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Unit 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: …………………………………………….

Date: ………………

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 My hair is really ________. I didn’t brush it this morning. a lively

b modern

c messy

2 I ________ my wallet when we were in New York. a losed

b was losing

c lost

3 Slow down! I can’t walk ________ you. a as fast as

b faster as

c so fast as

4 On our last vacation, we stayed at a ________. a camping

b hotel

c museum

5 Some of the students were waiting ________ outside the exam room. a nervous

b nervousily

c nervously

6 Would you like to ________ a single or a double room? a reserve

b stay

c buy

7 The city is very ________. Bike riders often cover their faces. a lively

b crowded

c polluted

8 Mateo’s English is ________ than mine. a badder

b worser

c worse

9 They ________ by the pool at 6:00 yesterday evening. a was sunbathing

b were sunbathing
c did sunbathing

10 This is the ________ train to New York. It stops at all the stations. a slowly

b slow

c good

11 Tokyo is a ________ city with tall buildings and a lot of new technology. a modern

b ancient

c fast

12 My wife likes to ________ camping, but I prefer hotels. a stay at

b do

c go

13 I think beach vacations are ________ city breaks. a most relaxing than

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
b more relaxing than
c as relaxing than

14 The Colosseum is the most famous ________ building in Rome. a ancient

b ugly

c unusual

15 What was Tomás wearing when we ________ him yesterday? He looked a were seeing
b saw

c was seeing

16 “Could I please use your pen?” she asked ________. a angrily

b patiently

c politely

17 She was traveling in India ________ she met her husband. a when

b while

c so

18 Santiago can play the piano very ________. a goodly

b good

c well

19 This part of the town is very ________ in the evenings because there are lots a quiet
of cafés and restaurants.
b lively

c ugly

20 I go to work by bus because it’s ________ the subway. a the least crowded than
b not as crowded as

c less crowded as

21 Ghazala wants to ________ the Science Museum in July. a visit

b sightsee

c go

22 I think suitcases with wheels are more ________ than suitcases without a practically
b practical

c practicaller

23 I’m really tired, so I want to sit ________ for a while. a quietly

b quiet

c more quiet

24 He took his friend to the airport this morning and then he to ________ a was going
b went

c go

25 Did you ________ this suitcase yourself? a do

b pack

c make

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
26 Who is the ________ person you know? a funnyest

b more funny

c funniest

27 Look at this ________ flower. I don’t know its name. a messy

b ugly

c unusual

28 The bag broke while I ________ the groceries to the car. a was carrying

b carried

c were carrying

29 We always eat ________ when we’re on vacation. a a barbecue

b out

c local attractions

30 She worked ________ all year and passed her exams. a good

b hardly

c hard

31 Our vacation this year is ________ than last year. a more short

b shorter

c shortter

32 I was really ________ on the flight to Lima because there wasn’t much space a uncomfortable
for my legs.
b quiet

c busy

33 “Were you sleeping when I called you at home?” a wasn’t

“No, I ________.” b weren’t

c didn’t

34 My parents went on a ________ of Madrid. a sightseeing

b guide

c guided tour

35 This is ________ room in the hotel. a the less comfortable

b the least comfortablest
c the least comfortable

36 Elma ________ before it started to rain. a walked quick home

b walked home quickly
c walking home quickly

37 Luckily, we ________ fast when the dog ran into the street. a was driving

b didn’t drive

c weren’t driving

38 The stores are always ________ at this time of year. Everyone is buying a quiet
presents for friends and family.
b busy

c messy

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 3 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
39 Samuel’s not as patient as ________. a she

b she is

c her is

40 Petra reserved a ________ on a train to Budapest. a seat

b flight

c visit

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018

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