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Homework #2: Due date – 11.03.

2012, Monday
: Homeworks should be handed in latest on Monday, 11.03.2012 (15:00 latest). Please send your solutions to
Mustafa DEMİRTAŞ by e-mail or hand-in paper solutions at his office (EEM 101).

(25 pts.) Q1: Given point P (-2, 6, 3) and vector 𝐴⃗ = 𝑦𝑎�𝑥 + 𝑥 + 𝑧 𝑎�𝑦 ,
(a) express P and 𝐴⃗ in cylindrical and spherical coordinates;
(b) Evaluate 𝐴⃗ at point P in the cartesian, cylindrical and spherical systems (i.e.
find the value of the vector at that point).

(30 pts.) Q2: Using similar approach to the hint in the slide #21 of Lecture 4 prove that
(starting from Cartesian coordinates) in spherical coordinates the del
operator, ∇, has the following form;

𝜕 1 𝜕 1 𝜕
𝛁=𝒂 �𝜃
+𝒂 �𝜑
𝜕𝑟 𝑟 𝜕𝜃 𝑟 sin 𝜃 𝜕𝜑

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Homework #2: Due date – 11.03.2012, Monday
(45 pts.) Q3: Consider the object shown in the figure below. Using line, surface,
or volume integration (only) calculate
a) The distance BC
b) The distance CD
c) The surface area ABCD
d) The surface area ABO
e) The surface area AOFD
f) The volume ABDCFO

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