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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS Independence – Liberty – Happiness

------------------------------- -----------------------------
Minimal Requirements Meet Minimal Substantially Exceeds
Meets Requirements Exceeds Requirements
Not Met Requirements Requirements
< 4.0 4.0 – 5.4 5.5 – 6.9 7.0 – 8.4 8.5 - 10
Scaled Score
Part 1: Content and organization (70%)
Understanding Fails to demonstrate Several errors or omissions in Adequate knowledge of the Very good knowledge of Excellent knowledge of the
and application of knowledge of the knowledge of the theories/concepts the theories/concepts theories/concepts shown
course theories/ theories/concepts theories/concepts demonstrated shown
concepts (20%)
Case analysis Several main issues not Vague, obvious, Appropriate. Lacks depth or Specific, solid. Less Insightful throughout.
(20%) identified. underdeveloped, or too broad. should be more specific. carefully developed. Some Completely developed all
Oversimplified, vague, One or more main issues not Identified only the main insight relevant information
unclear, or cannot be identified. Limited evidence issues
understood. Little or no of critical thinking
evidence of critical
Business Inappropriate, and/ or off- Shows limited application of Some sound business Good business judgment, Thorough understanding of
judgment (20%) topic generalizations, business reasoning. May have reasoning applied logical reasoning, and the application of related
faulty assumptions, or a few minor errors of fact some understanding of business concepts and
major errors of fact related course concepts judgment to the case
Synthesis of No clear connections A few generalized Some obvious or superficial Relevant. Appropriately Convincingly interpreted
course theories/ between the facts of the connections made. connections to theories/ interpreted and linked to and linked to theories/
concepts and case case and relevant theories/ Connections not clearly concepts main theories/concepts concepts. Considers context
analysis (20%) concepts linked to case and limits of position where
Organization No organizational strategy Inappropriate and/ or Appropriate but unevenly Organizational strategy Organizational strategy
(10%) is evident. Rambles. inconsistent organization. developed. Should do more contributes to creates a persuasive logical
Connections between Hard to follow the logical to support the logical flow of understanding. Most flow with smooth transitions
paragraphs are confusing. flow. Several poor/missing the paper. May have a few transitions are smooth
Sentences within some transitions awkward/missing transitions
paragraphs are unrelated
Part II: Style and mechanics (15%)
Vocabulary (5%) Oral rather than written Language is oversimplified or Some oversimplified Accurate, generally Precise, appropriate,
language patterns inappropriate in a business language. May rely on appropriate, less advanced advanced, and professional
predominate document clichés or precise vocabulary
Grammar Numerous errors interfere Errors interfere with Errors do not interfere with Very few errors. Carefully Essentially error free.
Spelling/Usage with reader readability. Not always readability. Shows evidence edited. Carefully edited
Punctuation (5%) comprehension. consistent with standard of some editing
Consistently awkward; written English
difficult to understand
Documentation of Documentation is Sources are poorly Sources mostly documented, Sources are almost always Thoroughly documented in
sources (5%) inappropriate or absent documented occasional misses carefully documented proper format
Part III: Delivery (15%)
Delivery (15%) Presenter read notes, Presenter’s pace is too slow Presenter’s pace and diction Presenter clearly and Presenter clearly and
mumbles, speaks too or fast, jumps around, voice is is generally good, voice is effectively communicates effectively communicates
quietly, has little to no eye low or unclear, multiple clear enough, few or no key ideas, speaking and ideas and engages the
contact, and has many interjections distract distracting gestures, fairly pace comfortable for audience, concise
non-word or filler audience, or fails to elaborate good eye contact with audience. Provides highlighting of key points is
interjections (um, uhh, on key findings. Uneasiness audience. Some difficulty adequate answers to engaging. Answers audience
ahh, well, so, etc.) or inability to answer answering audience audience questions. questions with authority and
audience questions. questions accuracy.

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