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Scientific research. Pros and cons.

Scientific research nowadays is used in many spheres but most commonly in such
sciences as sociology and psychology, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine etc.

Let’s start with medicine and for example with cloning.

Cloning is making a copy of a plant or animal by taking a cell from it and developing it
artificially. There is nothing new about this — plants were cloned in Ancient Greece over 2,000
years ago, and the first cloned frog appeared in 1968. However, many people are worried: what
if an evil dictator produces hundreds of copies of himself in order to take over the world?

The truth is that there is no chance that any copy of a human being would be identical
either physically or mentally, any more than children are identical to their parents. The possible
benefits of cloning, however, are numerous, for artificially producing human tissues and organs
for transplant, and for preserving endangered animal species. One of the main cons is inability
to control it in full. The sphere is new and we don’t know what to expect from it.

Another sphere of scientific research is transplantation of organs.

Transplants from animals can help humans. A British girl born with a rare bone condition that
left her with only one ear, had a new one grown for her. By taking cells from her existing ear and
transplanting them onto the back of a mouse, scientists grew her another one, which could then be
transplanted back. American scientists have also used sheep blood cells to make a universal blood
which could be given to any patient, regardless of their blood group while British scientists are close
to manufacturing artificial blood, with the aid of milk from genetically-altered cows and sheep. The
main argument against transplanting organs is the weakening of immunity of the mankind,
provoked by it. Another problem is the ethical one. There is a serious danger that healthy people,
especially children, will be kidnapped in order to become doners for rich and influential people,
having needing an operation.

Chemistry nowadays is also a rich ground for scientific research. Biological and chemical
weapons are a matter of acute interest not only for scientists but first of all for politicians all
over the world. The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention prohibits the development of
biological and toxic weapons, but allows defensive biological work. However, the line between
defensive and offensive work is very thin. The problem is that chemical and biological weapons
can create the possibility of its being used for war purposes by an uncontrolled tyrant. It can
also provoke new serious diseases. But on the other hand chemical weapon can help people for
example to fight against the attacks of grasshoppers.

Psychotropic weapons which are a matter of great interest for many countries, are very
dangerous and have only cons. It is kept in military secret. And it makes possible to manipulate
human behavior with sound or visual messages. And the perception of these messages can
easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. And more developed countries will have
added advantages in war of less developed counties.

In my opinion, all the innovations have pros and cons. The mankind has to take great
responsibility for its inventions. We must try to avoid or at least reduce their negative impact and
try to take only the good from new inventions. It’s our choice – how to use it. For or against

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