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having a disruptive influence on

Re-discoveri the status quo:

• Democratization: Gost-effective
survey tools like Zoomerang, Survey
Monkey and now Google Gonsumer

Market Research Surveys have dramatically increased

the number of business questions
that basic research can provide.
Decisions once made purely by gut can
Seizing opportunity and innovation be supported or refuted by input not
previously practical to collect.
in a ohanging industry • Behavioral economics (BE): New
understanding of consumer
decision-making has produced foun-
MATT VALLE dational changes in what we collect,
•^ how we collect it and how we interpret
it. In many cases, BE has produced
fresh innovations within tried-and-
true, traditional research methods.

ver the past several years, it Market Research Sucks" are indicative • Biometrics and neuroscience: Similar
has been safe to assume that of this concern. to BE, we can often get closer to the
the context of the market In some cases, a distinction is made truth, not by asking people what they
research industry is one of crisis. For between "traditional research" (dead see or feel, but by measuring it directly.
market research providers, the vertically or at least dying) and "next generation • Data from everywhere: Online, mo-
integrated model has given way to research" (get on board or become bile and "always on," consumer tech-
disaggregation as low-cost specialists extinct). But is this simplistic division nologies and applications produce data
have created efficient operating models. really fair? as a by-product of their core service,
New thinking from the outside has When A.G. Lañey, GEO of Procter often making content and technology
shown that what consumers say and & Gamble, famously declared "The providers rich sources of primary data.
what they do are often different things. consumer is boss," it ushered in a new • A return to data agnosticism: Just
New media have offered faster and era of awareness and importance for as we use data in many forms in our
cheaper ways to answer the same the insights function. Why? Because daily lives to make decisions—in
business questions. Industry "outsiders" if the consumer is boss, you need to considering a new restaurant, we may
have taken research into their own hands understand her in order to win. To me, visit Yelp, talk to friends or do a drive-
and have bypassed the professional this signaled that we have arrived— by, for example—so, too, is market
research function. And business leaders insights had moved to the head of the research shifting back toward reliable,
have become more demanding in their class. Since then, insights has become credibly data-driven decision-making,
expectations of what market research part of nearly everyone's job descrip- regardless of its source.
should be able to do. tion, which has facilitated an explosion • Convergence and integration: The
All of this has cast a pall of fear and in new thinking, new processes and promise of mining vdthin and across
concern about where the industry is new methods for answering age-old data streams has given rise to Big
headed and whether the insights function questions of marketing and strategy. Data and the attendant possibility of a
will be taken over by non-researchers who Although far from a comprehen- 360-degree, holistic understanding of
do not appreciate the craft of research sive list, the new era has produced or customers.
and the importance of research quality. rekindled several key industry trends— • Adjacent thinking: Technologists
Articles with titles such as "Is Market some brand new, some not so new and have entered the industry in droves,
Research Dead?" and "Why So Much some awoken from dormancy—but all filling gaps and making connections

LOG O N ! Learn more about the newest trends
.com in marketing research at

companies and the organizations

that embrace a broad portfolio of
sources, perspectives and technol-
ogies will win the day.
As an example, after 30 years
the AMA made the decision to
broaden the scope of the Annual
Marketing Research Conference
to, simply, the Annual Marketing
Conference. The change was
borne of the realization that both
market researchers and marketers
are responsible for understand-
ing insights and how to apply
them. With the benefit of a broad
membership base, the AMA
recognized that members could
benefit not only by interacting
with people of their own function,
but also across functions and
with academics. The inaugural
year was successful in proving the
concept, and provided excellent
learning for making 2014 an even
better learning and networking
Rather than being fearful of
that were not always possible. Strate- od in some markets where Internet the changes in our industry and the
gic consultants, media planners and penetration is still very low. In some encroachment from other disciplines, we
ideators have also entered our space cases, emerging markets could be the need to celebrate ourselves as those first
to help give meaning to our work. source of innovation that could then drawn to this great industry and invite all
Visualization and storytelling: Cap- be reapplied in the developed world. the innovation that we can handle from
italizing on research about how hu- wherever it may come. Rather than
mans learn and retain information— What I see in our industry today and crisis, we must see rejuvenation and
along with the increased expectation for the foreseeable future is a rich mix of opportunity. Together we build a better
that insights pros must influence as both sustaining and disruptive innova- industry and keep it thriving for as
much as they inform—new communi- tions, where new tools become com- long as we can foresee, m
cation methods are expanding to help monplace and existing tools are made
us meet ever increasing expectations continually better and applied more • » MATT VALLE is executive vice president of
for our efforts. broadly—to new users, new consumers global key account management at GfK and the
Globalization: Beyond simply adapt- and new markets. As Rebecca Messina, current president of the AMA Marketing Insights
ing developed market methods to vice president of global marketing capa- Council (MIC). The MIC is responsibie for
emerging ones, research in emerging bility and integration at The Coca-Cola representing the interests of markefing insights
markets is set to leap frog interme- Co., recently said: "Insights is everyone's professionals within the AMA, developing concepts
diary stages experienced within rich responsibility." for and assisting in the implementation of
markets. For example, mobile may Although there is room under the programs to enhance the value of AMA insights
become the dominant research meth- tent for high-quality specialists, the membership base.

WINTER 2013 13
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