle is CONTAGION: SHAMBLEROT: Any creature within
indisputable. When the Death Guard were adrift in the Contagion Range of Typhus at the start of their turn
Warp during the Horus Heresy, dying from the must roll 1d6: if an Icon is rolled, they suffer 1 Mortal
Wound. If an Exalted Icon is rolled, they instead
Destroyer Plague, Calas Typhon, First Captain of the XIV
suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds.
Legion, absorbed the full power of the disease,
becoming a vessel for this ultimate corruption. Swelling GUARD Threats are within 7m of Typhus, they add
in size, his skin and armour bonded. Great pestilential +Tier dice when making an Attack.
funnels grew from his body, spewing forth a miasma of MASTER OF THE DEAD WHO WALK: While allied
destruction. Calas Typhon has been transformed into Poxwalkers are within 7m of Typhus, they add +Tier
Typhus, Host of the Destroyer Hive. ED to their attacks.
When the Death Guard retreated to the Eye of Terror REMORSELESS: See page 92
after the Horus Heresy, Typhus was disgusted by SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Mortarion's shaping of the Plague Planet in the image VECTOR OF DISEASE: Add the game’s Tier to this
of their homeworld, Barbarus. Believing his master had Threat’s Contagion Range.
given in to sentimentality, Typhus departed at the head ABILITIES
of a sepsis cohort to spread Nurgle's gifts to the ACTION: Typhus’ Manreaper: 16 +6ED / AP -3 /
undeserving Imperium of Man. Inflict (Poisoned 5), Brutal or Reaping
Blight Grenade (3): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 44 /
In a rare display of tolerance, Mortarion let his ever- Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
insubordinate son depart to forge his own legacy, for Contagion: Typhus attempts to activate a psychic
he would not repeat the mistakes that the Emperor had power he knows. Typhus knows Smite, Deny the
made with him. Since that day the two have settled Witch, Psyniscience, and two powers from the
into a tense but tolerable arrangement, Typhus fighting Contagion discipline.
at Mortarion's behest when the cause is suitably great, Destroyer Hive: As a simple action, select enemies
but otherwise remaining free to maraud throughout equal to the game’s Tier within 7m. Roll a d6 for
the Imperium at will. each enemy selected: on a 2 or more, they suffer
Mortal Wounds equal to the game’s Tier.
RUIN: The Wrathful Dead. Spend 1 Ruin as a free
action at the start of Typhus’ turn. All Poxwalkers
TYPHUS, HERALD OF NURGLE within 14m of Typhus may re-roll failures when
they make an attack before the start of Typhus’
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 next turn.
THREAT A A A A A DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
S T A I WIL INT FEL If Typhus would be slain, he withdraws by teleport
11 9 7 7 7 7 7 to his flagship, the Terminus Est, plotting revenge.
RESILIENCE Add 2 to Ruin.
18 (Cataphractii Armour: 8 AR, Cumbersome) CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
6 19 12
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Heretic Astartes
Mortarion, The Lord of Death, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle
Mortarion, also known as the "Pale King," the "Death PLAGUE WEAPONS: See page 92
Lord" or the "Prince of Decay" after he turned to Chaos, PRIMARCH OF THE DEATH GUARD: While allied
was one of the original twenty Imperial primarchs DEATH GUARD Threats are within 7m of Mortarion,
created by the Emperor of Mankind. they add +Tier dice when making an Attack, and
may re-roll any failures.
He was given command of the Death Guard Space REMORSELESS: See page 92
Marine Legion on the arrival of the Emperor to his TOXIC PRESENCE: Mortarion counts his Contagion
homeworld of Barbarus, but he turned to the service of Range as equal to twice the game’s Tier, unless it
Chaos during the Horus Heresy. would otherwise be larger.
At present, Mortarion is the greatest Daemon Prince of BATTLECRY: Host of Plagues.
Nurgle and the Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard Mortarion selects one of the following Contagions,
Chaos Space Marines. which applies for the entire scene: Shamblerot,
Ferric Blight, Gloaming Bloat, Eater Plague,
He recently returned to Imperial space for the first time
Sanguous Flux, The Droning, or Nurgle’s Fruit.
in ten thousand standard years when he led the forces Anyone that can see Mortarion must make a DN 7
of the Plague God in the invasion of the Realm of Terror Test.
Ultramar during the Plague Wars. ACTION: The Lantern: 16 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 6-
12-18 / Salvo 1 / Beam, Pistol, Sustained
MORTARION Silence (Eviscerating): 22 +6ED / AP -4 / Brutal,
Inflict (Poisoned 5)
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Silence (Reaping): 17 +3ED / AP -2 / Inflict
THREAT A A A A A (Poisoned 5), Reaping
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, NURGLE, HERETIC ASTARTES, Phosphex Bombs (7): 12 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 56 /
DAEMON, MONSTER Contagion: Mortarion attempts to activate a
S T A I WIL INT FEL psychic power he knows. Mortarion knows Smite,
14 14 7 7 9 9 7 Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and three powers
RESILIENCE from the Contagion discipline.
21 (The Barbaran Plate: 6 AR) RUIN: Infectious Onslaught. Spend 1 Ruin as a free
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK action at the start of Mortarion’s turn. Until the
6 26 - start of Mortarion’s next turn, all DEATH GUARD
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 12 (Passive 6), allies on the battlefield add the Sustained quality to
Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 13 any weapon with the Inflict (Poisoned X) quality.
BONUSES DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient. Page 92.
ARCH-CONTAMINATOR: Allied DEATH GUARD Spend 1 Ruin to roll 14d6 and may re-roll any dice
within 7m may re-roll any failures on ED with any which roll a 1. Mortarion may roll Determination
weapon which has the Inflict (Poisoned X) quality. against Mortal Wounds.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and ANNIHILATION: Putrid Banishment.
has 7 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13. If Mortarion would be slain, he is banished to the
CONTAGION: NURGLE’S GIFT: See page 92 Warp as his physical form explodes. Add 2 to Ruin.
LIVING PLAGUE: Enemies within 3m of Mortarion Mortarion: 13 +4ED / Blast (14), Inflict (Poisoned 4)
cannot benefit from any bonuses granted to them by CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
other characters, other than psychic powers. 8 8 12 Flight Huge
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Grandfather’s Favourites—Death Guard Adversaries
This section provides several items of unique, deadly equipment and a few additional abilities which can be applied to
DEATH GUARD Adversaries to make them more distinct and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Rotten Constitution

The following abilities can be applied to a DEATH Nurgle’s favour takes many forms, and this Adversary’s
GUARD Adversary. Only one such trait should be flesh has become so rot-infested that vast chunks of it
applied to any given Adversary under most can be torn free without risk of lasting harm.
circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier The Adversary’s Toughness is increased by +2, which
4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more than also increases his Resilience, Determination, and
one (Mortarion has three, but he’s arguably a Tier 6 Maximum Wounds. In addition, each time the
Adversary). Adversary is hit by an attack with an AP of -1 or -2, the
Some of these are Contagion abilities, which refer to AP is treated as 0 instead.
the Contagions of Nurgle rules on page 92. Foul Effluents
Liquid toxins pour from crevices in the Adversary’s
Revoltingly Resilient
So vast and bloated has this Adversary become that he armour, creating a miasma of filth around him that
is all but immune to the pain of injury. spreads all around.

When the Adversary rolls Determination, he may re- Any enemy who begins their turn within 7m of the
roll any dice which roll 1. Adversary must roll 1d6: on a 4, 5, or 6, that enemy
suffers one Mortal Wound.
Living Plague
Saturated as he is with Nurgle’s contagious blessings, Shamblerot [Contagion]
merely to stand before this Adversary is to be assailed The strains of this zombie virus slowly but surely break
by an oppressive aura of plague. mortals around it. It saps at their strength and their
dexterity, rendering them useless before the virus
Enemies within 3m of the Adversary cannot benefit consumes them.
from any bonuses granted to them by other characters,
other than psychic powers. Any creature within Contagion Range of this Adversary
at the start of their turn must roll 1d6: if an Icon is
Hulking Physique rolled, they suffer 1 Mortal Wound. If an Exalted Icon is
This Adversary’s body has become swollen with rolled, they instead suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds.
Nurgle’s divine blessings and stands all but inviolate as
a veritable behemoth of rancid flesh. Ferric Blight [Contagion]
The spreading rust of the Ferric Blight, spawned in the
The Adversary’s Maximum Wounds are increased by immaterium, can reduce armour of all kinds to nothing.
+Tier. In addition, the maximum number of Wounds
that the Adversary can lose to a single attack is equal Each time an attack is made by a DEATH GUARD Threat
to the total Icons rolled on the attack’s ED. If the against an enemy within Contagion Range of this
Adversary’s Size was Average, it becomes Large. Adversary, the AP of that attack is improved by 1 (i.e.,
from AP -1 to AP -2).
Such are this Adversary’s virulent emanations that his Gloaming Bloat [Contagion]
very presence is enough to make even the most lethal The spores of the Gloaming Bloat find their way into all
toxins and venoms deadlier still. kinds of crannies and crevices, rendering all kinds of
weapons ineffective.
Allied DEATH GUARD within 7m may re-roll any failures
on ED with any weapon which has the Inflict (Poisoned Enemies within Contagion Range of this Adversary
X) quality. cannot make Reflexive Actions, and they may not re-
roll any dice on attacks or damage rolls.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
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Eater Plague [Contagion] Fugaris’ Helm
The Eater Plague gnaws and bites at enemy armour, He who dons this helm becomes a living magnet for
burrowing into weak points and making rents and gaps. Daemon flies. These foul insects echo his words with
the susurrus of their wings and chitinous bodies,
Each time an attack is made by a DEATH GUARD Threat
turning his voice into a pestilential roar.
against an enemy within Contagion Range of this
Adversary, the attack inflicts a minimum of 1 Wound The Adversary adds +3m to any special abilities which
for each Exalted Icon rolled on the attack. benefit all nearby allies.
Sanguous Flux [Contagion] Plague Skull of Glothila
Bleeding sores erupt all over enemies afflicted by the This oversized deaths head was once the skull of the
Sanguous Flux, the wounds never clotting or healing. Chaos Lord Glothila, whose dying wish was to become
a weapon of purest evil.
While an enemy is within Contagion Range of this
Adversary, all attacks against them inflict the Bleeding The Adversary has a single grenade of this type.
condition. Further, the enemy’s Resolve is reduced by
Plague Skull of Glothila: 7ED / Range Strength x4 [T] /
1, to a minimum of 1.
Blast (7), Inflict (Poisoned 7), Mortal (1), Rad (2)
The Droning [Contagion]
The Warlord is surrounded by a cloud of fat plague
This blade originally played host to the souls of a trio of
flies, who harass the Death Guards enemies and eat
Beasts of Nurgle. However, they were trapped so long
away at round casings, coolant vats and fuel
that they pupated, and so now the weapon contains
containment canisters.
the souls of three Rot Flies.
If an enemy is within Contagion Range of this
This replaces a Balesword, Daemon Blade, Plague
Adversary at the start of their turn, they must pass a
Knife, or Power Sword the Adversary wields.
Toughness test with a DN of 2 +Tier; if this is failed, the
enemy is Staggered. Plaguebringer: S +6 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict (Poisoned 5),
Inflict (Fear 3), Parry
Nurgle’s Fruit [Contagion]
The strange lumps that form on victims of Nurgle’s Putrid Periapt
fruit, also known as the boilblight, lumpen splatter or Plucked from the gut of one of Horticulous Slimux’s
Crawling Pustulence, are easy to spot at distance for own Beasts of Nurgle, this amulet reacts to witchery by
the Death Guard. releasing clouds of warpspores that seed the flesh of
Nurgle’s faithful with fecund vitality.
Enemies within Contagion Range of this Adversary do
not gain any bonus to their Defence from being in DEATH GUARD PSYKER Adversary only. The bearer
Cover against attacks from DEATH GUARD threats. knows one additional psychic power from the
Contagion discipline. In addition, when the bearer
Relics of Decay
activates a Contagion psychic power, up to one Exalted
Only one item from the list below should be given to
Icon may be shifted to heal a number of Wounds on the
any given DEATH GUARD Adversary under most
bearer equal to the game’s Tier.
circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier
4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more than Reaper of Glorious Entropy
one. The blade of this ancient scythe is razor sharp. The
acids that leak from its handle hone the weapon’s
Daemon’s Toll
blade and burn through any armour they touch.
With its discordant note, the Daemon’s Toll summons
mutated tendrils and warp insects to ensnare, trap and This replaces a Manreaper or Plaguereaper the
harass the foe. Adversary wields.

This may only be given to a Noxious Blightbringer Reaper of Glorious Entropy: S +8 +7ED / AP -3 / Inflict
(page 100). When the Adversary makes an Intimidation (Poisoned 5), Rending (3), Mortal (1)
Interaction Attack against an enemy, two shifts may be
spent to inflict the Restrained condition on the enemy.
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Revolting Stench-Vats Leechspore Casket
Buried in the Blightspawn’s torso, these vats emit an This armoured, rune-inscribed chest is borne to battle
incredibly foul odour. aboard the war engines of the Inexorable. Through
unclean sorcery it is bound to the soul of a mighty
This may only be given to a Foul Blightspawn (page 99).
plague champion; as that warrior reaps a tally amongst
Enemies within 7m of the bearer cannot Keep the
the foe, so the casket creaks open and spews fecund
Initiative and gain no benefits from Charging.
spores that use the enemy’s parasitised life force to
Suppurating Plate heal the vehicle’s hurts with putrid mutant flesh.
This bloated power armour is riddled with pipes full of
Each time the bearer kills an enemy with a melee
corrosive pus. Whenever an enemy’s weapon so much
attack, select a friendly DEATH GUARD vehicle (which
as nicks its surface, foul fluids jet out that eat away at
metal and flesh alike.
18m. That vehicle immediately recovers a number of
This may not be given to Adversaries with the Wounds equal to the game’s Tier.
Warp Insect Hive
The bearer’s AR is increased to 7. In addition, each time As a part of their hellish defensive systems, warriors of
the bearer is damaged by a melee attack, roll a number Mortarion’s Anvil deploy hives of foul warp insects.
of D6 equal to the ED from the attack: inflict 1 Mortal
Each time the bearer makes a melee attack, they may
Wound per Icon rolled to the attacker.
re-roll up to Tier dice on the attack skill test, and up to
Tollkeeper Tier ED on the damage roll.
This device is so saturated with plagues that tallying the
The Daemon’s Favour
slain with it causes unclean outbreaks to erupt
This vile, crater-pocked poppet-doll is scrimshawed
amongst their comrades.
from diseased bone. It teems with the malevolent
This may only be given to a Tallyman (page 102). While essence of the Eater of Lives himself, his power
a DEATH GUARD ally is within 7m of the bearer, each billowing forth in gnawing clouds.
Exalted Icon rolled on a ranged attack, they may
Malignant Plaguecaster (page 103) only. The bearer
immediately roll one additional die on that attack.
replaces their Pestilential Fallout special ability with
These additional dice may not themselves grant extra
the following:
WRATH: Torrent of Putrefaction. When the Malignant
Infected Remains
Plaguecaster rolls one or more Exalted Icons on Wrath
Contaminated corpses and body parts can be used to
Dice when activating a psychic power, one enemy
despoil sacred sites in the name of Nurgle.
within 14m gains the Poisoned 7 condition. If no
Once per scene, as a Simple Action, the bearer may use Exalted Icons are rolled on Wrath dice, select a single
the relic to despoil the area. Mark a single point on the enemy within 7m, who suffers the Poisoned 3
battlefield within 3m of the Adversary. For the condition.
remainder of the scene, that point on the battlefield is
Ironclot Furnace
considered to have all the same Contagion abilities
Comprising an ever-burning alchemical engine lodged
(page 92) as the Adversary.
within the bearer’s armour and an array of rune-
carved, coiling tubes and exhausts that spill from it, this
foul artefact churns out warp-charged pollutants that
coat nearby Daemon Engines.

As a simple action, select a single DEATH GUARD

DAEMON ENGINE within 7m. Until the start of your
next turn, that DAEMON ENGINE’s Armour Rating is
Invulnerable and cannot be modified by an attack’s AP.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Ferryman’s Scythe Explosive Outbreak
This grotesquely oversized weapon lops great chunks This pathogen attacks its victim with incredible speed.
of armour and flesh from its victims, each lumpen
The weapon gains the Sustained quality.
gobbet taken as payment for ferrying the victims soul
through the veil and into Nurgle’s malignant garden for Virulent Fever
all eternity. When this pathogen finds a victim - either being or
machine - it rapidly replicates, causing horrific damage
This replaces a Manreaper the Adversary wields. Each
before burning out.
time the bearer makes an attack with this weapon,
they must choose one of the profiles below: The weapon gains the Mortal (1) quality.

Ferryman’s Scythe (Cleave): S +7 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict Befouling Runoff

(Poisoned 5), Brutal, Unwieldy (1) The pathogen manifests itself as a viscous liquid with a
stench so foul it can make lungs bleed. When it seeps
Ferryman’s Scythe (Scythe): S +5 +4ED / AP -1 / Inflict into cover or terrain, the landscape is rendered utterly
(Poisoned 5), Reaping, Spread useless to enemy troops.
The target does not benefit from being in Cover against
This gruesome weapon contains a microscopic warp
attacks from this weapon.
portal that leads directly into the festering guts of the
Great Unclean One Ku’gath. When its nozzle is opened Unstable Sickness
it spews ferocious gouts of the Daemons highly Those affected by this pathogen explode in a shower of
corrosive bile. deeply infected gore.

This weapon replaces a Plague Sprayer the Adversary Each time an enemy is killed while suffering the
wields. Poisoned X condition from this weapon, they explode,
inflicting Tier Mortal Wounds to all other creatures
Vomitryx: 14 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 7-14-21 / Assault, within 3m. NURGLE creatures are unaffected by these
Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 7) Mortal Wounds.
Deadly Pathogens Corrosive Filth
DEATH GUARD Adversaries can be given Deadly No armoured fighting vehicle is durable enough to
Pathogens to upgrade a single Plague Weapon (page withstand the corrosive power of this specially
92) they carry (other than a Relic of Decay or a grenade) formulated pathogen.
When a Plague Weapon is imbued with a Deadly The weapon gains the Bane (Vehicles) quality.
Pathogen, increase the weapon’s damage by +1ED, and
apply the effect listed for the specific Deadly Pathogen Viscous Death
below. Filthy slime fills the rounds of this weapon and coats
them. When fired, the explosive splashes spread the
Acidic Malady pathogen in all directions.
The acids that coat this weapon eat through armour
with terrifying ease. If the weapon has the Blast (X) quality, increase the
rating of the Blast by +2. If the weapon has the Flamer
The weapon’s AP is improved by 1 (i.e., from AP -1 to quality, count the wielder’s Ballistic Skill rating as 2
AP -2) higher.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Emperor’s Children
The Emperor's Children, also sometimes known after perfection in all they did and were counted as one of
their fall as the Lords of Profligacy, are a Traitor Legion the most dedicated of all of the Emperor's followers.
of Chaos Space Marines who devote themselves solely
Though the Emperor's Children were present at the
to the service of the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Prince of
siege of the homeworld of Mankind, they were not
Pleasure, though they were originally the Imperium of
numbered amongst the formations that assaulted the
Man's proud Third Legion of Astartes.
mighty fortifications erected by the Praetorian of Terra
The Emperor's Children was the only Space Marine Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion, to
Legion to bear the Emperor's own name and His own defend the Imperial Palace. While the World Eaters and
icon -- the Palatine Aquila -- granted to them by His other Traitor Legions launched assault after assault
hand as a symbol of the Legion's martial perfection. upon the palace, the Emperor's Children are said to
Few were ever so honoured amongst the ancient Space have laid waste to the surrounding city and other
Marine Legions and given less cause to betray the outlying regions, slaughtering untold thousands,
Master of Mankind than the Emperor's Children. perhaps even millions, of the Emperor's subjects in an
orgy of unfettered cruelty.
Given the plaudits and accolades accorded them, few
could doubt that they were the embodiment of what Some have even suggested that the
the Emperor had intended the Legiones Astartes to be: Emperor's Children were using the
noble in action and aspect, excelling in all matters, unprecedented violence of the Siege
strong, civilised, firm of purpose and loyal to the of Terra to slay sufficient victims to
core. render their vital fluids into some
abominable distillation, a stimulant
From this height they descended in
that would grant them access to
treachery to the lowest and vilest of
previously unheard-of heights of
creatures, enslaved to pride and
sensation. In the end, the Siege of
consumed by hedonistic desires
Terra was lifted when the
that no natural power could
Emperor slew the Arch-traitor
fulfill. The Emperor's Children are
Horus, and the Emperor's
now a scattered Legion much like
Children were driven from Terra
their counterparts the World
along with the rest of the Traitors.
Eaters, their unity devoured
by their allegiance to Chaos. Leaving a trail of desecrated worlds
The Emperor's Children Legion and violated populations, the
now exists only as scattered, Emperor's Children joined the ranks of
autonomous warbands of Heretic those Traitor Legions taking refuge from the
Astartes located in the Eye of Terror who are dedicated Imperium's wrath within the Eye of Terror, beginning a
to their own pursuit of corrupt, hedonistic and usually new and devastating series of wars against their
murderous pleasures. The Chaos Space Marines of the erstwhile allies among the forces of Chaos in search of
Emperor's Children are known for possessing stolen mortal slaves to serve as their playthings.
outlandish mutations and surgical alterations as "gifts"
The history of the Emperor's Children in the period that
from Slaanesh which are designed to make them more
followed the defeat of the Traitor Legions at the Siege
"perfect" in the eyes of their twisted patron.
of Terra is largely obscured from Imperial scholars, for
The Emperor's Children Traitor Legion exists for no obvious reasons. Perhaps the greatest mystery
other purpose but to exceed every extreme and to surrounds the fate of the Primarch Fulgrim himself, for
know every possible sensation. Its warriors are entirely it appears that he disappeared entirely. Some say that
in the thrall of Slaanesh, the Dark Prince of Chaos, but the Prince of Chaos had already granted him
once, the Legion of the Primarch Fulgrim strived for apotheosis in the course of the Horus Heresy, and he
assumed the mantle of a Daemon Primarch.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Common Emperor’s Children Rules
Emperor’s Children Threats share a few common special abilities in addition to those common to all Chaos Space
Marines. Emperor’s Children units with these abilities will list them in their entries, and some Emperor’s Children have
special abilities which refer to or alter these abilities in some way.

All Emperor’s Children have the EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Legion keyword and the accompanying special rule, and they
all have the Mark of SLAANESH with the accompanying special ability. These are copied here again for convenience.
Some Death Guard do exist as part of other warbands and legions, though they are rare; for these, replace the Death
Guard Legion keyword and its ability with those of a different Legion.

Emperor’s Children [Legion] Mark of Slaanesh

Inured to ordinary sensations by several lifetimes of Those in thrall to the Prince of Excess may exude a
indulgence, the Emperor’s Children find stimulation cloying musk or stare with lidless black orbs instead of
only in excess, be it brutally shocking acts of violence eyes. Others bear repulsive growths or caress foes with
or gratuitous displays of martial prowess. barbed talons.

An EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Threat may ignore up to A SLAANESH Threat may act first during a combat
2DN worth of penalties to any attack made. Further, if round without spending Ruin to interrupt, and they do
any Exalted Icons are rolled on the damage roll of an not have to spend Ruin to Keep the Initiative.
attack they make, the attack’s AP is improved by 1 (i.e.,
Sonic Weapons
from AP -1 to AP -2). Must have the Mark of SLAANESH.
Sonic weapons use destructive wavelengths of sound
to tear targets apart, and it is nigh-impossible to hide
from them.

Sonic weapons have the Cacophony trait. Attacks with

a Cacophony weapon ignore cover bonuses to defence.

In addition, when an attack by a SLAANESH Threat with

a Sonic weapon hits its target, if the target has been hit
by other Sonic weapons since its last turn, add +1 ED
for each Sonic Weapon which has hit that target.

Common Emperor’s Children Threats

In addition to the specific EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Threats described in this section, existing HERETIC ASTARTES Threats
mentioned in the previous section can be given the EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Legion keyword and the Mark of
SLAANESH. They may also gain some additional weapon options distinct to the EMPEROR’S CHILDREN.

Each of those Threats can be used with the following Any Threat equipped with a Reaper Autocannon
changes: may replace it with a Blastmaster. A Daemon
Prince may replace its Infernal Cannon with a
The Threat gains the Sonic Weapons special rule.
The Threat gains +1 Agility and Initiative (which
o Blastmaster: Choose one of the profiles
increases Defence by 1)
Any Threat with the CHAMPION keyword may take
 Single Frequency: 16 +2ED / AP -2 /
a Doom Siren:
Range 24-48-72 / Salvo 1 / Blast (6),
o Doom Siren: 12 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 4-8-12
Cacophony, Heavy (6)
/ Salvo 1 / Assault, Blast (6), Cacophony
 Varied Frequency: 10 +1ED / AP -1 /
Any Threat equipped with a Combi-Bolter may
Range 18-36-54 / Salvo 1 / Blast (10),
exchange it for a Sonic Blaster:
Cacophony, Heavy (6)
o Sonic Blaster: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-
24-36 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Cacophony

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Noise Marines
Noise Marines are Chaos Space Marine foot soldiers
deeply dedicated to the Chaos God Slaanesh who are
most commonly found in the Emperor's Children TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Traitor Legion, but also in other Slaanesh-devoted THREAT A A E E T
Heretic Astartes warbands such as the Flawless Host. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, SLAANESH, HERETIC
Their trademark is the use of devastating Sonic ASTARTES, EMPEROR’S CHILDREN
Weapons that confuses and demoralizes enemy forces S T A I WIL INT FEL
in a wild show of deafeningly loud, psycho-sonically 8 6 6 6 5 5 3
and pyrotechnically explosive attacks.
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
Noise Marines are perfect hedonists, completely DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
dedicated to pushing their corrupted minds and bodies 5 10 7
to the absolute limits of sensation. All have spent SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 13 (Passive 7), Ballistic
centuries enraptured in the throes of Slaanesh's Skill 9, Weapon Skill 9
service, and their ceaseless devotions have corrupted BONUSES
their bodies until only the most extreme sensations CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
hold any satisfaction for their pleasure-addled
synapses. Now their every thought is bent wholly
towards their own self-gratification, and their
RIOTOUS CACOPHONY: When this Threat inflicts
imaginations incessantly overflow with insane visions one or more Wounds with a ranged attack, the
of reckless and loathsome indulgences. target and all enemies within 3m must pass a DN 3
Fear Test.
SONIC WEAPONS: See page 117
ACTION: Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36
/ Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
/ Brutal, Pistol
Astartes Combat Knife: 10 +2ED / AP -1 / Reliable
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
ANNIHILATION: Music of the Apocalypse. When
the Threat is slain, it makes a ranged attack against
the nearest enemy before dying.
5 5 7 Average
replace their Boltgun with one of the following.
Astartes Chainsword: 13 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
Sonic Blaster: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 12-24-36 /
Salvo 3 / Assault, Cacophony
Blastmaster: Choose one of the profiles below:
Single Frequency: 16 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 24-
48-72 / Salvo 1 / Blast (6), Cacophony, Heavy (6)
Varied Frequency: 10 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 18-
36-54 / Salvo 1 / Blast (10), Cacophony, Heavy

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Slaangor Fiendbloods
Fiendbloods are Beastmen devoted to the Chaos God
Slaanesh, and commonly found accompanying the
hedonistic warbands of the Emperor’s Children. Utterly FELLGOR BEASTMEN
in thrall to their basest of urges, they serve as shock
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
troops, careening recklessly into the enemy line with
little to no care for their own survival. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, SLAANESH, FELLGOR,
Fiendbloods are much beloved by the servants of MUTANT
Slaanesh and regarded as blessed children of the Prince S T A I WIL INT FEL
of Pleasure. They are pampered and bedecked in 6 6 6 6 5 4 4
various exotic oils, fabrics, and flamboyant jewellery.
10 (Flak Armour: 3 AR)
Slaangors spend most of their time wandering
aimlessly in a glassy-eyed stupor, roused only by the
5 12 8
wildest debauches. In battle, however, this lethargy is SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 8, Awareness 11
banished. Barrelling forth as the vanguard of the host, (Passive 12), Persuasion 7, Weapon Skill 9
they allow nothing—save for the most tantalising BONUSES
distractions—to come between them and their prey. BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
when they Charge.
Slaangor Fiendbloods are not ordinary Beastmen, and
CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
they have received many gifts and blessings from their
has 1 Personal Ruin.
patron god, mutating and distorting their bodies into OBSESSIVE VIOLENCE: Once per scene, after this
forms more pleasing to the God of Excess. Threat has made a melee attack, you may declare
that it is obsessed with violence. It becomes
Frenzied and may take one additional turn at the
end of the round, after all other characters have
acted. Once it has taken this additional action, it
ceases being Frenzied.
ACTION: Razor-Sharp Claws: 11 +4ED / AP -1 /
Reaping, Rending (2), Inflict (Hindered)
REACTION: Slaughter at any Cost.
After this Threat suffers any damage, if it is more
than 9m from any enemy, it may immediately move
up to half its speed.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
2 1 8 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Lucius the Eternal
Lucius the Eternal is the Champion of the Chaos God his debauched warband of Emperor's Children with
Slaanesh and a lord commander of the Emperor's total confidence, welcoming death with as much
Children Traitor Legion. Lucius is also known as the passion as he inflicts it upon his foes.
"Soulthief," "Fulgrim's Champion," "Blade of Aeons,"
and the "Scion of Chemos." LUCIUS THE ETERNAL
Many millennia ago, Lucius was a proud Space Marine TIER 1 2 3 4 5
of the Emperor's Children Legion, following his THREAT A A A A A
Primarch, Fulgrim, across the galaxy in the name of the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, SLAANESH, HERETIC
Emperor. Forsaking all experience other than the art of ASTARTES, EMPEROR’S CHILDREN, CHAMPION
close combat with the sword, Lucius bore the scars of S T A I WIL INT FEL
battle with pride and, over time, he began to equate 11 8 9 9 7 6 7
pain with success. By the time the Emperor's Children
14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
had been seduced by Horus' rebellion, Lucius had cut
deep lines across his face, head and chest, linking his
8 18 12
scars in a maze of irregular patterns that distorted and SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
deformed his features. Lucius slowly descended into Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 15
madness. He was compelled by the whispers in his BONUSES
mind to commit ever more extreme acts, furthering an LORD OF CHAOS: While allied EMPEROR’S
intense obsession with being the perfect swordsman. CHILDREN Threats are within 6m of the Chaos Lord,
they add +Tier dice when making an Attack.
Lucius continued to distinguish himself in the service of
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
his Primarch as the Third Legion descended into Chaos has 6 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
worship. He fought with incredible speed and skill in DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
the gladiatorial contests Fulgrim held when the Legion DUELLIST’S PRIDE. Lucius gains 1 Ruin each time an
was travelling from world to world. Lucius was almost enemy makes a successful melee attack against him.
invincible, a force of nature that could not be bested. FAULTLESS DUELLIST: Lucius may re-roll any dice
The champion remained undefeated until he was which roll failures when making a melee attack.
finally slain fighting the infamous Lord Commander Enemies in engagement range at the start of their
Cyrius. turn become Hindered.
Slaanesh was loath to let such a promising protégé slip SONIC WEAPONS: See page 117
into oblivion. Over the next few solar weeks, the SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Artificer Armour Commander Cyrius wore began to ABILITIES
warp and change. Cyrius' hair fell out in clumps, and ACTION: Power Sword: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Parry
dark lines appeared under his flesh, slowly pushing Lash of Torment: 15 +2ED / Range 4 [M] /
through his skin as a maze of scar tissue. Soon, Lucius Agonising, Inflict (Terror)
had emerged completely. All that remained of his Doom Siren: 12 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 4-8-12 / Salvo
executioner was a screaming, writhing face, subsumed 1 / Assault, Blast (6), Cacophony
for eternity into Lucius' armour. DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. The
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
Now, Lucius stalks the galaxy as an arrogant Wounds.
slaughterer who can never truly be killed. Whoever ANNIHILATION: Armour of Shrieking Souls.
slays him and takes even a moment of satisfaction or When Lucius is slain, the character who struck the
pride from the act will find themselves transforming, killing blow must pass a DN 6 Corruption Test. If this
slowly and painfully, into Lucius. The tortured visages would cause the character to reach a new Corruption
level, then they will transform into Lucius slowly over
of those who once killed him writhe within his armour,
the next few days, body and soul.
affording the swordsman endless gratification. His
ornate sabre and sentient whip have tasted the blood
7 7 7 Average
of champions and kings across the galaxy, and he leads

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Chosen of the Prince of Excess—Emperor’s Children Adversaries
This section provides several items of unique, deadly equipment and a few additional abilities which can be applied to
EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversaries to make them more distinct and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Glutton for Punishment

The following abilities can be applied to an EMPEROR’S This champion revels in every sensation—even ones
CHILDREN Adversary. Only one such trait should be that would slay a lesser mortal outright.
applied to any given Adversary under most Whenever this Adversary rolls Determination, they
circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier regain 1 Shock for every Exalted Icon rolled.
4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more than
one. Loathsome Grace
Blessed by Slaanesh to further accentuate his perverse
Stimulated by Pain elegance, this champion’s warped movements are
The champions of the Emperor’s Children thrive on nimble, striking, and utterly abhorrent.
pain. The more grievous their injuries, the deadlier they
become. This Warlord’s Speed is increased by +2.

This Adversary suffers no penalty for being Wounded, Relics of Excess

and instead adds +Tier bonus dice to all attacks while Only one item from the list below should be given to
Wounded. In addition, the Adversary gains the ability any given EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversary under
below: most circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of
a Tier 4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more
ANNIHILATION: When this Adversary is slain, they than one.
continue to fight until the end of their next turn, at
which point they finally die. The Endless Grin
This fleshy mask is the still-living, flayed face of a man
Intoxicating Musk who begged Slaanesh to fulfil his wish to live forever. It
A sickly-sweet aroma emanates from this Adversary, is said the Dark Prince was only too pleased to oblige,
both delightful and disgusting at once. A perfumed gifting the unfortunate soul immortality, but also
assault on the senses intoxicates those in its vicinity. forcing him to present his face to the Chaos Lord Shixe.
Enemies who begin their turn within 3m of this After butchering the supplicant, Shixe wore that face as
Adversary are Hindered. a prized reminder of the occasion for several centuries,
wallowing in a fraction of its life-sustaining properties
Unbound Arrogance in the process. The Endless Grin has since changed
This champion’s hubris is both his greatest strength hands many times, but the potency of its anguish has
and his greatest weakness. never diminished, nor the arrogance of its invigorated
At the start of each of this Adversary’s turns, secretly wearer.
choose a number from 1 to 3; the player of the nearest EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversary only.
PC does the same. Reveal your choices simultaneously:
if the numbers differ, the Adversary gains Ruin equal to The Adversary adds +Tier bonus dice to all
the number chosen for him. Determination rolls. In addition, when the GM spends
Ruin to keep this Adversary alive on 1 Wound, the
Faultless Duellist Adversary immediately heals Wounds equal to the
A peerless swordsman and an exquisite example of
game’s Tier.
fighting form, those who lock swords with this
champion do so at their peril.

This Adversary may re-roll any dice which roll failures

when making a melee attack. Enemies in engagement
range at the start of their turn become Hindered.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Fatal Sonancy Distortion
Xenotech implants grafted into the bearer’s neck give The unblemished sheen of this faultless blade reflects
them the ability to emit a hypermodulated scream, an alluring countenance to the bearer, their seemingly
powerful enough to shatter diamond. The myriad unmatched beauty a peerless example of perfection. In
resonant frequencies and sheer deafening power of reality, the bearer is a hideous wretch, every ounce of
this scream hit with a physical impact, blasting away elegance leached away to power the blade’s fearsome
flesh and bone alike, and reducing its victims to edge.
shuddering pulp.
EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversary with a power sword
EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversary only. or force sword only.

When this Adversary makes an Intimidation or This weapon replaces the Adversary’s power sword or
Persuasion Interaction Attack, if the attack is force sword. Each time the weapon is used to make an
successful, roll a number of dice equal to the game’s attack, select one of the following profiles:
Tier: the target suffers a number of Mortal Wounds
Elegant Incision: S +4 +4ED / AP -2 / Parry, Reaping
equal to the number of Icons rolled.
Inelegant Slash: S +8 +5ED / AP -4 / Brutal, Parry
Armour of Abhorrence
Raiment Revulsive
A canvas of the perverse, this suit of armour is adorned
A cloak stitched with the flayed skins of defeated
with fleshy mementos of captured warriors. The war
mortals, the Raiment Revulsive is a symbol of contempt
plate turns its wearer into an effigy of excess, a mosaic
and hatred for those incapable of sharing the
of dark exuberance that delights the Emperor’s
Emperor’s Childrens abhorrent tastes. The screams of
Children but instils sheer horror in their enemies. In
anguish that come from the still-living faces on this
battle, enemy warriors experience utter revulsion at
diabolic hide are a sweet concerto to the ears of the
this ghastly display, yet they are unable to turn away
wearer and his depraved allies, imbuing them with
from its mesmerising repulsiveness.
unbridled confidence.
EMPEROR’S CHILDREN Adversary only.
Enemies within 3m of the Adversary who attempt to
Fall Back or move out of engagement range must pass
a DN 2+ Tier Conviction test; those who fail may not
is within 6m of this Adversary, they may reduce the DN
penalty of a Multi-Action by 2. Enemies who begin their
Remnant of the Maraviglia turn within 6m of this Adversary are Hindered 2.
A rare recording of the grand symphony played for the
Emperor’s Children at the onset of the Horus Heresy,
this composition’s original performance saw the final
descent of the Legion into darkness. When transmitted
through vox-casters purpose-built into the zealous
bearer’s armour, mere seconds of this perverted
symphony are enough to drive the servants of Slaanesh
into a furore of excess.


Once per scene, the bearer may broadcast this sound

as a Simple Action. Until the start of the bearer’s next
turn, all EMPEROR’S CHILDREN within 6m add bonus
dice equal to the game’s Tier to their melee attacks.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Thousand Sons
The Thousand Sons are one of the Traitor Legions of nine, the sacred number of Tzeentch. The nine cults of
Chaos Space Marines who are sworn solely to the the Thousand Sons are each ruled by a powerful
service of Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change, intrigue Daemon Prince or Exalted Sorcerer who bears the
and sorcery, though they were once the Imperium of ancient rank of Magister Templi. Together with their
Man's Fifteenth Legion of Space Marines. The main most powerful sorcerous followers, they form a group
feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the known as the Rehati. Within each cult are a number of
other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker arcane ranks. A fundamental principle of the Thousand
mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Sons' organisation remains the arrangement of nine
Marines in this Legion. lesser Sorcerers beneath a psychic potentate. This
practice has its roots in the first cabal of Magnus.
Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic
abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and At the core of the war assemblies of the Thousand Sons
guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and are the "thrallbands." These primarily consist of a
sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory. Chaos Champion known as a Magister and up to nine
thralls, each a lesser Sorcerer-Champion of Tzeentch.
As a result of an ancient spell known as the Rubric of
This cabalistic gathering usually manifests as an Exalted
Ahriman that was cast soon after the Thousand
Sorcerer and nine Aspiring Sorcerers -- or
Sons fell from their homeworld of Prospero
Scarab Occult Sorcerers -- who lead the
during the early days of the Horus
Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult
Heresy, every Thousand Sons
Terminators into battle. In the
Astartes that lacked psychic
rarest of thrallbands, the thralls
powers had his soul fused
might instead be powerful
directly into his power
Sorcerers or Exalted Sorcerers
armour. The Thousand Sons
themselves. Whatever the
have become living
individual might of the thralls,
embodiments of sorcery
the conjunction of nine lesser
animated by the power of Chaos
Champions of Tzeentch
and the will of the Lord of
bolsters the sorcerous powers
of their Magister to truly
Following the end of the Heresy, inhuman levels. The Exalted
proper hierarchical structure within Sorcerers and Daemon Princes who
the XV Legion's squads and Fellowships rule the Silver Towers each command many of
(companies) disintegrated, as was common in most of these thrallbands, which may be gathered together
the Traitor Legions as the more deleterious effects of into hundreds-strong task forces called Exalted
Chaos manifested with the end of the unity between Thrallbands. Their followers comprise the raiding
the forces of Chaos after the Battle of Terra. In the forces through which Tzeentch enacts some of his most
wake of the fall of Prospero, the organisation of the violent schemes upon the galaxy.
Thousand Sons Legion is based around the number

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Common Thousand Sons Rules
Thousand Sons Threats share a few common special abilities in addition to those common to all Chaos Space Marines.
Thousand Sons units with these abilities will list them in their entries, and some Thousand Sons have special abilities
which refer to or alter these abilities in some way.

All Thousand Sons have the THOUSAND SONS Legion keyword and the accompanying special rule, and they all have
the Mark of TZEENTCH with the accompanying special ability. These are copied here again for convenience. Some
Thousand Sons do exist as part of other warbands and legions, though they are rare; for these, replace the Thousand
Sons Legion keyword and its ability with those of a different Legion.

Cabbalistic Rituals Kindred Sorcerers

Favoured as they are by Tzeentch, the Thousand Sons For an instant, the chanting voices of the Thousand
are ever-wreathed in the coiling energies of the Sons’ champions achieve perfect synchronisation,
empyrean. It is the gift of their sorcerous leaders to words of malign incantation rolling out like the peal of
channel this power through battlefield ritual, some cursed bell.
beseeching the Changer of the Ways to gift them Use this Ritual Effect by spending 5 Ritual Points when
forbidden knowledge, to enhance their already potent a TZEENTCH PSYKER attempts to activate a psychic
magicks or to ravage their foes with warpfire and power. Add +2 dice to that Psychic Mastery test.
Warp Sight
Any THOUSAND SONS PSYKER Threat can spend a full With their tainted souls melded as one amidst the
action performing arcane rites and rituals and will empyrean, what one champion of the cabal sees, all
generate one or more Ritual Points by doing so; the their fellows see also.
number will be listed in each Threat’s profile.
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 3 Ritual Points when
Any TZEENTCH PSYKER may spend Ritual Points on the a Psychic Power is successfully activated. When
following Ritual Effects. targeting a power that requires the target be visible to
the PSYKER, you may select a target visible to any allied
Imbued Manifestation
Like flame leaping along a trail of spilled promethium, TZEENTCH PSYKER.
the Thousand Sons’ magicks feed upon the latent Echoes from the Warp
energies clouding the air and race hungrily away Plucked from amidst the howling winds of the
through them towards the foe. immaterium and the gibbering of countless damned
voices come whispers of invaluable daemonic
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 4 Ritual Points when
a Psychic Power is successfully activated. Add 6m to the
range of that power’s effect. Use this Ritual Effect by spending 4 Ritual Points at the
start of a PSYKER’s turn; that Psyker may attempt a DN
Malevolent Charge
The malefic energies of dark sorcery flow together in 3 Psychic Mastery test as an action: if successful, they
ever more lethal combinations into fiery, mutating add 1 to Ruin.
storms. Pact from Beyond
Though it is always perilous to make deals with the
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 4 Ritual Points when
entities of the warp, the support of one’s cabal
a Psychic Power is successfully activated. If the power
ameliorates the risks somewhat.
inflicts one or more Mortal Wounds, it inflicts an
additional 1d3 Mortal Wounds. Use this Ritual Effect by spending 7 Ritual Points when
attempting to activate a Psychic Power. The Psychic
Power is activated successfully, without rolling.

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Cabbalistic Focus All is Dust
With the champions of the cabal incanting as one, their Due to Ahriman’s rubric, this Marine is little more than
sorceries become an unstoppable tidal wave. a spirit bound within armour, and thus surprisingly
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 8 Ritual Points after resistant to harm.
activating a psychic power. That power cannot be This Threat rolls 1 additional die when rolling
blocked or prevented by Deny the Witch. Determination, and they may re-roll any dice which roll
Psychic Maelstrom 1s. This Threat does not convert Wounds to Shock;
By establishing a recursive temporal loop, the cabal are each Icon simply negates one Wound suffered.
able to lash the enemy with the same terrible moment Arcane Automata
of loss over and over again. The mystical spirit animating this armour is not subject
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 8 Ritual Points after to the weaknesses of mortal minds.
resolving the effects of an activated psychic power. The This Threat is unaffected by abilities which target the
PSYKER can immediately attempt to activate an mind, and it automatically succeeds at all Resolve and
additional psychic power. Conviction tests. It adds +2 DN to the difficulty of any
Wrath of the Immaterium skill test attempted when there is no THOUSAND SONS
Such is the aura of latent energy roiling at the cabal’s PSYKER within 6m.
command, it is as though the daemons of the warp lend
Mark of Tzeentch
their own unnatural power to the champions’
The duplicitous worshippers of Tzeentch may bear
multitudinous eyes, multi-hued avian mutations,
Use this Ritual Effect by spending 9 Ritual Points when sentient serpentine tattoos or glittering crystalline
a TZEENTCH PSYKER attempts to activate a psychic flesh.
power. Add +5 dice to that Psychic Mastery test.
Once per scene, when rolling Determination, A
TZEENTCH Threat may instantly reduce an attack’s
damage to 0 without rolling. TZEENTCH PSYKERS know
one additional psychic power.

Thousand Sons [Legion]

The Thousand Sons have spent countless years honing
their psychic abilities to sublime perfection and
deepening their sorcerous wisdom. Such favoured
warriors enjoy a measure of Tzeentch's mystical

A THOUSAND SONS Threat adds +2 to its Psychic

Mastery skill, +2 dice to its Determination, and it may
roll Determination against Mortal Wounds. Must have
the Mark of TZEENTCH.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Common Thousand Sons Threats
In addition to the specific THOUSAND SONS Threats described in this section, many existing HERETIC ASTARTES
Threats mentioned in the previous section can be given the THOUSAND SONS Legion keyword and the Mark of
TZEENTCH. The most common of these are below, but any of the Threats in the first section of this bestiary can be
used with a little work, though .

Chaos Spawn (page 49): must have the Mark of Each of those Threats can be used with the following
TZEENTCH. changes:
Daemon Prince (page 65)
The Threat loses the Death to the False Emperor
Chaos Sorcerer (page 59)
Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (page
The Threat gains +1 Willpower and +1 Intellect
(which increases Maximum Shock, Resolve, and
Defiler (page 67)
Conviction by 1 each).
Helbrute (page 66)
PSYKER Threats gain the Cabbalistic Rituals ability,
Any CHAOS Vehicle from Church of Steel,
and they may use the Discipline of Change or
pages 97-98.
Discipline of Vengeance psychic disciplines instead
of the Dark Hereticus psychic discipline.
A Daemon Prince generates 3 Ritual Points when
performing rituals.
A Chaos Sorcerer or Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator
Armour generates 2 Ritual Points when performing
A Helbrute gains Arcane Knowledge Amidst
Babbling Insanity: when a THOUSAND SONS
PSYKER within 9m performs a ritual, they generate
+1 Ritual Points.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Psychic Powers
Those who dabble with the stuff of change seek to master the psychic essence empowering Tzeentch himself. Such
individuals skirt the edge of sanity as they wield the forces of madness and mutation, blessing their allies and cursing
their foes unto death. Tzeentch lends immense power to those who win his favour with such displays, but always at a

The Discipline of Change

Baleful Devolution Cacodaemonic Curse
DN: 7 DN: 5
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Sustained Duration: 1 Round
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: Transmogrifying energies erupt from Effect: With dark invocations, you summon
your eyes, playing across the enemy’s ranks cackling daemon imps to infest the enemy’s
and reducing their proud warriors to mewling weapons. This targets the ranged weapons of
beasts. This power affects all enemies within a all enemies within a Blast (6) within range and
Blast (6) within range and line of sight. Affected line of sight. Until the start of your next turn,
enemies must pass a Toughness test with a DN the affected weapons reduce their base
of 5; if they fail, they are transformed into damage by 2.
twisted, but harmless beasts while this power Potency:
remains in effect. Transformed enemies retain *[1] Affected weapons roll one fewer ED than
their normal Defence, Resilience, Wounds, and normal, to a minimum of 0ED.
Shock, but cannot take any actions of any kind, *[2] Affected weapons’ AP is reduced to 0.
and they will transform back if they suffer any *[2] Affected weapons suffer a complication
damage. on any Wrath die roll of 1, 2, or 3.
[3] Transformed enemies suffer 1 Mortal Doombolt
Wound when they first transform. DN: Target’s Defence
[2] Increase the size of the Blast by +2. Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: You hurl a bolt of roiling energy that
horribly twists its target into abhorrent and
mutated new shapes. This is a psychic ranged
attack, which targets the nearest enemy within
range and line of sight and inflicts Willpower +9
+3ED damage with an AP of -2 and has the
Agonizing and Corrupting traits.
[1] +1ED.

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Heretic Astartes
Glamour of Tzeentch Pyric Flux
DN: 5 DN: 4
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Sustained Duration: Instant
Range: 18m Range: 12m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: You twist and obscure the perceptions Effect: You make yourself a bounteous font of
of your foes to the point that your allies unholy warpflame. Until the start of your next
become all but invisible. This power affects a turn, all TZEENTCH FIRE weapons within range
number of CHAOS allies within range and line gain +2ED.
of sight equal to your Willpower. While this Potency:
power remains in effect, these allies increase [1] Affected weapons gain an additional +1ED.
their Defence by +2.
Potency: Temporal Manipulation
[2] +1 Defence. DN: 4
[1] Affected allies add +1 die to all Stealth tests. Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
Perplex Range: 12m
DN: 6 Multi-Target: No
Activation: Action Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC
Duration: Instant Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Range: 25m TZEENTCH keywords
Multi-Target: No Effect: Fashioning a pocket of dilated time
Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC around an injured ally, the psyker accelerates
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and the rate at which their flesh reknits. Select a
TZEENTCH keywords single CHAOS ally within range and line of
Effect: With perspective-warping illusions you sight: that ally immediately regains wounds
obfuscate your enemies’ vision, rendering equal to your Intellect.
their targets fluid and indistinct. This targets Potency:
enemies within Blast (6) within range and line [2] The ally regains +1 Wound.
of sight. The affected enemies cannot see [1] The ally regains 1 Shock.
enemies or make ranged attacks against
targets more distant than 25m away.
[2] Increase the size of the Blast by +2.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Tzeentch’s Firestorm Weaver of Fates
DN: Target’s Defence This is identical to the power of the same name in the
Activation: Action Dark Hereticus discipline, on page 61.
Duration: Instant
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: You conjure a raging storm of pink and
blue fire down from the skies, that mutates
your foes and leaves capering daemons that
claw and bite in its wake. This targets an enemy
within range and line of sight. If successful, roll
nine d6. For each Icon rolled, the target suffers
1 Mortal Wound. For each Exalted Icon rolled,
the target suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds.
*[3] Increase the number rolled on each d6 by
1 (i.e., a roll of 3 or 4 is an Icon, while a 5 or 6
is an Exalted Icon).
[1] If a target is killed by damage from this
power, a single Pink Horror of Tzeentch is
summoned, appearing on the same spot as the
slain target.

The Discipline of Vengeance

Dark Blessing Desecration of Worlds
DN: Target’s Toughness DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant Duration: Sustained
Range: 6m Range: 25m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Effect: Offering bloody sacrifice to the Dark Effect: The worlds of the galaxy shall tremble
Gods, the psyker calls down their unbridled and shatter beneath the dolorous tread of the
generosity upon his foe. Their bodies are Heretic Astartes, starting with this one! The
wracked by hideous mutations, their sanity psyker pours their rage and contempt into the
collapsing as their mortal forms becoming a bedrock of the battlefield, tainting it with their
heaving, thrashing mass of horror. Select a warpcraft even as they shatter it apart. Select
single enemy the psyker can see within range. a single point on the ground the Psyker can see
If the power is successful, the target suffers within range. While this power remains in
1d3+Tier Mortal Wounds. If the target is slain, effect, any enemy who enters an area within
they transform into a Chaos Spawn (page 49). 6m of this point, or who begins a move within
Potency: it, must roll 1d6: on an Exalted Icon, they suffer
[1] The target suffers +1 Mortal Wound. 1 Mortal Wound and are Staggered.
[2] If the target survives, they suffer 1d3 Potency:
Corruption. [2] Enemies roll +1d6.
[1] The area increases by +1m.

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Heretic Astartes
Empyric Guidance Presage
DN: 3 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round Duration: 1 Round
Range: 12m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Effect: The psyker conjures a whirling flock of Effect: The psyker reads signs and omens in
daemonic imps that bear his comrades’ shells the ebb and flow of battle, the whirling
and energy blasts across the battlefield on patterns of smoke, the spatter of blood as
flickering wings of unholy flames. Select a blades bite home. These gleaned warnings he
single CHAOS ally within range and line of passes on to his warriors, the better for them
sight. Until the start of the psyker’s next turn, to predict and thus strike down their enemies.
the affected ally increases the range of their Select a number of CHAOS allies equal to the
ranged attacks with Rapid Fire and Heavy psyker’s Intellect within range. Until the start
weapons: +3m to Short range, +6m to Medium of the psyker’s next turn, the affected allies
range, and +9m to Long range. add +2 dice to all attacks.
Potency: Potency:
[1] The target adds +1ED to their ranged [1] Affected allies gain an extra +1 dice.
attacks while affected. [2] Affected allies gain +1 Defence.
[2] The target adds +1 die to their ranged
attacks while affected. Psychic Stalk
DN: Target’s Conviction
Gaze of Hate Activation: Action
DN: Target’s Defence Duration: Instant
Activation: Action Range: 18m
Duration: Instant Multi-Target: No
Range: 18m Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC
Multi-Target: Yes Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Effect: Astrally projecting a portion of his soul
ASTARTES and TZEENTCH keywords into the warp, the psyker circles the flickering
Effect: Pure roiling hatred surges through the witchfires of his victims’ souls. Should their
psyker, becoming first dark fire in their veins mental defences drop for even a moment, he
then leaping from their eyes in searing columns strikes with predatory swiftness. The target
of annihilating energy. Those struck by them suffers 2d3 Shock. If this would reduce the
risk being scoured from existence entirely. target to 0 Shock, they instantly suffer Mortal
Select a target the psyker can see within range. Wounds equal to their maximum Wounds +1
Roll 3d6: for each Icon rolled, the target suffers and become dying.
1 Mortal Wound, and suffers the On Fire Potency:
condition. [1] The target suffers +1d3 Shock.
[1] Roll +1 d6.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Swelled by the Warp Twist of Fate
DN: 5 DN: Target’s Conviction
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Sustained Duration: 1 Round
Range: 12m Range: 12m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Effect: The psyker opens a ragged channel to Effect: One with sufficient willpower and
the roiling energies of the warp and funnels disregard for their own soul can glean
them recklessly into a chosen target. That forbidden lore by looking upon the unfettered
warrior’s form expands with iron-hard muscle, tides of the warp, plucking silvery skeins of fate
lashing extra limbs, gnashing fangs, and vicious from amongst the deadly morass and spinning
talons that allow them to tear a bloody path them into nooses for their luckless foes. Select
through the foe. Select one CHAOS ally within a single visible enemy within range. Until the
range. While the power remains in effect, the end of the psyker’s next turn, the target cannot
affected ally gains +2 Strength and adds +2 dice roll Determination.
to all melee attacks. The target suffers 1d3 Potency:
Mortal Wounds when this power ends. [1] The target’s Resilience is reduced by 1.
Potency: [2] The target becomes Vulnerable.
[1] The target’s melee attacks improve their AP
by 1 (i.e., from AP -1 to -2).
[2] The target’s melee attacks increase in range
by +1 metre.

Temporal Surge
DN: 6
Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 6m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the HERETIC
Effect: With a wrench of mind, body, and soul,
the psyker tears ropey strands of temporal
energy through the veil from beyond and hurls
them out to wind about his allies. Those so
blessed are sped into battle all the faster as
their garland of stolen time burns swiftly away.
All CHAOS allies within range immediately
make a normal move.
[1] Affected allies add +1 to Speed.
*[2] Affected allies make a Run move instead
of a normal move.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Rubric Marines
Rubric Marines, also known as Rubricae, are
disembodied spirits of Thousand Sons Marines trapped
within their power armour. RUBRIC MARINE
Together with the Aspiring Sorcerers of Tzeentch who TIER 1 2 3 4 5
lead them, they form the basic Thousand Sons squads. THREAT E E E E T
The sorcerers and lords of the Thousand Sons use these KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC
Rubricae as bodyguards and enforcers. ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, RUBRICAE
Rubric Marines were created shortly after the 7 5 4 4 4 4 2
Thousand Sons Legion fled to the Eye of Terror. Having RESILIENCE
dealt with sorcerous practices and energies for 11 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
decades and now under the sway of Chaos, mutation DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
ran wild within the Legion. In order to put an end to this 3 11 -
warping process, a mighty spell called the Rubric of SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
Ahriman was cast upon them. However, the powers Skill 10, Weapon Skill 9
unleashed reduced all Marines without psychic abilities BONUSES
to ash, sealing every clasp and joint of their armour and ARCANE AUTOMATA: See page 125
trapping their souls within.
These living suits are still capable of fighting and ABILITIES
receiving orders from their masters, and with no fear ACTION: Inferno Boltgun: 10 +1ED / AP -2 / Range
and no will of their own, they make perfect bodyguards 12-24-36 / Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
and guardians. Without an Aspiring Sorcerer to guide Armoured Fists: 7 +1ED
them, Rubric Marines tend to fall into inactivity; in DETERMINATION: All is Dust. (page 125) Spend 1
Ruin to roll 8d6. The Threat may re-roll any dice
combat, however, their battle-hunger returns and so
which roll 1s, and they may roll Determination
they tend to move more like their former living selves.
against Mortal Wounds.
A single Sorcerer is capable of controlling a whole CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
squad and will use his powers to enchant their bolters 4 4 7 Average
and turn their ammunition into explosive Inferno Bolts. THREAT OPTIONS
These magical shots are able to ignore mundane ARCANE ARMAMENTS: Any Rubric Marines may
replace their Inferno Boltgun with a Warpflamer.
armour and burn the souls of sentient beings.
One may replace its Inferno Boltgun with a
When a Rubric Marine dies, the dried remains of his Soulreaper Cannon.
material form pour from his rent armour and are Warpflamer: 10 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 4-8-12 / Salvo
scattered to all winds of the battlefield. After this, only 1 / Assault, Corrupting, Flamer
the most powerful sorcerers could re-collect this dust, Soulreaper Cannon: 13 +1ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-
36 / Salvo 5 / Heavy (7), Sustained
reseal the armour, and through a complicated ritual
ICON OF FLAME: One Rubric Marine may carry an
reanimate the Rubric Marine to a new "life". The
Icon of Flame. TZEENTCH Threats within 6m of the
sorcery required for this deed are very dangerous and
Icon Bearer add Inflict (On Fire) to all their attacks.
just one syllable misspelled could drive the Sorcerer In addition, when a a THOUSAND SONS PSYKER
insane—or kill him outright. within 6m performs a ritual, they generate +1 Ritual

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Aspiring Sorcerer
Sorcerers serve as leaders in the multitudinous
thrallbands of the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion. It is
they who command the marching ranks of the Rubricae ASPIRING SORCERER
on the front lines and funnel screaming hordes of
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Chaos Cultists and Tzaangors towards the enemy.
As the insanity surrounding the sorcerer floods the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC
battlefield, they intone rituals of summoning to draw ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, PSYKER, CHAMPION
Tzeentch's Daemonic children through the veil S T A I WIL INT FEL
between realspace and the Immaterium. A sorcerer 8 6 5 5 6 5 2
often has free rein to prosecute psychic warfare as they
12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
see fit, but their actions are ultimately in service to
their sect, and to a more powerful Exalted Sorcerer or
4 10 7
Daemon Prince.
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
Despite their enthrallment, sorcerers are creatures of Skill 8, Psychic Mastery 10, Weapon Skill 9
rampant ambition. As they serve their masters, they BONUSES
also seek ways to undermine them, drawing power CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
generates 1 Ritual Point each time it performs a
from secret cabals and forging treacherous pacts with
empyric entities. As a sorcerer grows in power, he risks
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
succumbing to the weight of his own Warp energy— has 1 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
many fall to uncontrolled mutation and become MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
polymorphic Chaos Spawn. SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Yet their ambition drives them to take ever greater ABILITIES
ACTION: Inferno Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
risks in the pursuit of power, for they hope one day to
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal
attain the rank of Exalted Sorcerer, and from there to
Force Staff: 15 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M] / Brutal,
become a blessed Daemon Prince of Tzeentch. Force
On occasion a powerful Warp-mage from another Sorcery: The Aspiring Sorcerer attempts to activate
Chaos Traitor Legion will be guided by Tzeentch to seek a psychic power they know. The Aspiring Sorcerer
knows Smite, Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and
out the Planet of the Sorcerers and pledge his existence
two powers from the Discipline of Change (page
to Magnus the Red. However, most of the Thousand
127) or Discipline of Vengeance (page 129).
Sons sorcerers arise from the ranks of the so-called DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. This
Aspiring Sorcerers. Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
These under-mages are often created from the psykers Wounds.
of Tzeentchian Chaos Cults, who through profane
6 6 7 Average
demagoguery draw the attention of an invading
Thousand Sons sect. They are taken to Tizca on the
ARCANE ARMAMENTS: Any Aspiring Sorcerer may
Planet of the Sorcerers, where they are subjected to replace their Inferno Bolt Pistol with a Mk Plasma
ritual transformations to enhance their body and mind. Pistol or Warpflame Pistol. They may replace their
Most are driven mad or are torn apart by the sudden Force Staff with a Force Sword.
Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18
influx of empyric energy; others die slow and agonising
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol, Volatile (1d3)
deaths as Warp-drenched augmentative gene-seed
Warpflame Pistol: 7 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 3-6-9 /
organs mutate the host body. But those few who Salvo 1 / Corrupting, Flamer, Pistol
survive are born anew as witch-warriors of the Force Sword: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Force, Parry
Thousand Sons.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
A Tzaangor is a type of Abhuman mutant, known as a
Beastman, that serves the Chaos God Tzeentch. True to
the Changer of the Ways, the Beastmen of Tzeentch TZAANGOR
are spectacularly variable—bright of colouration and
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
sharp of intellect.
Their beaks clack as they chant blasphemous refrains in KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, TZAANGOR,
the Dark Tongue, gimlet eyes glowing in their aquiline ABHUMAN
skulls. Their hunger for knowledge stems from a desire S T A I WIL INT FEL
for power, and even in battle they look to transcend 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
their base existences by seeking out arcane artefacts
9 (Aura of Dark Glory: *3 AR)
and priceless sorcerous texts.
In serving Sorcerer masters, usually of the Thousand 3 9 4
Sons Traitor Legion, they may earn the chance to SKILLS: Default 4, Athletics 6, Awareness 7
elevate themselves above their earthly stations, but in (Passive 4), Scholar 5, Weapon Skill 6
truth such occasions are rare, for a streak of cruelty BONUSES
lurks within the warlike soul of every Tzaangor. BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
when they Charge.
When given the opportunity, they will take their ire out ABILITIES
on those who oppose them in inventive displays of ACTION: Tzaangor Blades: 9 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
blade-work -- or, when they put aside their artistic Paired
pretensions for the gratification of raw brutality, a gory Relic Hunters: As a Full-Round Action, attempt a DN
display of violence. 3 Scholar test. On success, generate 1 Ritual Point.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. This
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
3 2 7 Average
ARCANE ARMAMENTS: Tzaangor may replace their
Tzaangor Blades with an Autopistol and
Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2
/ Pistol
Chainsword: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Parry

Page 134 of 164

Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Scarab Occult Terminators
The Scarab Occult Terminators, originally known as the of authority used to mete out punishment to those
Sekhmet, were the Veteran Space Marine Battle- who disobeyed Prosperine laws.
Brothers of the Thousand Sons Legion who served as
the Primarch Magnus the Red's elite Honour Guard. SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATOR
Following the Thousand Sons Legion's transformation TIER 1 2 3 4 5
into a Chaos Traitor Legion devoted to Tzeentch and THREAT E E E E E
the enactment of the Rubric of Ahriman, the physical KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC
bodies of the Sekhmet, like many of their non-psychic ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, RUBRICAE,
Battle-Brothers, were reduced to mere dust -- the TERMINATOR
animating spirit that remained possessing only an echo
9 6 5 5 5 4 2
of their once-vaunted intellect. They go into battle at
the behest of their Sorcerer Lords, advancing with eerie
14 (Terminator Armour: 7 AR)
and unhurried calm.
The Scarab Occult's ornate armour—derived from a 4 12 -
variant of ancient Tartaros Pattern war-plate—ripples SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
with arcane force, sending solid shot ricocheting away Skill 11, Weapon Skill 11
and even turning aside the beams of high-technology BONUSES
weaponry. Each suit was a relic of the Legion, but even
before their fall to Tzeentch was complete the
Thousand Sons had begun engraving their Terminator
Armour with profane inscriptions. Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
This desecration continued after the proscriptions weapons they wield.
against sorcery laid down by the Council of Nikaea, for ABILITIES
ACTION: Inferno Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
the Scarab Occult saw it as their duty to guard the
Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid
forbidden knowledge their Primarch had collected. The
Fire (3)
Rubric of Ahriman sealed each warrior inside his defiled Prosperine Khopesh: 15 +5ED / AP -3 / Parry
armour permanently, locking the remnants of their DETERMINATION: All is Dust. (page 125) Spend 1
souls for eternity with the idolatrous spell-words they Ruin to roll 9d6. The Threat may re-roll any dice
had etched. Over millennia of exposure to the Warp, which roll 1s, and they may roll Determination
the true power of these etchings has blended with the against Mortal Wounds.
essence of each warrior, creating in the Scarab Occult CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
a hellishly twisted warrior cabal. 5 5 6 Large
The Scarab Occult's armour has retained much of its ARCANE ARMAMENTS: One Scarab Occult in five
potency over the long centuries since their creation. may replace their Inferno Combi-Bolter with a
Refractor Field generators have become saturated with Heavy Warpflamer or a Soulreaper Cannon. One
empyric energy, causing the air around them to writhe may also carry a Hellfyre Missile Rack
as incoming fire is deflected harmlessly. Each suit is Heavy Warpflamer: 12 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 4-8-12
also capable of withstanding the pressures of / Salvo 1 / Corrupting, Flamer, Heavy (6)
teleportation, allowing the warriors of the Scarab Soulreaper Cannon: 13 +1ED / AP -3 / Range 12-24-
Occult to emerge suddenly onto the battlefield through 36 / Salvo 5 / Heavy (7), Sustained
holes torn in reality. Hellfyre Missile Rack: 16 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 18-
36-54 / Salvo 2 / Inflict (Blind)
The ubiquitous weapon of the Scarab Occult
Terminators is a cruelly curved blade based on the
khopesh of ancient Prospero. The earliest khopeshes
were forged from what scant pieces of precious metals
could be found on the barren world and were symbols
Page 135 of 164
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Scarab Occult Sorcerer
The Sekhmet were active throughout the era of the
Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. The Sekhmet
were all Veteran members of the Scarab Occult of the SCARAB OCCULT SORCERER
XV Legion's elite 1st Fellowship, under the command of
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Captain Ahzek Ahriman, who was also the Magister
Templi of the Legion's Corvidae Cult. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC
These proud and extremely devoted warriors were ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, TERMINATOR,
both combat Veterans and highly-ranked members of PSYKER, CHAMPION
the psychic Cult system of the Thousand Sons. The
10 6 5 5 6 5 2
Sekhmet were powerful warrior-mages and could call
forth powers mortal men could never dream of
14 (Terminator Armour: 7 AR)
wielding. On his own, each warrior of the Sekhmet was
capable of subduing worlds. In battle, the Scarab Occult 4 10 7
could simply conjure their Tutelaries into their SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
enemies' hiding places and burn them out with Skill 9, Psychic Mastery 11, Weapon Skill 10
invisible fires or crush them with psychic hammer BONUSES
blows. Methodical and swift, Ahriman's 1st Fellowship CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
would then push onwards like autonomous engines of generates 1 Ritual Point each time it performs a
destruction. ritual.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
None of the Sekhmet were ranked below the Thousand has 2 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Sons Cult grade of Philosophus, the final Cult rank a MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
warrior could hold before facing the Dominus Liminus. SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Each Astartes was able to mentally transcend his TACTICAL DREADNOUGHT ARMOUR: A warrior in
physical and emotional weaknesses; achieving a form Terminator Armour ignores the Heavy quality on any
of emotional purity that resulted in warriors who were weapons they wield.
both fearless and willing to follow orders immediately ABILITIES
and unquestioningly. ACTION: Inferno Combi-Bolter: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid
Following the Thousand Sons Legion's transformation Fire (3)
into a Chaos Traitor Legion devoted to Tzeentch and Force Staff: 17 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M] / Brutal,
the enactment of the Rubric of Ahriman, the physical Force
bodies of the Sekhmet, like many of their non-psychic Sorcery: The Scarab Occult Sorcerer attempts to
Battle-Brothers, were reduced to mere dust -- the activate a psychic power they know. The Scarab
animating spirit that remained possessing only an echo Occult Sorcerer knows Smite, Deny the Witch,
of their once-vaunted intellect. They go into battle at Psyniscience, and two powers from the Discipline of
the behest of their Sorcerer Lords, advancing with eerie Change (page 127) or Discipline of Vengeance (page
and unhurried calm.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 8d6. This
Some of these masters were part of the Scarab Occult Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
at the time of Ahriman's mighty spell and were robust Wounds.
enough of spirit and mind to resist its obliterative CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
effects. Others are powerful mystics who have 6 6 7 Average
ascended the ranks of the Thousand Sons over many
ARCANE ARMAMENTS: Any Scarab Occult Sorcerer
centuries and through twisted ingenuity earned a place
may replace their Inferno Combi-Bolter with a
amongst the vaunted Sekhmet. In either case, a Scarab
Prosperine Khopesh.
Occult Sorcerer controls a nigh-unstoppable force of Prosperine Khopesh: 16 +5ED / AP -3 / Parry
warrior-automata, capable of wading unharmed
through masses of lesser enemy infantry.

Page 136 of 164

Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Tzaangor Shaman
Tzaangor Shamans are the most exalted of their
mutated kind. They are oracles and prophets, and they
preach to their ilk atop flying Discs of Tzeentch. Their TZAANGOR SHAMAN
psychic mastery is born not of endless study, but of
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
singular devotion to their god, and is unleashed upon
their foes amidst ritual chants in the fathomless KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, TZAANGOR,
language of the Tzaangors. ABHUMAN, PSYKER
It is with the Shamans that the Sorcerers of the S T A I WIL INT FEL
Thousand Sons make their fell pacts, though these 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
Sorcerers are ever wary of the deals they make; the
9 (Aura of Dark Glory: *3 AR)
Shamans serve the fickle will of Tzeentch above all else.
On the Planet of the Sorcerers, Shamans lead herds of 3 11 7
their kin on long pilgrimages across the constantly SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 8, Awareness 9
shifting Warp-wastes. These mass migrations follow (Passive 6), Scholar 7, Psychic Mastery 8
lines of power that wind across the planet's crust, BONUSES
converging at sites where the roiling aetheric energy is BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
when they Charge.
at its thickest.
At these sites, they raise great flux-cairns -- megaliths within 6m add +2 dice to any attack they make.
inscribed with glyphs and runes and shaped in symbols CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
sacred to Tzeentch -- which serve as repositories for generates 1 Ritual Point each time it performs a
the arcane knowledge stolen and despoiled by the ritual.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Tzaangor tribes. The Shamans use these to channel
has 2 personal Ruin.
Tzeentch's power throughout realspace by erecting
MOUNTED: A Tzaangor Shaman is mounted on a
duplicate monoliths in the jungles and barrens of other Disc of Tzeentch.
The longer each simulacra remains in place, the more ACTION: Force Staff: 11 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M]
/ Brutal, Force
its warping influence bleeds into the planet on which it
Sorcery: The Tzaangor attempts to activate a
stands, transforming the world and preparing it for a
psychic power they know. The Tzaangor Shaman
full-scale invasion. knows Smite, Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and
two powers from the Discipline of Change (page
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. This
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
4 3 7 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Tzaangor Enlightened
Tzaangors whose hunt for knowledge has caught the
eye of their god may be bestowed one of Tzeentch's
blessings. Often this results in the creature devolving TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED
into an even more grotesque abomination—a Chaos
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Spawn. However, the lucky few engorged with such
Warp power are elevated above their twisted KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, TZAANGOR,
brethren, physically, mentally and spiritually. They ABHUMAN, CHAMPION
exist in a state of constant communion with Tzeentch, S T A I WIL INT FEL
and through him they see the shifting strands of fate 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
converge and separate. RESILIENCE
9 (Aura of Dark Glory: *3 AR)
The Tzaangors view the Enlightened as paragons of
warfare, and the destiny towards which they all must
3 9 6
progress. Enlightened soar above the battlefield on
SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 8, Awareness 9
Discs of Tzeentch, riding the streams of fate as a raptor (Passive 6), Scholar 7, Psychic Mastery 8
would ride thermals. Even the Sorcerers of the BONUSES
Thousand Sons respect these creatures, for their BESTIAL RAIDERS: Add +2 to the Threat’s Speed
savagery is seen as one of Tzeentch's many esoteric when they Charge.
tools. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin.
Constantly aware of the flow of causality, Enlightened GUIDED BY FATE: Each time this Threat makes an
can see where and when their strikes will cause the attack, each Exalted Icon shifted on the attack adds
most damage. The divining spears some carry are +2ED to the damage, rather than 1.
tuned to predetermined victims, emitting humming MOUNTED: A Tzaangor Shaman is mounted on a
reverberations that grow louder as they near their Disc of Tzeentch.
targets. ABILITIES
ACTION: Divining Spear: 11 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 2
Other Enlightened wield Fatecaster Greatbows, strung [M] / Rending (2)
with ectoplasmic cords that send ensorcelled arrows DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6. This
on deadly paths. Lastly, some carry Chainswords and Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
Autopistols used in their past lives as human Heretics, Wounds.
for these were the tools by which they first achieved CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
glory before Tzeentch. 4 3 7 Average
ARCANE ARMAMENTS: Any Tzaangor Enlightened
may replace their Divining Spear with a Fatecaster
Greatbow, or with an Autopistol and Chainsword.
Fatecaster Greatbow: 12 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 15-
30-45 / Salvo 1 / Assault, Sniper (2)
Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 2
/ Pistol
Chainsword: 9 +4ED / Brutal, Parry

Page 138 of 164

Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Disc of Tzeentch
Among the devotees of the Master of Magic, there are
few possessions more prized than the daemonic mount
crafted from a Screamer, known as a Disc of Tzeentch. DISC OF TZEENTCH
An amalgam of daemonic flesh, flashing blades, and TIER 1 2 3 4 5
burnished metal, a powerful Chaos Sorcerer mounted THREAT E E T T T
on a Disc is lethally fast and manoeuvrable, gaining an KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, TZEENTCH,
edge over almost any foe. PSYKER
Screamers are notoriously difficult to summon and 6 5 9 6 5 3 1
break to the Disc, however. Rarely, the fickle god of RESILIENCE
change may grant a particularly favoured disciple with Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
a Disc, fully formed and willing to serve. However, for Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
most adherents to the Changer of the Ways, a more DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
difficult path is required. 5 7 —
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 4), Weapon
A Disc of Tzeentch can be forged from the daemonflesh Skill 8
of a Screamer if the practitioner is powerful enough BONUSES
and masters the proper rites and ceremonies. Those CAVALRY: The Disc and rider take a single shared
sorcerers eager to obtain a Screamer for this purpose turn in combat, with one set of actions between
hunt the creatures down on the Flaming Tomb in the them. The rider may be targeted separately with a
Realm of Chaos, there to perform the rituals and spells Called Shot, requiring +2 DN.
necessary to force the change and subservience upon DAEMONIC AURA: This Threat has two Resilience
them. values, one which applies against melee attacks, the
other of which applies against shooting attacks.
It is a dangerous undertaking, and more fail than These Resilience values are not modified by an
succeed. But for the prestige and tactical advantage of attack’s AP but may be replaced by other armour.
a Disc of Tzeentch, many and more of the servants of ABILITIES
Tzeentch are willing to assume the risks. BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
ACTION: Disc Blades: 11 +2ED
Psychic Minions: The Disc attempts to use
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds.
5 4 12 Flight Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Exalted Sorcerer
Amongst the manifold warp-wielders of the Thousand BONUSES
Sons there are those whose skill, cunning and naked LORD OF THE THOUSAND SONS: While allied
ambition burn bright as a raging star. For these THOUSAND SONS Threats are within 6m of the
Sorcerers, the power that can be achieved within the Exalted Sorcerer, they add +Tier dice when making
Legion is bound only by the limits of their own sanity, an Attack.
and they delve ever further into the most forbidden CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 5 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
psychic disciplines to perfect their ruinous spellcraft.
CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
Those whose souls are not torn to shreds by the
generates 3 Ritual Point each time it performs a
empyric forces they encounter may rise to the rank of ritual.
Exalted. The members of this echelon are the most MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
favoured of Tzeentch’s mortal servants, powerful SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
warlords who command the Legion’s armies and who ABILITIES
steer the course of the galaxy towards one of the ACTION: Inferno Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
horrific fates they have foreseen. Each of the Exalted Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal
Sorcerers is the master of a dread Silver Tower of Force Staff: 19 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M] / Brutal,
Tzeentch: a place of great power and unimaginable Force
opportunities. Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 40 / Blast
An Exalted Sorcerer’s rank in the Legion’s hierarchy is Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 40 /
not fixed – as servants of Tzeentch, they are acutely Blast (4)
aware that the favour given them may change at any Exalted Sorcery: The Exalted Sorcerer attempts to
moment. As such they must strive tirelessly to maintain activate a psychic power they know. The Exalted
their position, subjugating those who covet their Sorcerer knows Smite, Deny the Witch,
power through manipulation, deceit and open displays Psyniscience, and three powers from the Discipline
of force. In this way Exalted Sorcerers gather beneath of Change (page 127) or Discipline of Vengeance
them many thralls – lesser Sorcerers who serve the (page 129).
RUIN: Sorcerous Might. Spend 1 Ruin to attempt to
wiles of their master. Many of these Sorcerers are
activate a psychic power or Deny the Witch as a
unaware that they are pawns in an Exalted Sorcerer’s
Ruin Action.
grandiose schemes, for their enslavement is veiled by DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 10d6. The
subtle lies and constantly shifting promises. Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
9 9 7 Average
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, CHAMPION, PSYKER replace his Inferno Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol
or Warpflame Pistol. He may be equipped with a
Prosperine Khopesh. He may be mounted on a Disc
10 8 8 8 9 8 6
of Tzeentch.
Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18
14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol, Volatile (1d3)
Warpflame Pistol: 7 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 3-6-9 /
7 18 12
Salvo 1 / Corrupting, Flamer, Pistol
SKILLS: Default 11, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Prosperine Khopesh: 16 +5ED / AP -3 / Parry
Leadership 12, Psychic Mastery 14

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Infernal Master
Infernal Masters are a specialised form of sorcerer-
priest, who specialise in daemonology. They create
Infernal Pacts with minor daemonic spirits called INFERNAL MASTER
Tutelaries, which enable the Infernal Masters to
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
summon forth these Daemons and gain various boons
during battle. Depending on the pacts the Infernal KEYWORDS: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC
Masters make, the Tutelaries can be tasked with killing ASTARTES, THOUSAND SONS, PRIEST, PSYKER,
or confounding the Sorcerers' enemies or enhancing CHAMPION
the abilities of their allies. S T A I WIL INT FEL
8 7 6 7 7 6 6
Infernal Pacts
Each Infernal Master knows two of the following
13 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
Infernal Pacts. Whenever an Infernal Master
invokes an Infernal Pact, choose the effect from one
6 17 12
of the Pacts he knows. SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
Bladed Maelstrom Scholar 11, Psychic Mastery 12
When this is Invoked, place a Blast (9) within 30m. BONUSES
All enemies within the blast suffer 1d3 Mortal CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
Wounds and are Pinned (DN 3 to remove). generates 2 Ritual Point each time it performs a
Fires of the Abyss CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
When this is Invoked, select an enemy within 15m. has 3 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
They take 1d3 Mortal Wounds and are On Fire. DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR: See page 8
Capering Imps SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
When this is Invoked, place a Blast (9) within 24m. ABILITIES
Enemies affected cannot benefit from cover, and BATTLECRY: Deal With a Daemon
may not take Reflexive Actions until after the The Dark Apostle Invokes an Infernal Pact he knows.
Infernal Master’s next turn. ACTION: Inferno Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal
Diabolic Savant
Force Staff: 17 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M] / Brutal,
When this is Invoked, if the Infernal Master
performs a ritual on his next turn, he generates 3 Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 32 / Blast
Ritual Points instead of 2. If he attempts a Psychic (6)
Mastery test on his next turn, he may re-roll any Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 32 /
dice which roll failures. Blast (4)
Sorcery: The Infernal Master attempts to activate a
Glimpse of Eternity
psychic power they know. The Infernal Master
When this is Invoked, until the end of the Infernal
knows Smite, Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and
Master’s next turn, he may re-roll any dice which three powers from the Discipline of Change (page
roll a 1. 127) or Discipline of Vengeance (page 129).
Malefic Maelstrom RUIN: Infernal Pact. The Infernal Master attempts
When this is Invoked, choose a single THOUSAND to invoke a single Infernal Pact he knows as a Ruin
SONS mob or up to 5 THOUSAND SONS Elites within Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 9d6. This
24m; on their next ranged attack, the affected allies
Threat may roll Determination against Mortal
add +2ED to their damage.
7 7 7 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Ahzek Ahriman, Chief Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons
Ahriman, whose full name is Ahzek Ahriman, is a Chaos RESILIENCE
Space Marine and the most powerful Chaos Sorcerer of 14 (Power Armour: 5 AR)
the Thousand Sons Traitor Legion after their Daemon DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Primarch Magnus the Red himself. Ahzek Ahriman was 7 18 12
once the Chief Librarian and first captain of the ancient SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
Thousand Sons Legion. Leadership 13, Scholar 13, Psychic Mastery 15
Ahriman has always sought to better comprehend the LORD OF THE THOUSAND SONS: While allied
nature of his patron Chaos God Tzeentch and of the THOUSAND SONS Threats are within 6m of
force of Chaos itself and gain the unrivalled power such Ahriman, they add +Tier dice when making an
knowledge will bring. Attack.
CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
His action in crafting the Rubric of Ahriman, perhaps has 7 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
one of the greatest works of sorcery in history, would CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
ultimately result in his banishment from the Legion he generates 3 Ritual Point each time it performs a
had hoped to safeguard. It is his intense need to find a ritual.
way to undo the effects of the Rubric upon his beloved MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
Thousand Sons that first drove Ahriman on his quest to SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
seek out the deepest knowledge of Chaos. He remains ABILITIES
a wanderer across the galaxy, forever searching for any ACTION: Inferno Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP -2 /
knowledge that will allow him to finally grasp the Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1 / Brutal
Black Staff of Ahriman: 19 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2
greatest of all enigmas in the universe -- the true
[M] / Brutal, Force
nature of Tzeentch himself.
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 40 / Blast
Across a thousand worlds, Ahriman has sought the keys (6)
to save what he has already destroyed through his own Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 40 /
hubris among the Thousand Sons. The scars of this Blast (4)
Arch-Sorcerer: Ahriman attempts to activate a
obsession found across the galaxy have made his name
psychic power he knows. Ahriman knows Smite,
a curse in the mouths of Humans and aliens alike.
Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and three powers
Scraps of arcane lore, artefacts both obscure and from the Discipline of Change (page 127) or
profane, and rare but psychically powerful souls draw Discipline of Vengeance (page 129). Due to the
him like a raven to a corpse. Black Staff of Ahriman, he may attempt to use up to
two psychic powers as a multi-action, adding +2 to
Ahriman refuses to acknowledge either Tzeentch or
the DN of each.
Chaos itself as his master. Across the ensuing millennia
RUIN: Sorcerous Might. Spend 1 Ruin to attempt to
he has become a scourge of the Imperium, raiding activate a psychic power or Deny the Witch as a
ancient museums, librariums, scholaria and reclusia, Ruin Action.
places of learning, religion and contemplative thought. DETERMINATION: Otherworldly Prescience. Spend
He seeks to acquire artefacts, data, or even persons he 1 Ruin to roll 10d6. The Threat may roll
believes can lead him to fully master the way of the Determination against Mortal Wounds. Once per
sorcerer. scene when rolling Determination, Wounds are
negated rather than converted to Shock.
ANNIHILATION: You Have Not Seen the Last…
If Ahriman would be slain, he vanishes by sorcerous
AHRIMAN means, plotting revenge. Add 2 to Ruin.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
9 9 7 Average
10 8 8 8 9 9 6
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Magnus the Red, The Crimson King, Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch
Magnus the Red, also known during the early years of 7 24 -
the Imperium as the "Crimson King" and the "Red SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
Cyclops," is the primarch of the Thousand Sons Traitor Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 18
Legion and an extremely powerful Daemon Prince of BONUSES
the Chaos God Tzeentch. CROWN OF THE CRIMSON KING: Magnus’ Resilience
cannot be reduced below 17, and he cannot suffer
A giant in both physical and mental terms whilst still an Perils of the Warp.
inhabitant of the Materium, the copper-skinned CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Magnus possessed tremendous innate psychic ability, has 9 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
and constantly sought to understand the nature of the CABBALISTIC RITUALS: See page 124. This Threat
Warp, becoming a sorcerer of formidable power. generates 4 Ritual Points each time it performs a
Magnus thought he would be able to control the "Great GAZE OF MAGNUS: Whenever Magnus manifests
Ocean" of psychic energy that was the Warp; however, the Smite psychic power, it inflicts 3d3 Mortal
his prodigious and careless application of his psychic Wounds.
gifts eventually caused him to fall out of favour with his MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
father, the Emperor of Mankind, as well as with the the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
majority of his brother primarchs. His psychic PRIMARCH OF THE THOUSAND SONS: While allied
immaturity, recklessness, selfish pride and arrogance THOUSAND SONS Threats are within 9m of
Magnus, they add +Tier dice when making an
also caused his own undoing, as it eventually brought
Attack, and may re-roll any failures.
about his own damnation and eternal servitude to the
UNEARTHLY POWER: Magnus may re-roll any
Dark God of Change, Tzeentch. failures on Psychic Mastery tests and may spend 1
In the end, Magnus led his XVth Legion to the banner Ruin to add +Tier additional Exalted Icons to a
of Horus and fought on the Arch-heretic's side during successful Psychic Mastery test.
the Great Betrayal of the Horus Heresy. He survived
BATTLECRY: Arcane Power.
those events and ascended to the position of a Daemon
Magnus attempts to activate a single psychic power
Primarch of Tzeentch as a reward for his service to the or performs a ritual. Anyone that can see Magnus
Changer of Ways. must make a DN 7 Terror Test.
Magnus has spent the majority of the ten Terran ACTION: The Blade of Magnus: 22 +6ED / AP -4 /
Brutal, Mortal (1)
millennia since the end of the Horus Heresy ensconced
Lord of Forbidden Lore: Magnus attempts to
atop his tower upon Sortiarius, the Planet of the
activate a psychic power he knows. Magnus knows
Sorcerers within the Eye of Terror, planning the
Smite, Deny the Witch, Psyniscience, and all powers
ultimate destruction of the Imperium he believes from the Discipline of Change (page 127) or
betrayed him and his Legion. Discipline of Vengeance (page 129).
RUIN: Arrogance of Aeons. Spend 1 Ruin as a Ruin
MAGNUS THE RED Action. Magnus may attempt to activate a psychic
power, Deny the Witch, or perform a ritual.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
DETERMINATION: Undying Form. Page 92. Spend 1
Ruin to roll 14d6 and may re-roll a number of dice
equal to the game’s Tier. Magnus may roll
Determination against Mortal Wounds.
If Magnus would be slain, he is banished to the
14 12 8 8 10 10 7 Warp. Add 2 to Ruin.
19 (The Horned Raiment: 6 AR) 10 10 16 Flight Huge

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Servants of the Changer of Ways—Thousand Sons Adversaries
This section provides several items of unique, deadly equipment and a few additional abilities which can be applied to
THOUSAND SONS Adversaries to make them more distinct and memorable in your campaign

Adversary Traits Otherworldly Prescience

The following abilities can be applied to a THOUSAND This adversary sees the weave of fate laid out before
SONS Adversary. Only one such trait should be applied him. He knows when peril comes for him, what form it
to any given Adversary under most circumstances, will take and how best to step aside from its dread
though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher grasp.
campaign might justifiably have more than one: THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Magnus the Red has three such abilities!
Once per scene when rolling Determination for this
Adversary, Wounds are negated rather than converted
The Adversary has mastered the ability to fold time and
to Shock.
space, enabling him to cross great distances with a
single step and close upon his foes with terrifying Seeker after Shadows
speed. Neither dread warning nor threat of damnation can
stay this champion’s quest for forbidden knowledge.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only. Every such perilous fragment of lore increases their
The Adversary’s Speed is increased by +3. In addition, might and cunning both.
when the Adversary moves, they may instantly vanish THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
from one spot and appear at their destination (the
distance moved does not change, but they teleport Each time this Adversary attempts to activate a psychic
rather than walking or running), ignoring intervening power as part of a Multi-Action, reduce the DN penalty
terrain. This allows the Adversary to leave Engagement by 2. In addition, when performing a ritual, this
range of the enemy without provoking a reaction Adversary generates one additional Ritual Point.
Undying Form
Arrogance of Aeons This champion of Tzeentch has been blessed with an
This Adversary draws strength from a long-harboured ever-shifting and unnatural form, their flesh as much
hubris—he will take his due, and will not submit to the warp-stuff as true matter. To harm such a
will of another. transmogrified being requires weapons of great power.

THOUSAND SONS Adversary only. The Adversary gains THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
the following Ruin ability, which replaces any Ruin
Each time this Adversary rolls Determination, they may
Ability he already possesses.
re-roll a number of dice equal to the game’s Tier.
RUIN: Spend 1 Ruin as a Ruin Action. The Adversary
Touch of Vicissitude
may attempt to activate a psychic power, Deny the The merest touch from this adversary can channel the
Witch, or perform a ritual. transfiguring power of the Changer of Wars, mutating
Lord of Forbidden Lore the enemy’s flesh before their eyes.
This adversary has committed many a grimoire and
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
unholy tome to memory, giving him unparalleled
knowledge of hexes, curses and destructive rites. This Adversary’s melee attacks gain the Corrupting and
Mortal (1) qualities.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.

This Adversary knows additional Psychic Powers equal

to the game’s Tier. In the case of Magnus the Red, he
knows all powers from his known psychic disciplines.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Guided by the Whispers THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Entities from beyond warn this arcane champion of
approaching nemeses before the enemy has even This Adversary adds +2 to his Speed when Charging. In
begun their manoeuvre. addition, this Adversary may Fall Back as a free action
at the start of his turn.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Master Misinformator
When this Adversary is chosen as the target of a The spreading of lies and confusion characterise the
Charge, he may make a normal move as a Reflexive adversary’s approach to command, ensuring the
Action before the enemy finishes their move. enemy believe they foes will come from entirely the
wrong quarter.
Immaterial Echo
When this Adversary reaches deep into the warp, their THOUSAND SONS Adversary only. The Adversary gains
psychic passing creates a temporal echo in reality. a new Battlecry ability.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only. BATTLECRY: Select a number of THOUSAND SONS
Threats equal to the Adversary’s Intellect. Remove
When this Adversary activates a psychic power, and
them from the battlefield and redeploy them
rolls one or more 6s on their Wrath dice, he may
anywhere not visible to the enemy.
attempt to activate another psychic power
immediately. Beguiling Influence
This adversary is a master deceiver, misleading his foes
Grand Schemer
at every turn before striking a killing blow or escaping
A master of intricate planning and forethought, this
to safety.
Adversary’s schemes have been decades in the making.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Enemies may not re-roll any dice on an attack or
While within 3m of this Adversary, THOUSAND SONS
damage roll against this Adversary.
Threats reduce the DN penalty of a Multi-Action by 2.
Devastating Sorcery
Sorcerous Arcana
The adversary’s veins burn with raw sorcery. The sheer Only one item from the list below should be given to
unstoppable might of their conjurations is such that, any given THOUSAND SONS Adversary under most
when unleashed with destructive intent, there is little circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier
that can prevent them from devastating manifestation. 4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more than
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Athenaean Scrolls
When attempting to activate Smite or another psychic Ahriman consumed the knowledge contained in the
power which directly inflicts damage, the adversary Athenaeum of Kallimakus long ago, but not all of the
may re-roll failures on the Psychic Mastery test. Athenaeum’s founders were slain when their
repository of knowledge was destroyed. Some of their
Ardent Scholar
The adversary is a tireless student of malevolent texts, lore has since been transcribed to keep an echo of that
seeking out dark truths to aid his wielding of the great library in existence. One who possesses these
heinous energies of Chaos. texts has access to techniques that make his spells
exceptionally potent.
THOUSAND SONS Adversary only.
Exalted Sorcerer only.
Each time the Adversary attempts a Psychic Mastery or
Scholar test, they may re-roll any dice which roll a 1. When this item is chosen, select one power the bearer
knows from the Discipline of Change (page 127) or
Fickle Nature Discipline of Vengeance (page 129). When attempting
With mayhem and anarchy often the end goal, this to activate that psychic power, the Adversary scores a
adversary assaults his foe in ever-shifting patterns that number of additional Exalted Icons equal to the game’s
are not patterns at all. Tier.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Conniving Plate Helm of the Daemon’s Eye
This armour was forged across nine hidden and falsified This warped battle-helm is set with the crystallized eye
locations by mutant blacksmiths who intoned an of the daemon-seer Yzmaxis the Perceptor. When
endless mantra of lies with every hammer blow. It was donned, the helm exudes crystalline strands that bore
quenched in the blood of bureaucrats and priests and into the wearer’s scalp and conjoin the daemon’s eye
possesses the power to deceive and misdirect even the with their living mind. So do they perceive the
most skilled of its bearer’s enemies in battle. artefact’s unnatural warnings, perceiving the shadows
of things yet to come and gleaning how best to react to
HERETIC ASTARTES Adversaries only.
these events before they even transpire.
The bearer’s Armour Rating is increased to 7. The
Each time the PCs spend a Wrath Point or a Glory Point
bearer’s Defence is increased by +2 against melee
while the Adversary is on the battlefield, roll 1d6; on a
5 or 6, gain 1 Ruin.
Of all the warp-forged weapons carried to battle by the
This staff was fashioned from the sorcerously
Thousand Sons, Coruscator is the most revered. Since
crystallized fires of a Tzeentchian Firelord. Roiling tides
the time of the Horus Heresy, it has taken the lives of
of apocalyptic flame surge constantly within
countless loyalist Space Marines, and its daemonic
Incandaeum’s iron-hard prison, but only through
spirit will take any chance to stoke the fires of hatred
twisted incantation can they be unleashed.
that eat away at the Imperium from within.
Adversary equipped with a Force Staff only. This
Adversary equipped with an Inferno Bolt Pistol only.
replaces the wielder’s Force Staff.
This replaces the wielder’s Inferno Bolt Pistol.
Incandaeum can be used to make melee attacks and to
The Warp’s Malice: 12 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 9-18-27 /
make shooting attacks.
Salvo 3 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (3), Pistol.
Incandaeum (melee): (S) +4 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M]
Egleighen’s Orrery
/ Brutal, Force, Inflict (On Fire)
He who bears Egleighen’s Orrery to battle perceives
the movements of the celestial spheres and their Incandaeum (shooting): 10 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-
effects upon the ebb and flow of reality itself. By 18 / Salvo 2 / Assault, Flamer, Force
consulting the whirring mechanisms of this stave, the
Paradoxical Chatterfowl
bearer can predict precisely where and when to strike
Worked into the bearer’s wargear, this flock of
the foe in order to fundamentally unmake them with
daemonically enchanted skulls clatter their avian beaks
irresistible force.
as they jabber sanity-twisting riddles, shriek broken
As a Simple Action, the Adversary may select a single prophecies and harangue their bearer’s foes with
enemy they can see. Until the start of the Adversary’s secrets they should not know.
next turn, they and all THOUSAND SONS allies within
When an enemy moves within 3m of the Adversary, or
6m may ignore any additional penalties or DN increases
begins their turn within 3m of the Adversary, they must
which apply on attacks against that target.
pass a DN3 Conviction Test or become Hindered.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Pentakairic Armour The Change-Wrought Chalice
Only an Infernal Master who has mastered the nine- This goblet takes many forms, appearing differently to
hundred and ninety-nine rites of ascension may wear all who look upon it. The steaming potion that wells up
the Pentakairic Armour. A ward-etched prison for within it is deadly poison to all but the Tzaangor of
trammelled daemonic entities, this glowing plate Tzeentch; should one of those avian mutants sip from
compels its luckless prisoners to wield their full the chalice, they instead gain incredible sorcerous
unnatural might in its wearer’s defence. insights as the potion’s power burns through their
Infernal Master only.
The Adversary knows one additional Infernal Pact. In
addition, the first time this Adversary rolls The Adversary knows one additional psychic power
Determination each round, the attack’s damage is from the Discipline of Change (page 127) or Discipline
reduced to 0 without a roll. This replaces the similar, of Vengeance (page 129).
once-per-scene effect from the Mark of Tzeentch.
The Chronos Tutorum
Seer’s Bane Within this segmented clockwork amulet dwells a
The Seer’s Bane is a daemon weapon, quenched in the daemon whose essence is stretched forever between
blood of a grand vizier and bound tight with a thousand realspace and the warp. Within the immaterium time
curses. Its magic-infused alloys form the prison for the is meaningless; past, present and future laid out to the
disgraced Lord of Change Malach'raccatax, who once daemon’s eyes in an infinite moment. By twisting the
uttered an unvarnished truth in the presence of Lord amulet’s intricate workings, its owner can compel the
Tzeentch. It is said this ensorcelled weapon is the bane daemon to snatch fragments of knowledge from across
of learned foes, and that it can cut through the the temporal skein, gaining vital insights that aid them
thoughts of those that earn its master’s ire as easily as in battle.
it slices apart their flesh.
This item may only be given to an Adversary who has
Adversary equipped with a force sword or Prosperine been given an Adversary Trait (page 144).
khopesh only. This replaces the wielder’s force sword
Once per scene, as a free action on their turn, the
or Prosperine khopesh.
Adversary may spend 1 Ruin to grant themselves one
Seer’s Bane: (S) +6 +5ED / AP -4 / Bane (PSYKER), Parry additional Adversary Trait for the remainder of the
Scaeloch’s Talon
Scrimshawed from the severed talon of the great The Prism of Echoes
daemon Skaeloch, this stave seethes with his twisting This ancient crystal is said to have been recovered from
magicks. The slightest touch to mortal flesh triggers amongst the despoiled ruins of Prospero. It resonates
rampant and irreversible mutation. with the psychic death-agonies of all those who fell
along with their world on its final day, so that even the
Adversary equipped with a Force Staff only. This
gheists of the Rubricae are moved to vengeful fury by
replaces the wielder’s Force Staff.
its presence.
Scaeloch’s Talon: (S) +8 +6ED / AP - / Range 2 [M] /
Brutal, Corrupting, Force, Mortal (1d3).
Each time the Adversary successfully activates a
psychic power which grants a bonus to one or more
allies, double the power’s listed range.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Stave Abominus Warpweave Mantle
This stave is a compressed and runically imprisoned This flowing cloak flickers through myriad textures and
warp rift given physical form. Every blow struck with it hues, describing the rune of Tzeentch in every shadow
allows clamouring tentacular horrors to lash out from it casts and shape it takes. its wearer enjoys the favour
beyond the veil, their ethereal fangs and lashing of Tzeentch and - should they be wounded and their
pseudopods wreaking bloody havoc. mantle torn - they can harness the magicks that spill
from its sundered weave.
Adversary equipped with a Force Staff only. This
replaces the wielder’s Force Staff. Each time the Adversary is the target of a Charge
action, roll 1d6: the charging enemy’s total movement
The Stave Abominus: (S) +4 +2ED / AP -1 / Range 2 [M]
distance is reduced by the number rolled. In addition,
/ Brutal, Force, Reaping
if the Adversary is Wounded, then they add +2 dice to
Thrydderghyre all Psychic Mastery tests they attempt.
Amongst the mightiest of all the Discs of Tzeentch ever
Exalted Mutation
to manifest, Thrydderghyre seeks out the worthiest
The Sorcerer proudly displays the boons granted to him
champions and deigns to bear them to war. The
by Tzeentch, his flesh and armour mutated into
daemon cackles and gibbers as it streaks through the
glorious and whimsical manifestations of Chaos. By
air, for it delights that no foe can catch it.
embracing the God of Change fully, he has become a
Adversary mounted upon a Disc of Tzeentch (page 139) pre-eminent example of the strength and vitality
only. achievable by those of the Cult of Mutation.

The Adversary may Fall Back as a Free Action at the THOUSAND SONS PSYKER only.
start of his turn. In addition, each time the Adversary
The Adversary’s Strength and Toughness are both
makes a melee attack, they may move up to 6m after
increased by +2. This will increase their melee damage,
the attack is resolved.
Resilience, Wounds, and Determination accordingly.
Umbralefic Crystal
Oraculae Brazier
By siphoning the perpetual gloom from the location
Crackling with eldritch warpfire, this ornate brazier
where the cursed planet Mangel III once existed in
billows with smoke that reveals sorcerous portents
realspace, a cabal of Sorcerers from the Cult of Magic
only the Cult of Prophecy can interpret.
created the Umbralefic Crystal. One in command of this
powerful relic can use its energies to temporarily fold As a simple action, the Adversary may select one
space, creating a gate of sorcerous translocation THOUSAND SONS mob or Threat within 6m. Until the
through which he or his allies can step. start of the Adversary’s next turn, the chosen Threat
may re-roll a number of dice equal to the game’s Tier
Once per scene, instead of moving, select the
on a single attack.
Adversary, or a group of up to nine THOUSAND SONS
allies within 6m. The selected Threats vanish and Hourglass of Manat
reappear anywhere on the battlefield that is more than It is said that the bearer of this artefact can traverse
9m from an enemy. death nine times, yet none save the fabled Sorcerer
Manat have mastered its use more than once.

The Adversary gains the following ability:

ANNIHILATION: The first time this Threat is killed, they

vanish. They will reappear near their original
position, but outside of engagement range of
any enemy, having recovered all Shock and
healed Wounds equal to twice the game’s Tier.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Cha’qi’thl’s Theorem Capricious Crest
Those with the fortitude to band with the daemon The Capricious Crest is an ancient helm constantly in
Cha’qi’thl can bargain for a formula of great power, flux. At any moment it may appear as an avian skull, a
recorded within an ever-changing tome. Should they plumed helmet, a crown of crystal or countless other
be able to actualise the equations of fate contained strange aspects. The power of change emanates from
within it - a feat which has driven many a Sorcerer to the relic, its mercurial nature reaching out to cheat the
insanity - an elaborate plan unfolds for them at the enemy of their psychic gifts while granting sorcerous
timeliest of moments. boons to unworthy allies.

Once per scene, if the Adversary is on the battlefield, Once per round, when any character or Threat
at the start of their turn, they may choose a single Ruin attempts to activate a psychic power within 18m of this
Action option. Until the start of the Adversary’s next Adversary. The Adversary may change all 6s in the
turn, the first time that Ruin Action is used (by anyone Psychic Mastery test to 1s, or he may change all 1s in
in the scene), the cost is reduced to 0. the test to 6s.
Arcane Focus Perfidious Tome
This ritualistic locus is formed from the matter of Reading from this infernal treatise, the bearer
arcane objects, their substance broken down at a discovers hidden truths on one page, and utter
molecular level and added to the nexus of energy the madness on the next.
Arcane Focus creates. When battle is joined, the bearer
At the start of each of the Adversary’s turns, they may
will open the Arcane Focus and become infused with
read from the book as a Free Action. Roll 1d6: if the roll
its power, all the better to unleash warp-fuelled
is a 4, 5, or 6, gain 1 Ruin. If the roll is a 1, however, the
destruction upon the enemy and continue the Focus’
PCs gain 1 Glory.
cycle once more.
Sorthis’ Mirror
As a simple action, this Adversary may activate the
This strangely named dagger is made of the purest
Arcane Focus and choose a single THOUSAND SONS
reflective glass, its dazzling light shining into the minds
PSYKER within 6m. Until the start of the Adversary’s
of the foe. One afflicted by its brilliance becomes a
next turn, the chosen PSYKER may reduce the cost of
helpless marionette as their mind convulses and they
any Ritual Effect it uses by 1.
strike against themselves with their own weapons, or
Incaladion’s Cry lash out at their allies as enemy fighters watch on in
During the destruction wrought upon the forge world confusion and horror.
Incaladion by the Cult of Knowledge, the soul essences
You may make a Persuasion Interaction Attack against
of the planet’s slaughtered defenders were bound
a single enemy in engagement range. If successful, that
within this baroque pistol. When the bearer unleashes
enemy immediately makes a melee attack against a
the weapon, the final psychic screams of those
target of your choice.
unfortunate souls wash over the target and overload
their psyche with anguish and pain.

Adversary equipped with a Warpflame Pistol only. This

replaces the wielder’s Warpflame Pistol.

Incaladion’s Cry: 13 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 6-12-18 /

Salvo 2 / Agonizing, Flamer, Pistol.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Cult Psychic Powers
The Cults of the Thousand Sons have each developed distinctive and potent psychic techniques beyond the common
disciplines of their Legion. A THOUSAND SONS PSYKER Adversary may select one of the following psychic powers in
addition to any that they know. As these each come from a different Cult within the Legion, no Thousand Sons Psyker
may take more than one of these.
Warp Reality Time Flux
DN: 5 DN: 5
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Sustained Duration: Instant
Range: 25m Range: 6m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: The psyker pulls at the very fabric of Effect: When their thrallband suffers grievous
reality, causing battlefield features to mutate losses, this chrono-sorcerer traverses temporal
into warped outcroppings of grasping flesh and pathways to locate his fallen warriors and
entangling crystalline tendrils. Select a single restore them unscathed. Select one CHAOS
visible terrain feature within range. While this Troop or Elite ally within range that was slain
power remains in effect, enemies within 3m of since the psyker’s last turn. That ally is
that feature are Staggered. immediately restored to life, with all Wounds
Potency: and Shock healed.
*[1] Enemies within 3m of the terrain feature Potency:
are Restrained instead of Staggered. [1] Increase the range by +1m.
[1] Increase the distance from the terrain
feature where enemies are affected by +1m. Seeded Strategy
DN: 6
Divine the Future Activation: Action
DN: 5 Duration: 1 Round
Activation: Action Range: 25m
Duration: 1 Round Multi-Target: Yes
Range: Self Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC
Multi-Target: No Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Effect: The psyker plants intricate designs into
TZEENTCH keywords the minds of his allies, opening up lines of
Effect: This cunning seer masterfully sieves attack that were previously inconceivable to
the burbling morass of dooms and horrors them. Choose a CHAOS ally within range. Until
tormenting lesser beings, leaving them to their the start of the psyker’s next turn, the affected
fate as he clutches at the destinies of the truly ally may Fall Back as a free action at the start
great. When this power is used, roll a number of their turn.
of dice equal to the game’s Tier, and set these Potency:
dice aside. Until the start of the psyker’s next *[2] This Power may be activated as a Simple
turn, use the dice set aside to replace dice Action instead.
rolled for a single test, damage roll, or [1] Until the start of the psyker’s next turn,
Determination roll made by any CHAOS allies they may Keep the Initiative for free once.
[1] Roll 1 additional dice.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Astral Blast Dysmanifestation
DN: 5 DN: 5
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 12m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: Yes
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: This master of sorcery requires no Effect: The psyker grasps his enemies’
orbiting void craft to rain fire upon the perception of reality in a sorcerous fist and
battlefield. Intoning a jagged incantation they twists mercilessly, sending the foe reeling in
conjure a column of kaleidoscopic lightning dismayed confusion. Select a visible enemy
from the heavens and bring it crashing down within range; until the start of the psyker’s next
upon their hapless foes. Select a single visible turn, the enemy is Hindered (2).
enemy within range. That enemy suffers 3d3 Potency:
Mortal Wounds. Then, any other enemy within [1] The affected enemy’s Hindered condition
3m of the initial target suffers 1d3 Mortal increases by +1.
Wounds. *[2] The enemy must pass a DN 3 Fear test.
[3] The initial target suffers +1d3 Mortal Sorcerous Façade
Wounds. DN: 7
[1] The distance within which additional Activation: Action
enemies are affected is increased by +1. Duration: Instant
Range: 6m
Empyric Trespass Multi-Target: Yes
Activation: Action Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Duration: 1 Round TZEENTCH keywords
Range: 25m Effect: The psyker makes use of illusory
Multi-Target: Yes simulacra to mask the location of his warriors,
Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC concealing the true warriors’ advance behind
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and illusory veils until it is too late. If the power is
TZEENTCH keywords successful, select a group of up to nine
Effect: The psyker delves into the souls of his THOUSAND SONS allies within range. The
enemies to uncover their secrets and selected allies vanish and reappear anywhere
vulnerabilities. The Cult of Knowledge then on the battlefield that is more than 9m from an
exploits the revealed weaknesses to lay low enemy.
the mighty. Select a single visible enemy within Potency:
range. Until the start of the psyker’s next turn, *[1] The affected allies’ next attacks count as
all CHAOS allies attacking that target inflict surprise attacks.
[1] +1ED.
[2] The power remains in effect for +1 Round.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Attempted Possession
DN: Target’s Conviction
Activation: Action
Duration: Instant
Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: The psyker begins a psychic onslaught
upon the mind of his foe, battling for control of
their consciousness. Select a single visible
enemy. That enemy either takes a single
combat action of your choice or suffers
1d3+Tier Shock. If the enemy is a PSYKER, they
also suffer +2DN on their next attempt to
activate a psychic power.
[1] The affected enemy suffers an extra +1
Shock if they do not perform an action.
*[2] If the enemy becomes Exhausted due to
the Shock suffered, they must pass a DN 3
Corruption test.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The World Eaters
The World Eaters are one of the Traitor Legions of advantages in speed, aggression and strength that no
Chaos Space Marines who now inhabit the Warp rift enemy in the galaxy could stand before his Legion once
known as the Eye of Terror in the Imperium of Man's all had received them.
Segmentum Obscurus.
The World Eaters became the most effective shock
The World Eaters, originally known as the War Hounds, troops in the Imperium's armies, proving time and
were also once the 12th Legion of the twenty First again that none could stand before them. Yet, the
Founding Space Marine Legions, and one of the first to glories came at a price, for the aggression unlocked by
betray the Emperor of Mankind for the service of Chaos the implants proved all but impossible to temper once
and the Warmaster Horus. given full reign, and at the world of Ghenna, an entire
planetary population was butchered in a single solar
This Legion was a collection of nearly inhuman
night by World Eaters unable or unwilling to deny the
monsters long before Horus became corrupted and
bloodlust unleashed by the implants. Angron was
monsters they would remain, only with what little
censured and ordered by the Emperor to cease the
remained of their restraint and their Humanity stripped
practise of implanting his warriors in such a way, yet he
away after their fall to Chaos.
continued regardless.
The World Eaters are now the dedicated
When the Horus Heresy erupted, Angron's
servants of the Blood God Khorne, the
Legion was at the very forefront of the
Chaos God of war and murder, and live
bloodshed. By this point, the World
for nothing more than to spill blood in
Eaters had given full vent to their most
his name. The World Eaters'
destructive urges.
Primarch Angron was one of the
first of the Space Marine While Angron had once been a
Primarchs to join with Horus great man possessed of a
when he turned against the fearsome sense of martial
Emperor and began the Horus pride and honour, now he was a
Heresy. frothing, blood-soaked berserker
Daemon Prince, as were his warriors.
The Legion is no longer united, having
Any reason that had survived the
long ago surrendered to the pure
implant process was driven from their
bloodlust inspired by their patron
minds, replaced with the will of Khorne,
Khorne. Instead, they now operate as
the Blood God.
separate warbands of Chaos Space Marines who
seek to spread death and terror in the name of the In the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, the World Eaters
Blood God across the galaxy. descended to new depths of bloodlust and destruction,
reaving across the already shattered Imperium before
The World Eaters were known from their very
plunging into the twisted depths of the Eye of Terror.
inception as the most brutal and direct of assault
None can say exactly what happened within the Eye,
troops. Their fearsome doctrine was very much the
but it is apparent that the Legion all but consumed
result of the early life of their Primarch.
itself in a bitter internecine conflict that saw it
Angron was raised on the world of Nuceria as a slave- fractured into countless smaller warbands.
warrior, driven by a cybernetic cranial implant called
Though Angron would periodically gather the disparate
the Butcher's Nails into savage bouts of uncontrollable
warbands into something resembling the glory of the
violence for the entertainment of the masses.
old Legion, the World Eaters were condemned to roam
Taking his position as Primarch of the 12th Legion, the battlefields of the galaxy in search of war,
Angron instigated a program of replicating the cranial individual squads and warbands joining other Chaos
implants he himself had been fitted with as a slave- forces and fighting for nothing more than the
warrior, knowing that the devices granted such opportunity to spill blood and take skulls.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Common World Eaters Rules
World Eaters Threats share a few common special abilities in addition to those common to all Chaos Space Marines.
World Eaters units with these abilities will list them in their entries, and some World Eaters have special abilities which
refer to or alter these abilities in some way.

All World Eaters have the WORLD EATERS Legion keyword and the accompanying special rule, and they all have the
Mark of KHORNE with the accompanying special ability. These are copied here again for convenience. Some World
Eaters do exist as part of other warbands and legions, though they are rare; for these, replace the World Eaters Legion
keyword and its ability with those of a different Legion.

The Blood Tithe Martial Excellence

Khorne is the god of warfare and slaughter and 5 Blood Tithe Points.
provides mighty boons to those who consecrate the During this round, the melee attacks made by WORLD
battlefield in his name. EATERS Threats gain the Sustained quality.
Each time a creature or character is killed in battle with Savage Guidance
WORLD EATERS forces, they contribute one or more 5 Blood Tithe Points.
points to the Blood Tithe, as shown on the table below:
During this round, WORLD EATERS add +2 bonus dice
Creature Destroyed Blood Tithe Points to all melee attacks they attempt.
Troop Threats 1
Elite Threats 2 Wrathful Devotion
Adversary Threats or 3 4 Blood Tithe Points.
Player Characters During this round, WORLD EATERS may re-roll a
MONSTERS 3 number of dice on their Determination rolls equal to
PSYKER Threats +1 the game’s Tier.
This applies to both sides, and the WORLD EATERS
gain Blood Tithe points as much for their own dead as Total Carnage
for the enemies they slay: Khorne cares not from 6 Blood Tithe Points.
whence the blood flows!
During this round, when a WORLD EATERS Threat
At the start of each round after the first, the Blood makes a melee attack, the attack inflicts a minimum of
Tithe points may be spent to gain one of the following 1 Wound as long as at least one Exalted Icon is rolled
effects, with any remaining points carried over to the on the attack.
next turn. Effects apply to the entire battlefield.
Mark of Khorne
Spiteful Nullification The mark of the Blood God may manifest as a skull-
2 Blood Tithe Points. shaped brand of black fire, the visage of a snarling
canine, blood-red eyes that weep ichor or a brazen halo
During this round, any PSYKER attempting to activate a
erupting from the skull.
psychic power adds +2 to the power’s DN.
A KHORNE Threat adds +1ED to damage when making
Warp Blades
an All-Out Attack and may become Frenzied as a simple
4 Blood Tithe Points.
action. This cannot be selected if the Threat is a
During this round, the melee attacks of all WORLD PSYKER.
EATERS Threats improve their AP by 1 (i.e., from AP -1
to -2).
World Eaters [Legion]
Angron’s sons hurl themselves towards their foe, intent
Rage-Fuelled Invigoration on tearing them apart in a brutal whirlwind of violence.
3 Blood Tithe Points.
When a WORLD EATERS Threat takes the Charge
During this round, WORLD EATERS Threats increase action, add +1 ED to the attack’s damage. Must have
their Speed by +1 when they Charge. the Mark of KHORNE.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Common World Eaters Threats
In addition to the specific WORLD EATERS Threats described in this section, many existing HERETIC ASTARTES Threats
mentioned in the previous section can be given the WORLD EATERS Legion keyword and the Mark of KHORNE. The
most common of these are below, but any of the Threats in the first section of this bestiary can be used with a little
work, though. No WORLD EATERS Threat may have the PSYKER keyword.

Chaos Terminator (page 26) Each of those Threats can be used with the following
Chaos Spawn (page 49): must have the Mark of changes:
The Threat loses the Death to the False Emperor
Daemon Prince (page 65)
ability but gains the Blood Tithe ability.
Chaos Lord (page 63)
The Threat gains +1 Strength (which increases
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour (page 64)
melee damage).
Master of Executions (page 52)
Exalted Champion (page 48)
Defiler (page 67)
Helbrute (page 66)
Any CHAOS Vehicle from Church of Steel,
pages 97-98.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Khorne Berzerkers
Khorne Berzerkers are Chaos Space Marines dedicated
to glorifying the Chaos God Khorne through brutal
melee combat. Driven solely by their raging desire to TIER 1 2 3 4 5
spill blood and take lives, a Berzerker's sole purpose in THREAT A A E E T
life is to destroy their enemies in the name of the Blood KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
God and take life in the most brutal and barbaric WORLD EATERS
fashion imaginable. S T A I WIL INT FEL
9 6 5 5 4 4 2
Berzerkers refuse to use most forms of ranged RESILIENCE
weaponry and usually make almost exclusive use of 12 (Mk V Power Armour: 5 AR)
close combat melee weapons, in particular the DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
chainaxe, as the axe is the favoured weapon of Khorne. 4 10 6
SKILLS: Default 7, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
However, Khornate Berzerkers will use any weapon Skill 8, Weapon Skill 10
they can get their hands on, even their own bodies, as BONUSES
long as they can continue to engage in bloodshed. CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Khorne's Berzerkers are rightly feared by their allies
THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
and their enemies alike. Having sworn their souls to the MALICIOUS VOLLEYS: See page 8
god of war and murder, Berzerkers find the need to SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
spill "Blood for the Blood God" simply overpowering. ABILITIES
Denied the chance to engage in constant slaughter, a ACTION: Khornate Chainaxe: 14 +5ED / Brutal,
Berzerker will become almost uncontrollably enraged Sustained
and will turn on any living thing whose life can be Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 1
extinguished to satisfy his sheer need for carnage. / Brutal, Pistol
Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 36 / Blast
Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 36 /
Blast (4)
REACTION: Blood Surge: When this Threat is
targeted by a ranged attack, after the attack is
resolved, this Threat may immediately move 1d6
metres towards the attacker as a Reflexive Action.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
4 4 7 Average
ACCURS’D ARSENAL: A Khorne Berzerker may
exchange his Chainaxe for an Astartes Chainsword
or an Eviscerator. A Khorne Berzerker may replace
his Bolt Pistol with a Mk. I Plasma Pistol.
Astartes Chainsword: 14 +4ED / AP -1 / Brutal,
Khornate Eviscerator: 15 +6ED / AP -4 / Range 2
[M] / Brutal
Mk I Plasma Pistol: 13 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 2 / Rapid Fire (1), Pistol, Volatile (1d3)

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Unique to World Eaters warbands, Jakhals are
ferocious fighters utterly devoted to their lords. They
are fanatical fighters, resembling a pack of wild dogs. JAKHAL
Quick to fight each other, they nonetheless work
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
together to bring down larger prey once unleashed.
Each Jakhal wears a tank designed by Butcher- KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC, CULTIST
Surgeons upon their back. These vessels contain a S T A I WIL INT FEL
variety of combat Stimms that drive the warriors into a 4 3 4 4 3 2 2
slathering frenzy, enabling them to fight on through RESILIENCE
terrible wounds. The final ingredient pumped into 6 (Crude Armour: 2 AR)
them in this way is eight drops of a World Eaters blood. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
This potent warp-infected substance allows the 3 5 4
Jakhals' fury to rise to apoplectic levels. SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 4 (Passive 2),
Intimidation 5, Weapon Skill 5
To join a Jakhal pack, a cultist must demonstrate their BONUSES
loyalty, bloodlust, and sheer fighting ability in a series DISHONOURED: A Jakhal Dishonoured increases his
of brutal initiation rites designed to weed out all but Strength by +2 (his Jakhal Chainblades inflict 10
the strongest. Thus, Jakhals are placed close to the top +3ED damage), and he is a Champion with 1
on the pecking order of the World Eaters mortal Personal Ruin.
followers, but despite this status they are still JAKHAL STIMMS: When a Jakhal begins their turn,
ultimately viewed as expendable. Most World Eaters they may activate their Stimms. They immediately
warbands use Jakhals to one extent or another, but become Frenzied and inflict +2ED on their melee
some such as The Tide, Horkrax's Elect, and the Murder attacks, but also suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds at the
Bringers are noted to use them sometimes by the end of their turn.
THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
Massive Jakhals that tower over their brethren are ACTION: Autopistol: 7 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
known as Dishonoured and they serve as the Cultists' / Salvo 2 / Pistol
Champions. In battle, Jakhal hordes charge into the Jakhal Chainblades: 8 +3ED / AP -1 / Brutal
fray with Chainblades and spiked skullsmasher maces. THREAT OPTIONS: Any Jakhal may replace his
Jakhal Chainblade with a Mauler Chainblade:
Mauler Chainblade: 10 +6ED / AP -2 / Brutal,
Unwieldy (2)
A Jakhal Dishonoured may also be equipped with a
Skullsmasher: 10 +6ED / AP -2 / Brutal, Overwhelm,
WRATH: Blood Spilled.
When a Jakhal scores a Wrath Critical on a melee
attack, their target suffers the Bleeding condition.
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
3 2 6 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
The Eightbound are World Eaters that have been
possessed by eight daemons at once, which leaves
them virtually unrecognizable from who they once EIGHTBOUND
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Eightbound are created when particularly savage THREAT A A A E E
Khorne Berzerkers are chained in a sarcophagus known KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
as an eightcage. Within, probes and needles interface WORLD EATERS, DAEMON, DAEMONKIN
with their butcher's nails, plunging the victim into a S T A I WIL INT FEL
very battle for his soul. Exposed to the madness of the 11 8 6 5 5 4 1
warp, some engage in blood-soaked arena battles,
12 (Warp-Twisted Power Armour: 5 AR)
while others must withstand torture at the hands of
daemons. Those that fail these trials meet gruesome
4 16 -
fates, with some vanishing entirely while others are
SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
reduced to a Chaos spawn or a bloody mess. However, Weapon Skill 12
those that are victorious emerge a changed warrior, BONUSES
having been possessed by eight daemons. This leaves CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
the Eightbound in a constant battle for their souls, has 2 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
which makes them some of the most terrifying DUAL STRIKE: This Threat may reduce the DN
combatants in the galaxy. Eightbound who have been penalty of a Multi-Attack by 2, as if they had the
successfully transformed are massively muscled Dual-Wield talent.
fighters seeped in bestial immaterial power. THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
BLOODSCENT: Eightbound may re-roll any
Awareness test (and add +2 to their Passive
Awareness) if there are any Wounded or Bleeding
enemies present in the scene.
BATTLECRY: Fearsome. Anyone who sees the
Eightbound must make a DN 3 Fear Test.
ACTION: 2 Eightbound Eviscerators: 16 +5ED / AP -3
/ Brutal, Paired, Sustained
RUIN: Red Butcher: When the Eightbound makes a
melee attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to add the Mortal
(1) quality to its attack.
WRATH: Gory Dismemberment: When this Threat
scores a Wrath Critical on a melee attack, enemies
within 8m of the target must pass a DN 3 Fear test.
DETERMINATION: Daemonkin. Spend 1 Ruin to roll
8d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Death Throes. When this Threat
dies, it makes a single melee attack before dying.
5 5 9 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Exalted Eightbound
The Eightbound are World Eaters possessed by an octet SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
of Khornate daemons, all warring for dominance – but Weapon Skill 13
some amongst their ranks achieve a form of BONUSES
apotheosis, as their mortal soul conquers and merges CHAMPION: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
with the daemonic presences that share its body. has 3 Personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Heavily mutated by their long possession, these DUAL STRIKE: This Threat may reduce the DN
penalty of a Multi-Attack by 2, as if they had the
Exalted Eightbound face no internal competition for
Dual-Wield talent.
control, and so exhibit a purer and more focused rage
THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
– one that is directed entirely at their foes.
BLOOD FURY: Any enemy engaged with an Exalted
Eightbound who wishes to Fall Back must pass a DN3
Conviction test; if they fail, they cannot Fall Back this
BATTLECRY: Fearsome. Anyone who sees the
Eightbound must make a DN 4 Fear Test.
ACTION: Eightbound Eviscerator: 16 +5ED / AP -3 /
Brutal, Sustained
Eightbound Chainfist: 17 +6ED / AP -4 / Brutal
RUIN: Red Butcher: When the Eightbound makes a
melee attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to add the Mortal
(1) quality to its attack.
WRATH: Gory Dismemberment: When this Threat
scores a Wrath Critical on a melee attack, enemies
within 8m of the target must pass a DN 3 Fear test.
DETERMINATION: Daemonkin. Spend 1 Ruin to roll
8d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds.
ANNIHILATION: Death Throes. When this Threat
dies, it makes a single melee attack before dying.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 9 Large
WORLD EATERS, DAEMON, DAEMONKIN exchange his Eightbound Eviscerator for a second
S T A I WIL INT FEL Eightbound Chainfist. Alternatively, the Exalted
11 8 6 5 5 4 1 Eightbound may replace both weapons with a Heavy
RESILIENCE Chainglaive.
12 (Warp-Twisted Power Armour: 5 AR) Heavy Chainglaive: 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] /
4 18 -

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Juggernaut of Khorne
A Juggernaut, also known as a Juggernaut of Khorne,
and by such nicknames as "Brass Behemoth," "Soul
Crusher," "Khorne's Unstoppable Rage", or TIER 1 2 3 4 5
"Bloodpounder," is one of the Blood God Khorne's THREAT A E E T T
Daemonic Beasts, a manifestation of his unbridled KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, KHORNE
8 8 5 4 5 1 1
A fusion of brass and beast, its limbs slam into the RESILIENCE
ground as it charges, spurring the creature forwards 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
with staggering force. With its head tilted down, and its DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
blade-horned snout at the ready, its crushing impact 3 10 —
knocks foes from their feet before it tramples them SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Survival
into ruin. 8, Weapon Skill 10
Massive daemonic beasts of brass and iron, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
Juggernauts are nigh-unstoppable brutes covered in Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
metal plates. They crush foes beneath their brazen Bleeding.
hooves and can shrug off direct blows from all but the CAVALRY: A Juggernaut is ridden by a Khorne
strongest of weapons. Berzerker or a WORLD EATERS CHAMPION. The
Juggernaut and rider take a single shared turn in
In combat, the Juggernaut charges headlong into the combat, with one set of actions between them. The
fray, lashing out with its iron horns. Bulky and slow, rider may be targeted separately with a Called Shot,
Juggernauts use their size and strength to smash into requiring +2 DN. If the rider is slain, the Juggernaut
enemy formations, send foes flying with a toss of their becomes Frenzied, and can only be calmed by
huge horns, and flatten entire ranks of mortal soldiers another KHORNE Threat with the HERETIC
with ease. ASTARTES or DAEMON keyword.
DAEMONIC AURA: This Threat’s Resilience is not
Stinging return fire bounces without effect from the modified by an attack’s AP but may be replaced by
armoured flanks of a Juggernaut, such pinpricks serving other armour.
only to antagonize the already-belligerent nature of THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
these rampaging beasts. Far more massive than normal ABILITIES
steeds, Juggernauts resemble a rhinoceros, their hides BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
plated in thick riveted sheets of brass. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
ACTION: Bladed Horn: 11 +4ED / AP -1 / Inflict
(Prone), Spread
When the Juggernaut charges, its Bladed Horn
inflicts +2ED and gains the Brutal trait.
RUIN: Brass Stampede: When the Juggernaut
makes a Charge action, it may spend 1 Ruin to
perform a Brass Stampede. The Juggernaut’s Bladed
Horn gains the Mortal (1) quality, and the rider (if
any) may make an attack as well.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 8d6. This Threat may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds.
5 4 8 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Lord Invocatus
Invocatus, also called the "Horseman of the RESILIENCE
Apocalypse," is a Chaos Lord of the World Eaters 16 (Khorne-Blessed Power Armour: 7 AR)
Traitor Legion who rides to battle atop a Khornate DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Juggernaut Daemon. 7 18 12
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
Khornate hordes are more like a natural disaster than Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 14
a disciplined army, steamrolling entire planets in waves BONUSES
of immense bloodshed and outright slaughter. It takes LORD OF KHORNE: While allied WORLD EATERS
a warrior of supreme skill and confidence to command Threats are within 8m of Lord Invocatus, they add
them—a warrior like the Chaos Lord Invocatus of the +Tier dice when making an Attack.
World Eaters Traitor Legion. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 7 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
From atop his Juggernaut he leads thunderous charges THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
of Bloodcrushers and Berzerkers in frontal attacks that LEADING THE CHARGE: When an allied WORLD
light the sky aflame, and some claim he even rides the EATERS Threat within 8m of Lord Invocatus, they
flames themselves. increase their Speed by +2.
At an unknown date in the Era Indomitus, the MOUNTED: Lord Invocatus is mounted on a
Deathwatch Watch Fortress of Ebon Vale was assailed Juggernaut of Khorne. The Juggernaut’s Speed is
by the gore-slicked World Eaters warband of Heretic changed to 12 (Flight).
Astartes commanded by Lord Invocatus. Together with SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
Daemon Engine allies from the Brazen Beasts, ABILITIES
Invocatus raided the arsenals of the Deathwatch to BATTLECRY: Road of Eight Bloody Steps. All
claim state-of-the-art Adeptus Astartes wargear and WORLD EATERS allies within 8m of Lord Invocatus
powerful artefacts of battle from Ebon Vale's make a normal move.
reliquaries. ACTION: Bolt Pistol: 10 +1ED / AP – / Range 6-12-18
/ Salvo 1 / Brutal, Pistol
When the Chaos attack was quarantined and whittled Coward’s Bane: 16 +5ED / AP -3 / Rending (2)
down by the Deathwatch's air cover, the World Eaters Enemies may not roll Determination against
made their departure, leaving empty weapons vaults damage inflicted by Coward’s Bane.
and hundreds of black-armoured corpses in their wake. Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 44 / Blast
With the Deathwatch greatly reduced in strength in the (6)
region, a Hrud infestation spread throughout the Ebon Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 44 /
Blast (4)
Vale soon after, reducing several Civilised Worlds to
REACTION: Counterattack. After being hit or
useless mulch.
missed by a melee attack, Lord Invocatus may make
a melee attack as a Reflexive Action. After being hit
or missed by a ranged attack, Lord Invocatus may
make a normal move towards that enemy and
make a melee attack (if in range) as a Reflexive
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Action.
THREAT A A A A A DETERMINATION: Sigil of Corruption. Spend 1 Ruin
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC ASTARTES, to roll 8d6. The Threat may roll Determination
WORLD EATERS, CHAMPION against Mortal Wounds.
11 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Khârn the Betrayer
Khârn the Betrayer is a member of the World Eaters
Traitor Legion of Chaos Space Marines, and the
greatest mortal Champion of the Blood God Khorne in TIER 1 2 3 4 5
the galaxy. He currently leads his own World Eaters THREAT A A A A A
warband called the Butcherhorde. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC ASTARTES,
Second only to the World Eaters Daemon Primarch S T A I WIL INT FEL
Angron in aggression and bloodlust, Khârn has lived a 12 9 9 9 8 7 7
life of murder and betrayal, the blood spilt and skulls RESILIENCE
collected for his patron beyond counting. 17 (Khorne-Blessed Power Armour: 7 AR)
In battle Khârn is always where the fighting is at its 8 19 14
thickest, wielding his heavy chainaxe Gorechild (which, SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 15 (Passive 8),
along with its twin Gorefather, was wielded by Angron Ballistic Skill 13, Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 16
during the Horus Heresy). Rimmed with the BONUSES
unbreakable teeth of a Mica Dragon, this fell weapon LEGENDARY KILLER: While allied WORLD EATERS
continually rises and falls as it severs heads and claims Threats make a melee attack within 8m of Khârn,
skulls. He is the avatar of Khorne, embodying the Blood they may re-roll any dice which roll 1 on the attack
God's indiscriminate rage and bloodlust in the realm of or damage roll.
mortals. CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 8 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Like his World Eaters comrades, he emerged from the ARCH-SLAUGHTERER: Each time Khârn makes a
gruesome psycho-surgery experiments of Angron, multi-attack, he gains +1 dice for every enemy within
having underwent ritual lobotomization with the 2m.
implantation of the Butcher's Nails cranial implants, THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154
with all sense of fear and danger removed so that the SPACE MARINE IMPLANTS: See page 8
rush he experienced in combat was greatly enhanced. ABILITIES
His love of murder was so great that Khârn actually had ACTION: Archaic Plasma Pistol: 16 +3ED / AP -3 /
an ancient death-counter installed in his helmet which Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 3 / Rapid Fire (2), Pistol,
Volatile (1d3)
registers the number of kills he has made in the helm's
Gorechild: 16 +8ED / AP -4 / Brutal, Rending (2),
eye lenses.
Tearing, Overwhelm
Khârn has dedicated his millennia-long existence to Frag Grenade (2): 10 +4ED / AP – / Range 44 / Blast
unleashing bloody carnage upon anyone and anything (6)
within reach. He is drawn by the scent of war as a Krak Grenade (2): 14 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 44 /
Blast (4)
hungering hound is drawn by fresh meat, and it has
COMPLICATION: Betrayer. Whenever Khârn suffers
become impossible to tally his slaying. Even during the
a Wrath Complication on a melee attack, the attack
Great Crusade, when he fought in the vanguard of the will strike an ally within 2m instead.
World Eaters Legion's assault companies, Khârn was WRATH: Blood Fury of Khorne. When Khârn scores
known to be a brilliant warrior. a Wrath Critical on a melee attack, he may move up
to half his Speed (round up) towards another
Khârn the Betrayer will never stop killing. Whether it is
enemy and make an additional melee attack.
the blood madness he learnt from Angron during the
DETERMINATION: Praise of Khorne. Spend 1 Ruin
Horus Heresy, or the Chaos taint that has corrupted his to roll 9d6, re-rolling any dice which roll 1s. Khârn
soul since Khorne's gaze fell upon him, Khârn's mind may roll Determination against Mortal Wounds.
burns with an unquenchable rage. So long as he draws ANNIHILATION: Berzerker Frenzy. If Khârn is slain,
breath he will offer up lives to the Blood God, until at he may make a melee attack before he dies. As
last he gives his own. Khârn is one of Khorne’s favourites, he will be
restored to life later.
8 8 7 Average
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes

Angron, The Red Angel, Daemon Primarch of Khorne

Angron, sometimes called the "Red Angel," and BONUSES
originally named Angronius of Nuceria, the "Lord of the CHAMPION: The Threat may use Ruin Actions and
Red Sands," is the primarch of the World Eaters Traitor has 10 personal Ruin. Also, see Dark Pacts, page 13.
Legion. THE BLOOD TITHE: See page 154. If Angron has been
slain, spend 6 Blood Tithe Points to return Angron to
He was the most bloody-handed and savage of the the battlefield, reappearing anywhere more than 9m
primarchs. When Horus began his rebellion against the from an enemy.
Emperor, Angron was quick to join in his treachery THE RED ANGEL: Enemies who begin their turn
because of his long-lasting grudge against the Master within 8m of Angron become Hindered.
of Mankind for the Emperor's failure to rescue his MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
beloved fellow gladiators from death on Nuceria, but the Fear, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within LORD OF THE ARENA: While allied WORLD EATERS
Threats are within 8m of Angron, they add +Tier
dice when making an Attack.
He fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy and was WRATHFUL PRESENCE: When Angron makes a
transformed into a Daemon Prince of the Blood God Charge action, or begins his turn Engaged with one
Khorne in the campaign known as the Shadow Crusade or more enemies, he may choose a single one of the
before that conflict had ended. following options, which applies until the start of his
next turn.
He has plagued the Imperium time and again, but been Infectious Rage: WORLD EATERS allies within 8m
banished each time. In the Era Indomitus the World reduce the DN penalty for multi-attacks by 2.
Eaters have reached heights of power not seen since Glorious Bloodletting: WORLD EATERS allies
the Great Crusade. The attemps of Angron to return to within 8m may re-roll 1s on their melee attacks.
Imperial space is bad enough for the servants of the Righteous Slaughter: Enemies within 8m cannot
Fall Back.
Emperor, but it now seems that he can no longer be
truly banished back to the Warp for a long period of
BATTLECRY: Avatar of Wrath.
Anyone that can see Angron must make a DN 8
Should Angron somehow still be cast back into the Terror Test.
Warp, he re-emerges unscathed precisely eight weeks, ACTION: Samni’arius and Spinegrinder: When
eight days, and eight hours later, heralded by eight Angron makes an attack, choose one of the
following profiles:
Crimson Omens that strike fear into the hearts of all
Skull-Taking Slash: 24 +8ED / AP -4 / Range 4 [M]
who witness them.
/ Brutal, Overwhelm
Bloodletting Sweep: 19 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 4
ANGRON [M] / Reaping
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 RUIN: Skulls for the Skull Throne. Spend 1 Ruin as a
THREAT A A A A A Ruin Action. Angron makes a Charge action, adding
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, KHORNE, HERETIC ASTARTES, +1 to his Speed. If he slays any enemies, he
WORLD EATERS, CHAMPION, PRIMARCH, generates +1 Blood Tithe point.
DAEMON, MONSTER DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
S T A I WIL INT FEL roll 12d6. Magnus may roll Determination against
16 12 9 9 10 7 7 Mortal Wounds.
If Angron would be slain, he is banished to the
19 (Armour of Blood-Spattered Brass: 8 AR)
Warp. Add 2 to Ruin.
8 24 -
10 10 16 Flight Huge
SKILLS: Default 14, Awareness 15 (Passive 8),
Weapon Skill 18

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Heretic Astartes
Bloody-Handed Slayers—World Eaters Adversaries
This section provides several items of unique, deadly equipment and a few additional abilities which can be applied to
WORLD EATERS Adversaries to make them more distinct and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Burning Plate

The following abilities can be applied to a WORLD This impervious armour drips constantly with molten
EATERS Adversary. Only one such trait should be brass.
applied to any given Adversary under most The bearer’s Armour Rating is increased by +2, and
circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier their Maximum Wounds are increased by an amount
4 or higher campaign might justifiably have more than equal to the game’s Tier.
Helm of Brazen Ire
Favoured of Khorne This helm is forged from unbreakable brass, from the
The Adversary has the favour of Khorne; the Blood God Blood God’s own throne. Any who seek to take the
seems to aid him in his slaughter with a portion of his bearer’s skull find their blade broken upon it.
own power.
Each time an attack is made against the bearer, re-roll
The Adversary adds 1 Blood Tithe point on each turn. any ED which roll a 6. The second result stands.
True Berzerker Soulburner
When this Adversary meets his foes face to face, his This weapon draws its unnatural ammunition directly
fury is such that he can brush aside even fatal wounds, from the boiling blood at the base of Khorne’s great
the better to claim more skulls for Khorne. brazen throne.
When this Adversary rolls Determination, he may re- This relic replaces an Infernal Cannon.
roll any dice that roll 1s.
Soulburner: 14 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo 3
Battle Lust
/ Assault, Flamer
This Adversary’s lust for battle draws him into any and
all fights, each brutal melee driving him to new heights Talisman of Rage
of battlefield frenzy. This brass icon constantly oozes burning blood, driving
those World Eaters nearby into an even more ferocious
The Adversary gains the following ability: killing rage.
REACTION: Battle Lust. When an enemy finishes a As a Free Action at the start of the bearer’s turn, the
Charge action within 6m, the Adversary may take a bearer may select a number of WORLD EATERS Threats
Charge action against that enemy as a Reflexive Action. equal to the game’s Tier within 9m. Until the start of
Gore-Caked Relics the bearer’s next turn, each time an affected Threat
Only one item from the list below should be given to inflicts damage with a melee attack, each Exalted Icon
any given WORLD EATERS Adversary under most shifted adds +2ED instead of 1.
circumstances, though the ultimate Adversary of a Tier The Skull of An’gr’ant
4 or higher campaign might have more than one. This brazen skull perceives the weaknesses of any foe
Berzerker Glaive and whispers them to the bearer.
The bearer of this daemon-infested weapon is driven As a Free Action at the start of the bearer’s turn, the
to a state of apoplectic frenzy by the proximity of its bearer may select a number of enemies equal to the
red-hot steel. game’s Tier. Until the start of the bearer’s next turn,
This relic replaces a Chainaxe, Power Axe, or Axe of the bearer may re-roll any ED rolled against those
Dismemberment. enemies.

Berzerker Glaive: (S)+6 +5ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] /

Brutal, Sustained.

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