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Instructions: Put an X in the box if one trait describes you more than the opposite side. Choose among Stongly Describes You, Neutral, or
between Neutral & Strongly Describes You.

I want everyone to like me X I want people to adore me

I strive to win first place X I enjoy playing the game

I pick out just the right gifts for each I give gifts that most people would
of my friends like
I like spending time with futurists x I like spending time with historians
I want everyone to like me x I want people to adore me
I strive to win first place x I enjoy playing the game
I have always worked hard x I am slow, but steady performer
I think about what I do well x I think about what I must improve
I am a sensitive person x I am a logical person
I get to know people individually x I accept many types of people
Starting conversations is an effort for I get a rush from striking up a
me conversation with a stranger
I feel great about life x I feel I am a competent person
I am a team member x I am an individual achiever
I can make people feel that they are
x I can make people feel successful
someone important to me
My view of humanity guides my life x My ambition guides my life
Being a confidante to others gives
x I like spending time with historians
me satisfaction
I love looking at things from different
I like to follow a sequence x
I have a commitment to growth x I have a commitment to my values
I want to have a balance in my life x I want to have the best for my family
Everyday I talk many times about my I set aside planning times to think
visions for the future about the future
I can get other people excited x I can calm others down
Once I have made a decision, I have I need to be sure I am right before I
to act take action
I concentrate harder than most I go with the flow and keep an
people on what I want to get done overview of issues
I believe there are no conicidences. For me coincidences are luck,
Every event has its reason chance, a fluke, or an accident
I am a good conversationalist x I am a good listener
I enjoy giving recognition x I enjoy receiving recognition
I like contests x I like to work
I am a very down to earth thinker and I am a creative, strategic thinker and
I wisely rely on experts to help me x patterns and issues naturally emerge
find answers for me to see
I am aware of all the factors affecting
I am fully alive - full of joy and delight x
the situation
I want to be a CEO of a large x I am a bridge builder for people
I sometimes intimidate others x Well-known leaders intimidate me
I can put myself into someone's life I have an ability to love people, all of
and understand what they are going the people
I push others to succeed x I make other people happy
I am more mature than my
I am a carefree person x
I like to be doing things with others I like to arrange things for other
as much as possible people
By studying history I can figure out My future will be independent of my
the future past
I am part of something larger than x I am an earthy person
I want work to be a way of life for me x Work is just a way to earn a living
I feel blue when someone doesn't like I feel guilty when I do anything that I
me don't think is right
I organize x I analyze
I can make people feel good by
I listen to people so I can make them
picking out what is important in what x
feel understood
they have said
I like to associate with hardworking,
I seek out philosophical people x
achieving people
I enjoy making others feel worthwhile x I enjoy making others feel successful
I use instinct to solve problems x I use exact, well-researched
I believe I am connected with all of
I have a healthy skepticism about life x
My friends ask me to tell stories x My friends ask my advice
I prefer to be around people like me x I feel bad when other people are left
I can keep up with most people and I have great stamina and have
am not driven to work harder or x always been known to work harder
longer and longer than most people
Anything to do worth athletics grabs Anything related to thoughts about
my attention humankind gets my attention
I am a very tidy person x I am very stubborn
I grow when I share x I grow when I learn
I follow a written plan for my future x I discover the future one day at a
I focus on what I can achieve in the I imagine how I will respond to
future whatever happens in the future
I relate to others better when I find I can relate to others better when I
their weaknesses know their goals
I include everybody so I don’t hurt
x I select my friends carefully
anyone's feelings
My ego is not so large that I need to It is very important to me to be
be recognized as a credible, x recognized as a credible,
professional successful person professional, successful person
I enjoy understanding the causes of I enjoy understanding the make up of
World Wars the world's population 50 years
I am analystical about issues facing I am passionate about issues that
my life affect my life
I progress by capitalizing upon my x I progress by overcoming my
For me everything has to be planned x I prefer to go with the flow
I establish routine ways for getting
I find different ways to do things x
things done
I hate it when I cry x Tears are a part of my life
I enjoy relaxing x I enjoy cleaning
Happiness is money x Happiness is not about money
I ask for the opinion of others x Others come to me for opinions
I believe it is absolutely essential to I believe in discovering what is
treat all people equally and to have x unique about each person and
clear rules for people to follow motivating them individually
I rely on experts to help me find the Answers and issues naturally emerge
right answers for me to see
I am very generous in giving praise x I am selective in giving praise
I am never fully satisfied unless I am I am happy to be among the top
number one in all competitions group in competition
I am good at figuring out how people I have a gift for treating different
who are very different can work people equally
I try to stay within my comfort zone x I am a thrill-seeker
I enjoy discussing big ideas with
I can sense the feelings of associates x
What is important is what people are There are people that I don't like,
like, not whether I like them or not they just go against my grain
I trust my heart for important x I use my head for important decisions
I respond to things as they occur x I prioritize things, then act
I like everybody x I want everybody to like me
I am driven by my goals x I am driven by my mission
I set performance objectives each My work is determined by the
week demands of the day
I like to take care of the present x I live for the future
I can concentrate on the things in
I have to force myself to study x
which I am interested
I like anything dealing with little x I prefer to deal with adults
I like work that requires exactness x I prefer working as a team member
I study what makes others tick x I am introspective
I am routinized x I am zestful
I am passionate about eliminating
I am passionate about my education x
I like to be heard x I like to listen
I am a good storyteller x I am a good coach
I am satisfied with my progress in life x I worry about my future
I like to talk x I like to think
I am a perfectionist x I am a person who gets things done
I am a creative, strategic thinker and
I am a very down to earth thinker xx patterns and issues naturally emerge
for me to see
I seek people out who will be honest I choose to associate with people
with me about my weaknesses who appreciate my strengths
I feel a need to sacrifice for the sake
I have to take care of myself first x
of others
I am a social butterfly x I like to work hard with friends
I am never at a loss for words x It is hard for me to talk about myself
I am carefree person x I am a serious person
I love to study x I live to go out
My nature is to check as often as
I am often forgetful x necessary to be sure everything is in
I am a keen observer of the
x I treat all people equally
differences between people
Overcoming weaknesses and Building on my talents is my way for
removing deficiences is my way for achieving
When things get tough and I need
When things get tough and I need
things done perfectly, I tend to rely on
things done perfectly, I tend to jump x
the strengths of the people on my
in and get it done myself
team and don't try to do it all myself
I am outgoing x I can be outgoing when I need to be
I want a few deep friendships that are
I want as many friends as possible x
very important to me
It is sometimes justifiable to bend the x It is never justifiable to tell a lie
I want a few friends that I know a lot x I am always building new friendships
I have been known for my neatness x I have been known for my sense of
I am creating my future x I study what the future holds for me
I like to challenge people x I like to encourage people
I am a very private person x My life is an open book
I am generous x I am a thrifty person
I am a leader x I am a high achiever
I sometimes flatter others x I am conscientious
I can study for as long as it takes x I have a really short attention span
I am careful not to give out too much I am generous with my praise and
praise and recognition, so when I do, x recognition of people with whom I
it really means something work
I am open to learning new things x My values are stable
I have a purpose for my life x My life is very enjoyable
I enjoy philosophical discussions x I enjoy goal-setting conferences
I like to be alone x I am missing my friends
I understand what caused the
I visualize the future x
present circumstances
It is easy for me to admit the truth
x I struggle to be honest with myself
about myself
I am very careful in talking about my
I am not afraid to talk about who I am x
private life
As a child, I was quite aggressive As a child, I fit in well and caused no
and independent problems with peers or adults
I like to entertain x I like to go to athletic events
I hate to be controlled x I want to avoid feelings of emptiness
I avoid messy people x I do not associate with dishonest
In uncertain situations, I tend to seek No matter what the situation or
the guidance of others who should x where, I always naturally know the
know the right things to do right things to do
People who have not figured out their I don't like to be around people who
goals irritate me can't relax
I choose easy courses x I choose challenging courses
I dislike deadlines x My responsibility keeps me going
I encourage people x I strengthen people
I am too trusting of others x I am too ambitious
What has happened in the past What can be achieved in the future
inspires me inspires me
Last minute pressure focuses my My thinking is clearer when I get
mind things done ahead of time
I think most people will steal if the I believe that people who steal
conditions are right should be punished
My deepest desire is to feel excited
x Acceptance is my greatest need
about my work
I am a reasonable person x I am a responsible person
Most of my thoughts and energies I try to learn as much as I can by
are with the here and now studying the past
I am satisfied when I do the best I I am driven to make a difference in
can the world
I have a great desire to learn x I need to be known and understood
I think a lot about cause and effect
x I take things as they come
Figuring out why I failed x Enjoying present successes
There is an element of discontent in
x I am content with my life
my life
I seek responsibility x I strive for promotions
I am agreeable with people x I take risks
I spend 25% of my time thinking I spend 70% of my time thinking
about the future about the future
I inspire friends to make things I bring harmony to people who are
happen working together
When necessary, I register a I make it a point to call attention only
complaint to what is right
When I take into account work I do in When I take into account work I do in
the evenings and at the weekends as the evenings and at the weekends as
well as during the day, my typical well as during the day, my typical
working week is 40-50 hours working week is in excess of 60
I am light-hearted x I am serious
It is easy for me to start new tasks x My problem is getting projects
I can get along with anybody x I select my friends carefully
I cry easily x I am tough-minded
I am an observer of life x I want to control the events of my life
When I need to, I can concentrate on An hour is about the maximum
my work for hours at a time. Ie all amount of time I can concentrate on
I am a top achiever x I consistently deliver positive results
I can outsmart other people x Many people intimidate me
I am at my best when I have several My way is focusing on one thing at a
things going on at the same time time
I have had a teacher or a coach who Whether or not a teacher liked me is
really cared about me as a person irrelevant
I am a good initiator x I have the power to follow through
I am good at enlisting people for a x I am good at thinking up new projects
Numbers are in my mind a lot x I often reflect on the beauty I have
I prefer intellectual discussions x I prefer to talk about sports
The words I use are intellectually My vocabulary consists of practical
stimulating words
My language consists of short, I tend to use many abstract, complex
simple words words
It is easy for me to put my thoughts Many times I am at a loss for words
into words to describe my ideas
I love to read x I like to figure out how things work
My mind is always probing x I need to be physically active
I like lectures x I like discussion groups
I get a thrill from discovering a
I like to study x
pattern in data
I have craving to know more x I have a craving to be rich
I follow through and do what I said I
I always make deadlines x
would do
Completing the tasks expected of me
A new idea makes my day x
makes my day
Whenever I am in a group, I seem to Whenever I am in a group, I seem to
have more ideas than the others be the best prepared
I never stop absorbing information x I have gift for simplifying complexities
Winning is everything x Doing it right is everything
My philosophy guides my life x My life is guided by me
I spend at least five hours or more
x I like to be with people
alone thinking each week
I know my strengths better than my I know my weaknesses better than
weaknesses my strengths
I really don’t care whether people like
x I love people
me or not

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